Shareholders Agreement
Shareholders Agreement
Shareholders Agreement
12rh January 2O0T
Share Sale and Purchase Shareholders Agreement 12tt' January 2Oo7
(i) The Sellers presently legally and beneficially hold 3,407 equity shares
of Rs. '100 each aggregating 50% of the issued, subscribed and pajd-
up equity share capitalof tl,e Company;
(ii) The Purchaser presently legally and beneficially holds 3,407 equity
shares of Rs. 100 each aggregating 50% of the issued, subscribed and
paid-up equity share capital of the Company;
(iv) The Sellers have agreed to sell to the purchaser and the purchaser
has agreed to purchase from the Sellers 1,159 equity shares of Rs.
100 each aggregating 'l7o/o of the issued, subscribed and paid-up
equity share capital of the Company. tull particulars of which are
specified in Schedule "l'to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as
the "Shares") on the terms and conditions hereinalter specified
(hereinafter referred to as the "Transaction"); and
(v) - The Parties desire to record the following agreement to complete the
Transaction as herelnafter defined and to regulate the future
relationship of the Sellers and the purchaser as the shareholders of
and management of the affairs of the Company on the terms and
conditions hereinafter specified
THEREFORE in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained jn
thi6 Agreement and for other good and valuable consideration (the recejpt and
'l Page 2 of 47
Share Sale and Fur.lraso :'t)\)7
1,2. "Act" shall mean the Companies Act, .1950 of lndia and all
- future re-enactments, modifications, amendments an(l
substituiing acts.
'1.5. "A( reement" slrall nioan this Sl-t;rc Sale and purchase anrl
Shareholders Agreemcnt and all modifications herelo From timc
to tiine and sh:.tll include the ilta.-rhments. annexurcs an(l
sclt')dules to lhis Agreentert.
tl?fftk Page 3 of A7
Agre€ment 12\t' Janraty 2oo7 t
Share Sale and Purchase Sha'eholde's
by lhe I
/ r.s. shall mean the completion of the Transaction
{ '*' 'clo"ins"
;;i;ii"" of the transfer oi th" shu'"" in lavour of lhe
V Pu-rchaser on the Clo ingdate
'1.9. "Closing Date" sh3ll mean the date not later than 31't
may be mutually agreed
December, 2007 or such other date as
between the Parties in writing
"'- "Party" shall mean the Sellers or the Purchaser or the
i;;"v-;fu ';Parties" shall mean the Sellers the Purchaser
and the Company collectively'
include any individual' legal. entity'
"'- "Person" shall mean and
body corporate, partnership firm' association' or ;
propiietorship' whether incorporated or not'
1.16 "Rupees" or the terrn "Rs" shall mean lndian rupees being
currency of lndia.
(iv) and
1.17 "shares" shall mean the shares referred to in Recital
Schedule "1" to this Agreement'
l.jtB "Taxes" shall mean any and all forms oI laxation' rates or
duty, cess, impost, social security contributions','aid
levy of any nature (whether central' state or
local] whatsoever'
and whenever charged' Ievied or imposed and
any interest' "no'tn"t"u"tfine or penalties in relation thereto
^\\^. """n"'g"'
whether of a direct or indirect
\'\ /-7 't Lll^
r Go[ilrt\ Paqe'ot't
Ir' '
Shaft'sdle dnd Pur( I, rs. Shd'eholder. Agrcen.ent 12't' Januaty 2oo7
1.23 lnierpretation
1.23.1 This {grc€.men1 shall be binding upon and sha
inurc to the benefit of the Parlies and their
riu(cessors. Nothing contained herein shall be
corstrued to provide any benefit to any Person nol
a Party to this Agreement except as expressly
provided for herein.
