THE Missionary'S Primer: A Guide For The Faithful in The Field
THE Missionary'S Primer: A Guide For The Faithful in The Field
THE Missionary'S Primer: A Guide For The Faithful in The Field
II. The Temple of the Saviour Emperor III. The Cataclysm of Souls
Even with its God now in place, The dark days of the Imperium were,
Humanity seemed weak; though now defeated, lamentably, not yet over, for still dark forces
the armies of the Arch-Traitor had decimated lurked - ever hungry for their own power.
the Imperium and the surviving worlds of Man In the 35th Millennium, the hated Ur-
were weak and divided. Fortunately, just as all Council of Nova Terra declared themselves the
seemed lost, a band of the faithful emerged true rulers of Humanity and rejected Terra and
that had survived the Great Betrayal - the its High Lords, and in so doing, rejected Him
Temple of the Saviour Emperor. They had on His Throne. For nine hundred years, the
endured on Terra itself under the leadership of Imperium was split asunder and Twin Empires
Fatidicus, and now marched out to spread jostled to rule - the Ecclesiarchy did all it
word of His ascension. could to unite Humanity in faith, but led by
The truth of His Word that the names as reviled as Obidiah Hrakon and that
Temple spread was undeniable, and so world Robed Rogue, the 'Saviour of Praxus', the Ur-
after world came to know that the Emperor, so Council could heed not their prayers or shouts
long denied, had always been divine and was of fraternity.
now ready to accept the worship of His Eventually the Church had no other
peoples. The Temple seemed most swiftly to choice left open unto them; in the Cataclysm
attract those in the Guard and the Navy, for of Souls of 975.M35, the dream of a unified
they knew in their souls that they would be crusader state was dashed and the faithful fell
called ever to distant worlds, where His Word upon Nova Terra with a righteous fury. Their
would be needed. heresy and disunity were crushed and the stars
Soon, almost two-thirds of the purged of their false rule.
Imperium knew the truth of His divinity, and
by the early years of the 32nd Millennium, the IV. The Age of Apostasy
Temple was large enough to be formally Despite its glorious origins, its role as
acknowledged by the High Lords. Renamed the uniting force of the Imperium, and the
crucial role that it plays in His work, the great coffers of the Ecclesiarchy rebuilding the
Ecclesiarchy has not always been treated with Imperial Palace that the faithless other High
respect by those who sought only their own Lords had allowed to decay in the
gain. Perhaps the most infamous of these Ministorium's absence.
abuses of Our Hallowed Church was the However, Greigor was ever quick to
disaster that would later be known as the Age believe that those around him were as good
of Apostasy. and pious as they should be and did not
Between the 33rd and 35th suspect the incredible patience of the jealous.
Millennium, jealous eyes within the Adeptus The Administratum would bide its time for
Mechanicus and a handful of Space Marine several centuries before it was ready to strike
Chapters joined together with impious factions again against the Church, but when it did it too
within the Administratum to try and wrest the would be damaged as it was dominated by the
Ministorium's power away from it. Despite the detestable Goge Vandire.
efforts of the pious to deny them, eventually A greedy and violent man, Vandire
they managed to erode the power of the rose quickly through the ranks of the
Ecclesiarchy until, in 200.M35 the Ecclesiarch Administratum and, before they could realise
Benedin IV was forced to flee Terra. the true taint within him, he had seized total
Unable to survive on the Throneworld control as the 361st High Lord of the
under such an assault, the Adeptus Ministorum Administratum. Soon after he broke into the
followed its Ecclesiarch to Ophelia VII - the halls of the Ministorium and executed
third world of the Imperium and long a great Ecclesiarch Paulis III before claiming
seat of pious Cardinals. Now free of the command of the Church himself, impious as he
persecutions of its enemies within the High was. When disaster befell the Cardinals who
Lords, the Ecclesiarchy set about restoring its attempted to flee his wrath, he replaced them
rights and powers, and so began an age in with 'Cardinals' who would kneel before him
which great palaces and temples were built before the Emperor. High Lord Vandire -
across the Imperium, countless heretic sects Emperor condemn him - now commanded the
were exterminated and armies of the newly two greatest arms of the Imperium.
