Measured Result: y E-Field Cell E-Field Cell
Measured Result: y E-Field Cell E-Field Cell
Measured Result: y E-Field Cell E-Field Cell
Ez (i, j, k+1/2)
E-field cell
∆x Hy (i-1/2, j, k+1/2) Ey (i, j-1/2, k+1)
Ez (i, j-1, k+1/2)
Hx (i, j+1/2, k+1/2)
∆z Hx (i, j-1/2, k+1/2) Hx (i, j-1/2, k+1/2)
measured result
simulation result
(a) (b)
Fig. 13 Simulation of the transient response of a
grounding electrode by the FDTD method.
B. Application Examples
(1) A transient response on a grounding electrode
The impedance and admittance of a given electrical circuit are essential to analyze its steady and transient
characteristics by a circuit-theory based approach such as the Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) [1, 2]. Sunde’s
formula of the admittance of a grounding electrode [60] is well-known and has been widely used in the world. However, the
formula is only for a steady state. Sunde also proposed impedance and admittance formulas for a transient, but those require
iterative calculations and the accuracy is found not satisfactory enough [61].
An electromagnetic interference due to mutual coupling between a grounding mesh and a control cable becomes a
significant subject in power stations and substations [4, 62-64]. To analyze this problem, a transient impedance and
admittance are indispensable. Unfortunately no formula is available, and numerical identification from a measured result
looks only a promised method presently as far as the circuit-theory based approach concerns, although many grounding
electrode models have been proposed [65]. On the contrary, an NEA approach requires no impedance and admittance,
because those are evaluated as a part of an NEA calculation.
Fig.13 (a) illustrates the geometrical configuration of a tested grounding electrode and the experimental circuit, where
only geometrical and physical parameters are required in the NEA calculation [37]. Fig.13 (b) is a comparison of an FDTD
simulation result with the measured one. A satisfactory accuracy of the FDTD method is confirmed from the results. This
example shows that the numerical electromagnetic analysis can solve a problem of which the impedance and admittance are
not known, for the method requires no circuit parameter. Also, the mode of wave propagation may not be TEM, while the
circuit-theory based approach is restricted only for the TEM propagation. Also, it should be noted that the phenomenon is
three-dimensional as is clear from Fig.13 (a).
measurement point
of tower-top 21.7 V
77 m 600 ns
voltage rise 1.37
67.8 V
600 ns
(a) injected current (b) tower-top voltage rise
voltage [V]
current [A]
−1 −40
1.37 A
1.5 A −60
69.2 V
−2 −80
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
time [ns] time [ns]
(c) FDTD simulation result
Fig. 15 Simulation of tower-top voltage rise of a 500-kV transmission tower
bus due to electromagnetic wave scattering. The scattering at the corner can not be simulated by a circuit-theory based
method. The approach is applied to develop life estimation of a power apparatus [5].
voltage [V]
0 100 200 300 400 500
time [ns]
(a) EMTP simulation (b) FDTD simulation
Fig. 17 Comparison of measured and simulation results
r1=1mm, d=0.2m, x=8m
It is observed that the simulation results in Fig.19 by the EMTP and in Fig. 20 by the FDTD agree reasonably well
with the measured result in Fig. 19. A difference observed between the measured and the EMTP simulation results is
estimated due to mutual coupling between the tower, the pipeline and measuring wires. Also, the frequency-dependent
effect of the conductor affects the difference. A difference between the measured and the FDTD simulation results seems
to be caused by a perfect conductor assumption of the FDTD method.
