Eclipse and PyDev - Anaconda Documentation
Eclipse and PyDev - Anaconda Documentation
Eclipse and PyDev - Anaconda Documentation
After you have Eclipse, PyDev, and Anaconda installed, set Anaconda Python as your default:
1. Open the Eclipse Preferences window:
2. In the PyDev list, select Interpreters, and then select Python Interpreter.
v: latest
4. In the Interpreter Name box, type Anaconda Python .
5. Browse to your Anaconda Python interpreter path (../python-path/#python-path). The interpreter you
choose is related to your environment, so Eclipse will have access to all of the packages in that
environment. To add new packages, you may need to conda install package-name in your
Anaconda Prompt or terminal.
7. In the next window, select the folders to add to the SYSTEM Python path:
a. Select all the folders:
v: latest
v: latest