Nursing Care For Patients Undergoing Total Hip Arthroplasty: December 2018
Nursing Care For Patients Undergoing Total Hip Arthroplasty: December 2018
Nursing Care For Patients Undergoing Total Hip Arthroplasty: December 2018
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1 author:
Ka Huen Yip
Caritas Institute of Higher Education
All content following this page was uploaded by Ka Huen Yip on 10 January 2019.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the commonest form of arthritis characterized by failed repair of joint damage, leading to eventual joint
destruction and functional impairment. The clinical presentation of OA varies from an asymptomatic, incidental finding on
radiographs to a painful, disabling disorder requiring joint replacement.
Clinical features and
diagnosis of osteoarthritis
Clinical features
The principal symptoms of OA include pain, stiffness and locomotor restriction.1 Pain is typically worse with joint use (mechanical
pain) and relieved by rest. However, some patients can have early morning or nocturnal pain. The early morning stiffness in OA is
usually less than 30 minutes and there may be short-lived inactivity-related stiffness (also known as gelling). Patients with OA have
a limited range of motion of the affected joint (equal for both active and passive movement), which may be due to development of
marginal osteophytes, capsular thickening and/or joint effusion.
OA typically affects patients over the age of 40. The common signs of OA include crepitus, joint line tenderness, bony swelling, deformity
and/or reduced range of movement. The crepitus is due to friction between damaged articular cartilage and/or the bone and is manifested
as a coarse crunching sensation on movement of the affected joint. Tenderness around the joint line is suggestive of an articular disorder,
whereas tenderness away from the joint line suggests a peri-articular soft tissue disorder. Occasionally, patients can present with
neuropathic or widespread pain in the peri-articular soft tissue, which may suggest comorbid fibromyalgia. Bony swelling is usually
evident in small joints (e.g. proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP) and distal interphalangeal joints (DIP), first metatarsophalangeal joint) or
in large joints (e.g. knee). In advanced OA, patients can have fixed flexion deformities at the knees, hips or elbows.
Principal manifestations of OA
Age of onset >40 years old
Joint pain - Usually affects one or a few joints at a time - May be intermittent and relapsing
- Insidious onset - Increased with joint use and impact and relieved by rest
- Variable intensity - Nocturnal pain may occur in severe OA
Stiffness - Usually short-lived (<30 minutes) early morning stiffness
- Short-lived inactivity-related stiffness (gelling)
Swelling - Some (e.g. nodal OA) patients present with swelling and/or deformity
Constitutional symptoms Absent
Appearance - Swelling - Muscle wasting
- Deformity
Palpation - Absence of warmth - Joint-line tenderness
- Bony swelling or effusion - Periarticular tenderness (especially knee, hip)
Movement - Coarse crepitus - Weak local muscles
- Reduced range of movement
Table 1. Principal manifestations of OA
Adapted from Abhishek A, Doherty M. Disease diagnosis and clinical presentation. OARSI Online Primer 2011
Diagnosis of OA
OA is a clinical diagnosis and it may be diagnosed without laboratory tests or radiographs in the presence of typical symptoms and
signs in the at-risk age group. OA can be categorized into localized or generalized forms based on the number of joints affected. For
localized OA, only 1-2 joints are involved, with knees, hips, interphalangeal joints, first carpometacarpal joints, first
metatarsophalangeal joints and apophyseal joints of the lower cervical and lower lumbar spine being most commonly affected. For
generalized osteoarthritis (GOA), 3 or more joints are involved, with the hands or spinal joints being one of the regions affected. The
clinical marker for GOA is the presence of multiple Heberden’s nodes (in the DIP joints) or Bouchard’s nodes (in the PIP joints),
which is also known as nodal GOA. Nodal GOA is more common in women, whereas non-nodal GOA is more common in men.
Peripheral joint OA can be diagnosed clinically if the person is: 1) 45 years or above, 2) has activity-related joint pain and 3) has no
morning joint-related stiffness, or morning stiffness that lasts less than 30 minutes. However, relevant imaging and laboratory
assessments should be performed in the following situations: 1) In patients <45 years of age in the absence of prior joint trauma, 2)
atypical features are present (e.g. unusual distribution, signs of significant joint inflammation, rapid progression, severe nocturnal
pain) and 3) presence of constitutional signs and symptoms e.g. weight loss, and 4) presence of true locking at the knee, which may
suggest co-existing mechanical damage. Blood tests for inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein and erythrocyte
sedimentation rate are typically normal or marginally raised in OA, and they can be useful in excluding other diagnoses.
