Kravhiit: Tactical Fitness Vol. 1: Week 1 PDF
Kravhiit: Tactical Fitness Vol. 1: Week 1 PDF
Kravhiit: Tactical Fitness Vol. 1: Week 1 PDF
Week 1 PDF
Evolution 1
5 minutes of Shadow Boxing
Then 2 Rounds of:
8 Combat Squats
4 Squat Jumps
8 Push-Ups
4 Clapping Push Ups
4 40-Foot Shuttle Runs
Lat + Pec Stretch
A- 5 Rounds of:
10x Alternating One Arm Floor Press (keep increasing weight until 10 is hard but doable)
10x One Arm Dumbbell Row (keep increasing weight until 10 is hard but doable)
Downward Dog at the Wall Stretch
B- 5 Rounds of:
10x Russian Twist with Dumbbell 25/15
25m Combat Down/Back Shuttle Sprint
Evolution 2
3 Rounds of:
5x Tactical Get-Ups
5x Push-Ups
4x 40-Foot Shuttle Runs
Sampson Stretch
A- AMREP in 10 minutes of:
Sandbag Get-Ups @ 80/60#
B- AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
Burpee Box Jump + Down/Back Shuttle Sprint
15x Kettlebell Swing 53/35
C- 4 Rounds of:
3x Sandbag Busters 80/60#
6x Band Anti-Rotation Press
6x Kneeling Half Moon with Dumbbell
Evolution 3
5 minutes of Shadow Boxing
2 Rounds of:
Shoulder Rotation Complex
10 Air Squats
A- Tabata Air Squats (:20 seconds of work for max reps followed by :10 seconds of rest)
for 4 minutes (8 rounds)
B- 30 minute roll of:
1 ¼ Push-Ups (do the same number that you scored your lowest round of Air Squats from
Part A)
400m Bearhug Sandbag Carry 80/60#
Evolution 4
5 minutes of light work on the Heavy Bag
Foam Roll :30 seconds each of:
RT Glute / Hamstring / IT Band
LT Glute / Hamstring / IT Band
:30 seconds of Squat Jumps
A- 6 Rounds of:
3x Sandbag Squat Jumps 80/60#
Followed immediately by…
3x Super Burpees
B- 6 Rounds of:
3x Rotational Sandbag Throw & Chase 80/60#
3x Renegade Man Makers 25/15#
C- 6 Rounds of:
Combat Pro Agility Drill
D- Repeat (C) wearing Weight Vest 20/10# or carrying sledgehammer
E- 8 Rounds for Time of:
9x Burpees
30 Box Step-Up 20”
10x Jab/Cross Sidestep Combos
Week 2 PDF
Evolution 1
3 Rounds of:
200m Jog
5 Air Squats
5 Squat Jumps
5 Push-Ups
5 Clapping Push-Ups
A- Run 3 miles (record time)
B- 3 Rounds for time of:
5x V-Ups
1 minute Plank Hold
5 Spiderman Push-Ups
10 Russian Twist with Dumbbell 25/15
Evolution 2
3 Rounds of:
3 Renegade Row w/ Push-Up 25/15
:30 seconds of Touch Jump Touch Pendulum
Sampson Stretch
A – 8 Rounds of:
8x Sandbag Front Squats
4x Pull-Ups
B – 7 Rounds of:
10x DB / KB Swings 35/26
5x DB / KB Thrusters
10x DB / KB Crunch
C – 4 Rounds of:
20/20 Standing Founder
15x Bird Dog
6x Side Plank with Twist
Evolution 3
3 Rounds of:
Sandbag Bear Complex
Pigeon Stretch
A – 8 Rounds of:
10x Sandbag Hang Squat Cleans 60/40
8x KB / DB Wood Chop 35/26
B – 8 Rounds of:
10x Alternating One Leg Squat
25x Double-Unders
C – 8 Rounds of:
3x Towel Pull-Ups
4x Get-Up Sit-Up (you choose load)
Evolution 4
3 Rounds of:
Run 100m
5 Push-Ups
10 Sit-Ups
15 Air Squats
A – 5 Rounds of:
Run 800m
Rest exactly half the time it took you to run. Try to keep each round the same time.
B – 8 Rounds for max reps of:
:20 seconds EOS
:20 seconds Sit-Ups
:20 seconds Rest
Week 3 PDF
Evolution 1
3 Rounds of:
5 Dumbbell Thrusters 25/15
3 Renegade Rows w/ Push-Up
50 Single-Unders
5 Shoulder Dislocates
A- 8 Rounds of:
5x Sandbag Power Cleans 60/40
3x Shoulder Dislocates
5x Weighted Push-Ups
Sampson Stretch
B- AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
8x Sandbag Get-Ups 60/40
8x Kneeling Sandbag Keg Lifts
8x Burpees
Evolution 2
3 Rounds of:
10x Air Squats
4x 40 Foot Shuttle Run
10x V-Up Sit-Up
Pigeon Stretch
A- 4 Rounds of:
15m Sprint
Walk back to start
10m Sprint
Walk back to start
5m Sprint
Walk back to start
B- Repeat Part A holding Dumbbells 10/5
C- 6 Rounds of:
40-foot Combat Down/Back Shuttle Sprint
D- Repeat Part C holding Dumbbells 10/5
E- EMOM for as long as possible:
+1 Box Jump 20”
+1 Burpee
Start at 3 Box Jumps and 3 Burpees and keep adding 1 rep to each movement until you
can’t complete the required number in that minute.
