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50 W RF amplifier

Extension of a kit by
Low pass filter and housing into one
easy to assemble amplifier
Christoph Schwärzler, OE1CGS
February 2018

Page 2

Extended abstract replace the switching transistors delivered with the

kit by guaranteed quality IRF530Ns not absolutely
Sometimes even the keen QRP enthusiast might necessary, however it might well be that one has to
reach for one or the other additional watt of output buy new ones anyway after some ambitious testing.
power. To meet this demand there is a bunch of The finished PCB must be mounted on a heat sink,
power amplifiers (PAs) on the market. Mostly they which is not included in the kit. I use one
are finished devices and require an investment of at
measuring 100 x 75 x 40 mm and with a thermal
least one to several hundred euros. But many QRP resistance of 1.5 K / W 10 . A drilling template (Photo 3)
hams also like to build gear on their own, especially for any heat sink is provided for downloading. M3
if there is a kit available. And there are actually
threads 2 have to be cut in those holes. All parts are
really cheap kits for PAs out there, distributed soldered on the top side of the PCB, which implies
typically online. Unfortunately most of them come that the pins of the relays have to be bent sideways.
with no or very minor documentation which can be
Please allow for about 2 to 3 working hours to
a hurdle for many would-be builders. finish the amplifier board. I could not get hold of
One of those kits is the “DIY Kits 70W SSB linear the proper connectors for the provided jumpers but
HF Power Amplifier for YAESU FT-817 KX3 found that BKL connectors 11 work quite well, once
Ham Radio ”which is available for less than € 20 they have been cut just a little bit (Photo 2). After the
including shipping 1 . This article describes how to PCB is tightened directly to the heat sink with 4
build a fully functioning power amplifier around screws the switching transistors are fastened using
this kit. By fully functioning I mean a device which the provided isolators and finally soldered to the
is compliant with the rules (ie FCC on spurious board. It is advisable to only then solder R4 and
emissions), is enclosed in a protecting case with all R5.
the necessary connections and switches and thus Once the amplifier board is finished it should be
can be used in the field as well as in the shack. It is carefully tested. Don't forget the jumper between
also automatically switched by any low-active PTT
LPF-IN and LPF-OUT for these tests. So keep in
as can be found in most transceivers. I personally mind that you have to activate the PTT (for
will use this PA on board of a sailing yacht on 40,
example by shorting the contacts of the PTT-
30 and 20m together with a QRP SDR transceiver. connector) in order to generate an amplified output
My goal (chapter 1. Motivation) with this PA was signal. It is best to use a voltage regulated and
to come up on a “lowest cost” and “least effort” current limitied power supply for the initial tests. I.
Base. By least effort I mean a design which advise on a bias of 2.7 V for generic IRF530N
minimizes electronic and especially mechanical switching transistors. With this setting the amplifier
work involved. This is achieved by sticking to the should draw about 20 mA at 12.8 V with no input
original kit parts as much as possible, using a DIY signal present.
fit design for the low pass filters, a downloadable Chapter 3 (Structure of Low Pass Filters) deals with
object for a rugged 3D-printed enclosure and an three methods to build the low-pass filters (LPFs).
overall builder friendly mechanical design. At first glance the simplest method seems to be a
The result is a power amplifier for at least two to breadboard. But this approach is neither fastest to
three ham bands which can be built in about 6 to 8 build nor an ideal HF design. Much better is a
hours. The cost of material is around € 50. It runs double layer etched PCB which could be etched at
on 12 to 14 V DC and draws about 5 to 6 A at 30 home (eg toner transfer method, design is
W. Once you got hold of the main components downloadable for private use 13 ) or ordered from a
(amplifier kit, LPF PCB and 3D-prints) this makes professional service (Gerber files for private use are
a nice week-end project. provided 14 , cost between 2 and 10 €). Such a filter
PCB carries two 7-element Chebycheff LPFs, the
For those who want to go further I present some relays to switch them and the jumpers to connect
ideas for modifications at the end of the document. the board. It has the same dimensions as the
This amplifier indeed offers a lot of leeway to amplifier board and can be stacked with the same
tinker around! screws on top of the amplifier. If more than two
The amplifier kit itself is built (chapter 2 LPFs are necessary, two or more LPF-PCBs can be
of the kit) very much according to its original used in series as described in the appendix
design and as described in several other (APPENDIX D: LPFs for additional tapes).
documentations and videos 9 . But I highly The necessary inductance values for a 20m and
recommend at least one modification, which is 30 / 40m LPF board, together with recommended
described in detail in the appendix (APPENDIX A). numbers of turns and lengths of wire for Amidon
This is to add a balancing resistor R6 of 22 Ω / 1 W T68-6 toroids are given in chapter 3.
which brings the input SWR much closer to 1. I
found another modification (APPENDIX B) to

Page 3

A bespoke case was designed for this PA. It can be to whom the kit is advertised, I think
3D printed using the published parts. Its structure unrealistic.
and some hints for printing are documented in
The main goal of this project was
chapter 4 (housing). A key feature of this project is
Optimization in terms of cost and above all
the fact that all essential elements are mounted on
Effort efficiency. The latter is expressed, inter alia, in
the backside of the case using just 4 screws and
a mechanical design that
spacers. This ensures an easy wiring and good
quick set-up and good service
serviceability later on. So in case you do not have
allowed. A central element of this design represents
access to a 3D printer and are on a tight budget, just
a 3D printable case. The whole
have the rear panel printed.
This device can be assembled in 6 to 8
The following chapter 5 (Montage) describes in Working hours and material costs of around 50
some detail how the whole PA is put together. It € to be carried out, an essential
starts with listing all the required elements and then proportion ofon the Toroids and
gives step by step instructions on how to put them Mica capacitors of the low-pass filter are not required.
together, including some pictures which should
This documentation describes first
make to process obvious.
the structure of the individual components of the
Measured parameters of the finished amplifier are Systems and then in detail the
provided in chapter 6 (operating parameters). They Assembly of the same to the finished product. It
suggest an optimal input power around 2 to 2½ W follows a compilation of measured
which leads to an output of 35 to 45 W at 40m. The Performance data. There are notes in the appendix
output power declines slightly with frequency and on possible modifications which correspond to the
on 20m the output reaches about 30 to 40 W. interested hobbyists one more far
Although the amplifier kit is being promoted as a Field of activity allow. Finally
70 W kit I came nowhere close to that level. supports a detailed parts list in the
Probably 50 W could be achieved, but without Procurement of the required materials.
ventilation I rather suggest to stick to the 30 W
area. The measured efficiency of the amplifier
1.) Motivation
peaks around 45%.

