FINITE AND NON-finite Verbs
FINITE AND NON-finite Verbs
FINITE AND NON-finite Verbs
Finite verbs: A verb which shows time or a verb which is limited by number, person, and gender of the subject is
known as a Finite verb.
1. Neha letters.
2. They letters.
3. We have letters
4. I shall letters
In the given examples, the verb ‘write’ has been changed according to the number, person, and tense of the subject. So
the various forms of the verb ‘write’ are examples of Finite Verbs. Note: All lexical verbs including ‘be’ and its forms are
Finite Verbs
Non-finite verbs: A verb that does not show time or a verb which is not limited by number, person, and tense of
the subject is known as a Non-Finite verb.
1. Raman tries to
2. We try to .
3. They try to .
4. They will try to .
5. I have tried .
In the above sentences, the verb ‘eat’ does not change even though the person and number of the subject change.
Infinite: It is often used with ‘to’ or without ‘to’. Infinitives with ‘to’ before them are called ‘to-infinitives’.
Example: She wants to reach home quickly.
Root Verb Infinitive
Write To write
Speak To speak
Love To love
Give To give
Play To play
In the above sentence, the word reading is a gerund as they function as nouns in their respective sentences.
Present Participle: It is formed by adding ‘ing’ to the root verb.
Example: The dying man called his sons to him.
In the sentence, the word ‘dying’ function as an adjective for they qualify their respective nouns man hence they are
called participles (ing/V3 form of the verb).
The gerund and the Present participle have the same form but gerund is a verbal noun (What) and the Present Participle
is a verbal adjective. (How/which/Whose etc)
In the first sentence, ‘reading’ is a gerund because it is the subject of the verb ‘increases’.
But in the second sentence, ‘reading the newspaper’ is a participle because it qualifies the pronoun ‘he’ as an adjective.