Lesson Plan Depression
Lesson Plan Depression
Lesson Plan Depression
Unit : Unit 4
No. of students : 56
Previous knowledge of the group : The students will have some previous knowledge about depressive neurosis,its clinical
features and treatment from their general nursing classes.
GENERAL OBJECTIVES: On completion of this class the student will able to develop knowledge on depressive neurosis,
understand the courses, pathology, symptoms and management and apply this knowledge in their nursing care.
3 min Determine the
epidemiology Dysthymic disorder is common among the general Explain the Listens the Black What is the
population and affects 5 to 6 percent of all epidemiology class Board epidemiology of
persons.The disorder is more common among women anxiety
younger than 64 years of age than in men of any age neurosis?
and is most common in unmarried young persons and
in those with low income.The disorder is most
common among those with first degree relatives with
major depressive disorder.
Explains the Affective symptoms: Lecture cum The students What are the
10 min clinical discussion listens and Charts clinical
manifestations Feelingssadness,dejection,helplessness,powerlessness asks doubts manifestations
of depressive Hopelessness,gloomy and pessimistic outlook, of anxiety
neurosis Low self esteem,difficuty experiencing pleasure in neurosis?
Behavioral :
Slowed physical movements (ie psychomotor
retardation); slumped posture ;slowed speech; limited
verbalizations, possibly consisting of ruminations
about life’s failures or regrets; social isolation with a
focus on the self; increased use of substances
possible; decreased interest in personal hygiene and
Cognitive :
Retarded thinking processes ;difficulty concentrating
and directing attention; obsessive and repetitive
thoughts ,generally portraying pessimism and
negativism ;verbalizations and behavior reflecting
suicidal ideation.
Anorexia or over eating ;insomnia or hypersomnia;
sleep disturbances ;amenorrhea ;decreased libido
;head aches ; back aches ;chest pain ;abdominal
pain ; low energy level ;fatigue and listlessness
;feeling best early in the morning and continually
worse as the day progresses.
Historically,patients with dysthymic disorder either
Recognize the received no treatment or were seen as candidates for
10 various long term,insight oriented Lecture Student Black What are the
minutes treatment psychotherapy.Contemporary data offer the most listens and board various
modality objective support for cognitive therapy,behavior ask doubts treatment
therapy,and pharmacotherapy. modalities in
Cognitive Therapy: depressive
Cognitive therapy is a technique in which patients are
taught new ways of thinking and behaving to replace
faulty negative attitudes about themselves,the
world,and the future.It is a short term therapy
program oriented toward current problems and their
Behavior therapy:
Behavior therapy for depressive disorders is based on
the theory that depression is caused by a loss of
positive reinforcement as a result of
separation,death,or sudden environmental
change.The various treatment methods focus on
specific goals to increase activity,to provide pleasant
experiences,and to teach patients how to
relax.Altering personal behavior in depressed
patients is believed to be the most effective way to
change the associated depressed thoughts and
Insight Oriented Psychotherapy:
Individual insight oriented psychotherapy is the
common treatment for dysthymic disorder,and many
clinicians consider this as the treatment of choice.The
psychotherapeutic approach attempts to relate the
development and maintenance of depressive
symptoms and maladaptive personality features to
unresolved conflicts from early childhood.
Interpersonal therapy:
In interpersonal therapy for depressive disorders,a
patient’s current interpersonal experiences and ways
of vcoping with stress are examined to reduce
depressive symptoms and to improve self esteem.
Family and Group therapies:
Family therapy may help both the patient and the
patient’s family members deal with the symptoms of
the disorder,especially when a biologically based
subaffective syndromes seems to be present.Group
therapy may help the withdrawn individuals learn
new ways to overcome their interpersonal problems
in social situations.
Because of long –standing and commonly held
theoretical beliefs that dysthymic disorder is
primarily a psychologically determined
disorder,many clinicians avoid prescribing anti
depressants for patients;however many studies have
shown the therapeutic success of antidepressants.The
data generally indicate that selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs)venlafaxine and bupropion
are an effective treatment for patients with dysthymic
Identifies the
8 various nursing Assessment:
minutes diagnosis in Dysthymic disorder is always associated with
depressive moderate depression. Moderate depression occurs OHP
neurosis when the grief is prolonged or exaggerated. All of the Lecture cum Student
feelings associated with grieving are exaggerated out discussion listens and What are the
of proportion, and the individual is unable to function asks doubts main nursing
without assistance. So the assessment includes diagnosis in
identification of the symptoms associated with depressive
dysthymic disorder ie affective ,behavioral ,cognitive neurosis?
and physiological
Nursing Diagnosis:
1.Risk for suicide related to depressed mood
,feelings of worthlessness ,anger turned inward on
the self ,misinterpretations of reality.
Nursing Interventions:
1 Create a safe environment for the client. Remove
all potentially harmful objects from the client’s
2. Formulate a short term verbal or written contract
that the client will not harm self.
3. Maintain close observation of the client.
Depending on the level of suicide precaution, provide
one –one contact.
4. Maintain special care in administration of
5. Encourage client to express honest feelings,
including anger.
Nursing Diagnosis
2.Dysfunctional grieving related to real or perceived
Nursing Intervention
1.Assess stage of fixation in grief process.
2.Develop trust ,show empathy,concern ,and
unconditioned positive regard.
3.Explore feelings of anger and help client direct
them toward the intended object or person.
4.Teach normal behaviors associated with grieving.
Nursing Diagnosis
3.Low self esteem related to learned helplessness,
feelings of abandonment by significant others
,impaired cognition fostering negative view of self.
Nursing Interventions:
In the final step of the nursing process , a
reassessment is conducted to determine if the nursing
actions have been successful in achieving the
objectives of care.The nurse has to see whether the
self harm to the individual has been avoided, heve
suicidal ideations subsided,is he able to verbalize
feelings associated with each stage of grieving
process,is anger towards the lost object expressed
Depressive neurosis is an oldest and still one of the
most frequent diagnosed psychiatric illness.
Dysthymia is most commonly seen as a secondary
complication of other psychiatric disorder .An
effective treatment strategy incoperating
psychotherapies and pharmacotherapies may cure the
condition at the earliest.
Depressive neurosis is a common form of neurotic condition. So till now we were disussing the meaning, etiology, epidemiology,
diagnosis, treatment and nursing management of persons with depressive neurosis.
Write the difference between depressive psychosis and depressive neurosis and submit it on at 9 am in Msc nursing classroom .The
criteria of the evaluation is based on the subject content and neatness.The distribution of the assignment is 2marks –neatness,6-matter
of content,2-bibliography.Refer Bimla Kapoor text book of psychiatry.
1. Kaplan, Saddock.Synopsis of psychiatry.6th edition.elsievier publications.2006.page no.562-565
2. Mary CT.Psychiatric mental health nursing concepts of care.1994.3rd edition A Davis Company. Page no.491-499.
3. Lalitha K.Mental health and psychiatric nursing M G publications.Pge.346-352
1. Kaplan, Saddock.Synopsis of psychiatry.6th edition.elsievier publications.2006.page no.562-565.
2. Mary CT.Psychiatric mental health nursing concepts of care.1994.3rd edition A Davis Company. Page no.491-499
3. Lalitha K.Mental health and psychiatric nursing M G publications.Pge.346-352.