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Guardrail Systems Field Guide

For Construction Engineers and Inspectors

V1.0—November 21, 2018

Prepared by:
The Regis Company
Version information .................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
Intended audience .............................................................................................................................. 4
Where to get more information ........................................................................................................... 4
CDOT MASH implementation .................................................................................................... 5
Major changes.................................................................................................................................... 5
Implementation policies ...................................................................................................................... 5
Implementation dates ......................................................................................................................... 6
Current end anchorages ............................................................................................................ 7
Summary............................................................................................................................................ 7
SRT-350-31 (Slotted Rail Terminal) ................................................................................................... 9
FLEAT 350 (FLared Energy Absorbing Terminal) ............................................................................. 12
MAX-Tension ................................................................................................................................... 16
MSKT (Sequential Kinking Terminal) ................................................................................................ 19
SoftStop ........................................................................................................................................... 23
End Anchorage Type 3B .................................................................................................................. 27
End Anchorage Type 3D .................................................................................................................. 28
End Anchorage Type 3K .................................................................................................................. 29
Current transitions ................................................................................................................... 30
Summary.......................................................................................................................................... 30
Transition Type 3G ........................................................................................................................... 31
Transition Type 3H ........................................................................................................................... 32
Transition Type 3J ............................................................................................................................ 33
Transition Type 3L ........................................................................................................................... 34
Current median terminals ........................................................................................................ 35
Summary.......................................................................................................................................... 35
CAT 350 (Crash Cushion Attenuating Terminal)............................................................................... 36
Brakemaster 350 Crash Cushion System ......................................................................................... 37
FLEAT-MT ....................................................................................................................................... 38
End treatments that do not meet current standards ................................................................. 39
Summary.......................................................................................................................................... 39
Turned-down rail .............................................................................................................................. 40
3E/Breakaway Cable Terminal (BCT) ............................................................................................... 41
End treatments that are no longer approved ........................................................................... 42
Summary.......................................................................................................................................... 42

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ET-2000 (Guardrail Extruder Terminal) ............................................................................................ 43
ET Plus (Guardrail Extruder Terminal).............................................................................................. 44
X-Lite ............................................................................................................................................... 45
SKT (Sequential Kinking Terminal)................................................................................................... 46
Guardrail design review ........................................................................................................... 47
Guardrail system design ................................................................................................................... 47
Guardrail terminal systems ............................................................................................................... 51
Resources ............................................................................................................................... 54
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................... 54
Web links ......................................................................................................................................... 56

Version information
V1.0 Initial release
November 21, 2018

CDOT Guardrail Systems Field Guide for Construction Engineers and Inspectors Page 3 of 57
Intended audience
This field guide (and the accompanying elearning course) are intended for CDOT and consultant
construction engineers and inspectors.

You may find yourself working on the installation of a new guardrail, or the repair or replacement of an
existing guardrail. Your responsibilities may be different depending on the type of project.
Type of project Construction engineer Inspector
Installation of new guardrail Construction observation and Inspect installation
Notify design engineers of
potential changes to the design
Repair or replacement of Help assess necessary repair or Inspect installation
existing guardrail replacement
Construction observation and

Regardless of your role, this field guide (and the accompanying elearning course) are intended to help
you critically approach the installation, repair, or replacement of guardrail end anchorages to ensure
that all elements are compatible and properly installed, and that the basic design is appropriate.

Where to get more information

For questions about guardrail standards and specifications, contact Shawn Yu at 303-757-9474 or
Joshua Keith at 303-757-9021.

For questions about the Guardrail Systems for Construction Engineers and Inspectors elearning
course—and other Transportation Engineering Training Program (TETP) courses—contact Allison
Wilson at [email protected] or 303-757-9298.

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CDOT MASH implementation

CDOT’s guardrail standards are defined in:

 Standard Plan M-606-1, Midwest Guardrail System (MGS) Type 3 W-Beam 31 Inches
 Project Special Detail D-606-2, Midwest Guardrail System (MGS) Type 3 W-Beam 31 inches
without Blocks
These documents were updated effective February 8, 2018.
Check the CDOT Design and Construction Project Support > M&S Standard Plans website
( to ensure that you are using
the latest versions of these documents for your projects.

