Bhautik Sachib Quater by Pradip

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प्रदेश सरकार

भौतिक पुर्वाधार विकास मन्त्रालय

म.ले.प.फारम नं: ५०४
साबिकको फारम नं: १६८
प्रदेश नं-२, जनकपुरधाम
ठेक्का सम्बन्धी बिल

योजनाको नामः भौतिक पुर्वाधार विकास मन्त्रालायको सचिव आवास भवनमा आगन्तुक घर निर्माण कार्य बिलको क्रम सङ्ख्याः फाइनल बिल

योजना कार्यान्वयन हुने स्थानः ज चु का लि, जनकपुरधाम कार्य आदेश मितिः २०७६।०७।०७
ठेकदारको नामः ब्यास निर्माण सेवा, जनकपुर काम सम्पन्न गर्नु पर्ने मितिः २०७६।०८।३०
ठेक्का पट्टाको सङ्केतः म्याद थप/भेरिएसन मितिः
नापी किताब नं काम सम्पन्न भएको मितिः २०७६।०८।३०

कामको विवरण परिमाण सूची (BOQ) बमोजिमको भेरिएसन भएकोमा सो बमोजिमको हालसम्म अध्यावधिक काम भएको अघिल्लो बिलमा चढेको हाल भएको काम कै फियत
मुख्य र सहायक क्रियाकलाप
नापी किताबको पाना नं एकाइ परिमाण ठेक्कामा स्वीकृ त दर जम्मा रकम परिमाण स्वीकृ त दर जम्मा रकम परिमाण जम्मा रकम परिमाण जम्मा रकम परिमाण जम्मा रकम बाँकी परिमाण
१ 2 3.00 ४ 5.00 ६ ६ ८ ९ १० ११=५x१० १२ १३=५x१२ १४=१०-१२ १५=८-१० १६ १७

Clearing the site of all the unuseful materials

including removing all them from site after
1.00 Sqm 19.67 13.00 255.76 19.67 255.76 19.67 255.76 -
completing the works as per instruction of the
site engineer all complete.

Earthwork in Excavation: (Open

Excavation)Earthwork in excavation in
ordinary soil in foundation, trenches
2.00 Cum 4.40 650.00 2,857.14 4.40 2,857.14 4.40 2,857.14 -
including timbering and shoring & 30m Lead
and 1.5 m. lift all complete as per design,
drawing and specification.

Providing & laying brick soling all complete

3.00 Sqm 16.90 800.00 13,518.80 16.90 13,518.80 16.90 13,518.80 -
as per instruction of the site engineer.

PCC Works: Providing, laying, compacting

and curing plain cement concrete (1:2:4)
with cement, sand and well graded stone
4.00 Cum 1.18 15,000.00 17,655.23 1.18 17,655.23 1.18 17,655.23 -
aggregate finishing to approved level, lines
and dimensions all complete as per drawings,

Providing & laying first class good quality

local chimney made Brickwork in 1:4 C/S
mortar up to ground floor in perfect line level
5.00 finishe including wetting the bricks, racking Cum 7.84 16,000.00 125,427.32 7.81 124,937.74 7.81 124,937.74 0.03
the joints and curing the work for at least 7
days as per specification, drawings &
instructions of the site engineer all complete.

Plain cement Concrete (PCC) for RCC works

(1:2:4) for slab/lintels with approved quality
6.00 of cement and sand and crushed stone Cum 0.97 14,500.00 14,069.70 0.97 14,069.70 0.97 14,069.70 -
aggregate including mixing, laying, curing etc
all complete in approval of site engineer.

Reinforcement bars (Grade 415 or above)

work including straightening, cleaning,
cutting, bending, binding with 20 SWG
annealed wire & fixing in position as per
drawing, bar bending schedule for raft
7.00 kg 111.75 150.00 16,761.90 111.75 16,761.90 111.75 16,761.90 -
foundation column, beam, wall, stair, slab in
all R.C.C. works as per specification, drawing
& instruction of site engineer. Approved
brands: Himal Iron, Panchakanya or

Providing,Laying & Fixing, Centering and

shuttering with approved wood for all kinds
of R.C.C. work including all necessary
propping, scaffolding, staging, supporting,
8.00 dismantling and clearing from the site, Sqm 8.48 750.00 6,361.95 8.48 6,361.95 8.48 6,361.95 -
including shuttering of circular column up to
2 m dia etc. all complete as per design
drawings, specifications and instruction of the
site engineer .

