Short Communication: Christian Neis, Thomas Weyhermüller, Eckhard Bill, Stefan Stucky, and Kaspar Hegetschweiler
Short Communication: Christian Neis, Thomas Weyhermüller, Eckhard Bill, Stefan Stucky, and Kaspar Hegetschweiler
Short Communication: Christian Neis, Thomas Weyhermüller, Eckhard Bill, Stefan Stucky, and Kaspar Hegetschweiler
DOI: 10.1002/ejic.200701320
A new concept for the design of polynuclear metal com- aerobic conditions. After partial conversion of L into its di-
plexes is described: Partial aeration of a polyamine solution carbamate derivative H–2L(CO2)22–, the components sponta-
with CO2 generates a system where both, a chelating agent neously assemble to the tetranuclear complex [(µ-O)2(FeIIIL)4-
(the unreacted polyamine) and a bridging agent (the poly- {µ-H–2L(CO2)2}2]4+ (14+). 1(ClO4)4 was characterized by sin-
carbamate) are present. Together with a metal cation, these gle-crystal X-ray analysis, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and
components constitute an ideal set of building blocks for the magnetic susceptibility measurements.
construction of extended molecular architectures. These con-
siderations are exemplified in the reaction of the well-known (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim,
triamine 6-methyl-1,4-diazepan-6-amine (L) with FeII under Germany, 2008)
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2008, 1019–1021 © 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1019
SHORT COMMUNICATION C. Neis, T. Weyhermüller, E. Bill, S. Stucky, K. Hegetschweiler
teristics reported previously for the bis(µ-carboxylato)(µ- metal complexes by using simple solutions of a metal salt
oxido)diiron(III) unit (Supporting Information).[9] The and a polyamine ligand which was partially converted into
compound is paramagnetic, and the dependence of χ on T a polycarbamate derivative.
in the range of 2–290 K can simply be interpreted by adopt- (i) We have demonstrated that the dicarbamate unit with
ing two independent, antiferromagnetically coupled FeIII– its O–C–N–C–C–N–C–O substructure has a low tendency
O–FeIII dimers with high-spin configuration for the ferric to bind both donor atoms to the same metal cation. This
ions (S1 = S2 = 5/2, Figure S1 in the Supporting Infor- generates an easy route to obtain a bridging agent
mation). The resulting exchange coupling constant J of H–2L(CO2)22– from the chelating agent L. The ability of the
–108.4 cm–1 (H = –2JS1·S2) lies at the low end of the range H–2L(CO2)22– anion for bridging interactions gains further
known for (µ-RCO2)2(µ-O)(FeIII)2 systems.[9–11] Additional support by the well-known tendency of the carbamate
interactions between the two diiron centers within the tetra- group for M–O–C(NRR⬘)–O–M interactions.[5]
nuclear unit are obviously not significant. The zero-field (ii) Controlled dosage of CO2 to the amine allows a spe-
Mössbauer spectrum (Figure S2 in the Supporting Infor- cific fine tuning of the amount of free amino groups and
mation) is also in agreement with literature values.[9,11] The carbamate groups, i.e. a fine tuning of the chelating vs.
data measured at 80 K could be fitted by two symmetric bridging properties of this system. It is hoped that such
quadrupole doublets, each having a relative intensity of considerations will allow a specific control of the amount
50 %. The observation of two slightly different quadrupole of aggregation in framework architectures.
doublets with isomer shifts of 0.47 und 0.48 mm/s and qua-
drupole splittings of 1.50 und 1.72 mm/s is obviously due
to the different configuration of the two FeIII centers in the Experimental Section
diiron unit: with regard to the free amino groups of the two
H–2L(CO2)22– bridges, one of the Fe centers adopts a cisoid, Synthesis: 6-Methyl-1,4-diazepan-6-amine[12] (50 mg, 0.39 mmol)
was dissolved in MeOH (3 mL) and aerated with CO2 for a period
the other a transoid arrangement.
