2.2. Key Assemblings
2.2. Key Assemblings
2.2. Key Assemblings
The key assemblings are demountable shaft-hub type assemblings; they have the property to
transmit a rotational motion and, sometimes, to guide the hub during a translational axial motion
related to the shaft. The assembling’s element is the key; it is mounted in a keyway partially done
in the shaft and partially in the hub or only into the hub. The direction of the keyway is parallel
with the axis of the shaft, where the name of longitudinal key comes from.
Considering the way that the load is transmitted, there are key joints mounted with or
without pressure.
¾ The key assemblings mounted with pressure (fig. 2.30). These assemblings transmit the
load by friction. The pressing force between the key and hub, respectively between the key and
shaft is assured by pressing the key in its place. The longitudinal key mounted with taper has the
a b
c d
Fig. 2.30
upper face inclined with 1:100, the active faces being the upper and the lower one. There is a
clearance between the lateral faces of the key and the keyway. The pressure on the joint allows
transmitting, besides the torque, of some axial loads. Among the most used key assemblings with
pressure it can be noticed the hading key assemblings (with keyway in the shaft, fig. 2.30, a), the
hading thin key (through plane milling into the shaft, fig. 2.30, b), the concave key (without shaft
machining, fig. 2.30, c), keys that may be prescriben with a notch (fig. 2.30, d) for the
simplification of the mounting or demounting. The key assemblings mounted with pressure are
used rarely, only at low or medium rotations, when there aren’t required hard conditions for the
coaxial position between the hub and shaft, because the pressure of the key establishes an
offsetting of the jointed parts.
¾ The key assemblings mounted without pressure (fig. 2.31). This type of assemblings
transmits the load by direct contact between the shaft and key and further on to the hub. These
assemblings can use straight keyway with round head (fig. 2.31, a) or feather key being fixed in
the key seat without screws (fig. 2.31, a) or with screws (fig. 2.31, b). This last alternative (fig.
2.31, b) is using two screws for avoiding the snatch of the key from its place; the threaded hole
from the middle of the key is used for pulling out the key from its place, by screwing on a
setscrew. Other type of keys used at these assemblings is the disk keys - Woodruff keys (fig.
2.31, c) and cylindrical keys. The longitudinal key joints mounted without taper are met mostly in
machine construction being very easy to be assembled or dissembled and assuring the in-line of
the assembled parts.
a b c
Fig. 2.31
The straight key assemblings are used on a large scale in machine construction, to transmit
small-medium torques.
The straight keys are standardized in three ways (fig. 2.32): with round heads – shape A,
with straight heads – shape B and with one round and one straight head – shape C. The key has a
rectangular transversal section, assuring a contact on the lateral faces with the keyway on shaft
and hub, and on the lower face with the key seat. Between the upper face of the key and the hub’s
keyway there is a clearance.
Fig. 2.32
For the round head keys the key seat (keyway in the shaft) is made with a shank end mill
(shape A and C) and for the ones with straight heads we use a disk mill. The hub’s keyway is
opened and is manufactured by mortising or broaching (at high production, when the production
level justifies the tool price).
The straight keys are made from OL 60 (recommended by the standard [84]) or other steels.
The straight key assemblings are classified, by the functional purpose, in fixed assemblings
and mobile assemblings. In the case of fixed assemblings (without relative motion between the
hub and shaft) are used the straight keys fixed without screws. In the case of the mobile
assemblings (with axial motion of the hub given the shaft) are used straight keys fixed with
screws – feather keys (see fig. 2.31, b) [86]. The length of these is chosen depending on screw’s
motion. The threaded holes from the shaft, necessary for fixing the key, diminish the shaft’s
strength, which reduce the usage of the straight keys fixed with screws.
The exterior load is transmitted from the shaft to the key and further on to the hub through a
key’s lateral face contact. As a result, the joint’s main stress is the crush on the contact surfaces;
another stress, less important, is the shearing of the key. The calculus scheme of a straight key
joint is presented in fig. 2.33.
