Aging-Related Sleep Changes: Clinics in Geriatric Medicine March 2008
Aging-Related Sleep Changes: Clinics in Geriatric Medicine March 2008
Aging-Related Sleep Changes: Clinics in Geriatric Medicine March 2008
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1 author:
Joseph D Espiritu
Saint Louis University
All content following this page was uploaded by Joseph D Espiritu on 06 March 2019.
Normal aging results in changes in the function of all organ systems and
impacts the neurophysiology of sleep. Most physicians who care for the el-
derly may have the general impression that aging results in the deterioration
in the quality of sleep and an increase in the prevalence of sleep disorders.
This impression was validated by a large epidemiological study of over
9,000 elderly subjects in three United States communities in 1995, which de-
scribed that the vast majority (more than 80%) of them had one or more
sleep complaints, such as trouble falling asleep, waking up, awaking too
early, needing to nap, and not feeling rested [1]. On the other hand, in
a study of another, much older, population, good quality sleep was surpris-
ingly reported by the majority of this cohort. An analysis of the presence of
sleep disorders, their related pathologies, and pharmacologic treatments in
180 Roman centenarians revealed that more than half (57.4%) had good
quality sleep [2]. In general, predictors of good quality sleep in the elderly
include physical and psychologic health, daytime activity, and naturalistic
light (3000þ lux) [3]. On the other hand, moderate impairment in sleep qual-
ity in these Roman centenarians was found in about one third (35.2%) and
was associated with cardiopulmonary comorbidities (angina pectoris and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). A small minority (7.4%) manifested
severe impairments in sleep quality significantly associated with cognitive
dysfunction and increased mortality [2]. Thus, an increase in the number
of sleep complaints may be a marker of poor physical and mental health [4].
This article describes the normal changes in sleep physiology in the el-
derly. Distinguishing ‘‘normal’’ or physiologic age-related changes in sleep
from ‘‘abnormal’’ or pathologic sleep can be problematic, given the close as-
sociation between sleep disorders and a higher prevalence of comorbid con-
ditions in the elderly. In an attempt to ensure that the age-related changes
0749-0690/08/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
described herein are indeed physiologic and not associated with adverse
health effects, this article focuses mainly on studies that incorporate healthy
elderly subjects and compares them to younger adults as controls. Specific
sleep disorders that increase in prevalence with aging (sleep breathing disor-
ders, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, rapid eye movement behavior disor-
der, and so on) are discussed elsewhere in this issue.
Sleep duration
A number of elderly patients complain about not getting enough sleep.
Although this perception of decreased sleep duration may be attributable
to the circadian phase advancement of the sleep-wake schedule in the elderly
(ie, waking up early in the morning while the rest of the household members
are asleep), or the effect of shortened nocturnal sleep because of daytime
napping, measuring the actual time spent sleeping during the 24-hour pe-
riod, using subjective and objective tools, is key to ascertaining this phenom-
enon. Campbell and Murphy [14], compared spontaneous sleep among
young, middle-age, and older adults, using the disentrainment protocol,
where subjects slept for 72 hours while being shielded from natural and
artificial cues to time of day, with the goal of determining the duration of
spontaneous sleep. Total sleep time over 24 hours was significantly shorter
in the middle-age (9.06 hours) and older age (8.13 hours) adults than that in
the younger ones (10.53 hours).
Sleep duration appears to be a predictor of an older individual’s state of
health and longevity. In the Japanese Collaborative Cohort Study on Eval-
uation of Cancer Risk involving 104,010 subjects aged 40 to 79 years, the
optimal sleep duration associated with the lowest risk mortality was found
to be 7 hours [15]. Longer or shorter sleep times were associated with in-
creased all-cause mortality. In a study of a Mediterranean population that
practiced siesta, men who slept more than 8 hours per day (versus those
who slept less than 8 hours per day) had double the risk of dying from all
causes and almost triple the risk from heart disease [16]. Furthermore, short
and long nocturnal sleep duration may also indicate the presence of comor-
bid conditions in the elderly. Ohayon and Vecchierini [12] studied the rela-
tionship between sleep duration and cognitive function in older adults in
7,010 randomly selected metropolitan Parisian households, and found that
extremes in sleep duration may indicate the presence of health risk factors.
Those older individuals with nocturnal sleep durations at or below the 5th
percentile (4 hours and 30 minutes) had a significantly higher prevalence
of obesity, poor health, insomnia, daytime sleepiness, and cognitive impair-
ment. At the other extreme, those total nocturnal sleep times at or above the
95th percentile (9 hours and 30 minutes) were more likely to be male, anx-
ious, less educated, unhealthy, insomniac, or apneic.
Sleep schedule
The current available literature supports the widely held belief that the
nocturnal sleep phase is shifted earlier in the elderly. In an interesting study
of Japanese office workers divided into four age groups (20s, 30s, 40s, and
50s–60s) using a morningness-eveningness questionnaire, Ishihara and col-
leagues [17] not only reaffirmed that older workers preferred earlier bed
and arising times, but also observed that they had a less variable sleep
schedule and better mood upon arising, compared with younger workers.