Page 5 of 47
Share Sale and Purchase Sharehotders Agreemenl 12\h Januaty 2oo7
wvcW Page 6 of 47
Share Sale .f,rlnrf.L ,': . a I lclders Agreement
Tlre Closing cl the Transaction relating to tlre Shares shirll occ!rr
on the Clo:in9 Date al a mutually agreed place arld time. At the
Closing, the i.tlowing slrall be transacted in the order iirdicaled
below in Scc:ron 3.3 of this Agreement. For the plirposc ol the
Closing an(i lre lffmalities listed beiow irt Section 3.3 oi t:ris
Agreemeni t:'e ParLies rhall the coinpany to can,/cnc a
Board meeliri J and pass all resolutions as may be requi.ed
il -- crosi,,.r, lhe Puftrhaser and the Selklrs shall
that lh: provisions of Foreign Exchargc
\ Act- 1999 read with the Reserve Bank of
\.--./ /Manaoement
lndie Circular \o. 16 dated October 4, 2004 are duly
Share Sale and Purchase Shareholde.s Agreement '1
2'h January 2007
2,3,7 fhe Sellers and the Purchaser shall cause the Company
to call an extra-ordinary general meeting of its members
to pass the resolution specified in Section 3.3.6 of this
Agreement and the Sellers and the Purchaser shall
ensure passage of such resolulion in the mariner stated
in Section 3.3.6 of thls Agreement.
1 Page 8 of 47
Share Salc and P,r,.l r.. : Srrar rolLie's Agreen., nl 12rr'.Jnrr, ,,j : 'lll7
2.3.9 The Company shall file the relevant fonrs ar-rd arnenile(l
copies of its Articles of Association with thc relevarrt
regulatory aulhorities, in accordance with thc provisions
of the Act.
2 3.l2At the Clo,cing, the Paiiies shall take such furihor action
as may be necessary to in'rplenrent this Agreenrent.
3.1 Tl,c Sellers ccvenant and undeilake tlrat from the date of thc
execution of the Agreement till the Cbsing, the business of thc
C(,rnpany shall be conduc{ed in the ordiilary course and that tlrc
financial position, affairs, assets and business of thc Company
shall not be rnaterially adv"rsely affectcd.
4.1 Thc Sellers herebyjointiy arl.i leverally repr()sert and wa.raltt to
the Purchaser in tcrms .iei out in Schedule "2' to this
4.2 ThL Sellers jo','tly and scvc|iily rcp' -,cnt and wcrJ||l lu llrc
Purchaser that:
' Page I of 47
Share Sale and Purchase Shareholders Agreement 1211' January 2ool
(ii) they shall bear and pay any Taxes including capital gains
tax, if any payable, in respect of the sale of the Shares;
4.3 The Sellers jointly and severally agree to indemnify and keep
indemnified, the Purchaser free and harmless from and against
any and all demands, claims, damages or loss and all costs,
charges and expenses whatsoever (including' without limitation,
reasonable attorney's fees and other dispute resolution costs)'
which the Purchaser may at any time pay, suffer or incur as a
result of any misrepresentation or breach of any Warranty and
the terms and conditions by the Sellers contained in this
Agreement or in any schedule hereto, or in any other statement'
certificate or documenl furnished or to be furnished to the
Purchaser pursuant hereto or in connection with the
(ii) the person signing this Agreement on its behalf represents and
covenants that he has the authority to so sign and executes this
documenl on behalf ol the Purchaser for whom he is signing so
as lo create binding obligations on the Purchaser.
) vref,fl Page 10 of 47
1/ -"tnl
Share Sate an! Purcluse Sll?rr.h.rlders ngreement
6. co-oPl-R,\TloN
The Parties agrees to co-operate with each oiher and rcnder all
u""i"tun"" to eich otller to complete the Transaction contenlplated in
this Agreernent. The Pariies agree from time to time after the executioll
of the-Agre,:nlent to cxecutc sucll documents and do such ilcts, deed:j'
matters"an.; tilil.lgs a:i may trc required for the purpose of giving cffect
to all the piovisions of this Agreement
7.2 The Sellers and lhe Purchaser agree and ackno\{ledge lhat on
and tronl the Closing Date neither of thein shall have any riglrl
or claim to lo,"5es damages, expenses, or any olhcr amcunts
whatsoever incurred or suffered dircctly or indireclly attributable
to the terminaiion of the JVA. Each of the Sellers, the
Purchaser and the Company hereby fully and expressly waives
i and gives up all its rights to claim all such losses' damages,
I a*pen""", or any other amounts whatsoever' incurred or
suifered (lirectly or indirecti!' attributable to the termination of the
7.3 On and froi,l the Closlng Date, each of the Scllers arrd the
i Purci)aser liereby knowingiy ilnd vohntarily rele rses and {otgvcr
dischJrges tilc othef of and from any and all actlons or causes of
i actions, suits, cl ii:tis, charg.s, complairts' contra.its (vihciher ola!
