microSRPG Rules v1.11 PDF
microSRPG Rules v1.11 PDF
microSRPG Rules v1.11 PDF
2 Magic Items
Magic items can be found when exploring caves [Rule
Rules v1.11 7.3] or may be bought spending 5 [Rule 7.4.2] to buy
a single magic item. Each single magic item is limited to
Micro Solo RPG is a solitaire game where you are an 5 maximum. To keep an overview while playing use the
adventurer, a Hero, in the land of Mjhrghor wandering Player Aid at the end of the rules.
Magic Items have:
from the majestic Red Mountain toward the ● a primary effect, described by the text, which
is automatically performed
King's castle . Scope of the game is to reach the ● a secondary effect, described by the text
castle alive, bringing with yourself the highest amount between [], which is activated when the Hero
rolls 2 dice with same result.
of Victory Points (VPs) . On the path you will explore
● a cost in indicated between ()
caves, searching for Magic Items and hopefully
avoiding Orcs and Trolls which, if met, you will have to
defeat in combat.
2.0 CARDS Magic Sword: -1 Attack DRM on all three dice for
Note: the abbreviation DRM means “Dice Roll the first combat roll [gain 1 item] (3 ).
Modifier”, DRM -1 means “reduce the die result by 1”
Following may be used after the combat roll, you can
2.1 Map Cards wait to see the result of the combat roll and then you
There are a total of 3 cards (cards 7,8,9), double sided, can decide to use them:
representing the game map and showing:
Magic Armor: Reroll 1 Hero die [gain 1 item] (2
red and blue caves ).
various types of locations Magic Shield: Ignore 1 hit, [reroll 3rd die if it was
roads a miss] (3 ).
When reached, some caves / locations provide
HPs, Food and VPs. can be used by spending the required amount of
VPS and allows you to re-roll one unused die (primary
action); furthermore if you have any two dice showing
2.2 Hero Cards
the same result, you gain 1 item (any)
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[Rule 7.2]. strongest: Goblin, Orc, Troll, Giant.
Abilities values are between 0 and 2 and are tracked Each monster card shows:
with a cube on the Matrix, Example: below you have
IQ=1, DX=1 (on the left) and AR=0, ST=2 (on the right) 4.1 Activation Numbers
3.0 Explore Cards In combat monsters roll 3 green dice, after the roll you
sort the dice from higher to lower result and compare
one by one with the green dice figures printed on the
card, on a result less or equal to the printed value the
Hero suffers 1 hit.
Examples the Giant rolls are
5,4,3 -> no hits
4,3,1 -> 1 hit
3,2,1 -> 3 hits
Card 3 front shows the explore table for the red caves
, while the back side shows the one for the blue The Monsters start combats with a number of HPs
based on the current monster Level (1,2,3 or 4). For
caves . For the the magic items see Rule 2.2.2, the example the Goblin with a monster level of 2, starts
numbers on the green squares are the . each combat with 4 HPs.
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Some caves / locations provide HPs, Food and , see
symbols printed on the cards.
Place the map cards with the front side up as shown
below Example: you reach and you gain : 2 HPs,
2 food and 8 VPs.
Path example
Select a Hero (see player aid at the end of the rules).
Set abilities (ST,DX,AR,IQ) based on Hero, you may
set one ability of your choice to 1 and the remaining
abilities are set to zero.
HP, food and magic items. Set = 5, = 2 and Now flip all cards and restart from card
place the other 4 cubes near the card ready to be used.
At the start of the game you must choose one 7.2 IMPROVE 1 HERO ABILITY
Character to play the adventure: This action is optional. You may try to improve an ability
Knight Elf Warrior
● Roll a d6, if d6 - IQ < 3 you may increment any
ability by one.
○ Spend 3 VPs to increment from 0 to 1
Each character has certain abilities which are printed
on the Characters Card and on the player Aid at the
○ Spend 4 VPs to increment from 1 to 2
end of the rules.
This action may be performed only once per cave /
Move Hero
Improve Hero Abilities 7.3 BUY MAGIC ITEMS
Buy Magic Item(s) This action is optional. You may spend 5 to buy an
Rest or Explore Cave item (possible only once on each cave / location).
Monster Encounter Check - Combat
7.1 MOVE HERO Can be performed on caves only, not in locations.
Spend 1 to move to the next Cave/Location. If you
You must either Rest or Explore.
reach you have won, keep track of the collected If you do not rest, you may not move to another cave
without having made at least one search.
to see if you can make it better!
7.4.1 REST
You may not move backwards.
Gain 10
Increase the Monster Level when you reach a new or
Spend 15 to gain 1
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You may Rest only once / card. You may not rest on the result on each Monster`s card on the part showing
card #9! “Lay Down” the meeple to remember you have “ACTIVATION”.
already rested on a card.
When on a cave players explore it by performing Example on a roll of 9 or higher the Giant is activated.
searches. A minimum of one and maximum of three
searches can be made on each cave. Searches allow Only 1 monster appears in each cave.
you to collect , and magic items. After every
search a monster encounter check [Rule 7.5] has to be 7.6 COMBAT
performed. The appearance of a monster does not A combat is composed of multiple rounds. On each
influence the number of searches players may perform. round you simultaneously roll 3 yellow dice for the Hero
First Search - use 3 yellow and 3 green dice, check and 3 green dice for the monster and apply results as
results on the search table and choose 2 items (magic indicated below. Depending if you decide to evade,
wear armor, take a weapon and use Magic Items more
items and / or ).
rolls could be required.
Second and third Search - use 2 yellow and 2 green
dice, check results on the search table and choose 2
items (magic items and / or ). Check the results against its Fire Power, for each result
Example: you are on a blue Cave and roll less or equal to the FP the Hero gets hit once, in
addition, if 2 or 3 dice show same value bad things
and , then you check happens to the Hero.
the result on the blue cave explore card. The items/VPs
on the intersecting rows and columns are those you 7.6.2 HERO
may find in the cave For each result equal or less then the Monster`s To Hit
value (yellow die figure) the monster suffers 1 hit.
The Hero may also make use of Magic Items, may try
to Evade a hit after a combat round, or to Take
Weapon and/or Wear Armor before combat starts as
explained below.
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Make use of Magic Items
1) by https://craftpix.net/
Licence: https://craftpix.net/file-licenses/
3) Blue Cave
By Dmitry Abramov
Released under CC0 Creative
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