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Question 1: Evaluate the brand elements of SHEBA XYZ.

Recommend if you
suggest some modifications or changes. If you want to change or modify any
elements, mention why you would like to do that. Justify your answer.

A company’s brand is defined as a name, sign, term, slogan or a combination of them by which
the buyer or seller intended to identify the goods or services of that company and to differentiate
them from other competitors. The company can build its branding equity by adding value on its
products or services by which it able to feel the consumers what they think, feel about the
product and brand. When the brand equity is created based on consumer response or knowledge
and make awareness to the consumer of that brand and is referred to as customer-based brand
equity. Here, Sheba.XYZ able to create a successful positive customer-based brand equity as
consumers react more favorably and positively to their services and give them the 5-star rating.

A brand might have a multiple element such as

 Names,
 symbol,
 slogans,
 URL’s,
 jingles etc.

It varies companies to companies on choosing the brand elements. However, every marketer
should choose their brand element carefully and select the unique brand element so that the
products or services of that brand can differentiate itself from other competitors and also
provides knowledge to the consumer about the brand. This knowledge consists of thoughts,
feelings, experiences, beliefs that associated with the brand.

Here Sheba.XYZ choose their brand element very uniquely and they are following below:

Brand Name:

The company chose its brand name as “Sheba” which refers to “Service for you”. It was their
first priority to ensure high quality service for the people who seeks service on online. Platform.
While XYZ defines this startup, business is a complete solution which means one is always
ready to resolve all the problems that one face in terms of service.

The Logo of Sheba.XYZ is a four-value shaped box that represents the people serving with
types of values – people, experiences, stories and love.


URL (Uniform resource locator) termed as a web address that identifies its location on a
computer network and a procedure for recovering it. Sheba has its own domain names named
www.Sheba.XYZ.com. It results in customer can visit their personal website and easily ordered
for any preferable service by contacting them.

This are the three typical brand elements of sheba.XYZ. Apart from these three elements and
there are other elements that I suggested for Sheba.XYZ which are very important for them to
build brand equity and gain strong position in the market.
Slogan is very much important; it represent a company or a product. As sheba.xyz represents a
service-oriented company. So, the slogan of it should include the term service. Their slogan
should be like:

If you need Sheba, just click sheba.xyz

In Bangladesh we mention services as Sheba.

Sheba can include jingles in their brand, so that the brand can get more strong identity. In the
Sheba website they can include soft unique slow music. So that a customer when enters into their
website they can hear the sound for few seconds. The music will later create a strong brand
identity for sheba.xyz.

Most of renowned brand have characters such as KFC, DISNEY etc. Characters helps a brand to
make itself unique and to connect with the customers emotionally. Sheba.xyz does not have any
character so I suggest that they should include a cartoon character. It gives them more
uniqueness and also help to make more exposure. We created a cartoon

For example, they can include cartoon like Sheba man that will provides services to the people to
make their life easy. Whenever, people will see the Sheba man they will easily recall the
sheba.xyz. we also put Sheba’s logo on the heart of Sheba man.
Question 2: Identify the 3 non-customer tiers and develop the ERRC grid to
innovate customer value to attract them. Do you think creating an
uncontested marketplace will be a good idea for your organization? Give your
rationale for your argument.

Ans: In order to create a blue ocean, shift the industry will have to generate new demand for
their non customers rather than fighting for existing customers. Non-customers refer to the
buyers who don’t the industry’s offering such as product and services yet. This is the first step in
the blue ocean shift process. To implement blue ocean strategy, Sheba.XYZ at first must identify
their non-customers and transform them into new customers. Generally, there are 3 types of non-
customer tiers exist in the blue ocean strategy and they are explained below:

 Tier 1: Tier 1 non customers are defined as “soon to be” non-customers and who are the
closest to the market. It means they are the buyer who purchase industry’s offering on a
very little amount out of necessity but ultimately, they are not the potential customer of
the industry. So, although many people use Sheba.XYZ’s services only at the time of
their need but when they find something different or superior in the sheba.xyz’s market
offerings as soon as they switch to the market. The customers who are increasingly
purchase goods and services from online and buy services from Sheba.xyz only on
occasion they are the tier-1 non-customers of Sheba. By identifying and understanding
the common needs of these first-tier noncustomers, Sheba.XYZ should offer them the
compelling alternative to attract them.

