LPP Problems
LPP Problems
LPP Problems
Assignment-1 Formulation of LPP and Solution of LPP by Graphical Method
Step 1→Identify the Decision Variables of interest to the decision maker and express
them as x1, x2, x3………
Step 2→Ascertain the Objective of the decision maker whether he wants to minimize or
to maximize (Formulate the Objective Function).
Step 3→Ascertain the cost (in case of minimization problem) or the profit (in case of
maximization problem) per unit of each of the decision variables.
Step 4→Ascertain the constraints representing the maximum availability or minimum
commitment or equality and represent them as less than or equal to (≤) type inequality
or greater than or equal to (≥) type inequality or 'equal to' (=) type equality respectively
1. A firm is engaged in producing two products P1 and P2. Each unit of product P1 requires 2
kg of raw-materials and 4 labour hours for processing, where as each unit of product P2
requires 5 kg of raw material and 3 Labour hours of the same type. Every week the firm has
availability of 50 kg of raw-material and 60 Labour hours. One unit of the product P1 sold and
earn profit Rs 20 and one unit of product P2 sold gives Rs 30 as profit.
Formulate this problem as linear programming problem to determine as to how many units of
each of the product should be produced per week so that the firm can earn maximum profit,
assume all unit produced can be sold in the market.
2. A firm makes two types of furniture: chairs and tables. The contribution for each product
as calculated by the accounting department is Rs 20 per chair and Rs 30 per table. Both
products are processes on three machines M1, M2, M3. The time required by each product and
total time available per week on each machine are as follows:
Machine Chairs Table Available Hours
M1 3 3 36
M2 5 2 50
M3 2 6 60
How should the manufacture schedule his production in order to maximise contribution?
3. The ABC manufacturing company can make two products P1 and P2. Each of the products
requires time on a cutting machine and a finishing machine. Relevant data are:
P1 P2
Cutting Hours (per unit) 2 1
Finishing Hours (per unit) 3 3
Profit (Rs per unit) 6 4
Maximum Sales (unit per 200
The number of cutting hours available per week is 390 and the number of finishing hours
available per week is 810. How much should be produced of each product in order to achieve
maximum profit for the company?
5. The ABC manufacturing company can makes two kinds of leather belts. Belt A is a high
quality belt, and belt B is of lower quality. The respective profits are Rs 0.4 and Rs 0.30 per
belt. Each belt of types A requires twice as much time as a belt of type B, and if all belts were
of type B, the company could make 1,000 per day. The supply of leather is sufficient for only
800 belts per day (both A and B combined). Belt A requires a fancy buckle, and only 400 per
day are available for belt A. There are only 700 buckles a day available for belt B. What
should be the daily production of each type of belt?
Formulate the linear programming problem.
7. A certain paint requires two ingredients A and B. The paint manufacturer has to produce
100 kgs of a particular paint using the ingredients A and B. Ingredient ‘A’ costs Rs 300 per
kg and B costs Rs 500 kg. As per the blending requirements, not more than 40 kgs of
ingredient A and atleast 30 kgs of ingredients B must be used. Formulate this as a LPP so as
to minimize the cost of paint blended.
8. Vitamins A and B are found in two different foods F1 and F2. One unit of Food F1 contains
2 units of vitamin A and 5 units of vitamin B. One unit of Food F2 contains 4 units of vitamin
A and 2 units of vitamin B. One unit of food F1 and F2 cost Rs 10 and 12.5 respectively. The
minimum daily requirement for a person of vitamin A and B is 40 and 50 units respectively.
Assuming that anything in excess of daily minimum requirement of vitamin A and B is not
harmful. Find out the optimal minimum of food F1 and F2 at the minimum cost which meets
the daily minimum requirement of vitamin A and B. Formulate this a linear programming
9. Vitamins V and W are found in two different foods F1 and F2. One unit of food F1contains
2 units of vitamin V and 3 units of vitamin W. One unit of food F2 contains 4 units of vitamin
V and 2 units of vitamin W. One unit of food F1 and F2 cost Rs 5 and Rs 2.5 respectively. The
minimum daily requirements (for a person) of vitamin V and W is 40 and 50 units
respectively. Assuming that anything in excess of daily minimum requirement of vitamin V
and W is not harmful, find out the optimal mixture of food F1 and F2 at the minimum cost
which meets the daily minimum requirement of vitamins V and W. Formulate this as a linear
programming problem.
