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Magazine Article - "Feeding the world" why we need rice


This support pack accompanies the magazine article:
"Feeding the world" why we need rice
To read or listen to the article online, go to:
This support pack contains the following materials:
 a pre-reading vocabulary activity;
 the article;
 a comprehension task Rice is low-fat and high in energy, and you can mix it with just
about anything to make a wide variety of tasty nutritious dishes,
ranging from sushi in Japan to risottos in northern Italy.
Before you read / listen
Match the words and phrases in the table to their definitions.

1. cultivation 2. crop 3. staple 4. drought

5. agriculture 6. prone 7. tolerance 8. thrive

9. emissions 10. yield 11. seed 12. weed

a. the amount of crops or goods produced
b. harmful gasses produced by burning fuel
c. farming
d. growing particular plants for food or other goods
e. a small object which if planted, grows into a plant
f. a period with no rain
g. a plant’s ability to survive with poisonous pesticides
h. to grow or develop well
i. a plant grown by a farmer
j. main or standard
k. likely to suffer from a problem
l. a wild, unwanted plant

© The British Council, 2011 Page 1 of 3

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Magazine Article - "Feeding the world" why we need rice

"Feeding the world" why we need rice by Clare Powell

Rice is low-fat and high in energy, and you can However, Asia is still the biggest rice producer,
mix it with just about anything to make a wide accounting for 90% of the world’s production
variety of tasty nutritious dishes. Ask anyone and consumption of rice.
from any country in the world to tell you their
favourite rice recipe and you will get a wide Rice is a staple food for many countries. In
selection, ranging from sushi in Japan to parts of Africa and Asia, many poorer urban
risottos in northern Italy. families get over half their daily calories from
rice. As the world population increases, can rice
Rice is closely connected to the culture of many keep up? To meet growing demands, rice
societies. Hindu and Buddhist religions use rice production has to be raised by at least 70%
as a religious offering. Burmese folklore uses over the next three decades. The area devoted
rice as a central part of their creation story; the to rice cultivation cannot grow, so much
gods gave the first people of Burma rice seeds international research is being done to find
and directed them to Burma, where the rice ways of growing rice on less land.
would grow well. A Chinese proverb says that
‘precious things are not pearls and jade but the Rice needs a good water supply to grow. Water
five grains, of which rice is the finest.’ Chinese is wasted daily all over the world and estimates
myth tells how, after severe floods, there was suggest that most Asian countries will have
nothing to eat and the people were starving. severe water problems by 2025. It takes 5000
One day they saw a dog coming across the litres of water to grow a kilo of rice, yet many
fields, and hanging onto the dog’s tail were rice growing areas in Asia and Africa are
bunches of long yellow seeds. The seeds grew drought-prone. Scientists need to develop
into rice and the people survived. varieties of rice that can withstand sudden
heavy rains and compete with weeds.
The origins of rice are uncertain, because rice
has been grown for so many thousands of Worryingly, rice production is affected by global
years. In several Asian languages, the words for climate changes. Global warming is caused by
food and rice, or for rice and agriculture, are the toxic gas emissions in developed countries. The
same, one of the facts that points to Asia as the rise in global temperature cuts rice-growing
origin of rice. It is certain, however, that rice time, and ultra violet light radiation from the sun
cultivation is one of the most important reduces tolerance to disease. Methane gas, one
developments in history, for rice has fed more of the culprits of global warming, is, ironically, a
people over a longer period of time than any by-product of wet lowland rice cultivation.
other crop. Methane-producing bacteria thrive in wet rice
fields and the plants themselves send the gas
The demand for rice is growing steadily, with into the atmosphere. Water management could
consumption stretching beyond the traditional reduce methane emissions, but practical
rice growing areas in Asia. You can find rice methods that do not reduce rice yields still have
fields in Europe, Latin America and Australia. to be found.

© The British Council, 2011 Page 2 of 3

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Magazine Article - "Feeding the world" why we need rice

Comprehension task
Multiple Choice
Read the sentences and select the right answers.

1. Rice is produced...
a. all over the world.
b. only in Asia and Africa.
c. only in China and Japan.

2. In Chinese mythology, people were saved from starvation by...

a. a dog carrying rice in its mouth.
b. a dog carrying rice seeds on its tail.
c. a dog carrying rice on its tail.

3. According to a Chinese saying, rice is...

a. more important than other grains but less important than pearls and jade.
b. less important than other grains but more important than pearls and jade.
c. more important than other grains and more important than pearls and jade.

4. 90% of rice is...

a. eaten in Asia.
b. eaten and produced in Asia.
c. produced in Asia.

5. Rice production must increase by 70%...

a. in the next three years.
b. in the next thirty years.
c. in the next three hundred years.

6. A by-product of rice production is methane which...

a. has no effect on global warming.
b. helps global warming to increase.
c. stops global warming.

7. Global warming means changes in the earth’s temperatures which...

a. increases the amount of time rice can grow.
b. decreases the amount of time rice can grow.
c. has no effect on the amount of time rice can grow.


© The British Council, 2011 Page 3 of 3

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

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