This preference for earlier bedtimes was further supported by another study,
which demonstrated that later bedtimes are associated not only with less
time in bed but also less time asleep. For each 10 minute-delay in bedtime
starting after 19:00 hours, there was a corresponding 7 to 8 minute decre-
ment in time in bed and total sleep time [18]. Extremes in bedtime or
wake-up time may also indicate an older person’s state of health. The Ohay-
on’s study on older Parisians concluded that early (9 PM or earlier) or late
(1 AM or later) bedtime, as well as extremely early (5 AM or earlier) and later
(9 AM or later) wake-up times were associated with obesity and loss of au-
tonomy in the activities of daily living [12].
A polysomnographic study, incorporating young adults (20–30 years old)
as controls, found a greater number of naps in older adults (over 78 years
old) [19]. An uncontrolled, observational study employing an activity diary
and wrist actigraphy found that healthy elderly individuals spent approxi-
mately one hour napping during the day [20]. In the general population,
daytime napping may have salutary effects on health outcomes. In the Greek
European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition study of
23,681 healthy individuals, siesta was associated with a 37% lower coronary
mortality, especially in working men [21].
There are a few studies published investigating the effect of naps on poly-
somnographic parameters and neurocognitive function in the healthy
elderly population. Monk and colleagues [22] performed a 17-day, 90-min-
ute nap versus no nap interventional study on nine healthy elderly subjects
aged 74 to 87 years, and found a significant increment in total sleep time
(38 minutes) and improvement in sleep latency (15.6 minutes versus
11.5 minutes, respectively) in a single-trial evening mutiple sleep latency
test. Although nocturnal sleep efficiency dropped by a small proportion
(2.4%) mainly because of earlier wake times, there were no reliable effects
on wake after sleep onset or measures of non-REM (NREM) (stages 1, 2,
and delta) sleep. On the other hand, Campbell and colleagues [23] per-
formed polysomnography, body core temperature measurements, and neu-
rocognitive testing on 32 healthy individuals aged 55 to 85 years and found
that napping had little effect on subsequent nighttime sleep quality or dura-
tion, thereby significantly increasing their total 24-hour sleep time. These
increased sleep times were associated with enhanced cognitive and psycho-
motor performance measured the following day.
Sleep architecture
The meta-analysis on age-related sleep changes, published by Ohayon
and colleagues, [24] described the evolution of sleep architecture in healthy
Table 1
Age-related changes in polysomnographic characteristics
Increase Decrease
Sleep latency Total sleep time
Stage 1 sleep % Sleep Efficiency
Stage 2 sleep % Slow wave sleep %
Wake after sleep onset REM sleep %
REM latency
Sleep electrophysiology
Spectral analysis
Aging is associated with a reduction of power in the sleep EEG, as well as
frequency-specific changes in the brain topography. Landolt and Borbely [5]
performed spectral analysis of sleep EEG records comparing middle aged
healthy men (mean age of 62 years) and young men (mean age of 22.3
years), and found that the age-related reduction of EEG power in NREM
sleep (0.25 Hz–14 Hz) and REM sleep (0.75 Hz) is most pronounced in
the anterior derivation (frontocentral) toward the middle (central-parietal)
EEG derivation.
Delta activity
Aging not only decreases the time spent in slow-wave (stages 3 and 4 or
stage N3) sleep, but also alters delta activity (Fig. 2). Smith and colleagues
[33] analyzed all slow waves (greater than 5 muV in magnitude between 0.5
Hz and 3.0 Hz) during the first 6 hours of nocturnal sleep in 25 healthy sub-
jects between 3 and 79 years old, and found that increasing age was associ-
ated with a decrement in the average peak amplitude of the delta waves,
slowing of delta frequencies, and a decrease in the incidence of waves greater
than 20 muV, particularly in the frontal areas. Meanwhile, Ehlers and
Kupfer [7] evaluated sleep EEG’s in 24 men without medical and psychiatric
illness, classified them into three age groups (21–30, 31–40, and 51–70 years
old) and performed computer-assisted delta and REM quantification, and
power spectral analysis. While Ehlers group corroborated Smith’s findings
on the expected age-related decrease in delta activity, the former group
found a shift in the spectral distribution of delta power toward the higher
rather than lower frequencies.
Fig. 2. Hallmark of Stage N3 (slow-wave sleep or Stages 3 and 4 sleep: delta waves).
nonconsecutive baseline nights, and found that the former had a significantly
lower incidence of rapid eye movements. Further studies are needed to
determine the neurocognitive implications of this decrease in REM activity
in the elderly. In summary, aging is associated with changes in the
electroencephalographic hallmarks of both NREM and REM sleep stages
(Table 2).
Circadian rhythm
There is growing evidence that alteration of circadian rhythm (biologic
sleep-wake clock) may partly be responsible for age-related sleep changes.