formed Frateris Templar fought crusades
beside the soldiers of the Imperial Guard. V. The Reign of Blood
After almost three centuries, the great Once in possession of this power, the
Ecclesiarch Greigor XI decided that it was impious Vandire soon revealed that his greed
time for the Ecclesiarchy to return to Terra - he was second to his madness - his reign became
knew that the Ministorium was now again known as the Reign of Blood; the darkest
strong enough to resist those who were still chapter of the Age of Apostasy. Under his
jealous of its powers, and believed that the instruction were the faithful tortured that he
Church belonged by the Emperor's side. He might laugh; the Hive World of Calana VII
returned to the adoration of His faithful, for was bombed without reason and rendered a
they knew His preachers had returned to the ruin that is still less productive than it was; all
Homeworld, and spent years emptying the girls under the age of twelve on Boras Minor
were enslaved on his whim; the ice caps of soon came under siege as four Chapters of the
Jhanna were melted, causing four million to Angels of Death and the legions of the
drown. For seventy years did he so rule, the Machine Cult marched to end the Mad High
Imperial Palace forgotten and collapsing into Lord.
rot around him even as he ordered statues to With so many enemies beyond his
his own glory built on distant worlds. gate, Vandire never expected his destruction to
And yet on one distant world was come from the divine, and yet as the armies of
there also a glimmer of hope for the Church Skitarii and Space Marines advanced across
and the Imperium both. On Dimmamar there Terra, the sacred guardians of the Emperor
had been a change; Dimmimar had denounced slipped unseen through the Palace and brought
Goge Vandire as a traitor to all of Humanity, Alicia Dominica - commander of the High
and had rallied to a new Prophet; Sebastian Lord's devout bodyguard - before the Bringer
Thor. of Light Himself. What happened within His
A humble preacher, Thor belonged to throne room will never be known by those as
an ancient sect known as the Confederacy of lowly as we, but when she emerged, Alicia
Light, and spoke out against Vandire's purges, Dominica knew that Vandire had corrupted the
his ego and his tithes that starved the hungry Imperium, and would doom it to destruction if
and fed his mad appetites. Even whilst the not stopped.
High Lords debated on Thor's fate, his sermons Even as fighting continued to rage
spread throughout the Segmentum Obscurus above, Dominica strode up to Vandire and
and eighty planets rose up to support Thor's pronounced her holy judgement before
Confederacy of Light. beheading him and ending his twisted reign.
Finally Vandire acted, and dispatched
his entire Frateris Templar to destroy the VI. The Aftermath and the Reforms
rebels. However, the God-Emperor would not Following the death of curs'd Vandire
allow the destruction of His favoured preacher, and the end of his Reign of Blood, the pious
and so the Templar fleet was destroyed by a could once again work towards the betterment
great Warp Storm - a divine intervention still of His Imperium. Sebastain Thor, whose
known to this day as the Storm of the impassioned preaching and action had brought
Emperor's Wrath. about the destruction of Vandire, was made
Now free of the threat, and aided by Ecclesiarch to rapturous cheers. Under his rule,
visions from the Emperor, Thor led his armies the Ecclesiarchy was reformed to ensure that
of the faithful from world to world; the entire none could ever corrupt its holy message as
Segmentum deposed the false faithful and Vandire had.
began the march towards Terra. Sweeping reforms were made to the
As Thor advanced, the armies of size of the Holy Synod, and the Synod
Vandire's enemies began to appear closer to Ministra was established on Ophelia VII in
Terra. Unable to stomach his madness any order to ensure the Holy Synod acted for the
longer, the Adeptus Astartes and the Adeptus faithful and not for itself. However, perhaps
Mechanicus turned against Vandire, and Terra his most famous reform was the Decree
Passive; the Decree disbanded the Frateris
Templar armies that had become so feared as
Vandire's personal Astra Militarum, and
further forbade the Ecclesiarchy from
maintaining 'men under arms'. Finally, this
blessed Decree reformed Alicia Dominica and
her bodyguards into the Sisters of Battle; the
defenders of the Ministorium who would also
act as a force to stop heretics and traitors from
abusing it from within.
KEY SECTS OF THE IMPERIAL FAITH Run by Missionaries of the Ecclesiarchy, the
i. The Holy Synod Schola Progenium are homes and academies
The Holy Synod is the ruling body of the for the orphans of Imperial servants who have
Ecclesiarchy. Based on Terra, it is (in theory) given their lives for the Emperor. Under the
comprised of the Cardinals of every diocese in attention of priests and Drill-Abbots - former
the Imperium. It is the Holy Synod that holds soldiers given clerical rank and tasked with
the great Ecclesiastical Conclaves and training the orphans - they grow into devout
determines the religious policy of the servants of the Emperor. It is from the Schola
Imperium. Progenium that the Scion Tempestus, Adeptus
Arbites, Adepta Sororitas and Commissars - as
ii. The Synod Ministra well as many Naval Officers and even
Founded on Ophelia VII as part of Sebastian occasionally Imperial Assassins - are drawn.