160 60
120 EMTP
40 20
-40 EXP
-80 -20
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Time[ns] Time[ns]
60 40
-20 -60
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Time[ns] Time[ns]
160 80
-40 -40
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Time[ns] Time[ns]
60 40
-20 -60
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Time[ns] Time[ns]
r = 20mm
4 5
Measured [6] 4 Measured [6]
16.0m 11.2m 3 Calculated Calculated
Voltage [MV]
Current [kA]
11.6m 4.0m 2
12.0m 2
12.0m 4.0m 1
80.0m 1
r = 0.373m
0 (1) (2)
44.0m 0
-1 -1
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Time [µs] Time [µs]
(a) The structure of a model tower subject to analysis. (b) Measured waveforms of the voltage of a 3 m gap
and the current flowing through it [2], and those
computed with the TWTDA code including
Motoyama’s flashover model. (1) Voltage. (2) Current.
Voltage [MV]
Voltage [MV]
4 4
2 2
(1) (2)
0 0
0 1 2 0 1 2
Time [µs] Time [µs]
(c) Waveforms of archorn voltages computed by (1) TWTDA and by (2) EMTP, in the
case of a middle-phase back-flashover. ( 150 kA, 1.0 µs ramp current injection )
Fig.21 Archorn voltages during a back-flashover
To analyze such a very-fast transient electromagnetic field around a three-dimensional conductor system,
electromagnetic modeling codes are appropriate. Among many available codes, the Thin-Wire Time-Domain Analysis
(TWTDA) code [52, 68] based on the method of moments [53] is chosen in the present work, for this code allows to
incorporate nonlinear effects into the analysis [6].
In this section, archorn voltages of a simulated 500 kV twin-circuit tower in Fig.21 (a) hit by lightning, in the case of
one-phase back-flashover, are analyzed by a modified TWTDA code that includes a recently proposed flashover model [69,
70]. A similar analysis is also carried out by EMTP [1], and the results are compared with those computed by the modified
TWTDA code.
Fig.21 (b) shows measured waveforms of the voltage of a 3 m gap representing an archorn and the current flowing
through it [70], and those computed by the TWTDA code. Fig.21 (c) are the archorn voltages computed by (1)TWTDA and
(2)EMTP. In the EMTP simulation, the multistory tower model [13] is used, and Motoyama’s flashover model is represented
by a general-purpose description language ‘MODELS’ [71] in EMTP. The archorn voltages computed by EMTP agree well
with those computed by TWTDA before the back-flashover on one phase. On the other hand, after the back-flashover, the
archorn voltages of the other two phases computed by EMTP decay more steeply than those computed by TWTDA, and
they deviate from the results computed by TWTDA during about 1 µs after that. The deviation is noticeable particularly in
the case of the middle- or the lower-phase back-flashover although the settling values of both results are in good agreement.
One of the reasons for these discrepancies may be attributed to somewhat high lumped resistors of the multistory
tower model, which are employed to reproduce the peak values of archorn voltages for step current injection into the tower
top. A very steep wave, injected into the top of this tower model, propagates downward without reflection at nodes, but an
upward propagating wave, which may be a reflected wave at the ground or the associated with the middle- or lower-phase
back-flashover, attenuates much at these nodes. The difference of induction or coupling between the actual dynamic
electromagnetic field around a tower struck by lightning and the TEM mode, which is a basis of an EMTP multiconductor
model, must be another reason.
VI. Conclusion
This paper has presented a lightning surge analysis by the EMTP and by numerical electromagnetic analysis methods.
Because the EMTP is based on a circuit theory assuming TEM mode propagation, it can not give an accurate solution
for a high frequency transient which involves non-TEM mode propagation. Also, the EMTP can not deal with a circuit of
which the parameters are not known.
On the contrary, a numerical electromagnetic analysis method can deal with a transient associated with both TEM and
non-TEM mode propagation. Furthermore, it requires not circuit parameter but geometrical and physical parameters of a
given system. However, it other results in numerical instability if the analytical space, the boundary conditions, the cell
size etc are not appropriate. Also, it requires a large amount of computer resources, and existing codes are not general
enough to deal with various type of transients especially in a large network.
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A. Ametani, (M’71-SM’84-F’92-LF’10) received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, U.
K., in 1973. Currently, he is a Professor at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.