The Section of Psychology

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The Section of Psychology

Joseph Jastrow (1893)

Classics in the History of Psychology

An internet resource developed by
Christopher D. Green
York University, Toronto, Ontario
ISSN 1492-3173

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The Section of Psychology

Joseph Jastrow (1893)

Professor of Experimental and Comparative Psychology in the University of Wisconsin.

First published in M. P. Hardy (Ed.), Official Catalogue -- World's Columbian Exposition (Part.
vii, pp. 50-60). Chicago: W. B. Conkey.

Posted August 2000

The section of psychology comprises two rooms; the one fitted out as a laboratory in operation
and other containing a collection of apparatus used in the experimental study of mental
phenomena. The room devoted to the growth and development of children contains a series of
illustrations of the growth of mental powers belonging to this section. An exhibit of the methods
and results of modern psychology is naturally confined to these portions of the science that are
most amenable to objective illustration. For this reason it is well to emphasize the fact that there
are equally important divisions of the subject that are not represented

The general divisions of psychology may be enumerated as, experimental psychology,

including the study of sensation and movement, of the relations between mind an body, of the
natures and time relations or elementary mental processes, such as distinctions, choice,
memory, attention, and the like, comparative psychology, including the study of the unfolding
of the faculties of the human infant and the mental development of children, the study of
various types of mind in animals, and the changes in thought and feeling that mark the
advances from savagery to civilization; abnormal psychology, or the study of the divergences
from normal mental action; in this division belong such topics as illusions, dreams, the actions
of drugs, hypnotism, the various forms of insanity and idiocy, blindness and deaf-mutism.

Psychology also has very direct and practical relations to education, to medicine, to
anthropology and other sciences. In the present exhibit those methods and results that stand in
close relations to the methods and results of anthropometry have received special attention.

The diversions and others in common use necessarily overlap, some being characterized by
method and some by subject matter, and together serve merely as a rough index of the chief
lines of activity in the modern study of psychology.


The object of this laboratory is to illustrate the methods of testing the range, accuracy and
nature of the more elementary mental powers, and to collect material for the further study of
the factors that influence the development of these powers, their normal and abnormal
distribution, and their correlation with one another. The laboratory is this designed, not as those
connected with universities, for a special research, or for demonstrations and instruction in
psychology, but as a laboratory for the collection of tests. As in physical anthropometry the
chief proportions of the human body are systematically measured, so in mental anthropometry
the fundamental modes of action upon which mental life is conditioned are subjects to a careful
examination. In both cases the first object is [p. 51] to ascertain the normal distribution of the
quality measured. With this determined, each individual can find his place upon the chart or
curve for each form of test and from a series of such comparisons obtain a significant estimate
of his proficiencies and deficiencies. It should not be overlooked that mental tests of this kind
are burdened with difficulties from which physical measurement are comparatively free. Our
mental powers are subject to many variations and fluctuations. The novelty of the test often
distracts from the best exercise of the faculty tested, so that a very brief period of practice
might produce a more constant and significant result. Fatigue and one's physical condition are
also important causes of variation. It is impossible in the environment of the present laboratory
to secure the necessary time and facilities for minimizing these objections. They detract more
from the value of an individual record than from, that of the combined statistical result. So much
remains to be done in this line of investigation that at every step interesting problems are left
unanswered. But what has been done emphasizes the importance and probably value of
further research. The problems to be considered when once the normal capacity has been
ascertained are such general ones as the growth and development with age of various powers;
what types of faculty develop earlier and what later; how far their growth is conditioned upon
age and how far upon education; again, the difference between the sexes at various ages,
differences of race, environments, social status are likewise to be determined. The relation of
physical development to mental, the correlations of one form of mental faculty with others, the
effect of a special training, these together with their many practical applications form the more
conspicuous problems to the elucidation of which such tests as are here taken will contribute.
In addition to the interest in his or her own record, the individual has thus the satisfaction of
contributing to a general statistical result


The apparatus is arranged on a series of tables, the attendant directing the tests from the place
in back of them, while the subject, as a rule, is seated upon a chair placed between the tables.
A railing separates the attendant and subject from those who may be observing the tests.
Beginning on the left of the entrance from the aisle, the tests are arranged as follows:

TABLE No. 1.

