To Whom It May Concern
To Whom It May Concern
To Whom It May Concern
This is for your kind information that I have given a sum of rupees Nine thousand for supplying
20 nos. of labour @ Rs. 450/- per day/labour (from 28.02.2020 to 20.03.2020) to Mr. Surajit
Khanra of Arun Engineering works. This labour is required for cheeping of plaster surfaces
and handling of equipment at TSL Joda site.
With regards
Subhadeep Ghosh.
Date: 09.06.2020
This is for your kind information that I have given a sum of rupees Two thousand for supplying
4 nos. of labour @ Rs. 500/- per day/labour (from 08.06.2020 to 09.06.2020) to Mr. Debjyoti
Das of Local contractor working at site. This labour is required for cheeping of plaster surfaces
and handling of equipment at CESC Kamarhati site.
With regards
Subhadeep Ghosh.