Arthrocentesis for synovial fluid examination is not routinely utilized to support the diagnosis of OA. However, joint fluid analysis is
indicated if there is suspicion of infection or co-existing crystal deposition disease.
Imaging in OA
1) Radiography
Radiographic examination may be useful in supporting the clinical diagnosis of OA but they should not be relied on solely to establish the
diagnosis of OA given the poor correlation between radiographic structural changes and clinical symptoms in OA.3 On the other hand, a
normal radiograph should not be used to refute a clinical diagnosis of OA. Radiographic examination can play a role in assessing the
prognosis in patients with OA especially in patients with knee OA. In a previous prospective study of 1507 patients with knee OA, those
with more severe joint space narrowing (JSN) at baseline developed more rapid joint space loss than those with no JSN at baseline.4
diagnosis of management
Clinical features and
osteoarthritis of osteoarthritis
2) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
MRI is usually not required for most patients with typical OA. However, it can be used to identify OA at an earlier stage showing
changes such as cartilage defect and bone marrow lesions. MRI can also be used to assess the periarticular soft tissue for pathologies
such as effusion and synovitis.
3) Ultrasonography
Ultrasonography is useful for assessing OA-associated structural changes and for detecting synovial inflammation, joint effusion and
osteophytes. However, it cannot assess deeper articular structures nor detect lesions in the subchondral bone.
1. Abhishek A, Doherty M. Diagnosis and clinical presentation of osteoarthritis. Rheum Dis Clin N Am 2013;39:45-66.
2. National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK). Osteoarthritis: Care and management in adults. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK); 2014.
3. Bedson J, Croft PR. The discordance between clinical and radiographic knee osteoarthritis: a systematic search and summary of the literature. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2008;9:116.
4. Wolfe F, Lane NE. The longterm outcome of osteoarthritis: rates and predictors of joint space narrowing in symptomatic patients with knee osteoarthritis. J Rheumatol 2002;29:139-46.
Osteoarthritis (OA) refers to a clinical syndrome of joint pain accompanied by varying degree of functional limitation and reduced
quality of life1. It is the most common form of arthritis, and one of the leading causes of pain and disability worldwide and is
associated with increasing age and obesity.
Initial management
Current management of OA is directed at providing symptomatic relief. Pharmacological treatments are adjuncts and the key to
management is lifestyle change. Paracetamol or topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are recommended as
first-line pharmacological treatment in patients with hand or knee OA1. If paracetamol or topical NSAIDs offers insufficient pain
relief, then the addition of an opioid analgesic can be considered. An adequate therapeutic trial for a topical NSAID is four weeks, and
paracetamol is taken on an as required basis before starting a regular treatment regimen. Topical NSAIDs are recommended by both
the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) for use in hand and knee
OA2,3. A Cochrane review concluded that topical NSAIDs provide good level of pain relief in OA but with increase in local adverse
events compared with placebo or oral NSAIDs4. Pain relief with topical NSAIDs may not be instant and is likely to increase over a
period of several days.
Substitute Add in
Oral non-selective NSAID Oral nonselective MAID
or Cox 2 inhibitor or Cox 2 inhibitor
+ proton pump inhibitor + proton pump inhibitor
Figure 1 - Source: UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2014
Pharmacological treatment on osteoarthritis
and the roles of Clinical Pharmacist
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom (UK) recommends evaluating clinical response
to paracetamol and/or a topical NSAID before adding oral NSAID which can be a non-selective NSAID or a cyclo-oxygenase-2
(COX2) selective inhibitor1. The selection is based on the patient’s comorbidities (e.g. age, concomitant medication, cardiovascular
disease, renal function, history of peptic ulcer disease) and side effect profiles (e.g. gastric, renal and cardiovascular toxicity). The
non-selective NSAID is recommended to be used at its lowest effective dose for the shortest possible period, and co-prescribed with
a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) because of the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. The use of alternative analgesics (e.g. opioids, or topical
capsaicin with regular paracetamol) is recommended by NICE before substituting or adding a non-selective NSAID or COX2
inhibitor in OA patients taking low-dose aspirin1. Patients who do not respond to one NSAID might respond to a different one. Each
treatment should be given an adequate therapeutic trial before changing to an alternative; a full analgesic effect would be achieved in
one week, while an anti-inflammatory effect may not be achieved for at least three weeks. Recent studies suggest that increased
cardiovascular risk may apply to all NSAID users irrespective of their baseline risk5. The greatest concern relates to chronic users of
high doses. Naproxen is associated with a lower thrombotic risk than the COX2 inhibitors.
