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Learning for Machine Learning for Everyone :: In simple words. With real-world examples. Yes, again ::

vas3k blog

In simple words. With real-world

examples. Yes, again

21 November 2018 :: 446 comments :: 712531 views :: 8134 words

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Machine Learning is like sex in high school. Everyone is

talking about it, a few know what to do, and only your teacher
is doing it. If you ever tried to read articles about machine
learning on the Internet, most likely you stumbled upon two
types of them: thick academic trilogies filled with theorems (I
couldn’t even get through half of one) or fishy fairytales about
artificial intelligence, data-science magic, and jobs of the
future. 1/62
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I decided to write a post I’ve been wishing existed for a long

time. A simple introduction for those who always wanted to
understand machine learning. Only real-world problems,
practical solutions, simple language, and no high-level
theorems. One and for everyone. Whether you are a
programmer or a manager.

Let's roll.

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6/27/2020 Machine Learning for Everyone :: In simple words. With real-world examples. Yes, again ::

Why do we want machines to learn?

This is Billy. Billy wants to buy a car. He

tries to calculate how much he needs to
save monthly for that. He went over
dozens of ads on the internet and learned
that new cars are around $20,000, used
year-old ones are $19,000, 2-year old are
$18,000 and so on.

Billy, our brilliant analytic, starts seeing a pattern: so, the car
price depends on its age and drops $1,000 every year, but
won't get lower than $10,000.

In machine learning terms, Billy invented regression – he

predicted a value (price) based on known historical data.
People do it all the time, when trying to estimate a reasonable
cost for a used iPhone on eBay or figure out how many ribs to
buy for a BBQ party. 200 grams per person? 500?

Yeah, it would be nice to have a simple formula for every

problem in the world. Especially, for a BBQ party.
Unfortunately, it's impossible.

Let's get back to cars. The problem is, they have different
manufacturing dates, dozens of options, technical condition,
seasonal demand spikes, and god only knows how many more 3/62
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hidden factors. An average Billy can't keep all that data in his
head while calculating the price. Me too.

People are dumb and lazy – we need robots to do the maths for
them. So, let's go the computational way here. Let's provide
the machine some data and ask it to find all hidden patterns
related to price.

Aaaand it works. The most exciting thing is that the machine

copes with this task much better than a real person does when
carefully analyzing all the dependencies in their mind.

That was the birth of machine learning.

Three components of machine learning

Without all the AI-bullshit, the only goal of machine learning

is to predict results based on incoming data. That's it. All ML
tasks can be represented this way, or it's not an ML problem
from the beginning.

The greater variety in the samples you have, the easier it is to

find relevant patterns and predict the result. Therefore, we
need three components to teach the machine: 4/62
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Data Want to detect spam? Get samples of spam messages.

Want to forecast stocks? Find the price history. Want to find
out user preferences? Parse their activities on Facebook (no,
Mark, stop collecting it, enough!). The more diverse the data,
the better the result. Tens of thousands of rows is the bare
minimum for the desperate ones.

There are two main ways to get the data

— manual and automatic. Manually
collected data contains far fewer errors
but takes more time to collect — that
makes it more expensive in general.

Automatic approach is cheaper — you're

gathering everything you can find and
hope for the best.

Some smart asses like Google use their own customers to label
data for them for free. Remember ReCaptcha which forces you
to "Select all street signs"? That's exactly what they're doing.
Free labour! Nice. In their place, I'd start to show captcha
more and more. Oh, wait...

It's extremely tough to collect a good collection of data

(usually called a dataset). They are so important that
companies may even reveal their algorithms, but rarely

Features Also known as parameters or variables. Those

could be car mileage, user's gender, stock price, word 5/62
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frequency in the text. In other words, these are the factors for
a machine to look at.

When data stored in tables it's simple — features are column

names. But what are they if you have 100 Gb of cat pics? We
cannot consider each pixel as a feature. That's why selecting
the right features usually takes way longer than all the other
ML parts. That's also the main source of errors. Meatbags are
always subjective. They choose only features they like or find
"more important". Please, avoid being human.

Algorithms Most obvious part. Any problem can be solved

differently. The method you choose affects the precision,
performance, and size of the final model. There is one
important nuance though: if the data is crappy, even the best
algorithm won't help. Sometimes it's referred as "garbage in
– garbage out". So don't pay too much attention to the
percentage of accuracy, try to acquire more data first. 6/62
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Learning vs Intelligence

Once I saw an article titled "Will neural networks replace

machine learning?" on some hipster media website. These
media guys always call any shitty linear regression at least
artificial intelligence, almost SkyNet. Here is a simple picture
to show who is who.

Artificial intelligence is the name of a whole knowledge field,

similar to biology or chemistry. 7/62
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Machine Learning is a part of artificial intelligence. An

important part, but not the only one.

Neural Networks are one of machine learning types. A popular

one, but there are other good guys in the class.

