BOL Science Grade 6 Q1 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Quarter: 1 Learning Area: SCIENCE Grade Level: 6

Date MELC with Topic References/Material Activities Type of LR Assessment Tools Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code s

Week 1 Describe the -Describing -Cyber Science 6 - Do simple experiment -Book -Paper and pencil (
appearance mixtures -Region 8 Science 6 on how to form -Teacher’s test
(August and uses of -Identifying the Teacher’s Guide mixtures Guide -Narratives from
24- homogeneous kinds of mixtures Science 6-All About -Describe mixtures -Activity observation h/search?
28,2020 and -Describing uniform Mixtures (Activity using concept map Sheets -Experimented q=image+mixtures&source
) heterogeneous and non-uniform Sheet) -Identify kinds of Activities =lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X
mixtures mixtures - Regional Test Item mixtures as to
(S6MT-Ia-c-1) -Describing the Bank in Science 6 heterogeneous and
appearance and homogeneous with the
uses of solutions aid of pictures gB&biw=1242&bih=611#tb
-Compare m=is
homogeneous and ch&q=filipino+spaghetti+fo
heterogeneous r+kids&imgrc
-Tour around the m/examples-of-mixtures-
house and list solutions 608353
found then indicate
their uses
-Prepare guyabano image7.jpg
herbal drinks with the
Date MELC with Topic References/Material Activities Type of LR Assessment Tools Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code s

guidance of parents


Week 2 Describe the -Differentiating -Cyber Science 6 -Make sugar solution -Book -Paper and pencil -Activity Sheet
appearance solutes from -Region 8 Science 6 by adding sugar -Teacher’s test (
(Sept 1- and uses of solvents Teacher’s Guide (solute) in water Guide -Narratives from
4,2020) homogeneous -Inferring that notScience 6-All About ( solvent) and stir then -Activity observation
and Mixtures (Activity differentiate solute Sheets -Experimented watch?v=e-2EoyDYamg
all solutes dissolve
heterogeneous Sheet) from solvent -video Activities
in all solvents.
mixtures - Regional Test Item -watch video about -rubrics
(S6MT-Ia-c-1) -Factors Affecting Bank in Science 6 solutes & solvent
the Solubility of -video about (
Solutes in a solutes & solvent
Solvent ( 2EoyDYamg) then answer guide
2EoyDYamg) questions.
-Infer whether given
solutes dissolve in
solvents. Mark if
it dissolves in
solvent and
if it does not
-Distribute activity
worksheet to find
out factors affecting
solubility of the
- Match the given
factors affecting the
solubility of the given
solutes in a solvent in
Date MELC with Topic References/Material Activities Type of LR Assessment Tools Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code s

column A to the
situations in column
B (activity sheet)

Week 3 Describe the -Appearance and -Cyber Science 6 -Have simple -Book -Paper and pencil -
(Sept 7- appearance Uses of -Region 8 Science 6 experiment by mixing -Teacher’s test>wa
11, and uses of Suspension Teacher’s Guide water and flour in a Guide -Narratives from tch, Properties of
2020) homogeneous -Appearance and Science 6-All About clear glass. Observe the -Activity observation Colloids – You Tube
and Mixtures (Activity appearance and uses Sheets -Experimented
Uses of Colloids
heterogeneous Sheet) of the -video Activities
- Types of colloids
mixtures - Regional Test Item mixture(suspension) -rubrics
- Preparing
(S6MT-Ia-c-1) Bank in Science 6 after stirring it in 2
Beneficial and minutes. Write the om/wp-
Useful Mixtures observation based content/uploads/2006/11/j
such as Drinks, on guide questions ellies.jpg
Food and - Have simple
Herbal Medicines experiment by mixing
water and powder milk
in a clear glass.
Observe the
appearance and uses
of the mixture
(colloids) after stirring
it in 2 minutes. Write
the observation base
on guide questions
- Describe the
characteristics and
importance of this
type of colloid.
 Solutions
Date MELC with Topic References/Material Activities Type of LR Assessment Tools Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code s