Judgment of lengths by finger movements. Five bars with terminal stops are arrange
horizontally, the one above the other and a little behind the other; the subject passes his
forefinger to and fro along these bars and so forma a judgement of their relative length. He
indicates his result by placing peg, bearing the number "5," in a hole on the bar which he
regards as the longest, a "1" on the shortest, and "2," "3," and "4" correspondingly. Having thus
arranged the one series of length in what he determines to be the true order, the apparatus is
reversed and another series with smaller differences is presented for arrangement in order. The
sensibility involved in this test is the information obtained from the sensations accompanying
the contraction of the muscles. The result is recorded in each case as correct of as involving a
certain degree of error. The true lengths are 150, 165, 181.5, 199.7, 219.6 (a ratio of increase
of 1/10) for the coarse series; and 150, 157.5, 165.4, 173.6, 182.3 (a ratio increase of 1/20) for
the fine series. The apparatus is entirely screened so that the bars are never seen.

This method of arranging in order a coarse and a fine series of five stimuli has been adopted in
several of the tests, on account of its advantage of combining a large number of comparisons in
one result, and of permitting the subject to make his own record at his own convenience. [p. 52]
Judgment of weights. The series of five weighted hard rubber boxes differing in weight are
presented, and the subject required to arrange them in order of weight. The weights are held
and raised between the thumb and forefinger, the sensibility involved being the combined
pressure-sense of the skin and the sense of resistance overcome by the contraction of the
muscles in raising the weights. Two series of weights are used, the coarse weights: 300, 320,
341.3, 364.1, 388.4 grammes (a ratio of increase of 1/15); and the finer, 300, 310, 320.3, 331,
342 grammes (a ratio of increase of 1/30)).

Touch. The minimal distance is determined for the tip of the forefinger between the points that
can just be felt as two. This form of sensibility differs greatly in different portions of the body;
points separated by 1/25 or 1/50 of an inch can be felt as two on the tip of the tongue, while on
the back of the neck they may be separated by 3/4 of an inch and yet be felt as one. A series of
fixed points are used, varying by half-millimeters up from 5 to 6 mm., and a result quickly
reached. The points are necessarily applied at precisely the same moment and with a constant
and known pressure.

TABLE No. 2.

Judgment of surfaces by feeling. A series of surfaces (about three inches square) are
formed by winding wires of various diameters tightly around an iron form. Each turn of the wire
rests close against the neighboring ones, so that a more or less rough or smooth surface is
formed according to the grade of wire used. The subject places the forefinger of his right hand
successively through five openings in a screen by which the surfaces are hidden from view, and
feels the surfaces by passing the tip of the forefinger to and fro across it. Having estimated their
relative roughness and smoothness he places a peg bearing a "5" over the coarsest surface, a
"1" over the finest and the others accordingly. rile sensibility involved is a form of active touch
similar to that used in judging the texture of cloths, metals, etc. A coarse and a fine series are
used, the wires having diameters of .051, .063, .081, .102 and .128 inches (a ratio of increase
of 1/4) in the one series; and .051, .057, .064, .072, .081 inches (a ratio of increase of 1/8) in
the other series.

Rapidity of movement. The subject touches an electric key as rapidly as possible, each
closing of the circuit being automatically recorded. In this way a record is taken of the maximum
number of finger-movements a that the subject can make in 15 seconds. The wrist is held in
order to ensure an isolated and uniform finger-movement.

Sensitiveness to pain. A gradually increasing pressure is brought to bear upon the tip of the
forefinger of the left hand, and the subject is asked to indicate the moment at which the
pressure first becomes at all painful. This lower limit of pain is recorded to the nearest 1/4
kilogramme (1 kgm. = 2.2 lbs.), by means of a coiled spring indicator. Three records are taken.
(This apparatus is designed by Prof. Cattell of Columbia College.)

TABLE No. 3.

