THE Missionary'S Primer: A Guide For The Faithful in The Field

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The key takeaways are that the Emperor is the one true god of mankind and it is humanity's duty to purge heresy, beware psykers and mutants, and abhor aliens. Unquestioning obedience to authority is also emphasized.

The main tenets of the Imperial Creed are that the Emperor was once human but is now a god, he is the one true god, humanity must purge heresy, beware psykers and mutants, and abhor aliens. Every human has a place in the Emperor's order and people must obey authority.

According to the text, the Ecclesiarchy unites the Imperium by spreading faith in the Emperor. It connects the worlds and keeps humanity standing together against the darkness.





The Emperor once walked among humans, but the

Emperor is – and always has been – a god

The Emperor is the one true god

It is humanity’s duty to purge the heretic, beware the

psyker and mutant, and abhor the alien

Every human being has a place within the Emperor’s

divine order

It is the duty of the faithful to unquestioningly obey the

authority of the Imperium and one’s superiors
THE ECCLESSIARCHY: A MOST even He was not yet ready to announce - that
GLORIOUS AND PIOUS HISTORY He was the one true God of Mankind.
0. Overview Armed with this knowledge, the
The ECCLESIARCHY is the greatest faithful began to spread the Word, seeking
pillar of the Imperium of Mankind; the ships of only to bring joy and harmony to those looking
the Navy might connect the worlds, the to make sense now of a universe that would
Navigators and Astropaths might keep those soon be His to rule as a paradise. However, the
worlds in contact, and the Astra Militarum Betrayal that was to come was already starting
might shield those worlds from the Darkness to sour the air, and so false demagogues
with their might, but it is the Ecclesiarchy that denounced His divinity and suppressed His
unites them - Faith in the God-Emperor is what followers, hoping to consign their faith and the
keeps the thousands of realms standing hope it brought to history, and thus ease their
together! rise to power.
But it was not always so! For ten And so began the dark days of the
thousand years, the Imperium has endured, but Horus Heresy; when the Emperor returned to
in the days of its birth and the dark days of the Terra to work for the betterment of all the
Great Betrayal that followed, Mankind was Imperium, fully half of His Sons and their
without the guidance and embrace of His Legions of Adeptus Astartes rebelled against
Church, and in those tumultuous times all that Him. The Fallen Sons and their armies ravaged
He-On-Terra had worked for before His the Imperium and finally came to lay siege to
accession was almost destroyed. So it was Holy Terra itself. The Emperor would not bow
proven that the power of faith was needed to to these faithless, however, and in the
hold together the fledgling Empire of company of two of His loyal Sons and an army
Humanity, and so began its millenia-long of golden warriors, He took the fight to the
history. Arch-Traitor Horus.
The final battle was bloody and
I. The Horus Heresy fierce, and claimed the life of Saint
Ten thousand years ago, the armies of Sanguinius, the Angel-Child of the Emperor,
the Imperium advanced throughout the stars. but eventually He fought His way to Horus'
As they advanced, they reunited the scattered command room. There, the Emperor fought
survivors of Humanity and purged world after His dark Son, setting His golden sword and
world of the taint of the xenos, and the divine psychic gifts against the Warp-strength
Imperium grew with each passing hour. In and madness of Horus, destroying him and
those heady days, the Emperor sat not upon casting the Traitor's soul asunder into oblivion.
His Golden Throne and marched at the head of However, it cost Him dearly to do so, for
His armies, turning back the darkness of the Horus had dealt Him a mortal blow. So it was
Old Night with His Will and His Sword. As that even as the pitiful remnants of Horus'
mortals like us followed in His wake, a few armies fled from Sol's light, pursued by His
began to see the truth of His nature - a truth warriors, the Emperor was carried back to the
Imperial Palace and placed, near death, on the the Adeptus Ministorium, the Temple of the
Golden Throne. Saviour Emperor was made the official state
But even now, seemingly in death, the religion of the Imperium, the better to protect
Emperor was not defeated! Atop His mighty it from weakness and shelter it from the
Throne, the Emperor needed not to think of Darkness.
any mortal concern, and so was able to turn Within another two hundred years,
His entire might higher - in that moment, He the noble Ecclesiarch Veneris II had become
became what the faithful had once foreseen; he the first head of His Church to sit on the
ascended as the God-Emperor of Mankind, and Council as a High Lord, and soon the position
from his Golden Throne He turned His might was permanent - wisdom won out and those
and His gaze out across the stars that He might that spoke His teachings were given an eternal
guard His people! role in guiding His flock.

II. The Temple of the Saviour Emperor III. The Cataclysm of Souls
Even with its God now in place, The dark days of the Imperium were,
Humanity seemed weak; though now defeated, lamentably, not yet over, for still dark forces
the armies of the Arch-Traitor had decimated lurked - ever hungry for their own power.
the Imperium and the surviving worlds of Man In the 35th Millennium, the hated Ur-
were weak and divided. Fortunately, just as all Council of Nova Terra declared themselves the
seemed lost, a band of the faithful emerged true rulers of Humanity and rejected Terra and
that had survived the Great Betrayal - the its High Lords, and in so doing, rejected Him
Temple of the Saviour Emperor. They had on His Throne. For nine hundred years, the
endured on Terra itself under the leadership of Imperium was split asunder and Twin Empires
Fatidicus, and now marched out to spread jostled to rule - the Ecclesiarchy did all it
word of His ascension. could to unite Humanity in faith, but led by
The truth of His Word that the names as reviled as Obidiah Hrakon and that
Temple spread was undeniable, and so world Robed Rogue, the 'Saviour of Praxus', the Ur-
after world came to know that the Emperor, so Council could heed not their prayers or shouts
long denied, had always been divine and was of fraternity.
now ready to accept the worship of His Eventually the Church had no other
peoples. The Temple seemed most swiftly to choice left open unto them; in the Cataclysm
attract those in the Guard and the Navy, for of Souls of 975.M35, the dream of a unified
they knew in their souls that they would be crusader state was dashed and the faithful fell
called ever to distant worlds, where His Word upon Nova Terra with a righteous fury. Their
would be needed. heresy and disunity were crushed and the stars
Soon, almost two-thirds of the purged of their false rule.
Imperium knew the truth of His divinity, and
by the early years of the 32nd Millennium, the IV. The Age of Apostasy
Temple was large enough to be formally Despite its glorious origins, its role as
acknowledged by the High Lords. Renamed the uniting force of the Imperium, and the
crucial role that it plays in His work, the great coffers of the Ecclesiarchy rebuilding the
Ecclesiarchy has not always been treated with Imperial Palace that the faithless other High
respect by those who sought only their own Lords had allowed to decay in the
gain. Perhaps the most infamous of these Ministorium's absence.
abuses of Our Hallowed Church was the However, Greigor was ever quick to
disaster that would later be known as the Age believe that those around him were as good
of Apostasy. and pious as they should be and did not
Between the 33rd and 35th suspect the incredible patience of the jealous.
Millennium, jealous eyes within the Adeptus The Administratum would bide its time for
Mechanicus and a handful of Space Marine several centuries before it was ready to strike
Chapters joined together with impious factions again against the Church, but when it did it too
within the Administratum to try and wrest the would be damaged as it was dominated by the
Ministorium's power away from it. Despite the detestable Goge Vandire.
efforts of the pious to deny them, eventually A greedy and violent man, Vandire
they managed to erode the power of the rose quickly through the ranks of the
Ecclesiarchy until, in 200.M35 the Ecclesiarch Administratum and, before they could realise
Benedin IV was forced to flee Terra. the true taint within him, he had seized total
Unable to survive on the Throneworld control as the 361st High Lord of the
under such an assault, the Adeptus Ministorum Administratum. Soon after he broke into the
followed its Ecclesiarch to Ophelia VII - the halls of the Ministorium and executed
third world of the Imperium and long a great Ecclesiarch Paulis III before claiming
seat of pious Cardinals. Now free of the command of the Church himself, impious as he
persecutions of its enemies within the High was. When disaster befell the Cardinals who
Lords, the Ecclesiarchy set about restoring its attempted to flee his wrath, he replaced them
rights and powers, and so began an age in with 'Cardinals' who would kneel before him
which great palaces and temples were built before the Emperor. High Lord Vandire -
across the Imperium, countless heretic sects Emperor condemn him - now commanded the
were exterminated and armies of the newly two greatest arms of the Imperium.
formed Frateris Templar fought crusades
beside the soldiers of the Imperial Guard. V. The Reign of Blood
After almost three centuries, the great Once in possession of this power, the
Ecclesiarch Greigor XI decided that it was impious Vandire soon revealed that his greed
time for the Ecclesiarchy to return to Terra - he was second to his madness - his reign became
knew that the Ministorium was now again known as the Reign of Blood; the darkest
strong enough to resist those who were still chapter of the Age of Apostasy. Under his
jealous of its powers, and believed that the instruction were the faithful tortured that he
Church belonged by the Emperor's side. He might laugh; the Hive World of Calana VII
returned to the adoration of His faithful, for was bombed without reason and rendered a
they knew His preachers had returned to the ruin that is still less productive than it was; all
Homeworld, and spent years emptying the girls under the age of twelve on Boras Minor
were enslaved on his whim; the ice caps of soon came under siege as four Chapters of the
Jhanna were melted, causing four million to Angels of Death and the legions of the
drown. For seventy years did he so rule, the Machine Cult marched to end the Mad High
Imperial Palace forgotten and collapsing into Lord.
rot around him even as he ordered statues to With so many enemies beyond his
his own glory built on distant worlds. gate, Vandire never expected his destruction to
And yet on one distant world was come from the divine, and yet as the armies of
there also a glimmer of hope for the Church Skitarii and Space Marines advanced across
and the Imperium both. On Dimmamar there Terra, the sacred guardians of the Emperor
had been a change; Dimmimar had denounced slipped unseen through the Palace and brought
Goge Vandire as a traitor to all of Humanity, Alicia Dominica - commander of the High
and had rallied to a new Prophet; Sebastian Lord's devout bodyguard - before the Bringer
Thor. of Light Himself. What happened within His
A humble preacher, Thor belonged to throne room will never be known by those as
an ancient sect known as the Confederacy of lowly as we, but when she emerged, Alicia
Light, and spoke out against Vandire's purges, Dominica knew that Vandire had corrupted the
his ego and his tithes that starved the hungry Imperium, and would doom it to destruction if
and fed his mad appetites. Even whilst the not stopped.
High Lords debated on Thor's fate, his sermons Even as fighting continued to rage
spread throughout the Segmentum Obscurus above, Dominica strode up to Vandire and
and eighty planets rose up to support Thor's pronounced her holy judgement before
Confederacy of Light. beheading him and ending his twisted reign.
Finally Vandire acted, and dispatched
his entire Frateris Templar to destroy the VI. The Aftermath and the Reforms
rebels. However, the God-Emperor would not Following the death of curs'd Vandire
allow the destruction of His favoured preacher, and the end of his Reign of Blood, the pious
and so the Templar fleet was destroyed by a could once again work towards the betterment
great Warp Storm - a divine intervention still of His Imperium. Sebastain Thor, whose
known to this day as the Storm of the impassioned preaching and action had brought
Emperor's Wrath. about the destruction of Vandire, was made
Now free of the threat, and aided by Ecclesiarch to rapturous cheers. Under his rule,
visions from the Emperor, Thor led his armies the Ecclesiarchy was reformed to ensure that
of the faithful from world to world; the entire none could ever corrupt its holy message as
Segmentum deposed the false faithful and Vandire had.
began the march towards Terra. Sweeping reforms were made to the
As Thor advanced, the armies of size of the Holy Synod, and the Synod
Vandire's enemies began to appear closer to Ministra was established on Ophelia VII in
Terra. Unable to stomach his madness any order to ensure the Holy Synod acted for the
longer, the Adeptus Astartes and the Adeptus faithful and not for itself. However, perhaps
Mechanicus turned against Vandire, and Terra his most famous reform was the Decree
Passive; the Decree disbanded the Frateris
Templar armies that had become so feared as
Vandire's personal Astra Militarum, and
further forbade the Ecclesiarchy from
maintaining 'men under arms'. Finally, this
blessed Decree reformed Alicia Dominica and
her bodyguards into the Sisters of Battle; the
defenders of the Ministorium who would also
act as a force to stop heretics and traitors from
abusing it from within.
KEY SECTS OF THE IMPERIAL FAITH Run by Missionaries of the Ecclesiarchy, the
i. The Holy Synod Schola Progenium are homes and academies
The Holy Synod is the ruling body of the for the orphans of Imperial servants who have
Ecclesiarchy. Based on Terra, it is (in theory) given their lives for the Emperor. Under the
comprised of the Cardinals of every diocese in attention of priests and Drill-Abbots - former
the Imperium. It is the Holy Synod that holds soldiers given clerical rank and tasked with
the great Ecclesiastical Conclaves and training the orphans - they grow into devout
determines the religious policy of the servants of the Emperor. It is from the Schola
Imperium. Progenium that the Scion Tempestus, Adeptus
Arbites, Adepta Sororitas and Commissars - as
ii. The Synod Ministra well as many Naval Officers and even
Founded on Ophelia VII as part of Sebastian occasionally Imperial Assassins - are drawn.
Thor's glorious reforms, the Synod Ministra is
made up of the Cardinals Ministra and it vi. Crusader Households
relays, disseminates and evaluates the rulings The Crusaders are the devout warrior-
of the Holy Synod. So distant from Terra, it bodyguards of the Imperium; unflagging in
acts as a check against the likes of Vandire by their devotion and merciless in their
ensuring that no one individual can ever amass application to their martial calling, Crusaders
that level of control over the Ecclesiarchy. are often found making up the elite formations
that defend even such personages as the
iii. The Creed Temporal Cardinals Palatine. Those trained by a
The Creed Temporal is the body of the Crusader House will emerge selfless,
Ecclesiarchy burdened with responsibility for dauntless and master of both shield and
the secular duties of the Church. They are the whatever murderous tool their Household has
financial and logistical arm of His Church; made its emblem.
they collect tithes, organise pilgrimages and
ensure the building and upkeep of temples and vii. Ranks and Offices
Ministorium buildings. Within there are a great many ranks and
positions that allow the blessed Ecclesiarchy to
iv. The Missionarius Galaxia function. A selection are presented here:
The Emperor's Missionaries, the Misionaria  Ecclesiarch: The head of the
Galaxia is tasked with spreading His Word to Ecclesiarchy and a permanent
the furthest corners of the galaxy. It falls to member of the High Lords of Terra
them to contact native cultures and introduce  Cardinals Palatine: Five Cardinals
them to a version of the Imperial Creed that without a diocese, they serve as
they can accept, as well as pruning distasteful assistants to the Ecclessiarch
rites wherever possible.  Cardinals Terran: Cardinals whose
diocese are on Terra
v. The Schola Progenium
 Cardinals Ministra: Cardinals who rates of insanity and early death. Despite this,
have their diocese within the Ophelia they are undoubtedly effective, although their
VII region rites are considered radical and dangerous by
 Cardinals Astra: Cardinals whose many.
diocese are elsewhere in the
Imperium x. Creeping Shadow
 Emperor's Chaplain: A Cardinal The Creeping Shadow are a fanatical sect who
entrusted with gathering the Tears of believe that Mankind will prosper if forced to
the Emperor face and overcome fear. In particular they