Opioid analgesics
Opioid analgesics may be indicated for patients with unacceptable pain despite treatment with oral paracetamol or topical NSAIDs
when oral non-selective NSAIDs or COX2 inhibitors are contraindicated. Elderly patients may be particularly sensitive to the side
effects of opioid analgesics, and concomitant medicines may contribute to the sedative and constipating effects of these medicines.
Current ACR guideline recommends the use of tramadol in OA, but does not support the use of opioids in the management of OA3.
Other treatments
Topical capsaicin cream is recommended by NICE as adjunct therapy for knee and hand OA and by the ACR for knee OA. A
comparative efficacy review in 2011 concluded that topical capsaicin was better than placebo for 50% pain reduction (number needed
to treat 8.1)6.
Duloxetine is a serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor and is recommended by the ACR for some patients with hip OA3, and
OARSI guidelines state that the use of duloxetine is appropriate in patients with multiple joint OA6. Duloxetine is not licensed for the
treatment of OA in the UK. In the United States, the license for the Cymbalta brand includes the management of chronic
musculoskeletal pain. Both a systematic review and a randomised controlled trial comparing duloxetine with placebo found
duloxetine to be tolerable and efficacious for chronic pain associated with OA.
Chondroitin and glucosamine are available for purchase over the counter for pain relief. NICE does not recommend glucosamine
and chondroitin products for the management of OA. The ACR also does not support the use of glucosamine or chondroitin in OA of
the hip or knee.
Chondroitin sulphate belongs to a class of very large molecules called glycosaminoglycans, which are made up of glucuronic acid and
galactosamine. It is manufactured from natural sources such as shark and bovine cartilage. The rationale for taking this supplement in
OA is that chondroitin is found endogenously in the cartilaginous tissues of most mammals and serves as a substrate for the formation
of the joint matrix structure. The most recently published meta-analysis showed no statistically significant benefit of chondroitin when
compared with placebo. In a stratified analysis of larger, high quality trials, the effect sizes for pain were small to non-existent6.
Glucosamine is available in three forms: glucosamine hydrochloride, glucosamine sulphate and N-acetyl glucosamine. Glucosamine
is required for the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides; these are carbohydrate containing compounds found in tendons, ligaments,
cartilage and synovial fluid. A meta-analysis concluded glucosamine does not improve in relation to pain relief in hip or knee OA7. A
systematic review also failed to demonstrate any effect on disease modification when compared with placebo at one year follow-up.
Hyaluronic acid intra-articular injections are not recommended by NICE, but current ACR guideline recommends the use of
hyaluronic acid injections in people aged over 74 years with knee OA that is refractory to standard pharmacological treatments.
Hyaluronan is a natural substance found in the body and is present in high amounts in the synovial fluid of joints. It acts as a lubricant
and shock absorber within the joint. Synthesized hyaluronic acid is gel-like in nature and is injected intra-articularly into the knee joint
to supplement the natural hyaluronan in the joint and reduce pain associated with OA of the knee. The injection may reduce pain over
a period of one to six months, but there may be an increase in knee inflammation in the short term. Inconsistent conclusions from
meta-analysis and conflicting results regarding safety have led to reluctance to support use in the management of knee OA. A recent
systematic review found a small but significant effect on knee pain by week 4 and a peak at week 8 with moderate clinical
significance. The effects lasted up to 24 weeks6.
Pharmacological treatment on osteoarthritis
and the roles of Clinical Pharmacist
Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) may be of benefit in the management of OA, as imaging techniques have
demonstrated that OA is associated with inflammation of the synovium (synovitis). A 12-month randomised trial involving 248
patients with hand OA and moderate-to-severe pain who were assigned to 200–400 mg hydroxychloroquine or placebo, in addition to
on-going usual care did not show any significant difference compared with placebo group. Current guideline does not incorporate the
use of DMARDs in the treatment of OA8.