Earth filling including supply of filling

9.00 Cum 8.27 800.00 6,619.60 8.27 6,619.60 8.27 6,619.60 -
materials within 10 m distance all complete.
कामको विवरण परिमाण सूची (BOQ) बमोजिमको भेरिएसन भएकोमा सो बमोजिमको हालसम्म अध्यावधिक काम भएको अघिल्लो बिलमा चढेको हाल भएको काम कै फियत
मुख्य र सहायक क्रियाकलाप
नापी किताबको पाना नं एकाइ परिमाण ठेक्कामा स्वीकृ त दर जम्मा रकम परिमाण स्वीकृ त दर जम्मा रकम परिमाण जम्मा रकम परिमाण जम्मा रकम परिमाण जम्मा रकम बाँकी परिमाण
१ 2 3.00 ४ 5.00 ६ ६ ८ ९ १० ११=५x१० १२ १३=५x१२ १४=१०-१२ १५=८-१० १६ १७

Providing, laying & curing 12.5 mm cement

sand (1:4) Plastering on walls to perfect
plumb, lines & level including raking the
10.00 mortar joints and wetting the masonry surface Sqm 92.28 350.00 32,298.84 92.28 32,298.84 92.28 32,298.84 -
all complete as per design drawings,
specifications and instruction of the site
engineer all complete:

Providing, laying and curing (1:1) cement

sand punning on floor of buildings on perfect
11.00 Sqm 12.54 150.00 1,881.00 12.54 1,881.00 12.54 1,881.00 -
line & level as per design, specification and
instruction of site engineer.

Supplying and Spreading 2 coats of apex

paint(weather coat) of approved colour with
12.00 Sqm 44.85 300.00 13,455.00 44.85 13,455.00 44.85 13,455.00 -
one coat of primer Painting over porperly
cleaned surface all complete

2 coats of ready made plastic emulsion paint

of approved colour over 1 coats of primer
13.00 Sqm 36.49 350.00 12,772.97 36.49 12,772.97 36.49 12,772.97 -
Painting over porperly cleaned surface all
26 (L) 0.35mm thick plane C.G.I. sheet
14.00 Sqm 21.38 1,600.00 34,205.60 23.80 38,077.60 23.80 38,077.60 (2.42)
roofing work (55kg/bandal)

15.00 Rafter and purlin @48.3 out side diameter. kg 160.54 180.00 28,896.61 160.54 28,896.61 160.54 28,896.61 -
False ceiling by Gypsum ,Gypsum Board :
16.00 Sqm 12.73 1,200.00 15,276.00 12.73 15,276.00 12.73 15,276.00 -
Alluminium fixed panel window With
ventilation but without fly mesh shutter from
17.00 Sqm 3.26 7,200.00 23,456.16 3.26 23,456.16 3.26 23,456.16 -
section( 88mmx38.1mm x1.3mm , Glass
Aluminium swing door of section
- Sqm 1.76 7,200.00 12,672.00 1.76 12,672.00 1.76 12,672.00 -

- Electrical works - - - - - - -

Dome Light 6" Milky Type Heavy

1.00 Set 2.00 200.00 400.00 - - - - 2.00
42" fan Almonard /Bajaj or eqvt.etc all
2.00 Set 1.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 - - - - 1.00
B - - - - - - - - -
( Modular type)
Accessories: metal box ,screws
- - - - - - - - - -
,gripes,flexible wire etc all complete.
6/16 Amps 2/3 Pin Power sockets with switch
& indicator pin flush type Bentex, Premier
3.00 Set 2.00 350.00 700.00 2.00 700.00 2.00 700.00 -
Rathi, Ohms, Nova, Platia,ABB or eqivalent
etc all complete.
4.00 4 Gang one way Switch F Set 1.00 650.00 650.00 1.00 650.00 1.00 650.00 -
Junction box made of metal with cover size
5.00 Set 1.00 360.00 360.00 - - - - 1.00
6"X4" etc. all complete.
C - - - - - - - - -

Accessories ;screws, gripes, nut bolt,cu bus

bar,earth bus bar, neutral bus bar,fuse,
- - - - - - - - - -
porcelin base ,cu. Strip for connection, cable
shoe ,phase bar,pvc tape etc all complete.

6.00 63 Amp DP MCB No 1.00 900.00 900.00 - - - - 1.00

D - - - - - - - - -
(concealed wiring )

Accessories:HDPE polythene pipe,screws,pvc

- - - - - - - - - -
tape, grips, circular box etc all complete.