Major changes
The major changes included in CDOT’s implementation of the MASH standards were listed in Project
Support Memo 2015-04 MASH-Tested 31-Inch Guardrail Implementation Policy and MASH
Implementation Dates:
 raise the height of guardrail from 28 to 31 inches (from the pavement)
 offset blocks are changed from 8 to 12 inches wide
 change the guardrail splice locations from the guardrail posts to the center of the guardrail post
spacing at the end of each of the W-beam panels
 use an asymmetric versus symmetric transition to the concrete barriers and bridge rails

Implementation policies
Highlights of CDOT’s MASH implementation policies include:
 Guardrail height
o If the existing rail is not to be relocated or modified and the height of the rail is 26.5 inches or
higher, it may remain in place until the next project.
o If the existing rail height is less than 26.5 inches, then the entire rail must be raised or replaced
(FHWA requirement).
o If you are transitioning from an existing 28 inch guardrail to a new 31 inch MGS rail, see the
detail in M-606-1, Sheet 4 of 20.
 Block width
o If new 12-inch blocks cause an issue with the alignment, then the “no block” version of the 31-
inch MGS rail may be allowed. See Project Special Detail D-606-2, Midwest Guardrail System
(MGS) Type 3 W-Beam 31 inches without Blocks.
 Use of the “no block” version requires a decision from the Project Development Branch.
 The “no block” version also requires the use of steel posts.

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Implementation dates
The AASHTO/FHWA MASH implementation dates are shown below:
 December 31, 2017: W-beam barriers and cast-in-place concrete barriers
 June 30, 2018: W-beam terminals
 December 31, 2018: crash cushions
 December 31, 2019: cable barriers, cable terminals, bridge rails, transitions, all other longitudinal
barriers (including portable barriers installed permanently), all other terminals, sign supports, and all
other breakaway hardware and temporary work zone devices
Note: Some dates may not be met (and will be re-set) because products may not be complete or fully
tested in time.

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Current end anchorages
These tables show the end anchorage systems currently allowed for new installations, as of
February 8, 2018. Any end anchorages that are included in the Standard Plans for new
installations may be repaired with the same system if they are damaged.
The allowed systems may change as manufacturers develop and test new systems, and as CDOT
reviews and approves them.
Flared end anchorages (NCHRP 350 allowed)
System Manufacturer Type NCHRP 350/MASH Notes
SRT-350-31 Trinity Highway Non-energy NCHRP 350 The MASH-
Products, LLC absorbing compliant SRT M10
is under FHWA
FLEAT 350 Road Systems, Inc. Energy absorbing NCHRP 350

Non-flared end anchorages (MASH required)

System Manufacturer Type NCHRP 350/MASH Notes
MAX-Tension Lindsay Energy absorbing MASH
MSKT Road Systems, Inc. Energy absorbing MASH
SoftStop Trinity Highway Energy absorbing MASH
Products, LLC

System Manufacturer Notes

End Anchorage Type 3B Generic Buried in the backslope

End Anchorage Type 3D Generic Departure terminal
End Anchorage Type 3K Generic For low-speed use only

Details for each system are included on the following pages.

 You can continue to install NCHRP 350-certified flared end anchorages until more MASH options
become available.
 However, if you install non-flared end anchorages, they must be MASH compliant.

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 For proprietary end anchorages: The end anchorage shall be installed conforming to the
manufacturer’s recommendations. The contractor shall provide a copy of the manufacturer’s
installation instructions and parts list to the engineer prior to the installation of the device.
 For non-proprietary end anchorages (for example, Types 3B, 3D, and 3K): The end
anchorage shall be installed according to the M-606-1 (or D-606-2) detail. There are no
manufacturer’s installation instructions for these systems.

