Various Differentiation Between Front Office Terminologies

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Distinguish between Guest Ledger & City Ledger

Guest Ledger City Ledger
1 Refers to the set of guest accounts Refers to the set of non guest accounts. For eg.,
that correspond to registered guests if a guest account is not settled in full on check
or guests who have sent advance out the balance is transferred to the accounting
deposits. division for collection.
2 Corresponds to registered or guests May or may not account to registered guests
reserved for future
3 Records all financial transactions of Contains Credit card payment accounts,
a guest. Company accounts, direct billing accounts,
accounts of guests stayed earlier due for
4 Also referred to transient ledger, It is also called Non guest ledger.
front office ledger or rooms ledger.
5 Maintained at front office Maintained by accounting division (back office

2. Distinguish between Guest Account & Non guest Account

Guest Account Non Guest Account
1 Record of all financial transactions Refers to all in house charged privileges
that occur between the guest and the extended to local businesses or agencies for eg.
hotel when they guarantee a Banquets & conferencing facilities. These are
reservation or they are registered at also created when a former guest fails to
the Front Office settled his bill at the time of departure & the
onus to retrieving the balance amount shifts
from Front Office to Accounts Dept.
2 These are compiled on a daily basis. Billed on a monthly basis.
3 Front Office is responsible for its Bank office or Accounts Dept takes toe
maintenance responsibility of account settlement.

3. Distinguish between Voucher & Folio

Voucher Folio
1 It gives details of a single Refers to the statement of all transactions
transaction to be posted at the Front (debits & credits) affecting the balance of a
Office. For Eg. A florist or a gift single account. This may include all non guest
shop might not have provision of or guest accounts.
posting a particular transaction into
a registered guest account. They can
send use voucher to notify the FO of
guest charge privileges that need
2 It gives all the information about the This gives details of all the transactions under
transaction gathered at the source of a particular account. All transactions that
transaction. increase or decrease the balance.
3 It can be safely said that the voucher Whereas a folio lists out all the postings in an
accounts for a single posting. account.
4 Types of Vouchers are cash Some of the types of Folios are Guest folios,

By - Pritilata Acharya
vouchers, charge vouchers, transfer Master folios, Non-guest or Semi Permanent
vouchers, allowance vouchers & Folios, Employee Folios, Room folios &
paid-out vouchers. Incidental folios.

4. Distinguish between Account Correction & Account

Account Correction Account Allowance
1 This is used to resolve a posting This is used to decrease in a folio balance for
error on a folio. purposes such as compensation for poor
services or rebates for coupon discounts.
2 This is utilized to resolve an error This is made when an error is detected after the
that is detected before the night night audit
3 This may or may not require This requires managerial consent and should
managerial approval. be properly documented.

5. Distinguish between Cash Bank & Net Cash Receipts

Cash Bank Net Cash Receipts
1 It is an amount of cash assigned to These are the amount of cash, cheques & other
cashier so that he can handle the negotiable items in the cashiers’s drawer
various cash transactions in shift. minus the initial cash bank plus advances.

6. Distinguish between Cash Advance & Due Back

Cash Advance Due Back
1 It is an amount of cash paid by the A Due Back occurs when a cashier pays out
cashier on behalf of the guest for more than he or she receives. This can happen
some expense such as taxi fare etc. when a cashier accepts many checks and large
bills during a shift.

7. Distinguish between Floor Limit & House Limit

Floor Limit House Limit
1 A floor limit is the maximum A House limit on the other hand a property’s
amount in the credit card charges the internal limitations established by the front
hotel can accept without requesting office. This is the maximum limit on the
special authorization from the credit amount, which the guests can charge to their
card company on behalf of a credit accounts without partial settlement.
card holder

8. Distinguish between Upselling & Upgrading

Upselling Upgrading

By - Pritilata Acharya
1 Upselling refers to the efforts of Upgrading on the other hand refers to moving
reservations & the front desk agents a reservation or in house guest to a better
to be able to sell a higher priced accommodation or a class of service owing to
room to a guest who might have his status / prestige or in a bid to make up for
come with a concept of hiring a any error made by the hotel.
comparatively lower category room.
2 Upselling leads to revenue There is no revenue generation for the hotel on
generation for the hotel. upgradation.
3 Upselling requires skills like Upgrading doesn’t require such skills
salesmanship & good

By - Pritilata Acharya

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