術的病人有1 2,00 0 人 , 病 人 平 均 需 輪 候 四 年 才 能 接 受 手 術 , 此 類 病 人 在 等 侯 接 受 手 術 前 , 部 分會選擇
中醫治療;亦有部分 病 人 未 能 承 受 消 炎 止 痛 藥 的 副 作 用 , 從 而 選 擇 接 受 中 醫 診 治 。
局部瘀血停滯)亦可 使 局 部 經 絡 出 現 「 不 通 則 痛 」 的 「 標 實 」 情 況 。
膝 眼 ( E X - L E 4 ) 、 膝 眼 ( E X - L E 5 ) 、 陽 陵 泉 ( G B 3 4 ) 、 陰 陵 泉 ( S P 9 ) 、 足 三 里 ( S T 3 6 ) 等 1。 一 項 於 2 0 1 6 年 所
活 動 度 及 生 活 質 量 皆 有 良 好 的 進 展 , 而 膝 關 節 於 磁 力 共 振 下 亦 產 生 變 化 2。 再 者 , 亦 有 研 究 顯 示 針 灸 可
啟動人體內鎮痛機 制 , 有 效 舒 緩 膝 關 節 炎 症 狀 3 。
中 醫 「 經 筋 」 理 論 , 於 人 體 上 尋 找 「 筋 結 」 的 地 方 進 行 治 療 , 有 效 地 達 到 即 時 鎮 痛 的 效 果 4, 而 此 方 法
只於人體表皮處進 行 針 刺 , 是 一 種 可 配 合 運 動 的 針 刺 方 法 , 改 善 膝 關 節 的 整 體 結 構 。
1. 李晗, 馬喆, 方臻臻, 周次利, 桂芝, 趙繼夢, et al. 數據 掘技術分析針 治療膝關節炎臨床 穴使用規律. 世界科學技術-中醫藥現代化. 2016 (08).
2. Zhang Y, Bao F, Wang Y, et al. Influence of acupuncture in treatment of knee osteoarthritis and cartilage repairing. Am J Transl Research 2016;8:3995-4002.
3. Chen X, Spaeth RB, Freeman SG, et al. The modulation effect of longitudinal acupuncture on resting state functional connectivity in knee osteoarthritis patients. Molecular pain. Mol pain 2015,11:67
4. 劉農虞, 任天培, 向宇. “筋針”對軟組織損傷即刻鎮痛效果臨床觀察. 中國針 . 2015 (09).
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the protective
cartilage on the ends of bones wears down over time. Although OA can damage to any joint in the body, the disorder most
commonly affects joints such as knees, hips, hands, elbows, and shoulders.
• X-ray: Cartilage loss is revealed by a narrowing of the space between the bones in a joint. An X-ray may also show bone spurs
(osteophytes) around a joint.
• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): An MRI produces detailed images of bone and soft tissues, including cartilage.
• Joint aspiration: The doctor will insert a needle into the joint to withdraw fluid. The fluid will be examined for evidence of
crystals or joint deterioration. This test can help rule out other medical conditions or other forms of arthritis.
Figure 1a: A pelvis X-ray showing osteoarthritis changes in both hip joints. The disease is characterized by loss of joint space,
osteophytes formation, subchondral sclerosis and subchondral cyst formation.
Figure 1b: A knee X-ray showing osteoarthritis. The medial joint space is decreased.
Surgical management of osteoarthritis
Surgical management
Osteotomy around knee
Osteotomy literally means "cutting of the bone." In a knee osteotomy, either the tibia
(shinbone) or femur (thighbone) is cut and then reshaped to relieve pressure on the knee
joint. Knee osteotomy is used when a patient has early-stage OA that has damaged just one
side of the knee joint. By shifting weight off the damaged side of the joint, osteotomy can
relieve pain and significantly improve function in an arthritic knee.
Figure 2. High tibial osteotomy is one of the surgical treatment of medial compartmental osteoarthritis in knee.
Osteotomy does have disadvantages. For example, pain relief is not as predictable after osteotomy compared with a partial or total
knee replacement. Recovery from osteotomy is typically longer and more difficult as weight bearing may not be allowed on the
operated knee right away. In some cases, having had an osteotomy can make subsequent knee replacement surgery more challenging.
