Modelmh-5: STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: MH-S Electric Chain Hoist

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The single laad chain fall design of 3 ton and the exceptionally low
headrooms of Model MH-5 are the results of the streamlined, robust
steel constructions and weil balanced designs.
Model MH-5 1-speed hoist is available in a wide range ot standard
capacities tor your choice .. ... available trom light 0.5 ton loads to
extremely heavy 50 ton loads. Please refer to succeeding page tor
specifications of 10 ton and larger capacities.

1 a.

MH-5 0.5-3 ton MH-5/ MHT-5 5 ton

Diagrammatic only Diagrammatic only


Holsting Speed(mfmin) Hoist Motor 3-phase Load Chain Minimum NetWeight
Rated Load Lift Test
Headroom !Sf
Item No. Qulpul{II1j\1} Ins, R.'Ulng "4 Dia. Nos.ol Laad Grade
!iDHZ ~z (Max.) (approx.)
1101') (m) 5oH~ llR~ C lli~ (m' ) EO (mm) lalls (ton) G(mm) (""kg)

MH5005 !,l,5 16,{) Ma 1.0 7.1 1 0.625 550 ~ M5

MH5010 1 6 .2 1 .3 1-11 M 7,1 1.25 560 55 M4
MH5020 2. 4.0 e-1 7 .9 ~~ 3.0 a 030 40 11.2 I ~.~ 125 100 MS
MH5030 4A 5.2 Ui ~O 11.2 1 3.75 ?6S 102 MA
MH5050 !ï 2.6 S.l Z.S 11.2 2 6.25 .925 131l M4

Major Dimensions (approx.) (mm)

Rated Laad
Item No.
A ~ .Q . F 1l!P iii Q S'{ml

MH5005 0.5 2.ti$ 285 15<1 106 20 69!l 22D :Ul'

MH5010 1 285 :a66 t52 1!J6 as 690 220 3 ,6

MH5020 2- ~~5 '335 195 127 :lil 000 2:;J$ .'l.8

MH5030 a 335 335 1S6 127 aa 880 295 J-l!

MH5050 5 335 335 247 ~;l 43 9BG 2.9ö a.8
f'l C!,m Sj
a - OnÎy tl1e standara 'f1rts hors.s, are enuIl.erated abc'V8'. . Ei!;!! IlPpt)! ror Qt lm 1Df1~ Iill~
b - Please state power sou ree vo ltag e and Herz on enq uiry and or ordering.
c - 4-core colored cords with rubbeT-covered power souree cab's is supplied, with out plug.
d - Achaln col1ectlng bucket is supplied w ith each ho lst as standard aHachmenl.


In addition to hoisting and 10 wering,

Model EMT-MH-5 (1-speed hoist with
1-speed trolley) can transport heavy
loads swiftly with great efficiency and
complete safety. 0.5 ton to 7.5 ton
trolleys can be adjusted to fit the
different beam sizes listed in the table
by simp Ie relocation of the spacing ..
washers to the inside or to the outside
of the frame.
The drop-forged steel trolley wheels
are heat-treated and have precision
bearings to pro vide smooth and easy
tra vel.
EMT-MH-5 7.5 ton
Diagrammatic only

-4'---II -~

EMT-MH-5 0.5-3 ton EMT-MH-5 5 ton

Diagrammatic only Diagrammatic only

STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS : EMT-MH-5 Electric Chain Hoist with Electric Trolley

Hoist Motor Trolley Motor Minimum Nat Walght
Rated Load Lift Traversing Test
3-phase Load Chain 3-phase Breadth of Beams Minimûm Haadroom
Item No.
Hoisting Speed
(m/min) Output(kW) Ins. Rating Dia. Nos.of
Output Ins. Rating radius Load
forcurve (ton)
(Male) (approx.) '*
(ton) (m) G(mm) ("kg)
MHE5005 0.5
50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz Class (min) (mm) falls
8.6 10.0 0.83 1.0 7.1 1
(kW) Class (mln)
1.0 0.625 535
MHE5010 1 6.2 7.3 1.17 1.4 7.1 1 20(10) 24(12)

