Internship: Role of SAP On Robi Axiata Limited
Internship: Role of SAP On Robi Axiata Limited
Internship: Role of SAP On Robi Axiata Limited
Role of SAP on Robi Axiata Limited
Today is the era of modern technology. Each and every organization are planning, thinking and
implementing new strategies to survive in the competitive market for providing best solution
within a short period of time. As such, most of the companies are implementing SAP at their
organization to run their financial procurement as well as analysis comfortably. The report is a
reflection of role of SAP in Robi Axiata Limited.
Internship Report
Role of SAP
on Robi Axiata Limited.
Submitted to,
Samina Haque
Senior Lecturer
BRAC Business School
Submitted by,
Samina Akther Rupa
ID: 08204021
BRAC Business School
Date: 09-October-2013
Letter of Transmittal
Samina Haque
Senior Lecturer
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
Dear Sir,
With great pleasure, here I submit my internship report on “Role of SAP on Robi Axiata
Limited” working under its Finance Division that you have approved & assigned as a
compulsory requirement of BUS-400 course. I have tried my level best to bring out the original
scenario of the plan at Robi with full of effectiveness & efficiency.
The report contains details of the role of SAP with the procedures of how it is implemented,
maintained & reviewed by Robi. I found the topic quite interesting, valuable as well as
I would like to thank you for your continuous support, guidelines & observation of my works
which made it easy for me as well as provided knowledge of learning in practical.
A warm felicitation goes for me to acknowledge the people, who hold the desirability for
encouraging, praising, assisting as well as believing me on the Role of SAP on Robi Axiata
Limited on what I have worked through my internship period. First of all I would like to take the
opportunity to thank Samina Haque, Senior Lecturer, BRAC Business School, BRAC University
for providing me guidelines, help in assisting my report. I am really very grateful to her. She was
constantly supporting me with his inspiring personality. I will always be always thankful for her
extraordinary stanchion.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank Mr. Fahad Mahmud, General Manager, SCM
Strategy & Analysis, Finance Division of Robi Axiata Limited for being my on-site supervisor &
providing me time to time information, suggestion as well as procedures to work with my topic.
I also want to thank Mr. Mahbubul Haque, Manager, Procurement, SCM of Robi Axiata Limited
for being so cooperative in my work. I also thank Mr. Abhijit Bhowmik, Rezwan Sourav,
Monjur Nahid & all other members of the department for creating a friendly environment &
making me feel that working is really enjoyable.
I want to thank my department head, Zahed Hossain & Saiful Alam, Vice-President of the
respective departments of SCM for accepting me as a potential intern of this department.
Finally I will show my gratitude to my family, friends as well as the entire team who somehow
has impact on me in completing my whole report.
Executive Summary
Today is the era of modern technology. Each and every organization are planning, thinking and
implementing new strategies to survive in the competitive market for providing best solution
within a short period of time. As such, most of the companies are implementing SAP at their
organization to run their financial procurement as well as analysis comfortably. The report is a
reflection of role of SAP in Robi Axiata Limited.
A supply chain management system works well on a trusted ERP such as SAP, particularly for
distributor operations. The biggest improvement can be seen when an organization’s supply
chain relies on information being exchanged between the principal and its distributors or
different offices in various ways. Item master data and price lists can be pushed to distributors
with the SAP integration tool. Subsequently, Crystal Reports and dashboards can be used to
provide more intuitive reports across the business based on accurate and timely data.