Although joint replacement surgery is successful in most of cases, complications may still occur, including, but not limited to:
wound infection, infection around the prosthesis, blood clotting, malfunction of the prosthesis (may be caused by wear and tear,
breakage, dislocation, or loosening), or nerve injury (although rare, nerves in the surrounding area may become damaged during the
Surgical management of osteoarthritis
Upper limb OA management
Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of pain and disability in older people1,2. As a consequence of the aging population in Hong
Kong, the demand for total knee and total hip replacement surgery is also increasing. Since 2009, joint replacement centers are
successively established in Buddhist Hospital, Yan Chai Hospital, Pok Oi Hospital, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital and
Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital to meet the increasing service demand. A one-stop service to patients undergoing joint
replacement surgery, including pre-operative comprehensive care, integrated surgical treatment and early rehabilitation, has
been provided in the Joint Replacement Centre3.
Physiotherapy is accepted as the standard and essential treatment which contributes to effective recovery after joint replacement
surgeries4,5 . The aim is to maximize a person’s functionality and independence and minimize complications such as hip dislo-
cation (for hip replacement), wound infection, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism4. The physiotherapy rehabilita-
tion routine has 4 components: therapeutic exercise, transfer training, gait training, and instruction on activities of daily living4.
The effectiveness of physiotherapy exercise following total knee replacement is well documented in systematic review and
meta-analysis which showed that patients receiving physiotherapy exercise had improved physical function at 3-4 months when
compared with controls receiving minimal physiotherapy5.
According to the internal audit report of Hospital Authority on Management of Total Joint Replacement Programme in 2016,
with joint effort of physiotherapists, ward nurses, anesthetists and orthopedic surgeons, almost all patients could start their
mobilization exercise off the bed the next day after the surgery, the average length of stay was reduced from 16.5 days in 2009
to 9 days under the multi-disciplinary care of the Joint Replacement Centre.
In Yan Chai Hospital, physiotherapy service has also covered all weekend and public holidays since October 2017 to further
enhance post-operative rehabilitation for joint replacement patients.
Local experience on fast track rehabilitation
for operative hip and knee joint replacaement
Local Experience:
1. Fast Track Rehabilitation: From pre-operative to post-operative
Fast-track protocols have been introduced worldwide to improve recovery after total hip arthroplasty (THA)6 and total knee
arthroplasty (TKA)7. Fast track rehabilitation improves early functional outcome and has shown a continued improvement of
reported passive range of movements, reduction of pain and gradual improvement in quality of life and function during the first
6 weeks6,7. In the following, a local fast track rehabilitation protocol in Yan Chai Hospital is introduced:
B. In-patient physiotherapy
I. Rehabilitation Protocol
In-patient physiotherapy with a comprehensive rehabilitation protocol starts Day 1 after surgery.
Mobilize joint and THA: Static quads / Gluteal set exercise for THR
strengthen muscle Assisted active/active hip mobilization
Day 4 Prepare for discharge and + walking aid prescription & + Stair training
reinforce home care arrangement
D. Out-Patient Physiotherapy
Out-patient physiotherapy is arranged within 2 weeks after the fast-track clinic. Intensive physiotherapy training further improves
joint function and enhances functional recovery and quality of life after joint replacement surgery.
Patients usually suffer from joint pain and dysfunction as well as walking difficulties long before the operation. Joint replacement
surgery is a significant advance in treatment of a painful and disabling joint condition. Postoperative rehabilitation is of utmost
importance following total joint replacement to ensure pain-free function of the joint and improve the patient’s quality of life. Early
and intensive physiotherapy is one of the keys to success. Fast-track rehabilitation ensures timely intervention to achieve best
outcome of surgery.
1. Spiers NA, et al. Diseases and impairments as risk factors for onset of disability in the older population in England and Wales: Findings from the Medical Research. Council Cognitive Function and Ageing
Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2005;60:248–54.
2. Song J, Chang RW, Dunlop DD. Population impact of arthritis on disability in older adults. Arthritis Care Res. 2006;55:248–55.
3. Management of Total Joint Replacement Programme. Internal audit report of Hospital Authority 2016
4. Medical Advisory Secretariat. Physiotherapy rehabilitation after total knee or hip replacement: an evidence-based analysis. Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series 2005; 5(8).
5. Artz N, et al. Effectiveness of physiotherapy exercise following total knee replacement: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2015;16:15.
6. Klapwijk LC, et al. The first 6 weeks of recovery after primary total hip arthroplasty with fast track. Acta Orthop. 2017;88:140-4.
7. Van Egmond JC, Verburg H, and Mathijssen NM. The first 6 weeks of recovery after total knee arthroplasty with fast track. Acta Orthop 2015;86:708-13.