Deep Learning is a modern method of building, training, and

using neural networks. Basically, it's a new architecture.
Nowadays in practice, no one separates deep learning from the
"ordinary networks". We even use the same libraries for them.
To not look like a dumbass, it's better just name the type of
network and avoid buzzwords.

The general rule is to compare things on the same level. That's

why the phrase "will neural nets replace machine learning"
sounds like "will the wheels replace cars". Dear media, it's
compromising your reputation a lot.

Machine can Machine cannot

Forecast Create something new

Memorize Get smart really fast

Reproduce Go beyond their task

Choose best item Kill all humans 8/62
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The map of the machine learning


If you are too lazy for long reads, take a look at the picture
below to get some understanding. 9/62
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Always important to remember — there is never a sole way to

solve a problem in the machine learning world. There are
always several algorithms that fit, and you have to choose
which one fits better. Everything can be solved with a neural
network, of course, but who will pay for all these GeForces?

Let's start with a basic overview. Nowadays there are four

main directions in machine learning. 10/62
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Part 1. Classical Machine


The first methods came from pure statistics in the '50s. They
solved formal math tasks — searching for patterns in
numbers, evaluating the proximity of data points, and
calculating vectors' directions.

Nowadays, half of the Internet is working on these algorithms.

When you see a list of articles to "read next" or your bank 11/62
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blocks your card at random gas station in the middle of

nowhere, most likely it's the work of one of those little guys.

Big tech companies are huge fans of neural networks.

Obviously. For them, 2% accuracy is an additional 2 billion in
revenue. But when you are small, it doesn't make sense. I
heard stories of the teams spending a year on a new
recommendation algorithm for their e-commerce website,
before discovering that 99% of traffic came from search
engines. Their algorithms were useless. Most users didn't even
open the main page.

Despite the popularity, classical approaches are so natural that

you could easily explain them to a toddler. They are like basic
arithmetic — we use it every day, without even thinking. 12/62
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1.1 Supervised Learning

Classical machine learning is often divided into two categories
– Supervised and Unsupervised Learning.

In the first case, the machine has a "supervisor" or a

"teacher" who gives the machine all the answers, like whether
it's a cat in the picture or a dog. The teacher has already
divided (labeled) the data into cats and dogs, and the machine
is using these examples to learn. One by one. Dog by cat.

Unsupervised learning means the machine is left on its own

with a pile of animal photos and a task to find out who's who.
Data is not labeled, there's no teacher, the machine is trying to
find any patterns on its own. We'll talk about these methods

Clearly, the machine will learn faster with a teacher, so it's

more commonly used in real-life tasks. There are two types of
such tasks: classification – an object's category prediction,
and regression – prediction of a specific point on a numeric
axis. 13/62
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"Splits objects based at one

of the attributes known
beforehand. Separate socks
by based on color,
documents based on
language, music by genre"

Today used for:

– Spam filtering
– Language detection
– A search of similar documents
– Sentiment analysis
– Recognition of handwritten characters and numbers
– Fraud detection

Popular algorithms: Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Logistic

Regression, K-Nearest Neighbours, Support Vector Machine

From here onward you can comment with additional information

for these sections. Feel free to write your examples of tasks.
Everything is written here based on my own subjective
experience. 14/62
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Machine learning is about classifying things, mostly. The

machine here is like a baby learning to sort toys: here's a
robot, here's a car, here's a robo-car... Oh, wait. Error! Error!

In classification, you always need a teacher. The data should

be labeled with features so the machine could assign the
classes based on them. Everything could be classified — users
based on interests (as algorithmic feeds do), articles based on
language and topic (that's important for search engines),
music based on genre (Spotify playlists), and even your

In spam filtering the Naive Bayes algorithm was widely used.

The machine counts the number of "viagra" mentions in spam
and normal mail, then it multiplies both probabilities using
the Bayes equation, sums the results and yay, we have
Machine Learning.

Later, spammers learned how to deal with Bayesian filters by

adding lots of "good" words at the end of the email. Ironically, 15/62
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the method was called Bayesian poisoning. Naive Bayes went

down in history as the most elegant and first practically useful
one, but now other algorithms are used for spam filtering.

Here's another practical example of classification. Let's say

you need some money on credit. How will the bank know if
you'll pay it back or not? There's no way to know for sure. But
the bank has lots of profiles of people who took money before.
They have data about age, education, occupation and salary
and – most importantly – the fact of paying the money back.
Or not.

Using this data, we can teach the machine to find the patterns
and get the answer. There's no issue with getting an answer.
The issue is that the bank can't blindly trust the machine
answer. What if there's a system failure, hacker attack or a
quick fix from a drunk senior.

To deal with it, we have Decision Trees. All the data

automatically divided to yes/no questions. They could sound a
bit weird from a human perspective, e.g., whether the creditor
earns more than $128.12? Though, the machine comes up with
such questions to split the data best at each step.