 Deacon: Priests entrusted with decry the official Imperial policy of blessed

running the Creed Temporal ignorance for most citizens, and often resort to

 Pontifex: A religious leader; a sabotage, mass poisoning, kidnap and

Pontifex Mundi might be in charge of terrorism. They are, however, devout Imperials

the faith of a planet, a Pontifex Urba and can be used to help the faithful.

is responsible for the faith of a city,

etc xi. Cult of the Pure Form

 Confessors and Preachers: The bulk A cult originally from the Malfian Sub-Sector,

of the clergy, tasked with instilling the Cult of the Pure Form believe that a doom

zeal into the population is coming that will destroy all humans and

 Cenobite: Monks, often dressed in leave only the bionically 'afflicted' servants of

shrouds and robes the Mechanicum behind. Its members reject

bionic replacements, preferring cruder
 Chapel-Master: Whilst Preachers tend
prosthetics or cheap vat-grown tissues in their
to the faithful, Chapel-Masters are
place, and are often antagonistic if not openly
tasked with tending to the places of
hostile to Tech-Cultists.
 Relic-Keeper: A specialist who bears
xii. Death Cults
knowledge of how to preserve and
Death Cults are a broad category of extreme
tend to a relic or relics
martial sects who venerate the Emperor
through the art of killing. Just as the Emperor
viii. Ayanati
sacrificed Himself for Humanity, so the
A priesthood found within the Sabbat Worlds,
devotees of a Death Cult offer the lives of His
the Ayanati do venerate the Emperor, but turn
enemies as sacrifices to Him. Most Death
most of their devotion towards Saint Sabbat.
Cults venerate skill with a blade or blades
They are often known to travel the pilgrimage
above all over forms of death, and many
routes of the Sabbat Worlds.
include cannibalistic or haemovoric rites as
part of their worship. A number of Death Cults
ix. Black Order
are actively heretical, and so care must be
Hailing from the Shrine World of Maccabeus
taken when attempting to contact a Death
Quintus, the Black Priests of Maccabeus are a
militant Order of exorcists noted for their high
xiii. Drusians accepted by the Emperor, and that the more
The first Calixian cult to be officially unbelievers that could be brought to Him in the
acknowledged by the Ministorium, the fires of sacrifice, the more pleasing it would be
Drusians follow the example of Saint Drusus. to Him. Within a few years the cult leaders and
The adherents value bravery and sacrifice, and their most inspired followers wiped themselves
thus failure to fight the enemies of the out in a series of suicide bombings, leading to
Imperium is the most unforgivable sin. It is a the death of the cult.
common cult-fraternity amongst martial
groups such as Guard regiments. xvii. Mendicantine Fraters
The Mendicantine Fraters are a nomadic order
xiv. Gourdians of priests who travel the worlds of the
The Gourdians believe that they possess the Imperium according to their own path and
chalice from which the Emperor Himself drank rhythm, spreading the Word. They are believed
the night before He fought Horus. From their to have been founded by Thor himself, and so
base on Terra they have spread across all of enjoy not only protection from persecution but
the Imperium in their hunt for relics of the often the support of the population.
Emperor, the Primarch and the Saints.
xviii. Red Redemption
xv. Hallowed Unities The Cult of the Redemption is a fanatical sect
A sect found mostly within the Kharyn Sub- that was founded on Necromunda. Its priests
Sector and the remote Artimann Expanse, the preach that in order to save Humanity from its
Hallowed Unities believe that the current coming doom, it must be purged of sin. In
modulation of Imperial society is counter to addition to condemning and actively hunting
the Emperor's intentions; they believe that mutants and psykers, the militant cult also
class and creed should be eradicated, worlds of seeks out all heretics and 'enemies of the
origin should be ignored and that the various Redemption'. Its members are expected to
bodies of the Imperium should be unified. refrain from alcohol and narcotics and pray
Occasionally this belief appears to extend all and self-flagellate daily. They find surprising
the way to the merging of the Imperial and levels of support in a great many Midhive and
Martian Empires. As their beliefs defy the Underhive regions.
Decree Passive - amongst other things - they
are under observation by local elements, but xix. Sisters of the Void
most of their faith appears to be expressed An al-female cult, the priests of the Sisters of
through charitable work and community the Void can be found aboard ships plying the
projects. stars between Imperial worlds. They are non-
combative nurses who do all they can to aid
xvi. Martyrs of Thor those travelling the void, and almost no captain
A brief-lived cult founded on San Sebastian in or merchant will refuse a Sister of the Void a
early M38, the Martyrs of Thor believed that place aboard their ship.
in death and sacrifice alone could humanity be
xx. Solar Cults honouring the Rhorschian Saint Talon, the sect
Solar cults are a broad classification of sects was in truth a Cult of mutated xenos
found on a number of different worlds. Also worshippers. As a result, lamentably, anyone
known as Helio Cults, some venerate the local praying to St. Talon must now be investigated.
star as a metaphor for the Emperor, whilst
others seek to venerate Sol itself as Humanity's xxiv. Legannon Sects
birth star. The latter are often militant sects A minor sect founded on Nova Arras in M37,
and competent astronomers who can find Sol the teachings of the Legannon Disciples differ
in alien skies in order to direct their prayers from the main teachings of the Ministorium
towards it and Terra. only in regards to the timing for the celebration
of the Feast of the Emperor's Ascension, the
xxi. Thorian Sects level of support local Deacons are allowed to
A number of sects and cults within the provide to Frateris Militia groups, and the
Imperium believe in resurrectionism; the belief correct number of verses of the Lumos
that the spirit of the Emperor can be reborn Imperator for a funeral. However, it was
into a being known as a Divine Avatar. Many declared heretical due to its connection to the
believe that Thor, with his divinely inspiring Legannon Heresy.
rhetoric and clarity of purpose, was a Divine
Avatar, and some even believe that other xxiv. Temple Tendency
Divine Avatars can and will exist when they An upsettingly common heretical sect, the
are needed. These sects are often quashed or Temple Tendency is descended from the
monitored because of the risk of a schism. teachings of the corrupt cardinals that had
supported Vandire. They believe themselves to
xxii. Vitrian Covenant be the remnants of the Temple of the Saviour
A militant anti-Ork cult from the Calixis Emperor, and see themselves as the true
Sector, the Vitrian Covenant honours the Church of the Imperium - to them the
promise of Confessor Vitrian, who pledged to Confederacy of Light and Sebastian Thor's
slaughter every Ork in the Sector in exchange reforms are dooming Mankind and must be
for victory over them at Spire City. After the purged to save the species. There are
victory the cult was founded, and now spreads indications that this sect is widespread, but
word of the miracle, fights Orks wherever they they hide like cowards because they know they
can, and move through Imperial society to cannot stand against the rightful position and
raise support and funds for projects that will zeal of the Ministorium.
help to defeat the Orks.
xxv. Zabatons
xxiii. Church of St. Talon The Zabaton are the battle priests of the
A xenos-tainted heretical sect founded in the Lethean; it is their duty to inspire the soldiers
Artimann Expanse, it had spread to at least under their care with the words of the Lethean
three other worlds before being exposed and Revelation. They are frequently armed and
destroyed. Masquerading as a charitable sect armoured to almost the same standard as the
soldiers they fight alongside, complete with
the razorwire crowns and lapels common
amongst the Lethean. Theirs is a bleak
interpretation of the Imperial Creed, where
pain and sin are considered crucial for the
continuation and freedom of the soul.

xxvi. The Church of the Red Athenæum

A sect based in the depths of the cities of Holy
Terra, the Church of the Red Athenæum
worships the holy wounds and suffering of the
God-Emperor, ritually maiming and scarring
themselves in the hope that it will allow Him
to rise from the Golden Throne. The Church
has many specialist ranks within it for so small
a sect, including the militant Order of the Red
Hour, who patch up their mutilations with
bionics in order to defend the faithful.
THE ADEPTA SORORITAS: THE charged as much with looking for corruption
SISTERS OF BATTLE within the Adeptus Ministorium itself as with
Praise be to them, those brave women persecuting the enemies of the faith. The
of the Adepta Sororitas! An all-female Daughters of the Emperor were divided into
organisation within the Ecclesiarchy, the four Orders and given a new name to carry
Adepta Sororitas are drawn from the most into combat; the Sisters of Battle.
pious daughters within the Imperium's Schola In 878.M38, two new Orders were
Progenium. The most iconic element of this founded, creating six Major Orders who
organisation are the militant Sisters of Battle; honour as founder - in fact or spirit - a saint
crusaders tasked with rooting out heresy and who accompanied Alicia Dominica to the
corruption throughout the Imperium. Golden Throne.