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SRT-350-31 (Slotted Rail Terminal)
Manufacturer Trinity Highway Products, LLC
(Photos and descriptions from
Type Non-energy absorbing
Installation Flared
MASH compliant No
How it works The SRT-350 is a gating, flared end terminal and is available in an 8-
post and 10-post system.
The SRT uses horizontal gaps in the W-beam itself that effectively
divide the beam into four sections. Upon impact, the beam bends out of
the way in a controlled manner, absorbing energy.
General information Features:
 3'0"– 4'0" (915–1,220 mm) offset results in reduced installation
 Two steel breakaway posts are typically reusable after an impact
within NCHRP Report 350 criteria.
 Improved angle struts allow for easier installation.
 Fewer posts and a straight layout provide cost savings in
construction, making replacement easier.
 Offset: 3'0" to 4'0" (915–1,220 mm)
 Length: 37'6" (11.43 m)
 Length of Need: 12'6" (3.81 m) from the End of the Terminal (at the
third post)
 Parabolic or Straight Flare Options


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SRT-350-31 buffered head
The system uses a buffered head, not an impact head.

SRT-350-31 anchor bracket

The V-shaped bracket is attached with eight hex bolts.

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SRT-350-31 end rail panel
 The SRT guardrail panels have two sets of three long slots with a slot guard bolted on the
downstream side of the slots.
 These slots should be between posts 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4, and 4 and 5.

Toward Post 1

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FLEAT 350 (FLared Energy Absorbing Terminal)
Manufacturer Road Systems, Inc.
(Photos and descriptions from
Type Energy absorbing
Installation Flared
MASH compliant No
How it works The rail section is sequentially kinked and exits on traffic side.
General information  Straight flared (not parabolic)
 Breakaway posts (wood or steel)
 Energy-absorbing variable offset
 Test Level 2 (TL-2) is 25' long; Test Level 3 (TL-3) is 37.5' long
 Cable-anchored system

Cable Assembly
Note: a ground strut is no
longer required.

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FLEAT impact head
 Front face is rectangular 14" x 19"
 Has open throat area and bent deflector plate with kinker beam
 Support section welded along the edge of top and bottom on traffic side
 Center horizontal stiffener plate can be seen on back side, opposite traffic

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FLEAT anchor bracket
V-shaped bracket with four hooks on each side attached with eight shoulder bolts installed to back side
of W-beam rail section.

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FLEAT end rail panel
Has eight round holes for anchor bracket. Also has at least five slots (1/2" x 4") in top and bottom of rail
corrugations. May have additional three slots in valley of rail.

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Manufacturer Lindsay Transportation Solutions
(Photos and descriptions from
Type Energy absorbing
Installation Non-flared
MASH compliant Yes: Test Level 3 Redirective Gating
How it works The system uses tensioned cables and a cutting tooth to absorb kinetic
energy and safely contain or redirect an impacting vehicle.
General information  When impacted head-on, deceleration is controlled by friction
developed in the tension cables and by cutting the downstream
guardrail panels.
 When a side impact occurs, tension cables can help safely redirect
a motorist away from the hazard.

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MAX-Tension impact head
“Lightweight, low-profile impact head”

MAX-Tension Sabertooth Technology

The MAX-Tension Energy-Absorbing Coupler (gold) is fitted with a patent-pending galvanized
Sabertooth (red). When the system is impacted head-on, the Sabertooth is engineered to cut the
downstream guardrail to aid in the deceleration of an errant vehicle.

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MAX-Tension end panel
The MAX-Tension terminal uses standard guardrail components for significant savings in inventory and
maintenance costs. Nuisance impacts during snow removal and maintenance operations can also be
minimized due to the narrow design of the MAX-Tension Impact Head.

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MSKT (Sequential Kinking Terminal)
Manufacturer Road Systems, Inc.
(Photos and descriptions from
Type Energy absorbing
Installation Non-flared
MASH compliant Yes: Test Level 3
How it works The rail section is sequentially kinked and exits on back side.
General information  Kinks and bends guardrail when hit.
 Breakaway wood or steel posts—several options available.
 Test Level 2 (TL-2) is 25' long; Test Level 3 (TL-3) is 50' long.
 Recommended 1–2 foot offset to reduce nuisance hits.
 Cable-anchored system.


