Chap 2 PM
Chap 2 PM
Chap 2 PM
22) Implementing an alternative refers to the 28) When managers make decisions that
process of choosing the best alternative. are rational but limited by their ability to
Answer: FALSE process the information, they are
following the concept of ________.
24) Managers are assumed to use A) cognitive decision making
________ if they make logical and B) bounded rationality
consistent choices to maximize value. C) escalation of commitment
A) rational decision making D) intuitive decision making
B) intuitive decision making
C) bounded rationality 29) Evelyn's Internet search for
D) evidence-based management information about "vendor for machine
screws" yielded more than 100,000 items.
25) Dylan must choose among four Evelyn did not have time or resources to
candidates to fill his open accounting pursue each of these so she limited her
clerk position. If Dylan uses rational search to only vendors in her state. By
decision making, he will ________. doing this, Evelyn used ________.
A) disregard the fact the one of the A) perfect rationality
candidates is the owner's nephew B) bounded rationality
B) rely on his initial impressions of the C) satisficing
candidates to make this decision D) intuition
C) use his extensive experience and
accumulated judgment to make his decision 30) Managers cannot possibly analyze all
D) select the candidate who attended the information on all alternatives; they tend
college of his best worker to ________, rather than ________.
A) maximize; satisfice
26) It is assumed that a rational decision B) neutralize; satisfice
maker ________. C) satisfice; neutralize
A) faces unclear and ambiguous problems D) satisfice; maximize
B) is unlimited by his or her ability to
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31) ________ results in a solution that is B) quality-initiated decisions
considered "good enough." C) science-based decisions
A) Escalating D) programmed decisions
B) Linear thinking
C) Intuition 36) Intuitive decision making ________.
D) Satisficing A) is the systematic use of the best available
evidence to improve decision making
32) Julie is keen on joining Columbia practice
University to pursue a master's degree in B) generally results in poor decisions and
economics. However, after three months hence managers should learn to ignore their
of applying and waiting for an acceptance gut feelings
letter, she finally decides to attend NYU, C) is the process of making decisions based
which was one of her backup colleges. on experience, feelings, and accumulated
This is an example of ________. judgment
A) maximizing D) complements rational decision making
B) neutralizing but not bounded rational decision making
C) minimizing
D) satisficing 37) Gilda has an idea that would
streamline operations, reduce costs, and
33) Edgar hired a graduate from his alma increase profits. Her idea requires the
mater, thinking he would be a successful cooperation of several departments, some
first line supervisor. Unfortunately the of which have demonstrated a resistance
new hire hasn't worked out as well as to change. By considering the context in
hoped. Edgar decided to invest time and which the changes must happen and the
money in training for the new hire but people in her organization, Gilda is using
saw little improvement. Next he assigned ________.
a successful supervisor to mentor the A) evidence-based management
young employee. The problems persisted. B) bounded rationality
Edgar is displaying ________. C) intuition
A) bounded rationality D) positive employee relations
B) irrational behavior
C) poor judgment 38) Farrah has called together her
D) escalation of commitment management team to review information
about customer satisfaction gathered by
34) Farrell has a knack for selecting an external research company. Farrah is
candidates who become very successful engaging in ________.
workers. When asked how he does it, he A) perfect rationality
answered that he "listened to his gut." B) bounded rationality
Farrell is really ________. C) evidence-based management
A) using his intuition D) relationship management
B) using bounded rationality
C) using perfect rationality 39) One assumption of rational decision
D) satisficing making is that the decision maker is not
aware of all possible alternatives and
35) Which of the following is an aspect of consequences.
intuition? Answer: FALSE
A) experienced-based decisions
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40) According to the concept of bounded C) unstructured
rationality, managers make decisions D) programmed
rationally, but are limited by their ability to
process information. 50) Harriet's machine has stopped
Answer: TRUE working again. She consulted the
operator's manual troubleshooting guide
41) The phenomenon of escalation of to find a solution. Harriet used ________.
commitment refers to an increased A) a programmed decision
commitment to a previous decision despite B) a non-programmed decision
evidence that it may have been wrong. C) a structured decision
Answer: TRUE D) a non-structured decision
48) Structured problems align well with 53) A(n) ________ is an explicit statement
which type of decisions? that tells a manager what can or cannot
A) programmed be done.
B) analogous A) agenda
C) organic B) objective
D) nonlinear C) rule
D) solution
49) A(n) ________ decision is a repetitive
decision that can be handled by a routine 54) "All employees must be at their work
approach. stations and ready to work by the time
A) nonprogrammed the buzzer sounds." This is an example of
B) structured ________.
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A) a policy C) are accompanied by ambiguous or
B) a procedure incomplete information
C) a practice D) do not require the decision maker to go
D) a rule through an involved decision process
68) ________ is a situation in which a 73) Depending on the weather and the
decision maker cannot make reasonable amount of advertising, Kyle has
probability estimates. developed six scenarios for his summer
A) Necessity profits from his lawn care business. His
B) Risk business has failed to reach his
C) Uncertainty expectations in the past, so he fears the
D) Certainty worst. Kyle will likely choose the option
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that ________. D) programmed
A) maximizes the maximum possible payoff
B) maximizes the minimum possible payoff 84) Before making a decision, Kathryn
C) minimizes the maximum regret gathers as much information as she can
D) minimizes the minimum losses then analyzes it to check for trends and
patterns. Kathryn prefers ________.
74) A programmed decision is a repetitive A) linear thinking
decision that can be handled by a routine B) non-linear thinking
approach. C) intuitive thinking
Answer: TRUE D) judgmental thinking
85) Rules of thumb that managers use to
75) Rules and procedures are the same. simplify decision making are known as
Answer: FALSE ________.