Equality of movements. The subject places the point of a lead pencil at the left end of a sheet
of paper 15 inches long, and makes five movements by raising the pencil and bringing it down
again, the attempt being to make the distances between the dots so recorded equal. The test is
made with the eyes closed, the estimate of the distance moved depending upon the motor
sensibility. The only limit of movement is that suggested by the length of the paper. The
average distance between the dots and the average percentage of deviation are computed and

Reproduction of lines. Three lines, approximately one, two and three inches in length, are
shown one at a time. The line is removed and the subject immediately there-upon draws a line
as nearly as possible of the same length as the one just seen. The amount and direction of
error of each reproduction is recorded. [p. 53]

Accuracy of aim. The subject attempts to touch with a hard rubber pencil a small cross printed
on a sheet of paper (three inches square) and placed upon the table about 18 inches away.
The error, i.e., the distance between the center of the cross and the point actually touched is
recorded by means of carbon paper upon a sheet beneath. The subject is thus prevented from
seeing his error, while a circular screen upon the pencil hides the cross a little before the point
approaches it and thus insures a direct and uniform movement. The subject attempts to strike
the cross ten times, and the direction and amount of each error is noted.

Division of lengths. The apparatus (devised by Prof. Muensterberg, of Harvard University)

consists of a surface of black felt, about twenty inches long, with three adjustable white strips
for dividing off the surface. The strips at each end are set to form a constant distance (in the
present test 40 cm = 10.2 inches) and the subject's task consists in setting the middle strips so
as to divide the distance exactly in two; or again, to mark off one-third of the distance. A scale
may be quickly turned into position and the error in mm. noted.

Right and left movements. The subject places the forefinger of each hand upon the center of
a wire, and simultaneously moves the fingers out to an equal distance in opposite directions. By
means of the buttons left at the ends of the movements and a mm. scale, the difference in the
extent of movement of the hands is determined. In this test right and left-handedness play an
important part. The instrument was designed by Dr. Fitz of Harvard University.

TABLE No. 4.

Accuracy of movements. Starting at the center of a sheet of paper twelve inches square the
subject draws a line as accurately as possibly, first toward a point at the edge of the sheet to
the left, then to the right, then above and then below. The starting point and the four other
points are marked by crosses. To prevent the natural retardation of the movement as the pencil
approaches the cross, a small circular screen is placed upon the pencil. The error and general
directness of the movement are recorded. This test, like the accuracy of aim and reproduction
of movements,, involves the guidance of movements by the eye.

Judgments of lengths by sight. By pressing one or another of five keys, five cards appear
bearing lines of different lengths; the subject judges, the relative lengths of the lines and
indicates his judgment by placing a peg bearing the number "5" upon the key that brings up the
longest line, a "1" in the shortest and so on. The apparatus is then reversed and a second
series of five lines with smaller differences presented for judgment. The lines in the coarse
series are 2.00, 2.10, 2.20, 2.31 and 2.43 incites in length (a ratio of increase of 1/20); and in
the fine series 2.00, 2.05, 2.10, 2.15 and 2.21 inches (a ratio of increase of 1/40).

Estimation of lengths in four directions. The upper arm of a cross printed upon a sheet of
paper eight inches square bears a small mark 50 mm. from the center; the subject attempts to
place a mark upon the other three arms at an equal distance from the center. The divergences
from 50 mm. are then measured to the nearest half millimetre[*]. The arms of the cross are
unequal and a symmetrically[sic] placed in order to insure judgment of length from the center

Form alphabet. This name is given to a series of twenty-five characters, each consisting of a
vertical stroke and two horizontal strokes, one above and one below. The horizontal strokes are
either both long or both short, to the right or left, or long on one side and short oil the other.
Twenty-five typical variations have been detected and one of these singled out as the form to
be identified. Over 200 of these forms are arranged in a chance order upon a sheet 8½ inches
square, with the form to be identified clearly indicated at the top. The subject finds and marks
off as rapidly as possible as many of the [p. 54] forms exactly like the one designated as he can
recognize within the time allowed, ninety seconds. The number correctly and the number
incorrectly marked are recorded. The test involves the power of rapidly distinguishing between
small differences in length, position and form.

TABLE No. 5.
Quickness of perception. Behind a photographic shutter there appears for a brief moment
(about 1/20 of a second) a card bearing a series of black dots, or dots of different colors, or
words, etc. The subject attempts to determine the number and color of the dots, and to read the
words, within brief period of exposure. From the correctness of the answers given the
quickness of perception is estimated.