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MSKT impact head
 Front face is 20" square.
 It is the longest of all impact heads at approximately 7 feet long.
 Has open throat area and bent deflector plate with kinker beam.
 Feeder chute (channel sections) get wider at the downstream end.
 Center horizontal stiffener plate can be seen on traffic side.

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MSKT anchor bracket
V-shaped bracket with four hooks on each side attached with eight shoulder bolts installed to the back
side of W-beam rail section.

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MSKT end rail panel
Has eight round holes for anchor bracket. Also has at least three slots (1/2" x 4") in valley of rail. May
have additional five slots in top and bottom of rail corrugations.

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Manufacturer Trinity Highway Products, LLC
(Photos and descriptions from
Type Energy absorbing
Installation Non-flared
MASH compliant Yes: Test Level 3
How it works The SoftStop system is designed to dissipate energy by the head
traveling down the anchored rail.
General information  Impact head flattens the W-beam guardrail vertically upon end-on
 Anchored upstream from impact head.
 Breakaway steel posts at posts 1 and 2; standard posts beyond.
 Restrictions: Unidirectional/roadside applications only.
 Benefit to CDOT: Rail is anchored at ground level at the front of the
system allowing for quicker repair and easy cleanup. Compatible
with 31" guardrail systems and midspan splice guardrail systems.

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SoftStop impact head
Impact head is symmetrical and can be assembled on the left or right shoulder.
 The front anchorage is designed to allow the rail panels to remain anchored during end-on impacts
within MASH criteria.
 The narrow head design helps minimize nuisance impacts from vehicles and maintenance
operations, such as mowing and snow removal.

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SoftStop anchor bracket
Instead of an anchor bracket, the SoftStop is anchored on the ground in front of the head.

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SoftStop end rail panel
The SoftStop System contains a SoftStop Impact Head, SoftStop Anchor Rail, SoftStop Anchor Post
(post 0), SoftStop Angle Strut, two (2) Steel Yielding Terminal Posts (SYTPs) (posts 1 and 2), and
required hardware accessories. The remaining length of the system beyond post 2 uses System Line
Posts, Offset Blocks, and System Rail.

➊ Downstream Rail
➋ Lap Splice at Guardrail Midspan
➌ Blockout
➍ Rail Flattening Head
➎ Anchor Plate
➏ Ground Angle Strut
➐ Anchor Post
➑ SYTP Post
➒ Standard Rail Post

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End Anchorage Type 3B
Manufacturer Generic
Type End anchorage
Installation Flared
MASH compliant N/A
How it works
General information Buried in the backslope

Source: FHWA Roadside Safety Systems Design, Inspection and Maintenance Training

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End Anchorage Type 3D
Manufacturer Generic
Type Departure terminal
Installation Non-flared
MASH compliant N/A
How it works
General information Departure terminal

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End Anchorage Type 3K
For speeds < 45 MPH
Manufacturer Generic
Type End anchorage
Installation Non-flared
MASH compliant N/A
How it works
General information The low-speed end anchorage Type 3K shall be used only on
driveways and low-speed service roads. When an approved crash-
tested end treatment is required, use the end anchorage (flared or non-
flared) with 37 foot–6 inch length.

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Current transitions
This table shows the transitions currently allowed for new installations, as of February 8, 2018.
Any transitions that are included in the Standard Plans for new installations may be repaired
with the same system if they are damaged.
The allowed transitions may change as manufacturers develop and test new systems, and as CDOT
reviews and approves them.
System Manufacturer Notes
Transition Type 3G Approach transition
Transition Type 3H Departure transition
Transition Type 3J Transition for intersecting
Transition Type 3L Approach and departure transition

Details for each transition are included on the following pages.

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Transition Type 3G
Type Approach transition
Installation Non-flared
MASH compliant Yes, Test Level 3
How it works
General information Transition Type 3G is for use at both ends of bridges on two-way
highways and at the approach end of bridges on one-way highways. It
is also used to connect to Type 7, Type 8, and Type 10 bridge rail.