Finally chapter 7 (summary and outlook) gives a QRP radios have been enjoying in recent years
brief summary and points to possible future work. an increasing popularity. One reason may be in it
that they are the tinkering radio amateur
give the opportunity again with homemade
Device to become active. And this beyond in
many cases at low cost 3 , sometimes even
for the latest technology 4 . Sometimes, however, wishes
Sometimes the die-hard also wishes
the OM one or two watts more, be it
QRP followers one or two watts more.
to unfavorable antenna or atmospheric
The industry offers a whole range for this
To compensate for conditions or one
Linear amplifiers, but often at a cost
Established long-term DX contact
exceed those of the transceiver. Always ask
can. In my case it was the wish that
but especially amps also interesting
Reliability of the mobile radio connection
Do-it-yourself projects for radio amateurs. Especially in Raise board of a sailing yacht. The trade
kits have also recently come on the market,
offers a range for this purpose
which are very attractive through online trading
Linear amplifiers, mostly as a finished device and too
Prices are available and the way to manufacture
Shorten the device massively. a price of several hundred euros. But also
Here the licensed radio amateur can build himself
One of these kits is the “DIY Kits 70W SSB to become active.
linear HF Power Amplifier for YAESU FT-817
The kit "DIY Kits 70W
KX3 Ham Radio ”, which for well under 20 €
including shipping costs is 1 . On him SSB linear HF Power Amplifier for YAESU FT-
817 KX3 Ham Radio “including shipping for under
in this article, the
€ 20 available 1 . It forms the basis for this
DIY a practical amplifier
including low pass filter, PTT control and KW-PA described. The kit is available as a push
Pull amplifier designed and in kit form
Housing described. He is for one
with two IRF530N transistors for one operation
Input power of 2 to 2½ watts designed and
rated at 13.8 V. The kit includes one
achieves one on the tapes from 40 m to 20 m
low-active PTT switchover and is therefore for the
Output power of typically a little over 30 W, in
Use on many common QRP transceivers
the tip 50 W. A power of 70 W, with
prepared. Accordingly is the


Page 4

underlying circuit or the circuit board can be ordered from a circuit board service. For
in this or a similar form also in others in both cases the files are available.
Find kits and finished devices 5 . The
Depending on access to a 3D printer and
This opens up experimental hobbyists
the type of board production for the LPF
a wide field of activity, some of which
the total part cost for the complete
Possibilities are described in the appendix.
Move amplifier between € 35 and € 70.
Absolutely not included in the kit Economies of scale can certainly be seen in the
necessary heat sink, one for use Connection with the circuit board production and the
also more indispensable, output side Achieve procurement of small parts and so is a
Low pass filter (LPF) and a housing around one Setup of several devices within one
to get practical amplifiers. Club project probably an attractive option.

My goal with this project was for mine It is recommended to read this document and
QRP transceiver with 1 to 5 W output power reading referenced therein is complete and thorough
the cheapest possible, but fully mobile read through before procuring components
operational, amplifier for operation on one or construction is started. Should afterwards
Create 12V electrical system. Preferred the author answers any questions
Digital operating modes should be used, however in individual cases, we would be happy to 7 .
also be SSB between 40m and 20m.

It is also this minimalist goal 2.) Construction of the kit

owed that out of an abundance
possible modifications and extensions The kit for the amplifier is very cheap in
(see also appendix) only absolutely necessary To get China mail order. The board is
were carried out as well as in the design of the executed in good quality and all components 8
Low pass filter and the housing on a possible are included (see picture 1). As with such
simple feasibility was taken into account. So can Kits are often the case, but are not
the board for the low-pass filter is still included Documentation, Wiring diagrams or at all
Hobby funds are created yourself. The only, Assembly instructions included. But here it offers
The requirement is not (yet) a matter of course WWW diverse information options 9 and
Access to a 3D printer to create the YouTube instructions are also available.
Housing. In addition to many maker clubs
these devices but increasingly to the general public
Provided 6 and anyway they can
provided object files from any 3D
Printing service can be implemented.

I would also like that with this documentation

Radio amateurs who are still a little shy of one
such project, detailed instructions
to hand with which the self-construction of a
ready to use device in no time.
As soon as the components (kit, heat sink,
Housing and small parts), it should be included
any radio amateur can use this manual, Image 1: This is how the kit "DIY Kits 70W SSB linear" is delivered
the finished device after 6 to 8 working hours in the
To hold hand. A detailed list of components including The heat sink is not included in the kit. Of the
Sources of supply can be found in the appendix. For the 10 used by me has the dimensions 100 x

Assembly is sufficient on average 75 x 40 mm and a thermal resistance of 1.5

equipped workshop; are to be emphasized K / W. The housing described later fits
only the following tools: M3 thread at least for this heat sink. But also others
cutting set, SMD-compatible soldering iron and large one randomly existing heat sink in the craft box
Wide tip soldering iron (5 to 8 mm). For the can be used provided they are not higher
There are several structures for the low-pass filter Have thermal resistance. Should that be later
Options. Certainly it is possible for the couple described housing are used, the
Components on a breadboard (100 mm x 50 Heat sink with the housing dimensions including
or 75 mm). HF and work technology Connections (see Chapter 4) and
however, the use of a is more advantageous should therefore be 110 mm wide and deep
double sided board. This can, for example, not exceed 80 mm. Even the plugs
Transfer procedures are self-made, or for PTT and fan (optional) are unfortunately not


Page 5

included in the kit. I don't have one directly

matching part found. The best fit
a plug from BKL 11 , in which only the two
small bars (Photo 2) must be removed.
This is very easy to do with a knife.

Figure 4: Separating the side parts for T1 and T2 from the board

The further construction of the kit is designed

together with the circuit diagram (Fig. 21) and
Pictures of the printed circuit board from the WWW
Image 2: Preparation of the plugs for PTT and ventilation quite easy. The few SMD components are also
still reasonable to solder by hand. Not yet
The construction of the kit requires a total of around the two IRF530N should be soldered
2 to 3 hours of work. It is recommended to use Transistors as well as R4 and R5, this is only done
to begin processing the heat sink. In after the positions of the transistors and the
six M3 threads have to be cut. Position of the board on the heat sink are fixed.
Four of them are used for mounting on the housing as well
Of course, the keen to experiment
the mounting of the boards (amplifier and
Radio amateurs try out the kit
Low pass filter) and with the other two
Replacement of components or other
the IRF530N is attached to the heat sink. For
Improve modifications. One possibility is
I have relief of the holes (2.5 mm)
eg the replacement of the two IRF530N transistors
made a drilling template (picture 3), which is in the pdf
through special HF-Power FET as shown in the appendix
Format is 12 . Will the template with
C is outlined. But this modification is not
Adhesive tape fixed on the heat sink, that's what
absolutely necessary, although certainly
Bores, which are used as sack or through performance increases. For very cheap
holes can be made with this
I would recommend modification B, though
Stencil done quickly. Then be
also it is not absolutely necessary.
cut the threads.
Only modification A (additional resistance
I definitely recommend R6)!