Thor's glorious reforms, the Synod Ministra is
made up of the Cardinals Ministra and it vi. Crusader Households
relays, disseminates and evaluates the rulings The Crusaders are the devout warrior-
of the Holy Synod. So distant from Terra, it bodyguards of the Imperium; unflagging in
acts as a check against the likes of Vandire by their devotion and merciless in their
ensuring that no one individual can ever amass application to their martial calling, Crusaders
that level of control over the Ecclesiarchy. are often found making up the elite formations
that defend even such personages as the
iii. The Creed Temporal Cardinals Palatine. Those trained by a
The Creed Temporal is the body of the Crusader House will emerge selfless,
Ecclesiarchy burdened with responsibility for dauntless and master of both shield and
the secular duties of the Church. They are the whatever murderous tool their Household has
financial and logistical arm of His Church; made its emblem.
they collect tithes, organise pilgrimages and
ensure the building and upkeep of temples and vii. Ranks and Offices
Ministorium buildings. Within there are a great many ranks and
positions that allow the blessed Ecclesiarchy to
iv. The Missionarius Galaxia function. A selection are presented here:
The Emperor's Missionaries, the Misionaria Ecclesiarch: The head of the
Galaxia is tasked with spreading His Word to Ecclesiarchy and a permanent
the furthest corners of the galaxy. It falls to member of the High Lords of Terra
them to contact native cultures and introduce Cardinals Palatine: Five Cardinals
them to a version of the Imperial Creed that without a diocese, they serve as
they can accept, as well as pruning distasteful assistants to the Ecclessiarch
rites wherever possible. Cardinals Terran: Cardinals whose
diocese are on Terra
v. The Schola Progenium
Cardinals Ministra: Cardinals who rates of insanity and early death. Despite this,
have their diocese within the Ophelia they are undoubtedly effective, although their
VII region rites are considered radical and dangerous by
Cardinals Astra: Cardinals whose many.
diocese are elsewhere in the
Imperium x. Creeping Shadow
Emperor's Chaplain: A Cardinal The Creeping Shadow are a fanatical sect who
entrusted with gathering the Tears of believe that Mankind will prosper if forced to
the Emperor face and overcome fear. In particular they
Deacon: Priests entrusted with decry the official Imperial policy of blessed
running the Creed Temporal ignorance for most citizens, and often resort to
Pontifex Mundi might be in charge of terrorism. They are, however, devout Imperials
the faith of a planet, a Pontifex Urba and can be used to help the faithful.
Confessors and Preachers: The bulk A cult originally from the Malfian Sub-Sector,
of the clergy, tasked with instilling the Cult of the Pure Form believe that a doom
zeal into the population is coming that will destroy all humans and
Cenobite: Monks, often dressed in leave only the bionically 'afflicted' servants of
u. Mawson's Wake
At the rimward edge of the sector, Mawson’s
Wake is a patchily-inhabited struggling
frontier planet with a history of revolt. Largely
desertified and scarred by open-cast mining,
the Wake ekes out an existence dependent on
an ancient vehicle manufactorum, and pays its
tithe with conscripts from among the resentful
THE CULT OF THE MACHINE GOD: A this 'Omnissiah' is most likely to be the
MISSIONARY'S GUIDE medium through which a Missionary's
The Adeptus Mechanicus and its relationship with a Tech-Cultist is conducted.
Martian Empire do not follow the blessed 100. The Motive Force
words of the Ecclesiarchy, but rather by However much they attempt to deny or destroy
ancient decree are permitted to retain their own their Humanity through their excessive use of
dogma, known as the Cult Mechanicus. There bionics, the Tech-Cultists are still Human, and
are several sections to this belief; so crave their hallowed life as much as any of
1. Machine Spirits us. As such, they contradict the greatness of
The most understandable element of the Cult their Machine God by completing their trinity
Mechanicus, knowledge of Machine Spirits with the being known as the Motive Force -
exists within the wider Imperium and, like us, the god of life. At least one sect of the
the Mechanicus appeases these entities through Mechanicus appears to venerate the Motive
prayer - although their prayers are more likely Force as a form of power cell - why is
to be in binary or the Cant Mechanicus than in unknown.
honest Gothic. Of note is the fact that they 101. The Quest For Knowledge
revere 'larger' or older Machine Spirits more - This appears to be the Tech-Cultists' holy
as such a Leman Russ will be more important crusade. It manifests itself as a desire to find
to a Tech-Cultist than a lasgun, but less old machines and fight xenoforms again and
important than a starship, and an old Leman again in what they claim is 'analysis'.