i or wrilten, e \pr-i:js or inpl'ed froil any source) anC pronriscs,
t whatsc?vcr, un,lei the JVA, or otllerwise, in law or equity' whioh
I €ach of thcm no ! hae or hcreafter can' shall or niay havc againit
t the othcr.
I 6-l The Purchaser aild tire Sellers shall participate as shareholdels
t of the Company and to exercise their respectivc voting rights at
meetings of thb members of the company and to cause the
Compa-ny and the directors respectively nominated or appoi'lted
Page 11 of 47
Share Sale and purchase Shareholders
Agreemenl 12th January 2o1l
11,2 fhe Sellers I . rll proi,de the rut,jvant irilo .nction al,j
assistance to thJ to enable il io carry cn its day_to_day
business in lndia
Page 13 of 47
Share Sale and Purchase Shareholders Agreemen{ 12\t' Januaty 2oo7
11.4 i The Sellers shall assist and cause the Company to assist the
Purchaser and its Affiliates to establish a wholly owned
subsidiary company in lndia ("lndian Company') to manufactu
and distribute coolers, filters, related products and accessori€
The Sellers shall cause the Company and the Company sh
provide its no objection to use the words "Fawcett Christie" as
part of the corporate name and trade name of lhe lndii
bompany in such form as may be required by the lndi
Company and or the Purchaser. The Sellers shall provide a
cause the Company to provide the human resources, services
and facilities to the lndian Company which may be required by
the lndian Company for the purpose of its business and affai
including sharing of common facilities and services.
12.1 The Purchaser and the Sellers agree that there will be a
restriction on the transfer of the Shares of the Company to the
extent that neither of them will be entitled to transfer i
shareholding wholly or in part to any third Person or Party
except as follows:
Paqe 14 of 4
Share Sale and Purchase Shareholders Agreement
1?.1.3 ln the event, the Oflerjng pady and the Offcrcd party fail
to agree on the price for the Offered Shares wi rin onc
hundrcd twenty ('120) days frorn the date of the Notice as
provided in Section 13.1.2. of fltis Agreement, eiiher of
. the Offering Parb/ or the Offered party shall appoint an
independent intemational Cltartered Accountant firm of
repute as the valucr vr'ithjn a period of thirty (U0) days
from the expiry of the period of one hundred and twenty
('120) days to calctilale ths price of the Olfcred Sharclr
which will be equivalent to the fair ma*et virlue of the
shares of the Company cornputed on the basjs of the last
audited financial statement of the Company. The valucr
shall submit its valuation report within a period o{ ninely
(90) days frcrn the date of its appointinent.
Page 15 ol 47
2'h January 2oo7
Share Sale and Purchase Shareholdels Agreemenl
Pase 16 of 47
Share Sale and Purchase Shanrholders Agreemcnt
12.3 The Purchaser and the Sellers and their respective Affiliate(s)
agrec not to create any Lien on the shares of the Company lreld
by them and tlreir respeciive Affiliate(s) wilhout thc prior w ittcn
pernrissjon of the Purchaser or the Sellers as the case may be.
13.2 So long as the Purchaser shall own not less than 67% of the
total issued and subsciibed eq[ity share capital ol thc
Clixlany, llre Purchaser shail ;rave the right to appoint five
Diicctors. The Directors ncminated and appointed by tlre
P:ichaser on the Board of Directors of ',hc Cornpany shall nol
b ) liable to rel-ire by rotation. The Puichascr shall lrave the riglrt
to remove any such Director or Dii-ectors and to nominate and
app{rint another or others in his or tireir place aird to fiil any
vi cancy in the oflice of such Director or Direclors.