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Transition Type 3H
Type Departure transition
MASH compliant Yes, Test Level 3
How it works
General information Transition Type 3H is for use at the trailing end of bridges on one-way
highways. It is also used to connect to Type 8 and Type 10 bridge rail.

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Transition Type 3J
Type Transition for intersecting roadways
MASH compliant N/A
How it works
General information Transition Type 3J may be used to shield hazards at the intersection of
two roadways. Typical applications include canal service roads at
bridge ends, interruptions in guardrail runs by intersecting roadway,

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Transition Type 3L
Type Approach and departure transition

Installation Non-flared
MASH compliant N/A
How it works
General information May be used as a transition to the existing CBC, headwall, or curb.
For a transition from a roadway Type 3 W-beam to a bridge rail Type 3
with backing tubes, the Transition Type 3L shall be used.

Source: Google Street View


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Current median terminals
This table shows the median terminals currently allowed for new installations, as of February 8,
2018. Any median terminals that are included in the Standard Plans for new installations may be
repaired with the same system if they are damaged.
The allowed median terminals may change as manufacturers develop and test new systems, and as
CDOT reviews and approves them.
Median terminals
System Manufacturer Notes
CAT 350 Trinity Highway Products, LLC
Brakemaster 350 Energy Absorption Systems, Inc.
FLEAT-MT Road Systems, Inc.

Details for each median terminal are included on the following pages.

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CAT 350 (Crash Cushion Attenuating Terminal)
Manufacturer Trinity Highway Products, LLC
(Photos and descriptions from
Type Energy absorbing
Installation Median or on the shoulder
MASH compliant No
How it works The slotted W-beam telescopes backward during impact; the shearing
of the steel rail between the slots dissipates the kinetic energy.
General information The CAT 350 is an energy-absorbing attenuator available for use
where blunt ends of rigid barriers, W-beam, and fixed objects are in the
median or on the shoulder.
 CAT 350 can be used as a W-beam barrier end treatment, or as a
crash cushion either in the median or on the shoulder.
 Various post and post/sleeve options are available.
 Long-lasting, durable galvanized components.

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Brakemaster 350 Crash Cushion System
Manufacturer Energy Absorption Systems, Inc.
(Photos and descriptions from
Type Energy-absorbing, gating, redirective crash cushion system
Installation Median or as a crash cushion
MASH compliant No
How it works During head-on impacts, the system telescopes rearward, using friction
technology to decelerate the vehicle.
General information The Brakemaster 350 is the quick and easy solution for shielding
dangerous guardrail ends at wide median and roadside sites with
adequate clear zones. It provides superior bidirectional protection and
does not require a concrete anchor or pad, making it fast and easy to

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Manufacturer Road Systems, Inc.
(Photos and descriptions from
Type Energy absorbing
Installation Flared
MASH compliant No
How it works The front single-sided section of the FLEAT-MT is similar to the
roadside FLEAT and functions the same way. Depending on the
severity of the impact, the vehicle may be stopped before reaching the
second impact head at post 4. If the end-on impact is severe enough,
the vehicle will activate the second impact head. This impact head will
then begin to slide down the rail sequentially kinking the backside rail.
General information The FLEAT-MT is a Median Terminal for use in wide medians. The
components of the original roadside FLEAT are combined with a
couple of small additional components to create the FLEAT-MT.
 Attaches directly to median double-sided W-beam rail
 Fast and easy installation and repair
 37'–6" long for Test Level 3 design speed
 Can be used with wood or steel breakaway posts

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End treatments that do not meet current standards

These end treatments do not meet current standards.

They must be replaced with a system that is allowed per the Standard Plans if they are damaged
or are within the limits of a construction or maintenance project.
System Manufacturer Notes
Turned-down rail Generic Does not meet NCHRP 350
Prohibited by FHWA in 1990
3E/Breakaway Cable Terminal Generic Does not meet NCHRP 350
(BCT) standards

Details for each system are included on the following pages.

