Bypass Form Fill Up Instruction

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=Enter Sheet no. (e.g.

: 1, 2, 3, etc)
= Due to which department’s problem bypass to be done. (e.g.: Mech., Elec., Oper.)

=Complete detail of interlock or protection for particular equipment to be bypassed. (e.g.: 4 no pull cord
of BC 14 on the left side is bypassed due to sensor is not working properly)
= Discuss with operation in charge whether it effect process or equipment only
=Sign of S. K. Tripathy sir only

=Complete reason for bypassing interlock or protection for particular equipment. (e.g.: Bypassed due to
sensor is not working properly)
= Mention expected date for restoring bypass
= e.g. If pull cord is bypassed then is there any other emergency
protection in line or not
= Write name of the incharge of that dept. with whom problem is related
= Signature of the in charge of that dept. with whom problem is related

= Due to which department’s problem bypass to be done. (e.g.: Mech., Elec., Oper.)

= Operation shift in charge

= Any technical detail as per electrical department

= Electrical shift in charge

= Signature of the in charge of that dept. with whom problem is related

= Electrical shift in charge

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