The calculus is made in the following assumptions:
Fig. 2.33
• the pressure from the lateral faces, the active ones, of the key is uniformly distributed;
• the key is mounted half in the shaft and half in the hub;
• the arm of the resultant load F which acts on each active face of the key is equal with d/2
(see fig. 2.4).
The checking at crushing of the assembly is made by the relation:
F 2M t 1 4M t
σs = = = ≤ σ as ,
A d h dhl c
from where results the necessary calculation length of the key
4M t
lc = .
dh σas
The checking at shearing of the key is made by the equation:
F 2M t 1
τf = = ≤ τ af . (2.54)
A d blc
In the above relations: Mt – the torsion moment transmitted by the joint; d –the shaft’s
diameter; b – the key’s width; lc –the key’s calculation length; σas –the admissible crushing
strength of the lighter material (regularly the key’s material, for avoiding damaging the shaft or
hub); σas– admissible shearing strength of the key’s material.
In the case of fixed joints, the recommended admissible strength at crushing is: σas =
100…120 MPa, for a steady load, without shocks; σas = 65…100 MPa, for pulsating load; σas =
35…50 MPa, for alternating loads, with shocks. We work with diminished admissible strengths
when, due to variable load, there is a key trend to get out of its keyway.
In the case of mobile joints, instead of crushing stress σs, we calculate the pressure p that
must be limited at an admissible pressure pa, for avoiding the expulsion of the lubricant between
the surfaces that are in relative motion. Values pa =10…30 MPa [5, 11, 14, 16] are recommended.
For shearing checking admissible shearing strengths τaf =100 Mpa [5, 11, 14, 16] are
recommended. Since the transversal section’s dimensions of the key (b and h) are standardized so
that the crushing stress to be the main stress, the shearing checking isn’t necessary.
The calculation at one straight key joint, for which we know the torsion moment Mt, which
loads the joint, the character of the load (steady or variable), the type of the joint (fixed or
mobile) and sometimes the shaft’s diameter d and the hub’s length, the next steps must be
• if we don’t know the shaft’s diameter, we can determine it from the strength condition at
d =3 , (2.55)
0,2τ at
where τat = 15…55 MPa [14, 16] is the admissible strength at torsion diminished for keeping in
account the shaft’s bending stress (we work with smaller values at long shafts, at which the
bending stress is more pronounced and with bigger values at short and rigid shafts);
• taking into account the diameter d we choose, from the straight key standard, the
dimensions of the key’s transversal section (b and h);
• we determine, from the crushing strength condition the necessary calculus length lc and
the key’s total length l (l = lc + b – for the type A key, l = lc – for the type B key, l = lc +
b/2 –for the type C key), choosing a standardized length;
• if the hub’s length doesn’t allow the mounting of a key on the total necessary calculus
length lc in contact with the hub, we mount two identical keys of length lc / 2, ordered at
• if we know the hub’s length, we can choose a standardized length l of the key,
performing further on a checking at crushing strength;
• eventually, we can check the key at shearing.
The name of the keys used at these joints comes from the disk segment shape of these. The
lower part of the key is introduced in a key seat which copies the key’s shape. The hub’s keyway
is an opened channel, which assures a clearence on the upper face of the key (fig. 2.34).
The key seat is relatively depth; leading to decrease of the shaft’s bending strength. This, in
fact, determines the using limitation of joint with woodruff keys for joints at shafts ends.
Fig. 2.34
The keyway from the shaft is made by milling with the disk cutter, and the keyway from the
hub is made by mortising or, at high series production, by broaching.
The working principle of the woodruff key joint is the
same as in the straight key joint, the torque being
transmitted through contact from the shaft to the key and
further on to the hub. The joint’s stresses are crushing of
the contact sides and the shearing of the key. The calculus
scheme of the woodruff key joint is presented in fig. 2.35.
The standard prescribes the key’s dimensions (b –
key’s width, D – diameter of the key’s disk, h – key’s
height, t1 – key seat depth), these are chosen depending on
shaft’s diameter d. The crushing checking of the key from
the hub is made with the equation Fig. 2.35
2M t 1 2M t 1
σs = = ≤ σ as , (2.56)
d lc d D(h − t1 )
and the shearing checking with the equation
2M t 1 2M t 1
τf = = ≤ τ af . (2.57)
d lb d Db
In the above equation: σas – admissible crushing strength and τaf – admissible shearing
strength, these values being the same with the case of straight key joints calculation (see
subchapter 2.1).