Memory. A series of printed words, numbers, etc., appears successively behind opening in a
screen; as soon as the series is completed the subject attempts to write as many possible of
the words or numbers in their proper order. The number correctly recalled with and without
regard to order, are recorded as an indication of the range of memory, or "memory span."

Reproduction of lengths by memory. In a former test (Table No, 3) the subject drew lines as
nearly as possible of the same lengths as three pattern lines shown. He now draws these lines
again according to his recollection of them. The increase of error is due to the fading of the
sense-image in the memory.

TABLE No. 6.

Location reaction. A white spot upon a metal strip may be placed at any portion of about one-
sixth of the circumference of a circular track (diameter about 36 inches). The spot is concealed
by a screen, the falling of which is the signal for the subject to find and touch the spot as
accurately and quickly as he can. The fall of the screen starts and the touching of the spot
stops the swing of a pendulum-chronoscope. The time is thus measured to the nearest 1/100 of
a second and the error in position to the nearest millimeter. This apparatus was designed by Dr.
Fitz of Harvard University.


Simple reactions: Touch, hearing, sight. The time to be measured is that elapsing between
the presentation of a stimulus and the indication by the subject that the resulting sensation has
been received. The subject receives a tap on the back of the hand, hears the stroke of a bell or
sees a white spot in back of a falling screen; the same movement that produces the touch, the
sound, or the fall of the screen starts an electric chronoscope, registering one-hundredths of a
second. The reaction consists in touching a key, which instantly stops the chronoscope.

Complex reactions: Choice of two touches. The right or the left shoulder of the subject is
touched, and as quickly as possible he touches a key with his right hand if the touch has been
on the right shoulder; with the left hand if upon the left shoulder. The increase of time above the
simple reaction is that needed for determining the place of the stimulus and for choosing the
proper movement.

Choice of five numbers and movements. The stimuli are the five numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
exposed by the falling of the screen, and the reaction the touching of the particular one of the
five keys bearing the number exposed. The time measured is that needed for reading the
number and choosing the proper one of five movements.

The apparatus is also arranged for the determination of the time of a variety of mental
processes, such as color distinction, naming pictures, reading, adding, classifying, associating,

In all tests several records are made. These time measurements are important as a test of
general mental alertness, and as a means of studying mental processes not readily susceptible
of measurement by the usual methods. [p. 55]

TABLE No. 8.

Copying test. The time needed for writing ten given short words from a printed copy is
measured to the nearest second.

Association test. The time needed for thinking of and writing down an association to each of
ten given words is measured. The difference in time between this and the preceding test gives
some indication of the readiness of association.

Picture and word test. The rapidity with which a given ten words or pictures can be found
amongst forty is measured. This time serves as an index of general mental alertness, and also
gauges the closeness of association between word and picture. The test is further arranged to
yield some indications of memory, first as the power to recall and secondly as the power to
recognize. First the subject attempts after a given interval to write as many of the forty words or
pictures as he call recall; and then he attempts to mark off on a sheet containing sixty pictures
or words in irregular order (the original forty and twenty others) as many as he can recognize
as having seen on the former sheet. The number of pictures or words correctly recalled and
correctly recognized gauges the capacity of this form of memory, while the time needed for the
various stages of the test gives a further useful indication.


On the west wall to the rear of tables 6 and 7 are arranged a series of tests of the range and
accuracy of form and color vision.

Range of vision. The subject views at a distance of five meters (16.4 feet) a card bearing in
proper sizes a series of rings either complete, or open at one or two places to the left, right,
above or below. He is given a blank spaced off like the large card and draws the forms in their
proper places as well as he can. All naming or reading is thus avoided; while the smallest set of
circles correctly drawn determines the range of vision. The sizes extend from 30 to 2.5 diopters.
(The execution of this test is due to Dr. C. A. Oliver of Philadelphia, Pa.)

Accuracy of vision. Groups of dots of various sizes 40 to 2.5 diopters are viewed at a distance
of 5 meters, the subject counting the number of dots in each group. The smallest size of dot
correctly counted indicates the accuracy of vision.

