Geography Sample Answers
Geography Sample Answers
Geography Sample Answers
(i) Explain how limestone rock is formed.
(ii) Describe two ways rocks may be of economic use to people.
(i) Limestone is formed from the remains of fish and other sea
creatures. These build up at the bottom of a shallow ocean. Over
millions of years the weight of the water compacts and compresses
these remains until they form solid rock.
One underground feature found in a karst landscape is pillars. They
are formed when rainwater passes through the porous rock
limestone causing it to dissolve and be taken with the rainwater
to the cave below. Once it reaches the cave the water may stay on
the ceiling or may fall on the floor of the cave. Once the water
evaporates it will leave a deposit of calcite. Over time this will form
stalactites and stalagmites, which can be seen below in the
diagram. Then after a considerable amount of time the stalagmites
and stalactites may join to form a pillar.
(i) Describe two different ways in which technology has aided the
exploitation of peat.
(ii) Explain two reasons why there is limited commercial peat
production in blanket bogs.
(i) Ways in which technology has aided the exploitation of peat:
. In the past turf was cut by hand using a sleán and only a small
amount of turf could be cut each day. Nowadays, machines
called baggers are used to cut large amounts of peat sods
every day.
. Railway lines have been laid in the bogs to transport the peat
to generating stations. In the past the peat was transported by
donkey and cart.
(i) Ocean current X: The Labrador Current
Ocean current Y: The North Atlantic Drift
(i) Irrigation is the term given to the artificial watering of crops.
Natural cause: Drought
Droughts are long periods without rainfall when crops fail and soils
become dry.
(i) Name one country where polders are found.
(ii) Explain one reason why new settlement were created on
(iii) Describe two characteristics of settlement on polders.
(i) Polders are found in the Netherlands.
Improvements in health have also led to an increase in Brazil’s
population. There has been an improvement in public health
facilities in recent years. This has meant that fewer people are dying
from diseases such as gastroenteritis, and people have a longer life
(i) Name one example of individual migration that you have
(ii) Explain two push factors associated with this example of
individual migration.
(iii) Describe one effect of this individual migration on the area from
which people have migrated.
(i) One example of individual migration that I have studied is Ann
O’Reilly who migrated from Roscommon to Dublin.
Urban decline occurs when inner city areas beside or around the
Central Business District fall into decline.
As the population of the inner city declines old houses fall into