The cylindrical keys assemblings use cylindrical pins as keys longitudinaly mounted. The
pins are mounted in a chanel machined in the plane of separation between shaft and hub, half in
the shaft and half in the hub (fig.2.36).
These assemblings transmit small torques. The necesity of the chanel’s execution for the
cylindrical key by drilling, limitate the usage of these assemblings at mountings on the edges of
the shaft. In the case of forced fits, these kinds of assemblings are used like safety components.
The cylindrical key assembly’s
calculus is made by using the calculus
scheme from fig.2.36, for crush and shear
stresses. The cylindrical pin, used as
cylindrical key, is standardised [76], with
the dimension d’ – the diameter and l – the
The check calculus for crushing and
shear stresses are made with the equations:
Fig. 2.36
2M t 1 4M t
σs = = ≤ σ as and (2.58)
d d' d d 'l z
2M t 1
τf = ≤ τ af , (2.59)
d d'l z
where z is the number of the keys, and the other notations have the same signifiances like for the
straight key assemblings and they are choosen considering the same recommendations.
The spline joints are shaft – hub type joints, designed to transmit a moment of torsion and a
rotation movement. They can be assimilated as multiple straight key joints same part with the
shaft and uniformly distributed on the circumference.
In comparison with the straight key joints, the spline joints have some advantages:
• high capacity of loading, because of a bigger contact active surface;
• high fatigue resistance, because of the diminishing of the tension concentrator and the
enlargement of the shaft’s effective section;
• more precise centering and guide of the hub on the shaft,
but some disadvantages, too:
• more complex technology;
• execution precision very high and so, higher cost.
Spline joints are classified on some criteria presented further on:
• Functional role splits the spline joints in fixed joints (without relative movement
between the hub and the shaft) and mobile joints (with axial shifting of the hub on the
• The shape splits the splines in straight (parallel) splines (fig. 2.37, a), involutes splines
(fig. 2.37, b) and serrations (fig. 2.37, c). A particular case of the serration joints is the
joints with teeth, the teeth being triangle shape with reduced height.
2.3.2. Materials and technology
The shafts and the hubs are usually made from steel. The material of the splined shafts and
hubs is established from other reasons bounded on the construction of these. Although, at mobile
joints we follow to obtain an increased wearing strength, which involves a thermal treatment or
thermo – chemical treatment, in order to increase of the superficial hardness. After treatment the
centered surfaces are rectified.
Splined shafts are made by milling, through the dividing method or rolling method. Milling
by dividing is applied at parallel spline, the end mill cutter or disk cutter having the
correspondent profile for the spline shape. This milling method is less productive and is not
sufficiently precise because of the dividing errors. The rolling milling, with hob cutter, is more
productive and more precise. For the execution of the involute splines the gear cutting machine
and the involute gear cutter are used. An increased efficiency method for processing the splines
from the shaft is the plastic deformation at cold by rolling, method which needs special
installations for higher power.
a b c
Fig. 2.38
Depending on the loading capacity and coupling way, the standards split the parallel
splines in three sizes series, different by the spline’s height, by its number and by the centering
• Light serie includes splines that don’t integral transmit the capable torsion moment of
the shaft with diameter d. These splines are used for less loaded fixed joints.
• Middle serie includes the splines which, at the same diameter d, have the same number
of splines, but the height of these is bigger then the light series splines. The middle
series splines transmit integrally the shaft’s capable torque with diameter d and are
designed for the fixed joints are the mobile ones with axial shifting in the absence of the
• Hard serie includes splines which, at the same diameter d and the same diameter D, are
in larger number than the splines from the middle series. These splines transmit
integrally the capable torque of the shaft with diameter d and are designed for the mobile
joints with axial shifting under load.