13.3 So hrg as the Sellers colieciively shall o\,!'n not less tlrar 3:11/0
of tlie total issued and subscribed equity share capilal ol lire
Company, the Sellcrs shall havc the right to atpoint four
Directors. The Diiectors nciniirated and appointed by tlr{j Sollcrc
on tlrc Foard of Directors "f the Company sliall not be liable to
retirc by rotation. The Sellers shall lrave right to rcmovc a;ry
slich Director or Directors and to nominate al]d al,poini arloth.)r
- or othcrs in his or their pla..e and fili any vacancy in ihc ofiice of
such Director or Directors.
'13.4 The Purchaser and the Sellers agree to use their voting righls to
effectuate the system of i ppointment and election of ditcctois
elaborated in this Clause. Neither the Purchaser nor the Ssll€rs
shall be entitled to remove the director or di.ectors nominated or
rppointed by the other.
?age 1l ol ,17
meeting or at any
'" - The Board shall not be quorate at any Board
;;i"s of the committee of the Bo;rd and no such meeting
p'r""""a t" transacl anv ?*il9*-"1]:::^3t^l:":l'::: at rcd-sL
Director nominatel and appointed by the Purcnaser ano
--Olt""fot are
on" noninated and appointed by the sellers
that the Board shall
iru-""ni uiitt"t."uting Provided however'
i.""rtn"]""" be qu6rate it the Directors nominated and
;;;;i;i;J;v the Purchaser and the sellers asree in writine
envisaged in this
the waiver of the requlrement of quorum as the
bi;r;;:';;iil ;]t"ulation of the dran asenda toserher with'
Jip""i,i i""tj,ii"" to be be adopted at such Board Meetins
held on the appointed date due to me
Eo-Jrd-.""ting cannot then,the
absence ol the quorum provided in this.Clause
later than ten days
iieJng straff stand adjourned to a day notseventh day from the
iroli'itt'u originar date and not earlier than same
irigin"r 0"6 at the same time and at the subject to a due
Olt*inuO by the Chairman of the company
niii"" rli tn" uorourned meeting is issued bv.lf the.'cory1ly-1:
pi""lO"J i" Sectrr.:n 14 6 of this Aoreement al the ad1ourneo
Section is .not
meeting' also a quorum "" pto-uid"d in this
nraqent the Directors preseni being not less than two shall
business as grven In
ion"tiLutu tn" quorum to transact the same
th:-;;;;i; for the original meeting and all the. business
iti"*,""i.J stch meeiins shall be deemed. to b", -Y:,l11I
it"ni"ct"O not "r wthstanding any thing to the contrary conlalneo
in this Agreement.
in every three
.t3.6 A meetino of the Board shall be held at least once
;#;;;";;iil-;no- "1 i"""t lour meetinss shall
:;:;;;;;.- ; t.etinq of the Board mav be called at the
case ma;, be bv
i"""ilL#.i,nJ slrt" o"r the Purchaser asinthe unless such
.i"i"" *ii"* flli" seven (7) days notice writingprovided. such
ilil'" ;';"""JJ;;-; ;"jo;tv of the Director
nominated and
-ji"iitv at'
rnnninled bv the Purchaser ano one Director nominated and
;:#ili; ui tii" s"l"ti. Every notice or meetins shall specifv
;iJ;i;;;. ,t;;J shall
nour ot tnL.meetins and
reasonable detail the.
accJmpanieo 6y tne Agenda setting out in
ffi:'5ft;r&; ;rop-*"o to be'iransacted at the meetins.or
relevant to the
t'n" goutd and supporting papers or documents
liiii#iJtiiii "i J"'"t' itelt' oi ou"ine"" Provided however that
tf," uo"nOlt . u board meeting-datemay-onbe sent to all the Directors
lil""li'"1""" 0"v" before the which such meeting shall
olr'i."]0. r.i" u"ii""ss shall be transacted at a meeting of the
e"";'""i of the company which^has not been
unO explicitly mentioned in the notice
convenlng tne
:;;; ;;; is;'da without the consent inshall
.*iliry "1-119
include at
ii.ii"tit"' oirE"ats provided such majorilv
i.;ii'&"""i',i'. nornin"tto and appointed bv the.Purchaser
i""minated and appointed by the Sellers'
Page 18 oI 47
Share Sale and Purchasa Shareholde.s Agreement
13.7 Each Pariy shall bear all the expens(,s and costs of each visit
tl.-. Directors appointed by it on the l_-oatd of the ConrDanv to
,. thc meetings of the Boatd.
