Steam Turbine Solutions Steam Turbine Solutions

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Steam Turbine

Steam Turbine

03 Unique Turbine Designs Optimized

For Energy Efficiency

04 Most innovative turbine features in

the industry

05 Turbines for Mechanical Driver


Power Recovery for Electrical


06 Single Stage Turbines

Multi Stage Turbines
Unique Turbine
For Energy
Efficiency And
Power Recovery
Buffalo Turbines applies the benefits of modern
computer modeling and manufacturing to provide
robust, cost-effective solutions for your power
plant needs.

Unique Turbine Designs Optimized for energy

and power recovery.

• Our steam turbines are backed by both the ISO
9001 and 14001 certifications for our plant.

• Our extensive portfolio of steam turbine

products is designed to your specific market

• We provide rapid delivery and worldwide

installation – guaranteed.

Most innovative turbine
features in the industry
Buffalo Turbines state-of-the-art turbines feature the industry’s first clean-
sheet design in 70 years. Our single-stage design incorporates stiffer blades than
competitive products and oversized bearings for rugged, reliable performance.

Buffalo Turbines turbines also feature:

• Corrosion-resistant gland case

• Superior carbon ring seal design
• Highly standardized components
• Mechanical overspend trip system
• Shallow-exit-angle nozzles for high eficiency and low blade stress
• Lubrication system adaptable for optimized performance across the entire
range of operating speeds and temperatures

Designed from the ground up, our turbines are engineered for durability.

Turbines for Built for
Mechanical Driver Saturated Steam
Applications Our rotors blades are designed to handle
low-quality saturated steam.

Buffalo Turbines steam turbines serve as

mechanical drivers that ideally fit your process-
driven industrial applications to power fans,
pumps and compressors.

Your Benefits:
• Fewer spare parts needed Material Design

• Simple installation and easy maintenance
We utilize highly-engineered specialty alloys &
• Deliveries start at 26 weeks advanced ceramic technology to deliver superior
resistance against erosion often encountered on
• Configure horizontally or vertically wet saturated steam applications.

• Compliant with API 611, 4th edition standard

Power Recovery
for Electrical
Buffalo Turbines is introducing power recovery
systems. Based on our existing steam turbine
designs, our power recovery systems offer you a
payback period of about 1-1/2 years – less than half
the payback time of other co-generation packages
on the market.

Single Stage Multi Stage
Turbines Turbines
Power Capabilities Power Capabilities
• 5 Kw to 3000 kW • 250 kW to 30000 kW
• Speeds up to 5000 RPM • Speeds from 3000 to 12000 RPM
• Highly standardized components • Inlet pressures up to 105 bar
• Pressure up to 67 Kg/cm2 / 925 Psig • Inlet temperatures up to 560 ºC
• Temperatures up to 500 ºC / 932 ºF • Exhaust pressures from vacuum to 12 bar
• Back Pressure Turbines Industries Served
• Condensing Turbines Oil & Gas, Power, Sugar, Ethanol, Paper, Medical,
Food and beverage processing, Petrochemical,
Our single-stage system steam turbines have been Steel, Paper, Sugar, Distilleries, Steel & Education
a fixture in most process industries for nearly (Universities)
12 years, providing clients with economical and
reliable mechanical drives for Pumps, Fans, Mechanical Drive Applications
Knives, Compressors and Generators. For many Compressors, Boiler Feed Water and other pumps,
years our engineering staff have worked with Milling / Shredding equipment, Fans, Blowers.
various consultants to meet the strict standards of
API 611 and 612. Generator Drive Applications
Buffalo Turbines also offers one-of-its-kind single Synchronous generators, Induction generators.
stage condensing turbines
Industries Served Generator drives, Compressors drives, Knives and
Oil & gas, Food Processing, Chemical Processing, Shredder drives.
Pharmaceutical, Steel, Paper, Sugar, Distilleries,
Palm oil, Marine, Edible oil, Rice, Fertilizer, etc. Design Capabilities
• Single and multi-valve inlet
Applications • Controlled Extraction,
Pump drives, Fan drives, Mill drives, Generator Uncontrolled Bleeds
drives, Compressors drives, Knives and • Extraction Condensing / Back Pressure
Shredder drives. • Mixed Pressure Induction
• API 611 and 612 compliant
Design Capabilities • Hydraulic, Mechanical and
7 models, Horizontal (axial and radial split), Electronic Governors
Vertical, API 611 and 612 compliant, Overhung • Remote Monitoring / Controls
and ‘between the bearings’ wheel designs, • Base load operation
Metallic and carbon seals, Electronic / Hydraulic • Parallel operation with
Mechanical governors, Customized steam path Local / National Grid
components, Mechanical / Electronic safety trip
systems, Direct-drive or integral gear boxes with
suitable lubrication systems.

Single Stage Turbines
Inlet Pressure Inlet Temperature Exhaust Speed
Power kW

BTPS 10 ~ 200 45 450 12 ~ 5000

BTPS 20 ~ 200-750 67 500 12 ~ 5000

BTPS 902 ~ 500-1500 67 500 12 ~ 5000

BTPS 902C ~ 200-750 67 500 0,2 ~ 5000

Multi Stage Turbines

Inlet Exhaust
Inlet Pressure Speed
Power kW Temperature Pressure

BTMS 42 500-2000 67 500 12 ~ 6700

BTMS 42 c 500-1750 67 500 vacuum ~ 8750

BTMS 52 2000-6000 67 500 12 ~ 6400

BTMS 52 C 1200-2500 67 500 vacuum ~ 7500

BTMSK 52 C 2500-6000 84 525 vacuum ~ 6500

BTMS 102 6000-15000 105 540 15 ~ 5500

BTMS 102 c 6000-13500 105 540 vacuum ~ 5500

BTMS 102 EC 6000-13500 105 540 vacuum ~ 5500

BTMS 152 13500-30000 105 540 15 ~ 5500

BTMS 152 C 13500-20000 105 540 vacuum ~ 5500

BTMS 201 20000-30000 105 540 15 3000-5500

BTMS 201 20000-30000 105 540 vacuum 3000-5500

For more information:

Phone Number: +1 (800) 226-2504

Address: 380 Wellington Street, Tower B, 6th Floor,

London, ON, N6A 5B5

e-mail: [email protected]

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