⎛D−d ⎞
M t cap = 0,75 ⎜ − 2c ⎟ z Lrm σ as ≥ M tn or (2.65)
⎝ 2 ⎠
M tn
σs = ≤ σ as , (2.66)
⎛ D−d ⎞
0,75 ⎜ − 2c ⎟ z Lrm
⎝ 2 ⎠
where L is the common length of shaft – hub contact and Mt cap is the capable torsion moment of
the spline joint.
The working principle and the involute spline joints’ stresses are the same like at the straight
spline joints.
Based of the calculus scheme presented in fig. 3.4, the checking at crushing relation is
2M tn 1 4M tn
σs = = ≤ σ as (2.68)
Dd d e − De 0,75Dd (d e − De )L z
0,75 Lz
in which: Dd – is the dividing diameter of the spline; de – the exterior diameter of the shaft’s
spline; De – the interior diameter of the hub’s spline; L – the joint’s length; z – number of spline;
0.75 - the coefficient of the various distribution load on the z splines.
For dimensioning, the calculus relation is
4M tn
L≥ . (2.69)
0,75Dd z(d e − De ) σ as
The admissible crushing strength is chosen from the standard [90], depending on the same
conditions like in the case of rectangular spline joint calculus (see subchapter 3.2.2).
Starting from the same input data like in the case of parallel spline joints (see subchapter
3.2.3), the dimensioning calculus of the involute spline joints unfolds after the following stages:
1. The interior diameter di of the shaft’s spline is established, if is unknown, from the
torsion strength condition (see subchapter 3.2.3).
2. From the standards the modulus m of the spline is chosen depending of the diameter
di, and depending of m and di, calculated previously, there are chosen the dimensions necessary
for calculation: di – the interior diameter of the shaft’s spline; de – the exterior diameter of the
shaft’s spline; De – the interior diameter of the hub’s spline; Dd – the dividing diameter; z – the
number of splines and the centering way.
3. Dimensioning the joint, determining the necessary length L or checking the joint, if
we know the hub’s length.
The shaped assemblings are demountable shaft-hub assemblings used for the transmission of
the torque and, eventually, a rotational movement. The load is transmitted through the contact on
the conjugated faces, profiled after a polygonal contour, of the shaft and the hub.
Considering the number of the faces of the polygonal contour it can be distinguished two
faces profiles (fig.2.41,a), three faces (fig.2.41,b), four faces (fig.2.41,c) and more faces. The
most used are the triangular profile
assemblings, squared and hexagonal. Their
contact faces can be plane or curved.
The assemblings on polygonal contour
present the following advantages:
a b c
• high capacity to transmit medium
Fig. 2.41
torsion moments and to take on dynamic
• the assurance of precised centering for the assembled parts;
From the disadvantages of these assemblings we can take the most importants:
• the impossibility to be used as a mobile assembly, with axial movement of the loaded
• the necessity of a special equipment for being machined;
The shape assemblings are used, usually, for fixing of gear wheels, catch wheels or levers on
shaft heads.
The machining of the profiled shaft is done using the method of copying, on lathes, on
milling machines or grinding machines. The profiled hole from the hub is obtained using the
facing, mortising or broaching process.
a σ as
F = Fcap = l , (2.70)
2 2
and the capable torsion moment, which can be transmitted by the assembling, is
a n 2
M tcap = n Fcap = a l σ as ≥ M t , (2.71)
3 12
where: a is the profile side; l – the length of the assembling; σas – the admissible strength at
crushing of the lighter material; Mt – the torsion moment through which the assembly is loaded.
a b c
Fig. 2.42
The checking equation can be written as
12M t
σs = ≤ σ as , (2.72)
na 2 l
and both of the equations can be used for verifying the calculus of the shape assembling.
In particularly cases it can be obtained the verification relations:
• for the triangular contour assembling (n = 3)
a 2 l σ as 4M
M tcap = ≥ M t and σ s = 2 t ≤ σ as ;
4 a l
• for the squared contour assembling (n = 4)
a 2 l σ as 3M
M tcap = ≥ M t şi σ s = 2 t ≤ σ as ;
3 a l
• for the hexagonal contour assembling (n = 6)
a 2 l σ as 2M
M tcap = ≥ M t şi σ s = 2 t ≤ σ as .