13.8 lt a(-cordance with the provisions of Sociion 313 of fl]e Act,
il ?ccordance with of the Artickrlj of Associaiion oi tlrcr
Clmpany, the Board of Directors nr.ry, at the roq*"t of itto
srrareholder appointing the original Direttor, appoint an allernate
ci'ector to act for a Djrector during hi. absenie for a p"ri,J,rf
n )t less than three months from the State in which
meetinqs o,
tt.e Board are ordinarily hr.ld. Where the Original Otr""i"if,u"
been nominated and appointed by the purchasir or ttre
a. lhe case may be, only a person selected by the purchaseior
the 3ellcrs, as the case may be, shall be appointed as an
altei,tate Director.
f lhetheSellers agree thrt the Directors
nominatcrl and apnointcd
\__,h.y shall nol be in charge of, or r""pon",t t" to, ii.
/-<:- oay to Oay managemett of the Company.
{ itne SelJersbyexpre:sty
agrce that the Directors nominat^d anrlD
purclr:rser shalt not I c rdcnliliJd
\ \--,, /cppornted or rlcsrLr|.:.ett d I
as .n occupicr" ol any factory used by the Comuanv 6r rc I
emptoyea of employecs ot the Company. frrfn.r, in6
S"ffu,. I
undertake to ensure that other Directors br suitable p;r;";,;;;;
nominated as occupiers, in order to ensure that rfi" oiriiror" I
and appointed bv the Purchaser d. not inc";-;;;
13.12'ihe chairman of the Company eliall be nominated
3:po!Jnq on a ylarly basis by re p rchaser and rtre Settei..
I re Uhairman of the Company on rl_e Closing Date slln bc
appointed by the purchaser. The ch;rirman snjlr rr"
take the chair at all meetings of iire BoarJ ;r. a;;;;il;;lo
I lreof and at a genercl meetir, . of tii" C"n.e"i,v.'in"
Ultairman s;lajl not hJVe a srcond : nd or castir:g vole
as i
-Cirairman. In 0re absence of the Chajrman i"; "ont ;";;o;
whatsoever within hatf an hour from t,e
nleeting of the Board or a gencral m:,cting
of tfre
of the cornpany, the Djr6ctors pr":;;i"1,";i,-;;';;;;i;
majority, choose one (1) of lhe orjrcr Oirecfors'fo Oc ife
ch.ith.h of th.t 6.-tiog 6t th. e-ard 6r thdt g.6-rat m..lino.
Page 19 of 47
121" January 2007
Share Sale and Purchase
Shareholde's Agreement
i"*titt"" shalr be. taken, W," #'Tl:#"1'""i,r1j',i "lll
maiority shall include at le
aPpointed bY the Purchaser'
of the Company;
(vi) Change in the constitution of the Board
of the Company;
(vii) Change in the number of the Directors
15.2 The Company shall ea.h year hold in addjtion to any olh,_.r
meeli,tg a general meet;ng as its annual geneml tncetini.,, and
shall specify the meeting as such in the notices callino it. A
gener,rl meeting .f the Company may be called by givit]g n,rt
less t;ran 21 day's notice ir writjng. Every notice of me;ting;hall
speciiy the place, the day and hour of the meeting anC sholl
contLin a staternent of the business to be transacted theteat. A
general meeting of the Company may be called by giving shrrtcr
notice with the unanimous wtitten consent of re purchasr:r
and lhe Sellers.