1. History 2. Organisation and Hierarchy

Founded in the 36th Millennium on The Adepta Sororitas is part of
the Agri-World of San Leor as the Daughters the Ecclesiarchy and is divided between two
of the Emperor, the Order was devoted to the Convents - the Convent Prioris located
martial worship of the Saviour of Mankind, on Terra and the Convent Sanctorum based
however after it came to the attention of the on Ophelia VII, although in practice their
High Lord Goge Vandire, they were misled forces are spread throughout the Galaxy.
and made his private bodyguards. In his The overall commander and spiritual
arrogance, Vandire renamed them the Brides leader of the entire Sisterhood is the Abbess of
of the Emperor. the Adepta Sororitas, although the position is
Throughout his Reign of Blood the currently unoccupied. As the leader of the
Brides of the Emperor were Vandire's most Adepta Sororitas, the Abbess is sometimes
feared enforcers, for they believed that they elected into the High Lords of Terra.
were serving a devout representative of the Below the Abbess are
Emperor. However, at the height of the war to the Prioresses of the two Convents who are in
bring Vandire to justice, Alicia Dominica - charge of their Convent and the various Orders
commander of the Brides of the Emperor - and based there.
a handful of her closest warrior-companions The Convents of the Sisterhood are
were shown into the Emperor's throne room organized into several Orders. The Orders each
itself. When they emerged, they had been have different roles and responsibilities. There
awakened to Vandire's madness and, renaming are four distinct classes of major Order, plus
themselves Daughters of the Emperor once an unknown number of minor orders. The
more, executed the mad High Lord. types of major Order are:
Following the Reign of Blood, the  Orders Militant - The "Sisters of
Daughters were noted by Thor for their piety Battle", the military arm of the
and devotion and so, during his sweeping Sororitas
reforms of the Ecclesiarchy, he made them the  Orders Hospitaller - Surgeons,
official Chambers Militant of the Ecclesiarchy; physicians and nurses
 Orders Dialogous - Scholars dealing recognised and are the most numerous of the
with languages and translation Orders, with each Order Militant numbering in
 Orders Famulous - Diplomats, the tens of thousands of holy warriors. They
chamberlains and advisors for are armed and equipped with some of the most
Imperial noble families powerful weapons available within the
It is not uncommon for a Sister to Imperium, and are tasked with waging Wars of
transfer from one of the Orders to another, Faith, purging heresy and corruption, and
particularly if a Battle Sister has become protecting the property, relics and persons of
injured or is too old for combat they may the Ecclesiarchy.
transfer to one of the non-militant Orders.  Order of the Ebon Chalice: Based
Each of the major Orders follows the within the Covenant Prioris, the Order
same basic hierarchical structure: of the Ebon Chalice wear black
 Order - Led by the head Canoness, armour and white cloaks, and were
called the Canoness Superior, who founded in M37 by Saint Alicia
runs the entire Order. Dominica. Their colours, doctrine and
 Preceptory - A subsidiary convent or traditions are a direct continuation of
a large tactical detachment with up to those of the Daughters of the
1,000 Sisters led by a Canoness Emperor.
Preceptor.  Order of the Argent Shroud: Based
 Commandery - Normally smaller within the Covenant Prioris, the Order
convents or detachments of militant of the Argent Shroud wear silver
Sisters with up to 200 Sisters, led by armour and white robes, and were
a Canoness Commander. founded in M37 by Saint Silvana.

 Mission - The smallest organisation They are traditionally silent and

of Sisters, consisting of a few units altruistic, and given towards selfless

and can be led by a Canoness or the heroism.

lesser Palatine.  The Order of the Sacred Rose: Based

It should be noted that the non- within the Covenant Prioris, the Order
militant Orders operate mainly at Mission and of the Sacred Rose wear white armour
Commandery levels - Preceptory is a largely and black robes, and were founded in
organisational tier. For example, a M38 in honour of Saint Arabella.
Commandery of the Order Hospitallier could They are renowned for their
be a staff of sisters working in a field hospital determination, heavy firepower and
whilst a Mission of the Orders Famulous could their desire to avoid rash decisions.
be a handful of Sisters engaged in a trade  Order of the Valorous Heart: Based
delegation. within the Covenant Sanctorum, the
Order of the Valorous Heart wear
3. The Orders Militant black armour and black robes, and
The Orders Militant are the Sororitas were founded in M37 by Saint Lucia.
known as the Sisters of Battle. They are widely They are a highly penitent Order,
believing they must atone for the  Order of the Cleansing Water: Based
Brides of the Emperors' unwitting within the Covenant Prioris.
support of Vandire.  Order of the Torch: Based within the
 Order of Our Martyred Lady: Based Covenant Prioris.
within the Covenant Sanctorum, the  Order of the Eternal Candle: Based
Order of Our Martyred Lady wear within the Covenant Sanctorum.
black armour and red robes, and were  Order of Serenity: Based within the
founded in M37 by Saint Katherine. Covenant Sanctorum.
Prior to their losses during the Third  Records exist for at least 1 Minor
War for Armageddon, the Order was Order Hospitaller.
known as the Order of the Fiery Heart  Order of the Sanguine Redemption: A
and wore black robes. Minor Order Hospitaller currently
 Order of the Bloody Rose: Based deployed in the Prosperitas Sector.
within the Covenant Sanctorum, the
Order of the Bloody Rose wear blood 5. The Orders Dialogous
red armour and black robes, and were The Orders Dialogous are non-
founded in M38 to honour Saint militant Sororitas who specialise in language
Mina. They are known for their swift and scholasticism. They are experts in
attacks. handling and translating texts - even those
 Records exist for at least 14 Minor heretical or xenos in nature.
Order Militant.  Order of the Sacred Oath: Based
 Order of His Sanguine Tears: A within the Covenant Prioris.
Minor Order Militant based in the  Order of the Lexicon: Based within
Prosperitas Sector, they came to the Covenant Prioris.
support the Order of Our Martyred  Order of the Holy Word: Based
Lady and are named for the tears of within the Covenant Sanctorum.
blood wept by the statues of the  Order of the Quill: Based within the
Emperor after the rioting of heretics. Covenant Sanctorum.
 Order of the Steepled Keep: A Minor
Order Militant currently deployed in 6. The Orders Famulous
the Bastion Stars. Clad in pearl white The Orders Famulous are non-
armour, hey suffered heavily at the militant Sororitas often attached to noble
hands of the Archenemy. Praise their houses, merchant guilds and other such
sacrifice. institutions. They act as diplomats,
ambassadors, advisors and chamberlains and
4. The Orders Hospitaller often possess a large knowledge of Imperial
The Orders Hospitaller are non- bloodlines and rulership.
militant Sororitas trained as nurses, physicians  Oder of the Holy Seal: Based within
and surgeons who operate in both civilian and the Covenant Prioris.
military environments.
 Order of the Sacred Coin: Based
within the Covenant Prioris.
 Order of the Key: Based within the
Covenant Sanctorum. The Order of
the Key is currently active in the
Prosperitas Sector.
 Order of the Gate: Based within the
Covenant Sanctorum.
 Records exist for at least 2 Minor
Order Famulous.

7. The Orders Pronatus

The Orders Pronatus are non-militant
Sororitas who specialise in retrieving,
guarding, studying and repairing relics and
other artefacts of importance to the
Ecclesiarchy. Records exist for at least 3
Minor Orders Pronatus. There are no Major
Orders Pronatus.
 The Order of the Eternal Gate: An
Order Protanus currently deployed in
the Prosperitas Sector.