SAP is a foremost Enterprise Information and Management Package which helps Robi Axiata
Limited to track and manage sales, production, finance accounting and human resources, in real-
time. The main benefit that Robi Axiata Limited gets from this software is assimilation because
SAP is designed to allocate any organization to operate diversity of business processes within a
single integrated information system. Although Robi Axiata Limited gets various benefits from
SAP, several departments have been affected due to execution of this software and Supply Chain
Department of Finance Division is most affected one. Different finance functionalities like
Financial Planning Processing, Internal Orders Processing, Month end Closing, Value Chain
Reporting, Product costing, Cost centre Hierarchy, Collection Process, Profitability Analysis,
Planning from Retail Selling Price, etc. have been changed because of the SAP Financial
Accounting Module and SAP Financial Controlling Module. Although SAP helps Finance
Division of Robi Axiata to improve their collection process, Month end Closing process,
monitoring and controlling activities, diminish billing cost and speed up data processing, etc. but
it requires high understanding level regarding SAP application and great discipline among the
employees of the Robi Axiata Limited.
Table of Content
Particulars Page No.
Appendix i-viii
Appendix-I i-vi
Appendix-II vii-viii
List of Abbreviations
With the help of my on-site supervisor Fahad Mahmud, General Manager, SCM Strategy
and Analysis, Supply Chain Management Department, Finance Division, I have
performed my internship report on “The Role of SAP on Robi Axiata Limited”. My
academic supervisor Samina Hauqe, Senior Lecturer, BRAC Business School also
approved the topic and allowed me to prepare the report as part of the fulfillment of
internship requirement as well as gave me appropriate guidelines time to time.
Although SAP helps Supply Chain Department, Finance Division of Robi Axiata Limited
Bangladesh to improve their collection process, Month end Closing process, monitoring
and controlling activities, reduce billing cost and speed up data processing, etc. but it
requires high understanding level regarding SAP application and great discipline among
the employee of Robi.
1.5 Scope
Robi Axiata Limited is a mammoth multinational telecommunication organization in
Bangladesh. Locating at Gulshan-1 with its corporate office, it has more than 10 regional
offices in different locations of different districts. Robi consists of 9 (nine) big divisions
each containing several departments according to the division and organizational need.
Finance division of Robi Axiata Limited is accountable for financing into different
proposals, business partnering, as well as new product development. Supply Chain
Management is one of the departments of Finance division. This department is
responsible for all the procurements and procurement related contracts and strategy. As
per the requirements, this report only focuses on few parts of Robi Axiata Limited. This
only contains information regarding implementation and role of SAP software at Robi.
1.6 Methodology
I have collected information in two different ways. Both sources have been equally used
to generate the report.
1.7 Limitations
The fundamental limitation of the report is providing solid and definite information about
SAP software. As an intern, it is possible for me to view confidential information of any
document related to my topic but not to attach with the report. Hence, it is difficult for me
to prepare the report. Sometimes, I have had to use generalized idea about any topic and
relate it with the actual SAP implemented by Robi. There are several contains that I am
facing. Some constrains are like:
1. I am allowed to put any numeric data in this report.
2. Lack of cooperation from officials in the confidential point of view
3. Lack of practical knowledge in different SAP applications
Robi supports 2G voice, CAMEL phase II and III, GPRS/EDGE services with high
speedy internet connection. It has the widest worldwide exposure in Bangladesh that
connects 600 operators in more than 200 countries. With the help of flexible tariff plan,
customer oriented Value Added Service (VAS), quality service centers, 24-hours call
centre, digital network facility etc Robi has reached to the hearts of million people.
As a telecom company, Robi believes in customer satisfaction because they are the
ultimate consumers for whom Robi can stand. So, their principle is, “We are there for
you, where you want and in the way you want, in order to help you develop, grow and
make the most of your lives through our services.
2.3.1 Vision
Their vision is to be the leader in the telecommunication industry of Bangladesh.
2.3.2 Missions
1. Cover the whole country with their network system.
2. Establishing customer-based product portfolio.
3. Providing best services for their customers.
2.4.2 Finance
Finance is the heart of any business functions because they are responsible for budgeting.
