Lean Manufacturing For Students

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Lean Manufacturing

Objective: we introduce the fundamentals of Lean Manufacturing. Concepts of waste

elimination are discussed. Components for Lean including: Waste identification and
elimination (value stream analysis), set-up reduction, part families, cell formation, cell
design, batches of one and pull systems are also discussed.
“Perfection is not attainable. But if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.”
Vince Lombardi

Introduction to Lean Manufacturing

Lean manufacturing or lean production are reasonably new terms that can be traced
to Jim Womack, Daniel Jones and Daniel Roos’ book, The Machine that changed the
world [1991]. In the book, the authors examined the manufacturing activities
exemplified by the Toyota Production System. Lean manufacturing is the systematic
elimination of waste. As the name implies, lean is focused at cutting “fat” from
production activities. It has also been successfully applied to administrative and
engineering activities as well. Although lean manufacturing is a relatively new term,
many of the tools used in lean can be traced back to Fredrick Taylor and the
Gilbreaths at the turn of the 20th century.
What Lean has done is to package some well-respected industrial/manufacturing
engineering practices into a system that can work in virtually any environment.

The 3 M’s of Lean

Lean manufacturing is a Japanese method focused on 3M’s. These Ms are: muda,
the Japanese word for waste, mura, the Japanese word for inconsistency, and muri,
the Japanese word for unreasonableness.
specifically focuses on activities to be eliminated. Within manufacturing, there are
categories of waste. Waste is broadly defined as anything that adds cost to the
product without adding value to it. Generally, muda (or waste) can be grouped into
the following categories:
1.Excess production and early production
3.Movement and transport
4.Poor process design
6.Inefficient performance of a process
7.Making defective items
These wastes are illustrated in the follow Figure

part ends up in the wrong place, and the part is damaged in transit and requires
rework or scrap. Two of the three outcomes are no desirable, which further leads to
minimizing handling. Because material handling occurs between all operations, when
possible, the handling should be integrated into the process, and the transport
distances minimized.

A poorly designed process results in overuse of manufacturing resources (men and

machines). There are no perfect processes in manufacturing. Generally, process
improvements are made regularly with new efficiencies embedded within the
process. Continuous process improvement is a critical part of Lean Manufacturing.

Excess inventory reduces profitability. Today, it is not uncommon for a manufacturer

to store a supplier’s product at the production site. The supplier, right up until the
time that they are drawn from inventory, owns the materials. In many ways this is
advantageous to both the user and supplier. The supplier warehouses his material
offsite, and the user does need to commit capital to a large “safety stock” of material.

Insufficient (or poor) process performance always results in the over utilization of
manufacturing resources and a more costly product. There is no optimal process in
that improvements can always be made; however, many processes operate far
below the desired efficiency. Continuous process improvement is necessary for a
manufacturing firm to remain competitive. Excess movement or unnecessary part
handling should be the first targets of waste elimination.

Poor quality (making defects) is never desirable. Labor and material waste results
from producing any defect. Furthermore, the cost of mitigating por quality (rework)
can often exceed the price of the product. A critical balance between processing
speed and quality exists. A process should be run as fast as possible without
sacrificing acceptable quality.

From the above discussion, it should be obvious that waste is a constant enemy of
manufacturing. Waste elimination should be an on-going process that focuses on
improving a process regularly. Regular reviews and worker input should be
conducted as often as allowable.

The second “M” is for mura, or inconsistency.

Inconsistency is a problem that increases the variability of manufacturing. Mura is
evidenced in all manufacturing activities ranging from processing to material handling
to engineering to management. The follow Figures illustrate some characterization of
The thrid “M” is for muri, or unreasonableness.
Muri applies to a variety of manufacturing and management activities. For instance,
the follow Figure shows an example of being unreasonable by blaming someone for
problems rather than looking at resolution of problems. It is unreasonable to blame
rather than mitigate issues. This is true for all manufacturing activities -- do what is
reasonable. Don’t be emotional.

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