The document lists many graduate-level psychology and public health courses offered by an online university. It encourages the reader to visit their website for assistance with any of the courses.
Some of the psychology courses mentioned include Psychopathology, Group Therapy, Career Assessment and Intervention, Tests and Measurement, Cognitive Psychology, and Developmental Psychopathology among many others.
Some of the public health courses mentioned include Epidemiology, Health Policy and Management, Environmental Health, Health Behavior Theory, and Program Evaluation among others.
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PSYC 8745 Health Psychology
PSYC 4010 Psychology Capstone RSCH 8301 Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis PPPA 8360 Public Safety Issues PSYC 8721 Advanced Psychopathology PSYC 6200 Themes and Theories of Psychology PSYC 6723 Multicultural Counseling PUBH 6260 Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Public Health READ 6603 Promoting Adolescent Learning Through Writing PSYC 6725 Group Therapy PPPA 8115 Writing a Quality Prospectus PPPA 8215 Controversies in Criminal Justice READ 6581 Reading in the Content Areas, Grades 6–12 PSYC 5100 Themes and Theories of Industrial/Organizational Psychology PSYC 4920 Applications of Forensic Psychology PSYC 6205 History and Systems of Psychology PPPA 8850 Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector PSYC 8830 Psychology of Sexuality PSYC 8135 Criminal Behavior PSYC 8345 Interventions II PSYC 8759 Psychology and the Media PSYC 3005 Racial and Ethnic Identities PSYC 6480 Psychology of Organizational Behavior PSYC 6751 Leadership Coaching: Process and Practice PSYC 6750 Leadership Development PUBH 8545 Advanced Analysis of Community Health Data and Surveillance in Public Health PSYC 8115 Writing a Quality Prospectus in Psychology PPPA 8405 Ethics and Social Justice PBHL 8012 Behavioral Healthcare Management PSYC 6121 Development in the Digital Age PSYC 6728 Substance Abuse Counseling PPPA 8391 Transformative Change in a Shared-Power World PSYC 8310 Qualitative Analysis PSYC 6315 Tests and Measurement PUBH 8245/8245D/8245H Applied Research in Public Health PSYC 8113 Ethical Issues and Professional Responsibilities in Forensic Psychology PSYC 6761 Psychological Impact of Film and Television PSYC 5240 Human Motivation PUBH 8038 Health Behavior Theory VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES [Type text] Page 15 VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES
PSYC 6204 Intergroup Relations
PSYC 8342 Psychotherapy Interventions I PUBH 6030 Socio-Ecological Perspectives of Health PSYC 8749 Leadership Development RSCH 8350 Advanced Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis PSYC 6810 Community Psychology PSYC 8300 Philosophical Foundations in Psychological Research PUBH 4900 Capstone PSYC 6202 Survey Research Methods PSYC 6754 Personnel Psychology in the Workplace PSYC 6301 Philosophical Foundations in Psychological Research PSYC 8208 Career Assessment and Intervention PSYR 8752 Psychology of Organizational Behavior PSYC 6777 Essentials of Public Health: A Case Study Approach PSYC 8237 Cognitive Psychology PUBH 9001 Dissertation PSYC 6775 Strategic Context of Public Management and Leadership PSYC 8719 Developmental Psychopathology PSYC 6764 Instructional Design for Online Course Development PSYC 6815 Contemporary Gerontology/Geriatric Psychology PPPA 8841 Health Policy & Management PUBH 6175 Health Policy & Management PUBH 8034 Environmental Health: Local to Global PPPA 8830 Current Issues in Homeland Security PBHL 8207 Grant Writing PSYC 6701 Culture and Psychology PSYC 2006 Introduction to Addictions PSYC 6400 Diversity in Child/Adolescent Development and Learning PSYC 8757 Leadership Coaching: Application PSYC 4006 Global Perspectives in Psychology PSYC 8579F Job Attitudes, Measurement, and Change PUBH 6031 Public Health Administration and Leadership PSYR 8748 Stress and Coping PSYC 8763 Principles of Instructional Design READ 6706 Literacy Development, PreK-3 PSYC 1003 Psychology as a Social Science PPPA 8465 Strategic Planning: Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination PSYR 8232 Consultation and Supervision in Psychology PSYC 8320 Advanced Methods in Mixed Qualitative-Quantitative Research Designs VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES [Type text] Page 16 VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Residency