Russ will be honoured further than one newly
10. The Machine God (Deus Mechanicus)
The first part of the Cult Mechanicus' 'trinity'
of deities proper, the Machine God is
supposedly the being that gave rise to all
machineries through its emissaries; Mankind.
It is because of their veneration of this being
that Tech-Cultists seek to replace their body
parts and organs with the machine - they seek
to move closer to it's 'divine' form.
11. The Emperor (Omnissiah)
The Cult Mechanicus DOES indeed venerate
the Emperor as a being known as the
Omnissiah - to the Tech-Cultists this appears
to be a physical manifestation of their Machine
God. Whilst this might appear heretical, for
they envision the Emperor as divine only
because they believe He is a part of their
Machine God, it should be remembered that
iv. Prayer of Hatred for the Mutant vi. Battle Prayer of the Segmentum
To be Unclean Obscurus
That is the mark of the Mutant.
(Often recited by the Regiments and Fleets Steel thy soul with His word
deployed against the Archenemy) Armor thy personage in faith to He
Before the swollen gaze of the Dark Eye, do I Arm thy self with His will
stand Suffer not the Unclean
I hold for He who long ago sacrificed for man Suffer not the Impure
I will yield no ground, I shall take no step back Suffer not the Weak
In His name and for His will, I will never Suffer not the Heretic
surrender Amor Imperator!
Pierce my flesh, break my bones, take my life Fiat Justicia!
These matter not Go forth in His name and find victory!
In my sacrifice, ye of the Dark Gods shall
know defeat vii. Prayer to Beseech the Emperor
For even in Death shall we be triumphant in (To be recited when defending against the
His name enemies of the Imperium before combat)
Lo! I have fallen in battle for He and his flock Benevolent God-Emperor, hear my prayer
Prepare my place, O Lord! In honour I have served You, willing and
I shall stand by thee side until the End Times without thought
Until Thy will be done I have fought in the blood and the mud of a
Take heed, ye who have surrendered to the thousand worlds
Darkness In Your name, have I smote the enemies that
We shall be unbowed and unbroken would stand against Your omnipresent will
For where there is darkness, His light shall Please benevolent God-Emperor, hear my
shine prayer
And the darkness shall retreat Thy enemies now stand at the gate
We who have bled shall be redeemed The tides of darkness have come to destroy the
We who have fallen shall be exulted bastion of the faithful
We who have sacrificed shall be rewarded Their words are lies, filled with death and
We who have died shall be avenged contagion
Stand, O warriors of the Emperor! Their masses seeth before our mighty walls
Let no despair fall upon thy bless-ed hearts! Their numbers are without end
Stand and fight! I am but one small guttering candle flame
For it is by thy sacrifice that thee shall be standing before the gathering storm of the
remembered!! Dark
By our deeds shall we be known I will not be able to hold
Let these deeds be a mighty sword from which Most holy and benevolent God-Emperor,
He who rests upon the Throne shall wield answer my prayer
For with mighty deeds shall the darkness be I have fallen before the all-consuming
thrown back into the Abyss darkness
And in them will thee prevail I fought until I heard Death's clarion call
Take succor in His strength My life they took, my body they broke
But my spirit has remained true avaunt! To thee, O Fever, I say avaunt! To
I have faced the final test and passed thee, O Disease, I say avaunt!
Their blasphemous words have fallen upon the By HIS WILL I drive away sickness, I drive
deaf ears of one of the faithful away death, I drive away pain and fever. By
Please mighty God-Emperor, open the gates HIS WILL I drive away the disease, rottenness
that I might enter and infection which His enemies have created
Open the gates so that one more fallen soldier by their witchcraft to wreak harm against the
might come home bodies of mortals.
Please, O God-Emperor, heed my call I drive away all manner of diseases and deaths,
the pains of the flesh and of the spirit; for by
viii. Apologue of the Medicae the WILL of the God-Emperor are all things
The Medicae asked the Angel: made possible.
‘Astartes, most beneficent Angel, Sword of the
God-Emperor, thou Holy One! ix. Prayer for the Coming Battle
Who was it that first of the healthful, the wise, (Favoured as a call-and-response amongst
the happy, the wealthy, the glorious, the strong Prosperitan Imperial Guard regiments)
ones of yore, drove back sickness to sickness, God-Emperor, look with favour upon these
drove back death to death, and first turned Your servants.
away the point of the blade and the fire of God-Emperor, look with favour upon we Your
fever from the bodies of mortals? servants.
The Angel answered: Make them the instruments of Your wrath.