That's how a tree is made. The higher the branch — the

broader the question. Any analyst can take it and explain
afterward. He may not understand it, but explain easily!
(typical analyst)

Decision trees are widely used in high responsibility spheres:

diagnostics, medicine, and finances. 16/62
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The two most popular algorithms for forming the trees are
CART and C4.5.

Pure decision trees are rarely used today. However, they often
set the basis for large systems, and their ensembles even work
better than neural networks. We'll talk about that later.

When you google something, that's precisely the bunch of dumb

trees which are looking for a range of answers for you. Search
engines love them because they're fast.

Support Vector Machines (SVM) is rightfully the most popular

method of classical classification. It was used to classify
everything in existence: plants by appearance in photos,
documents by categories, etc. 17/62
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The idea behind SVM is simple – it's trying to draw two lines
between your data points with the largest margin between
them. Look at the picture:

There's one very useful side of the classification — anomaly

detection. When a feature does not fit any of the classes, we
highlight it. Now that's used in medicine — on MRIs,
computers highlight all the suspicious areas or deviations of
the test. Stock markets use it to detect abnormal behaviour of
traders to find the insiders. When teaching the computer the
right things, we automatically teach it what things are wrong.

Today, neural networks are more frequently used for

classification. Well, that's what they were created for.

The rule of thumb is the more complex the data, the more
complex the algorithm. For text, numbers, and tables, I'd 18/62
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choose the classical approach. The models are smaller there,

they learn faster and work more clearly. For pictures, video
and all other complicated big data things, I'd definitely look at
neural networks.

Just five years ago you could find a face classifier built on SVM.
Today it's easier to choose from hundreds of pre-trained
networks. Nothing has changed for spam filters, though. They
are still written with SVM. And there's no good reason to
switch from it anywhere.

Even my website has SVM-based spam detection in comments



"Draw a line through these

dots. Yep, that's the machine

Today this is used for:

Stock price forecasts

Demand and sales volume

analysis 19/62
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Medical diagnosis

Any number-time correlations

Popular algorithms are Linear and Polynomial regressions.

Regression is basically classification where we forecast a

number instead of category. Examples are car price by its
mileage, traffic by time of the day, demand volume by growth
of the company etc. Regression is perfect when something
depends on time.

Everyone who works with finance and analysis loves

regression. It's even built-in to Excel. And it's super smooth
inside — the machine simply tries to draw a line that indicates
average correlation. Though, unlike a person with a pen and a
whiteboard, machine does so with mathematical accuracy,
calculating the average interval to every dot. 20/62
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When the line is straight — it's a linear regression, when it's

curved – polynomial. These are two major types of regression.
The other ones are more exotic. Logistic regression is a black
sheep in the flock. Don't let it trick you, as it's a classification
method, not regression.

It's okay to mess with regression and classification, though.

Many classifiers turn into regression after some tuning. We
can not only define the class of the object but memorize how
close it is. Here comes a regression.

If you want to get deeper into this, check these series: Machine
Learning for Humans. I really love and recommend it! 21/62
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1.2 Unsupervised learning

Unsupervised was invented a bit later, in the '90s. It is used
less often, but sometimes we simply have no choice.

Labeled data is luxury. But what if I want to create, let's say, a

bus classifier? Should I manually take photos of million
fucking buses on the streets and label each of them? No way,
that will take a lifetime, and I still have so many games not
played on my Steam account.

There's a little hope for capitalism in this case. Thanks to

social stratification, we have millions of cheap workers and
services like Mechanical Turk who are ready to complete your
task for $0.05. And that's how things usually get done here.

Or you can try to use unsupervised learning. But I can't

remember any good practical application for it, though. It's
usually useful for exploratory data analysis but not as the
main algorithm. Specially trained meatbag with Oxford degree
feeds the machine with a ton of garbage and watches it. Are
there any clusters? No. Any visible relations? No. Well,
continue then. You wanted to work in data science, right? 22/62
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"Divides objects based on

unknown features. Machine
chooses the best way"

Nowadays used:

For market segmentation

(types of customers,

To merge close points on a map

For image compression

To analyze and label new data

To detect abnormal behavior

Popular algorithms: K-means_clustering, Mean-Shift,


Clustering is a classification with no predefined classes. It’s

like dividing socks by color when you don't remember all the 23/62
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colors you have. Clustering algorithm trying to find similar (by

some features) objects and merge them in a cluster. Those
who have lots of similar features are joined in one class. With
some algorithms, you even can specify the exact number of
clusters you want.

An excellent example of clustering — markers on web maps.

When you're looking for all vegan restaurants around, the
clustering engine groups them to blobs with a number.
Otherwise, your browser would freeze, trying to draw all three
million vegan restaurants in that hipster downtown.

Apple Photos and Google Photos use more complex clustering.

They're looking for faces in photos to create albums of your
friends. The app doesn't know how many friends you have and
how they look, but it's trying to find the common facial
features. Typical clustering.