Finance division of Robi Axiata Limited is accountable for financing into different
proposals, business partnering, as well as new product development. Finance controls
financial accounting, creating salary sheets for employees, maintaining compliances and
so on. Corporate Finance, Financial Accounting and Management Reporting, Financial
Compliance, Insurance and Process, Supply Chain Management, Revenue Assurance and
Fraud Management, Planning, Business Partnering, Media Buying, Transformation
Office and Company Secretary are the departments of Finance division.
2.4.6 Technology
It is the division which provides IT support to all the divisions and departments of Robi.
Main tasks of this division is maintenance of regional IT operation along with
establishing BTS, central network monitoring, technology compliance, supporting
employees by providing necessary hardware and software, support contact centre etc.
Controlling Robi website as well as intra-division and departmental websites is also an
important task of technology.
2.4.7 Administration
Administration division works to control the business facility layout, safety and
maintenance, controlling overall employee management, security staffs and personnel
management etc. Besides, maintaining alternative sites for emergency evacuation is also
a part of administrative job.
I got the privilege to work with Robi at its Supply Chain Management of Finance
division for a period of 3 months. Though I was working as an intern, I noticed that every
desk is assigned a specific job and particular people are given responsibility to carry out
that job. In cooperating with all the persons I worked with, I came to learn a lot of things
which can help me not only in professional life but also in my personal life.
It is very important to work with a team in these multinationals because here every task is
divided into parts and each person of a team is given specific segment to complete and
after the given period, all the members sit together and join each task to make a complete
project. I worked at my department with my team and no doubt to say they were very
supportive and helpful. I came to know about what punctuality is and how it is
maintained. Moreover, I was able to learn how works are distributed among different
designated personnel, how reports are prepared and analyzed, reviewed and checked, how
efficiently people interact with their associates, and how they prepare themselves to
complete their tasks within the given instant.
Without the responsibility of SAP, I was also given different tasks time to time. SCM
works to maintain vendor database management, payment terms correction, input
monitoring etc.
Other than these, I was also given some specific responsibilities which I had to submit
time to time to my supervisor. These are described in brief below:
While preparing my presentation, I found it easier to me because I were used to it. Every
semester in our university, we are obliged to our course instructors to make a report as
well as presentation so that we can enhance our capabilities and skills. It helped me a lot
in creating this paper and presentation. Working with MS Word, Excel, and analyzing
data was a daily routine work at my student life which helped me a lot to work with
screening and monitoring various documents.
In our academic programs, we are taught only theories given by famous peoples but not
real life examples. If though examples are given, sometimes it is very difficult for us to
clearly comprehend as most of the books are written by American writers. So, examples
are hardly in our country’s context. As a result it feels great when we can uncover
something which relates our educational prospectus to practical work experience. Alike,
it gave me pleasure when I have originated such.
The database plays a key role in each SAP system, as it houses all the data that are used
by that particular SAP component or product. Many brands of databases exist, making it
easy for an IT shop to select a database vendor with which they are probably already
familiar. Currently, SAP can use a variety of different brand name database releases
ranging from very expensive and imminently flexible to very inexpensive and yet quite
Role of SAP on Robi Axiata limited Page 18
4.3 Business Benefits of Using SAP
Many businesses today use traditional information systems which have been developed to
do some specific tasks and provide reports and analysis of different event that have
already taken place into the business. Some systems provide information in a “real time”
mode. Actually those systems have latest information in their database and can be used to
control events. Typically, a company has various systems to control and manage different
processes like production, sales and accounting.
Those systems have separate database and transfer information to another systems when
it is required. So that it is a time consuming and not an integrated process. However, it is
totally different in SAP. There is only one information system in the SAP. All application
is able to access common data. If there is an event taken place into the business that will
happen in transactions and store into the SAP and automatically the calculation is done
by events in sales and production into the SAP. However, SAP structure considered as a
“Best Business Practices”.
Basically the company which implementing SAP actually adapts its operations to this
software to achieve its efficiencies and power. The core benefits of using SAP are
discussed here.