 Tier 2: This type of customers who refuse to use Sheba.XYZ’s offerings. It means they
are refusing noncustomers. To fulfill the demand of these type of non-customers may
have seen the Sheba’s offering as an option but actually refuse to purchase it. A Non-
customer of this may compare Sheba.XYZ’s offering with another online market’s
offering, measure the pros and cons of each. Sheba’s biggest competitors for the grocery
are SSG (super star group), Daraz, Bideshishop, pochondoshop etc. Buyers who stick to
these online shops because of their responsiveness, reliability, and ubiquitous services
around the whole country which Sheba.XYZ couldn’t provide although they have
considered Sheba.XYZ but later do not participate. Again, non-customer who prefer to
go shopping and take any home service directly instead of online service they are also
the tier 2 non customer of Sheba.XYZ. We know that Sheba has beauty care for women,
car repair option. However, tier 2 refuse these facilities of Sheba and take serve directly
from women beauty parlor (lucy, dream beauty parlor, perfect beauty parlor, persona)
and for car repair and maintenance they use car maintenance garage.

 Tier 3: This include the unexplored non-customers who is the furthest away from the
market and have never even considered the sheba.XYZ’s offering as an option.
Generally, these non-customers have never been considered as a potential buyer by any
player in the industry. The reason may be their needs have always been associated with
other markets. Third tier customers of sheba.XYZ should be are unaware of the range of
the services on offer at sheba.xyz. and also, who never experienced online home service
platform at all. Many corporate men don’t have enough time to go parlor and take care of
their body, men using salon are also our tier 3 non customers. As we know that online
shopping and service platform does not target the blue-collar workers, and they are not
also the customers of the Sheba. Children group are not also the customer of Sheba as
Sheba did not have any direct facilities for them. However, Sheba operate in Chittagong
but the presence of it is not up to the mark. Many customers of Chittagong don’t even
hear about Sheba. The person who use personal cars are also the tier 3 customer for the
car rental facility of Sheba.


The ERRC grid is a valuable resource for any startup or organization seeking to find potential
markets, potential products or services to be provided or a business model to differentiate it from
the competition. It enables the identification of the following elements that a business should be
working on to make competition irrelevant.
Eliminate Raise

 Car rental service  Variety of Grocery item

 Painting and renovation service  Features in female Saloon
 Training and Development
Reduce Create

 Customer acquisition and retention  Supply of Human resource

cost  Online saloon service for men
 Labor recruiting and retention cost  Bring new model cars for rent


Firstly, sheba.XYZ should eliminate its existing model of car rental service. As there are already
many cars rental service existed in the industry, like Uber, Pathao, A-car rental service etc. So
the customers find more reliable and trust issues in choosing the Sheba’s car rental services. It
creates burden for them and also increases the cost of the company. Sheba.xyz can also eliminate
their online painting and renovation service because in terms of painting and renovation
consumers prefer direct service rather than online such as P2P, Berger, and Elite Paint is the
long-term competitors in this industry. So there is a little room for the renovation feature of
Sheba and also current car rental model will not be able to stay in the competition.

Sheba.XYZ can reduce its customer acquisition and retention costs as it has negative impact on a
company’s profitability. By delivering high quality services it can reduces their advertising cost
and create positive word of mouth. Positive word of mouth has a positive impact on a small
market like Bangladesh because here people buy services based on recommendation. Sheba.XYZ
can also reduce their labor cost by paying workers on daily or hour basis rather than keeping the
worker permanently. Basically, Sheba can make contract with the good technicians who repair
electronic machines. So, if Sheba have Oder for maintenance, they can pass it to the contract
holding technicians and gets commission both from technicians and the customer without having
labor cost.


As the grocery item is very limited in the Sheba, they should bring variety of items so that
customers can fulfill their every need at any time. The company can also increase the features in
women saloon facilities such as provide women the party makeup service at home. In order to
serve high quality service, Sheba should provide training and development program to make
employees more skillful. They also can include the online pharmacy with delivery system in
their health service category where the competition is still completely irrelevant.