THE GOD-EMPEROR it was who first of the Make us the instruments of Your wrath.
healthful, the wise, the wealthy, the glorious, Let their hearts be armoured in Your hatred.
the strong ones of yore, drove back sickness to Let our hearts be armoured in Your hatred.
sickness, drove back death to death, and first Ave Imperator!
turned away the point of the blade and the fire Ave Imperator!
of the fever from the bodies of mortals.
He asked for a source of remedies; he obtained x. Battle-Prayer of St. Nafisa the Martyr
it by HIS WILL, to withstand sickness and to I invoke the holy Galaxy, made by Them-on-
withstand death, to withstand pain and fever, Terra.
to withstand the disease, rottenness and I invoke the earth made by Them-on-Terra, the
infection which HIS enemies had created by water made by Them, the holy trees.
their witchcraft to wreak harm against the I invoke the sea, the shining sky. I invoke the
bodies of His children. eternal and sovereign luminous space. I invoke
And it was by HIS WILL were brought down the comet and the stardust, the asteroid and the
the healing plants that, by many hundreds, by solar wind.
many thousands, by many myriads, grow upon I invoke the bright, all glorious, blissful abode
all the million fertile worlds of the Galaxy. of Them-on-Terra.
To thee, O Sickness, I say avaunt! To thee, O Let Them be worshipped with sacrifice, let
Death, I say avaunt! To thee, O Pain, I say Them be gladdened, gratified and satisfied: the
holy God-Emperor, the tall-formed, fiend
smiting Deus Imperator.
Bring libations unto the fire, bring hard wood
unto the fire, bring rare incense unto the fire.
Offer up the sacrifice to the eternal flame
which smites the mutant and cleanses the
Offer up the sacrifice to the holy God-
Emperor, that with Their strength we may
smite down upon the xenos; that we may fall
upon the heretic, the wicked, the slothful ones,
who live in sin; that we may cleanse the
mutant from our midst with holy flame.
XLV. The Final Rites XLVIII. Uphold the Honour of the Emperor
(To be administered to those whose purity is Trust in the Emperor at the hour of battle.
in doubt) Trust him to intercede, and protect his warriors
O Imperator, in nomine tuo, may these souls true as they deal death on alien soil.
sunk in sin be delivered to Your grace. Let Turn their seas red with the blood of the slain.
those who have fallen and faltered in Your Crush their hopes, their dreams
service be cleansed in Your burning flame, as And turn their songs into cries of lamentation.
Your wings shelter the just. Deus-Imperator,
qui vincit laruae omnes, eis miserere; Holy XLIX. Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch
Emperor, who conquers all creatures of evil, Smite now the scions of the Witch!
have mercy upon them. As we frail and sinful Grant us the strength to pierce their unclean
mortals may not presume to righteously judge flesh!
these souls, let their sins be revealed by Your To cover the fields with the pale form of the
Wisdom; and if their deaths cleanse and make blasphemous dead!
them worthy, gather them into Your light. The To drown the thunder of guns with the shriek
Emperor Protects! of their dying!
To lay waste to their citadels with hurricanes
XLVI. Ode to the Charge of fire!
(To be shouted and repeated when To wring the hearts of their kin with
advancing whilst firing your weapon) unavailing grief!
Emperor witness the light of my lasgun, and To send them into the waste of their desolate
let it guide us bright to victory! land in rags and hunger, broken in spirit, worn
with travail and begging for the refuge of the
(The following four litanies appear to have grave!
been adapted by a Preacher who met with We ask it, in the spirit of wrath, O Master of
the Angels of Death from their own Vows of Mankind!
L. Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The
XLVII. Suffer Not The Unclean To Live Odds
Lead us from death to victory, from falsehood O Emperor, in wrath rejoicing at bloody wars,
to truth. fierce and untamed,
Whose mighty power doth make the strongest And in my fist let it be the Righteous Light of
walls from their foundations shake. the Emperor;
All-conquering Master of Mankind, be pleased Swift to cut through the Darkness
with this war's tumultuous roar. In His name.
Delight in swords and fists red with alien
blood, and the dire ruins of savage battle. LVI. Litany of the Hallowed Flames
Rejoice in furious challenge, and avenging (To be recited whilst operating a flamer
strife, whose works with woe embitter human weapon)
life! Blessed are you,
Who burns the mutant!
LI. Chant for the Prevention of Malfunction Blessed are you,
May your weapon be guarded against Who burns the heretic!
malfunction, Blessed are you,
As your soul is guarded from impurity. Who burns the traitor!
The Machine God watches over you.