2 a l
The dimensions of the polygonal contour assemblings are constructively adopted, performing
just the crushing verification, the recommended admissible crushing resistance being σas = 85
The pins are demountable assembling elements used with the following purposes:
• transmission of relatively light loads (called fixing pins);
• reciprocal position assurance of some parts (called centering pins);
• participation, as safety elements, for couplings which protect overloaded transmissions
(called safety pins).
The pins can be classified from their shape point of view in cylindrical pins, coned and
coned-cylindrical. From their exterior surface form point of view it can be distinguished normal
or slotted pins. The main types of pins are presented in the fig. 2.44.
a b
c d e
f g h
Fig. 2.44
The normal cylindrical pins (fig. 2.44, a) are mounted by compression. Their field of usage is
relatively limited because at repeated mountings and demounting the compression force is
diminished, and the precision necessary for this pins and holes is high. They are mostly used as
fixing pins and less as centering pins. They are standardized in 3 variants: with spherical heads,
with tapered heads and with straight heads.
The tubular cylindrical pins (fig. 2.44, b) are executed from spring steel bands obtained by
rolling. They have the advantage that, due to high elasticity, they can be mounted in less precise
holes, they take the shock loads much better and they can resist to repeated mountings and
demounting, which recommends them to be used on large scale.
The normal coned pins (fig. 2.44, c) are executed in two variants: with spherical heads and
with tapered heads, having their inclination of 1/50. They are specially used as centering pegs,
allowing repeated mounting and demounting. If they are mounted in closed holes it is
recommended to use the coned pins with threaded end (fig. 2.44, d) which assure the dismounting
with the help of a nut. The coned pins with recess taps (fig. 2.44, e) are used at transversal loaded
assemblings which are subjected to vibrations or which have a fast rotation movement. The light
deformation of the recess head, assures the assembly against the egress of the pin.
The slotted pins assure a secure fastening,
they can take over dynamics loads and they
don’t require additional means of assurance
and precise holes execution. They are executed,
usually, with three slots disposed at 1200. The
slots can be machined on the whole length.
a b
(fig. 2.44, f and h) or just one portion of the pin
Fig. 2.45
(fig. 2.44, g). At mounting, the pin is forced
into the hole, the deformed material from the slotted area pushing strong into the holes. The
pressure’s distribution on the circumference of the normal pin (fig. 2.45, a) is uniform, while on
the circumference of the slotted pin (fig. 2.45, b) appear non-uniformities, the pressure peaks
assuring a good fastening of the pins.
Some samples of usage of the
pin assemblings are presented in
fig.2.46: a – conical with threated
pilot pin assembly of two pieces; b –
the assembling of the gear wheel on a
shaft, using conical slotted pin; c –
fixing the edge of helical spring
a b c
using cylindrical pin slotted on half
of the length.
Fig. 2.46
Pins are executed from OL 50,
OL 60, OLC 15, and OLC 45 etc. sometime they are treated thermally for enhancing the
superficial hardness.
The fastening pins are used, usually, at shaft-hub type assemblings which transmit a torsion
moment by direct contact from the shaft to the pin and, continued from the pin to the hub (or
The calculus scheme of such an assembly is presented in fig. 2.47. The stresses which appear
in the assembly are the shear of the pin and the crushing of the contact surfaces. The calculus is
made on the assumptions that the pin is fitted in the hub and with clearance in the shaft. On the
basis of this assumption the pressing distribution is considered triangular in the shaft and uniform
in the hub.
Fig. 2.47
The checking calculus of the shaft at shearing can be made as for capable torsion moment
πd 2 D1 πd 2
M tcap = 2 τ af = D1 τ af ≥ M t (2.73)
4 2 4
or like the effective shearing tension
2M t 1 4M t
τf = 2
= ≤ τ af . (2.74)
D1 πd πd 2 D1
The crush verifying calculus can be written as
⎛ D2 − D1 ⎞
M tcap = 2d ⎜ ⎟σ as =
D1 + D2 d D22 − D12 )
σ as ≥ M t ; (2.75)
⎝ 2 ⎠ 4 4
Mt 1 4M t
σs = = ≤ σ as .