Page 21 ol47
12rh January
Share Sale and
Pllrchase Shareholders
rules and regulations
i7.3 ouariried€nd
l'itiltomP"nY oY tn" eouto'
**f l$t**+****S'gu*n''w
rePorting system'
Thesellers jointly and severally shall not directly or indirectly within lhe
geographical limits of lndia (the "Terrilory"), as long as each of them is
a shareholder of the CompanY
21-1 The Purchaser and the Sellers agree to incorporate the rclevant
provisio'rs of this Agreemeni into the Articles of Association of
the Company. The Company undcrtakes that the relevant
provisions of this Agreetnent shall be made a parl of its Articles
of Asscciation by an alteration of the Articles of Associaiion of
the Company. The Memorandum and Articles of Association of
the Conrpany shall give full effect to the terms of this Agreement,
to lhe extent permitted by law. lt is expressly agreed that
wh(iher or not the N,lemorandum or Articles of Association of the
Cori]pany fully incorporate tlle provisions of ti'lis Agrecmcnt or
any of ihem, the Pariies' riUhts and obligations shall be govelned
by this Agreement that shall t'ievail in the event of any ambiguity
or incor'rsistency between the two. ln tlle event of any conllict
between the terms and conditions of this Agreemeni and thqse
of the Articles of Association of the Company, as between ihe
Parties or their Alfiliates, the terms af this Agreement sl)all
provall and tho Psrtic! 3hall tako all sr'ch 6top3 as aro withln
their power, to e sure that the tetms and conditions of tllis
Agreement are adhered to in letter aird in spirit.
Page 23 ol 4I
Share Sale and Purchase Sharehotde.:^ Agreemeqt
12th January 2007
22.1-SIho panel may (but shall not b€ r€quired to) awsrd to ths
Party that substantially prevails on merits, its costs and
Pase 24 of 47
Share Srr ' afd Purchase Shareholders Agreemcnt i2rr'Janr:ry 2007
This Agreement shall come into'effect oii the Closillg DaLr and this
Agreement shall remain in full force anil efiect until ternriflated Upcn
the happenilrg of any of the JVe,r:s:
l,age 25 of ,',7
12ih January 2007
Share Sale and Purchase Shareholders Agreemenl
Page 27 ol 47
Share Sale and Purchase Shareholders Agreement 12tr January 2ool
"qffi Page 28 oI 47
Share Sale and p|].chase Sharellolders ngreelnenl
:'l'3[,.'81 I I .; ?: J#:,3[::1" f:T : f,i,
any waiver or acquiescence by any party
ot any "T,'#:*i: ii:
the provisions of this Agreemcni srrali'notG Or!u-"n"oi
nny or
yaiver or acqujescence of any continujng o, ir""uool""o"irou"rt "" o
of such provisions or a waiver o[ any rigf-ri
this.Agieement or acquiescence to .r r."ojniuon-oriioi "rt "r
position other than as expressly siipulated'in
rcmedies of the puichaser un.Jer this ntr"1."nni
iflil aqiJ.rn"rt nff
pevided herein cr confened by stetute, rul,"Ul,,l-
iu*-, fu*,
custom. liade, o, usage aie cumulaiive "iuif "onrro" ana
and not afieinaiive
may bc.nfoiccd successi.,ely r concu:rc,, y.
29.2 Severabiiity
Page 29 of 4t
Share Sale and Purchase Shareholders Aqreement l2ih January 2007
29.4 Amendments
This Agreement shall not be altered, modified or supplemented
except with the prior written approval of the Parties.
Page 30 of 47
Share Sale ,r:-l Purcha:o Sharehokjers Agreemenl 12'h.lalurry rrt97
29.7 Headings
29.4 FurtherAssu;aitces
Any tiine alier the date of thjs ngreement, Sollers an(t
Purchascrs will use ats best enjeavgurs to piocure thal lhcy and
or any nccessary third party shall exccLlte such docunrenis and
do such acts, deeds, maiters and things as thc Selier,
_ Purcnascr and or the Ccnrpany, as the case may be, may
reasonably require for the purpose of giving to the Seller and
Purchaser the full benefit of all the provisions bf lhis Agreencnt.
