Business 87 PDF
Business 87 PDF
Business 87 PDF
direct a business towards one particular future strategy. headings: cost advantage or differentiation (or product
However, by identifying the different ways in which a uniqueness). By applying these strengths in either a
business could expand, the matrix allows managers to broad way (industry wide) or in a narrow way (a market
analyse the degree of risk associated with each strategy. segment) three generic strategies result.
Managers can then apply decision-making techniques to
Cost leadership strategy
assess the costs, potential gains and risks associated with
Being the lowest-cost producer in the industry for a
all options. In practice, in today’s fiercely competitive
certain level of product quality will allow the fi rm to
world, it is common for large businesses to adopt multiple
make higher profits than rivals or, if it lowers its prices
strategies for growth at the same time.
below the average of competitors, to increase market
While Ansoff’s analysis helps to map the strategic
share. Ryanair, one of Europe’s largest and most prof-
business options, it has limitations too. It only considers
itable airlines, is also the lowest average cost airline.
two main factors in the strategic analysis of a business’s
Businesses adopting this strategy either sell products at
options – it is important to consider SWOT and PEST
average industry prices to earn higher profit than rivals
analysis too in order to give a more complete picture.
or below industry average prices to gain market share.
Recommendations based purely on Ansoff would tend to
Ryanair adopts the second of these pricing strategies.
lack depth and hard environmental evidence.
The cost leadership strategy usually targets a broad
Management judgement, especially based on experi-
rather than a niche market.
ence of the risks and returns from the four options, may
Cost leadership often stems from the following internal
be just as important as any one analytical tool for making
the fi nal choice.
The matrix does not suggest detailed marketing options.
● high levels of investment in advanced production
For instance, market development may seem to be the
methods, requiring access to much capital
best option, but which market/country and with which of
● efficient production methods, e.g. low stock levels
the existing products produced by the business? Further
and low numbers of components used to shorten the
research and analysis will be needed to supply answers to
production process
these questions.
● efficient distribution channels, e.g. Ryanair only uses
the internet for selling tickets and communicating
with customers.