Concept of Gene and Protein Synthesis: Presented By: Shital Magar M.Pharm Second Sem
Concept of Gene and Protein Synthesis: Presented By: Shital Magar M.Pharm Second Sem
Concept of Gene and Protein Synthesis: Presented By: Shital Magar M.Pharm Second Sem
Protein Synthesis
Department of Pharmacology
R.C Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research,
What is Gene ? ( Petter Portin 2002 ) 2
The word ‘gene’ has two meanings: (1) the determinant of an observable trait or
characteristic of an organism, or (2) the DNA sequence that determines the chemical
structure of a specific polypeptide molecule or RNA molecule.
The gene is operationally depened on the basis of four genetic phenomena: genetic
transmission, genetic recombination, gene mutation, and gene function.
The word ‘gene’ was coined by W. Johannsen in 1909,but the modern concept of the
gene originated with Gregor Mendel, who in the 1860s studied the inheritance of
Characteristics on true-breeding varieties of garden peas.
Classical concept of Gene? 3
The classical view of the gene begins with the work of Mendel (1866), in
Singer and Berg (1991) have pointed out that many different definitions of the gene are
possible. If we want to adopt a molecular definition, they suggest the following definition: “A
eukaryotic gene is a combination of DNA segments that together constitute an expressible
Each gene includes one or more DNA segments that regulate the transcription of the gene and
thus its expression'' Thus the segments of a gene include (1) a transcription unit, which
includes the coding sequences, the introns, the flanking sequences the leader and trailer
sequences, (2) the regulatory sequences.
Summary of Conceptions of 5
Messenger RNA (mRNA) copies DNA’s code & carries the genetic
information to the ribosomes.
The process by which a gene's information is converted into the structures and
functions of a cell by a process of producing a biologically functional
molecule of either protein or RNA (gene product) is made.
m-RNA degradation
Jacob and Monad (1961) studied control of protein synthesis in E. coli and lactose
digesting enzymes
Genes can be switched on or off as necessary
A gene that is ‘on’ will be transcribed
In E.coli, the enzyme lactase will be produced if the gene ‘on’
If the gene is ‘off’ mRNA will not be created and translation can not occur
What is Gene Expression ? 12
i) Basic genes: These are the fundamental genes that bring about
expression of particular character.
ii) Lethal genes: These bring about the death their possessor.
iii) Multiple gene: When two or more pairs of independent genes act
together to produce a single phenotypic trait.
Types Of Gene 16
vi) Cumulative gene: Some genes have additive effects on the action of
v) Pleiotropic genes: The genes which produce changes in more than one
vii) Inhibitory gene: The gene which suppresses or inhibits the expression of
DNA in the nucleus directs protein synthesis but protein synthesis occurs in ribosomes
located in the cytoplasm.
How does a ribosome synthesize the protein required if it does not have access to DNA.
mRNA leaves the nucleus and enters the cytoplasm of the cell.
DNA Protein
Nuclear pore
Genetic Code Millard Susman,2001 23
Proteins are composed of 20 different amino acids.
3 stop codons
Redundancy – Several different codons can code for the same amino
acid, but no codon ever has more than one amino acid counterpart.
Universality – the genetic code is the same in almost all living organisms,
from bacteria to mammals
Transcription 25
Once the RNA polymerase leaves the promoter region, a new RNA
RNA polymerase binds to a segment of DNA and opens up the double helix
RNA polymerase recognizes the promoter region which is a sequence of DNA rich in A
and T bases (TATA box) found only on one strand of the DNA.
An RNA polymerase cannot recognize the TATA box and other landmarks of the promoter
region on its own. Another protein, a transcription factor that recognizes the TATA box,
binds to the DNA before the RNA polymerase can do so.
Transcription: Initiation 27
For transcription to be initiated, both promoter sequences must be present in their correct
locations. The nucleotide sequences in the promoters are slightly different from one
another, which means the RNA polymerase will bind in only 1 orientation, thus RNA
polymerase can only face 1 way during transcription. This ensures transcription will
proceed in only 1 direction.
Transcription: Elongation 28
The RNA polymerase uses only one of the strands of DNA as a template for
mRNA synthesis. This is called the template strand or sense strand. The coding
strand or anti-sense strand contains the complementary nucleotide sequence
to the sense strand.
RNA polymerases can add nucleotides only to the 3’ end of a DNA sequence.
Thus, an RNA molecule elongates in the 5’ to 3’ direction. Consider the
following DNA sequence 3’ TACTTACTCGTCTTG 5’.
Transcription: Elongation 29
Transcription: Termination 30
After transcription mRNA exits the nucleus via nuclear pores and ribosomes bind to
Each active ribosome has 3 different binding sites for tRNA molecules: the P
(peptide) site, which holds one tRNA and the growing chain of amino
acids; the A (acceptor) site, which holds the tRNA bringing the next amino
acid to be added to the chain; and the E (exit) site, which releases the tRNA
The anticodon of an aa-tRNA molecule binds to the mRNA codon exposed in the A site.
Enzymes catalyze the formation of a bond between the last aa on the lengthening polypeptide and
the new aa. The polypeptide chain is transferred from the tRNA in the P site to the tRNA in the A
The ribosome moves down the mRNA strand, shifting the binding site a distance of 3 nucleotides
(1 codon), this is called translocation. A new A site is exposed as the tRNA that was in the P site
is moved to the E site and released.
Ribosomes 35
Termination of Protein Synthesis 36
A protein called a release factor binds to the exposed A site causing the
polypeptide to separate from the remaining tRNA molecule.
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