Operational Amplifier 741 As Mono Stable Multi Vibrator 1

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Operational Amplifier as mono stable multi vibrator

Aim :- To construct a monostable multivibrator using operational amplifier 741 and to

determine the duration of the output pulse generated and to compare it with that of
theoretical value.

Apparatus :- Operational amplifier ( IC 741 ), C.R.O., two power supplies to the operational
amplifier, four non inductive fixed resistors (R1, R2, R4 and R5), one non-inductive variable
resistor(R3), two capacitors(C1 andC2), three diodes (D1, D2 and D3) and connecting

Formula :- Duration of the output pulse generated or time duration of quasi-stable state

‫܀‬૚ ൅‫܀‬૛
T = 2.303 x R3C1 log10 ( ሻ Sec

Where R1 and R2 = Fixed non-inductive resistances (Ω)

R3 = Variable non-inductive resistance (Ω)
C1 = Capacitance (μF)
and if R1 = R2

Then T = 0.693 R3 C1

P.S. Brahma Chary
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Description :- The above figure is the circuit of the monostable multi vibrator. A capacitor C1 is
connected to the inverting terminal (2) of the operational amplifier from the ground and a diode
D1 is connected in parallel to C1 such that n of diode D1 is grounded. Similarly a series
combination of a capacitor C2 another diode D2 is connected to the non-inverting terminal (3) of
the operational amplifier as shown in the figure. The junction of C2 and D2 is grounded through a
resistor R4. The in put external triggering pulse is given to the capacitor C2. The output terminal
(6) of the amplifier is fed back to inverting and non-inverting terminals of operational amplifier
through resistors R3 and R1 respectively. Here R1 is fixed resistor and R3 is variable resistor. For
the fast recovery of the multivibrator, from the quasi-stable state, a series combination of a diode
D3 and a resistor R5 is connected parallel to the resistor R3. The non- inverting terminal (3) is
also grounded through another resistor R1 so as the combination of R2 and R1 acts as a potential
divider for the feed back. The terminals (7) and (4) of the op. amp. are connected to +15 V and
-15 V of the D.C. power supplies separately. To observe the out put wave form, the out put
terminal (6) is connected to CRO Y- Plates phase terminal and the other terminal of CRO is
grounded. Also observe that (R5 < R3) and (R4 >R1).

Theory :- Multivibrators are a group of regenerative circuits that are used extensively in timing
applications. They are wave shaping circuits which give symmetric or asymmetric square out
put. They have two states either stable or quasi-stable depending on the type of the multivibrator.
There are three types of multivibrator. 1) Astable (free-running) 2) Monostable (one
shot) and 3) Bistable (flip-flop).

All the three circuits operate by using positive feedback to drive the op-amp into
saturation, therefore it is not the case that the two inputs of the op-amp can be assumed to be at
the same potential.
Astable Multivibrator: It is a free running oscillator having two quasi-stable states. Thus there is
oscillations between these two states and no external signals are required to produce the change
in state. In this the two states are stable only for a limited time and the circuit switches between
them with the output alternating between positive and negative saturation values.

Monostable Multivibrator: A monostable multivibrator (MMV) has one stable state and one
quasi-stable state. The circuit remains in its stable state till an external triggering pulse causes a

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transition to the quasi-stable state. The circuit comes back to its stable state after a time period T.
Thus it generates a single output pulse in response to an input pulse and is referred to as a one-
shot or single shot. An external trigger signal generated due to charging and discharging of the
capacitor produces the transition to the original stable state. So, mono stable multi vibrator is one
which generates a single pulse of specified duration in response to each external trigger signal.

Bistable Multivibrator: It maintains a given out put voltage level unless an external trigger
signal is applied. Application of an external trigger signal causes a change of state, and this out
put level is maintained indefinitely until a second trigger is applied. Thus it requires two external
triggers before it returns to its initial state. So, it has two stable states.