Sheba.XYZ can create a supply of human resource platform to make the blue-collar workers as a
potential customer of sheba.XYZ software. Blue collar workers are unexplored worker in the
market. Moreover, Sheba can also create an online saloon service platform for men as they
discover very rare time to go saloon and take of their body because of their heavy workload.
Online parlor service for men is one of the uncontested services in the market. In this destructive
competition of car rental service sheba.xyz can bring new model cars rental service that will
attract customers and rent the cars at a reasonable price. In this car rental sector, anyone can rent
their car directly to the website.
Value Innovation:

Value innovation is the method that the sheba.XYZ innovate them by making low cost and
differentiation from other competitors, creating a leap in value for both buyers and the company.
First of all, Sheba.XYZ can offer the customer self- driving car rental system which is totally
unique and new in the industry instead of Car rental services. By offering self-driving system
they will able to pull the customer from car rental service market such as pathao, uber etc. In
India this type of rental service is provided by a company named ZoomCar give car who love
self-driving for whole day and it has gained so much popularity in India. So, as it is completely
new in Bangladesh this also has gained popularity among the teenagers. Basically, it will attract
the customer who want to drive by self, want privacy during drive and want to go on a long
drive. This will attract many corporates personalities who have to use rent cars for a long day.
Many do not want to ride car with a driver like the pathao, uber system. So, this self-driving
lover people is the big unexplored market in the industry and sheba.XYZ should target them
which will bring long term benefit in future for the company. One of the other sides of the car
rental new model is that, in the website anyone can rent their car and do not have to provide the
driver with the car. Sheba’s personal employee will do the all the other necessary things. So,
anyone who has car can earn money without doing anything. However, in case of uber or pathao
you have to provide driver or have to drive the customer by yourself to earn. Self-drive car
means low cost, so anyone can rent the car with low cost. Another unexplored market that Sheba
can target is the supply of human resource service at home like the bachelor people who faces
difficulty on cooking Sheba can provide them good cook at a cheap rate. They can also provide
the emergency driver to the customer like who have the car but don’t have the driver at the time
of their need. By using the human resource section of Sheba app customer can call for
emergency driver, watchman. Sheba.XYZ can also target aged people and kids. Aged people
who suffers from illness need 24/7 hours look after service. Sheba human resource supply
section includes the nurse for old and nanny for the kids. Nowadays, people face much difficulty
in terms of driver, watchman cook and nanny so by targeting this market Sheba can pull many
customers and also attract the blue-collar workers because it provides them job as well as
earning. They can find the job by using Sheba application and looking for favorable job. Many
busy corporate persons in Dhaka and Chittagong didn’t have enough time to go men parlor and
take care of their bodies so sheba.XYZ can target the male zone and provide men saloon and
parlor service at home. Sheba will not face difficulties in the online salon as they already have
the online salon facility for women.

Reason behind creating uncontested market:

Creating an uncontested market place will be a good idea for the Sheba.zyz. As the online
platform is getting more crowdy and competitive, the long-term feasibility is the key to success.
If Sheba wants to increase its market share, it has to attract those three tiers of noncustomers.
Now a days there are different online platform for every sector, so competitive advantage can be
gain by providing an online service platform which has more unique feature and cover every
type of customers. By this other online service platform will be considered irrelevant.

 House Cleaning feature of Sheba is unique but their grocery section so not
unique. But modifying the grocery section will attract the customers who are also
taking the house cleaning service. The combination of house cleaning and house
grocery make a common platform for people, so people will get every kind of
service form one common platform. These makes it unique.
 Sheba can not compete with uber, pathao etc. by their existing car rental model.
So, the new car rental model can gain profit as it is unique and there is no
 Sheba have beauty salon for women. If they create the same facility for men there
will be more customer. I think they can get more corporate personalities in their
customer list. More customers mean more profit.
 There is online platform for pharmacy but Sheba can be a unique player if it
includes online pharmacy into their health care section. As customer wants
everything under one roof.
 The human resource supply section will attract the very potential customer
section. The blue-collar workers are huge in number so by giving them a
platform, Sheba can turn them into their customer and also can provide great
variety of services to different customer.
Most of the company gets successful by planning for the future, so Sheba also has to do it. Value
innovation will give them new strong image, more customers, and the competition form single
online platform will be irrelevant. When there will be more customer the high value can be
provided at low cost. So, I think the value innovation should be developed by Sheba.

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