8. The Orders Sabine

The Orders Sabine are comprised of
Sororitas who accompany the Missionarius
Galaxia to rediscovered worlds. They
specialise in infiltrating primitive societies and
introducing elements of the Blessed Imperial
Cult to locals. There are no Major Orders
TO KEY WORLDS d. Anaximund Alpha
At the spinward edge of the Segmentum The only known Knight World of the Sector,
Obscurus lies the Prosperitas Sector. Named Anaximunds sole duty is to feed the worker-
once because of the bounty of raw materials population of Naximus Prime. Its rulers House
that it provided the Imperium, the Sector’s Qureshi, have ridden their War-Engines to the
history is one of war and misfortune – once defence of the Mechanicus and the Imperium
thought lost to anarchy and uprisings, it is only on many occasions.
through the great military war machine of the
Prosperitas Crusade that many of the worlds e. Kydos
within the sector were retaken – and it seems A small, dense world covered in phenomenally
that the bounties of the sector would once deep planetary ocean, which support a vast
again become a jewel in the Imperium’s range of flora and fauna.
HIVE WORLDS f. Brassilia
a. Duroverum (No information available)
Designated as the Capitol of the Prosperitas
Sector, Duroverum is the seat of Imperial g. Shadowglow
Governance, though rule of the sector is split Shrouded in near-permanent darkness by a
between the military leadership of the Office complex lunar cycle, Shadowglow is a
of the Warmaster – it is Duroverum where the freezing, inhospitable desert world. The planet
Sector Governor reigns. is home to a race of abhumans known as
Raivans whose fanatical loyalty to the Imperial
b. Halaerus III Cult, combined with superior strength and
The population of Helaerus live inside one of speed, make Shadowglow a fertile recruiting
several dozen hives, spread geometrically ground for the Crusade.
across the planet's surface. Each city is linked
via a series of rapid transport lines, built along FORGE WORLDS
geoformed earthworks, laid down by the h. Castellum
planets early colonists. Rival to Ferrareus, Castellum is the youngest
of the Forge Worlds, having only been
c. Korimesta founded in mid M.41. Although not as
One of the oldest planets in the Sector, industrialised as other Forges, it is better
Korimesta was once a hub of trade. Now it is known for the ancient pre-Imperial ruins found
an idol of fallen splendour; the world’s in it's snow-capped mountain regions.
atmosphere polluted by industry has forced its
inhabitants into huge Hive-cities built around i. Ferraeus
mountains. Taken from Hereteks early in the Prosperitas
Crusade. Ferraeus is the victim of millennia of
pollution that has made the air toxic, and n. Morghull
forced its inhabitants to live their lives in Morghull is a heavily-forested feral world at
environment suits. the edge of the Subsector Tertius. The natives
consist of scattered bands of iron-age nomads
j. Naximus Prime who roam the endless forests, following herds
Rediscovered in 401.M41. Naximus Prime is of local herbivores. Known for their hardy
not welcoming to the Imperium. Rigidly physiques and physical prowess, Morghullites
independent, it's Forges accept Imperial work- are dour, aggressive and brave, but also highly
orders but do so at their own whim. The three superstitious and mistrustful of outsiders.
Temple-Moons of the Planet, serve as heavily
armed defences to the system. SHRINE WORLDS
o. Agrial III
k. Butonia  Population: 1.1million
Conquered for its Carbon-3 deposits, the An ancient shrine world covered in dusty
majority of Butonia is a feudal low- sepulchres and echoing chapels, Agrial III is a
advancement society, though it's Capitol and seldom-mentioned backwater planet that
Noble Houses are reaching Imperial-level contains possibly one of the largest libraries in
advancement thanks to the mining efforts on the entire Segmentum.
their world. Serf rebellions in 537.M41 under
the guidance of a supposed Living Saint, have Centuries ago Agrial was a powerful and
disrupted supplies from this world. populous shrine world with significant
influence in the politics of the Prosperitas
l. Caracas Sector. Located on a primary trade route
A primordial world where the majority of the through the subsector, countless traders and
population are nomadic tribesmen, Caracas is pilgrims stopped off at Agrial every year,
covered mostly in dense forest in the either to refuel and resupply before moving on
equatorial and tropical regions, and tundra or to worship at the numerous temples.
towards the poles. The world is valued solely It was not just its holy shrines which drew
for its hardy human population. pilgrims, however. Agrial was well known for
the vast libraries that each temple-city
m. Merewald maintained, together forming one of the largest
Merewald is a world of few natural threats and and most comprehensive collections of
a generally warm, equable climate suitable for knowledge in the Sector.
cultivation. Its population are spread
widely; there are few towns and no cities as Collecting information on countless subjects
such, most of the inhabitants are peasants ruled and in endless formats, the libraries of Agrial
from the castles and palaces of the Noble attracted countless scholars and sages, and
Houses. even members of the holy Inquisition, all of
whom came to study the vast catalogue of
information. All were welcome to read freely just far enough inside it’s sun’s orbit to avoid
of the books, tomes, scrolls and hololiths, and the designation of Ice World. The habitable
to spend as much time doing so as they zone on the planet is restricted to a
desired; all that the Scribe-Priests asked was a mountainous strip a few hundred kilometres
small donation to the upkeep of the libraries wide at the Equator, with the rest of the planet
and also a donation of knowledge to the library locked in permanent glacial cold.
itself. Each visitor was asked to write down
something –whether a short titbit of The mountains are home to a hardy, hospitable
information or an entire treatise was up to the breed of Imperial citizens who greatly prize
visitor- and add it to the archives of Agrial. physical courage and cunning. Their favoured
hobby is hunting, and anyone of birth or
Trade routes are known to change however, breeding on the planet is expected to prove
and when they did, they brought about the end their worth by tracking and killing one of the
of the importance of Agrial. Without the many dangerous mountain beasts. Nivalians
income brought by the traders the shrine world view the wearing of furs, or jewellery made
faded into obscurity; the once-thronging streets from the teeth or claws of one’s kills, as a
are now quiet and the holy sepulchres and status symbol, and tend to look down on those
reliquaries dusty and often neglected. A few who do not wear them.
pilgrims and knowledge-seekers still visit
Agrial, but now the libraries are echoing, The constant presence of pilgrims travelling to
cobweb-choked and dark, home to a few and from the planet has led to extensive
ancient custodians and ageing Scribe-priests. development in the urban centres. The capital
and many secondary cities boast all the
p. Nivalis facilities that the discerning and pious citizen
 Subsector Primus might need, and there is an extensive transport
 Population: 3.5billion network connecting the most popular
Nivalis is a Shrine World first and foremost, pilgrimage sites. In happier times, it was said
with piety driven into the very bones of the that one could walk into a cathedral in the
land. Travellers and pilgrims say that every capital and find worshippers from every world
valley and secluded peak boasts its own shrine in the Sector at prayer together.
to the God-Emperor and His saints. Some of
the highest peaks have been carved into Nivalis’ peaceful existence came to an abrupt
massive likenesses of the great Heroes of the end in 539.M41. According to official records,
Imperium, the greatest of these visible from a group of heretics disrupted the traditional
distant orbit. Since 984.M41 the world has annual religious festivities, leading to
been beset by civil strife, and is currently widespread panic and rioting. The riots spread
occupied by the Adeptus Sororitas. in an uncontrolled wave across the planet,
taking the meagre Planetary Defence Force by
An ancient seat of nobility in the Sector, surprise and shattering the once-peaceful
Nivalis is an inhospitable but beautiful planet planet into civil chaos. The Ecclesiarchy called
in the Adeptus Sororitas to suppress and the long arm of the Ecclesiarchy “usurping”
control the unrest, with the Order of our their government – still holding out in the rural
Martyred Lady supplying a large operational mountain areas despite the Sorors’ best efforts.
deployment of Militant Sororitas. Nevertheless the main shrine-cities are largely
peaceful, and it is not uncommon to see
While engaged in counterinsurgency and officers of the Imperial Guard and Navy
stabilisation, the Sisters reported a miracle visiting the planet to receive a blessing on
whose echoes are still felt in the religious and behalf of their troops before deploying onto
political hierarchies of the Sector. Every statue the front lines of the Crusade.
of the God-Emperor on the planet, from tiny
household icons to the kilometre-high colossus WAR WORLDS
at the heart of the planetary capital, was q. Henlock
witnessed to weep tears of blood. In the wake Currently held by the forces of the Archenemy,
of this miracle, the Sisters engaged in Henlock was an Adeptus Mechanicus world,
offensive operations to return Nivalis to order valued for its Titan training grounds and
with a bloodthirsty piety unlike anything seen ancient Heresy-era Titan Graveyard. When
before on the planet. Archenemy forces took the world in 538.M41
a desperate counter-attack by the Imperium led
Nivalis is now under the de facto rule of to a disaster that cost the life of the Warmaster
Canoness Asenath Dinah, the commander of of the Prosperitas Crusade.
the Sororitas Mission on the planet. The
ongoing civil conflict is suppressed – often r. Persephon IV
brutally – by the Sisters of the newly named Persephon IV has born the brunt of the savage
Order of His Sanguine Tears. Sisters greenskins of Waagh!! Gazbag since 531.M41.
Hospitaller from the Order of the Cleansing Much of it's original glory has been ravaged by
Water provide medical and pastoral support to the Orks, and it's people fight an endless war in
the citizens of this blighted world. With the order to ensure that the greenskin menace is
insurgency kept to a quiet simmer by the contained there.
security presence of the Sisters Militant, the
planet has seen a large deployment of Sisters s. Strayvia
Pronatus from the Order of the Eternal Gate. (No information available)
Their mission is to restore the large number of
major shrines to the Emperor and His Saints SPACE STATIONS
damaged in the course of the unrest, and to t. Polarnus Station
recover sacred artefacts stolen or hidden Polarnus is an orbital habitat-cum-shipyard, a
during the riots. giant asteroid hollowed into a multitude of
labyrinthine tunnels. It is an ancient trade hub,
Nivalis is no longer the safe haven for pilgrims now acting as the headquarters for the front-
that it once was, with scattered groups of line elements of Crusade High Command, and
heretics and planetary nationalists – bitter at
is constantly bustling with the business of
making ships and soldiers ready for war.

u. Mawson's Wake
At the rimward edge of the sector, Mawson’s
Wake is a patchily-inhabited struggling
frontier planet with a history of revolt. Largely
desertified and scarred by open-cast mining,
the Wake ekes out an existence dependent on
an ancient vehicle manufactorum, and pays its
tithe with conscripts from among the resentful
THE CULT OF THE MACHINE GOD: A this 'Omnissiah' is most likely to be the
MISSIONARY'S GUIDE medium through which a Missionary's
The Adeptus Mechanicus and its relationship with a Tech-Cultist is conducted.
Martian Empire do not follow the blessed 100. The Motive Force
words of the Ecclesiarchy, but rather by However much they attempt to deny or destroy
ancient decree are permitted to retain their own their Humanity through their excessive use of
dogma, known as the Cult Mechanicus. There bionics, the Tech-Cultists are still Human, and
are several sections to this belief; so crave their hallowed life as much as any of
1. Machine Spirits us. As such, they contradict the greatness of
The most understandable element of the Cult their Machine God by completing their trinity
Mechanicus, knowledge of Machine Spirits with the being known as the Motive Force -
exists within the wider Imperium and, like us, the god of life. At least one sect of the
the Mechanicus appeases these entities through Mechanicus appears to venerate the Motive
prayer - although their prayers are more likely Force as a form of power cell - why is
to be in binary or the Cant Mechanicus than in unknown.
honest Gothic. Of note is the fact that they 101. The Quest For Knowledge
revere 'larger' or older Machine Spirits more - This appears to be the Tech-Cultists' holy
as such a Leman Russ will be more important crusade. It manifests itself as a desire to find
to a Tech-Cultist than a lasgun, but less old machines and fight xenoforms again and
important than a starship, and an old Leman again in what they claim is 'analysis'.
Russ will be honoured further than one newly
10. The Machine God (Deus Mechanicus)
The first part of the Cult Mechanicus' 'trinity'
of deities proper, the Machine God is
supposedly the being that gave rise to all
machineries through its emissaries; Mankind.
It is because of their veneration of this being
that Tech-Cultists seek to replace their body
parts and organs with the machine - they seek
to move closer to it's 'divine' form.
11. The Emperor (Omnissiah)
The Cult Mechanicus DOES indeed venerate
the Emperor as a being known as the
Omnissiah - to the Tech-Cultists this appears
to be a physical manifestation of their Machine
God. Whilst this might appear heretical, for
they envision the Emperor as divine only
because they believe He is a part of their
Machine God, it should be remembered that


