Digi Portal '342 Claim Table

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PATROLL Winning Submission

US 9,626,342

The ‘342 patent (“Nazem”) was filed on December 21st 2012 and has a priority date of June 12th,
1997 as a consequence of being the final installment of a string of continuations. Claim 1 of the
patent discloses a method for implementing a custom webpage with real-time information. First,
in response to a user request for a custom webpage, a template unique to that user is generated
from a global template. Next, this template is used to generate a custom webpage populated with
real-time information based on information about the user included in the template. The page is
then served to the user. The first claim further discloses that upon receiving a subsequent request
from the same user for the webpage, the server will obtain the user’s template from one of at
least two locations, the location being determined by the frequency of the user’s access. The
template will then be executed to generate the user’s custom webpage, which will be served to
the user. In claim 7, the patent discloses including in the user’s individualized template
information for selecting targeted advertisement to be included in the custom webpage that is
generated by the user’s template.

Ferguson, filed on August 7, 1995, discloses a similar method for generating a custom webpage.
The patent discloses a method where a user submits information to generate a template that is
specific to that user. To generate a custom webpage, the template is executed with locally stored
information to populate the custom webpage with current information specific to that user.
When the user subsequently requests the webpage, the template for that user is retrieved and
processed with locally stored information to create a custom webpage for that user. A claim
chart comparing Ferguson with Nazem can be found below.

Bunney, filed on December 12, 1996, discloses a similar method for generating a custom page. It
discloses creating a custom template unique to users where the template is based on one of two
global templates. Bunney also discloses the advertising method of claim 7 of the Nazem patent.
It teaches using information in the user’s unique template to select advertisements that are more
relevant to that particular user for inclusion in the user’s custom website. A claim chart
comparing Bunney with Nazem can be found below.

Howell, filed on April 23, 1996 and having a priority date of April 23, 1996, discloses a method
for generating custom webpages populated with real-time information. It teaches a method
employing servers that access data sources to populate real-time information into webpages. It
also teaches caching link connections to data sources depending on how frequently they are
accessed, or caching webpages based on how frequently they are accessed. A claim chart
comparing Howell with Nazem can be found below.

PATROLL – Prior Art Crowdsourcing

US 9,626,342 US 5,649,186 (“Ferguson”) EP0848338A1 (“Bunney”) US 5,894,554 (“Howell”)
1. A method
1(A). in response to a “The present invention provides a “The ola™ service is
request for a user's user-friendly method for implemented by a suitably
customized web page: constructing a "template” that programmed Web server and
dictates the type of information an ‘dynamic’ HTML pages, that is
end-user is interested in. The pages that are constructed
invention includes a series of dynamically in response to user
back-end processes that collect, requests and information relating
categorize, filter, search, retrieve, to registered users stored in the
and assemble the desired ola™ server.” Bunney, 4:34-36
information into a
HyperTextMark-up Language
(HTML) ‘page’. The invention
also includes a method for viewing
such a ‘page’ through a Web-
browser.” Ferguson, 2:52-59.
1(A)(i). generating, “The present invention provides a “The ola™ service is
via at least one server user-friendly method for implemented by a suitably
computer, a template constructing a ‘template’ that programmed Web server and
program unique to the dictates the type of information an ‘dynamic’ HTML pages, that is
user, the template end-user is interested in.” Id, 2:52- pages that are constructed
program 54. dynamically in response to user
that is unique to the requests and information relating
user is for use in to registered users stored in the
forming the ola™ server. Pages are

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user's customized web constructed from components,
page, the template e.g. images, icons, image maps
program and text passages, stored in the
that is unique to the component memory 25. These
user is generated components are assembled in
using customization standard Web page templates also
information unique to stored in component memory 25.”
the user and a global Bunney, 4:34-38
template that is
generic to a plurality “If the user decides to register,
of users; he/she selects the hypertext link
shown by the underlined word
‘register’ in Figure 6 and his/her
Web browser accesses S3 the
ola™ Personal Edition
registration page. In the
registration page the user is asked
to provide S4 various personal
details.” Id, 5:37-39

“In the present ola™ system,

there are two versions of the
image map, one much thinner
than the other. The image map
includes a region 34 for
instructing a swap between them.
When the user selects this region
the ola™ server sends the other
image map and instructs the user's
Web browser to adjust the frame
sizes accordingly. The thinner

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image map allows greater area to
be devoted to Frame A.The top
part of Frame C normally
displays the ola™ logo and the
user's nickname. If the user is
browsing, not having registered,
this part will give ‘guest’ as the
user's name.” Id, 5:2-7
1(A)(ii). executing, “Collected information is stored in “When the user next enters ola™ “One embodiment of the claimed
via the at least one an information repository 114. The by giving his/her nickname and invention also provides a Web
server computer, the information processing 108 password, he/she will page designer with HTML
user's template correlates end user templates in automatically be directed to the extensions, or "dyna" tags. These
program to generate template store 106 with the home page of his/her designated dyna tags provide customized
the user's customized information in the information favourite forum, e.g. nightlife, HTML functionality to a Web
web page, the user's repository 114 to create the end- which is displayed in Frame A. page designer, to allow the
customized web page user's page 116. The end-user An appropriate dynamic web designer to build customized
including real-time implements a view process 118 to page is constructed on the basis of HTML templates that specify the
information selected read the page.” Id, 3:55-60. the user's Personal Edition profile source and placement of retrieved
for the user's in S7.” Id, 5:56-58. data. For example, in one
customized web page embodiment, a ‘dynatext’ HTML
based on the extension tag specifies a data
customization source and a column name to
information unique to allow the HTML template to
the user; identify the data source to log into
and the column name from which
to retrieve data.” Howell, 6:33-42

“Additionally, another
embodiment of the presently
claimed invention requires no
real-time access of data sources.”