Unleash the weapons of war. LVII. Prayer for the Prevention of
Unleash the Deathdealer. Misfortune
(To be recited whilst undertaking
LII. The Litany of Ignition enterprises unlikely to succeed without
The soul of the Machine God surrounds thee. Him)
The power of the Machine God invests thee. Stars of the Imperium
The hate of the Machine God drives thee. Light my way that the darkness of uncertainty
The Machine God endows thee with life. might be banished.
Live! Saints of the Imperium
Inspire my deeds that the frailties of my
LIII. The Hymn of Reforging mortality might be overcome.
Thus do we invoke the Machine God. Machine Spirits
Thus do we make whole that which was Betray me not.
sundered. Allies at my side
Betray me not.
LIV. Litany of Keening Emperor guide me. Emperor guide me.
(To be recited whilst honing the edge of a
blade) LVIII. Basic Abjuration
Find your strength and be renewed, In the name of the God-Emperor, Them-On-
For you are the doom-bringing steel of the Terra, I command you begone from this place,
Imperium. for there is no welcome for you here.
In the name of the God-Emperor, the Holy
LV. Prayer of the Swordmasters Truth, I command you to cease your iniquity,
(To be recited before drawing a sword) for the Truth of the Imperium shall cast out all
May this weapon rise, falsehoods.
In the name of the God-Emperor, the Light of death brings glory to Terra. Thus we
Humanity, I command you to shrink and hate for Terra.
shrivel from the Name, for the Emperor’s 4. Hate the Traitor. The Traitor is
Light casts out all shadows. damned, for they have betrayed their
In the name of the God-Emperor, Them-On- humanity. The traitor is reviled, for
Terra, the Holy Truth, the Light of Humanity, I they have turned against their faith.
command you begone from this place. I abjure The cause of treason is irrelevant. The
you! I abjure you! Thrice I abjure you: means of treason is irrelevant. The
Begone! Traitor is pursued, for their very
existence is anathema. Thus we hate
LIX. Cleansing for Terra.
Let the holy flames of the Golden Throne visit
and scourge this place. Let the righteousness of LXI. Blessing for those Undertaking
the God-Emperor reflect and purify this Arduous Duties
ground; let no evildoers step within. Let the O Holy Emperor, watch over your servants.
Emperor’s Light and the shelter of His Wings The path of the faithful is not easy, yet in Your
inhabit and elevate this place, and let it be a name it must be walked; the burdens of service
beacon unto the faithful. are not light, yet in Your name shall they be
borne. Be Thou the star in our darkness; the
LX. Catechisms of Hate light that shows truth and the beacon of home.
1. Hate the Xenos. The Xenos is Be Thou the guide and the guardian; the
wretched. The Xenos longs to debase scourge and the saviour. For in Your Name,
humankind. Better a thousand die what must be done, shall be done.
than the seed of alien-worship corrupt
a million. Thus we hate for Terra. LXII. Blessing for Food
2. Hate the Mutant. The Mutant is the O Holy Emperor, we draw our strength from
offspring of Humanity, but they are a that which we consume in Thy blessed Name;
beast. The Mutant’s desires may be as we draw strength from the salvation of Thy
pure, but their body can never be cleansing flame. Purify Thou that which
pure. Humankind will not be pure sustains us with the Glory of Thy Holy Light.
until the last is dead. Thus we hate for Scourge it of all taint, cleanse it of all
Terra. contamination; let it be neither despoiled nor
3. Hate the Heretic. The Heretic is more decayed. For we, Your instruments, are weak
vile than either Mutant or Xenos, for flesh, but Your Throne is Eternal.
they had a choice. They had a choice,
and they chose the way of damnation. LXIII. Blessing for Good News
Even the suspicion of heresy is cause Glory be to the God-Emperor, for the
enough to kill. A martyr’s death Righteous shall have their reward. All praise to
brings glory to Terra. A heretic’s the Throne of Terra, for the Faithful shall see
their triumph. Blessed by this day of days, for
there are marvels in the land, and the marvels
are His Signs. For in His Sight all promises are
kept, all transgressions are punished, and all
faithful souls find Glory in His Name. Glory
be the Emperor; it is right and just that we
should praise Him, for all that is good comes
through His Will.