Another popular issue is image compression. When saving the

image to PNG you can set the palette, let's say, to 32 colors. It
means clustering will find all the "reddish" pixels, calculate
the "average red" and set it for all the red pixels. Fewer colors
— lower file size — profit!

However, you may have problems with colors like Cyan◼-like

colors. Is it green or blue? Here comes the K-Means algorithm.

It randomly sets 32 color dots in the palette. Now, those are

centroids. The remaining points are marked as assigned to the
nearest centroid. Thus, we get kind of galaxies around these 32
colors. Then we're moving the centroid to the center of its
galaxy and repeat that until centroids stop moving. 24/62
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All done. Clusters defined, stable, and there are exactly 32 of

them. Here is a more real-world explanation:

Searching for the centroids is convenient. Though, in real life

clusters not always circles. Let's imagine you're a geologist.
And you need to find some similar minerals on the map. In
that case, the clusters can be weirdly shaped and even nested.
Also, you don't even know how many of them to expect. 10?

K-means does not fit here, but DBSCAN can be helpful. Let's
say, our dots are people at the town square. Find any three
people standing close to each other and ask them to hold 25/62
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hands. Then, tell them to start grabbing hands of those

neighbors they can reach. And so on, and so on until no one
else can take anyone's hand. That's our first cluster. Repeat
the process until everyone is clustered. Done.

A nice bonus: a person who has no one to hold hands with — is

an anomaly.

It all looks cool in motion:

Interested in clustering? Check out this piece The 5 Clustering

Algorithms Data Scientists Need to Know

Just like classification, clustering could be used to detect

anomalies. User behaves abnormally after signing up? Let the
machine ban him temporarily and create a ticket for the
support to check it. Maybe it's a bot. We don't even need to 26/62
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know what "normal behavior" is, we just upload all user

actions to our model and let the machine decide if it's a
"typical" user or not.

This approach doesn't work that well compared to the

classification one, but it never hurts to try.

Dimensionality Reduction

"Assembles specific features

into more high-level ones"

Nowadays is used for:

Recommender systems

Beautiful visualizations

Topic modeling and similar document search

Fake image analysis

Risk management 27/62
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Popular algorithms: Principal Component Analysis (PCA),

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Latent Dirichlet
allocation (LDA), Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA, pLSA, GLSA),
t-SNE (for visualization)

Previously these methods were used by hardcore data

scientists, who had to find "something interesting" in huge
piles of numbers. When Excel charts didn't help, they forced
machines to do the pattern-finding. That's how they got
Dimension Reduction or Feature Learning methods.

It is always more convenient

for people to use
abstractions, not a bunch of
fragmented features. For
example, we can merge all Projecting 2D-data to a line (PCA)
dogs with triangle ears, long
noses, and big tails to a nice abstraction — "shepherd". Yes,
we're losing some information about the specific shepherds,
but the new abstraction is much more useful for naming and
explaining purposes. As a bonus, such "abstracted" models
learn faster, overfit less and use a lower number of features.

These algorithms became an amazing tool for Topic

Modeling . We can abstract from specific words to their
meanings. This is what Latent semantic analysis (LSA) does. It
is based on how frequently you see the word on the exact topic. 28/62
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Like, there are more tech terms in tech articles, for sure. The
names of politicians are mostly found in political news, etc.

Yes, we can just make clusters from all the words at the
articles, but we will lose all the important connections (for
example the same meaning of battery and accumulator in
different documents). LSA will handle it properly, that's why
its called "latent semantic".

So we need to connect the words and documents into one

feature to keep these latent connections — it turns out that
Singular decomposition (SVD) nails this task, revealing useful
topic clusters from seen-together words.

Recommender Systems and Collaborative Filtering is

another super-popular use of the dimensionality reduction
method. Seems like if you use it to abstract user ratings, you 29/62
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get a great system to recommend movies, music, games and

whatever you want.

Here I can recommend my favorite book "Programming

Collective Intelligence". It was my bedside book while studying
at university!

It's barely possible to fully understand this machine

abstraction, but it's possible to see some correlations on a
closer look. Some of them correlate with user's age — kids
play Minecraft and watch cartoons more; others correlate with
movie genre or user hobbies.

Machines get these high-level concepts even without

understanding them, based only on knowledge of user ratings.
Nicely done, Mr.Computer. Now we can write a thesis on why
bearded lumberjacks love My Little Pony.

Association rule learning

"Look for patterns in the

orders' stream"

Nowadays is used: 30/62
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To forecast sales and


To analyze goods bought


To place the products on

the shelves

To analyze web surfing


Popular algorithms: Apriori, Euclat, FP-growth

This includes all the methods to analyze shopping carts,

automate marketing strategy, and other event-related tasks.
When you have a sequence of something and want to find
patterns in it — try these thingys.

Say, a customer takes a six-pack of beers and goes to the

checkout. Should we place peanuts on the way? How often do
people buy them together? Yes, it probably works for beer and
peanuts, but what other sequences can we predict? Can a small
change in the arrangement of goods lead to a significant
increase in profits?