4.3.1 Integration
The most important benefit that Robi gets from this software is integration. The main aim
to implement this system into the business operation is, it reduces data redundancy and
redundant data entry. This software package is designed to allow any organization to
operate variety of business processes within a single integrated information system.
4.4.4 Treasury
Bank Accounting helps management to input bank transactions into the system and cash
management. Each bank that ROBI deals with creates a Bank master inside their system.
When a payment is received from a customer or made to a vendor via bank transfer, that
time this file will be updated.
Key Changes
1. All buyers have information of all vendors.
2. Update can be made by any authorized buyer about vendor.
The main benefit is that any buyer can access the information of any vendor whenever
they need. They don’t need to go to other buyer for getting the information. In the
software vendor evaluation score, information about black listed vendor, vendor’s
capability, unit price, product segmentation is also updated. So, it has become very easy
for the buyers to choose the right vendors within seconds. Even, separate buyers don’t
need to ask for information from other vendors.
Key Changes
Previously it needed to check the whole contract to know the payment terms. Now the
payment information is automatically loaded when the input is given.
The process is time-saving, easier as well as hassle-free for both the parties. In this
process, details of peyment term need to input only once and then system purposely shifts
information in those sections where it is needed. So, it doesn’t require to input same data
more than once.
Key Changes
1. From Matrix and ABACUS to BI-IP (Business Intelligence and Integrated Planning).
2. Now Robi has to do planning quarterly and monthly basis.
The main benefit that Robi gets in this process that it integrates different functions. They
can construct the report more quickly as they don’t need to assemble the data from
different sources. On the other hand, data accuracy will also increase.
Key Changes
The soft copy of purchase order is uploaded in SAP so that anyone can access and check
the information.
1. Purchase orders allow not only the buyer but also other employees of Robi SCM to
clearly and explicitly communicate their intentions to vendors.
2. By going through purchase orders, other related departments like Accounts
Department of Robi get help to manage payment for incoming orders and pending
Key Changes
Previously the input was needed to be made manually. After implementing SAP, one
input for one purchase order is enough.
Key Changes
1. Employees of both the offices can get all the necessary information through SAP.
2. Planning process moves based on the information that is updated in SAP.
Previously there was a communication gap regarding purchase order and delivery
schedule between both of the offices. But now employees of Tongi office easily can get
to know all details regarding product supply through SAP. So, they can handle and
manage warehouse planning according to it. At the same time, employees of Robi
corporate office can know about the capacity of warehouse.
When the input was made in a shared excel sheet, no one knew who was giving input
until that person disclosed. But in SAP, every person who is giving input is shared and
every other can see that in their activity log. Moreover, those who views the quotation is
also seen in activity log. So it is easily traced if any information is leaked outside.
Key Changes
The old structure is replaced by Cost Centre Accounting which is comprised of 6 digits
code as compared to the previous 4 digits code.
It helps to identify cost of each category. Thus Robi can access at the lowest level of the
category to monitor and control the cost.
Key Changes
A significant change was involved the shifting of Pre-Signed Cheque Books (PSC)
Customers to the new direct deposit arrangement. Now Customers receives their daily
statement via e-mail, which is signify the amount outstanding after accounting for all the
Sales Orders, Approved Credit Notes and any previous outstanding balance and this is
sent by SAP automatically. This amount has to be deposited by the customer in a
designated bank account of Robi on a timely basis.
Key Changes
Abacus and Matrix is being replaced by the SAP module.
As the data come from different modules into the PA module, it can be analyzed by
various dimensions such as product, market, customers, service or channel. It also helps
to monitor and manage the costs and pricing. Robi is also able to identify and understand
issues quickly by using this module. Robi is able to do “what-if” and scenario based
analysis in this Module.
2. By using SAP, Robi can advance their accounts payable, accounts receivables and
Month end Closing process because the responsible personals of those accounts need
to update in real time. Thus it improves discipline of operator to input transaction on
time which is the most important thing for any finance department’s employee. And it
helps to reduce the time period required for doing Month end closing and makes it
more accurate.
