Constitution & Bylaws
Constitution & Bylaws
Constitution & Bylaws
Section 1. The name of this club shall be the Tucson Badminton Club,
hereinafter referred to in these Bylaws as T.B.C. The T.B.C.
is an informal, unincorporated entity whose principal
location is in the City of Tucson, AZ.
Section 1. THE T.B.C. shall be a nonprofit, educational, service,
athletic organization that encourages and promotes
physical fitness and participation in athletics and
Badminton, in particular, at a recreational level.
Section 1. The dues for membership shall be set by a vote of the
majority of members present at a meeting of the T.B.C. and
changed from time to time, as the need arises. A majority
vote of members present at a general meeting is required
to ratify any dues increases. Notice of proposed dues
increase shall be presented at least thirty days prior to the
vote, and announced during at least one meeting preceding
the meeting of the vote.
Section 2. Nonpayment of Dues: Any member shall be automatically
dropped from the T.B.C. if their dues are thirty days or more
in arrears.
Section 3. The T.B.C. may charge fees or admission for various club
sponsored events to cover the costs and expenses, the
acquisition, repair and replacement of equipment needed
for such sponsored events. The T.B.C. may maintain bank
accounts and expend funds for expenses it incurs.
Expenditures of the T.B.C. funds shall require prior approval
of a majority vote of the members attending any regular or
special meeting of the club.
Section 4. Individual members: shall enjoy full privileges of the
T.B.C. including the right to vote (one vote per member) at
at any general meeting.
Section 1. Officers shall be President, Vice president, Secretary, and
Treasurer. The Immediate Past President shall be an ex-
officio member for the one term that follows immediately
after his term of office expires. With the exception of the
Immediate Past President, the general membership of the
T.B.C. shall elect the officers.
Section 2. The officers shall serve for a term of one year, without
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Section 3. After nomination, officers shall be elected at the regular
meeting held on the second Monday in January each year,
and shall assume the offices and duties on February 1.
Section 4. Candidates for the offices shall be selected by a three
member nominating committee appointed by the President of
the T.B.C. Candidates may also be nominated by members
prior to the election and, if candidates accept the nomination, they may
be added to the list of candidates submitted by the nominating
, :
Section 5. In the event that a vacancy should occur in any office prior to
the expiration of the term of that office, a special election to fill
the vacancy shall be held at the next regular or special meeting.
The nominees shall be selected in the same manner as set
forth in Section 4.
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statement of income and expenditures at each meeting. The
treasurer shall cause an audit of the T.B.C. financial records to
be performed each year by a committee of three members of the
T.B.C. This committee shall be appointed by the President and
approved by the members. The audit shall be conducted
between and 1st of the year and the T.B.C. election date.
Section 1. The second Monday of January will be a formal
scheduled General meeting. A General Meeting is a
meeting open to all currently paid up dues member
of the T.B.C. Election of officers for the coming year
will be held at this meeting.
Section 2. All other meetings will be called, as needed, by the
President or vice president. Notice of such meetings may
be given by telephone, e-mail, snail mail or in person.
Section 7. Voting:
A. Shall be done on written ballot and:
1) All ballots shall be independently counted by two T.B.C.
members who are to be appointed by the President.
2) For a given ballot and for the offices of President,
vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer, T.B.C. members
may cast only one vote for each office.
Note: The Club will from time to time add "Club Rules" as deemed
necessary to operate a smooth running club. "Club Rules" cannot
change or supersede the above bylaws unless voted upon as directed in
the above constitution/bylaws.
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