Color-sense. A series of 28 circular patches of color are arranges in their spectral order
around the circumference of a large black disc. These colors are indicated by a number from 1 t
o28. Through a circular opening at the center of the large disc, any one of ten colors may be
made to appear; each central color in indicated by a letter, A B C, etc. The test consists in
matching successively each of the ten central colors with one at the circumference. This the
subject does as rapidly as possible; the nature of the error is an indication of defects of color-
vision which the time furnishes an index of the development of the color-sense.

Shade. Nine shades of grey are arranged upon a board, not in the order of their intensity, and
are indicated by numbers. Then one of the shades is shown singly and the subject attempts to
identify it by its number. The number and nature of the errors gauges his ability to see slight
distinctions of shade.


In addition to these tests of which systematic records are made, there are tests of the confusion
of colors; preference of colors, singly and in pairs, preference of proportions, and other tests
which cannot be further described.


Demonstration table. Upon a long table near the east wall are shown some pieces of
apparatus and materials, illustrating a few typical principles in the study of sensation. [p. 56]
Among the points demonstrated may be mentioned, color contrast, color mixture, subjective
colors, duration of the after image, stereoscopic combination, double-images, retinal rivalry;
peripheral vision, blind spot, estimation of size, visual interpretation, contrast of extent and
intensity of pressure, upper and lower limit of audibility, etc., etc.

Charts, curves, etc. Along the west wall and portions of the east wall are arranged a series of
curves representing in graphic form the results of investigations of various sensory, motor and
mental faculties. The largest group is devoted to sets of curves showing the results of tests,
many of them the same as those taken in the laboratory, and all of similar purpose. These
results are based upon tests taken at nine different colleges, upon 850 persons, with college
students predominating. They represent the normal accuracy and distribution of certain forms
of sense and motor capacity and mental powers, and the nature of the error when a constant
error is involved. Other groups of curves illustrate the results of research upon the relation
between mind and body, on memory, illusions, involuntary movements, reaction times,
association, etc., etc.

Photographs of psychological laboratories. Upon the south wall and adjoining portions of
the east and west walls, the chief psychological laboratories of this and other countries are
represented by photographs. This collection gives a general view of the extensive material
provisions that have been made for the further development and teaching of experimental
psychology. The photographs are accompanied by outlines of courses of study in psychology.
The foreign universities represented are Bonn, Geneva, Paris, Prague, Rome, Tokio[sic]; the
American are Brown, Clark, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Princeton,
Toronto, Wellesley, Wisconsin and Yale.

The material contained in this laboratory has been collected by the Section of Psychology of
the Department of Ethnology, with the aid of the psychological department of the University of
Wisconsin. With the exceptions already noted; the apparatus has been prepared and in most
cases designed for the purposes of this laboratory.

The electrical supplies are exhibited by the Ansonia Electrical Company; the shutter used upon
table No. 5 is exhibited by the Bausch and Lamb Optical Company, Rochester, N.Y.


The collection of apparatus aims to exemplify the chief forms of apparatus and material used in
special research and general study of mental phenomena. Some of this apparatus is used as
well by physiologists, physicists, and physicians, but the greater portion has been designed
especially for psychological purposes.

The apparatus has been collected by the Section of Psychology of the Department of
Ethnology, the chief contributors being the psychological departments of the following
universities: Brown, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Toronto, Wisconsin; the following instrument
makers: Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co., Cambridge, England; H. Elbs, Freiburg,
Germany; R. Jung, Heidelberg, Germany; J. D. Kagenaar, Utrecht, Holland; M. Kohl, Chemnitz,
Germany; C. Krille, Leipsig, Germany; F. Mayer, Strassburg, Germany; W. Petzold, Leipsig,
Germany; R. Rothe, Prague, Austria; E. S. Stohrer, Leipsig, Germany; Ch. Verdin, Paris,
France; Milton-Bradley CO., Springfield, Mass.; Ganun & Parsons, New York; Meyroitz Bros.,
New York; Que n[sic] & Co., Philadelphia; E. S. Ritchie & Sons, Boston; Yarnall, Philadelphia,
together with a number of individual exhibitors.