Table 2
Age-related changes in properties of sleep stage hallmarks
Sleep stage Change in sleep stage hallmarks
Stage 2 (N2) Decrease in spindle number
Decrease in spindle density
Decrease in spindle duration
Increase in intraspindle frequency
Attenuation in modulation (ie, decrease in
night-day difference and variability) of spindle
frequency by the circadian rhythm
Decrease in the number of K complexes
Decrease in the density of K complexes
Stages 3 and 4 (N3 or slow-wave sleep) Decrease in the peak amplitude
Decrease in the incidence of slow waves
O 20 muV, especially in the frontal areas
Stage REM Decrease in the incidence of rapid eye movements
Monk and colleagues [36] compared a group of 45 healthy older men and
women (71–91 years old) with 21 young controls (19–28 years old) and
found that despite the older group’s similar social activities, involvement,
and greater regularity in daily lifestyle than the younger group, the older
group still had worse subjective and objective sleep as measured by the Pitts-
burgh Sleep Quality Index and nocturnal polysomnography, respectively.
Because sleep disruption in the elderly cannot be blamed solely upon the
age-related changes in daily social activities, it is, therefore, worthwhile to
explore other possible mechanisms for these sleep changes in the elderly.
Several studies have detected alterations in the circadian modulation of
sleep that may help explain findings, such as excessive daytime sleepiness, im-
paired sleep initiation and maintenance, altered sleep architecture, and phase-
advanced sleep schedule in elderly individuals. Münch and colleagues [37]
studied the circadian rhythms and spectral components of the sleep EEG in
17 young (20–31 year old) and 15 older (57–74 year old) volunteers under con-
stant posture conditions during a 40-hour nap protocol (75-minute sleep and
150-minute wake schedule). The investigators concluded that aging is associ-
ated with a weaker circadian arousal signal, based on the increased occurrence
of sleep episodes during the wake maintenance zone and the higher subjective
sleepiness ratings in the late afternoon and evening in the older group. They
also found a diminished melatonin secretion and a reduced circadian modula-
tion of REM sleep, together with less pronounced day-night differences in the
lower alpha and spindle range of sleep EEG activity in the older group.
Cajochen and colleagues [38] compared the responses of a group of
healthy older volunteers with those of younger adults to sleep deprivation
protocol (high sleep pressure condition) versus a nap protocol (low sleep
pressure condition). They also noted an age-related weakening of the circa-
dian arousal signal based on the higher propensity for sleep during the wake
maintenance zone, higher subjective sleepiness ratings in the late afternoon
and evening, diminished melatonin secretion, and reduced circadian regula-
tion of REM sleep and spindle frequency in the older subjects. Dijk and col-
leagues [27] investigated the circadian and homeostatic regulation of human
sleep during forced desynchrony in 13 older men and women and 11 young
men, and found that older people had reduced sleep duration at all circadian
phases and that sleep consolidation deteriorated more rapidly during the
course of sleep, especially when the second half of the sleep occurred after
the crest of the melatonin rhythm.
Vitiello and colleagues [39] also noted age-related changes in the circa-
dian temperature rhythms. Older men had higher temperatures at the nadir
of the temperature curve and lower peak-to-trough temperature curve am-
plitudes than younger men. Czeisler and colleagues [40] corroborated this
decreased amplitude of the endogenous circadian temperature oscillation,
but also noted that its phase occurred almost 2 hours earlier in the older
age group. Finally, in a study of 44 older subjects under a constant routine
protocol, Duffy and colleagues [41] noted that although the average wake
time and endogenous circadian phase of the older subjects did occur earlier
than that of 101 young men, the older subjects’ endogenous circadian tem-
perature nadir occurred later than relative to their wake time when com-
pared with the younger subjects. All of these studies demonstrate
alterations in the circadian modulation of sleep that may be partly respon-
sible for age-related changes in sleep quantity, quality, architecture, and
schedule in the elderly.
Sleep deprivation
The deleterious neurocognitive effect of sleep deprivation in healthy older
adults seems to be blunted. Bonnett [42] designed an experiment disrupting
sleep 14 times per hour, using auditory stimulus, in 12 normal 55- to 70-
year-old adults and another 12 normal young adults, and demonstrated that
older subjects had a smaller increase in total awakenings during the second
night of sleep disturbance and a slower increase in auditory arousal threshold
as the sleep disturbance progressed. More interestingly, the older subjects had
less performance deterioration in completing addition problems in the morn-
ing, when compared with the younger ones [18]. Adam and colleagues [43]
compared the psychomotor vigilance task performance of 11 older men
(mean age of 66.4 years) with a dozen healthy young men (mean age of 25.2
years) after 40 hours of prolonged wakefulness, and found that vigilant atten-
tion is less impaired in older men. In terms of age-related changes of the EEG
responses to sleep deprivation, Münch and colleagues [44] subjected healthy
young (20–31 year old) and older (57–74 year old) subjects to a 40-hour sleep
deprivation protocol, and noted that the frontal predominance of delta activ-
ity after sleep loss decreased with aging.
Normal aging is accompanied by changes in the sleep quality, quantity,
and architecture. Specifically, there appears to be a measurable decrease
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