MHE5020 ~ 6.7 7.9 2.5 3.0 11.2 1 20(10) 24(12)





4.0 B 30 E 30
MHE5030 ~ 4.4 5.2 2.5 3.0 11.2 1 20(10) 24(12) 0.4 100,125,150 1.5 3.75 805 172
MHE5050 II 2.6 3.1 2.5 3.0 11.2 2 10(20) 12(24) 0.4(0.75) 125, 150, 175 1.5 6.25 975
MHE5075 7.5
11 ,2
- -- 12
1.7 2.1 2.5 3.0 8 10 0.75 150,175 1.5 9.37 1,065 290
Rated Load Major Dimension (approx.) (mm)
Item No.
t ~
(ton) A B IJ E F ~I 'J K l M U iiP mQ (m)

MHE5005 O.(j 265 285 152

I 100 20 b/2+280 b/2+230 127 240 32-(, b-49 1/169 99+(, 675 220 4.0
MHE5010 1 285 285 152 10a 25 b/2+280 b/2+230 127 240 32-(, b-49 1/169 99+(, 675 2.20 4.0
MHE5020 2 335 335 195 1 ~1 30 b/2+325 b/2+235 159 :j(l[)1 :i3'~' b-70 1/195 121 +tz 860 235 4.0
MHE5030 3 335 335 195 127 36 b/2+330 b/2+240 180 340 37-1, b-76 1/1 110 134+1, 920 235 4.0
MHE5050 5 335 335 247 93 43 38-(, b-80 158+(,

MHE5075 7.l!> 335

335 38[}




::l9D 3fH~ b-80

1/1130 158+(,


The design, materials and speciflcations are subjsct to
e - The values in Ihe ( ) are for elec lric trolleys with half speed and special speed. change tor improvements without notics.
f - The dimensions Pand Q marked 'in Ihe above tabla vary according 10 different lifts
9 - With each hoist is packed a handbook giving comprehensive instructîons for installation, and operalion with
an inspection certilicate


The N/TCH/ geared and p/ain trolleys in this pamph/et are designed
exc/usive/y far the N/TCH/-MA TIC and are idea/ far efficient and safe
transpartatian af /aads. 0.5 tan ta 7. 5 ton capacities geared and p/ain
trolleys can be adjusted ta fit the different beam sizes /isted in the tab/e
simp/y by re/acating the spacing washers ta the inside ar to the autside

of the frame. '· a
Th e ingenious direct-caup/ing cannection makes the headroom
remarkab/y shart and a/ways faces the haist in the same directian.

K - H-

MHG-5 0.5- 3 ton
Diagrammatic only

STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS : MHG-S Electric Chain Hoist with Geared Trolley & MHP-S Electric Chain Hoist with Plain Trolley

Rated laad lift Hoisting Speed(m/min) Hoist Motor 3-phase Laad Chain Test Minimum Minimum
Breadth ol
radius Headroom
IlemNo. Output (kW) Rating Dia. Nos.ol Laad Beams
50Hz 60Hz lor curve (Max.)
(ton) (m) (rnm) !iW~ (Ion) b (mm)
50Hz. GOHz. (mm' (m) G (mm)
0.5 8.6 10.0 0.83 1.0 7.1 I 0.625 75,1 00, 125 1.0 515
MH P5005
~ 6.2 7.3 1.17 1.4 7.1 1 1.25 75,100, 125 1.0 525
MHP50 10
~ 6,7 7.9 Ui 3. 0 11.2 2.5 100, 125, 150 1.2 710
4,0 30
3 4.4 5.2 2_5 3.0 11.2 I 3.75 100,125, 150 1.5 770