FORMS OF PRAYER TO HONOUR THE O Master of the Galaxy; protect Your flock
IMMORTAL EMPEROR from the alien
1. Libation to the Emperor O Keeper of the Light; guide our darkened
The Emperor is our guiding light, path with Your radiance.
A beacon of hope for humanity in a galaxy of We are Your warriors and we are servants to
darkness. Thee,
As we serve Him, We stand free from blindness of heart,
He is our greatest servant. Free from hypocrisy, vainglory and deceits,
As we pray to Him, But captive to hatred, malice and anger,
His thoughts are only to us. To the filth, the alien, the heretic.
And in the dark when shadows threaten, By Thy agony and bloody sweat,
The Emperor is with us, By Thy Golden Throne and Thy Death,
In spirit and in fact. By Thy destruction and re-emergence as the
god of Men,
2. The Emperor's Prayer Keep and strengthen us, we who fight for
Adore the Immortal Emperor Thee.
For He is our Protector.
Admire the Immortal Emperor 4. Imperial Hymnal
For His Sacrifice to Mankind. Love the Emperor,
Exalt the Immortal Emperor For He is the salvation of Mankind.
For His Strict Guidance. Obey His words,
Revere the Immortal Emperor For He will lead you into the light of the
For His Undying Guard. future.
Venerate the Immortal Emperor Heed His wisdom,
For His Holy Wisdom. For He will protect you from evil.
Honour the Immortal Emperor Whisper His prayers with devotion,
For His Eternal Strength. For they will save your soul.
Glorify the Immortal Emperor Honour His servants,
For His All-seeing Vision. For they speak in His voice.
Praise the Immortal Emperor Tremble before His majesty,
For His Immortal Rule. For we all walk in His Immortal shadow.
Hail the Immortal Emperor
For He is the Lord and Master. 5. Prayer of Homage to the Emperor
Worship the Immortal Emperor O God-Emperor, who sits on Terra,
For without Him we are Nothing. See us and our actions, that we enact in service
of You.
3. Prayer of Adulation to the Emperor O Master of Mankind, who turns back the
(to be recited every morning) darkness,
O Immortal Emperor; have mercy upon us, Hear us and our voices, which we raise in
miserable unworthies that we are honour of You.
O Lord of the Lights and Souls, who ascended The Emperor watches over the way of the just,
in death, but the way of the wicked leads to ruin.
Give us the chance to know You and serve Happy are all who take refuge in the Emperor!
You, Away from me, all who do evil! I will praise
That we might mirror Your sacrifice with our you, O Emperor, with all my heart; I will
own. declare all your wondrous deeds.
I will delight and rejoice in you; I will sing
6. Prayer to Blinding Sol hymns to your name.
(To be recited when seeking direction and For my enemies turn back; they stumble and
purpose) perish before you.
In distant skies, shine, You upheld my right and my cause, seating on
Lord of the Light, your throne, judging justly.
And know that we know Your purpose. You rebuked the heretic, you destroyed the
Your flame heated the blood of Mankind, mutant; their name you blotted out for all time.
Your light shone upon the brow of the The enemies have been ruined forever; you
Emperor, destroyed their cities; their memory has
Your grip held in thrall the jewel-worlds of our perished.
race. The Emperor rules forever, has set up a throne
In distant skies, though separate, for judgement.
Lord of the Light, It is the Emperor who governs the world with
We honour You, Sol, and Your radiance that justice, who judges the peoples with fairness.
blinds. The Imperium is a stronghold for the
oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
7. Prayer of the Faithful of the Emperor Those who honour your name trust in you; you
Happy those who know not the counsel of the never forsake those who seek you, O Emperor.
wicked, nor go the way of sinners, nor sit in Sing hymns to the God enthroned on Terra;
company with heretics. proclaim his deeds among the stars!
Rather, the law of the Imperium is their joy; For the avenger of bloodshed remembers, does
the Emperor's law they study day and night. not forget the cry of the afflicted.
They are like a tree planted near streams of Have mercy on me, Emperor; see how my foes
water that yields its fruits in season; its leaves afflict me! You alone can raise me from the
never wither; whatever they do prospers. gates of death.
But not the wicked! They are like dust driven Then I will declare all your praises, sing
by the wind. joyously of your salvation.
Their mouths are full of oaths, violence, and The wicked will fall into the pit they dig; in the
lies; discord and evil are under their tongues. snare they hide, their own foot is caught.
Therefore the wicked will not survive The Emperor is revealed in this divine rule; by
judgement, nor will sinners in the assembly of the deeds They do the wicked are trapped.
the just. In death the wicked will depart, all the nations
that forget the Imperium.
The needy will never be forgotten, nor will the Deliver me, O Emperor.
hope of the afflicted ever fade. From the desire of being loved, 
Arise, O Emperor, let no mortal prevail; let the Deliver me, O Emperor.
multitude be judged in Your presence. From the desire of being extolled, 
Break the arms of the wicked and the Deliver me, O Emperor.
depraved; make them account for their crimes; From the desire of being honoured, 
let none of them survive. Deliver me, O Emperor.
Strike them with terror, O Emperor; show the From the desire of being praised, 
masses they are mere mortals. Deliver me, O Emperor.
The Emperor is in His holy temple; the From the desire of being preferred to others, 
Emperor's Throne is on Terra. Inquisitors' eyes Deliver me, O Emperor.
keep careful watch; they test all peoples. From the desire of being consulted, 
The Emperor shall not, as we shall not, suffer Deliver me, O Emperor.
the witch, the mutant, the heretic, the psyker. From the desire of being approved, 
And rains upon the wicked fiery coals and Deliver me, O Emperor.
brimstone, and a scorching wind. From the fear of being humiliated, 
May the Emperor cut off all deceiving lips, Deliver me, O Emperor.
and every boastful tongue! From the fear of being despised, 
The Emperor is just and loves just deeds; the Deliver me, O Emperor.
upright shall see His face. From the fear of suffering rebukes, 
Deliver me, O Emperor.
8. Lesser Prayer to the Emperor From the fear of being calumniated, 
Fotens terribilitas, adjuva me in extremis! Deliver me, O Emperor.
Mighty Terribilitas, aid me in my plight! From the fear of being forgotten, 
Deliver me, O Emperor.
9. Prayer to Saint Artimann From the fear of being ridiculed, 
Hail, Blessed Sister, Daughter of the Emperor, Deliver me, O Emperor.
Who is our life and our guiding star. From the fear of being wronged, 
To thee do we offer up our souls and service, Deliver me, O Emperor.
That through you we might do His work. From the fear of being suspected, 
Turn then, oh most holy Trader, and shine your Deliver me, O Emperor.
light and merciful bounty upon us. That others may be loved more than I, 
Judge us now, Saint Artimann, that you might Deliver me, O Emperor.
find us worthy of your Graces. That others may be esteemed more than I , 
Emperor, grant me the grace to desire it.
10. Litany of Humility That, in the opinion of the world, 
O Emperor! Great and Terrible to behold, Hear Emperor, grant me the grace to desire it.
me.  others may increase and I may decrease, 
From the desire of being esteemed, Emperor, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be chosen and I set aside, 
Emperor, grant me the grace to desire it. Imperator Vult!
That others may be praised and I unnoticed, 
Emperor, grant me the grace to desire it. 13. Meditation on the Holy Truth
That others may be preferred to me in The God-Emperor is the Holy Truth.
everything,  They are without fear,
Emperor, grant me the grace to desire it. They are merciful to Their Servants,
That others may become holier than I, They are undying.
provided that I may become as holy as I They are beyond births and deaths;
should, They illuminate Themself.
Emperor, grant me the grace to desire it. They are realised by the truth of Their Faith.
The God-Emperor is the Holy Truth.
11. Exultation of the Emperor
Holy Terra witness me! 14. Meditation on the Holy Light
I know the Emperor in my heart! The God-Emperor is the burning light, the
Blinding Sol witness me! illuminating flame, the cleansing sun.
I know the Emperor in my thoughts! To follow is to be guided, to obey is to be
Saints of the Creed witness me! uplifted, to serve is to be saved.
I know the Emperor in my soul! One cannot evade the light of Their presence,
Enemies of the Imperium witness me! nor should one try.
You shall know the Emperor through my Their light is salvation for the righteous, and
actions. damnation for the tainted.
They shall be my legacy and your end.
15. Threnody of St. Khan-hattilik of
12. Prayer for Direction in Times of Peace Korimesta
Oh blessed Emperor who rules us from far- And the one who commits this deed and
distant Terra, repents not shall reside forever in darkness, far
Guide me now that I might aid Your Empire. from Their light.
I am but a single soul, and far from Your In darkness the pain for that deed shall be as
enemies, hard as any in this world: should one cut off
And my tools are not those of the soldier. the limbs from their perishable body with
In your name then may I find work; knives of brass, yet still worse shall it be.
Give me the strength and focus to build in your In darkness the pain for that deed shall be as
name, to labour in Your name, to praise You hard as any in this world: should one nail their
through my deeds, inglorious though they are. perishable body with nails of brass, yet worse
Let me harvest grain, to feed Your armies. shall it be.
Let me build weapons, to arm Your legions. In darkness the pain for that deed shall be as
Let me file forms, that Your soldiers might hard as any in this world: to wit, the deed
march. which is done, when a human, knowingly
If I must not be given a chance to die for You, lying, confronts the brimstoned, golden, truth-
O Emperor, let me aid You.
knowing Throne with an appeal unto clemency
and lie unto The Name.
O Maker of the Galaxy, thou Holy One! The
one who, knowingly lying, confronts the
brimstoned, golden, truth-knowing Throne
with an appeal unto clemency and lie unto The
Name, what is the penalty they shall pay?
The Voice answered; “Damnation”.

16. Prayer of St. Leonidas of Persephon

Gladly pass the souls of the righteous to the
Golden Throne of the God-Emperor, to the
Golden Throne of Them-On-Terra, to the
heavenly abode of the holy ones.
As to the righteous human that has been
cleansed, the wicked evil-doers tremble in the
perfume of their soul after death, as a sheep
does on which the wolf is falling.
The souls of the righteous are gathered
together there: the saints are with them: the
souls of the saints are friends unto the
AND STRUGGLE That is the mark of the Mutant.
i. Warrior's Catechism of Worship To be Abhorred
Look to your battle gear and it will protect you That is the mark of the Mutant.
We guard it with our lives To be Reviled
Your armour is your soul, and your soul's That is the mark of the Mutant.
dedication it's armour To be Hunted
The soul of a warrior is the protector of That is the fate of the Mutant.
humanity To be Purged
Honour the craft of death That is the fate of the Mutant.
Only the Emperor is higher in our devotion To be Cleansed
Honour the battle gear of the Dead That is the fate of the Mutant.
We ask only to serve
v. Fede Imperialis
ii. Warrior's Prayer of Battle (Also known as the Battle-Prayer of the
I offer my life to the Emperor. Adepta Sororitas)
I pray that He accepts it. A spiritu dominus,
I offer my strength to the Emperor. Domine, libra nos,
I pray that He redresses it. From the lightning and the tempest,
I offer my blood to the Emperor. Our Emperor, deliver us.
I pray that it quenches is thirst. From plague, temptation and war,
I offer my body on the altar of the Our Emperor, deliver us.
battleground. From the scourge of the Kraken,
I pray He grants me a noble death. Our Emperor, deliver us.
I pray for His protection, From the blasphemy of the Fallen,
As I offer all that I am. Our Emperor, deliver us.
From the begetting of daemons,
iii. Prayer in the Time of Tumults Our Emperor, deliver us.
Emperor of Man, overseer of all things right, From the curse of the mutant,
Whose powers none can resist, Our Emperor, deliver us.
Save and deliver us, we beseech, A morte perpetua,
From the hands of our enemies, Domine, libra nos.
By granting us dominion over them, That Thou would bring them only death,
Show us the path to victory, That Thou shouldst spare none,
That we might produce it in your Undying That Thou shouldst pardon none.
name. We beseech Thee, destroy them.

iv. Prayer of Hatred for the Mutant vi. Battle Prayer of the Segmentum
To be Unclean Obscurus
That is the mark of the Mutant.
(Often recited by the Regiments and Fleets Steel thy soul with His word
deployed against the Archenemy) Armor thy personage in faith to He 
Before the swollen gaze of the Dark Eye, do I Arm thy self with His will
stand Suffer not the Unclean
I hold for He who long ago sacrificed for man Suffer not the Impure
I will yield no ground, I shall take no step back Suffer not the Weak
In His name and for His will, I will never Suffer not the Heretic
surrender Amor Imperator!
Pierce my flesh, break my bones, take my life Fiat Justicia!
These matter not Go forth in His name and find victory!
In my sacrifice, ye of the Dark Gods shall
know defeat vii. Prayer to Beseech the Emperor
For even in Death shall we be triumphant in (To be recited when defending against the
His name enemies of the Imperium before combat)
Lo! I have fallen in battle for He and his flock Benevolent God-Emperor, hear my prayer 
Prepare my place, O Lord! In honour I have served You, willing and
I shall stand by thee side until the End Times without thought 
Until Thy will be done I have fought in the blood and the mud of a
Take heed, ye who have surrendered to the thousand worlds 
Darkness In Your name, have I smote the enemies that
We shall be unbowed and unbroken would stand against Your omnipresent will 
For where there is darkness, His light shall Please benevolent God-Emperor, hear my
shine prayer 
And the darkness shall retreat Thy enemies now stand at the gate 
We who have bled shall be redeemed The tides of darkness have come to destroy the
We who have fallen shall be exulted bastion of the faithful 
We who have sacrificed shall be rewarded Their words are lies, filled with death and
We who have died shall be avenged contagion 
Stand, O warriors of the Emperor! Their masses seeth before our mighty walls 
Let no despair fall upon thy bless-ed hearts! Their numbers are without end 
Stand and fight! I am but one small guttering candle flame
For it is by thy sacrifice that thee shall be standing before the gathering storm of the
remembered!! Dark 
By our deeds shall we be known I will not be able to hold 
Let these deeds be a mighty sword from which Most holy and benevolent God-Emperor,
He who rests upon the Throne shall wield answer my prayer 
For with mighty deeds shall the darkness be I have fallen before the all-consuming
thrown back into the Abyss darkness 
And in them will thee prevail I fought until I heard Death's clarion call 
Take succor in His strength My life they took, my body they broke 
But my spirit has remained true  avaunt! To thee, O Fever, I say avaunt! To
I have faced the final test and passed  thee, O Disease, I say avaunt!
Their blasphemous words have fallen upon the By HIS WILL I drive away sickness, I drive
deaf ears of one of the faithful  away death, I drive away pain and fever. By
Please mighty God-Emperor, open the gates HIS WILL I drive away the disease, rottenness
that I might enter  and infection which His enemies have created
Open the gates so that one more fallen soldier by their witchcraft to wreak harm against the
might come home  bodies of mortals.
Please, O God-Emperor, heed my call I drive away all manner of diseases and deaths,
the pains of the flesh and of the spirit; for by
viii. Apologue of the Medicae the WILL of the God-Emperor are all things
The Medicae asked the Angel: made possible.
‘Astartes, most beneficent Angel, Sword of the
God-Emperor, thou Holy One! ix. Prayer for the Coming Battle
Who was it that first of the healthful, the wise, (Favoured as a call-and-response amongst
the happy, the wealthy, the glorious, the strong Prosperitan Imperial Guard regiments)
ones of yore, drove back sickness to sickness, God-Emperor, look with favour upon these
drove back death to death, and first turned Your servants.
away the point of the blade and the fire of God-Emperor, look with favour upon we Your
fever from the bodies of mortals? servants.
The Angel answered: Make them the instruments of Your wrath.
THE GOD-EMPEROR it was who first of the Make us the instruments of Your wrath.
healthful, the wise, the wealthy, the glorious, Let their hearts be armoured in Your hatred.
the strong ones of yore, drove back sickness to Let our hearts be armoured in Your hatred.
sickness, drove back death to death, and first Ave Imperator!
turned away the point of the blade and the fire Ave Imperator!
of the fever from the bodies of mortals.
He asked for a source of remedies; he obtained x. Battle-Prayer of St. Nafisa the Martyr
it by HIS WILL, to withstand sickness and to I invoke the holy Galaxy, made by Them-on-
withstand death, to withstand pain and fever, Terra.
to withstand the disease, rottenness and I invoke the earth made by Them-on-Terra, the
infection which HIS enemies had created by water made by Them, the holy trees.
their witchcraft to wreak harm against the I invoke the sea, the shining sky. I invoke the
bodies of His children. eternal and sovereign luminous space. I invoke
And it was by HIS WILL were brought down the comet and the stardust, the asteroid and the
the healing plants that, by many hundreds, by solar wind.
many thousands, by many myriads, grow upon I invoke the bright, all glorious, blissful abode
all the million fertile worlds of the Galaxy. of Them-on-Terra.
To thee, O Sickness, I say avaunt! To thee, O Let Them be worshipped with sacrifice, let
Death, I say avaunt! To thee, O Pain, I say Them be gladdened, gratified and satisfied: the
holy God-Emperor, the tall-formed, fiend
smiting Deus Imperator.
Bring libations unto the fire, bring hard wood
unto the fire, bring rare incense unto the fire.
Offer up the sacrifice to the eternal flame
which smites the mutant and cleanses the
Offer up the sacrifice to the holy God-
Emperor, that with Their strength we may
smite down upon the xenos; that we may fall
upon the heretic, the wicked, the slothful ones,
who live in sin; that we may cleanse the
mutant from our midst with holy flame.