D1 + D2 (
⎛ D2 − D1 ⎞ d D22 − D12
2d ⎜ ⎟
) (2.76)
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
The check calculus of the shaft-hub contact surfaces at crushing is done applying the
condition of limiting the maximum crushing stress (from the edge of the shaft) to admissible
crushing strength σas. At limit, the maximum crushing stress is equal to the admissible crushing
strength σas, the verification relations can be written under the following forms:
D1 σ as 2 D1 d D12
M tcap = 2d = σ as ≥ M t ; (2.77)
2 2 3 2 6
6M t
σs = ≤ σ as . (2.78)
d D12
The notations used have the following significance: Mt – the torsion moment which load the
assembling; d – the pin diameter; D1 – the shaft diameter; D2 – the exterior diameter of the hub;
τaf – the admissible shearing strength of the pin; σas – the admissible crushing strength of the
lighter material. The recommended values of the admissible materials resistance: σas ≤ 0,8 σ 02,
with the specification that in the case of slotted pins the values are taken 30% less then at the
normal pin calculus; τaf = (0,2…0,3) σ02.
In the designing calculus, generally, the pin’s diameter is chosen as a constructive function
of the shaft diameter d = (0,2…0,3)D1 and, continued, the assembling is verified.
Spring rings are used for assurance against axial shifting, having the possibility to take on
small-medium axial forces.
The standards regard two types of spring rings: for shafts and for hubs. They are standardised
as well the ring’s dimensions and their channels and the types of tolerances at the diameter and
the width of the channels. In the fig. 2.50, a there are presented two of the standardised spring
rings for shafts, and in fig. 2.50, b it’s presented a spring ring assembling for shaft. Special type
of spring rings for shafts are presented in fig. 2.51.
For d ≤ 9 For 10 ≤ d ≤ 165 For d ≥ 170
Fig. 2.50
Fig. 2.51
Figure 2.52 and 2.53 show standardised spring rings for hubs.
Pentru d ≤ 165 (For) Pentru d ≥ 170 (For)
Fig. 2.52
The standards include special spring rings constructions for shafts – presented in. fig.2.51 –
and safety ring constructions from wire – presented in fig. 2.54. These are used only in case of
the very small axial forces or on less important assemblings.
Fig. 2.53
A1 A2 B C
Fig. 2.54
The fitted assemblings are shaft – hub type assemblings, which are done through the
reciprocal pressing of the assembled parts due to their elastic deformations. The forces which are
acting against the pull out the assemblied parts are the friction forces, which appear on the
contact surfaces of the assembled parts.
The fitting (fig. 2.55) is made from
a comprised part (shaft) and a
comprehensive part (hub), executed
according the interference tolerances
prescribed in standards. The pressure
appears due to the technological
mounting process of the cylindrical
hub, having the initial interior diameter
db, on the cylindrical shaft, with the
initial exterior diameter da > db. The diameter of the hub is increased with the quantity Δb and the
shaft diameter is decreased with Δa. After mounting we reach the common final diameter d, db <
d < da. The resulting compressing is
S = da – db = Δa + Δb. (2.82)
The advantages of the fitted assemblings are:
• high capacity to transmit high loads;
• good behavior at variable loads;
• good centering;
• simple execution.
Amongst the disadvantages of these assemblings we can name:
• the impossibility to use at repeated mountings and demountings, due to the damage of
the functional surfaces;
• the necessity to sort the parts so that we obtain closer compressing between parts.
The self compressing assemblings are classified considering some criteria, presented below.
Considering the existence or non existence of self compressing suplimentary elements
there can be distinguished (on cylindrical or conical surfaces) assemblings without self
compressing suplimentary elements and assemblings on plane surfaces, made with self
compressing supplementary elements which have the shape of an anchor or a ring.
Considering the execution technology there can be distinguished pressed assemblings
(made by a forced axial introduction of one part into another) and binding assemblings (mounted
without axial forces), made by heating of the comprehensive part and/or cooling (with liquid air
or solid carbon dioxide) of the comprised part. In the usual cases the assemblings with self
compressing suplimentary elements are binding assemblings.
