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Lesson 4: Rates of Chemical Reaction: EO: Explain

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Lesson 4: Rates of

EO13: Explain Reaction Rate means Hands on: Performance Task: Multi-
how how quickly or slowly disciplinary
temperature, a reaction takes place. Goal: the students’
concentration, The goal is to create a
surface area, There are five factors students storyboard that will
presence of that affect reaction will play a feature a deep Food
catalyst, and rates: temperature, game understanding of Technology
nature of concentration, surface entitled different actio-
reactants area, presence of a “Ready, reaction phenomena. Rate of
affect the rate catalyst, and nature of Get set, chemical
of chemical the reactants. Break!” Role: They will act reaction affects
reaction. where they as researcher for an the shelf life of
Temperature will use educational food. Fast
paper clips television program. chemical
As the temperature and reaction rate
increases, the particles toothpicks Product: They need depending on
move faster and come in two set- to choose one of the the different
in contact more often . ups and following ideas as factors may
as the temperature try to the basis of their cause food
decreases, the particles quickly story board: spoilage.
in the substance break the
collide with each other materials Product 1: Attempts Rate of
less often. This causes in two set- of alchemists to chemical
slower reaction. ups. create the reaction affects
philosopher’s stone. fermentation
Surface Area Research on famous which is a
alchemists and their process where
The rate of reaction experiments. as an example,
increases with Minds on: Highlight what went the grape juice
increasing surface wrong in their is joined by
area. The attempts and explain other
students these using your ingredients
Concentration will relate knowledge on the resulting in a
their rate different action- chemical
As the concentration in the reaction phenomena. reaction that
of the chemical game to produces wine.
increases, the chance the rate of Product 2: the
of contact among chemical importance of
particles also reaction. having a balanced
increases. This causes chemical equation.
an increase in the rate Use analogies to
of reaction. stress the importance
of balanced chemical
Catalysts equations. Present
tips on making
A catalyst is a balancing equations
substance that changes easier.
the rate of a chemical
reaction by providing Product 3: Values
an alternate pathway, Applications and Education
EO14: Relate lowering the notable products of
how factors of activation energy. chemical reactions. The reaction
chemical Research on one of rate tells us
reaction rate Applications of the the hottest how fast or
affects life factors Affecting Rate commodities in town slow a reaction
and the of Reaction and how they were takes place.
environment. created. Explain the Some reactions
1. Food and chemistry behind the are over in
pharmaceutical product. microseconds,
products while other
preservation take years.

Temperature is a very Standards: Those that take

essential factor in The script will be longer time to
preserving foods and assessed based on occur are
medicine. High the following believed to be
temperatures cause criteria: the most
higher collision and rewarding and
recations produced by 1. Accuracy of satisfying. Just
microorganisms, that content as the
is why most of food 2. Organization fermentation of
medicinal products are of ideas wine, the
stored in low longer it takes
temperatures. This (Refer to Rubrics 7 to ferment, the
condition inhibits the in the Appendices) richer its taste
action of become.
microorganisms. Thus,
preventing food and Events in our
drug spoilage and lives may
allowing longer shelf Traditional happen so fast
life. or slow. The
Matching type rate in which
2. Preservation or they occur is
decomposition Match the factors almost
of specimens that affect chemical unpredictable.
reaction rate in But through the
Biochemical column A with their action of
laboratories make use application in real different
of liquid nitrogen as life in column B. factors, we, in a
cryogenic freezer in write your answer on way can control
preserving laboratory the space provided or choose the
sample and specimens. before each number. way how we
This process is called wanted our life
cryopreservation to be.
where cells or whole A
tissues are preserved
by cooling to low sub- ___1. Temperature
zero temperatures, ___2. Nature of
such as 77K. at these reactant
low temperatures, any ___3. Surface area
biochemical reactions ___4. Concentration
that would lead to cell ___5. Presence of
death, is effectively catalyst Inter-
stopped. disciplinary

3. Medication or B Physics
poisoning the
body a. Proper Kinetic
dosage of Molecular
It is essential to know medications Theory and
the right concentration should be Collision
of the drugs that we taken Theory explain
take. Some drugs are b. Exposed how the factors
more effective if taken surfaces of affecting rate of
in higher combustible chemical
concentrations. There material is reaction may
are also drugs that taken into speed up or
may poison our bodies consideration slow down the
if we take an amount in controlling reaction.
more than the fires
prescribed c. Biochemical Biology
concentration. laboratories
make use of The rate of
4. Dating, liquid biological
restoration, nitrogen as processes such
and cryogenic as metabolism
preservation of freezer in is affected by
artifacts preserving the rate of
laboratory chemical
To preserve wood and sample and reaction. plant
leather artifacts, these specimens growth is
must be soaked in d. polyethylene affected by
polyethylene glycol. It glycol is a different
is a waxy substance waxy factors that
that is absorbed into substance affect the rate
wood and leather and that is of
makes wood stronger, absorbed into photosynthesis.
and makes leather wood and
flexible again. Also, leather and In the human
the wooden artifacts makes wood body, there are
had to be soaked in a stronger, and enzymes that
chemical used to makes speed up the
strengthen wood that leather reaction rate in
has been in water for flexible again metabolic
such a long time. e. enzymes activities.
These chemicals increase the
minimize the surface rate of
area between the metabolic Earth and
reactants; thus, the reactions in Environmental
chemical reaction, the body. Science
which damaged these
items is inhibited. Coal burning
Key to correction: causes
5. Power pollution that is
companies 1. c harmful to the
2. d environment.
The total surface area 3. b The rate of
of an object increases 4. a chemical
as it is crushed to a 5. e reaction in coal
powder. This concept burning is very
is applied in some fast; almost
power companies that explosively. It
burn coals. They grind releases much
the coal first before harmful gases
blowing it into the that results to
combustion chamber; pollution.
where it reacts almost
explosively. Fireworks
and gunpowder are
also in powder forms
so that there will be
greater surface area
for reaction.

6. Control of fires

The surface area of the

combustible material
is also taken into
consideration in
controlling fires.
Usually, gases have
higher surface area
and spreads out easily.
In gasoline stations,
smoking is strictly
prohibited since a
single spark of fire
may come in contact
with the gas molecules
in the air, causing an

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