2!i.12 Counterparts
ln thspresence of
Page 32 of 47
Sirare Sale and Pukrhase Shareh{ A! -..,,.1ent
12'r'.1,r')r- ..,'r'.rr
Particulars of lhc Shares sotd by ihe Selleis
MR N. V.
ryqI Page 33 of 47
The Sellers hereby jointly and severally represents and warrants to the
Purchaser that:
1.1.1- are the beneficial owner and registered holders of all the
Shares, free and clear of any Liens and
' 1.1.2. have full legal right, power and absolute authority to enter
into this Agreement and to sell the Shares to the
Purchaser without the need for the consent of any other
1.2. Good and valid title to the Shares will be transfened to the
Purchaser free of any Liens and with all rights attached thereto
1.3, No shares of the Company have, at any time' been issued and
no lransfers of any shares of the Company have been registered
otherwise than in accordance wilh the articles of associalion
from time to time in force and the Act, and any necessary
Governmental or Regulatory Authority consents have been
obtained for each issue and transfer of shares of the Company'
2.1. All applicable actions on the part of the Sellers necessary for the
authorization, execution and delivery of this Agreement, and the
performance of all obligations of the Sellers hereunder' and the
sale, transfer and delivery of the Shares being sold hereunder
have been taken or will be taken prior to the Closing.
2.2. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the
Sellers and constitutei the legal, valid and binding obligation of
the Sellers and enforceable againsl the Sellers.
2.4. The Sellers does not have any legally or morally binding
agreements, arrangement or understandings with or affecting the
business or affairs of the Sellers, or is aware of any matters
conceming the business or affairs of the Company which might
reasonably be expec{ed to have affected the Purchaser in
deciding whether to enter into this Agreement.
Page 34 ol 47
Share Sale and I'urchase Shareholders /\grec|lellt
2.5. The Sellers or the Company is not negotiating wilh nor have
llrey agreed to sell any Shares to any third party or any
i! stiument convertible in the Shares or entitling the
tl er^tf to any dividend, voting or any other rights in llre
3.1 -ihe cxecution and delivery of this Agreenlent cloes rlot' and
co;sln'tmation of the Transacticn contemplal'cd by this
agi"";""t and compliance with tlle terms, not condilions and
LolllliLl lvitlr
pivisions ol this Agreement by thc Scllois will
or rcsult in a bleach of or constilute a dciault (ol an cvcllL wl)lLll
mignt, witn the passage of time or lhe giving of notice' or
lffi"tff?:*sifi:l:1, gryr9"9tqs or the companv rairrv
rigbilities and transactions
rn iiii ;;;;il lt:' "t:"t:"
a"""pt"Je"iuniinolS#i""0'u regislation and with Gcncr2llv
xices (,,GMp.) adopted in lndia then
rn force
7.2 The Company has not. no
r" not *qJi,ui io? ft;";'ji ;:r"Jcffi:: 1i""il",:XXi:.,"" *"
7,3 The Accounts have be
applicable ruol.ruiiJ"'""i"Fl flepared ln accordance with
and show
oi ir'" prorii Ji rJ"J;tl;"" :T" ^ a true and rair view
arr.resieci.'i;;"";#;"X?:Tll:fi ..iil:ii'ii;""r"fi
:Iiigdh? items.
provtsions for taxation
rhe Accounts- have ',;yI
laxes of the gorounu 13-"'tr1ient to cover all liabilities ol
commirments, ctal#'llJ" "no conringent liabilities en.l
in turr oetairs. it aiy'- '"' dny other liabilities have been
set oul
tn",e wiirt" io";" * 5i,i3 31"i"]"Ul;:[ffi::::""",::
7.5 Alllh-e Statutory registers and
the minutes books contain. in afl
material respects. true. fr
and accurare records or
m"r",i"lsl"qli.";; #l$;;fff
8.1 The Company has timelv filed
*'rr.sp6"t ti air-ra;;J ffiH"1i?:1";JilH,j'j",:"i:i5j,
complete in all respects. Th :lJ
b;"Jro;,y' ;;;;:Y!l!l;" ii,,HlT^liill fffi 11,;: ;J +::
Page 36 of 47
.rlran, Sr,e and Purchasc Sha,ct)ulders Agreemenr
10.1 The Company has all permits, licenses, Authorizations and any
similar govemmental and regulatory Authorities, permits,
certificates, licenses, approvals and registrations (collectively,
the "Authorisations") necessary for the conduct of its business
as now being conducted by it. The Company is not in default in
any respect under any of such Authorisations.