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Turned-down rail
Manufacturer Generic
Type Non-energy absorbing
Installation Flared
MASH compliant No
How it works The concept of these terminals was to anchor the approach end,
preventing it from penetrating the passenger compartment of a vehicle.
Does not meet current standards.
IMPORTANT If damaged or within the limits of a construction or maintenance
project, replace with a system allowed per the Standard Plans.

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3E/Breakaway Cable Terminal (BCT)
Manufacturer Generic
Type Non-energy absorbing
Installation Flared
MASH compliant No
How it works A steel cable connecting the bottom of the first post to the guardrail
beam provided an anchor to the barrier.
Does not meet current standards.
IMPORTANT If damaged or within the limits of a construction or maintenance
project, replace with a system allowed per the Standard Plans.

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End treatments that are no longer approved

These end treatments are no longer approved.

They must be replaced with a system that is allowed per the Standard Plans if they are damaged
or are within the limits of a construction or maintenance project.
System Manufacturer Notes
ET-2000 Trinity Highway Products, LLC No longer being manufactured
ET Plus Trinity Highway Products, LLC
X-Lite Lindsay Transportation Solutions

This end treatment is no longer approved for new installation.

It may be replaced if lightly damaged or left in place unless the construction or maintenance
project includes the guardrails.
System Manufacturer Notes
SKT Road Systems, Inc.

Details for each system are included on the following pages.

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ET-2000 (Guardrail Extruder Terminal)
Manufacturer Trinity Highway Products, LLC
Type Energy absorbing
Installation Non-flared
MASH compliant No
How it works Rail section is extruded or squeezed, causing it to be flattened away
from traffic.
No longer approved (and no longer being manufactured).
IMPORTANT If damaged or within the limits of a construction or maintenance
project, replace with a system allowed per the Standard Plans.

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ET Plus (Guardrail Extruder Terminal)
Manufacturer Trinity Highway Products, LLC
(Photo and description from
Type Energy absorbing
Installation Non-flared
MASH compliant No
How it works Rail section is extruded or squeezed, causing it to be flattened away
from traffic.
No longer approved.
IMPORTANT If damaged or within the limits of a construction or maintenance
project, replace with a system allowed per the Standard Plans.

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Manufacturer Lindsay Transportation Solutions
(Photo and description from
Type Energy absorbing
Installation Flared or non-flared
MASH compliant No
How it works The X-Lite Terminal uses a telescoping, non-extruding design.
No longer approved.
IMPORTANT If damaged or within the limits of a construction or maintenance
project, replace with a system allowed per the Standard Plans.

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SKT (Sequential Kinking Terminal)
Manufacturer Road Systems, Inc.
(Photos and descriptions from
Type Energy absorbing
Installation Non-flared
MASH compliant No
How it works Rail section is sequentially kinked and exits on back side.
No longer approved for new installation.
IMPORTANT It may be replaced if lightly damaged or left in place unless the
construction or maintenance project includes the guardrails.

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Guardrail design review
This section summarizes the Guardrail system design and Guardrail terminal systems modules from
the Guardrail Systems for Construction Engineers and Inspectors elearning course. For more
information, please see the elearning course or the identified source documents.

Guardrail system design

Purpose of a guardrail
According to the Federal Highway Administration’s “Guardrail 101” website, “A guardrail is, first and
foremost, a safety barrier intended to shield a motorist who has left the roadway.”
Guardrails should be installed “when the consequences of striking a guardrail would be less severe
than striking the other objects next to the roadway” or running off the roadway into a hazard or onto a
severe slope or drop-off. Guardrails “can make roads safer and lessen the severity of crashes.” They
“can operate to deflect a vehicle back to the roadway, slow the vehicle down to a complete stop, or, in
certain circumstances, slow the vehicle down and then let it proceed past the guardrail.”
“This is not to say that guardrails can completely protect against the countless situations drivers may
find themselves in. The size and speed of the vehicle can affect guardrail performance.”