The apparatus is classified throughout according to the purposes for which it is used, and each
bears a label explaining its mode of use and acknowledging its source. There are ten cases of
apparatus, the contents of which are indicated as (beginning upon the left of the entrance from
the aisle) Touch; the eye-light and form sense; color-sense; color-sense; binocular vision (in
lower case, color contrast); hearing (in lower case visual inferences); [p. 57] movement (in
lower case optical illusions); recording apparatus; time-measuring apparatus; reaction-time
In addition there are arranged upon platforms in the center of the room and near the north wall,
as well as on the tops of the cases, a miscellaneous series of apparatus too large to be
exhibited in the cases.

Touch. What is popularly termed touch includes a group of sensibilities connected with the
skin. The chief of these are the form and space sense of the skin, sense of pressure, sense of
temperature, and the sensations accompanying muscular contraction. The form-sense is most
usually tested by æsthesiometers, which determine the smallest between [sic] two points that
may be felt as two, this distance differing widely in different portions of the body. A variety of
designs of such apparatus is exhibited. Another group of instruments have for their object the
determination of the smallest outline and solid shapes that may be distinguished when placed
upon the skin; of the slightest differences in texture and in thickness that can be felt; of the
perception of movement upon the skin; of the relation between lengths as judged by the skin
and by the eye; of the combination of touch-impressions, and the like.

As types of apparatus for the study of the pressure sense, test-weights and special forms of
pressure balances are exhibited. These are used to determine the smallest differences in
weight that can be perceived under various circumstances. The temperature sense is
represented by simple devices for locating and mapping the hot and cold spots, or the special
points of the skin specifically sensitive to heat or cold. A number of devices for studying the
extent and accuracy of the sense of movement completes the inventory of this case.

The eye -- light and form sense. As the processes of seeing are most directly related to the
structure of the eye, and the formation of the image and the movements of the eyes, the first
group of optical apparatus is devoted to these points. The case contains several forms of
artificial eyes by which the relations and functions of the several parts of the eye may be
conveniently reproduced; special devices for illustrating the changes accompanying
accommodation, the path of the rays, the formation of the image upon the retina, the
movements of the eyeballs; also apparatus for determining the chief forms of optical defects.

The methods of testing the form sense of the eye, i.e, the accuracy and range of vision under
different conditions, are represented by perimeters, optometers, test-dots, test-letters, test-
forms, test-diagrams, etc. Devices for demonstrating the blind spot, and a variety of accessory
apparatus (shutters, diaphragms, dark-tubes) are also included in this section.

Color-sense. The first of the two cases devoted to the color-sense contains a variety of color-
wheels, illustrations of color mixture, and methods of detecting color-blindness. The color-wheel
is at once the simplest and most universal method of obtaining variations in color and shade.
The various types differ mainly in respect to the manner of rotation, whether by hand, foot,
clock-work or electric motor, while special wheels have been devised to permit the proportions
of colors to he changed while the wheel is in motion. All these types are represented. In a
frame upon the wall are displayed the methods of preparing discs for experiments in color
vision; these include slit discs sliding upon one another and thus producing ally desired
proportion of the component colors; graded mixture, mixture by half-discs, and thus showing
the resulting color and the components at the same time; distinction between pigment and color
mixture; methods of measuring color proportions, etc.

The various methods of detecting color blindness are displayed in this and the following case.
For convenience these methods may be classified as the matching, the naming, the confusion
and the quantitative methods, The matching method consists in placing before [p. 58] the
subject a series of pattern or typical colors and requiring him to select out all colors like them.
The matching methods are represented by Homgren's worsteds in various forms, by Galton's
test wools, a series of wools arranged by Dr. Oliver, the Magnus Jeffries color card, etc. For
practical purposes the distinction of colors as signals, and of naming them correctly is important
and has led to a variety of devices for detecting the readiness with which given colors can be
recognized and named. Several such devices are exhibited. The confusion method is
represented by arrangement of colored bands, with narrow strips of a different color inserted
upon them, by colored letters printed on colored backgrounds; by Stilling's test plates
consisting of figures formed by irregular blotches of color upon a background of another color,
and by other variations of these. In all these a person with a certain form of color defect is
unable to read or distinguish what is clear to the normal eye. In the quantitative tests the object
is to determine the precise amount of white and colored light that give rise to the two colors that
are wrongly pronounced the same. The chief forms of such apparatus exhibited are those
designed by Prof. Holmgren, Prof. Donders and Prof. Hering.