2x2.50 sq mm multi strand flexible cu .wire

7.00 for light & fan point in 20mm HDPE Point 2.00 600.00 1,200.00 3.00 1,800.00 3.00 1,800.00 (1.00)
polythene pipe etc all complete.
2x4.0+1x1.50 multi strand flexible cu
8.00 wire for power point in 25mm HDPE Point 1.00 200.00 200.00 2.00 400.00 2.00 400.00 (1.00)
polythene pipe etc all complete.
SUM 388,351.57 385,373.98 385,373.98
Vat @13% 50,485.70 50,098.62 50,098.62
Grand Total 438,837.27 435,472.60 435,472.60
कामको विवरण परिमाण सूची (BOQ) बमोजिमको भेरिएसन भएकोमा सो बमोजिमको हालसम्म अध्यावधिक काम भएको अघिल्लो बिलमा चढेको हाल भएको काम कै फियत
मुख्य र सहायक क्रियाकलाप
नापी किताबको पाना नं एकाइ परिमाण ठेक्कामा स्वीकृ त दर जम्मा रकम परिमाण स्वीकृ त दर जम्मा रकम परिमाण जम्मा रकम परिमाण जम्मा रकम परिमाण जम्मा रकम बाँकी परिमाण
१ 2 3.00 ४ 5.00 ६ ६ ८ ९ १० ११=५x१० १२ १३=५x१२ १४=१०-१२ १५=८-१० १६ १७

यो बिलबमोजिम काम भएको जम्मा रूः 435,472.60 हाल काम भएको बाँकी दिनुपर्ने रूः 435,472.60 यस बिल बमोजिम गरिएको भुक्तानी
अघिल्लो बिलसम्म भुक्तानी भएको रूः कट्टा गर्नु पर्ने रू भौचर नं:
अघिल्लो भुक्तानी बिलको क्रम सङ्ख्याः क. मोबिलाइजेसन पेस्की रूः भुक्तानी मिति:
अघिल्लो भुक्तानी बिलको भौ.नं. ख. मालसामानको पेस्की रूः भुक्तानी रकम रू
ग. मेसिनरी औजारको बहाल रूः
घ. अग्रीम आय कर रकम रूः
ङ. धरौटी रकम रूः
च. अन्य कट्टी गर्ने पर्ने रकम रूः
खुद दिनु पर्ने रकम रूः

निर्माण व्यवसायीको सही: तयार गर्नेको सहीः जाँच गर्नेको सहीः स्वीकृ त गर्नेको सहीः
नाम: नाम नाम नाम
पदः दर्जाः दर्जाः दर्जाः
मितिः मितिः मितिः मितिः

यो बिलबमोजिम जम्मा रू .....................अक्षरमा .................................................................................... को चेक नं: ........................बुझिलिए ।

Government of Province

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development

Province No.2,Janakpurdham
Measurement Sheet
Budget Head :
Name of Office : ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ .
SN Description of work No. Length Breath Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
1 Clearing the site of all the unuseful materials including removing all1 them from site after4.24
4.64 completing the works as per instruction
19.674 Sq.m of the site engineer all complete.
18.91 372.03
Earthwork in Excavation: (Open Excavation)Earthwork in
2 excavation in ordinary soil in foundation, trenches including
timbering and shoring & 30m Lead and 1.5 m. lift all complete as
per design, drawing and specification.
Long wall 2 4.64 0.6 0.6 3.341
Short wall 1 2.93 0.6 0.6 1.055
Total 4.396 Cu.m 592.83 2,605.84
Providing & laying brick soling all complete as per instruction of
3 the site engineer.
Long wall 2 4.34 0.35 3.038
Short wall 1 3.23 0.35 1.1305
In side room 1 3.8 3.35 12.73
Total 16.8985 Sq.m 843.19 14,248.65
PCC Works: Providing, laying, compacting and curing plain cement
concrete (1:2:4) with cement, sand and well graded stone
aggregate finishing to approved level, lines and dimensions all
complete as per drawings, specification.
Long wall 2 4.22 0.35 0.07 0.207
Short wall 1 3.23 0.35 0.07 0.079
In side room 1 3.8 3.35 0.07 0.891
Total 1.177 Cu.m 13,712.69 16,140.04
Providing & laying first class good quality local chimney made
Brickwork in 1:4 C/S mortar up to ground floor in perfect line level
5 finishe including wetting the bricks, racking the joints and curing
the work for at least 7 days as per specification, drawings &
instructions of the site engineer all complete.

