ERP Pricing Guide
ERP Pricing Guide
ERP Pricing Guide
Implementation Costs
ERP systems often require additional resources that Most ERP solutions are proprietary or closed source,
aren’t generally included in the base price, such as: and customers can’t access the source code.
IT staff – ERP systems can be complex to On the other hand, an open-source ERP system
manage. Companies that choose an on- has publicly available source code. Companies can
premise deployment will need internal IT access the open-source code for free and customize
staff to handle any technical difficulties the software themselves, rather than relying on
that arise. the vendor.
Customer support – Basic support (e.g., Consequently, open-source ERP software can be less
knowledge base, email support) is typically costly than proprietary ERP solutions, as companies
included in the price of an ERP solution. don’t have to pay a licensing fee to access the source
However, vendors may offer plans that code. The drawback, however, is that companies
include advanced support, such as priority need to have knowledgeable IT staff to implement
support or access to a dedicated customer and maintain the software, especially because there’s
service manager. often a lack of support and documentation.
LillyWorks offers a monthly subscription that starts Odoo Community is free to implement and maintain
at $100 per user, per month and scales up from that on-premise. It includes basic modules for accounting,
point. The manufacturing-focused ERP solution offers project management, customer relationship
advanced functionality for shop-floor planning and management (CRM), human resources, inventory,
execution, material planning, inventory management, manufacturing, e-commerce and marketing.
and bill of materials and routing definition.
Odoo Enterprise costs $28 per user, per month and
Microsoft Dynamics 365 allows companies to includes advanced functionality and mobile device
purchase individual modules based on their specific access. Additional apps can cost anywhere from $12
business area. For example, the sales professional to $96 per month.
SAP Business One ERP doesn’t disclose pricing on
its website. However, third-party implementation
consultants say perpetual licenses cost $3,213 for
professional users and $1,666 for limited users.
Bug fixes, upgrades and patch releases are covered
through a separate annual maintenance fee.
Xtuple ERP is an open-source ERP solution with five Many of the vendors listed here follow the per user, per
different pricing options and a 90-day free trial. month pricing model with tiers that provide additional
features. Some also offer perpetual licenses for a one-
The Postbooks version is free for up to four users and time fee.
includes core modules. The paid version of Postbooks
and other industry-specific versions include advanced Be sure to consider what modules or features are
functionality, specialized modules, and in-classroom required, as well as future scaling and business needs.
and online training. You’ll also want to research implementation costs and
how long the process will take.
Prices range from $45 to $150 per user, per month
or $1,350 to $4,500 for a one-time perpetual license. If you’d like more information on ERP software or
Cloud deployment costs $100 per month, plus $30 per want to compare different solutions, we’ve reviewed
user, per month. over 45 ERP system vendors.