5 2.6 3.1 2.5 3.@ 11.2 2 6.25 125, 150, 175 1.5 " 56

MHG5075 7" 1.7 2.1 2.5 J." 11.2 ~ 9.375 150,1 75 3.0 1080

Major Dimensions (MHG-5 . MHP-5) MHG-5 MHP-5

Rated Laad
Item No.
11 El Il E F .j K I. .., N U ', f' *0 ~ ~ 1"1 I 'r Net Weight
.. H .1 NetWeight
tJnl (m) {mm} ~rnm) [ In'l (';klIl fmmJ I",tu~
MHG5005 0.5 265 285 152 106 20 11 0 206 24-1, b-42 1/162 80+12 655 220 3. 6 4.0 b/2+189 105 71 61
72+12 105
MH G5010 285 285 152 106 25 110 206 24-\' b-42
1 1/162 80+12 655 220 3. 6 4.0 b/2+ 189 105 72+1, 73 105 B3
MHP501 0
2 335 335 195 127 30 140 262 28-12 b-63 1/183 102+12 845 235 3.8 4.0 b/2t 150 127 11 5+1> 126 127 11 6
MHG5030 335 335 195 127 36 160 306 27-12 b-63 1/1107 126+\' 885 235 3.8 4.0 b/2+ 150 133 118+12 139 133 130
MHG5050 335 335 247 93 43 172 329 35-1, b-76 1/1 110 134+\' 990 290 3.8 4.3 b/2+339 166 130+t, 185 166 175

MHG5075 7.5 335 335 360 145 65 222 420 42-\' b-84 1/1155 175+12 1160 400 4.0 4.6 b/2+326 186 161+t, 280 -- --
N.B. The dimen sion s P and Q m arked "above vary acco rding 10 diffe rent lifts. T he desig n. materia ls and specifical ion s are subject to
change for improvaments w itho ut notice.
.-. I1 -~..... J' •

. ,


- -- ---- --- -

MHT-5 2-speed electric chain haist has a 4 ta 1, fast ta slow lifting speed ratio.
Oepressing the push button switch is al/ that is needed ta efficiently handle material
with the slow-speed or fast-speed. The slow-speed is particularly effective far
accurately spatting a laad without having ta do the harmful inching operation. Like
the MH-5 single-speed electric chain haists, the MHT-5 2-speed electric chain hoists
are alsa available directly coupled ta manual tral/eys or ta matarized tral/eys.
2-speed matarized tral/eys with 3 ta 1, fast ta slow traversing speed ratio are alsa
available. Yau can abtain maximal warking efficiency with the ultimate combination
of a 2-speed electric chain haist with 2-speed matarized trolley.


MHT-5 0.5-2.5 ton EMTT-MHT-5 0.5-2 ton

Diagrammatic only Diagrammatic only
(Reler 10 page 3 lor Ihe drawing ol MHT -5 5 I)

STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS : MHT-5 Two-Speed Electric Chain Hoist (Single-voltage)

Hoisting Speed(mlmin) Hoist Motor 3-phase Laad Chain
Rated Load Lift t eel Minimum Net Weight
Fast Slow Output (kW) IlnIlI'lJl ~1I11n~
Item No. 1'115. % DIE!. Nos.o! Lóá'd H&ad1OOfll G..rada
Fast Slow . (Max.) (apporox.)
( 1 ~Il'l (rOl 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz Class Fast Slow EO (mm) ta lis (ton)
50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz ("kg)
MTSDOS il-:!) 8 .0 9.4 "9 2.2 0.83 1.0 0.21 0.25 7.1 1 0.625 550 55 M5
MTSOIO 1 d.3 5.0 1.0 1.2 0.83 1.0 0.21 0.25 7.1 1 1.25 560 56 M4

MT5020 2 4.0 4.8 5.6 1.2 1.4 1.83 2.2 0.46 0.55 B
11.2 , 2.5 725 103 M5
20 20 25

MT5025 3.8 4.4 1.0 U 1.83 2.2 0.46 0.55 11 2 3.125 765 105 M4
MT5050 /; .9 2.2 0.5 o.e 1.83 2.2 0.46 0.55 11.2 2 6.25 925 133 M4

Major Dimension (approx.) (mm)

Rated Loa
Item No , S
A i3 [l E F I«P :;I W
(ro<l} (m)
MT5005 Il,'i 305 285 f~a lOEt 2.0 705 220 3.6

