Heaven Speaks About Divorce: Direction For Our Times As Given To Anne, A Lay Apostle
Heaven Speaks About Divorce: Direction For Our Times As Given To Anne, A Lay Apostle
Heaven Speaks About Divorce: Direction For Our Times As Given To Anne, A Lay Apostle
ISBN: 978-1-933684-05-5
Direction for Our Times
9000 West 81st Street
Justice, IL 60458
Table of Contents
August 5, 2005
Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
St. Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
St. Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
St. Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
St. Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
St. Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Blessed Mother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
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I speak today with such love in My heart. My
love overflows. It is for this reason that I
come to you to talk about the sad situation
of holy marriages ending in divorce. I tell
you why this grieves Me. There are many
situations in which the marriage did not
have to end. I am Jesus. I am God. I can
heal many wounds if I am allowed to
minister to the husband and wife in their
difficulties. Every marriage will experience
times when either one or the other is angry
and would like to separate. This is to be
expected and should not startle or frighten
those involved. During these times, if the
couple comes to Me and asks for My grace, I
will send the grace necessary to preserve
the family. Dear children of God, there are
many reasons why I wish to keep families
together. I am speaking to you today in
general terms, understanding that there
are times when a union cannot be
preserved. I do not sanction violence of any
kind by one party against another. This is
not from heaven and heaven does not
prompt either a husband or a wife to abuse.
This comes from the enemy of the marriage.
In cases such as this, or in cases where one
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St. Anne
This mission, ordained by heaven, is a mission of
mercy and healing. For this reason, I would like
to encourage all who read these words to ask
right now for God’s mercy. Healing graces flow
into the world in an amount that is unparalleled.
So ask Jesus for these graces and He will send
them. Dear brothers and sisters, there are many
consequences of the disobedience that is
prevalent in this age. One of the consequences of
the darkness is the dissolution of so many
marriages. When a marriage ends, there is great
despair because most souls enter a marriage
with the intention of doing good for each other
and for any children sent. The bitterness that
results from betrayal is profound. This bitterness
is taking many souls down a path of self-
destruction. The first thing you must understand
is this. Jesus loves you whether you are in your
marriage or out of your marriage. The love of
your God does not change. Jesus does not reject
a soul because the soul is divorced. On the
contrary, Jesus sees that your hopes for your
marriage have been disappointed and He rushes
in to console you. You must come to Him all day
long when you are suffering this terrible pain.
Do not try to walk through this alone as you may
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St. Anne
Children must have explanations in these cases.
Do not think that the end of a marriage is the
business of only the two adults involved. Where
there are children, these little ones have a right
to explanations, however simple and short.
Many children feel that their parents are
divorcing because of their flaws. Children often
think of their acts of disobedience, normal in
every child’s life, and become convinced that
these acts disrupted the peace in the home and
caused a parent to leave. You, God’s child,
should understand that this causes the greatest
distress in a child, even if that distress is
hidden. You must believe me that this feeling is
present in many children and you must give the
child the information he or she is entitled to. A
child should be told that heaven loves both the
father and the mother and heaven loves all
children, everywhere, regardless of their
mistakes. Explain that the family should pray to
heaven that all members find peace and
happiness, together or separated. The children
should know that others suffer in this way, also,
and that heaven steps in very strongly to
comfort and heal every person in this family
that is struggling. In the end, through prayer,
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St. Anne
When a marriage ends, both the husband and
the wife suffer. Both will carry a cross from this
situation. It is good to remember when you are
helping someone who suffers in this way that
there are two wounded souls. One party may
want the separation more than the other, it is
true, but that does not mean that this person is
not also in pain. It is very disappointing to
heaven when people close to the couple join in
and spread bitterness. This is a sad situation,
yes, but that does not mean that a heavenly
approach is not available. Do not judge.
Children of heaven, I would like to repeat that
sentence but I do not want to bore you. I will
simply ask that you be careful to allow heaven
to understand the situation. Content yourself
that you do not. It is not necessary for you to
judge. It is necessary only for you to love this
couple and support their family. This is the
heavenly way. When a husband loses a wife
and a wife loses a husband, the grief should
not be compounded by either soul losing their
Christian family, who are called upon to
support them in a profound way during this
time. The wrong thing to do, which disappoints
heaven, is for souls to consider themselves
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St. Anne
Many souls behave badly when they are in pain.
Dear children, this is not necessary. Bring your
pain to Jesus and you will not strike out at each
other. You cannot force your husband or wife to
continue a marriage. What you can do is this.
Bring that soul to Jesus each day. Pray that
heaven will intercede for your family and soften
the heart of your loved one. Acknowledge any
mistakes you have made and be as gentle as
possible, allowing your loved one the time
necessary for Jesus to heal any wounds. Be
assured that you are only one part of the union.
Jesus does not hold you accountable for the
actions of someone else. Do not make the
mistake of thinking that you will be judged by
the mere fact that your marriage ended. You
will be judged only by your actions, always.
And if you have made mistakes, however grave,
seek the Sacrament of Penance and allow Jesus
to liberate you from these acts. The most
important thing I want to tell you is that Jesus
will bring good from each situation, however
bad the situation appears. If you are walking
with Jesus, as a beloved apostle, He will send
all necessary healing for you and your loved
ones. Jesus does not make promises and then
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St. Anne
Children of God, there is no ugliness that I have
not heard. I see that souls are hesitant to bring
certain problems to heaven’s attention because
they fear they will offend heaven. Well, how silly
is this. Heaven is filled with souls who walked
the earth so heaven has seen and heard
everything. You will not shock me, my beloved
friends. If you are to heal from great pain, you
must bring it to us. I am St. Anne and I want to
help with these problems. Sit in silence and
allow us into each sorrow, however ugly. Where
is the correct place to bring such pain? If you
do not bring it to us, you may bring it to a soul
on earth who does not have the love or under-
standing to help you. You have experienced this,
I know, and it is for this reason I talk about it.
Family members often pile on additional hurt,
simply because they do not know what to say to
console you or how to deal with the issues. They
can also find fault with you where none is
indicated, which will be like piling great
weights on to your already weighty cross. Seek
your counsel most carefully during this time. Sit
with Jesus, truly present in the Eucharist, and
He Himself will listen to every pain and hurt.
He will take it all and place it into the fires of
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Blessed Mother
My little doves are struggling. How earnestly I
want to assure you that heaven has the graces you
need. Dear little families, bring Jesus to your
center and you will persevere. In most cases,
marriages do not have to end. There is sufficient
grace available to heal wounds and restore the
sacramental unity. Often it is simply a case of one
soul rejecting Christ, leading to all manner of pain
and injury. Even in the most difficult cases,
though, heaven is prepared to step in and heal. I
would like to say that many marriages are ill-
advised in that one soul or the other is not
following heaven and therefore not open to the
graces that are necessary to preserve peace in the
union. Well, dear children, how can heaven sustain
a union when only one party is willing to allow
direction? You see that this is a handicapped
union from the beginning. So urge all to consider
carefully before entering into the Sacrament of
Marriage. In the cases where the marriage has
ended, be docile to the Church and Her precepts.
Do not talk rebelliously about the Church or blame
the Church for the situation you are in. I, your
heavenly mother, will help you to arrive at your
destination, which is unity with Jesus and His
Church. Seek the counsel of your priests and
understand that Jesus is walking through every
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Common Appendix Heaven Speaks_Layout 1 11/6/09 11:06 AM Page 1
4. Monthly Confession.
The Volumes
Direction for Our Times
as given to Anne, a lay apostle
Volume One: Thoughts on Spirituality