Same goes for e-commerce. The task is even more interesting

there — what is the customer going to buy next time? 31/62
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No idea why rule-learning seems to be the least elaborated

upon category of machine learning. Classical methods are
based on a head-on look through all the bought goods using
trees or sets. Algorithms can only search for patterns, but
cannot generalize or reproduce those on new examples.

In the real world, every big retailer builds their own

proprietary solution, so nooo revolutions here for you. The
highest level of tech here — recommender systems. Though, I
may be not aware of a breakthrough in the area. Let me know
in the comments if you have something to share.

Part 2. Reinforcement Learning 32/62
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"Throw a robot into a maze

and let it find an exit"

Nowadays used for:

Self-driving cars

Robot vacuums


Automating trading

Enterprise resource management

Popular algorithms: Q-Learning, SARSA, DQN, A3C, Genetic


Finally, we get to something looks like real artificial

intelligence. In lots of articles reinforcement learning is
placed somewhere in between of supervised and unsupervised
learning. They have nothing in common! Is this because of the

Reinforcement learning is used in cases when your problem is

not related to data at all, but you have an environment to live
in. Like a video game world or a city for self-driving car. 33/62
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while obtaining a maximum reward.

Remember the news about AI beating a top player at the game

of Go? Despite shortly before this it being proved that the
number of combinations in this game is greater than the
number of atoms in the universe.

This means the machine could not remember all the

combinations and thereby win Go (as it did chess). At each
turn, it simply chose the best move for each situation, and it
did well enough to outplay a human meatbag.

This approach is a core concept behind Q-learning and its

derivatives (SARSA & DQN). 'Q' in the name stands for
"Quality" as a robot learns to perform the most "qualitative"
action in each situation and all the situations are memorized
as a simple markovian process. 35/62
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Such a machine can test billions of situations in a virtual

environment, remembering which solutions led to greater
reward. But how can it distinguish previously seen situations
from a completely new one? If a self-driving car is at a road
crossing and the traffic light turns green — does it mean it can
go now? What if there's an ambulance rushing through a
street nearby?

The answer today is "no one knows". There's no easy answer.

Researchers are constantly searching for it but meanwhile
only finding workarounds. Some would hardcode all the
situations manually that let them solve exceptional cases, like
the trolley problem. Others would go deep and let neural
networks do the job of figuring it out. This led us to the
evolution of Q-learning called Deep Q-Network (DQN). But
they are not a silver bullet either. 36/62
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Knowledge of all the road

rules in the world will not MarI/O - Machine Learnin…
teach the autopilot how to
drive on the roads.
Regardless of how much data
we collect, we still can't
Neural network plays Mario
foresee all the possible
situations. This is why its goal is to minimize error, not to
predict all the moves.

Surviving in an environment is a core idea of reinforcement

learning. Throw poor little robot into real life, punish it for
errors and reward it for right deeds. Same way we teach our
kids, right?

More effective way here — to build a virtual city and let self-
driving car to learn all its tricks there first. That's exactly how
we train auto-pilots right now. Create a virtual city based on a
real map, populate with pedestrians and let the car learn to kill
as few people as possible. When the robot is reasonably
confident in this artificial GTA, it's freed to test in the real
streets. Fun!

There may be two different approaches — Model-Based and


Model-Based means that car needs to memorize a map or its

parts. That's a pretty outdated approach since it's impossible
for the poor self-driving car to memorize the whole planet.

In Model-Free learning, the car doesn't memorize every

movement but tries to generalize situations and act rationally 34/62
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Reinforcement Learning for an average person would look like

a real artificial intelligence. Because it makes you think wow,
this machine is making decisions in real life situations! This
topic is hyped right now, it's advancing with incredible pace
and intersecting with a neural network to clean your floor
more accurately. Amazing world of technologies!

Off-topic. When I was a student, genetic algorithms (link has

cool visualization) were really popular. This is about throwing
a bunch of robots into a single environment and making them
try reaching the goal until they die. Then we pick the best
ones, cross them, mutate some genes and rerun the
simulation. After a few milliard years, we will get an
intelligent creature. Probably. Evolution at its finest.

Genetic algorithms are considered as part of reinforcement

learning and they have the most important feature proved by
decade-long practice: no one gives a shit about them.

Humanity still couldn't come up with a task where those

would be more effective than other methods. But they are
great for student experiments and let people get their
university supervisors excited about "artificial intelligence"
without too much labour. And youtube would love it as well. 37/62
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Part 3. Ensemble Methods

"Bunch of stupid trees

learning to correct errors of
each other"

Nowadays is used for:

Everything that fits

classical algorithm
approaches (but works

Search systems (★)

Computer vision

Object detection

Popular algorithms: Random Forest, Gradient Boosting

It's time for modern, grown-up methods. Ensembles and

neural networks are two main fighters paving our path to a 38/62
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singularity. Today they are producing the most accurate

results and are widely used in production.