of 30 min. To this solution was added Fe(ClO4)2 (99 mg,
0.39 mmol) dissolved in acetonitrile (2.5 mL). An additional por-
tion of free 6-methyl-1,4-diazepan-6-amin (50 mg, 0.39 mmol) was
directly added to the reaction mixture. The resulting clear, yellow-
brownish solution was placed in an open beaker and was allowed
to stand in a desiccator which contained an additional beaker with
ethyl acetate. Within a period of 24 h, yellow-brownish crystals de-
posited. They were separated by filtration and dried at reduced
pressure (yield: 120 mg, 0.07 mmol, 70 % in reference to Fe). C,H,N
analysis (see Supporting Information) is in agreement with
the composition [(µ-O)2(FeL)4{µ-H–2L(CO2)2}2](ClO4)4·3MeOH·
3H2O; the crystals of composition [(µ-O)2(FeL)4{µ-H–2L-
(CO2)2}2](ClO4)4·6MeOH·H2O disintegrate rapidly; they were
Figure 1. Ball-and-stick representation of the tetranuclear cation therefore directly moved from the mother liquor to the goniometer
14+ (yellow: Fe, red: O, blue: N); the C backbone is shown as a head without further characterization.
stick model in black; H atoms were omitted for clarity.
Instrumentation: A description of the equipment used for spec-
The bis(µ-carboxylato)(µ-oxido)diiron(III) unit has been troscopy (UV/Vis and Mössbauer) and the magnetic susceptibility
observed in a variety of biological compounds. A particu- measurements is provided in the Supporting Information. The iso-
larly prominent example is hemerythrin.[11] Several model mer shift in the Mössbauer spectra refers to α-iron at room tem-
complexes have been prepared,[9–11] and a few specific perature. The molar magnetic susceptibility (χ ⫻ T) was simulated
by using a spin Hamiltonian for a symmetric dimer with two cou-
bridging agents have been designed and prepared to fuse
pled spins of 5/2 (see the Supporting Information).
two such diiron units to a tetranuclear system.[10] However,
the synthesis of such bridging agents often enforces exten- Crystal-Structure Analysis: Bruker-Nonius Kappa-CCD dif-
sive synthetic procedures. The L/CO2 concept presented fractometer, graphite monochromator, Mo-Kα radiation (λ =
here obviously offers ideal prerequisites for the spontaneous 0.71073 Å), crystal size: 0.05 ⫻ 0.10 ⫻ 0.26 mm, monoclinic, space
group C2/c, a = 17.4978(5), b = 27.9355(7), c = 19.1930(6) Å, β =
formation and isolation of such polynuclear species. The
108.277(3)°, V = 8908.4(5) Å3, Z = 4 for C46H112Cl4Fe4N18O33 (Mr
particular advantage of our approach is the possibility to
= 1810.74 g mol–1), ρcalcd. = 1.350 g cm–3, µ = 0.839 mm–1,
use the triamine unit at the same time not only as a chelat- 2.96° ⬍ θ ⬍ 26.00°, T = 100(2) K. Intensities: 81435 measured, 8748
ing agent, stabilizing the cation and preventing further hy- unique, 6928 observed [I ⬎ 2σ(I)], empirical absorption correction
drolysis, but also as the bridging agent in its dicarbamate (Tmin/Tmax = 0.8345/0.9492). The structure was solved by direct
form. methods (SHELXS-97), and refined on F2 (512 parameters) using
full-matrix least-squares calculations (SHELXL-97). The position
of the water oxygen atom O100 was refined isotropically with an
Conclusions and Outlook occupancy of 0.5; all other non-hydrogen atom positions were re-
fined by using anisotropic displacement parameters. Treatment of
In this communication, we present a promising and easily hydrogen atom positions: H45A and H45B (free primary amino
applicable concept for the construction of polynuclear group) were located in a difference Fourier map and refined iso-
1020 © 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2008, 1019–1021
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T. Weyhermüller, K. Hegetschweiler, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2006, Received: December 7, 2007
314–328. Published Online: January 17, 2008
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2008, 1019–1021 © 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1021