Functional components of a guardrail system

Guardrails work as a system with two key functional components:
 The guardrail face is the
length of the guardrail
extending from the end
anchorage alongside the road.
Its function is always to redirect
the vehicle back onto the
 The end anchorage (which
may also be referred to as the
end terminal or the end
treatment) is the starting point
of the guardrail. It functions in
two ways:
o When hit head-on, the impact head (or end cap) slides down the guardrail flattening or
compressing the guardrail. This redirects the guardrail away from the vehicle until the vehicle's
impact energy is dissipated and the vehicle has decelerated to a stop.
o When hit at an angle, the impact head may partially extrude the guardrail and then “gate” out of
the way. This allows the vehicle to pass behind the guardrail.

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Types of guardrail installations
There are two ways to design and install the guardrail face: tangent (also referred to as non-flared) and
flared. End anchorages can also be tangent or flared.
 A roadside barrier, or an end anchorage, is considered tangent when it is parallel to the edge of
the traveled way.
 A roadside barrier, or an end anchorage, is considered flared when it is NOT parallel to the
edge of the traveled way.

This drawing shows an example of a guardrail used to protect vehicles from hitting an obstruction next
to the roadway.

This drawing shows a tangent guardrail installation.

When the guardrail is tangent, the end anchorage can be tangent or flared.
In this example, on the right, the upstream end anchorage is flared. On the left, the downstream end
anchorage is tangent.
Note that a tangent end treatment can have an offset to prevent nuisance hits, but please consult the
manufacturer’s recommendations for the appropriate offset distance.

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This drawing shows an example of the guardrails at the end of a narrow bridge.

This drawing shows both a flared guardrail (on the top) and a tangent guardrail (on the bottom). Both
end anchorages are flared.
When the guardrail is tangent, the end anchorage can be tangent or flared. But when the guardrail is
flared, the end anchorage is almost always flared.

Length of need
The length of need is defined as the length of barrier needed in advance (upstream) of a fixed object
hazard or a non-traversable terrain feature to prevent a vehicle that has left the roadway from reaching
the shielded feature.

Source: July 2015 Errata for the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, 4th Edition.

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The length of need can be determined by selecting the appropriate variables and using the formula
shown below.

X = Distance from the obstruction to end of barrier need.

Y = Distance from edge of through traveled way to the beginning of the length-of-need.
LA = Distance from edge of through traveled way to lateral extent of obstruction.
L1 = Tangent length of barrier upstream from obstruction.
L2 = Distance from edge of through traveled way to barrier.
L3 = Distance from edge of through traveled way to obstruction.
LC = Distance from edge of through traveled way to outside edge of the clear zone.
LR = The theoretical Runout Length needed for a vehicle leaving the roadway to stop.
a : b = Flare Rate.

The preferred method for calculating the length of need is to use MicroStation and solve the equation

 Start with the obstruction, whatever it is.

 LA is the distance from the edge of the traveled way to the far side of the obstruction.
 Draw a circle, centered where the edge of the traveled way and the obstruction come together,
with radius LR, where LR is the runout length from the Suggested Runout Lengths for Barrier
Design tables in the Roadside Design Guide.
 Draw a line from the far side of the obstruction LA, to the point where the circle meets the edge
of the traveled way.
 The point where that line intersects the edge of pavement will give you a very conservative
length of need. Then attach the end terminal.
Note that you should save these calculations as part of the project notes.

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Guardrail terminal systems
According to the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, “a terminal is considered essential if the end of a
barrier is located within the clear zone or in an area where it is likely to be struck by an errant motorist.”
A barrier terminal must serve two functions:
 It must “be crashworthy when impacted end on.”
 And it must “provide anchorage for downstream hits.”
Primary end terminal designs
The three primary W-beam guardrail end terminal designs in use at present are:
design terminates a W-
beam guardrail installation
by burying the end in the

Source: FHWA Roadside Safety Systems Design, Inspection and

Maintenance Training

CDOT Guardrail Systems Field Guide for Construction Engineers and Inspectors Page 51 of 57
The non-energy-
absorbing design does Vehicle Trajectories by Terminal Type
NOT dissipate a significant
amount of energy in a
head-on crash. It is a
gating system that allows
the vehicle to traverse the
area behind and parallel to
the guardrail. Therefore, it
should be used only when
there is sufficient run-out.
The energy-absorbing
design DOES dissipate a
significant amount of
kinetic energy in a head-on
crash. For barrier
installations fewer than
150 feet in advance of any
These drawings show the relative trajectories of a vehicle impacting
shielded object, you must
non-energy-absorbing and energy-absorbing terminals head-on at high
use an energy-absorbing
speed (62 mph).