However, the neural networks got all the hype today, while the
words like "boosting" or "bagging" are scarce hipsters on

Despite all the effectiveness the idea behind these is overly

simple. If you take a bunch of inefficient algorithms and force
them to correct each other's mistakes, the overall quality of a
system will be higher than even the best individual

You'll get even better results if you take the most unstable
algorithms that are predicting completely different results on
small noise in input data. Like Regression and Decision Trees.
These algorithms are so sensitive to even a single outlier in
input data to have models go mad.

In fact, this is what we need.

We can use any algorithm we know to create an ensemble. Just

throw a bunch of classifiers, spice it up with regression and
don't forget to measure accuracy. From my experience: don't
even try a Bayes or kNN here. Although "dumb", they are
really stable. That's boring and predictable. Like your ex.

Instead, there are three battle-tested methods to create

ensembles. 39/62
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Stacking Output of several parallel models is passed as input

to the last one which makes a final decision. Like that girl who
asks her girlfriends whether to meet with you in order to make
the final decision herself.

Emphasis here on the word "different". Mixing the same

algorithms on the same data would make no sense. The choice
of algorithms is completely up to you. However, for final
decision-making model, regression is usually a good choice.

Based on my experience stacking is less popular in practice,

because two other methods are giving better accuracy.

Bagging aka Bootstrap AGGregatING. Use the same

algorithm but train it on different subsets of original data. In
the end — just average answers. 40/62
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Data in random subsets may repeat. For example, from a set

like "1-2-3" we can get subsets like "2-2-3", "1-2-2", "3-1-
2" and so on. We use these new datasets to teach the same
algorithm several times and then predict the final answer via
simple majority voting.

The most famous example of bagging is the Random Forest

algorithm, which is simply bagging on the decision trees
(which were illustrated above). When you open your phone's
camera app and see it drawing boxes around people's faces —
it's probably the results of Random Forest work. Neural
networks would be too slow to run real-time yet bagging is
ideal given it can calculate trees on all the shaders of a video
card or on these new fancy ML processors.

In some tasks, the ability of the Random Forest to run in

parallel is more important than a small loss in accuracy to the
boosting, for example. Especially in real-time processing.
There is always a trade-off. 41/62
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Boosting Algorithms are trained one by one sequentially.

Each subsequent one paying most of its attention to data
points that were mispredicted by the previous one. Repeat
until you are happy.

Same as in bagging, we use subsets of our data but this time

they are not randomly generated. Now, in each subsample we
take a part of the data the previous algorithm failed to process.
Thus, we make a new algorithm learn to fix the errors of the
previous one. 42/62
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The main advantage here — a very high, even illegal in some

countries precision of classification that all cool kids can envy.
The cons were already called out — it doesn't parallelize. But
it's still faster than neural networks. It's like a race between a
dump truck and a racecar. The truck can do more, but if you
want to go fast — take a car.

If you want a real example of boosting — open Facebook or

Google and start typing in a search query. Can you hear an
army of trees roaring and smashing together to sort results by
relevancy? That's because they are using boosting.

Nowadays there are three popular tools for boosting, you can
read a comparative report in CatBoost vs. LightGBM vs. XGBoost

Part 4. Neural Networks and

Deep Leaning

"We have a thousand-layer

network, dozens of video
cards, but still no idea where
to use it. Let's generate cat
pics!" 43/62
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Used today for:

Replacement of all
algorithms above

Object identification on
photos and videos

Speech recognition and


Image processing, style transfer

Machine translation

Popular architectures: Perceptron, Convolutional Network

(CNN), Recurrent Networks (RNN), Autoencoders

If no one has ever tried to explain neural networks to you

using "human brain" analogies, you're happy. Tell me your
secret. But first, let me explain it the way I like.

Any neural network is basically a collection of neurons and

connections between them. Neuron is a function with a bunch
of inputs and one output. Its task is to take all numbers from
its input, perform a function on them and send the result to
the output. 44/62
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Here is an example of a simple but useful in real life neuron:

sum up all numbers from the inputs and if that sum is bigger
than N — give 1 as a result. Otherwise — zero.

Connections are like channels between neurons. They connect

outputs of one neuron with the inputs of another so they can
send digits to each other. Each connection has only one
parameter — weight. It's like a connection strength for a
signal. When the number 10 passes through a connection with
a weight 0.5 it turns into 5.

These weights tell the neuron to respond more to one input

and less to another. Weights are adjusted when training —
that's how the network learns. Basically, that's all there is to

To prevent the network from falling into anarchy, the neurons

are linked by layers, not randomly. Within a layer neurons are
not connected, but they are connected to neurons of the next 45/62
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and previous layers. Data in the network goes strictly in one

direction — from the inputs of the first layer to the outputs of
the last.

If you throw in a sufficient number of layers and put the

weights correctly, you will get the following: by applying to
the input, say, the image of handwritten digit 4, black pixels
activate the associated neurons, they activate the next layers,
and so on and on, until it finally lights up the exit in charge of
the four. The result is achieved.