MTSOIO 1 305 285 152 Hl6 25 795 220 3.6

MT5020 2 365 335 195 127 30 860 235 3.e

MT5025 2.5 365 335 195 127 36 SM 235 3.6

MT5050 5 365 335 247 93 Ja 960 ;!90 3.11

STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS : .EMTT-MHT-5 Two-Speed Electric Chain Hoist with Two-Speed Electric Trolley (Single-voltage)
Traversing Speed(mlmin) Minimum Net Weight
Item No
Rated Load Lift
Fast Slow
Oulput (kW) Ins. Rating
tM~lI l1'1l
(Max.) (apporox.)
.. Major Dimension (approx.) (mm)

(m) 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz Class (min) b(mm) tor curve (ton)
~kn) G(mm) (;,kg)
Fast Slow rml f!t B 0 E F H I J( L M It p ,,0 U

MTET5010 - {l,S

1 4.0 20 24 6.5 8
0.2 0.07



98 25
b/2 b/2
305 285 152 106 f-- +330 +240 240 32·" b·49 780 220 99+12

b/2 b/2 300 33·11 b·70 860 235 121.11

MTET5G20 2 0.4 0.14 15 100,125,150 2.5 725 168 365 335 195 127 30 .360 +240
N011ffi! The desig n , m aterials and specilications are subject 10
For NITCHI-MATIC TWQ-SPEEO Hoist wilh directly coupled trolleys, please apply tor inlormation. change tor improvements w ithoul notice.
N .B . The dimensÎons Pand Q marked' above vary according 10 different lifts.


The extremely high reliability of the over 10 ton and up to 50 ton MH-S
electric chain hoists are the result of many years of experience and the
use of up to the minute technology. The excellently balanced large
capacity MH-5 electric chain hoists are complex structures using the
dependable MH-5 3 ton electric chain hoist drive unit and the most
efficient arrangements of load chains and chain wheels.
The ultramodern design of MH-5 electric chain hoists gives them
incredibly short drawn-up dimensions and ultra-lightweights. MH-5
electric chain hoists over 30 ton have motors with high outputs for
increased power for handling the extra burden of heavy loads. A large
capacity MH-5 electric chain hoist directly coupled to a motorized trolley
can precisely transport the load with the traverse movement of the
motorized trolley. Large capacity manual operated trolleys are also
available - please consult your NITCHI dealer or distributor for
further information.

~ .8

___-tl MH-5 10ton MH-550ton
Diagrammatic only
Diagrammatic only

STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS : MH-5 Electric Hoist (Large Capacities)

Hoisting Speed(m/mïn) Hoist Motor 3-phase Load Chain Minimum Net Welght
Rated Load Lift Te st
Headroom m.
Item No. Output(kW) Ins. Rating % Dia Nos.of Load Grade
50Hz 60Hz (Max.) (approx.)
{ ton) ~ml 50Hz 60Hz Class (min) EO (mm) falls (ton)
G(mm) (""kg)

MH5100W 10 2.6 3:t 2.5X 2 3.0x2 11 .2 4 12.5 1,150 305 M4

MH515Q 1·p 1.7 1i!,1 2.5X2 3.0X2 11.2 G 18.75 1,300 415 M,1

MH5200 20 l.a 1,6 2.5X2 3.0x2 11.2 !I 25 1,550 520 M,t

, _0 IJ 3Ó 40
MH5300 30 0.7 o.g 3.1 X 2 3.7X2 11 .2 12 37 .5 1,650 800 M4

MH5400 40 0.5 O.i> 3.1 X2 3.7X2 11 _~ 16 50 2,000 1,300 Mil

MH5500 SO 0.3 n ,~ 3.1 x2 3.7x2 11-2 24 G2,5 2,400 1,700 M~

Major Dimensions (approx.) (mm)

Rated Load
Item No.
(ton) A B U E *p ·lItQ S(m)