CONFESSIONS Your judgement. Look not unkindly on our
a. Opening frailties, for despite them we are Yours; with
We speak sub rosa; may my eyes and ears be every temptation rejected and every sin
His, and may my tongue speak only as He repented of and set aside, we come closer to
wills. Child of the Creed, speak thou and be Your perfection.
heard, for He is with us. Hear me then now, Father of Mankind; I say to
Imperator miserere, for I have sinned; I come You, this soul is Yours, Your servant and Your
before you as a penitent. child. Their tribulations have been many and
Penitent, I sit before you as a candle. That light their sufferings been great, yet though the
that burns before you is Their light, and you sit Enemy sets thorns and snares about their path,
with Them. The Emperor loves you, sinner, as they walk it yet towards Your light. Grant
They love all humanity. Speak your sin, that it them Thy mercy and forgiveness, Lord of All,
might burn with Their fire. accept them as Your own, recognise them as
Your servant in the living world today; and in
b. The First Absolution the hour of their death, O Lord, call them
We live only at His sufferance; to whom can home to Your side.
we reach for guidance? Only to you, O Hear me, Child of the Creed: walk in His light.
Emperor, who are justly angry at our failings. Go forth with heart uplifted and do His work,
Shut not your ears to our prayers, but spare us; for He is with you as He is with all mankind.
turn not your gaze from our suffering, but Fear not to die, for He awaits thy soul; fear not
forgive us; where our human failings cause us to live, for He has work for thee.
to fall short of our duty, grant Thy strength to
lead us to Your light.
Child of the Creed, of the Imperium of
Humanity, hear me; your sins are confessed,
your repentance is sincere, your penance has
been mighty and heartfelt. In the midst of all
our darkness, there is light; for He is our
beacon in the night. His grace, our strength and
our salvation; His mercy, our forgiveness and
salvation; His truth, our blessing and our path.
Though you have erred, to Him you have
Igitur ab vitiis tuis te abluo, in nomine
Imperatoris et imperio ipsius.
7. Adamantium walls and plasteel bulkheads 21. Courage is the Emperor's gift; repay him
may seem formidable, but an unshakable faith with victory
in the Immortal Emperor of Man can
overcome any barriers 22. Damnation is eternal
8. All Daemons are Falsehood. They are lies 23. Death is the servant of the righteous
given shape by the fell power of Chaos
24. Defile the mutant
9. All hail the martyrs! On their blood is our
Imperium founded, in their remembrance do 25. Do not question the Will of the Emperor!
we honour ourselves
26. Doubt is a sign of weakness
10. All souls cry out for salvation
27. Enlightenment is a myth we do not need to
11. An alien mind cannot accept the Emperor's understand in order to hate
28. Even a man who has nothing can still offer
12. Be Pure his life
13. Better crippled in body than corrupt in 29. Exist for the Emperor
30. Faith grows from the barrel of a gun
14. Blessed is the mind too small for doubt
31. Faith. Honour. Vigilance 49. Know the mutant; kill the mutant
32. Faith in the Emperor is its own reward 50. Know your duty!
33. Faith is the strongest shield 51. Labour long in His sight!
34. Faith without deeds is worthless 52. Let faith protect your mind and metal your
35. Fear not death, for the soul of the faithful
man never dies 53. Let your soul be armoured with Faith,
driven on the tracks of Obedience which
36. Forgiveness is a sign of weakness overcome all obstacles, and armed with the
three great guns of Zeal, Duty and Purity
37. Glory in death is life eternal
54. Life is the Emperor's currency, spend it
38. Hate enriches well
39. He bears the weight of Mankind's ills 55. Look to your wargear
40. Heresy grows from idleness 56. Mankind stands on the shoulders of the
41. Heresy must be met with hatred
57. My armour is contempt
42. His will be done
58. Never forget, never forgive
43. If a man dies that another should live, that
man's spirit shall eat at the Emperor's table 59. No army is big enough to conquer the
galaxy. But faith alone can overturn the
44. Ignorance is your best defence universe
45. In the darkest of moments, the emperor's 60. No man died in the Emperor's service that
light shines brightest died in vain
47. It is better to die for the Emperor than to 62. Nothing can hide from the wrath of the
live for yourself Emperor!