A) heuristics
76) A policy is an explicit statement that B) folksonomies
tells a manager what can or cannot be done. C) algorithms
Answer: FALSE D) sophisms
77) Nonprogrammed decision making relies 86) Lucas always seems to "know"
on procedures, rules, and policies. exactly what to do in any given situation.
Answer: FALSE At least that's what he'll tell you. But his
ideas don't always work and his overall
78) Risk is the condition in which a decision performance as scored by his supervisor
maker is able to estimate the likelihood of isn't nearly as great as he thinks it is.
certain outcomes. Lucas is exhibiting the ________.
Answer: TRUE A) selective perception bias
B) the anchoring effect
82) The ________ thinking style is C) self-serving bias
characterized by a person's preference D) overconfidence bias
for using external data and facts and
processing this information through 87) Many new car buyers choose to buy a
rational, logical thinking to guide car with little or no money down and
decisions and actions. payments for many years because of the
A) linear ________.
B) non-linear A) overconfidence bias
C) programmed B) immediate gratification bias
D) non-programmed C) framing bias
D) availability bias
83) The ________ thinking style is
characterized by a preference for internal 88) The ________ describes how decision
sources of information and processing makers fixate on initial information as a
this information with internal insights, starting point and then, once set, fail to
feelings, and hunches to guide decisions adequately adjust for subsequent
and actions. information.
A) non-programmed A) anchoring effect
B) nonlinear B) selective perception effect
C) linear C) confirmation bias
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D) framing bias B) selective perception bias
C) confirmation bias
89) Sophie is in charge of recruitment at D) hindsight bias
her company. During a particular
interview, the first thing Sophie noticed 93) The ________ occurs when decision
about the applicant was that he was makers select and highlight certain
improperly attired. Though the candidate aspects of a situation while excluding
possessed the necessary qualifications and others.
effectively answered all her questions, A) framing bias
Sophie rejected him. This is an example of B) availability bias
the ________. C) representation bias
A) availability bias D) confirmation bias
B) self-serving bias
C) anchoring effect 94) It hasn't rained in several days;
D) confirmation bias therefore it is unlikely to rain today. This
is an example of the ________.
90) Lila believes the global climate is A) self-serving bias
changing. Every storm, every volcano B) availability bias
eruption, every earthquake is, in her C) representation bias
mind, evidence of this climate change. D) randomness bias
Lila has fallen victim to ________.
A) framing bias 95) The premier of Transylvania prefers
B) selective perception bias darkened rooms, flinches in bright light,
C) confirmation bias and has unusually long incisors. His
D) representation bias political opponents claim he is a vampire.
This is an example of the ________.
91) When decision makers seek out A) representation bias
information that reaffirms their past B) confirmation bias
choices and discount information that C) selective perception bias
contradicts past judgments, they are D) randomness bias
exhibiting the ________.
A) hindsight bias 96) Whenever anyone praises Mark for
B) availability bias his good performance, he has the
C) representation bias tendency to attribute his success to his
D) confirmation bias personal qualities such as his ability to
thrive under pressure and his eye for
92) Mildred was persuaded by a fast- detail. However, any negative
talking salesperson to carry an expensive performance feedback is always met with
brand of yarns in her retail needlecraft excuses such as unsupportive team
shop. Seldom does a customer buy this members or insufficient time. This is an
brand, but on those rare occasions example of the ________.
Mildred tells herself she made the right A) self-serving bias
decision. The yarns have been sitting on B) confirmation bias
the shelf for several months and she has C) representation bias
yet to profit from them. Mildred suffers D) hindsight bias
from the ________.
A) immediate gratification bias 97) "There are no coincidences. If
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something bad has happened to you, you
must have done something to deserve it." 104) A few decades ago, Walmart opened
This statement might be made by stores in Germany. After a few years, it
someone with the ________. closed all of them. The shopping habits of
A) framing bias Europeans differed so much from that of
B) self-serving bias Americans that the stores could not
C) availability bias become profitable. What was Walmart's
D) randomness bias mistake?
A) It did not understand cultural differences.
98) "We can't stop now. We've already B) It did not create standards for good
invested $100,000 in the project." This decision making.
speaker is acting on the ________. C) It did not know when it was time to call it
A) anchoring effect quits.
B) availability bias D) It did not use an effective decision-
C) representation bias making process.
D) sunk costs error
105) To make effective decisions in
99) Martie had arranged for a high- today's fast-moving world, managers
profile speaker to deliver the keynote need to ________.
address at her college's annual function. A) build organizations that shun complexity
However, due to unforeseen B) know when it is time to call it quits
circumstances, the speaker was forced to C) ignore cultural differences
drop out at the last moment. Martie D) build organizations that rely on their past
reacts to this news by saying, "I knew all successes
along that this would happen." This is an
example of the ________. 106) An effective decision-making process
A) anchoring effect ________.
B) availability bias A) focuses on matters of importance
C) self-serving bias B) focuses on consistency more than logic
D) hindsight bias C) avoids subjective and intuitive thinking
D) is complex but reliable
100) The anchoring effect describes when
decision makers fixate on initial information 107) Design thinking suggests that
as a starting point and then, once set, fail to managers should look at problem
adequately adjust for subsequent identification collaboratively and
information. integratively with the goal of ________.
Answer: TRUE A) unveiling a rational approach to address
the situation
101) The availability bias describes the B) analyzing the situation with deductive
actions of decision makers who try to create reasoning
meaning out of random events. C) developing solutions which somehow
Answer: FALSE seem inevitable
D) gaining a deep understanding of the
102) The sunk costs error occurs when situation
decision makers forget that current choices
cannot correct the past.
Answer: TRUE
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