The Impact of Big Data Analytics On The Banking Industry: July 2015
The Impact of Big Data Analytics On The Banking Industry: July 2015
The Impact of Big Data Analytics On The Banking Industry: July 2015
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1 author:
Moody Amakobe
Colorado Technical University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Moody Amakobe on 26 July 2015.
1. Introduction
availability of data, both structured and un- and unstructured data feeds from ex-
structured. According to Dewey (2014) big data ternal sources.
refers to a technological phenomenon which Neef (2010) states that the ability to apply so-
arose in the mid-1980s due to the improvement phisticated algorithms and powerful computers
of computers, growing storage and processing to large data sets, revealing correlations and
capacities. These have provided new and im- insights previously inaccessible through conven-
proved ways of sifting through the infinite tional data warehousing or BI tools, makes big
quantities of data available. The author adds data different from just "more data".
that big data is in-field shorthand that refers to
the sheer mass of data produced on a daily ba- What is Big Data Analytics?
sis within global networks at a pace exceeding According to a new study by Accenture
the capacity of current databases. Pence (2014) and GE (2015) executives across different sec-
described big data not only by the amount of tors are seeing the enormous potential offered
information but also its variety and complexity by a combination of big data analytics and the
as well as the speed by which the data has to be internet of things. The survey revealed a grow-
analyzed or delivered. Ingram Micro Advisor ing urgency within organizations to adopt big
(n.d.) distinguishes big data from congenital data analytics in order to advance their indus-
data with its three Vs, namely: trial internet strategy. A TDWI survey (2011)
Volume: The quantity of analyzed data showed that 38% of organizations reported
exceeds the capability of conventional practicing advanced analytics while 85% said
analytics and statistical modeling tools. they would be practicing within three years.
Analysis of big data scales to handle TDWI research (2011) adds that the rush to big
petabytes and has the possibility to data analytics is due to changes in the business
handle larger volumes. Pence (2014) environment and the need to seize more busi-
adds that the sheer volume of stored ness opportunities; advanced analytics has be-
data is exploding, and IBM predicts that come the best way to discover new customer
by 2020 there will be 35 zettabytes segments, identify suppliers, associate products
stored. of affinity and understand sales. Qubole (n.d)
Velocity: This is the speed of accessing cited a survey of 540 enterprise decision mak-
data. Conventional Business Intelli- ers who stated that they adopted big data and
gence (BI) applications use historical analytics to improve customer retention, assist
data dating back weeks, months or with product development and gain a competi-
quarters, while big-data relies on real tive advantage.
time information in order to deliver Firms such as Google have successfully
rapid insights. Pence (2014) states that gained a competitive advantage, especially be-
the velocity of data depends on not on- cause data analytics is the foundation of their
ly the speed of the data flow but also enterprise (Court, 2015). According to an article
the pace at which it must be collected, in the Wall Street Journal (Fairless, 2015) ,
analyzed and retrieved. Google has developed sophisticated profiles of
Variety: Big data looks at all sorts of in- consumers that aids the organization in target-
formation beyond what is structured ing advertising with such precision that new
and stored in the DW (Data Ware- rivals cannot even hope to catch up. Google
house). It also has the ability to assimi- also, according to Sullivan (2013), has re-
late stored data and both structured invented human resource management by the
use of big data people analytics, forcing many
The Impact of Big Data Analytics on the Banking Industry P a ge |3
Fig 2. Distribution of fraud schemes in bank- Firms like Pactera (n.d) have developed big
ing/financial Services, ACL services limited. data solutions that process large amounts of
(2014). Fraud detection using data analytics in structured and unstructured data that can de-
the banking industry. tect fraud without disrupting services to cus-
The Impact of Big Data Analytics on the Banking Industry P a ge |4
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Dewey, J. P. (2014). Big data. Salem Press En-
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Fraud Detection in Financial Services.
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for big data solutions to address credit lytics. Retrieved from
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Pence, H. E. (2014). What is Big Data and Why
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Data: Is it the Same as Analytics?. Re- Technology Systems, 43(2), 159-171.
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The Impact of Big Data Analytics on the Banking Industry P a ge |6