Nursing care for patients undergoing
total hip arthroplasty
Dr Ka-huen YIP
Assistant Professor, School of Health Sciences, Caritas Institute of Higher Education
This article describes nursing care provided to patients who undergo total hip arthroplasty (THA) in the pre- and post-operation
period with the aim to help patients to adapt to the new mobility status and to reduce adverse complications.
Patients undergoing THA are commonly 60 years old or above and with osteoarthritis (OA) developing severe and chronic hip
pain. THA is a surgery to treat OA, together with other conservative management including physiotherapy, ice therapy, daily limit
of joint mobility, keep rest, using walking aids, analgesic administration, and hyaluronic acid injection, etc. The patient who under-
goes THA need to pay special attention in pre- and post-operative care. Nurses will perform health care to decrease the risk of
complications before and after the operation. Nurses will also monitor complications including avascular necrosis, and loosening
of the prosthesis1.
The patient who has undergone THA is encouraged early mobilization on the day of operation for the benefit of reducing duration
of hospitalization, complications, hospital costs and, on the other hand, preparing the patient to take care of themselves at home,
moving around and functioning with high level of independency1. On Day 1 after the operation, the nurse will encourage the patient
to walk with assistance of walking devices (e.g. walking stick or frame) to prevent complications associated with prolonged
immobility. The patient will also be encouraged to sit out from bed and begin ambulation gradually from small to greater distance1.
After the surgery, dislocation may occur when the hip is in full flexion, legs together and internally rotated. It is essential for the
nurse to educate the patient about protective positioning and hip precaution. Advices will be given to the patients to maintain
correct positioning and keep the knees apart at all times. The nurse will also provide abduction pillow to the patient when sleeping,
and remind the patient to avoid flexed hip more than 90°, and use fracture bedpan to avoid flexing the affected hip. The patient
should also be reminded to maintain limited flexion during transfer and when sitting up. High-seat chair with arm rests and raised
toilet seat can be used to minimize hip joint flexion.
As an important part of post-operative nursing health care, the nurse will remind the patient to take medical prescription e.g.
paracetamol (panadol), or ultram (tramadol) to mitigate pain. As a collaborative effort with allied health professionals, the nurse
will also encourage the patient to undertake the exercise regime taught by physiotherapist to enhance activities of daily living
during the recovery period.
Nursing care for patients undergoing
total hip arthroplasty
Home care measures after THA
Before the patient is discharged home, the nurse will provide education to the patient and the carers to promote continuity of
therapeutic regimen (e.g. limbs exercise), active participation and understanding of the rehabilitation process and home care after
THA. For example, the patient will be advised to maintain ideal body weight, and be extra careful when walking down the stairs
or ramps to prevent weight bearing and joint hazard and damage of prosthesis. The patient should also maintain regular limb and
walking exercise to regain mobility.
The nurse will also remind the patient to notify health care providers of discomfort such as increased body temperature, pulse and
respiration rate, signs of influenza, redness, purulent drainage, tenderness, swelling, and pain, some of which could be vital signs
of infective complications. The patient will also be taught to note any shortening of the affected extremity that may reflect
dislocation of the prosthesis. If in doubt or concern, he or she should seek for medical consultation.
The nurse will remind the patient on follow-up consultation. Regular time schedule for follow-up appointments will then be
arranged. The patient is encouraged to carry a medical identification (e.g. implant card) indicating that he or she has a joint
replacement and may be sensitive to security check at port control when he or she takes a trip. Important post-operative nursing
health care services is to encourage the patient to adopt and practise good health measures, stable ambulation and function of the
extremity to achieve good quality of life.
1. Hinkle JL, Cheever KH. Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing. surgical nursing. (14th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer 2018.
2. Mayne AIW, Davies PSE, Simpson JM. Antibiotic treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria prior to hip and knee arthroplasty: a systematic review of the literature. The Surgeon, Journal of the Royal Colleges of
Surgeons of Edinburgh and Ireland, 2017;1-7.
3. Berbari EF, Osmon DR, Carr A, et al. Dental procedures as risk factors for prosthetic hip or knee infection: a hospital-based prospective case-control study. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2010; 50:8-16.
4. Miller AO, Henry MW, Brause BD. Prevention of joint infections. Management of Periprosthetic Joint Infections 2017;3-23.
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