For further explanations in this

Document, especially the measurements in the
Appendix I assume that exactly that
Modifications A and B are carried out.

All components are on the top of the board

soldered, this leads to the connections for
the supplied PTT relay with a fine
Figure 3: Drilling template for the heat sink (not correct in size) Pliers must be bent outwards by 90 °,
and so the relay is soldered on top.
After cleaning the board is the first step The same procedure is used for R4, R5 and
when building the kit, the four side parts of the R6 applied. After the usual components
Transformers T1 and T2 from the board are soldered on (some SMD components can
detach (Fig. 4). Now T1 and T2 possibly too many are included in the kit, these go
constructed by passing the metal tubes through the then simply in the craft box) the two
Cores pushed and at the ends with the just Transformers soldered to the top of the board.
cut board parts are soldered. Here Ideally, a soldering iron with a
care should be taken that the side panels wide (5-8 mm) chisel tip and a power
are parallel, because they will later plan on the from 30 W can be used. The previous preparation
Motherboard soldered. Winding T1 the solder joints with sufficient flux acts
and T2 is best done only after the cores this step is a real miracle! The
are soldered to the board. Transformers T1 and T2 are considered classic


Page 6

Transformer with primary and secondary winding then perpendicular to these and then down
executed. But who now the appropriate on the solder pads until a little before the end. To
Looking for windings can be surprised. On the connections are bent twice
every transformer we really only a wire always all three together. The first time about 1
wrapped! The second “winding” is that mm after the end of their thickened part by 90 °
previously soldered tubes through the ferrites. in the downward. Already 1 mm later
Circuit diagram they are called "0.5" windings Connections back to the original
designated. Both transformers must therefore Bent towards. Now they should
only one winding can be applied by yourself Mount the transistors on the heat sink
in such a way that their ends with the two leave the connections at the beginning of the
Solder pads soldered towards the edge of the board respective solder pads reach them from above
become. This is very easy if the wire and then along their surface to
suitably cut to length, stripped on one side and with the Run down the edge of the board. However, they continue to protrude
a pad is soldered. Then you wrap it beyond the pads. These protruding parts
Wire, starting with the closest opening are now pinched off. With the help of
through the tubes. For T1, two white screw included in the kit
Coils wound. That means: once through The transistors are now insulated with two
the first tube over and the other short M3 screws on the heat sink
Tube back, then again through the first attached. Only now are the connections soldered.
Tube over and the second back. Now lies The feedback resistors are recommended
the wire over the other solder pad will fit Only solder R4 and R5 after the transistors.
shortened, stripped and soldered to the pad. Finished! Since the resistors get very hot during operation,
T 2 should be wound with three turns. they should be in the air with long connections
To do this, proceed as for T1, but just once more be mounted so that a good convection
more there and back. cooling is guaranteed. The kit is now ready
(Photo 5)!
In order to be able to test the completely assembled board,
are the two lines for VCC
and GND and two short pieces of coaxial cable
"IN" and "OUT" soldered. The soldering pads "LPF-IN"
and "LPF-OUT" remain empty for these tests,
but the jumper "JP1" must be set this way
that the RF signal is looped through.
As a coaxial cable for both these tests as well
later for the internal wiring of the amplifier
RG 316 has worked well for me. If
now on the other end of the coaxial cable
BNC sockets are attached, so it can
Device will be tested conveniently shortly.

Before that, the board comes with four short M3s Figure 5: Completely assembled and test-ready amplifier kit

Screw directly (the bottom is insulated) onto the

Screwed heat sink. Immediately before that Before the first, hot tests, the board should look like
the rubber-like insulating plates on the usual an exact visual inspection
Heatsinks are placed over the holes subjected and the device to (no) short circuit
over the drilled threads and the be checked.
remaining part of the insulator from the hole to the If on hand, the following tests should be done with
shows upper or lower heat sink edge. To
a current-limited laboratory power supply at 12 to
attaching the board will be the two
14 V can be done, being for starters
IRF530N (Caution: ESD sensitive, therefore on
a current range up to 2 A is sufficient. Under
Pay attention to grounding) and their connections The amplifier needs full load later
prepared. Since it happened to me that they were called
quite up to 8 A, these tests can
back then lay flat on the board
alternatively, but also with that, by securing
Connections destroyed the protective lacquer on the board
protected finished device on a car battery
and thereby it to short circuit and the be performed.
final destruction of board and
Transistors came, I recommend the following Without a suitable laboratory power supply, it should be between the
described procedure. The goal is to 12 V supply and the amplifier at least
Connections without contact above the board the first attempts with a power resistor
floating to the start of the solder pads, around 10 Ω can be inserted. It should in the event of an error

Page 7

the transistors and the entire board It is also advantageous if at the same time
Protect worse. Output signal, for example on an oscilloscope
can be monitored.
For the smoke test described below
the input of the amplifier remains short-circuited In these tests, the amplifier can run up to around 8
or at least open, the exit can A need electricity. If the used
remain open, or better already with Power source cannot provide them
a powerful 50 Ω phantom antenna the tests either with lower performance or
completed. eg carried out on a car battery (see above)
become. It is helpful to close the supply current
The behavior of the power transistors IRF530N
measure and continuously in the following tests
becomes essential from the bias
whose gate affects. Therefore, the bias in the
first step with the trimmer VR 1 on one Do you have an antenna analyzer or
Value of 2.7 V can be set. Most comfortable a VNA, you can before connecting the
is the bias on the secondary side of TR1 (Figure 6) Signal source still the impedance of the amplifier
accessible and is measured here against mass. check at the beginning. The SWV should at least
on the tapes 40m to 20m better than 2: 1
(see also Appendix A).

The signal source for the tests should be a

Deliver output signal of around 0.5 to 2 W.
can. In the absence of a special source,
you can use your own QRP transceiver,
taking a look at the performance from below
approach and keep an eye on the SWV.