xi. The Litany of the Warbreaker

Lord of All, Lend Thy Strength!
With wrath shall I make this world pure!
Lord of All, Lend Thy Strength!
In Your Name shall I reclaim this world for
Lord of all, Lend Thy Strength!
And listen for the streams of those who would
deny Thee!
FORMS OF PRAYER TO BE USED IN (To be recited before a dangerous voyage or
WARP TRAVEL naval battle)
A. Prayer for Safe Return Beneficia autum Dei per Ipsum, hoc est, in
O Eternal Emperor, tutum in omni terra sumus ferri portum et
Who alone watches us, divino lumine veritatis.
And rules the tides and storms,
Be compassionate to your servants,
Preserve us from the perils of the Warp, F. Blessing for the Start of a Voyage
That we may safeguard the Domain of Men. In our comings and goings we turn to You; for
You are all seeing and Your judgement is upon
B. Prayer for the Lost and the Endangered us. In our beginnings and our endings, we
(to be used in times of grave peril in the think of You; for You know our hearts and
Warp) Your judgement is upon us. Though we
Most powerful and glorious Emperor, journey through the infinite cold of the void,
Who commands the winds and eddies of the Your Wrath shall be a beacon of heat and light
galaxy, to guide us into safe docking. Though we
We miserable men are adrift in peril, journey through the very Chaos of the Warp,
We cry to Thee for help, You shall be our shield and our protection
Save us, or we will perish. against corruption. Our faith shall keep us pure
We see how great and terrible Thou art, in Your Sight. In our comings and goings, we
We fear You and offer our awe, turn to You; for You stand in Judgement, that
We fear nought but Your wrath, the Corrupt shall fall into nothingness, and the
And beg a chance to prove ourselves, Righteous shall come home.
So let us not die in the tumultuous waves of
the Warp.

C. Litany of Warp Travel

(To be recited in warp transit)
Shield me from the maelstrom, prove this ship
worthy of protecting Your legions, who bring
Your light wherever they travel.

D. Litany of the Vacuum

(To be recited when in open space travel)
O most High and Holy Emperor,
I see Your light and feel Your presence,
Keep me safe from the void and the vacuum,
And see me home to the glory fields of war.

E. The High Gothic Litany

I. Oath to Obedience With every fibre of my soul,
(To be recited and repeated in times of I pledge my soul and my Faith,
weakness of spirit) To the Immortal Emperor,
I pledge my service to Thee, God-Emperor of Sheppard of Humanity.
Mankind. Do with me as You please, for my
faith is absolute. IX. Litany of Protection
(To be recited and repeated in times of
II. Oath of Allegiance peril)
I swear to remain steadfast and true in my Mighty Emperor, spread Your divine light to
loyalty, and may the darkness claim my soul if protect me from the darkness.
I prove unworthy.
X. Litany to Duty
III. Litany of War (To be recited when performing an arduous
(To be shouted before entering combat) task)
Emperor, bestow upon me Your righteous fury Give me the strength to carry my duty through,
and Your furious strength. Let me become the and smite those who seek to thwart me.
storm that blasts the enemy from Your sight.
XI. Ritual for Strength
IV. Oath to Vengeance (To be repeated while kneeling and making
(To be recited before entering combat) the sign of the Aquila)
I will destroy all who seek to destroy me. I feel my bones; the strength,
I feel my muscles; the strength,
V. Death Incantation I feel my soul; the strength,
I fear no evil, I fear no death, for the Emperor I feel the Emperor,
comes for me. Who grants me grace,
And by His will; strength.
VI. Fear Incantation
(To be recounted at any time) XII. Litany of Strength
Fear is nought, for my faith is strong. (To be recited when in times of frailty)
I am a man,
VII. Incantation against Bombardment Prone to weakness,
(To be recited when suffering artillery But I am a Guardsman,
assault) Where weakness is death,
Grant me stillness and serenity whilst my I will crush my weakness,
enemies pound and howl. With the weight of my pride.

VIII. Profession of Faith XIII. Incantation of Battle

(To be recounted at any time) (To be shouted and repeated during
With all my strength, combat)
Smite the foe! Smash the enemy! For the XIX. Prayer for Ignition
Emperor we bring death! (To be recited when priming an explosive
XIV. Incantation of the Deathbringer Spirit of fire,
(To be whispered inwardly before striking Prime this weapon,
to kill; the Assassin's Litany) And blast this foe
I have become death, destroyer of foes. From the Emperor's sight.

XV. Prayer of Invisibility XX. Blessing of the Bomb

(To be whispered when remaining hidden (To be recited when priming an explosive)
from the eyes of the enemy) You are a weapon of men,
I am the darkness that surrounds me, A bright, short light to blast the foe,
I am the air that surrounds me, When darkness descends.
I am the land that hides me, You are the bomb of men,
I wait to strike, To lift the foe from off their feet,
From the darkness, So they no longer profane the Emperor's soil.
I wait to kill,
From out of thin air, XXI. Litany of Smiting
I am invisible, (To be voiced before firing a projectile
And I am silent death. weapon and repeated until the missile finds
it target)
XVI. Litany of the Lasgun Holy Emperor, deliver us from the Darkness of
(To be recited before firing your weapon) the Void, guide my weapon in Your service.
Bringer of death, speak your name, for you are
my life and the foe's death. XXII. Prayer of Smiting
(To be used as an alternative to the Litany
XVII. Litany of Penetration of Smiting)
(To be recited when firing a weapon) Spirits in the Machine,
O Holy Emperor, hear my prayer, Reward my faith,
Guide this missile, hold it true, And smash my target.
Let it part their steel and weak armour,
And crack their cowardly skin, XXIII. Litany of Accuracy
And smite the foe from Your sight. (To be recited quietly, during the aim and
before taking the shot)
XVIII. Litany of True Striking Grant me the sight of the eagle, the calm of the
(To be recited when firing a projectile breeze, the patience of a saint and the skill to
weapon) smite the foe from afar.
Sweet Emperor, guide this missile into the
hearts of Your foe. XXIV. Ode to Timing
(To be recited before timing a shot, or the disruptive procedure on a mechanical
planting of a shot or the throwing of a device)
grenade) With your strength you protect me,
Great God-Emperor, With my care I repair you,
Watch over your servant, With sacred oil I appease you,
And bestow upon him the skill and patience, Be quiet, good spirits,
To time the moment, And accept my benediction.
And make the kill.
XXX. Litany of Completion
XXV. Chant of Accuracy (To be recited when assembling your
(To be recited before a killing action) lasgun)
God-Emperor, Spirits of the machine, accept my pleas,
Guide the flight, And walk amidst the gun, and fire it true.
Watch the target,
Take the unworthy's life. XXXI. The Litany of Loading
(To be recited when loading your weapon)
XXVI. Litany of Unjamming Machine Spirit, accept my gift,
(To be reciting when clearing a jammed Swallow the light, and spit out death.
Spirits of the Machine-God, aid your servant XXXII. Litany of Unloading
and free his weapon so he may use it to break (To be recited when unloading your
his foes. weapon)
Machine Spirit, forgive my actions,
XXVII. Litany of Cleanliness Soon you shall be whole again.
(To be recited when cleaning your lasgun)
Let my hand wipe the grime from your perfect XXXIII. Litany of Durability
form, (To be recited to your weapon before
May you purify with your bolts of light. combat ensues)
Machine Spirits,
XXVIII. Canticle of Appeasement In all your unknowable grace and wisdom,
(To be recited to the Machine Spirits when Grant my weapon durability,
stripping a weapon) So that it may serve me,
Be still spirits, As I serve you,
I do what I must, With faith, care, and servility.
Forgive the intrusion,
And give me your trust. XXXIV. Oath to Bring Quick Death to a
Fallen Comrade
XXIX. Catechism of the Machine (To be recited before administering the
(To be recited to the Machine Spirits, with Emperor's Mercy to a fallen comrade)
the utmost gravity, when performing a
Emperor, give me strength to carry out the with pure sight, and purge them with righteous
deed, and Brother, grant me forgiveness for fire.
what I am about to do. The end will be swift,
and the Eternal gates swinging wide for you. XLI. Litany of the Glorious Dead
Your duty is done, and I must now do mine. (To be recited over a dead soldier)
Emperor know him, feeble and mortal as he
XXXV. Incantation of the Maimed was, and take him to Your side to join the
I lost a limb, but gained faith. For I survived! Eternal vigilance.

XXXVI. Litany to Staunch a Wound XLII. Prayer to the Fallen

(To be recited and repeated when grievously Only in death does duty end; and now yours at
wounded) last has ended.
I pray to slow the blood and close the wound. Turn your gaze to the Holy Light of Terra; to
Him that sits on the Golden Throne.
XXXVII. Prayer of Relief from Torment To Him we all return in time.
(To be recited to/by a soldier in severe pain) Cast off the chains that bound you to this life;
Although my body is broken, both those you chose, and those that you did
Although my blood pours away, not.
Although my time may end, For a body may be chained, and a mind may
The Immortal Emperor will greet me, be enslaved to another’s will; but the soul
And embrace me with His holy aura, owes allegiance only to Him.
If only I remain constant to Him, Ave atque vale. Go now to Him; for He will
Through this time of torment. know your heart and judge you by it, however
ill-used you have been.
XXXVIII. Litany of Protection Ave Imperator; great is Your Grace and great
(To be recited when in great danger) is Your Mercy.
O Emperor of Mankind, Receive this soul with kindness, and accept
Send Your gaze to me with benevolence, them as Your own.
Watch over Your servant and soldier,
And protect me from peril. XLIII. Prayer for the Dead
We stand the last watch for our sibling
XXXIX. Litany of Forgiveness Who has fallen in His service.
(To be recited when near to death) Holy God-Emperor, we beg of thee
Sweet God-Emperor, forgive Your servant his Take this soul who has lived and died
sins, and remember I am just a man. righteously in fear and love of Thee
To Thy right hand where they may bask
XL. Litany Against the Mutant forever in Thy glory.
Emperor, let Your undeniable light burn on the We honour them and all who fall in Thy
misshapen and the twisted, so I can see them service.
And pray for Thy mercy for ourselves.
XLIV. Litany for the Dead Lead us from despair to hope, from faith to
We salute our sibling and see them shine in slaughter.
glory Lead us to His strength and an eternity of war.
Beckoning us ahead on the path of duty Let His wrath fill our hearts.
To where He awaits us. Death, war, and blood;
Their duty is done. In vengeance serve the Emperor and the
Ave Imperator! blessed saints!