Color sense. Several of the pieces of apparatus already described are contained in in [sic] the
second optical case. In addition this case contains apparatus for illustrating changes of light
and shade, contrast of light and shade, collections of discs for various purposes, chromotropes;
and also apparatus used in testing the accuracy with which lines and angles and their positions
in space may be estimated.

Binocular vision. The combination of the images in the two eyes to form one picture is a most
important fact in vision; the apparatus whose special purpose is to illustrate the process of
seeing or inferring the solidity of objects from the two retinal images is the stereoscope. As
illustrations of the phenomena of binocular vision are shown rods and other apparatus for
demonstrating double-images, devices for illustrating the horopter; diagram for combining
points of vision and a variety of general and special stereoscopes; methods of obtaining
binocular color mixture are also shown.

The lower portion of this case is devoted to the phenomena of color contrast and subjective
color. The chief point illustrated is that a background of one color will change a neutral grey into
its complementary; green inducing pink, yellow, blue, etc. A grey ring placed upon green paper
and covered with white tissue paper seems pink; a gray[**] ring formed by the rotation of black
and white upon a green sector becomes pink; a black dot seen in reflection upon a white
background in proximity to a black dot viewed through red glass becomes greenish; of the two
shadows of a rod, one formed by colored the other by white light, the one shadow will show the
color of the light, the other the complementary color, etc. All these forms of color contrast are
shown. The change of color when presented upon different backgrounds and other related
points are also illustrated.

Visual inferences: Optical illusions. The lower portions of the two cases at the north end of
the east wall contain illustrations of inferences from visual sensations, in distinction to the
primitive sensations themselves, and of a few types of optical illusions. Stereoscopic cards
illustrate the inferences of solidity or the third dimension of space; several forms of the zoetrope
illustrate the inference of movement from an interrupted series of changes of position; diagrams
illustrating the interpretation of lines as the pictures of objects and other similar principles re
also shown. The chief types of illusions illustrated are illusions relative length and area due to
contrast of particular outlines and angles; illusions of change of direction of straight lines, and
deviation from parallelism of parallel lines as the result of intersecting angles, illusions
depending upon irradiation, etc.


The selection of apparatus bearing upon the form and color sense has been made with the
assistance of Dr. C. A. Oliver of Philadelphia. Cr. B. Joy Jeffries of Boston has contributed
largely to the collection of apparatus for the detection of color blindness. [p. 59]

Hearing. The apparatus for the study of the sensations of sound, and particularly of musical
perception, are so elaborate as to preclude their exhibitions hence here only the simplest types
of apparatus are presented. These include bars for determining the upper limit of audibility,
whistles for the same purpose; tuning forks for studying the relations of musical pitch and the
sensitiveness to musical intervals; monochord for studying simple phenomena of pitch;
resonators for the analysis of overtone; whistles for the study of unison; Galton's apparatus for
determining slights differences of pitch, and also a few devices for studying the sensitiveness to
slight differences of sound intensity; the power of sound-location and the nature and accuracy
of the sense of times intervals.
Movement. This group of apparatus illustrates the function of movement as an index of mental
and nervous conditions. There is an ergograph, or apparatus for recording muscular
contractions and thus studying the control over muscles, fatigue, co-ordination, etc.; an
apparatus for demonstrating the changes in the volume of the arm accompanying volition and
mental effort; a sphygmograph for recording the pulse; several devices for recording the
involuntary movements of the arm and body; dynamometers for testing the strength of
muscular contractions; apparatus for determining the rapidity and regularity of movements; a
device for demonstrating tremor; arm holders, and other allied pieces of apparatus.

Recording apparatus. The value of the experimental study of mental phenomena depends so
frequently upon the means of recording the results that one case is devoted to types of
recording apparatus. The most universal of these is the kymograph or revolving drum; the drum
is driven by clockwork at a very uniform rate and is covered with glazed paper upon which a
coat of soot has been collected by holding it above a burning lamp. Upon this rotating drum a
series of writing points controlled by electricity or air, write their record by tracing delicate white
lines as the expose the paper by rubbing off the light coating of black soot. These records are
then bathed in shellac and made permanent. In the study of movement, in the recording of time
intervals, in the analysis of the relations between physiological and psychological processes, in
the study of the proficiency of voluntary control, in the study of interference of sensory and
motor processes, and a means of making electric contact, and in a variety of other ways such
an apparatus is indispensable. Several such kymographs, both simply and complex, with a
variety of attachments for insuring change of rate, convenience in manipulation, adaptation to
different forms of experiment, etc., are represented either by the apparatus itself of by
photographs. Electrical attachments are represented by time markers, tuning forks,
phonautographs, Deprez signals, electric keys, switches, magnets, etc., pneumatic
attachments by simple and complex tambours of various types; apparatus for recording the
movements of the lips, of the voice, of the throat, of the pulse, of the respiration, of the
contraction of muscle, of the fingers and the like.

