Printable Weather Diary Week 1
Printable Weather Diary Week 1
Printable Weather Diary Week 1
Weather Diary
Week 1 7. Did you observe any wind today?
Observation 1
1. What is the date of your observation? 8. How strong was the wind? Were there winds high up in the sky, on
the ground, or both? Did the wind change while you were observing?
2. What is the time of your observation?
3. What temperate zone do you live in? 9. Did you observe any clouds today?
a. Tropical (0˚ - 30˚ latitude)
b. Northern Temperate (30˚ - 60˚ North latitude)
c. Southern Temperate (30˚ - 60˚ South latitude) 10. If so, what did they look like?
d. Arctic (60˚ - 90˚ latitude’
14. Please report any other observations you may have noted about the
weather conditions. 3. What temperate zone do you live in?
a. Tropical (0˚ - 30˚ latitude)
b. Northern Temperate (30˚ - 60˚ North latitude)
c. Southern Temperate (30˚ - 60˚ South latitude)
d. Arctic (60˚ - 90˚ latitude
7. Did you observe any wind today? 13. Did you notice any of the following phenomena?
a. Fog/mist
b. Dew
c. Frost
8. How strong was the wind? Were there winds high up in the sky, on d. Rainbow
the ground, or both? Did the wind change while you were observing?
14. Please report any other observations you may have noted about the
weather conditions.
Now, go and find your local weather report for current conditions, such as
from the internet, television or radio station.
Icons from the Noun Project: weather by Vectorstall, weather by Dinosoft Labs, sun by Linseed
Studio, thunder by Sewon Park