XLV. The Final Rites XLVIII. Uphold the Honour of the Emperor
(To be administered to those whose purity is Trust in the Emperor at the hour of battle.
in doubt) Trust him to intercede, and protect his warriors
O Imperator, in nomine tuo, may these souls true as they deal death on alien soil.
sunk in sin be delivered to Your grace. Let Turn their seas red with the blood of the slain.
those who have fallen and faltered in Your Crush their hopes, their dreams
service be cleansed in Your burning flame, as And turn their songs into cries of lamentation.
Your wings shelter the just. Deus-Imperator,
qui vincit laruae omnes, eis miserere; Holy XLIX. Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch
Emperor, who conquers all creatures of evil, Smite now the scions of the Witch!
have mercy upon them. As we frail and sinful Grant us the strength to pierce their unclean
mortals may not presume to righteously judge flesh!
these souls, let their sins be revealed by Your To cover the fields with the pale form of the
Wisdom; and if their deaths cleanse and make blasphemous dead!
them worthy, gather them into Your light. The To drown the thunder of guns with the shriek
Emperor Protects! of their dying!
To lay waste to their citadels with hurricanes
XLVI. Ode to the Charge of fire!
(To be shouted and repeated when To wring the hearts of their kin with
advancing whilst firing your weapon) unavailing grief!
Emperor witness the light of my lasgun, and To send them into the waste of their desolate
let it guide us bright to victory! land in rags and hunger, broken in spirit, worn
with travail and begging for the refuge of the
(The following four litanies appear to have grave!
been adapted by a Preacher who met with We ask it, in the spirit of wrath, O Master of
the Angels of Death from their own Vows of Mankind!
L. Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The
XLVII. Suffer Not The Unclean To Live Odds
Lead us from death to victory, from falsehood O Emperor, in wrath rejoicing at bloody wars,
to truth. fierce and untamed,
Whose mighty power doth make the strongest And in my fist let it be the Righteous Light of
walls from their foundations shake. the Emperor;
All-conquering Master of Mankind, be pleased Swift to cut through the Darkness
with this war's tumultuous roar. In His name.
Delight in swords and fists red with alien
blood, and the dire ruins of savage battle. LVI. Litany of the Hallowed Flames
Rejoice in furious challenge, and avenging (To be recited whilst operating a flamer
strife, whose works with woe embitter human weapon)
life! Blessed are you,
Who burns the mutant!
LI. Chant for the Prevention of Malfunction Blessed are you,
May your weapon be guarded against Who burns the heretic!
malfunction, Blessed are you,
As your soul is guarded from impurity. Who burns the traitor!
The Machine God watches over you.
Unleash the weapons of war. LVII. Prayer for the Prevention of
Unleash the Deathdealer. Misfortune
(To be recited whilst undertaking
LII. The Litany of Ignition enterprises unlikely to succeed without
The soul of the Machine God surrounds thee. Him)
The power of the Machine God invests thee. Stars of the Imperium
The hate of the Machine God drives thee. Light my way that the darkness of uncertainty
The Machine God endows thee with life. might be banished.
Live! Saints of the Imperium
Inspire my deeds that the frailties of my
LIII. The Hymn of Reforging mortality might be overcome.
Thus do we invoke the Machine God. Machine Spirits
Thus do we make whole that which was Betray me not.
sundered. Allies at my side
Betray me not.
LIV. Litany of Keening Emperor guide me. Emperor guide me.
(To be recited whilst honing the edge of a
blade) LVIII. Basic Abjuration
Find your strength and be renewed, In the name of the God-Emperor, Them-On-
For you are the doom-bringing steel of the Terra, I command you begone from this place,
Imperium. for there is no welcome for you here.
In the name of the God-Emperor, the Holy
LV. Prayer of the Swordmasters Truth, I command you to cease your iniquity,
(To be recited before drawing a sword) for the Truth of the Imperium shall cast out all
May this weapon rise, falsehoods.
In the name of the God-Emperor, the Light of death brings glory to Terra. Thus we
Humanity, I command you to shrink and hate for Terra.
shrivel from the Name, for the Emperor’s 4. Hate the Traitor. The Traitor is
Light casts out all shadows. damned, for they have betrayed their
In the name of the God-Emperor, Them-On- humanity. The traitor is reviled, for
Terra, the Holy Truth, the Light of Humanity, I they have turned against their faith.
command you begone from this place. I abjure The cause of treason is irrelevant. The
you! I abjure you! Thrice I abjure you: means of treason is irrelevant. The
Begone! Traitor is pursued, for their very
existence is anathema. Thus we hate
LIX. Cleansing for Terra.
Let the holy flames of the Golden Throne visit
and scourge this place. Let the righteousness of LXI. Blessing for those Undertaking
the God-Emperor reflect and purify this Arduous Duties
ground; let no evildoers step within. Let the O Holy Emperor, watch over your servants.
Emperor’s Light and the shelter of His Wings The path of the faithful is not easy, yet in Your
inhabit and elevate this place, and let it be a name it must be walked; the burdens of service
beacon unto the faithful. are not light, yet in Your name shall they be
borne. Be Thou the star in our darkness; the
LX. Catechisms of Hate light that shows truth and the beacon of home.
1. Hate the Xenos. The Xenos is Be Thou the guide and the guardian; the
wretched. The Xenos longs to debase scourge and the saviour. For in Your Name,
humankind. Better a thousand die what must be done, shall be done.
than the seed of alien-worship corrupt
a million. Thus we hate for Terra. LXII. Blessing for Food
2. Hate the Mutant. The Mutant is the O Holy Emperor, we draw our strength from
offspring of Humanity, but they are a that which we consume in Thy blessed Name;
beast. The Mutant’s desires may be as we draw strength from the salvation of Thy
pure, but their body can never be cleansing flame. Purify Thou that which
pure. Humankind will not be pure sustains us with the Glory of Thy Holy Light.
until the last is dead. Thus we hate for Scourge it of all taint, cleanse it of all
Terra. contamination; let it be neither despoiled nor
3. Hate the Heretic. The Heretic is more decayed. For we, Your instruments, are weak
vile than either Mutant or Xenos, for flesh, but Your Throne is Eternal.
they had a choice. They had a choice,
and they chose the way of damnation. LXIII. Blessing for Good News
Even the suspicion of heresy is cause Glory be to the God-Emperor, for the
enough to kill. A martyr’s death Righteous shall have their reward. All praise to
brings glory to Terra. A heretic’s the Throne of Terra, for the Faithful shall see
their triumph. Blessed by this day of days, for
there are marvels in the land, and the marvels
are His Signs. For in His Sight all promises are
kept, all transgressions are punished, and all
faithful souls find Glory in His Name. Glory
be the Emperor; it is right and just that we
should praise Him, for all that is good comes
through His Will.
CONFESSIONS Your judgement. Look not unkindly on our
a. Opening frailties, for despite them we are Yours; with
We speak sub rosa; may my eyes and ears be every temptation rejected and every sin
His, and may my tongue speak only as He repented of and set aside, we come closer to
wills. Child of the Creed, speak thou and be Your perfection.
heard, for He is with us. Hear me then now, Father of Mankind; I say to
Imperator miserere, for I have sinned; I come You, this soul is Yours, Your servant and Your
before you as a penitent. child. Their tribulations have been many and
Penitent, I sit before you as a candle. That light their sufferings been great, yet though the
that burns before you is Their light, and you sit Enemy sets thorns and snares about their path,
with Them. The Emperor loves you, sinner, as they walk it yet towards Your light. Grant
They love all humanity. Speak your sin, that it them Thy mercy and forgiveness, Lord of All,
might burn with Their fire. accept them as Your own, recognise them as
Your servant in the living world today; and in
b. The First Absolution the hour of their death, O Lord, call them
We live only at His sufferance; to whom can home to Your side.
we reach for guidance? Only to you, O Hear me, Child of the Creed: walk in His light.
Emperor, who are justly angry at our failings. Go forth with heart uplifted and do His work,
Shut not your ears to our prayers, but spare us; for He is with you as He is with all mankind.
turn not your gaze from our suffering, but Fear not to die, for He awaits thy soul; fear not
forgive us; where our human failings cause us to live, for He has work for thee.
to fall short of our duty, grant Thy strength to
lead us to Your light.
Child of the Creed, of the Imperium of
Humanity, hear me; your sins are confessed,
your repentance is sincere, your penance has
been mighty and heartfelt. In the midst of all
our darkness, there is light; for He is our
beacon in the night. His grace, our strength and
our salvation; His mercy, our forgiveness and
salvation; His truth, our blessing and our path.
Though you have erred, to Him you have
Igitur ab vitiis tuis te abluo, in nomine
Imperatoris et imperio ipsius.

c. The Second Absolution

Hear me, O Emperor; before You we lay our
naked souls, our hopes and fears and sins, in
the hope of Your mercy and the certainty of
1. A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of 15. Blind faith is a just cause
16. Burn the Heretic! Kill the Mutant! Purge
2. A questioning servant is more dangerous the Unclean!
than an ignorant heretic
17. Burn the Unclean with the fires of Purity
3. A single thought of heresy can blight a
lifetime of faithful duty 18. Carry the Emperor's will as your torch,
with it destroy the shadows
4. A small mind is easily filled with faith
19. Cast out the mutant, the traitor, the heretic.
5. A weapon cannot substitute for zeal For every enemy without there are a hundred
6. Abhor the Night, it is the Light that
Endures! 20. Cease and Repent!

7. Adamantium walls and plasteel bulkheads 21. Courage is the Emperor's gift; repay him
may seem formidable, but an unshakable faith with victory
in the Immortal Emperor of Man can
overcome any barriers 22. Damnation is eternal

8. All Daemons are Falsehood. They are lies 23. Death is the servant of the righteous
given shape by the fell power of Chaos
24. Defile the mutant
9. All hail the martyrs! On their blood is our
Imperium founded, in their remembrance do 25. Do not question the Will of the Emperor!
we honour ourselves
26. Doubt is a sign of weakness
10. All souls cry out for salvation
27. Enlightenment is a myth we do not need to
11. An alien mind cannot accept the Emperor's understand in order to hate
28. Even a man who has nothing can still offer
12. Be Pure his life

13. Better crippled in body than corrupt in 29. Exist for the Emperor
30. Faith grows from the barrel of a gun
14. Blessed is the mind too small for doubt
31. Faith. Honour. Vigilance 49. Know the mutant; kill the mutant

32. Faith in the Emperor is its own reward 50. Know your duty!

33. Faith is the strongest shield 51. Labour long in His sight!

34. Faith without deeds is worthless 52. Let faith protect your mind and metal your
35. Fear not death, for the soul of the faithful
man never dies 53. Let your soul be armoured with Faith,
driven on the tracks of Obedience which
36. Forgiveness is a sign of weakness overcome all obstacles, and armed with the
three great guns of Zeal, Duty and Purity
37. Glory in death is life eternal
54. Life is the Emperor's currency, spend it
38. Hate enriches well

39. He bears the weight of Mankind's ills 55. Look to your wargear

40. Heresy grows from idleness 56. Mankind stands on the shoulders of the
41. Heresy must be met with hatred
57. My armour is contempt
42. His will be done
58. Never forget, never forgive
43. If a man dies that another should live, that
man's spirit shall eat at the Emperor's table 59. No army is big enough to conquer the
galaxy. But faith alone can overturn the
44. Ignorance is your best defence universe

45. In the darkest of moments, the emperor's 60. No man died in the Emperor's service that
light shines brightest died in vain

46. Innocence Proves Nothing 61. No pity! No remorse! No fear!

47. It is better to die for the Emperor than to 62. Nothing can hide from the wrath of the
live for yourself Emperor!

48. It is not the Horror of War that troubles me 63. Only in death does duty end
but the Unseen Horror of Peace
64. Peace is Hell 81. The Emperor knows, the Emperor is
65. Place your trust in the Emperor's steel
82. The Emperor's judgement is a blessing for
66. Prayer cleanses the soul, but pain cleanses the Faithful
the body
83. The guilt of heresy weighs heavy on the
67. Pure in body, pure in heart soul