If less than 10 minutes do an additional 5 rounds of EMOM 5 Box Jumps + 5 Burpees.
Evolution 3
5 minutes of light work on the heavy bag
20x Lunges
:30 second Sampson Stretch each side
A- 8 Rounds of:
3x Sandbag Explosive Squat Jump 60/40
1x Combat Pro Agility Drill
Elbow to Ankle Stretch
B- AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
20/20 Standing Founder
20x Round Kicks (10x each leg)
5x Side Plank with a Twist
Evolution 4
3 Rounds of:
10x Goblet Squats w/ Kettlebell
10x Push-Ups
10x Frog Jumps
Sampson Stretch :10 seconds each side
A- 5 Rounds of:
10x Sandbag Front Squat 80/60
5x Box Jumps 24/20
Elbow to Ankle Stretch
B- 5 Rounds of:
3x Judo Push-Ups
3x Clapping Push-Ups
Lat+Pec Stretch
C- AMRAP in 15 min of:
5x Sandbag Squat Cleans 60/40
Sprint 15m
Week 4 PDF
Evolution 1
5 minutes Shadow Boxing
2 Rounds of:
5x Push-Ups
10x Lunges
5x Burpees
10x Jumping Lunges
A- AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
6x 75’ Shuttle Run
30x Box Step Up 20”
B- 10x Striking Combos (choose from: Jab / Jab Cross / Jab Cross Hook / Jab Cross Hook
Uppercut / Double Jab Double Cross)
Do 10x Air Squats after each Combo set
Evolution 2
3 Rounds of:
Sampson Stretch
10 Push-Ups
10 Front Kicks
10 Spinning Back Kicks
3x 3 minute rounds on Heavy Bag
A- 6 Rounds of:
25m Combat Down/Back/Down Shuttle
Walk back to start
B- Repeat (A) while holding 10# Sledgehammer
C- EMOM for 15 minutes:
10x Sledge Hits on a Tire + 5x Sprawls w/ Sledge
Evolution 3
3 Rounds of:
1 minute Jump Rope
Leg Stretch Complex
5x Push-Ups
5x Clapping Push-Ups
A- EMOM for 6 min:
5x Weighted Push-Up
B- 3 Rounds of:
5x Sandbag Thrusters
20x Box Step-Ups w/ Sandbag 20” 80/60#
C- Death by Towel Pull-Up
Do +1 Towel Pull-Up EMOM until you can’t complete the required number in that minute
D- AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
4x Kneeling Dumbbell Half Moon
8x Alligator Push-Ups
15/15 Standing Founder
Evolution 4
3 Rounds of:
50’ Step-Drag Footwork (25’ each lead)
5x Shoulder Dislocates
10x Spinning Back Kicks
10x Goblet Squats
A- AMREP in 3 min of:
Dumbbell One Arm Snatch 25/15#
(Switch arms ever 5 reps)
B- AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
Under/Over/Striking Drill (rotate Striking Combos 11-15(4x each Combo per round))
3x Wall-Walks
Week 5 PDF
Evolution 1
Tabata Style (:20 sec of work / :10 sec of rest - 2 rounds of each movement)
Kob Kob
Air Squats
Heaven 4 Count
Leg Stretch Complex
A- AMRAP in 10 min of:
3X Renegade Man Makers 25/15
4x 25m Shuttle Run with Dumbbells
10x Lunges with Dumbbells
B- AMRAP in 15 min of:
3x Kneeling Sandbag Keg Lift 60/40
3x Kneeling Dumbbell Half Moon 25/15
3x Sit Through Extension
8 Burpees
Evolution 2
3 min Jump Rope
3 Rounds of:
8x Scorpion from Beast
8x Air Squats
4x Jumping Lunges
A- 8 Sets of:
8x Double Dumbbell Curl to Press
5x Dislocates
B- 6 Sets of:
10x One Arm Dumbbell Row (keep these strict)
5x Explosive Push-Up
C- 4 Sets of:
12x Strict Toes to Bar
24x Basketball Crunch
Evolution 3
3 Rounds of:
8x Box Jumps
10x Goblet Squats
8x EOS
10x Push-Ups
3 min Shadow Boxing
A- 10 Rounds of:
10 Alternating Push-Kicks
20ft Lateral Traveling Ape
10 Jumping Squats
20ft Lateral Traveling Ape
(make sure you stay facing the same direction on the Traveling Ape so work both side
B- Run 2 miles for time holding a Sledgehammer
Evolution 4
5 min light work on the Heavy Bag
Leg Stretch Complex
A- 6 Rounds of:
:40 sec work :20 sec rest of:
Touch Jump Touch Pendulum for max reps
B- 10 Rounds of:
Clock Agility Drill + 10 Round Kicks (alternate legs each round)
C- For time:
Sandbag Thrusters 60/40
Towel Pull-Ups
Evolution 5
Tabata Style (4 rounds of each movement)
Kob Kob
Air Squats
Heaven 4 Count
A- 10 Rounds for time of:
3x Forward Rolls
6x Heavybag Pick-ups and Slam
9x Box Step-ups holding Sandbag