- (Preparation of
Herbal Drink)
1. Prepare 10 leaves of
guyabano. Wash them
very well.
2. Pour at least one
liter of clean water in a
clean kettle or
3. Place the clean
leaves of guyabano and
boil for five minutes.
4. Remove the leaves
and other impurities.
Week 4 Describe  Describing how  Teacher’s Guide  Explains why hand  Teache  Worksheets 
(Sept. techniques in to separate in Science 6 picking is r’s  Written h
14-18 separating mixtures  Exploring the important in Guide narrative 
2020) mixtures such through picking. Realms of Science separating  Book
as  Describing how Integrated mixtures  Activity
decantation, to separate Science sheets
evaporation, mixtures  Listing kind of
filtering, through sifting mixtures that can
sieving and or sieving. be separated by
using magnet  Describing how sifting or sieving
(S6MT-Id-f-2) to separate  Describes how to
mixtures separate mixtures
through through
winnowing. winnowing.
 Describing how Supply missing
to separate letters
solid-liquid  Explains the
mixtures process of
through filtration.
filtering.  Enumerate the
Date MELC with Topic References/Material Activities Type of LR Assessment Tools Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code s

 Describing the process of

process of separating
separating mixtures through
mixtures the use of funnel
through funnel.
Week 5 Describe  Separates  Teacher’s Guide  Explains what is  Teache  Worksheets 
(Sept. techniques in mixtures in Science 6, magnetism r’s  Written et/flamerock/wats-of-
21-25, separating through pages  Make venn Guide narrative separating-mixtures-
2020 mixtures such magnet. diagram on the  Book 26534628
as  separating process of  Activity  evaporation-method-of-
decantation, mixtures separating sheets separation.html
evaporation, through mixtures through
filtering, evaporation. evaporation 
sieving and  Describe the  Distinguish
using magnet process of between the two edimentation
(S6MT-Id-f-2) separating process of
mixtures sedimentation 
through  Classify different why-is-separating-
sedimentation ways of separating mixtures-important
 Explains the mixtures through
importance of pictures
separating  Explains the
mixtures to our importance of
daily life separating
 Perform the mixtures
technique to
separate a
given mixtures
Week 6 Describe  Enumerate  Teacher’s Guide  Enumerates  Teache  Worksheets 
(Sept. techniques in and in Science 6 benefits in r’s ry/handpicking
28-Oct. separating describe separating Guide 
2, 2020) mixtures such the benefits mixtures in picking  Book 
as of and sieving  Activity rty/winnowing/
decantation, separating through pictures sheets 
Date MELC with Topic References/Material Activities Type of LR Assessment Tools Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code s

evaporation, mixtures  Classify the edu/1101/notes/filtration

filtering, through materials in the /filtration-1.html
sieving and picking and pictures if using as 
using magnet sieving/sifti separating .edu/qa/listing.php?
(S6MT-Id-f-2) ng mixtures through id=393
 Enumerate and winnowing or 
describe the filtering m/physics/10-uses-of-
benefits of  Explains the magnets
separating importance of
mixtures magnets in
through separating
winnowing and mixtures
filtering  Enumerates the 10
 Enumerate and common uses of
describe the magnets
benefits of
mixtures using
Describe  Enumeratin  Teacher’s  Show pictures  Book  Paper and 
Week 7 techniques in g and guide pages of tools used in  Teache pencil mistry/handpicking
Oct. 5- separating describing picking and r’s  Answer
9, 2020 mixtures such the benefits sifting Guide sheets with
as of  Separation of  Activity questions
decantation, separating stones & cards regarding
evaporation, mixture insects from  Real the activity
filtering, through rice ( Simple objects conducted
sieving and picking and experiment)
using magnet sieving/sifti  Separation of
(S6MT-Id-f-2) ng. fruits according
to size
 Identification
the advantages
Date MELC with Topic References/Material Activities Type of LR Assessment Tools Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code s

of handpicking
 Separation of
flour ( large
particles from
 Enumeration
the benefits of
through sifting

Week Describe  What is  Teacher’s  Naming of -Book  Paper and 

Oct. 12- techniques in magnet? guide pages different kinds -Teacher’s pencil pSsA_3BI?t=32
14, 2020 separating  *Enumerati 116-119 of magnet Guide  Answer Separation of mixtures
mixtures such ng and  -Cyber through -Activity sheets with through magnetism
as describing Science 6 p. pictures. cards questions
decantation, the 32  Separation of -Real regarding
evaporation, benefits of nails and sand objects the activity
filtering, separating using magnet conducted
sieving and mixture  Separation of
using magnet using pebbles, sugar
(S6MT-Id-f-2) magnets & sand using
 What are magnet
the uses of  -Separation of
magnets? pebbles & rice
 Enumeration
the uses of
 Identification
the benefits of
separation of
Date MELC with Topic References/Material Activities Type of LR Assessment Tools Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code s