Time-measuring apparatus. The study of the time consumed by simple mental processes
forms one of the main divisions of experimental psychology. The applications of such study and
the generalizations to which it leads are of importance and value in many directions. Time-
measuring apparatus is also needed in other types of psychological research.

For measuring long intervals a stop-watch and a metronome are shown; the stop-watch
measuring to the nearest fifth of a second, the metronome to the nearest one-quarter of a
second. More convenient is an automatic metronome which can be started and stopped by the
closing of an electric circuit and which registers the number of oscillations. The metronome may
be made to register its oscillations upon a rotating drum; two forms of interrupting clocks for this
purpose are also exhibited. By means of these clocks a great range of intervals may be
accurately recorded. [p. 60]

Tuning forks registering 1/100 or 1/250 second are exhibited. The chronoscope D'Arsonval
enables the observer to read off on a dial 1/100 of a second, and has the advantage of being
noiseless. A mechanical clock designed by Prof. Muensterberg also registers to 1/100 second;
a water chronoscope, the time being measured by the amount of fall of a column of water,
registers to 1/200 second or less: while the Hipp chronoscope (two mountings of which are
shown) registers to the nearest 1/1000 second. There are also exhibited certain special
reaction-time instruments, that record by the vibration of a fork the interval elapsing between
the presentation of a stimulus and a response to it; those represented are designed by Beetz,
Donders, Exner, Bowditch and Fitz.

Accessories for reactions. To complete the outfit for the study of reaction times there are
needed, means for controling[sic] the time-measuring apparatus; various forms of stimuli for
impressing the various senses and presenting mental problems, and various simple and
complex forms of reaction keys. In addition a shutter or other means of determining how much
can be recognized within a brief interval of exposure is needed. Types of all these forms of
apparatus are represented. For control the falling of a ball, or of a shutter, or the swing of a
pendulum may be used, the theoretical being compared with the actual time. As types of stimuli
for sound, a sound-magnet which also yields a premonitory signal, and electric bell are
displayed; for touch a mechanical key and an induction-coil (furnishing an electrical stimulus),
and also a special key by which a shock may be given to the finger by which the reaction is
made; and for sight several forms of exposure apparatus by means of which any one of two or
more objects may be shown simultaneously with the starting of the chronoscope. Apparatus for
a "chain-reaction," in which the reaction of one subject gives the stimulus for the next, is also
shown. In addition a variety of material used as a stimuli and in the study of memory, attention
and association, such as sets of words, letters, numbers, pictures, colors, lines, etc., are
displayed and described. Of reaction keys there are forms for simple reaction with the finger; for
reaction with any one of the five fingers, a reaction-keyboard with fifty keys, a a [sic] foot-key, a
lip-key, speech-keys of several types, etc.

The platforms. The instruments exhibited upon the platforms are all apparatus for showing the
relation between the attention and the moment of receiving a stimulus; a large apparatus for the
study of movements of the arm with and without resistance; a color-wheel for foot-power; a
general optical testing-board; a large stand for the study of æsthetic proportions; a time-sense
apparatus; an apparatus for demonstrating the perception of distance; a square for visual
estimates of length and area; a universal chronograph for recording intervals of various
durations, and several others.

Photographs, etc. Both within the cases and about the walls are exhibited photographs of
apparatus, which serve to supplement the collection.


[*] Classics Editor's Note: Jastrow spells this word in the French manner ("-re") here, but in the
English ("-er") a few paragraphs below.

[**] Classics Editor's Note: Although Jastrow spell it "grey" earlier in this sentence and in the
sentence before, here he spells it "gray."

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