68. Purge the Unclean 84. The man who has nothing can still have
69. Reason begets Doubt; Doubt begets Heresy
85. The strength of Humanity is the Emperor
70. Reason is the cloak of traitors
86. There is no cowardice in faith
71. Seek no reward but the satisfaction of your
Master 87. There is only the Emperor, and he is our
shield and protector
72. Serve the Emperor today - tomorrow you
may be dead 88. Thought begets Heresy; Heresy begets
73. Sins hidden in the heart turn all into decay
89. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the
74. Step not from the path of the Emperor Emperor

75. The blood of martyrs is the seed of the 90. Vengeance is your sword. Hatred is your
Imperium shield. Loyalty is your armour

76. The cosmos cries out for salvation 91. Victory needs no explanation; defeat
allows none
77. The difference between treachery and
heresy is ignorance 92. We are all weapons in the hand of the
78. The Emperor ask only that you obey
93. We shall carry our word, we will correct
79. The Emperor bestows upon us the gift of and unify, Hail the Emperor!
94. Without Him there is nothing
80. The Emperor commands; we act
95. Work earns salvation
96. You are either for the Emperor or you are
his bitterest foe

97. You are not required to think, only act

98. Your freedom must be bought in the

currency of toil, tears and blood; a price all
men can pay

99. Your honour is your life. Let none dispute


100. Zeal is its own excuse

13. Carlemine
1. Agamemnon the Just Who brings the dead to rest on Solo-Bastón
Who did smite the daemon as His Inquisitor
14. Celestine, the Heiromartyr
2. Anais Living Saint of the Martyred Lady
A Battle Sister who did render her kin of the
Sacred Rose beyond harm 15. Cognatius
Who converted many worlds
3. Arabella the Liberator
Who met with the Emperor, and for whom the 16. Constantine of Alamar
Sacred Rose blooms Who bestowed many relics

4. Aret the Lethecant 17. Corvus of Sabine

Patron of that which should not be
remembered 18. Crassus
Who fought beside the Lord Solar Macharius
5. Ariette the Shining Saint
19. Cyprian the Esoteric
6. Artimann Who did REDACTED in His name
A Battle Sister who bore His Marque and did
spread His light. 20. Decessio

7. Asceline 21. De Haan

A Famulous Sister, and patron of Explorers Who did cleanse His worlds and be martyred
in His name as His Inquisitor
8. Aspira
Battle Sister of the Bloody Rose, who did 22. Dolan Chirosius, the Great Confessor
liberate a hundred worlds Who led to the destruction of the False Saint
9. Avitohol
23. Alicia Dominica
10. Belcantos, the Singing Saint Patron of the Sisterhood, who met with the
Who did turn back the Darkness with only a Emperor, executed the High Lord Vandire, and
hymn to the Emperor from whom the Ebon Chalice is filled

11. Brannicus 24. Drusus the Warrior

Who beat to death a hundred sinners with his Hero of the Angevin Crusade, who was
own severed leg resurrected by His Grace
25. Dufaux 37. Harmon

26. Elana the Unshaken 38. Ikythule

Who broke a daemon with the light of the
Emperor within her as she was consumed 39. Jason of Huale
Who bore the Axe of Chalcydon
27. Emelia
With whose words His servants are taught 40. Jerome the Pure
Who was martyred
28. Emiline
Who gave her life to recapture the world of 41. Jerido
Emiline's Hope, renamed for her
42. Josina
29. Eugenious the Incandescent
Whose words bear such passion that to recite 43. Josline Thallon
them is to burn the tongues of the lesser Who did battle against the witches of the Eldar

30. Euphrica 44. Josmane

Who did banish a daemon who would have
destroyed a ship of His pilgrims 45. Kadmon

31. Evisser 46. Katherine, the Shield Bearer

Who did bring a frontier to His light Who met with the Emperor, whose Fiery Heart
burns bright
32. Ezra
Patron of setting forth 47. Euphrati Keeler
The First Saint
33. Galantain
48. Kidorus
34. Gerstahl Who fought beside Saint Sabbat as her general
Who will return when the Eye of Darkness
opens for the last time 49. Kozak

35. Gherick the Confessor 50. Khan-hattilik of Korimesta

His Cardinal
51. Lacena
36. Hakkor the Thrice-Burned
Who did survive the pyres through His 52. Lacanithrus the Moral
Who banished the ghosts of the impious upon
Nova Arras 67. Orlanda

53. Leona the Lion 68. Phistinius

Who fought with great fury in the armies of
the Emperor 69. Ollanius Pius
Patron of the Imperial Guard, who died to save
54. Leonidas of Persephon the Emperor's life

55. Leonis the Blind 70. Praxedes of Ophelia VII

A Battle Sister who was martyred turning back
56. Lucan the Luminous the Tyranid menace
Known as the Pyromartyr
71. Praxides the Warrior Saint
57. Lucia
Who met with the Emperor, and who 72. Precessor the Endless
possessed a Valorous Heart Whose immense faith was matched only by his
impressive size
58. Lucius of Agatha
73. Quivvar Nog of Fedrid
59. Macharius Who, despite primitive birth, fought to return a
The Lord Solar, who fought for the Emperor world to His fold
and conquered many new worlds
74. Rybel Gorth the Watcher in the Dark
60. Marduk A psyker, who saved knowledge from being
cast into the Warp
61. Menazzer
75. Sabbat
62. Meligius Who crusaded against the Darkness and
Patron of groundcars and autohansoms brought worlds into His fold before suffering
the Nine Holy Wounds
63. Mina
Who met with the Emperor, and for whom the 76. Scythus
Bloody Rose blooms
77. Silvana
64. Munsell Who met with the Emperor, and who was
wrapped in an Argent Shroud
65. Nafisa the Martyr
78. Talon
66. Olion
79. Tarius

80. Sebastian Thor

Who restored His rightful rule to Terra and
who reformed His Church

81. Tomasi

82. Ugg
Patron of Abhumans and Boots

83. Ulantix

84. Uther the Cataplast

Who suffered 99 wounds

85. Valerius
Who converted the Askellon Sector to His

86. Verevya

87. Yamalla

88. Yuri
Patron of Voidsmen

89. Zadori, the Green Lady

QUOTATIONS AND TRACTS 7. "I tread the path of Righteousness. Though it
be paved with broken glass, I will walk it
1. "When the people forgot their duty they are barefoot; though it cross rivers of fire, I will
no longer human and become something less pass over them; though it wanders wide, the
than beasts. They have no place in the bosom light of the Emperor guides my step."
of Humanity nor in the heart of the Emperor. -from "Sermon on the Road to Golgotha"
Let them die and be forgotten." by Dolan Chirosius
-Prime Edicts of the Holy Synod of the
Adeptus Ministorum 8. "What a tragedy that so many millions of
true men should have died under the evil eye
2. "We serve the Emperor with our faith and of that cruel regime. To the Adepts of Earth it
devotion, and with faith there must also must have seemed that the Emperor has
sometimes come sacrifice." deserted them and the end had finally come.
-Adepta Sororitas Oath The screams of the innocent rent the night as
men were dragged from sleep and taken into
3. "Anything shy of the perfection of duty is the pits of the Assassins.
negligence towards the Emperor. To neglect The Adeptus Astartes held aloof and looked to
the will of the Emperor is to invite slothfulness their own councils, unsure what course history
into your soul. It is the first step towards would take. Even the Tech-Priests turned away
damnation." from the High Lords. The damned Purge of
-Cardinal Avanti Vandire divided man from man and tore at the
Imperium like a wounded beast that claws its
4. "The Heretic and Blasphemer can offer no own vitals in its agony. What hope was there
excuse for their crimes. Those who are left for men bereft on the Emperor's love. Yet
pardoned merely live to further shroud of all the men of Earth at least one servant had
Humanity from the Light of the Emperor with the faith to say In The Emperor's Name
the Darkness of their souls." Enough!
-from the Sermons of Cardinal Beneficta That man was Sebastian Thor."

5. "The glory we gain blinds us first with its 9. "One man can start a landslide with the
lustre." casting of a single pebble."
-from "Paths to Damnation" by -from "Age of Apostasy" by Ecclesiarch
Redemptionist theologian Caddaway Deacis IX

6. "I am not asking for blood. I can take your 10. "I long for death, not because I seek peace,
blood. but because I seek the war eternal."
I am asking for souls. Only you can give me -from "Reflections on the Long Death" by
your souls." Cardinal Armandus Helfire
11. "The Daemonic leads to two crimes. You every fallen soul loyal to the Throne, there
turn away from the path of righteousness. And would not be enough."
you abandon the Emperor as the object of your -from "Biographica Hagia" by Saint Sabbat
devotion. For the first, death is merely a just
retribution. The second is a heresy so terrible 17. "Betwixt the wash of the river and the waft
that no punishment can be sufficient. Yet the of the wind, let my sins be transfigured to
search for an appropriate penalty continues, virtues."
and it shall be found." -from "Catechism of Hagia, Book I,
-Malleus Daemonicus, The Declaration of Chapter 3, Verse XXXII
Ecclesiarch Issus XLVII
18. "As I have been called to the holy work, so
12. "Death in service to the Emperor is its own I will call others to me."
reward. Life in failure to Him is its own
condemnation." 19. "There are no miracles. There are only
-Epistles (Verse 93) by Uriah Jacobus men."

13. "A Heretic may see the truth and seek 20. "That which was will be.
redemption. He may be forgiven his past and That which dieth will live. That which falleth
will be absolved in death. A Traitor can never will rise up. 
be forgiven. A Traitor will never find peace in This, I say to you, is the nature of things, if
this world or the next. There is nothing as you but once believe."
wretched or as hated in all the world as a
Traitor." 21. "Where there is an enemy, rage!
-Cardinal Khrysdam Where there is a victory, rejoice!"
-from "Epistles" by Saint Sabbat
14. "When it was over, when the blood had
dried and the fires had died down, then we 22. " Lay a fire within your soul and another
found we were the same as we had always between your hands, and let both be your
been - small and terrified human beings, with weapons.
only the light of the Emperor to see by in this For one is faith and the other is victory and
dark galaxy of sin." neither may ever be put out."
-from "Notes on Martyrdom" by Saint -from "Lessons" by Saint Sabbat
Praxides of Ophelia VI
23. "If the road is easy, the destination is
15. "Do not shirk! Do not falter! worthless."
Give them death in the name of Sabbat!"
-Saint Sabbat 24. "Let the sky welcome you, for therein
dwells the Emperor and his saints."
16. "Though my tears be as many as the spots -from "Proverbs" by Saint Sabbat
of rain Falling in the Hagian woods, one for
25. "A single man with faith can triumph over 34. "Since the Emperor suffers to shield us, it
a legion of the faithless. Untold billions of the is a blessing to suffer for Him in return."
faithful can never be opposed." -from the "Catechism of Leadership"
-Sermons, Volume XI, Chapter IV
35. "No world shall be beyond my rule; no
26. "The Emperor is our Father and our enemy shall be beyond my wrath."
Guardian, but we must also guard the -The God-Emperor
-Sermons, Volume XIV, Chapter I 36. “The Emperor Condemns”
-The Lethean Revelation
27. "I will steal from the plate of decadence to
feed the mouths of the powerless."
-Sermons, Volume XIV, Chapter XXXVIII

28. "A war waged by committee is a war

already lost."
-Sermons, Volume XV, Chapter DIV

29. "The strength of the Emperor is Humanity,

and the strength of Humanity is the Emperor.
If one turns from the other we shall all become
the Lost and the Damned."
-Sermons, Volume XXVII, Chapter LXII
Sebastian Thor

30. "I am Death, come for thee"

-Sermons, Volume XL, Chapter IX

31. "None so blind as a wrathful man"

-Sermons, Volume CI, Chapter XXVIII

32. "Though the darkness will be rent by noise

and flame. Let not men's souls be broken in the
crucible of war."
-Preacher Veltros Theodorus

33. "Fortune deliver you by the nine holy

-Traditional Ayatani Blessing

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