10.2 The Company does not have any licences, permissions,
authorisation, registrations, duration, work obligations and
consents which are subject to termination, revocation or non-
renewal on a change of control of the Company or on any share
acquisition by any third party.
Page 38 of 47
Share Sale and Purchase Shareholders AgreemeDt l2rh Janurry 2007
13.3 All office premises are not subject to the payment of any
unusual outgoings (except the usual rent, license fees, taxes,
rates, maintenance and services charges payable in terms of
the related agreements in addition to electricity and telephone
bills on actuals), nor is there any peison in any unlaMul
possession or occupation of, or who has or claims any rights or
easements of any kind in respect of the such prop.rty o,
part of it adverse to the interest, right ortifle ofthe iompany. "ny
13.5 The Company has complied with all statutary and contractual
requirements applicable to lhe premises.
13.6 There are proper arrangements for the supply of water,
electricity and other services at all the Company's above
mentioned premises.
(c) has a ileriod of more than twelve (12) months to run from
the date of this Agreement until its expiralion or
termination except the lease agreements approved by the
(iv) The Company has not breached any contract in any manner
whatsoever lo which it is a party.
No Warranty by the Seller in this Agreement, and no exhibit, document,
statement, certificate or schedule furnished or to be furnished to the
Purchaser pursuant hereto, or in connection with the transactions
contemplated hereby, contains or will contain any untrue statemenl of a
material fact, or omits or will omit to state a material fact necessary to
make the statements or facts contained herein or therein not
misleading or necessary to provide the Purchaser with adequate and
complete information as to the Company and its affairs.
,1, l
Page 40 of 47
Sh-.. S. Je and Purch rsc irafcirrld,.-'is Agreement I2r" ii:noary 2007
THIS DEED i" made oir the day oi
(1) (hereinafter called "the Coirtinuing Party");
1. ',Vords and fhrases defin,rd in the Principal Agreement shall have itre
same meaning wiren used in this Deed.
2_ The Transferee hereby underiakes .,o and covenanls wliir all the
Parties to ti.e Principal, y/ith eifect from the d.rte of the
execution oa this Deed, to compiy v/ith the provisions of and to perform
all the oblig.ttions of the Transieror in the Priitcipal Agiecment as a
slrareholder so far as they may ,ln ain to be cbserved atrd periormcd
and the Contintring Party undertrkes to and covenants with lhe
Transferee with effect from the Cate of thc execution of tiris Deed to
comply \rit the provisions of and to peform iis fespeciive obligations
as provided in tlre Principal AEreentert, so far as they rein.rin to be
observed and performed from the date of execution of tis Deed. The
Transieree shall become a Pany to the Principal Agreemeitt as if the
Transferee were named in the Principal Agreement as a shareholderi
holding 1 ,159 shares in place of the Transferor.
The Transferee hereby confirms that it has been supplied.wilh a copy
of tho Principal Agreement and the Memorandum and Articles of
Association of the JVC and hereby covenants with re Con{ini.ring party
Page 41 of 47
Share Sale and Purchase shareholders Agreement 12rh Janlrary 2007
to observe, perform and be bound by all the terms thereof that are
capable of applying to the Transferee.
4. The Transferee hereby covenants that it shall not do any act' nlatter,
deed or thing or commit any omission that derogates lronl the
provisions of the Principai Agreement or the Memorandum and Adicles
of Association of the JVC.
5. The parties to this Deed agree that save as hereby provided all
provisions of the Principal Agreement shall remain in full force and
Page 42 ol 47
rrarc Sale and Purchase Shareholders Agreement
Dr le:
Dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,
\4 Page 44 ol 47
Sharc Sale and Purchase Si-^rchokbrs Agrcement 12"'Ji.inuary 2007
Pagc 45 0l 47
Share Sale and Purchase Shareholders Agreement 12rh January 2007
Dear Sir,
3. We hereby granl our consent and state that we have no objection to:
Page 46 of 47
Share Sale and Purch.r, . :'i .il)ot.ic:s,/.oreenrenr
l2h January 2007
(F,uthorised S!gnatory)
PaOe 47 ol 47
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