PSYC 6755 Leadership and the Process of Change RSCH 8310 Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis PSYC 6320 Advanced Methods in Mixed Qualitative-Quantitative Research Designs PSYC 6820 Successful Practice Management PUBH 6638 Practicum I: Field Experience in Public Health PSYC 6791 Organizational Management and Leadership PSYC 6706 Advanced Social Psychology PPPA 8004 Foundations for Doctoral Study PSYC 8251 Group Process and Dynamics PSYC 5202 Theories, Treatment, and Case Management of Addiction PSYC 8185 Writing a Quality Prospectus in Psychology PSYC 8315 Program Evaluation PSYC 6306 Statistics III PSYC 6740 Disaster, Crisis, and Trauma PPPA 8540i Strategic Planning, Management, and Leadership in a Global Context PSYC 4001 Cultural Perspectives in Health Psychology PMGT 3000D Project Management Strategies PSYC 5755 Leadership and the Process of Change PUBH 8420 Principles of Community Health PHIL 2001C Ethics PSYC 6776 Transformative Change in a Shared-Power World PSYC 8290 Clinical Psychology Practicum I PSYC 8211 Contemporary Issues in Psychology PPPA 8831 Critical Incident Leadership and Planning PUBH 8635 Practicum I: Field Experience in Public Health PSYC 8241 Human Motivation PSYR 8346 Clinical Psychopharmacology PSYC 3004 Psychological Disorders PPPA 8832 Terrorism: Legislation and Policy PSYC 8341 Psychological Assessment: Cognitive RSCH 6100 Research Theory, Design, and Methods PSPA 2002 The Making of Public Policy PPPA 8101 Critical Issues in Emergency Management PSYC 8579 Job Attitudes, Measurement, and Change PSYC 6912 Mental Health Law PSYC 8726 Couples and Family Therapy PSPA 2030 Leadership and Volunteerism PBHL 8315 Program Evaluation VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES [Type text] Page 17 VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES
PUBH 4030 Planning Public Health Programs
PSYR 8421 Multicultural Psychology RSCH 8250 Advanced Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis PSYC 6342 Psychotherapy Interventions I PSYC 6748 Stress and Coping PSYC 2001E Cross-Cultural Psychology PSYC 8740 Disaster, Crisis, and Trauma PSYC 6310 Research Design RSCH 8360 Advanced Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis PSYC 5245 Social Psychology PUBH 6245/6245D Applied Research in Public Health PSYC 8751 Leadership Coaching: Process and Practice PHIL 3010 Science and Spirituality PUBH 8003 Building a Multidisciplinary Approach to Health PSYC 6331 Interviewing and Observational Strategies PUBH 6128 Biological Foundations of Public Health PPPA 8410 Healthcare Delivery System PSPA 4030 Communication for Social Change RSCH 8101 Research Theory, Design, and Methods PSYC 3009 Psychology of Leadership PSYC 8247 Social Psychology PSYC 8232 Consultation and Supervision in Psychology PSYC 8287 Counseling Psychology Internship II PSYC 8781 Psychopathology from a Clinical Perspective PSYR 8214 Consulting for Organizational Change RSCH 7200 Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis PSYC 8755 Leadership and the Process of Change PSPA 3030 Social Change PMGT 3001D Project Management Methods I PSYC 6005 Business Concepts for the Organizational Development Professional PSYC 2009E Theories of Personality PSYC 4003 Case Management in Addictions PSYC 8003C Foundations for Graduate Study in Counseling Psychology PUBH 6034 Environmental Health: Local to Global PSYC 8706 Advanced Social Psychology PUBH 8450 Community Health Assessment PPPA 8351 Policy and Analysis in Criminal Justice Systems PSYC 5214 Consulting for Organizational Change PSYR 8208 Career Assessment and Intervention VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES [Type text] Page 18 VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES
PUBH 8540 Epidemiology Topics Seminar
PSYC 6214 Consulting for Organizational Change PPPA 8330 Holding Up the Mirror: Understanding Different Cultures and Increasing Global Consciousness PSYC 8315P Program Evaluation RSCH 7310 Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis PSYC 5215 Lifespan Development PSYC 8820 Successful Practice Management PSYC 5005 Business Concepts for the Organizational Development Professional PREL 4101 Publicity and Public Relations PMGT 3001 Project Management Methods I PSYC 8252 Themes and Theories of Psychology PPPA 8352 Putting Theory Into Practice in Criminal Justice Administration PUBH 8030 Socio-Ecological Perspectives of Health PSYC 3002 Introduction to Basic Statistics PUBH 8003A Building a Multidisciplinary Approach to Health PPPA 7201 Strategic Planning: Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination PBHL 8600 Governance, Law, and Policy for Healthcare Leaders PPPA 8331 Crossing Borders: U.S. and International NGO Organizational Cultures and Environments PREL 3001 Principles of Public Relations PSPA 3010 Civil Law PSYC 2101 Introduction to Forensic Psychology PSYC 8224 Psychology of Work READ 6604 Supporting Struggling Adolescent Readers PPPA 8812 Contemporary Cases and Issues in the Courts PPPA 8851 Board Governance and Volunteer Management PUBH 8135 Leadership, Professionalism, and Ethics in Public Health Practice PUBH 1000 Principles of Public Health PSYC 8920T Teaching Practicum PSYC 6573 Child And Adolescent Health PSYC 6511 Treatment of Forensic Populations PPPA 8111 Leadership and Organizational Change PSYC 6552 Psychology of Motivation at Work PPPA 8390 Strategic Context of Public Management and Leadership PSYC 8754 Personnel Psychology in the Workplace PSYC 8573 Child And Adolescent Health RSCH 8300 Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis PSYC 8393 M.S. in Psychology Capstone VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES [Type text] Page 19 VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES
PREL 4102 Public Relations and Advertising
PUBH 8031 Public Health Administration and Leadership PSYR 8350 Personality Assessment RSCH 8100 Research Theory, Design, and Methods PSYC 8213 Strategic Talent Management and Development PSYC 6225 Biopsychology PSYC 6201 Social Cognition PMGT 3000 Project Management Strategies RSCH 8351 Advanced Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis PPPA 8382 Public Policy and Finance PSYC 6238 Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.) Residency PSYC 8701 Culture and Psychology PPPA 8332 Placing NGOs in the Global Context PSYC 8245 Interpersonal Psychotherapy PUBH 6639 Practicum II: Field Experience in Public Health PSYC 8294 Clinical Psychology Internship III RELG 2001C World Religions READ 6583 Technology and Literacy in the Content Areas, Grades 6-12 PSYC 6752 Leadership Coaching: Application PSYC 6311 Qualitative Analysis PUBH 6129 Global Perspectives on Health PSYC 8005 Business Concepts for the Organizational Development Professional PSYC 8703 Ethics and Standards of Psychology PSYC 8728 Substance Abuse Counseling PSYC 6579 Job Attitudes, Measurement, and Change PPPA 8741 Psychology of Terrorism PSYC 6765 Educational Psychology PSYC 8350 Personality Assessment PUBH 8475 Advanced Program Implementation and Evaluation PSYC 8700 Psychology and Social Change PSYC 6830 Psychology of Sexuality PSYC 8214 Consulting for Organizational Change PUBH 9000 Dissertation PUBH 8440 Application of Public Health and Behavior Change Theories PSYC 6781 Psychopathology from a Clinical Perspective PPPA 8740 Disaster, Crisis, and Trauma PUBH 8260 Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Public Health PSYC 3007 Influence and Persuasion VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES [Type text] Page 20 VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES
PUBH 6035 Epidemiology: Uncovering the Science of Public Health
PMGT 4001 Project Management Methods II PSPA 2020 Complex Organizations PSYC 6401 Principles of Behavior Analysis for Children and Adolescents READ 6602 Reading to Learn in the Content Areas, Gr. 6-12 PSYC 6250 Group Process and Dynamics PSYC 5205 History and Systems of Psychology PSYC 8291 Clinical Psychology Practicum II PSYC 8752 Psychology of Organizational Behavior PSYC 8331 Interviewing and Observational Strategies PUBH 6636 Practicum II: Capstone Experience in Public Health PSYC 6747 Psychoneuroimmunology PSYC 8204 Intergroup Relations PSYC 8920R Research Practicum PUBH 8400 Public Health Leadership and Systems Thinking PSYC 4002 Brain and Behavior PUBH 8500 Advanced Biostatistics PPPA 6321 Terrorism: A Systemic Approach for Emergency Preparedness PPPA 8842 Leadership, Professionalism, and Ethics in Public Health PSYC 6760 Psychology and the Media PSYC 8344 Psychotherapy Interventions I PSYC 8579P Job Attitudes, Measurement, and Change PREL 4103 Crisis Communications PSYC 8286 Counseling Psychology Internship I PSYC 6793 Board Governance and Volunteer Management PPPA 8362 Ethics in Preserving Public Safety PSYC 8202 Survey Research Methods PUBH 3100 Human Disease and Prevention PSYC 6733 Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Behavior Analysis PSYC 8356 Theories and Techniques in Couple and Family Counseling PSYC 8805 Holistic Psychology RSCH 7351 Advanced Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis PSYC 6700 Psychology and Social Change PSYC 8912 Mental Health Law PUBH 8035 Epidemiology: Uncovering the Science of Public Health READ 6584 Supporting Struggling Readers, Grades 6-12 PSYC 8286C Psychology Internship I PSYC 8356P Theories and Techniques in Couple and Family Counseling PMGT 4001D Project Management Methods II VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES [Type text] Page 21 VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES
PSYC 6704 Ethics and Standards of Psychology
PUBH 8240 Public Health Policy and Advocacy PPPA 8401 Public Health Leadership and Systems Thinking PSYC 6784 Psychological Consultation PPPA 8112 Governance and Public Policy PSYC 6245 Social Psychology PSYC 2002 Human Development: Childhood and Adolescence PUBH 8145 Epidemiology PSYC 8741P Psychopharmacology HLTH 2120 Health Informatics ITEC 8203 IT Leadership Simulator: Leading IT in a Dynamic Environment HUMN 6451 Public Policy Analysis HUMN 8129 Communications, Marketing, and Public Relations for Public Health Leaders HUMN 5103 Introduction to Addiction HLTH 8440 Application of Public Health and Behavior Change Theories IPSY 6701 Culture and Psychology ITEC 6713 Business Strategy for Competitive Advantage HLTH 8003 Building a Multidisciplinary Approach to Health IPSY 8576 Advanced Personnel Psychology ITEC 8437 Quantitative Decision Making for Strategic Analysis HUMN 6810 Fundamentals of Law and Public Policy HINF 6120 Contemporary Topics in the U.S. Healthcare Delivery System HUMN 6356 Social Work Practice with Couples and Family Systems HUMN 8275 Multicultural Counseling HUMN 6785 Prevention, Intervention, and Consultation HUMN 8111 Leadership and Organizational Change HLTH 8050 Population Health and Issues in Disease Prevention HUMN 8750 Leadership Development HUMN 6050 Global Health and Issues in Disease Prevention HLTH 8405E Ethics and Social Justice ITEC 6170 Fundamentals of Information Assurance HUMN 8237 Advanced Research and Program Evaluation HLTH 4105 Healthcare Finance and Economics HLTH 8201 Principles of Population Health in Healthcare Administration HLTH 4200 Principles of Epidemiology HLTH 8200 Organizing Community Action for Health Promotion and Education Rezwana Choudhury HUMN 8146 Epidemiology HUMN 6400 Public Health Leadership & Systems Thinking VISIT TO GET ASSISTANCE WITH ANY OF THE CLASSES [Type text] Page 22