Sub structure
Long wall 2 4.2 0.35 0.25 0.735
Short wall 1 3.3 0.35 0.25 0.289
Super Structure
Long wall 2 4.2 0.23 2.47 4.772
Short wall 1 3.35 0.23 2.47 1.903
Short wall 1 3.35 0.115 1.47 0.566
Triangle wall 4 1.9 0.23 0.37 0.647
Brick pillar 1 0.26 0.13 1.5 0.051
Window -1 1.49 0.23 1.22 -0.418
Window -1 1.2 0.23 1.2 -0.331
Door -1 0.88 0.23 2 -0.405
Total 7.809 Cu.m 14,368.23 112,195.88
Plain cement Concrete (PCC) for RCC works (1:2:4) for slab/lintels
with approved quality of cement and sand and crushed stone
6 aggregate including mixing, laying, curing etc all complete in
approval of site engineer.
plinth Beam
Long wall 2 4.105 0.23 0.23 0.434
Short wall 1 3.35 0.23 0.23 0.177
Lintel Beam
Long wall 1 4.22 0.23 0.2 0.194 0.15
Short wall 1 3.58 0.23 0.2 0.165 0.15
Total 0.970 Cu.m 15,941.62 15,468.54

Reinforcement bars (Grade 415 or above) work including

straightening, cleaning, cutting, bending, binding with 20 SWG
annealed wire & fixing in position as per drawing, bar bending
7 schedule for raft foundation column, beam, wall, stair, slab in all
R.C.C. works as per specification, drawing & instruction of site
engineer. Approved brands: Himal Iron, Panchakanya or

Plinth Beam @12mm steel bar

Long wall 8 4.52 @ 0.88 31.8208
short wall 4 4.1 @ 0.88 14.432
Lintel Beam @12mm steel bar
long wall 4 4.52 @ 0.88 15.9104
Short wall 4 4.1 @ 0.88 14.432
Stirrup @ 7mm steel bar for plinth beam 65 0.78 @ 0.3 15.21
Stirrup @ 7mm steel bar for Lintel beam 44 0.46 @ 0.3 6.072
Vertical bar for different corner 2 0.78 @ 0.88 1.3728
Vertical bar for four corner 4 3.35 @ 0.88 11.792
Vertical bar for different corner 2 0.4 @ 0.88 0.704
Total 111.746 Kg 136.30 15,230.98
Government of Province

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development

Province No.2,Janakpurdham
Measurement Sheet
Budget Head :
Name of Office : ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ .
SN Description of work No. Length Breath Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Providing,Laying & Fixing, Centering and shuttering with approved
wood for all kinds of R.C.C. work including all necessary propping,
8 scaffolding, staging, supporting, dismantling and clearing from the
site, including shuttering of circular column up to 2 m dia etc. all
complete as per design drawings, specifications and instruction of
the site engineer .

Plinth Beam
Long wall 4 4.105 0.23 3.777
Short wall 2 3.35 0.23 1.541
Lintel Beam 2 8.02 0.15 2.406
Door and windows 1 3.3 0.23 0.759
Total 8.483 Sq.m 753.90 6,395.03
Earth filling including supply of filling materials within 10 m
9 distance all complete.
In side room 1 3.8 3.35 0.65 8.275 Cu.m 846.13 7,001.30 0.18
Providing, laying & curing 12.5 mm cement sand (1:4)
Plastering on walls to perfect plumb, lines & level including
10 raking the mortar joints and wetting the masonry surface all
complete as per design drawings, specifications and
instruction of the site engineer all complete:
Outer wall
long wall 2 4.22 2.82 23.801
Short wall 1 3.8 2.82 10.716
Short wall 1 3.8 1.82 6.916
Triangle wall 4 1.9 0.37 2.812
Brick pillar 2 1.33 0.13 0.346
Window 1 5.42 0.23 1.247
Window 1 4.8 0.23 1.104
Door 1 5.76 0.23 1.325
inner wall
Long wall 2 4.2 2.58 21.672
Short wall 2 3.3 2.58 17.028
Triangle wall 4 1.9 0.37 2.812
Deduction 0.000
Window -2 1.49 1.22 -3.636
Window -2 1.2 1.2 -2.880
Door -2 2 0.88 -3.520
floor of room 1 3.3 3.8 12.540
Total 92.282 Sq.m 414.91 38,288.89
Providing, laying and curing (1:1) cement sand punning on floor of
11 buildings on perfect line & level as per design, specification and
instruction of site engineer.
Floor of room 1 3.3 3.8 12.540 Sq.m 201.17 2,522.67
Supplying and Spreading 2 coats of apex paint(weather coat)
12 of approved colour with one coat of primer Painting over
porperly cleaned surface all complete
Outer wall
long wall 2 4.22 2.82 23.801
Short wall 1 3.8 2.82 10.716
Short wall 1 3.8 1.82 6.916
Triangle wall 4 1.9 0.37 2.812
Brick pillar 2 1.5 0.13 0.390
Window 1 5.42 0.23 1.247
Window 1 4.8 0.23 1.104
Door 1 4.88 0.23 1.122
Deduction 0.000
Window -1 1.49 1.22 -1.818
Window -1 1.2 1.2 -1.440
Door -1 2 0.88 -1.760
Total 44.850 Sq.m 272.36 12,215.35
2 coats of ready made plastic emulsion paint of approved
13 colour over 1 coats of primer Painting over porperly cleaned
surface all complete
inner wall
Long wall 2 4.2 2.58 21.672
Short wall 2 3.3 2.58 17.028
Triangle wall 4 1.9 0.37 2.812
Deduction 0.000
Window -1 1.49 1.22 -1.818
Window -1 1.2 1.2 -1.440
Door -1 2 0.88 -1.760
Government of Province