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Quarter: 2 Learning Area: Science Grade Level: 6

Date MELC with Topic References/Materi Activities Type of LR Assessment Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code als Tools

Week 1 Explain how -Parts and - Science for - Connect the cut out -Book -Paper and tps://
( Oct. 19- the organ function of Daily Use pictures of the human -Teacher’s Pencil Test /watch?v=e54m6XOpRgU
Textbook skeletal system and label
23, 2020) system work musculo- Guide - Picture
in Grade 4
together. skeletal the parts - -Puzzle /watch?v=2rUzWx9P7cA
pp. 3-13
(S6LT-lla-b- system. - Science Activity/wo
1) . and Health -Make a chart showing rk Sheets -Rubrics
-Parts and Textbook healthful habits that promote -Charts
function of in Grade 4 the proper functioning of the -Pictures
muscular- - Science in musculo-skeletal system. (Use
skeletal our World rubrics in assessing their
system - PowerPoin works.)
. t
-Parts and - Activity -By eating one of your favorite
functions of Cards food. Describe the chain of
digestive - Videos events that happens during
the digestion of your food.
Indicate the structures that
are involve.

Arrange the
statements according to the
process of digestion and
absorption in the body .
Date MELC with Topic References/Materi Activities Type of LR Assessment Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code als Tools

Week 2 Explain how -Parts and -The World of -Using the picture of -Book Paper and
(Oct. 26- the organ Structure of Science respiratory system. Fill up the -Teacher’s Pencil Test
30, 2020) system work Respiratory -Integrated Science chart. Guide
together. System. for Young Orga Descriptio Functio -DLP 5
(S6LT-lla-b-1 - Circulatory Explorers n n n Module
system -Science Link CIRCULATORY SYSTEM
- proper care (System of the -Learner’s Human
of Circulatory Human Body ) Materials Circulatory System ( Farkon Education
System. -Into The Future : -Activity )
function of Science and Health Sheet
the organs of
Nervous -Identify what organ is
System explained in the statements.
________1 . The tubes
through which the blood

-Explain in a short paragraph

how the organs in the
circulatory system work
together. ( 5 POINTS )

-Using the picture label and

identify the parts of the
Nervous System.

Week 3 -functions of -Science for Active -Arranged the puzzle letters to -Teacher’s -Paper and,com/watch2v=
(Nov. 3-6 & Explain how each part of Learning form the correct word. Guide Pencil Test Futnu6NmQo$list= PLq5d
Nov.9, the different the -Science Links Describe each word you -MIMOSA Ediejb90V7DWPZJ PE4Uap MzaN83a
Date MELC with Topic References/Materi Activities Type of LR Assessment Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code als Tools

2020 integumentary -Cyber Science by formed. 5. -Module. -Paragraph

organ system. Myrna Q. Adduru, (refer to worksheet) The Urinary Form
systems -function of System -Scoring
work digestive -In paragraph form. Explain in worksheet Guide how-do-the-digestive-
together system, . three to five sentences how respiratory-and-circulatory-work-
(S6LT-llc-d- respiratory integumentary system work in together.html or you may access
2) system and our body. (
circulatory (scoring guide refer to v=gEUu-A2wfSE)
system worksheet)
.-major organs -Think of a physical activity attachments/Resources/3028-9839-
of the nervous which requires involvement of solution-human-body.jpg.pdf
system work the Digestive, Respiratory,
with the and Circulatory

skeletal, -How do Digestive,

digestive, Respiratory, and Circulatory
respiratory, Systems work together? Give
and your answer through an
circulatory example of a physical activity
system (in 3-5 sentences) showing
coordination of the three
-Make a Concept Map
explaining the how the major
organs of the nervous system
work with the musculo-
skeletal, digestive, respiratory,
and circulatory system.

WEEK 4 Determine - -Science Teacher’s 1. Differentiate vertebrates -Teacher’s -Printed information about the topic
NOVEMEB the Characteristics Guide Q2 p.79-113 and invertebrates using guide Worksheets
ER distinguishin of Vertebrates Venn Diagram.
Date MELC with Topic References/Materi Activities Type of LR Assessment Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code als Tools

9-13, 2020 g and -BEAM5 UNIT 2 2. Fill in the table, animals -Module -
characteristi Invertebrates DLP 16, The with backbone and Identificatio
cs of Vertebrates without backbone. -Activity n Tests
vertebrate 3. Describe the sheets
and characteristics of animals
invertebrate found at land, sea, and
s air.
S6MT-IIe-f-3 4. List down animals that
are vertebrates and
Invertebrates found in
your community.
5. Identification, Write V if If
the pictures of animals is
Vertebrates and I