The size of the compressing (dependent of the technology) determines the mountable or
demountable character of the fitted assemblings. Technology
Generally, the pressed assemblings are obtained without a preliminary heating of the
comprehensive part and/or cooling of the comprised part. The pressing is executed with the help
of the hydraulic pressing machine, for large parts or with manual press, in case of small parts. For
reducing the axial force used for pressing it can be greased the contact surfaces or it can be
applied a small heating to the comprehensive part and/or a cooling of the comprised part. The
parts which have to be assembled have fillets, chamfers or cylindrical portions, which form free
fittings, necessary for centering or guiding during pressing (fig. 2.58).
Fig. 2.59
• for an assembly stressed by an axial force Fa (v. fig. 2.59,a)
Fa = μπd l p şi deci p ≥ a ; (2.83)
μ πd l
• for an assembly stressed by a torsion moment Mt (v. fig. 2.59,b)
d 2M t
M t ≤ μπd l p and so p ≥ ; (2.84)
2 μ πd 2 l
• for an assembly stressed by an axial force Fa and a torque Mt (v. fig. 2.59,c)
⎛ 2M t ⎞
2 ⎜ ⎟ + Fa2
⎛ 2M t ⎞ ⎝ d ⎠
F= ⎜ ⎟ + Fa2 ≤ μπd l p and so p ≥ . (2.85)
⎝ d ⎠ μ πd l
We use the notations: d – the diameter of the fitting, l – the contact length between the parts;
μ - the sliding friction coefficient between parts. The friction coefficients depend on the materials
of the parts’ couple of the assembly and the lubricating state of the surfaces (with or withpot
lubrication for mounting).
H6 / s5 H7 / s6 H8 / s7
H6 / t5 H7 / t6
H6 / u5 H7 / u6 H8 / u8
Due to the tolerances, the shaft diameter will be comprised between the values da min and
damax, and the hub diameter will be comprised between the values db min and db max (fig. 2.61).
Maximum, minimum and medium compressing are determined with the equations:
Smax = (da max - db min) 103 [μm], (2.91)
Smin = (da min - db max) 10 [μm], (2.92)
S + S min
S med = max . (2.93)
From a batch of parts (shafts and hubs) executed in the assemblings tolerances fields, in
order to have all the fittings with higher compressings then the necessary corrected calculated
compressing, the condition Smin ≥ Sc must be assumed. In reality, we admit a minimum
compressing less than the necessary corrected compressing Smin < Sc (because the fittings
percentage with minimum pressing is extremely small), we impose the condition Smed > Sc
(because between the formed fittings inside of a batch of parts predominates the fittings with
medium pressings. If the condition Smed > Sc is not verified we choose a fitting with higher
pressing, and if Smed >> Sc we choose a fitting with lower pressing.
5. Verifying the assembling at plastic deformations
Imposing very high pressing and choosing and unsuitable fittings, the assembled parts can be
plastically deformed. Testing for plastic deformations has the purpose of maintaining the
assembled parts deformations in the elastic domain and consists of constraining the strains that
appear in the assembled parts not to exceed the yield limit. The verifications equations are found
in the specialized literature.
6. Verifying the assembly parts deformations
The elastic deformations of the assembled parts – the displacements at the comprised part’s
interior and at the exterior of the comprehensive part– must be established because they can
modify the existing working conditions of the assembly from the pressed assembly. To
exemplify, for pressing the ball bearing interior rings on the shafts’ spindle leads to the
modification of the radial clearance in the bearing and in limit cases at blocking the bearing.
The cheking calculus of the assembly’s deformed parts consists in their calculus at the level
of comprised part’s exterior diameter and at the level of the comprised part’s interior diameter,
deformations which have to be lower than the functional play. The relations for the calculus of
these deformations are found in the specialized literature.
7. The calculus of the axial forces, necessary for pressing and depressing
The pressing necessary force is determined with the equation
Fp = μ1 π l p , (2.94)
And the necessary force for depressing with the equation
Fd = μ2 π l p . (2.95)
In the above equation μ1 and μ2 are the pressing friction coefficients, respectively depressing,
dependent on the assembly’s material couple and the lubrication state of the surfaces.