Mouth Cancer Information Leaflet

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Common symptoms of mouth cancer .

1 A sore or ulcer in the mouth that persists more than
three weeks.
Mouth Cancer Foundation
2 A white or red patch on the gums, tongue, or lining
of the mouth. PO Box 498
3 A lump anywhere in the mouth. Wakefield
4 Swelling of the jaw that causes dentures to fit poorly West Yorkshire
or become uncomfortable.

Difficulty in chewing or moving the jaw or tongue.
Numbness of the tongue or mouth.
Mouth Cancer
7 A feeling that something is caught in the throat. MCF Helpline: +44 (0)1924 950 950 - know the signs
8 Difficulty in swallowing.
9 A chronic sore throat or voice change (hoarseness) For Information on Mouth Cancer
that persists more than six weeks. Awareness Events and Materials
10 Neck swelling present that persists more than three Contact Elizabeth Ayto Laverack, Media Ambitions
weeks. Tel. 020 8940 2222; e-mail. [email protected]
11 Unexplained tooth mobility persisting for more than
three weeks - see a dentist urgently.
[email protected]
12 Persistent nasal obstruction/mucus causing difficulty
breathing through nose.
13 Unexplained earache.

Visit your dentist or doctor at once if you

notice any abnormal problems or are not sure.

Mouth Cancer Foundation

Registered Charity No. 1109298

The Mouth Cancer Foundation provides practical advice and

support for head and neck cancer patients through its
website and
telephone helpline +44 (0)1924 950 950
What is Mouth Cancer? Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) References:
This is the general term given to the variety of Most HPV infections go away on their own without 1. National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Healthcare
malignant head and neck tumours that develop in causing any type of abnormality but persistent infection services for head and neck cancers. Understanding
the mouth (oral cavity), throat (pharynx), voice box with certain types of the Human Papilloma virus (HPV), NICE guidance - information for the public. Nov 2004
(larynx), salivary glands, nose and sinuses.1,2 In the a group of viruses, is now recognized as the major
UK, mouth cancer kills more people than cervical cause of cervical cancer. Having many sexual partners
cancer and testicular cancer combined.3 Once is a risk factor for HPV infection.8 Evidence is
2. Mouth Cancer Foundation: Early Symptoms
discovered, treatment options vary and will depend emerging that HPV is linked to some mouth cancers.
on how early the cancer is diagnosed or detected. Studies have shown that oral HPV infection is a strong
3. Cancer Research UK: CancerStats. Mortality - UK.
Removal of the tumour, followed by radiotherapy risk factor for oropharyngeal cancer (cancer that forms
may be suitable for smaller tumours; chemotherapy in the middle part of the throat and includes the soft
is required in more advanced cases. The overall palate, the base of the tongue, and the tonsils).9
long-term survival rate is 50% after 5 years, but
early detection greatly improves prognosis.4 Dr Vinod K Joshi, Founder of the Mouth Cancer 4. Cancer Research UK: Statistics and outlook for
Foundation, states: mouth cancers - UK.
Risk Factors
The most important aetiological factors are tobacco
usage and excess consumption of alcohol, and these
factors together are thought to account for about
“ A high proportion of oropharyngeal cancers in
nonsmokers and younger adults have been associated
with HPV. The mode of transmission may be frequent
5. Cancer Research UK: Oral Cancer risk factors
75% of oral cancer cases in Europe.5

Key Statistics about Mouth Cancer in UK

oral sex in adolescents and young adults. riskfactors/
6. Cancer Research UK: Alcohol and cancer: the
At least 75% of patients diagnosed with oral cavity 1. Mouth cancer is one of the top ten most
and oropharyngeal cancers are tobacco users. -----commonly diagnosed cancers and accounts for howdoweknow/
Smokers have 6-times greater risk, and those using -----more than 7,800 new cases each year.7 7. Cancer Research UK: CancerStats. Incidence - UK.
chewing tobacco or chewing paan/gutkha also have
increased risk levels.5 2. Incidence has risen by 25% over the past 10 crukstoredb/CRUK_PDFs/incidence/cs_inc_t8.3.pdf
-----years.7 8. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet: Human
Alcohol Papillomaviruses and Cancer : Questions and Answers.
3. 5-year survival rate has hardly improved (50%
In the UK, 6% of cancer deaths are caused by
-----overall) for the last few decades.4
alcohol.5 Heavy drinkers have a 5-10 times greater 9. D’Souza G, Kreimer AR, Viscidi R, et. al.,
risk of developing cancer but even small amounts of 4. Mouth cancer is more common in men than Case-Control Study of Human Papillomavirus and
alcohol (as little as 1 unit a day) can increase the -----women. However, the sex ratio in the UK has Oropharyngeal Cancer. NEJM 2007, 356(19)
risk.6 Individuals who use tobacco and alcohol face -----decreased rapidly from around 5:1 fifty years pp 1944-1956
a 30-times greater risk than abstainers.5 -----ago to less than 2:1 today.7 (websites accessed June 2009)

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