To protect the contacts of the PTT relay, should

the PTT is activated before the signal is applied
and only after switching off the signal again
be opened.
Figure 6: Measuring point for the bias setting

If now despite the supply voltage being present

no bias voltage is measured, this is because 3.) Structure of the low pass filter
probably because the PTT circuit still
For regular operation of the amplifier
is not activated. This is low-active and will
Use of a downstream low-pass filter
controlled via the "PTT" connector. Only if that mandatory to suppress harmonics
two contacts of the plug with each other
required. In the sense of a simple one
be connected (e.g. with the supplied
mechanical construction I have a circuit board
Short-circuit plug) the bias voltage is generated designed in addition to two filters, the ones for it
and the whole amplifier is activated. in the
has required switching and the same
later operation becomes the transceiver
Format (100 mm x 50 mm) like the amplifier
carry out this control yourself.
circuit board. So she can do the same four
With a bias value of 2.7 V, the Screws like this with the heat sink and the
Idle current of the amplifier about 20 to 25 mA Housing are connected.
be. You can hear when putting on the supply
The filters are 7-element Chebyshev filters
or activate the PTT briefly by tightening the
executed. There are two filters on one
PTT relay.
PCB housed. Are more than two filters
Neither the power transistors, nor the required, several boards can be used
Resistors R4, R5 and R6 still the two become. This is described in more detail in Appendix D.
Transformers should also work for one
Each filter board must have 12 V - 14 V DC
idle operation lasting several minutes is appreciably warm
voltage for the relays. in the
Usually this will simply be the supply
If the idle test is successful, you can now voltage of the amplifier. Also located
complete function test can be carried out. a three-pin circuit board connector (type:
Now, at the latest, the amplifier must be included BKL) on the board over which the
with an impedance of 50 Ω. Filter selection is done. This is due to one of the three
Ideally, you use a phantom Connections ("+") to the supply voltage.
antenna that can be loaded with at least 50 W. Neither of the other two ports is connected

Page 8

this is connected, so the HF is directly between have to invest in order to be satisfactory and
HF-IN and HF-OUT looped through. So it is reproducible results. This
no filter effective. This can be for tests or that But time is not in vain, because this ability
Looping through the signal when using Boards for samples or even small series themselves
several filter boards can be used. Becomes To be able to manufacture is for every electronics hobbyist
however, the connection "A" connected with "+", see above sure attractive. The filter boards are double-sided
filter A (with supervision of the board with execute What though somethinghigher
the relay on the right, this is the top one Demands, but by the choice of
Filter) between "HF-IN" and "HF-OUT" Trace width also offers the possibility of
looped in. However, the connection "B" is with Realize impedance of 50 Ω. The
"+" Connected, filter B (the lower one) Bottom side represents the ground plane for the HF part
run through. In addition, the connection
cables for relay control implemented. On
The two board connectors for the
the top is all RF connections
Supply and filter selection are assembled in such a way
available. A disadvantage with self-production
that their back part points to the middle of the board.
of the boards is that no vias
For dimensioning the filter A for the 20m be generated. This must be done when assembling each
Band and the filter B for the tapes 30m and individual component. Therefore must
40m is the circuit diagram of the filter board in Figure 7 the connections of the relays, which the HF
shown. Should the filters for other bands Serve line and therefore soldered on the top
are dimensioned, so are only the respective with pliers before assembly
Change inductances and capacities (see be bent outwards by 90 °. The two
see Appendix D). With filter B they are Connections for the relay coil, on the other hand, remain
required values for the middle straight and are on the bottom of the board
Capacitors realized in that two soldered. The diodes are just like the plugs
Standard capacitors can be connected in parallel. only pushed through and on the bottom
soldered. Inductors and capacitors can
to be soldered to the bottom though to make them
stabilize. What is more important here is that it
have electrical contact to the top of the board
and therefore be soldered to it (again).
This requires especially in the context of
stripping the enamelled copper wire
Inductors a precise job and consistent
Testing the passage after assembly. Four
Executions still have to be created specially
become. They serve to connect the ground pads
Figure 7: Circuit diagram of the filter board for 20 m and 30/40 m
of HF-IN and HF-OUT, which are located on the
Board surface are with the ground plane
The essential question for the builder is like that on the underside of the board. To do this, the four
Filter construction should take place.
Through holes drilled, short pieces of wire
There is a structure on a breadboard put through, both on the top and on
certainly possible. The board should have the dimensions the underside soldered and protruding wire parts
100 mm x 50 mm and at the corners 3 cut off.
mm have holes so that they with long
The third method to get a filter board
Screws directly over the amplifier board
is at a professional circuit board manufacturer
can be assembled. From an HF technical point of view
to order. I also put the files for that here
this solution will be less than optimal, however
available in the form of Gerber files 14 . she is
the connecting cables have no characteristic impedance
the most convenient and safest way to get to the boards
of 50 Ω. In addition, a
to get there, but usually at a slightly higher cost
good part of the time you spend at the
connected. So the cheapest price was
The manufacture of circuit boards saves on construction and
German-speaking countries at around € 10 per board,
The connection of the components is lost again.
with a minimum purchase of 3 pieces 15 .
The second option is the circuit boards themselves It can be significantly cheaper if you look at
to manufacture. This is for example with the toner on a China offer. Here I could ten
Transfer method relatively easy. The Purchase circuit boards for less than € 20 including shipping. The
I provide print files for this for non-commercial purposes Equipping this professionally manufactured
Available to users 13 . Anyone using this method Boards are very simple. All components
has never used, however, some apprenticeship

Page 9

are put through classically and on the

The underside of the board is soldered.

The required components for the version with

Filters for 20 m and 30 m / 40 m are in the
Component list given in the appendix. The
Inductors are made with 0.8 mm enamelled copper wire
on Amadon powder iron toroids T68-6
wrapped. This is very easy, especially with
a small cone as an auxiliary instrument 16 . One has
the possibility of inductance after
To measure winding, this should be checked
become. If not, the following will be Figure 9: Measured filter course of the 20 m filter
Number of windings N used with which the values
can be reached well: The 30/40 m filter must have the harmonics of two
suppress different bands and provides
L N l a compromise. I have it with me
770 nH 12th 27 cm RFSim99 17 optimized so that the filter effect
906 nH 13 29 cm already uses just over 10.1 MHz and before
1086 nH 14 31 cm all that impedance at both 7.1 and
1274 nH 15 33 cm at 10.1 MHz is as close as possible to 50 Ω real.
The files with the filter descriptions for
A winding is always considered to be the wire RFSim99 are available on my website
once through the inside of the ring. In the Available. The program also supports that
The above list also includes the wire lengths l Design of completely new filters for other bands.
specified that for the respective inductor
Connection lengths are sufficient.

A fully assembled filter board is shown in Figure 8

(here with SMA sockets for the measurement)
shown. The 5 mm hole to the left of the
Inductor L2 is just above that
Trimmer to Bias setting on of the
Amplifier board, so that this also with
attached filter board can be operated.

Figure 10: Measured filter course of the 30/40 m filter

The 30/40 m filter is capable of the second harmonic

Frequency of 7.1 MHz with 21.0 dB and 10.1
MHz to suppress with more than 35 dB, the
respective third harmonics will be more
attenuated as 35 dB. The impedance is
of the filter terminated with 50 Ω at 7.1 MHz
46 Ω - j ∙ 6 Ω and at 10.1 MHz 48 Ω + j ∙ 6 Ω.

