The College International Des Sciences de La Construction Intern 1980
The College International Des Sciences de La Construction Intern 1980
The College International Des Sciences de La Construction Intern 1980
Recteur du College International des Sciences
se la Construction (ITBTP)
Secrletariat a Paris, 12 rue Brancion
75737, Paris CCdex 15, France
The Laboratoire de Mecanique des Solides, Ecole Polytechnique (LMS-X) and the College
International des Sciences de la Construction (ITBTP-CISCO) propose to organize, with the
cooperation of UNESCO, a seminar on BUCKLING of engineering structures. This seminar
aims at providing a review of up-to-date methods of analysis, their relevance to the design of
structures and at promoting a fruitful meeting between engineers and researchers working on
this subject.
The following topics will be dealt with:
0 Elastic buckling: development of energy method, buckling of shell and column; design of
cooling towers. . ,
0 Blastic buckling: theoretical and numerical analysis, interpretation of experiments, cyl-
indrical and spherical shells in the plastic domain. . .
0 Dynamic buckling; pressure loading; links with catastrophe theory. . .
Recteur du College International des Sciences
de la Construction (ITBTP),
Secretariat a Paris, 12 rue Brancion,
75737 Paris CCdex 15, France