Source: FHWA Selection, Installation and Maintenance of W-Beam Guardrail

End Terminals

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Terminal selection
According to the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, the decision about which design to use “should be
based on the likelihood of a near end-on impact and the nature of the recovery area immediately
behind and beyond the terminal.”

Adapted from FHWA Selection, Installation and Maintenance of W-Beam Guardrail End Terminals

CDOT Guardrail Systems Field Guide for Construction Engineers and Inspectors Page 53 of 57
Term Definition
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Clear zone “A Clear Zone is an unobstructed, traversable roadside area that allows
a driver to stop safely, or regain control of a vehicle that has left the
roadway. The width of the clear zone should be based on risk (also
called exposure). Key factors in assessing risk include traffic volumes,
speeds, and slopes. Clear roadsides consider both fixed objects and
terrain that may cause vehicles to rollover.”
CRP Cable Release Post
CRT Controlled Releasing Terminal post
End anchorage The starting point of the guardrail. May also be referred to as the end
terminal or the end treatment.
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
Flared A roadside barrier or an end treatment is considered flared when it is
not parallel to the edge of the traveled way.
When the guardrail is flared, the end treatment is almost always flared.
FLEAT FLared Energy Absorbing Terminal
HBA Steel Hinged Breakaway (HBA) post
HMA Hot Mix Asphalt
Length of need The length of need is defined as the length of barrier needed in
advance (upstream) of a fixed object hazard or a non-traversable
terrain feature to prevent a vehicle that has left the roadway from
reaching the shielded feature.
MASH Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware
MGS Midwest Guardrail System
MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program

CDOT Guardrail Systems Field Guide for Construction Engineers and Inspectors Page 54 of 57
Non-flared (or tangent) A roadside barrier or an end anchorage is considered non-flared (or
tangent) when it is parallel to the edge of the traveled way.
When the guardrail is tangent, the end treatment can be flared or non-
Note that a tangent end treatment can have an offset to prevent
nuisance hits, but please consult the manufacturer’s recommendations
for the appropriate offset distance.
Shy line The offset distance beyond which a roadside object will not be
perceived as an obstacle and result in a motorist’s reducing speed or
changing vehicle position on the roadway.
SKT Sequential Kinking Terminal
SRT Slotted Rail Terminal
SYTP Steel Yielding Terminal Post
TRB Transportation Research Board

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Web links
CDOT 2012 M&S Standard Plans
CDOT Project Support Memo 2015-4 “Mash Tested 31-Inch Guardrail Implementation and Mash
Implementation Dates”
CDOT Frequently Asked Questions about Guardrails, Crash Cushions, and End Terminals
CDOT 2017 Standard Specifications Book
CDOT Approved Products List
AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, 4th Edition Errata
FHWA Guardrail 101
FHWA Guardrail Resources
FHWA Selection, Installation and Maintenance of W-Beam Guardrail End Terminals (website) –
includes terminal selection decision tree
FHWA Selection, Installation and Maintenance of W-Beam Guardrail End Terminals (PDF) – includes
terminal selection decision tree

CDOT Guardrail Systems Field Guide for Construction Engineers and Inspectors Page 56 of 57
Trinity Highway Products, LLC (SRT-350-31, SoftStop, CAT 350)
Road Systems, Inc. (FLEAT 350, MSKT, FLEAT-MT)
Lindsay Transportation Solutions (MAX-Tension)
Energy Absorption Systems, Inc. (Brakemaster)

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