Since the filter board have identical dimensions and drill holes
Figure 8: Completely assembled filter board how the amplifier board has, it can with the
same screws as this one on the heat sink
For the manufacture of inductors and that be attached. The 22 mm long spacers
Assembling the board should total around 2 to to the amplifier board are in the 3D objects for
3 working hours can be scheduled. the housing included.

Figures 9 and 10 show excerpts from the

measured filter courses for the 20 m or
30/40 m filter. The suppression of the second
harmonic frequency of 14.2 MHz through the
20m LPF is more than 35 dB. The measured
Impedance of the correctly closed 20 m filter
at 14.2 MHz is 46 Ω + j ∙ 4 Ω.


Page 10

4.) Housing PLA or come primarily as housing material

the more weatherproof, but also something
Are both the amplifier and the ABS more difficult to process in question. The
Filter board fitted on the heat sink Object geometry makes the use of a heated one
screwed and connected, that's the way it is Base plate desirable. Just the
Linear amplifiers from an electronic point of view The rear of the device must have a support structure
finished. can be printed on the other parts
For an actually operational device be dispensed with. A print resolution of
these components but still through a housing 0.2 mm is sufficient for the front of the housing
to be protected. Of course, here would be both and the spacers are also 0.3 mm.
mechanical as well as HF technical view With your own 3D printer or a good one
Ideal metal housing 18 . In addition to those incurred Access to one is very cheap
Above all, cost is the necessary Matter. However, a company must be commissioned
Processing time for such an entry significant costs can arise here.
Aim of a device that can be set up quickly In this case I would recommend only that
opposite. I therefore have a 3D printable To have the back wall printed (possibly still
Housing designed, which in addition to the simple Spacers and protective bracket). The back wall
Assembly of the main components also simple
should be in on an average printer
All connections permitted.
printed for a maximum of half an hour. As
The concept of the housing ensures one rough orientation and of course depending on
easy installation and good service access: respective service provider's pricing model should do this
Almost all connections are on the back plate to get around 10 to 15 €.
attached next to the heat sink. On the other hand Serve for later connection of the housing parts
the boards are also attached to the heat sink, M3 screws with a length of 10 mm or more. For the
can therefore almost all of the wiring conveniently
corresponding nuts are large
be made before the rest
Housing part brackets attached. It is
Housing part simply with 4 metric screws
advantageous to put the nuts in for example before assembly
attached to it. Located in the basic version to fix with some epoxy glue.
only the selector switch for the
Low pass filter.
5.) Assembly
So are on the back of the device next to the
RF input (BNC socket), the RF output At this point, all you need should be
(PL socket), the PTT socket (3.5 mm stereo Components are available. The main ingredients
Jack plug) also the power supply, whose are:
Fuse and the switch.
- Assembled and tested amplifier board
There are a total of four different printed parts
on heat sink
(Photo 11), two of the safety bars and two of
four copies printed on the spacer sleeves - Assembled and tested LPF board
become. The object files stand for private - 3D printed parts (8 individual parts)
Purposes available for download 19 .
The following material is also required:

- HF connections (BNC and PL socket)

- 3.5 mm stereo jack
- On / off switch (rocker)
- Fuse holder with 10 A fuse
- Strain relief for power supply
- Rocker, toggle or slide switch for LPF
- 3 circuit board connectors with cable
- 4 screws M3 x 10 mm or longer
- 4 screws M3 x 35 mm
Figure 11: 3D printed parts of the housing
- 4 M3 nuts
- Cable for power supply
- coaxial cable (e.g. RG 316)

Page 11

All required material is in Appendix F The BNC socket comes with a short piece of 50
cited again with sources of supply. Ω Coaxial cable connected to the "IN" solder pads.
The inner conductor must be with the middle one
The individual
Documented thesteps of the assembly are in
following: Solder pad to be connected during the
Outer conductor goes to one of the two outer.

In the same way, the PL socket is replaced by a

Rear panel connections
Coaxial cable connected to the "OUT" solder pad.
In the first step, the components of the
The two cables of the power supply will be
Housing rear wall mounted on the same. Provided
guided by the strain relief, which may
you look at the material list when purchasing
by post-processing something
from Appendix F, these parts fit
respective cable must be adjusted. With
directly into the recesses provided. For the
The cable relief will provide a good protrusion
RF sockets can be a flange solution, as in the
with the cables then into the rear wall of the housing
Modification E described is considered
plugged in and the cables fixed with it. The mass
is then directly on the amplifier board "GND"
soldered on. It is best at this point, however
Rear wall, amplifier board and heat sink also the right cut supply of the
Low pass board to be soldered. Plus the black one
Now the pre-assembled rear wall with the
Use a two-pin connector lead if
Amplifier board from Chapter 2 and the
the pin header was assembled as in
Screwed heat sink. This screwing with Chapter 3 described. For safety's sake now
short M3 screws (here the screws
again make sure that the LPF
used later for assembling
PCB is connected with the correct polarity.
of the housing) is only temporary and
is used for wiring. This is the heat sink The positive lead of the power supply turns on
with the ribs down on the work table the rear solder tab of the fuse holder
placed. Above is the circuit board, the soldered; one of their other solder tails
only for a short time via the switching transistors with the Connection to the on / off switch. Will the
Heatsink is connected. Now the second switch pole now to the "VCC" connection
Placed back of the housing so that the four the amplifier board, so is the circle
Mounting holes in the inner recess for the closed. Here too, the supply should be the same
Place the heat sink over the rest of the back panel the low-pass filter can also be soldered on.
and the side with the RF connectors next to it
Picture 12 shows how the unit after this
the HF solder pads ("IN" and "OUT"). If
Work step should look like:
these parts are now fixed with the M3 screws
the board should no longer be from behind
be visible and the heat sink appears to be
attach seamlessly to the back wall. The order
should now be like in picture 12.

The wiring is now in this state


A two-pin plug including cable connects the

PTT socket with the socket of the 3.5 mm
Jack plug. It is important to ensure that
the contact that is closer to the edge of the board
with IN and OUT, is on ground and
accordingly later on with the transceiver
the GND contact must be connected.
Figure 12: Fully assembled amplifier unit, still without a low-pass filter
This contact makes sense to the
Housing connection of the socket. The other cable
carries the PTT signal and must accordingly Low pass filter
get connected. I have the connection
used for the right channel of a stereo jack, Through the next step, connecting the
which is mainly because I mean it A board with the low-pass filters is created
Transceiver simply with an audio cable to the compact, but still easily accessible unit
PA can connect. includes all functionally significant elements.
This makes it easy to incorporate this unity


Page 12
a different 3D than the one described here Opening worked in the front housing wall
to accommodate the printed housing. the switch and the plug are installed
connected to the filter board.
This assembly step is very simple: the four,
temporarily used M3 screws for connection To the unit assembled in the previous step
with the heat sink through the long M3 x the front part of the housing and (if
35mm screws replaced, not without them first desired) the two rear protection bars
through the filter board and one each screwed on.
To have attached spacer sleeve. The filter board
The device (Figure 14) is now fully assembled:
must be placed so that the solder pads
"HF-IN" and "HF-OUT" of the filter board directly
above the corresponding connections "LPF-
IN ”and“ LPF-OUT ”of the amplifier board
are located.

