Knowledge K1 - Remembering K3 - Applying K5 - Evaluating Levels (KL) K2 - Understanding K4 - Analyzing K6 - Creating
Knowledge K1 - Remembering K3 - Applying K5 - Evaluating Levels (KL) K2 - Understanding K4 - Analyzing K6 - Creating
Knowledge K1 - Remembering K3 - Applying K5 - Evaluating Levels (KL) K2 - Understanding K4 - Analyzing K6 - Creating
12.a Draw & explain the protection scheme of an A.C induction 13 K2 CO3
15.a. Explain the block diagram of numerical relay with necessary 13 K4 CO4
b. Explain the operation of distance protection of transmission 13 K2 CO4
lines using static comparators with neat diagram.
PART C – (1 x 15 = 15 Marks)
16.a Explain how a transformer can be protected against
magnetizing inrush current. Illustrate with suitable diagram.
(OR) 15 K4 CO3
16.b Explain with the neat block diagram the operation of static
15 K4 CO4
relay & list the advantages & disadvantages.