13. PQR Coffee company mixes South Indian, Assamese and Imported coffee to make two
brands of coffee, Plains X and Plains XX. The Characteristics used in blending the coffees
include strength, acidity and caffeine. The test results of the available supplies of south
Indian, Assamese and Imported coffees are shown in the following table:
Price per Strength Acidity Index Percent Supply
kg Index Caffeine Available
South Rs 45 6.0 4.0 2.0 40,000 kg
Assamesse Rs 40 8.0 3.0 2.5 20,000 kg
Imported Rs 35 5.0 3.5 1.5 15,000 kg
The requirements for plains X and Plains XX coffees are given in the following table:
Plains Price per Minimum Maximum Maximum Per Quantity
Coffee kg Strength Acidity cent Caffeine Demanded
X Rs 45 6.5 3.8 2.2 35,000 kg
XX Rs 55 6.0 3.5 2.0 25,000 kg
Assume that 35,000 kg of plains X and 25,000 kg of plains XX are to be sold. Formulate the
linear programming problem to maximize profits.
The agency has carefully analysed of three media and has compiled the following data:
16. Mr Krishnamurthy a retired Govt officer has recently received his retirement benefits viz
provident fund, gratuity etc. He is contemplating as to how much funds he should invest in
various investments open to him so as to how much funds he should invest in the investment
alternatives. He has made a subjective estimate of the risk involved on a five point scale. The
data on the return on investment, the number of years for which the funds will be blocked to
earn this return on investment and the subjective risk involved are as follows:
17. An engineering company planned to diversify its operations during the year 2005-2006.
The company allocated capital expenditure budget equal to Rs 5.15 crore in the year 2005
and Rs 6.50 crore in the year 2006. The company had to take five investment projects under
consideration. The estimated net returns at that present value and the expected cash
expenditures on each project in those two years are as follows:
Assume that the return from a particular the project would be in direct proportion to the
investment in it, so that for example, if in a project say A 20% (of 120 in 2005 and of 320 in
2006) was invested , then the resulting net return in it would be 20% (of 240). This
18. An Agriculturist has a farm with 125 acres. He produces Radish, Mutter and Potato.
Whatever he raises is fully sold in the market. He gets Rs 5 for Radish per kg, Rs 4 per for
mutter per kg. and Rs 5 for potato per kg. The average yield is 1500 kg of Radish per acre,
1800 kg of mutter per acre and 1,200 kg potato per acre. To produce each 100 kg of Radish
and Mutter and to produce each 80 kg of potato, a sum of Rs 12.50 has to be used for manure.
Labour required for each acre to raise the crop is 6 man days for Radish and Potato each and
5 man days for Mutter. A total of 500 man days of labour at a rate of Rs 40 per man day as
Formulate this as Linear programming model to maximize the Agriculturist’s total profit.
19. An electronic company is engaged in the production of two components C1 and C2 that
are used in ratio sets. Each unit of C1 costs the company Rs 5 in wages and Rs 5 in material,
while each of C2 costs the company Rs 25 in wages and Rs 15 in material. The company sells
both products on one-period credit terms, but the company’s labor and material expenses
must be paid in cash. The selling price of C1 is Rs 30 per unit and of C2 it is Rs 70 per unit.
Because of the company’s monopoly in these components, it is assumed that the company
has an initial balance of Rs 4,000 (cash+bank credit plus collections from the past credit
sales). Second the company has available in each period 2,000 hrs of machine time and 1,400
hrs of assembly time. The production of each C1 requires 3 hours of machine time and 2
hours of assembly time, whereas the production of each C2 requires 2 hours of machine time
and 3 hrs of assembly time. Formulate this problem as an LP model so as to maximize the
total profit to the company.