48. It is not the Horror of War that troubles me 63. Only in death does duty end
but the Unseen Horror of Peace
64. Peace is Hell 81. The Emperor knows, the Emperor is
65. Place your trust in the Emperor's steel
82. The Emperor's judgement is a blessing for
66. Prayer cleanses the soul, but pain cleanses the Faithful
the body
83. The guilt of heresy weighs heavy on the
67. Pure in body, pure in heart soul
68. Purge the Unclean 84. The man who has nothing can still have
69. Reason begets Doubt; Doubt begets Heresy
85. The strength of Humanity is the Emperor
70. Reason is the cloak of traitors
86. There is no cowardice in faith
71. Seek no reward but the satisfaction of your
Master 87. There is only the Emperor, and he is our
shield and protector
72. Serve the Emperor today - tomorrow you
may be dead 88. Thought begets Heresy; Heresy begets
73. Sins hidden in the heart turn all into decay
89. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the
74. Step not from the path of the Emperor Emperor
75. The blood of martyrs is the seed of the 90. Vengeance is your sword. Hatred is your
Imperium shield. Loyalty is your armour
76. The cosmos cries out for salvation 91. Victory needs no explanation; defeat
allows none
77. The difference between treachery and
heresy is ignorance 92. We are all weapons in the hand of the
78. The Emperor ask only that you obey
93. We shall carry our word, we will correct
79. The Emperor bestows upon us the gift of and unify, Hail the Emperor!
94. Without Him there is nothing
80. The Emperor commands; we act
95. Work earns salvation
96. You are either for the Emperor or you are
his bitterest foe
81. Tomasi
82. Ugg
Patron of Abhumans and Boots
83. Ulantix
85. Valerius
Who converted the Askellon Sector to His
86. Verevya
87. Yamalla
88. Yuri
Patron of Voidsmen
5. "The glory we gain blinds us first with its 9. "One man can start a landslide with the
lustre." casting of a single pebble."
-from "Paths to Damnation" by -from "Age of Apostasy" by Ecclesiarch
Redemptionist theologian Caddaway Deacis IX
6. "I am not asking for blood. I can take your 10. "I long for death, not because I seek peace,
blood. but because I seek the war eternal."
I am asking for souls. Only you can give me -from "Reflections on the Long Death" by
your souls." Cardinal Armandus Helfire
11. "The Daemonic leads to two crimes. You every fallen soul loyal to the Throne, there
turn away from the path of righteousness. And would not be enough."
you abandon the Emperor as the object of your -from "Biographica Hagia" by Saint Sabbat
devotion. For the first, death is merely a just
retribution. The second is a heresy so terrible 17. "Betwixt the wash of the river and the waft
that no punishment can be sufficient. Yet the of the wind, let my sins be transfigured to
search for an appropriate penalty continues, virtues."
and it shall be found." -from "Catechism of Hagia, Book I,
-Malleus Daemonicus, The Declaration of Chapter 3, Verse XXXII
Ecclesiarch Issus XLVII
18. "As I have been called to the holy work, so
12. "Death in service to the Emperor is its own I will call others to me."
reward. Life in failure to Him is its own
condemnation." 19. "There are no miracles. There are only
-Epistles (Verse 93) by Uriah Jacobus men."
13. "A Heretic may see the truth and seek 20. "That which was will be.
redemption. He may be forgiven his past and That which dieth will live. That which falleth
will be absolved in death. A Traitor can never will rise up.
be forgiven. A Traitor will never find peace in This, I say to you, is the nature of things, if
this world or the next. There is nothing as you but once believe."
wretched or as hated in all the world as a
Traitor." 21. "Where there is an enemy, rage!
-Cardinal Khrysdam Where there is a victory, rejoice!"
-from "Epistles" by Saint Sabbat
14. "When it was over, when the blood had
dried and the fires had died down, then we 22. " Lay a fire within your soul and another
found we were the same as we had always between your hands, and let both be your
been - small and terrified human beings, with weapons.
only the light of the Emperor to see by in this For one is faith and the other is victory and
dark galaxy of sin." neither may ever be put out."
-from "Notes on Martyrdom" by Saint -from "Lessons" by Saint Sabbat
Praxides of Ophelia VI
23. "If the road is easy, the destination is
15. "Do not shirk! Do not falter! worthless."
Give them death in the name of Sabbat!"
-Saint Sabbat 24. "Let the sky welcome you, for therein
dwells the Emperor and his saints."
16. "Though my tears be as many as the spots -from "Proverbs" by Saint Sabbat
of rain Falling in the Hagian woods, one for
25. "A single man with faith can triumph over 34. "Since the Emperor suffers to shield us, it
a legion of the faithless. Untold billions of the is a blessing to suffer for Him in return."
faithful can never be opposed." -from the "Catechism of Leadership"
-Sermons, Volume XI, Chapter IV
35. "No world shall be beyond my rule; no
26. "The Emperor is our Father and our enemy shall be beyond my wrath."
Guardian, but we must also guard the -The God-Emperor
-Sermons, Volume XIV, Chapter I 36. “The Emperor Condemns”
-The Lethean Revelation
27. "I will steal from the plate of decadence to
feed the mouths of the powerless."
-Sermons, Volume XIV, Chapter XXXVIII