These RF connections on the two boards must be

now only with two short, vertical pieces
Coaxial cables are connected (Figure 13).

Figure 14: Fully assembled amplifier

A total of one working time should be spent on the assembly

of around 2 hours.

Before commissioning it must be ensured that

a miniature fuse with a maximum load of 10 A
is inserted in the fuse holder.

Figure 13: Compact unit from heat sink to low-pass filter The front can still be labeled
be provided (Figure 15). Beyond that it is
At the latest now the jumper "JP1" on the possible, with little effort even more
Amplifier board are removed as the Integrate operating displays. Some suggestions
Otherwise the filter board is bridged and therefore for this, see Appendix E (Displays and
would be ineffective! Connections).

After the connector with the one in the previous one

Step on the soldered supply cables
The filter board is inserted, the device is already
largely finished.

Mount the front part of the housing

The object for the front housing part points

deliberately no opening for mounting the
Selector switch for the low pass filter to the
Builder both component and optical
To leave choice of placement. In
Question come all rocking, tipping or
Slide switch with the three stable positions
ON / OFF / ON. The black cable of the Figure 15: A label on the front can be used
three-pin connector goes to the common
Connection (usually in the middle, sometimes two
Figure 16 shows the connections on the back.
middle connections that are connected
When viewed from behind, they are on the left
) while using the other two cables
yourself with the elements of power supply
the activatable connections
Supply line, fuse and switch. On the
(mostly the two outer ones). Having a suitable one
on the right are the entrance and exit for the

Page 13

High frequency as well as the socket for the PTT Limited for longer continuous wave operation
Control. of course also passive cooling
Performance of the amplifier. This could
significantly increased by using a fan
a socket for connection is on the
Amplifier board already available.

Without further modifications I would recommend the device

reluctant to output more than 50W
expect. I am satisfied with around 30 W myself
and therefore have the following
described measurements up to this
Performance range.

Gain and efficiency

The Reinforcement points a clear

Figure 16: Rear of the device with connections Frequency dependence on. Are defined as
Gain factor β (RF output power to RF
6.) Operating parameters Input power, in dB] it reaches 7.1 MHz
still a peak value of over 14 dB (at 1 W
Although the marketing as a 70 W amplifier probably Input power), but only more at 14.2 MHz
the finished device can be a little too high almost 12 dB (at around 2 W). With 2
but come up with very useful parameters. up to 2.5 W input power, which I call the
The main ones were finished on 40 W and feel optimal value at 40 m
assembled device measured and documented 20 . still around 30 W at 20 m
Output power can be achieved.

Thermal behavior The efficiency ε, defined as HF

Output power divided by input
There is a performance limit for this device
electrical power, increases in the range of 0.5 W.
from the thermal load. Although the
up to 2 W input power. While at
Efficiency increases with performance, that is, too
low power is only around 15%, it achieves
frequency-dependent, power loss enormous. she
with higher performance a value of 45%. But
is largely converted into heat and shows
even that obviously means that over half
especially at the feedback resistors R4 and
the supplied power is converted into heat
R5 to massive warming. Figure 17 shows
and mostly through the heat sink
a Thermal imaging to one
must be dissipated.
continuous, two-minute operation with around 20
Watt output power.
tape β [dB] ε [%] P [W] I [A]
40m 12th 45% 30th 5.2
30m 12.5 43% 36 6.8
20m 13 45% 40 7.1

Table 1: Typical performance data at 12.8 V supply voltage

and 2 W input power

Typical values (measured

or interpolated) for the essential ones
Performance data listed. They apply to one
Operation with low-pass filter at 12.8 V and an HF
Input power of 2 watts.

Figure 17: Thermal image of the amplifier board
With the modification "R6" the standing wave
The resistors reached temperatures ratio of input impedance to 50
up to 144 ° C. Here would be an improvement Ω, on the tapes from 40 m to 20 m better than
1.5 (see Appendix A).
eg to consider cooling surfaces.

Page 14

Unfortunately, I was unable to do that Band f 2 [dB] f 3 [dB] f 4 [dB] f 5 [dB]

Reliably measure output impedance. So <- 60 <- 60
40m - 48 - 58
I had to take rough measurements 21 at - 53
30m - 50 - 47 <- 60
to be satisfied with less power. During that
20m - 51 - 40 - 58 - 56
obtained data for the 40 m and the 20 m band
Table 2: Suppression of harmonics in dB compared to the
suggest an output impedance of around 50 Ω,
Fundamental frequency
the data for the 20 m band indicate one
significantly higher (around 100 Ω) impedance.
With the exception of the third harmonic on the 20m
Band all interference emissions with
at least 47 dB compared to the fundamental wave
Of the Amplifier kit without additional subdued. By additional reduction in
Measures would be a ton of harmonics Fitting devices or by the
produce. So is the performance of the third Antenna characteristics themselves should also be used in
Harmonics of 14.2 MHz are only 7.6 dB below 20m band compliant operation can be achieved
that of the fundamental wave (Figure 18). Looks better be.
it for the 40 m and 30 m band, but
would also be a rule-compliant operation here
not to think.
The connections must be made before operation
Transceiver and antenna manufactured and the device
to the supply (12 - 14 V DC, max. 8
A) can be connected.

The middle (BNC) socket on the (from behind

right) back of the device is marked with a
50 Ω coaxial cable for antenna connection of the
Connected transceivers.

The is also connected to the transceiver

PTT control (upper socket, 3.5 mm jack).
A two-core cable connects the
Figure 18: Without a low-pass filter, the amplifier produces pronounced ones
middle section of the stereo plug ("right
Harmonics to the fundamental frequency of 14.2 MHz
Channel ") with the PTT output (depends on
Transceiver, mostly in the "ACC" socket 22 )
By using the 7-element Chebyshev
and the back section ("ground") is with GND
However, filters become effective as harmonics
connected to the transceiver.
suppressed. Figure 19 shows this as an example
Spectrum when operating at 7.1 MHz. The lower (PL-) socket of the amplifier is connected with
a 50 Ω coaxial cable on the antenna

The amplifier is very easy to use

easy. It is limited after the wiring
on the on / off and the choice of
Low pass filter. As long as the device is switched off,
the RF signal between the RF input and
looped through to the HF output. It can
stay connected even if none
Amplifier operation is desired. Only if that
Device switched on and the PTT control
Figure 19: Spectrum for 40 m with the low pass switched on is activated, the amplifier including low-pass filter
effective between input and output. This
The strongest harmonic is opposite the also means that the low pass filter in the
Basic frequency already attenuated by 48.4 dB. Reception case is not run.