When doing real-life programming nobody is writing neurons

and connections. Instead, everything is represented as
matrices and calculated based on matrix multiplication for
better performance. My favourite video on this and its sequel
below describe the whole process in an easily digestible way
using the example of recognizing hand-written digits. Watch
them if you want to figure this out. 46/62
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But what is a Neural Network? | Deep learning, chapter…


A network that has multiple layers that have connections

between every neuron is called a perceptron (MLP) and
considered the simplest architecture for a novice. I didn't see it
used for solving tasks in production.

After we constructed a network, our task is to assign proper

ways so neurons will react correctly to incoming signals. Now
is the time to remember that we have data that is samples of
'inputs' and proper 'outputs'. We will be showing our network
a drawing of the same digit 4 and tell it 'adapt your weights so
whenever you see this input your output would emit 4'.

To start with, all weights are assigned randomly. After we

show it a digit it emits a random answer because the weights
are not correct yet, and we compare how much this result
differs from the right one. Then we start traversing network
backward from outputs to inputs and tell every neuron 'hey, 47/62
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said we just need to assemble lots of layers and teach them on

any possible data they hoped. Then the first AI winter started,
then it thawed, and then another wave of disappointment hit.

It turned out networks with a large number of layers required

computation power unimaginable at that time. Nowadays any
gamer PC with geforces outperforms the datacenters of that
time. So people didn't have any hope then to acquire
computation power like that and neural networks were a huge

And then ten years ago deep learning rose.

There's a nice Timeline of machine learning describing the

rollercoaster of hopes & waves of pessimism.

In 2012 convolutional neural networks acquired an

overwhelming victory in ImageNet competition that made the
world suddenly remember about methods of deep learning
described in the ancient 90s. Now we have video cards!

Differences of deep learning from classical neural networks

were in new methods of training that could handle bigger
networks. Nowadays only theoretics would try to divide which
learning to consider deep and not so deep. And we, as
practitioners are using popular 'deep' libraries like Keras,
TensorFlow & PyTorch even when we build a mini-network
with five layers. Just because it's better suited than all the
tools that came before. And we just call them neural networks.

I'll tell about two main kinds nowadays. 49/62
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you did activate here but you did a terrible job and everything
went south from here downwards, let's keep less attention to
this connection and more of that one, mkay?'.

After hundreds of thousands of such cycles of 'infer-check-

punish', there is a hope that the weights are corrected and act
as intended. The science name for this approach is
Backpropagation, or a 'method of backpropagating an error'.
Funny thing it took twenty years to come up with this method.
Before this we still taught neural networks somehow.

My second favorite vid is describing this process in depth, but

it's still very accessible.

Gradient descent, how neural networks learn | Deep le…


A well trained neural network can fake the work of any of the
algorithms described in this chapter (and frequently works
more precisely). This universality is what made them widely
popular. Finally we have an architecture of human brain they 48/62
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Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

Convolutional neural networks are all the rage right now. They
are used to search for objects on photos and in videos, face
recognition, style transfer, generating and enhancing images,
creating effects like slow-mo and improving image quality.
Nowadays CNNs are used in all the cases that involve pictures
and videos. Even in your iPhone several of these networks are
going through your nudes to detect objects in those. If there is
something to detect, heh.

Image above is a result produced by Detectron that was recently

open-sourced by Facebook

A problem with images was always the difficulty of extracting

features out of them. You can split text by sentences, lookup 50/62
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words' attributes in specialized vocabularies, etc. But images

had to be labeled manually to teach the machine where cat
ears or tails were in this specific image. This approach got the
name 'handcrafting features' and used to be used almost by

There are lots of issues with the handcrafting.

First of all, if a cat had its ears down or turned away from the
camera: you are in trouble, the neural network won't see a

Secondly, try naming on the spot 10 different features that

distinguish cats from other animals. I for one couldn't do it,
but when I see a black blob rushing past me at night — even if
I only see it in the corner of my eye — I would definitely tell a
cat from a rat. Because people don't look only at ear form or
leg count and account lots of different features they don't even
think about. And thus cannot explain it to the machine.

So it means the machine needs to learn such features on its

own, building on top of basic lines. We'll do the following:
first, we divide the whole image into 8x8 pixel blocks and
assign to each a type of dominant line – either horizontal [-],
vertical [|] or one of the diagonals [/]. It can also be that 51/62
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several would be highly visible — this happens and we are not

always absolutely confident.

Output would be several tables of sticks that are in fact the

simplest features representing objects edges on the image.
They are images on their own but built out of sticks. So we can
once again take a block of 8x8 and see how they match
together. And again and again…

This operation is called convolution, which gave the name for

the method. Convolution can be represented as a layer of a
neural network, because each neuron can act as any function.