MH5100W 10 335 335 370 370 65 1,120 4lO 4.0

MH5150 15 335 335 5ÓO 500 75 1,300 5'~ 4. 3

MH5200 20 335 335 5!;)0 590 83 1,460 610 4.!l

MH5300 30 445 445 580 580 n5 1,700 1320 4.6

MH5400 40 445 445 700 700 lOS 1,950 720 5.0

MH5500 !lO 465 465 850 850 11 ti 2,200 900 5. 5

L1 8

EMT-MH-51oton EMT-MH-5 30ton

Diagrammatic only Diagrammatic only

STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS : EMT-MH-5 Electric Chain Hoist with Electric Trolley

Hoist Motor Trolley Motor Minimum Net Weight
Rated Laad Lift Traversing Test
Hoisting Speed 3-phase Laad Chain 3-phase Breadth ol Minimum Headroom
Item No.
(ton) (m)
(m/min) Output(kW) Ins. Rating Dia. Nos.of
Output Ins. Rating Beams radius Laad
lor curve (ton)
(Max.) "'
50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz Class (min) (mm) lalls 50Hz 60Hz (kW) Class (min) b(mm) (m) G(mm) ("kg)

MHE5100W 10 2.6 3.1 2.5X2 3.0x2 11.2 4 10 12 0.75 150, 175 1.5 12.5 1,015 400

MHE5150 l.ei 1.7 2.1 2.5X2 3.0X2 11.2 6 10 12 0.75X2 E 175 00 18.75 1,230 575
4.0 -- a go 3IJ
MHE5200 20 1.3 1.6 2.5X2 3.0x2 H ,~ I) 10 12 0.75X2 176 00 2"5 1,9BO 785
1.17X2 (50Hz)
MHE5300 30 0.7 0.9 3.1X2 3.7X2 1 1.~· , ~.
lI!I 12 8 190 00 37.5 1,420 1,600
lAX2 (60Hzi

Rated Laad Major Dimensions (approx.) (mm)

Item No,
(ton) 1\.. B 0 E F d-l i J K l M N U ';l;i p ,;(0 S(m)

MHE5100W 10 33S 33li ~7a 370 65 b/2+340 b/2+335 204 390 38-{, b-80 <1>130 158+t2 1,000 410 4.3
- - -r - - -
MHE5150 15 335 335 500, 500 75 b/2+340 b/2+340 644 830 38-{, b-80 <1>130 158+{, 1,200 520 4.3

MHE5200 :;::0 335 335 590 590 1S b/2+340 b/2+340 644 830 38-{, b-80
- <1>130 158+{' 1,290 610 4.3

MHE5300 30 445 445 578' 576 !l5 b/2+470 b/2+470 872 1,110 64-{, b-116 <1> 166 241+{' 1,450 620 4.3

The design, materials and specltlcations are subject to

change tor improvements without noties.

The specially developed high performance capacitor-start induction

motors of Model MHC-5 single-phase hoist are extremely long wearing
and wil! enable reliable handing of heavy loads on household power
When used together with a Nitchi trolley, it wil! be possibIe to use Model
MHC-5 on a large variety of applications for the efficient and safe
transportation of loads.

MHC·5 0.5-1 ton

Diagrammatic only

STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS : MHC-5 Electric Chain Hoist (Single-voltage)

Hoisting Speed(m/min) Hoist Motor 1-phase Laad Chain Minimum NetWeight
Aated Laad Lift Test
Headroom I li1
Item No. Output Rating % Dia Nos.of Laad Grad e
bOHz BOHz (Max.) (approx.)
(1wI1 (tnJ (KWI (minl ~O (rrol) ~alf9 (ton) G(mm) (""kg)

MC5005 0.5 SA 6.4 I 0.625 5fiO sa M5

4'.0 0.62 l5 25 7.1
MC5010 l 2.7 3.2. 1 1.25 ~60 ~ Mot

Major Dimensions (approx.) (mm)

Aated Laad
Item No.
13 D Ir F Iif.p ~Q S(m)
~ an )

MC5005 [)~ 30.5 ~ 162 106 ,20 220

690 ;3.6
MC5010 1 ~O5 285 152 10G 2S 22!Cl

N.B . Th e d imensions P and Q marked "a bove vary acco rdi n g 10 different lifls . The design , malerials and sp ecificatio ns' a(9 subj ect 10
change fo r improvem ent s without nolice.

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