FirstQuarter Exam in Bus. Ethics
FirstQuarter Exam in Bus. Ethics
FirstQuarter Exam in Bus. Ethics
1. What form of business organization that is owned and operated by one person?
a. Sole Proprietorship b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Cooperative
2. What do you call to a business that is own by two or more people sharing the assets, liabilities and profits?
a. Sole Proprietorship b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Cooperative
3. This is a business that is chartered by a state and legally operates apart from its owners.
a. Sole Proprietorship b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Cooperative
4. The most common type of partnership of which partners are responsible for management and the financial responsibilities of the
a. Limited partnership b. Unlimited partnership c. General partnership d. Complicated partnership
5. The following are the advantages of having corporation type of business organization EXCEPT one.
a. Profits are taxed b. Ability to hire c. Unlimited life d. Limited liability
6. “You keep all profits” is one of the advantages of what type of business organization?
a. Partnership b. Joint venture c. Sole Proprietorship d. Corporation
7. What do you call to a document granted by the state giving a corporation the right to do business?
a. Business permit b. Charter c. Building permit d. Title
8. Corporate social responsibility is the corporate contribution to sustainable development that includes?
a. Economic growth b. Environmental consideration c. Social development d. all of these
9. How success in business translates to the economic well-being of a company and its residents?
a. through job creation and offering improved quality of life for the country’s citizens.
b. Provide employees with rules on how to behave
c. to establish productive relationship with its internal customers, and lasting business relationship with its external
d. use of ethical practices in business creates high returns for companies.
10. How small and large businesses drive economic stability and growth?
a. through the use of ethical practices in business creates high returns for companies.
b. through job creation and offering improved quality of life for the country’s citizens.
c. by providing valuable services, products and tax dollars that directly contribute to the health of the community
d. by providing employees with rules on how to behave
11. The following statements below are manifestations that small and large businesses drive economic stability and growth
a. job creation and offering improved quality of life for the country’s citizens.
b. providing valuable services, products and tax dollars that directly contribute to the health of the community
c. employing people at each local business contributes to the success of the region
d. establishes productive relationship with its internal customers, and lasting business relationship with its external
12. Which of the following actions will likely lead to organizational ethical behavior?
a. promoting moral courage b. establishing an ethics office
c. developing strong governance processes d. all of the above
13. Below are the reasons why managers behave ethically EXCEPT
a. to be responsive to family, friends or superiors
b. to focus on profit and not considering the welfare of employees
c. to do what is right, pursue some ideal, such as justice
d. to be a good citizen
14. Having more than one opinion develops a well-rounded solution to dealing with the situation. Deciding on what to do is not up
to one person, but everyone who it has an effect on as well, this is an example of?
a. Making an ethical decision c. Making fun at work
b. Making an unethical decision d. Making things happened
15. Managers must observe the following ethical values while performing their duties, EXCEPT?
a. Responsiveness to public interest b. Accountability c. Transparency d. Religion
16. Why are ethics important in establishing a business?
a. Ethics are important because it is an essential part of the foundation on which a civilized society is build.
b. A business or society that lacks ethical principles is bound to fail sooner or later.
c. High ethical performance also protects the individuals who work in the business.
d. All of these is true and correct
17. What do you call the set of rules outlining the responsibilities or proper practices for an individual or organization?
a. Code of conduct c. Code of Responsibilities
b. Code of ethics d. Code of Proper Work
18. Ethics are moral principles and values which……
a. Guide a firm’s behavior b. Govern the actions of an individual
c. Provide employees with rules on how to behave d. Are legally enforceable
19. Which of the following is one of the questions that can be used to determine whether a decision is ethical?
a. Does my decision fall within the accepted values or standards that typically apply in the organizational environment?
b. Would the people with whom I have a significant personal relationship approve of the decision?
c. Am I willing to see the decision communicated to all stakeholders affected by it?
d. All of the above are questions that can be used to determine whether a decision is ethical.
20. This is a model of management ethics that conforms to high standards of ethical behavior?
a. Moral management c. Amoral management
b. Immoral management d. Free-style management
Test II: Write an essay about “The Roles of Business Organizations in Economic Development”. (Use separate sheet)
Criteria Advanced (5pts) Proficient (4pts) Approaching Developing (2pts) Beginning (1pt)
Proficient (3pts)
Content Content reaches Content is near the Content is beyond Content is basic
surmounts expected result. expected result. the expected very basic and
Content anticipation. Treatment of Treatment of result. Details are lacks in-depth
Treatment of details is of good details with some in the developing analysis.
details is quality. shallow ideas. phase and very
advanced and in- shallow.
The structure of The structure ofThe structure of The structure of Structure is
the essay is highly the essay is
the essay is the essay is not unorganized and
organized and organized and
somewhat too organized and not coherent with
Organization and shows coherence. coherence is
organized and coherent. There is the topic. There is
Style There is variety in obvious. There is
coherent. There is little variety in no variety in
style which makes variety in stylesomehow a variety structure and structure and
the essay very which makes the in style which subject. subject matter.
impressive. essay impressive.
makes the essay
There are no There are minimal There are some There are many
Grammar lacks
grammatical errors grammatical errors grammatical errors errors found in
order and
Grammar in the essay. in the essay. found in the essay. grammar. Editing
neatness. There
is suggested.
are numerous
errors. Major
reconstruction is
There are no There are 1-3 There are 4-6 There are 710 There are more
Spelling spelling errors in errors in spelling. errors in spelling. errors in spelling. than 10 errors in
the theme spelling
Total 20 pts