When we feed our neural network with lots of photos of cats it

automatically assigns bigger weights to those combinations of
sticks it saw the most frequently. It doesn't care whether it
was a straight line of a cat's back or a geometrically
complicated object like a cat's face, something will be highly

As the output, we would put a simple perceptron which will

look at the most activated combinations and based on that
differentiate cats from dogs. 52/62
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The beauty of this idea is

that we have a neural net
that searches for the most
distinctive features of the
objects on its own. We don't
need to pick them manually.
We can feed it any amount of images of any object just by
googling billions of images with it and our net will create
feature maps from sticks and learn to differentiate any object
on its own.

For this I even have a handy unfunny joke:

Give your neural net a fish and it will be

able to detect fish for the rest of its life.
Give your neural net a fishing rod and it
will be able to detect fishing rods for the
rest of its life…

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

The second most popular architecture today. Recurrent

networks gave us useful things like neural machine
translation (here is my post about it), speech recognition and
voice synthesis in smart assistants. RNNs are the best for
sequential data like voice, text or music. 53/62
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We can train the perceptron to generate these unique sounds,

but how will it remember previous answers? So the idea is to
add memory to each neuron and use it as an additional input
on the next run. A neuron could make a note for itself - hey,
we had a vowel here, the next sound should sound higher (it's
a very simplified example).

That's how recurrent networks appeared.

This approach had one huge problem - when all neurons

remembered their past results, the number of connections in
the network became so huge that it was technically impossible
to adjust all the weights.

When a neural network can't forget, it can't learn new things

(people have the same flaw).

The first decision was simple: limit the neuron memory. Let's
say, to memorize no more than 5 recent results. But it broke 55/62
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Remember Microsoft Sam, the old-school speech synthesizer

from Windows XP? That funny guy builds words letter by
letter, trying to glue them up together. Now, look at Amazon
Alexa or Assistant from Google. They don't only say the words
clearly, they even place the right accents!

All because modern voice

assistants are trained to Neural Network Tries to G…
speak not letter by letter, but
on whole phrases at once. We
can take a bunch of voiced
texts and train a neural
Neural Net is trying to speak
network to generate an
audio-sequence closest to the original speech.

In other words, we use text as input and its audio as the

desired output. We ask a neural network to generate some
audio for the given text, then compare it with the original,
correct errors and try to get as close as possible to ideal.

Sounds like a classical learning process. Even a perceptron is

suitable for this. But how should we define its outputs? Firing
one particular output for each possible phrase is not an option
— obviously.

Here we'll be helped by the fact that text, speech or music are
sequences. They consist of consecutive units like syllables.
They all sound unique but depend on previous ones. Lose this
connection and you get dubstep. 54/62
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There are many more network architectures in the wild. I

recommend a good article called Neural Network Zoo, where
almost all types of neural networks are collected and briefly
explained. 57/62
6/27/2020 Machine Learning for Everyone :: In simple words. With real-world examples. Yes, again ::

the whole idea.

A much better approach came later: to use special cells,

similar to computer memory. Each cell can record a number,
read it or reset it. They were called long and short-term
memory (LSTM) cells.

Now, when a neuron needs to set a reminder, it puts a flag in

that cell. Like "it was a consonant in a word, next time use
different pronunciation rules". When the flag is no longer
needed, the cells are reset, leaving only the “long-term”
connections of the classical perceptron. In other words, the
network is trained not only to learn weights but also to set
these reminders.

Simple, but it works!

You can take speech samples

from anywhere. BuzzFeed, You Won’t Believe What O…
for example, took Obama's
speeches and trained a
neural network to imitate his
voice. As you see, audio
CNN + RNN = Fake Obama
synthesis is already a simple
task. Video still has issues, but it's a question of time. 56/62
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6/27/2020 Machine Learning for Everyone :: In simple words. With real-world examples. Yes, again ::

The End: when the war with the


The main problem here is that the question "when will the
machines become smarter than us and enslave everyone?" is
initially wrong. There are too many hidden conditions in it.

We say "become smarter than us" like we mean that there is a

certain unified scale of intelligence. The top of which is a
human, dogs are a bit lower, and stupid pigeons are hanging
around at the very bottom.

That's wrong.

If this were the case, every human must beat animals in

everything but it's not true. The average squirrel can
remember a thousand hidden places with nuts — I can't even
remember where are my keys.

So intelligence is a set of different skills, not a single

measurable value? Or is remembering nuts stashed locations
not included in intelligence?

An even more interesting question for me - why do we believe

that the human brain possibilities are limited? There are many 59/62
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popular graphs on the Internet, where the technological

progress is drawn as an exponent and the human possibilities
are constant. But is it?

Ok, multiply 1680 by 950 right now in your mind. I know you
won't even try, lazy bastards. But give you a calculator —
you'll do it in two seconds. Does this mean that the calculator
just expanded the capabilities of your brain?

If yes, can I continue to expand them with other machines?

Like, use notes in my phone to not to remember a shitload of
data? Oh, seems like I'm doing it right now. I'm expanding the
capabilities of my brain with the machines.

Think about it. Thanks for reading.

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