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Howell, 7:20-22 (Implying that
the other embodiment involved
real-time data)
1(A)(iii). serving, via “After processing all entries “When a user accesses the ola™
the at least one server within a template file, the resultant server, a new session entry is
computer, the users ‘page’ is written out (see process created S1 in the session table and
customized web page; step 428), and is now ready for the ola™ 30 homepage is
access (viewing) by the end-user.” transmitted S2 to the user.” Id,
Id, 6:23-26. 5:29-30
1(B). in response to “The first step in preparing the “When the user next enters ola™
receiving a end-user's ‘page’ is to examine the by giving his/her nickname and
subsequent request for template file that was submitted. password, he/she will
the user's customized This evaluation is called template automatically be directed to the
web page; processing, and is shown generally home page of his/her designated
at404. Each template file is read favourite forum, e.g. nightlife,
(at a process step 406), and which is displayed in Frame A.
a ‘lastupdate=’ field of the file is An appropriate dynamic web
queried and compared to page is constructed on the basis of
the current date, at a process step” the user's Personal Edition profile
Id, 5:38-43 in S7.” Id, 5:56-58

“Finally, the
‘lastupdate=’ field of the template
is updated to reflect the
current date, as shown at a
processing step 430.” Id, 6:25-27
1(B)(i). receiving, via “This "page caching" feature,
the at least one server illustrated in FIG. 4 as Page cache
computer, the 414, allows the Web site
template program that administrator to optimize the

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is unique to the user performance of data sources by
from one of at least caching Web pages that are
two locations, the repeatedly accessed. Once the
location determined Web page is cached, subsequent
from the frequency of requests or "hits” will utilize the
the request for the cached Web page rather than re-
user's customized web accessing the data source. This
page; can radically improve the
performance of the data source.”
Id, 7:1-8.
1(B)(ii). executing, “Collected information is stored in “When a user accesses the ola™ “One embodiment of the claimed
via the at least one an information repository 114. The server, a new session entry is invention also provides a Web
server computer, the information processing 108 created S1 in the session table and page designer with HTML
received template correlates end user templates in the ola™ 30 homepage is extensions, or "dyna" tags. These
program that is unique template store 106 with the transmitted S2 to the user.” Id, dyna tags provide customized
to the user to generate information in the information 5:29-30 HTML functionality to a Web
the user's customized repository 114 to create the end- page designer, to allow the
web page, the user's user's page 116. The end-user designer to build customized
customized web page implements a view process 118 to HTML templates that specify the
including real-time read the page.” Id, 3:55-60. source and placement of retrieved
information selected data. For example, in one
for the user's embodiment, a ‘dynatext’ HTML
customized web page extension tag specifies a data
in response to the source and a column name to
Subsequent request allow the HTML template to
and based on the identify the data source to log into
customization and the column name from which
information unique to to retrieve data.” Howell, 6:33-42
the user;
“Additionally, another
embodiment of the presently

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claimed invention requires no
real-time access of data sources.”
Howell, 7:20-22 (Implying that
the other embodiment involved
real-time data)
1(B)(iii). and “After processing all entries “When a user accesses the ola™
serving, via the at within a template file, the resultant server, a new session entry is
least one server ‘page’ is written out (see process created S1 in the session table and
computer, the users step 428), and is now ready for the ola™ 30 homepage is
customized web page. access (viewing) by the end-user.” transmitted S2 to the user.” Id,
Id, 6:23-26. 5:29-30

7. The method of “The middle part of Frame C, just

claim 1, the user below the user's nickname,
template that is displays an advertisement 41
unique to the user which may be a hypertext link to
further comprising the advertiser's Web site or a page
advertisement within ola™ giving further
selection information information. The same
for use in selecting advertising logo may be displayed
one or more for all users or preferably, the
advertisements for ola™ server consults the user's
inclusion in the user's Personal Edition, described
customized web page below, and selects an
in addition to advertisement for a product or
the real-time service most likely to appeal or be
information selected useful to that user. For example, a
for the user's listings magazine for the user's

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customized city if his/her favourite forum is
web page. nightlife or a local sports
equipment supplier if his/her
favourite forum relates to a sport,
such as football. In this manner,
the advertising is more relevant to
the user and so less irritating. It is
also more likely to be effective. A
default advertisement may be
specified for users for whom
there is no more relevant
advertisement.” Id, 5:8-15

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