Dcin-Ii: High-Performance Chemical Injection Nipple

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High-Performance Chemical Injection Nipple

APPLICATIONS The DCIN-II dual-check chemical injection nipple offers increased

I Chemical injection in high- tolerance to debris, if used with the safety screen filter sub; also, it of-
pressure, high-temperature, fers enhanced performance, and improved reliability in low-pressure
and corrosive environments applications, an increased service temperature rating, and flexible
testing options in a cost-effective package.
This eccentrically machined, tubing-conveyed chemical injection system
I Cost-effectiveness consists of a ported nipple that houses two corrosion-resistant check
I Increased reliability valves and a hydraulic fitting to connect to an injection line from surface.
I Increased ordering flexibility It is used to inject chemicals for corrosion prevention and/or to inhibit
formation of gas hydrates, scale, asphaltenes, or paraffin in critical
I Capability to test tubing
equipment in the tubing string.
without breaking rupture disk
I Capability to test check The system is available in various tubing sizes and thread weights. In
valves while testing tubing addition, the DCIN-II can be attached to 1⁄4-, 3⁄8-, or 1⁄2-in injection lines
using the state-of-the-art externally testable Schlumberger hydraulic
I Protection from debris
dry-mate connector (HDMC).
for check valves when used
with safety screen filter sub DCIN-II check valves are independently qualified, and each valve is
I Protection of ancillary capable of retaining differential pressures from 500 to 15,000 psi [3,448
lines and cables to 103,425 kPa] at temperatures from 70 to 350 degF [21 to 177 degC].
Both check valves are manufactured from corrosion-resistant alloys
I Dual check valves
including MP35N® and Elgiloy®. The upper check valve is equipped with
I Availability in wide a soft seat, and the lower check valve is equipped with a metal-to-metal
range of tubing sizes seat to ensure exceptional system performance in any well conditions.
I Pressure rating up to 15,000 psi
Each check valve has a tapered ID above the valve seat and a series of
I External slots (bypass grooves) lands and grooves on the OD opposite the tapered ID section. The valve
I Safety screen sub (optional) is slipped into a reamed countersunk check valve port in the mandrel, and
a tapered pin is pressed into the tapered ID, causing controlled expansion
of the lands and grooves. This expansion allows the lands to form an
independent, self-retaining, metal-to-metal seal with the ID of the check
valve port. The result is a positive, reliable, leakproof seal for both liquids DCIN-II chemical injection nipple.
and gases.
Check valve integrity can be verified at any time by applying internal
pressure to the tubing and monitoring this applied pressure in the
injection line.
The DCIN-II is also equipped with external bypass slots that are designed
to accommodate standard sizes of encapsulated hydraulic and/or
electrical lines for intelligent completion applications.

The nipple is made up in the tubing string at the desired chemical
injection point, and a stainless steel chemical injection line is attached
to the nipple with the HDMC connection. The DCIN-II and injection
line are then run to the desired injection depth with the completion.
Engineering Data for DCIN-II Chemical Injection Nipple
Size, in [mm] Thread Weight Range†, Max. OD, in [mm]‡ Min. ID, in [mm] Max. Working Pressure,
lbm/ft psi [kPa]
2.875 [73.0] 6.4–8.7 na§ 2.347 [59.6] 15,000 [103,425]
3.500 [88.9] 9.3–12.95 na 2.867 [71.4] 15,000 [103,425]
4.500 [114.3] 12.75–15.1 na 3.833 [97.4] 15,000 [103,425]
5.500 [139.7] 17.0–23 na 4.767 [121.1] 15,000 [103,425]
7 [177.8] 29 na 6.060 [154] 15,000 [103,425]
† Additional thread weights available on request
‡ OD varies based on on pressure/thread requirement.
§ not available


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Copyright © 2007 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 07-CO-094

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