Printed Material, The Better Source of Information

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Imagine a world without internet in 2019, how would we have access to information to do our
jobs in college or university? Undoubtedly, easy access to information is an important
advantage, but there are many teachers and students who believe that research with printed
sources is much better than online sources. Against this background, a great debate arises
about where we should obtain the information. In my opinion, it is far better to use printed
materials than online sources because printed materials are more reliable than websites and
using these kinds of source cover topics with a superior level of detail.

To begin with, printed materials such as books and articles are more reliable than websites.
This is because websites can be edited by anyone in the world, regardless of whether or not
they are qualified academics.  As a result of this, even articles in popular online encyclopedias
often contain incorrect and biased information. My own experience demonstrates the danger
of relying too heavily on web-based sources of information.  Two semesters ago, I was
assigned a research paper in a freshman history class. I cited data that I found on Wikipedia
which later turned out to be completely incorrect. This data was so hopelessly wrong that my
professor spotted it immediately, causing me to fail the assignment and receive a fairly low
grade in the class at the end of the semester.  If I had taken the time to compare what I had
read online to a book or a scholarly article I would not have included it, and would not have
received such a terrible score in the class.

  Secondly, books are superior to online articles because they cover topics in much detail.
Textbooks are significantly longer than online articles, so they are more useful to students.
Students who use them when doing projects can also look at the detailed indexes which they
include to focus on very specific topics. For example, when I wrote an essay last semester in a
history class, the very first book that I consulted contained a long description of the both the
underlying causes and long-term effects of the historical event I was writing about.  In
contrast, most of the online articles that I consulted contained little more than superficial facts
and dates. I based my research on the book rather than these articles, so I was able to write a
very insightful essay.

In conclusion, printed information is more useful than online resources because books and
printed journals are less likely to be biased or contain errors, and because books provide a
superior level of detail. I strongly believe that we should motivate students to use more
printed sources in their research since this will significantly improve their academic level and
the quality of their work.

Technology has highly evolved over time. In fact, nowadays almost everybody has some sort of
machine at hand, be it computers, cars, or even washing machines. Of course, there is no
doubt that machinery was devised to benefit mankind and it makes our life easier. But,
personally, I think that it has also brought along many flaws especially in the family interaction
and caring for our environment.

Firstly, when it comes to technological equipment such as computers, disruption of family

interaction most often arises between the person using the computer, and the household he
or she is surrounded by, or living with. For example, many old family traditions such as eating
meals with your relatives at the dining table seldom take place now that one of the family
members might be too busy working on his Mac. Laptop. Thus, family values and morals have
changed in order to adapt to this technological age.

Secondly, having many kinds of machinery at hand is not only destroying family traditions, but
is also very harmful to our environment; this has become one of the most important problems
in our century. Many people are careless about allowing their car engines to run haphazardly,
or leaving their laptops on for long periods of time, however they do not seem aware of the
fact that all this energy and electricity consumption is dangerous to not only our local
environment, but to the world as a whole. Additionally, it is the over-usage of machinery, big
or small that is bringing our society ever closer to Global Warming, and we must stop.

In conclusion, although machinery was devised to benefit mankind, it has also brought along
many flaws to match; which have a great impact in the family interaction at home and also in
the environmental care around the world. As we can see, this is a serious topic so we have to
be more aware of how technology and machinery affects our way to interact with our relatives
and how it affects our planet.

Is it really necessary to obtain a university degree to succeed? Many years ago, the students
who went to college were people who had an intellectual vocation and wanted to devote their
entire lives to study and research. Nowadays, more people than ever choose to attend
university after completing high school; It has become as a necessity for everybody and who
doesn’t do it is seem like someone who don't want to excel. There are many people who
believe that this thought is wrong. In my opinion, the single most important reason to pursue
post-secondary education is to prepare for a career in the future this is because these days a
university degree is very important to find a job, and also the universities provide a wide
variety of opportunities to find high-paying jobs after graduating.

First of all, a university degree is required in order to be hired at even the most basic
jobs these days. Individuals who have only a high school diploma are employed solely in
poorly paying and low-skilled fields. This reality is evident to young people all over the world
right now, and so people feel quite a lot of urgency regarding their academic qualifications.
For instance, my friends and I have noticed that recently it has even become necessary to have
a graduate degree in order to begin a career; no longer is it possible to achieve professional
success with just an undergraduate diploma. We all think that this trend will not reverse any
time soon, and as a result students will continue to consider their career aspirations when
making decisions about what to do when they finish their secondary education.

Secondly, universities provide wonderful opportunities for networking and these help
young people find and create high-paying jobs following their graduation. The unemployment
rate has been quite high for most of the past decade, and it is very difficult for even well-
educated people to become employed. Many experts argue that the people we meet in
university play a large role in our long-term professional success. My brother’s personal
experience is compelling evidence of this. He recently founded a lucrative online business
which has provided him with a substantial income over the year. He co-founded the business
in a partnership with two like-minded students that he met in a freshman computer science
class. My brother often points out that the relationship which he formed with those students
has been even more valuable than his actual degree. In contrast to my brother’s success, many
of my friends who chose not to attend university currently have a limited set of contacts as
their social circles have not expanded since their childhood.

In conclusion, young people choose to enroll in post-secondary education mostly to

prepare for their careers because a university degree is a prerequisite for employment in the
modern era, and because universities provide students with valuable opportunities to meet
new people. So, shown this situation, what we have to do is to promote the high education
everywhere in order to give the same opportunities to all the people, but without neglecting
the academic level.

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