3. SAP improves the controlling and monitoring of financial process of Robi because all
the data are now available into system and it is transparent and easy to access
data/information when needed.
4. Reduce the cost of billing because it is automated and bill sends to the receiver via
internet. Thus, it improves the service of suppliers and Robi can easily evaluate
suppliers and customers by judging their delivery and payment schedule.
5. It increases the speed of data reporting across function and provides more detailed
information and structured data. So that it helps to improve the accuracy on planning,
forecasting and decision making.
6. SAP requires high level of understanding regarding its all applications. If anyone
does not acquire that level of understanding that time it will be very difficult for
him/her do this work in SAP.
On the other hand, it is a new system implemented in Robi so that there must be various
problems arises into the system after post Go-Live. So Robi management should take
proper steps to identify those issues and resolve them immediately.
However, it might be very difficult for everyone to get clear understanding regarding
SAP in the EUT sessions. Moreover, new employee will also join at Robi. So what Robi
can do they can develop course curriculum for individual SAP role and give more
training to those people who are not feeling comfortable to work into the software. So
that, they can do the work at same speed with their team members.
SAP brings a new dimension in the operation of the Robi Axiata Limited. Although SAP
helps Finance Division of Robi to improve their collection process, Month end Closing
process, monitoring and controlling activities, reduce billing cost and speed up data
processing, etc. but it requires high understanding level regarding SAP application and
great discipline among the employee of the Robi Axiata Limited.
SAP is a powerful tool that integrates multiple business processes and functions into one
comprehensive system. SAP reduces lack of integration across business line which will
raise the risk of duplication, mistakes and inconsistency data. SAP provides different
approach than their competitors in market. Each piece can operate independently from all
other software. And the key benefit of using this approach is that companies can
implement individual module that fits the company needs, and have the flexibility to add
other module later when their business grows.
1. Top Management
Michael Kuehner
Jarhad Tamim
GM, Internal Audit
Matiul Islam Nowshad Mahtabuddin Ahmed A.K.M Morshed Pradeep Shiravastava Yoshishige Hasegawa
Rizwan Hamid Quraishi Md. Faisal Imtiaz Khan S. M. Farhad Mahbub Md. Tauhidul Alam
VP, Organizational Dev. VP, Employee Relations VP, HR Operations VP, Competence Dev.
3. Finance
Mahtabuddin Ahmed
Mostafizur Rahman Md. Saiful Alam Dewan Nazmul Hassan Katsuhiro Lida
VP, Corporate Secretarial VP, SCM VP, Corporate Finance VP, Financial Accounting
A.K.M Morshed
Sarker Sohel Ahmed Niloy Rahman Md. Anisur Rahman Md. Rezaul Karim
VP, Implementation VP, Development VP, Regional Operation VP, Compliance
5. Market Operation
Pradeep Shiravastava
Yoshishige Hasegawa
Mahmudur Rahman
Humayun Kabir Alloisus Mohan Ramaiah Muhammed Shahedul Alam Segufta Yesmin Samad
VP, Company Affairs VP, Regulatory Affairs VP, Legal & Compliance VP, CSR & Sponsorship
Mohiuddin Babar
VP, Corporate Comm. &
media Relation
Nishat Hossain
9. Administration
Abdullah Al Mamun
VP, Administration
Md. Mostak Ahmed Raushon Ahmed Muhammad Taha Alamgir Akter Emam Khan Jamil Ahmed
GM, Safety GM, Regional GM, Facility & Estate GM, Fleet GM, Security
Management Admin Operation Management Management Management
Jarhad Tamim
GM, Internal Audit
Consultancy Assurance
Shabbir Ahmed
GM, Assurance
Mohammed Atikuzzaman
GM, Finance Tahsinur Rahim
GM, Finance
Moquimuddin Mohammed
GM, Network