WEEK 5 Determine Characteristic -Science Teacher’s 1. Arrange jumbled letters to -Teacher’s -Printed -Information about the topic
NOVEMEBE the s ofGuide Q2 p.79-113 form the correct word. guide Worksheets
R distinguishin Vertebrates (Mammals, birds, reptiles, e-and-vertebrate-difference
16-20, g - -BEAM5 UNIT 2 amphibians and fishes) -Module
2020 characteristi Characteristics DLP 16, The 2. Completing the chart Video link
cs of of Mammals, Vertebrates about the characteristics -Activity
vertebrate birds, reptiles,- of animals by their, sheets
and amphibians habitat, body covering,
invertebrate and fishes How their young develop -Video
s born alive or hatched
S6MT-IIe-f-3 Characteristic eggs, how they move
s of form one place to
Invertebrates another.
3. Using table , write the
-The distinguising
characteristics characteristics of
of the -Porifera
following -Cnidarian or
Invertebrate: Coelenterates
Date MELC with Topic References/Materi Activities Type of LR Assessment Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code als Tools

-Porifera, -Echinoderms
Cnidarian or -Mollusks
Coelenterates 4. Watch video about
Echinoderms, different type of worms,
Mollusks Describe an write the
Platyhelminth characteristics of each
es, annelids, worms, How are they
nematodes similar/different?
5. Describe the
characteristics of
Platyhelminthes, annelids,
Week 6 Discuss the -Interactions -The New Science 1. Let the pupils tour around -Teacher’s -Paper and
(Nov. 23- interaction Among Living Links VI (Worktext at their respective backyards. Guide pencil test ECOSYSTEMS
27,2020) among living Things and in Science and Have them create 3 or more SZ9u3x-VBA/view?usp=sharing
things and non-livings in Technology) Unit V food chain. -Module -Formative
non-living Different assessment ACTIVITIES FOR MODULE
things in Ecosystems 2. Let them draw the -Activity using 14(ECOSYSTEMS)
tropical ecosystem where they belong. Sheets differentiat 1VM4Hh744RK5/view?usp=sharing
rainforests, A.Interactions Let them identify the different ed activities
coral reefs Among Living components of their
and Things and ecosystem.
mangrove non-living
swamps things in 3.Journal writing
(SGMT-Iii-J- tropical -Have pupils make a journal
5) rainforests on how the study of the
B rainforest ecosystem can be
.Interactions beneficial as human being
Among Living increase in numbers.
Things and 4.. Journal writing
non-living - Have the pupils make a
things in the journal on the type of
coral reef relationship they have with
ecosystem their classmates, friends, and
family. How can you improve
Date MELC with Topic References/Materi Activities Type of LR Assessment Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code als Tools

your relationship to them?

5. Have them create/draw a

mangrove ecosystem. Let
them illustrate the how the
different organisms interact.
Week 7 Explain the -Protection The New Science 1 Arrange the jumbled letters -Teacher’s -Paper and ECOSYSTEMS
(Dec. 1- need to and Links VI (Worktext to form the correct word. Guide pencil test SZ9u3x-VBA/view?usp=sharing
4,2020) protect and Conservation in Science and (Conservation, Protection,
conserve of ecosystem Technology) Unit V Ecosystem, Topical Rainforest, -Module -Formative
tropical pp.279-288 Coral Reefs, Mangrove assessment
rainforests, Swamps) -Activity using
coral reefs Sheets differentiat
and - The New Science 2. Picture Frame ed activities
mangrove Links VI (Teachers -Present pictures of different
swamps Resource Material) plants/endangered animals in -Answering
S6MT-IIi-j-6 Unit V pp.103-105 the Philippines. Let the pupils essay
framed the endangered plants question
and animals in the group. Let
them write a short

Date MELC with Topic References/Materi Activities Type of LR Assessment Remarks (link, Innovations, etc)
Code als Tools

3. Listing down ways of

protecting and conserving our
wildlife ecosystem.

4. Agree/disagree
Let the pupils write their
comment about the passage.

“God entrusted to us His

wonderful ecosystem. It is our
role and duty to maintain and
conserve the balance of life.
Getting what we need and
thinking for the needs of the
future generation is a way of
maintaining the sustainability
of the Earth.

5. Let them make a campaign

poster/slogan on how to
conserve our wildlife

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