Table 2 gives an overview of the To protect the relays, the device should neither
Suppression of harmonics on the three be turned on or off, still the choice of
used tapes and output power Low pass filter can be changed as long as at the input
between 30 and 40 W. there is a signal.


Page 15

7.) Summary and outlook APPENDIX A: Modification "R6"

Overall, the device can meet the planned goals This modification should in any case
reach almost all concerns. Both the be performed!
electrical as well as the mechanical structure can
In a first test series of the input impedance of the
without major obstacles in a manageable size
ready built amplifier, completed with
Time and with usual hobby tools
I got the following with a 50 Ω dummy load,
become. The material costs are around 50 €
sobering results, measured with a FA-
attractive and the finished system has both
VA 4:
metrological as well as in practical use
proved its usefulness. Band f [MHz] Z [Ω] SWV

As described in section 6, I was able to 160m 1.8 6.3 + 35 ∙ j 11.8

Do not reliably determine output impedance 80m 3.6 22.3 + 79 ∙ j 8.2
and so at least with regard to the 20 m 40m 7.1 264 + 41 ∙ j 5.4
Bands doubts. Here I am very fond of 30m 10.1 107 - 108 ∙ j 4.6
Experience and above all measurement results 20m 14.2 37.8 - 67 ∙ j 4.2
other OMs may still be interested in the system 17m 18.1 21.5 - 41 ∙ j 4.1
to be able to optimize. 15m 21.1 16.2 - 26 ∙ j 4.0

The amplifier kit comes with a Table 3: Measurement of the unmodified kit by FA-VA 4

Frequency range from 3.5 to 30 MHz advertised.

The measured input impedance (with R6- These values become somewhat under nominal load
Modification, cf. Table 4) is with this modified, but remain clearly from
Area compatible. By a changed SWV = 1 removed. Mathematically, it was clear that
The filter board should therefore also be equipped the SWV by simply connecting one in parallel
have the adjacent belts operated, too significantly improve ohmic resistance
if at higher frequencies with a to let should. This resistance would be
Performance reduction must be expected. frequency-dependent in the range between 30 and 60
Ω. Looking for a suitable one
I came across the mounting location on the board
Mark "R6" including solder points on the
Secondary side of the transformer T1 (Figure 20).

Figure 20: The solder points and the component labeling for R6 are already
available, only the corresponding resistor is missing in the kit

Also by resistance at this point

the desired effect can be achieved
Indeed under Consideration of the
Transformation by T1. Further measurements with
then have different resistances for R6
this presumption confirms:

Band \ R6 = 10 Ω 12 Ω 15 Ω 18 Ω 22 Ω
160m 3.5 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.4
80m 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.3
40m 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.4
30m 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.3
20m 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.4
17m 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
15m 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.9
Table 4: Measured standing wave ratio for various values of R6


Page 16

In Table 4 you can see immediately that the at least 1 W power rating ensures one
Input impedance by adding R6 good choice.
improved dramatically. Except for the tapes 160m
R6 = 22 ohms / ≥ 1 W.
and 80m a SWV below 2 is now always achievable.
Figure 21 shows the order around R6 (dark green
Because for my application the behavior in the
Connections) extended circuit diagram of the
Bands 40 m, 30 m and 20 m is essential and
Amplifier with the "R6" modification.
the optimal resistance of R6 at higher
Performance increases slightly (see measurement data),
I have a value of 22 Ω Of course, this modification reduces the
decided. Input sensitivity. But besides that
one will find optimal adaptation for the transmitter
At least up to 5 watts should be on the input side
all rewarded by the fact that the entrance
can apply, which corresponds to an effective value
and with it the output signal significantly less
of almost 16 V before, thus around 4 volts after T1.
Harmonics than without R6.
This results in a load of around 22 Ω
a 3/4 watt. A metal film resistor with
Figure 21: Circuit diagram with R6 modification shown


Page 17

In the meantime, I've also noticed that in one In pictures of the one referenced in AHANG A.
commercial product 23 which is based on this or commercial device that can be seen in place
The resistance is based on an almost identical circuit board of the two IRF530N in the TO220 housing
R6 is equipped. If I am not mistaken it is individual component is soldered. Even with the finished device
there is a 7.5 Ω resistor installed. Also im similar MX-P50, whose amplifier board also
assembled MX-P50 is a resistor on this strikingly similar to the kit described here
Place available, here it seems to be 24 Ω. In acts, such a component is installed. It's falling
these devices are replaced by an MRF186 also immediately catches the eye that our
of the two IRF530N installed. Even if this Kit also for replacement installation
both amplifiers sold fully assembled such components is prepared. What can it be
are still to be described as cheap, it suits you So act?
Price after a multiple of this
The MX-P50 is an MRF186, an “RF Power
described product.
FET ”, designed for up to 120 W. It is designed
So the question arises whether the lack of R6 in the for operation at 28 V, but is used with the MX-P50
Kit is just a mess, or also operated with 12V. More candidates
maybe there is an intention behind it. would be: MRF185, MRF9180, MRF861. With these
Special transistors can certainly be something else
get more out, but even from cheapest sources
you have to pay at least € 10 and almost like that
APPENDIX B: Exchange IRF530N
calculate a lot like for the whole kit.
This modification is not essential It should also be borne in mind that the values
required because the amplifier also works with the the feedback resistors R4 and R5 as well
supplied transistors works. But it is change the adjustment by R6. A look at that
not unlikely at first listed, finished products sets for R4 and R5
Try one or the other transistor Values between 75 and 100 Ω close. For R6 are
overheated and procured new components anyway both lower (7.5 Ω) and higher (24 Ω)
Need to become. It may make sense from To find values. So here yourself
To start with known quality. be experimented.
The modification itself is very simple: the two
included "IRF530N" migrate into the
Craft box (or in the dung bucket) and on hers
APPENDIX D: LPFs for additional tapes
Two quality products are used.
These are even at local retailers for around € 1 The basic version is the one described here
to get the couple. Linear amplifier for use on the KW
40 m, 30 m and 20 m tapes. This
can be achieved with a low pass filter board.
The 3D printed housing is also for use
APPENDIX C: Modification "Power
designed only one filter board.
Transistors "
Since the amplifier itself has a larger frequency
It is clear that the universal switching transistors area can be covered by equipping the
IRF530N for choice
Not the best this application according to technical Low pass filter board with other capacities and
Inductors optional also other
represent. They are very cheap and dirt cheap Bands / band combinations can be accessed.
if someone blows, 10 of them can be used for You can use, for example, the required values
a handful of euros can be bought. After I Online calculators for "7 Element Tschebycheff"
but none with the supplied parts be determined yourself. Calculated values for the
have had bad experiences, not about it Bands from 80 m to 10 m have been developed by John,
I'm interested in the last watt from the amplifier PD7MAA publishes 9 .
squeeze out and true my
The filter board is designed in such a way that
minimalist approach, I'm on the IRF530N
but also the simultaneous use of several
stayed and got myself the following
such boards is possible. These can do this
described modifications not carried out.
to be stacked on top of each other. Then they will
Robert, M0RZF compares on his recommended RF interfaces connected so that
evaluate website 24 different FETs, preferably not only from 2 but from 4, 6,…. Low pass filtering
in the TO220 housing with regard to their suitability can be chosen.
for RF amplifiers. He recommends as inexpensive
For a dedicated amateur, it is certainly
Alternative FQP13N10 transistors.
automatic band selection also possible