Monostable multivibrator circuit illustrated in figure is obtained by modifying the astable

multivibrator circuit by connecting a diode D1 across capacitor C1 so as to clamp Vc at Vd during
positive excursion. The main component of this circuit is the 741, a general-purpose operational
amplifier. This is a timing circuit that changes state once triggered, but returns to its original state
after a certain time delay. It got its name from the fact that only one of its output states is stable.

Under steady-state condition, this circuit will remain in its stable state with the output Vout = +
Vout and the capacitor C1, is clamped at the voltage VD (on-voltage of diode, D1, i.e. VD = 0.7 V).
The voltage VD must be less than (β Vout ) for Vin < 0. The circuit can be switched to the other
state by applying a negative pulse with amplitude greater than (β Vout – VD) to the non-inverting
(+) input terminal.

When a trigger pulse with amplitude greater than (β Vout – VD) is applied, Vin goes positive
causing a transition in the state of the circuit to -Vout. The capacitor C1 now charges
exponentially with a time constant τ = R3C1 toward - V out (diode Dl being reverse-biased). When
capacitor voltage Vc becomes more negative than (– β V out), Vin becomes negative and,
therefore, output swings back to + Vout (steady- state output). The capacitor now charges towards
+ V out till Vc attain VD and capacitor C1 becomes clamped at VD.

The width of the trigger pulse Tp is much smaller than the duration of the output pulse T
generated i.e. TP << T. For reliable operation the circuit should not be triggered again before T.

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During the quasi-stable state, the capacitor voltage is given as

Vc = – V out + (V out + VD) e-t/τ

At instant t=T and Vc = – β V out

૛ ‫܀‬
Where β = ሺ ‫ ܀‬൅‫܀‬ ሻ = Feed back factor
૚ ૛

So - β Vout = - V out + (Vout + VD) e-T/τ

Where Time constant τ = R3C1

or Vout (1-β) = Vout (1 + ሻ e-T/τ

In general VD << Vout

So (1-β) = e-T/τ

୘ ଵ

= loge ሺଵି ஒሻ

T = R3C1 loge ሺଵି ஒሻ
∵ τ = R3C1

T = R3C1 loge ( ሻ

and if R1 = R2

Then β=ଶ

Or T = R3C1 loge 2 = R3C1 x 2.303 x log10 2

T = 0.693 R3 C1

Procedure :- Connect the circuit as shown in the figure. Take the R1 = R2 = 1KΩ, C1= C2 =
0.1µF and R3 = 10KΩ (variable resistance) or any convenient values. Apply the DC power
supplies to the terminals (7) and (4) of the operational amplifier. Keep the R3 value at a
convenient value. Set the voltage sensitivity band switch of the Y- plate and time base band
switch of C.R.O. to the convenient positions such that at least two or more complete square wave
forms are observed on the screen of CRO. The length of –ve value or –Vout is the duration of the
quasi-stable state. Now measure the horizontal length (l) of the quasi-stable state. Also note the

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time base value (m) of the X-plates of the CRO in the table. From this calculate the time duration
of the quasi- stable state. This is the experimental value. Similarly the theoretical value can also
be calculated by substituting the values of R3, R1, R2 and C1 in the above given equation.
Now the experiment is repeated for different values of R3 by increasing its value in equal
steps ( Multiples of 100 Ω ).

Precautions :- 1. Check the continuity of the connecting terminals before connecting them.
2. Keep the band switches of the C.R.O. such that steady wave form is observed on the screen.
3. Observe the out put square wave on the screen of CRO and measure the horizontal length

Results :- It is found that the observed duration and calculated duration are equal.

R1 = Ω R2 = Ω
Theoritical time duration Experimental time duration
C1 R3 ‫܀‬૚ ൅‫܀‬૛ Horizontal Time base Time
S.No. T = R3C1 loge ( ሻ
(µF) (Ω) ‫܀‬૚ length (l) (m) T = (l x m)
(Sec) (Div) Sec/div (Sec)

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P.S. Brahma Chary

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