Page 18

through an expansion around a µC too APPENDIX F: List of materials

realize. For that too, one would
The following list of materials is intended to help with the
mechanical solution by expanding the
Offer board stack. Search for the right components.
The two listed suppliers are due
Of course, such modifications would not have their importance for the German-speaking area
more in the original housing space, one exemplified with article numbers, whereby
Expansion of the housing design would be with a look at alternative sources of supply
minimal effort feasible. can of course pay off.

Item No. Item No.

APPENDIX E: Indicators and connections
designation Conrad Reichelt
The goal of cheap and simple construction DIY kits 70W - -
a minimum of operating or Heatsink V 7331G
Display elements as well as easy to assemble Resistor 22 Ω / 2W 2W
Connections. METAL 22
RG-316 coaxial cable 1179842 -
Here, however, with relatively little effort - Rocker switch ON / OFF Rocker
even afterwards - the comfort and the 1801.1146
Operational safety can be increased significantly. Switch Rocker
ON / OFF / ON 1808.1103
Equipping with a is very easy Fuse holder 1587496 PL 126001
Operating display in the form of an LED on the Microfuse 1576515 TR 10A
Front panel. The LED only needs one Strain relief KAZU 42
Series resistor of approx. 820 Ω provided between 3.5 mm stereo jack
Supply voltage (after on / off switch) and rifle
Ground are connected. BNC panel jack 1564888 UG 1094U
PL built-in socket 1579410 SO 239 SH
A broadcast display is also desirable. PCB for LPF www.aisler.net
Again, a (red) LED is sufficient www.itead.cc
Series resistor. It is a little more complicated here Amidon toroid T68-6
M 68-6
however, to find the appropriate connection point. (6x)
I recommend pin 1 of the relay on the Enamelled copper wire 0.8 mm COPPER
Amplifier board to use and with a 0.8mm
Series resistance of approx. 760 Ω the LED Relay 12V,
629500 HFD2 12V
2 changers (2x)
to connect. The cathode goes to ground.
Diode, 1N4148 (3x) 564851 1N 4148
In my view, are not necessary 2-pin connector PS 25 / 2O W
LEDs for displaying the set bands 2-pin connector PS 25 / 2U W
of the low pass filter, since this information is 3-pin connector PS 25 / 3O W
matching lettering also directly on 3-pin connector PS 25 / 3U W
Selector switch can be read. If this Mica capacitor CY 22-2 xx
is still desired, the signals can here various values CY 22-3 xx
Switch used together with series resistors Table 5: Components used and sources of supply


However, one should very well consider The material list is in an expanded form and with
Place the BNC and PL sockets for the Prices (February 2018) also available online 25 .
Central fastening such sockets for one
Overall, the material costs amount to
To mount flange mounting. Ideally already
just under € 50, being next to the actual one
from the beginning, because the additional costs are
Amplifier kit especially the ring cores and
minimal and the two times four holes for that
Mica capacitors for the low pass filter too
Fastening screws are also drilled quickly.
Beat beech. This is possibly the largest
You never have to detach yourself from it
Saving potential.
Annoy bushings. The housing design
already takes this modification into account and offers
sufficient space for flange mounting.


Page 19

1 Eg from https://www.aliexpress.com/item/DIY-Kits-70W-SSB-linear-HF-Power-Amplifier-For-YAESU-FT-
817-KX3-Ham-Radio / 32807365037.html
2 US measure: UNC 4-40; UNF 4-48

3 See for example https://www.qrp-labs.com/

4 examples of this are: https://www.amateurfunk-sulingen.de/ovi40-sdr/ , http://www.m0nka.co.uk/ and

5 Some of the currently known to the author can be found on the WWW under the following names:

"MINIPA 70 FT-817 HF Amplifier"

"MINIPA 100W SSB linear HF Power Amplifier for YAESU FT-817 KX3 AM CW FM"
"MX-P50M HF Power Amplifier"
"MX-P50A HF Power Amplifier"
"200W HF Power Amplifier / FT-817 ICOM IC-703 Elecraft KX3 QRP PTT control"
6 In the United States, 3D printers are already available in many public libraries.

7 Contact via the author's website:http://www.oe1cgs.at/

8 The only exception is R6; see Appendix A.

9 Ua: http://pa-11019.blogspot.co.at/2016/11/diy-kits-70w-ssb-linear-hf-power.html

10 Source: Reichelt Elektronik under item number V 7331G

11 Available e.g. B. at Conrad under order number 741637. That means there are already 2 plugs together

Electric wire.
12 The drilling template must be printed out in its original size: http://www.oe1cgs.at/downloads/

13 The print files for the toner transfer method are in pdf format at the following address

downloadable: http://www.oe1cgs.at/downloads/
14 The Gerber files for professional circuit board production are available for download:

15 Source of supply: www.aisler.net

16 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2688656

17 http://www.electroschematics.com/835/rfsim99-download/

18 So far I have not been able to identify any faults due to the lack of shielding. However, should this ever happen
Case, I would attach self-adhesive copper foil on the inside of the housing and with the
Connect device ground.
19 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2768290

20 The detailed measurement protocols are under http://www.oe1cgs.at/50w-hf-verstaerker/ available

21 Measurement of V pp on the oscilloscope with load resistances of 25, 35, 50 and 120 Ω, as well as on the open one

The End.
22 On the Yaesu FT-817, for example, the "TX GND" pin in the 8-pin ACC socket, where GND is also available.

23 Can be found on the WWW by searching for "assembled mini 100W HF amplifier"

24 http://www.m0rzf.co.uk/20W_Amplifier/index.html

25 http://www.oe1cgs.at/downloads/


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