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development

Province No.2,Janakpurdham
Measurement Sheet
Budget Head :
Name of Office : ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ .
SN Description of work No. Length Breath Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Total 36.494 Sq.m 371.51 13,557.96
26 (L) 0.35mm thick plane C.G.I. sheet roofing work
14 (55kg/bandal)
Roof1 1 4.4 2.14 9.416
Roof2 1 4.35 2.75 11.963
Ridge Cover 1 0.55 4.4 2.420
Total 23.799 Sq.m 1,701.34 40,489.34
15 Rafter and purlin @48.3 out side diameter.
Rafter 3 2.14 @ 3.61 23.176
Rafter 3 2.65 @ 3.61 28.700
Purline 7 4.3 @ 3.61 108.661
Total 160.537 Kg 206.29 33,117.12
16 False ceiling by Gypsum ,Gypsum Board : 12mm 1 3.8 3.35 12.73 Sq.m 1,084.04 13,799.83
Alluminium fixed panel window With ventilation but without fly
17 mesh shutter from section( 88mmx38.1mm x1.3mm , Glass
Window 1 1.49 1.22 1.8178
Window 1 1.2 1.2 1.44
Total 3.2578 Sq.m 7,009.87 22,836.75
18 Aluminium swing door of section (101x45x1.1) 1 0.88 2 1.76 Sq.m 7,475.00 13,156.00 M.R.
Government of Province

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development

Province No.2,Janakpurdham
Detailed & Abstract of cost
Budget Head :
Name of Office : ef}ltsk"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ .
SN Description of work No. Length Breath Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Clearing the site of all the unuseful materials
1 including removing all them from site after 1 4.64 4.24 19.674 Sq.m 18.91 372.03
completing the works as per instruction of the site
engineer all complete.

Earthwork in Excavation: (Open Excavation)Earthwork

in excavation in ordinary soil in foundation, trenches
2 including timbering and shoring & 30m Lead and 1.5
m. lift all complete as per design, drawing and

Long wall 2 4.64 0.6 0.6 3.341

Short wall 1 2.93 0.6 0.6 1.055
Total 4.396 Cu.m 592.83 2,605.84
3 Providing & laying brick soling all complete as per
instruction of the site engineer.
Long wall 2 4.34 0.35 3.038
Short wall 1 3.23 0.35 1.1305
In side room 1 3.8 3.35 12.73
Total 16.8985 Sq.m 843.19 14,248.65
PCC Works: Providing, laying, compacting and curing
plain cement concrete (1:2:4) with cement, sand and
4 well graded stone aggregate finishing to approved
level, lines and dimensions all complete as per
drawings, specification.

Long wall 2 4.22 0.35 0.07 0.207

Short wall 1 3.23 0.35 0.07 0.079
In side room 1 3.8 3.35 0.07 0.891
Total 1.177 Cu.m 13,712.69 16,140.04

Providing & laying first class good quality local

chimney made Brickwork in 1:4 C/S mortar up to
5 ground floor in perfect line level finishe including
wetting the bricks, racking the joints and curing the
work for at least 7 days as per specification, drawings
& instructions of the site engineer all complete.

Sub structure
Long wall 2 4.22 0.35 0.25 0.739
Short wall 1 3.35 0.35 0.25 0.293
Super Structure
Long wall 2 4.22 0.23 2.47 4.795
Short wall 1 3.35 0.23 2.47 1.903
Short wall 1 3.35 0.115 1.47 0.566
Triangle wall 4 1.9 0.23 0.37 0.647
Brick pillar 1 0.26 0.13 1.5 0.051
Window -1 1.49 0.23 1.22 -0.418
Window -1 1.2 0.23 1.2 -0.331
Door -1 0.88 0.23 2 -0.405
Total 7.839 Cu.m 14,368.23 112,635.54

Plain cement Concrete (PCC) for RCC works (1:2:4) for

6 slab/lintels with approved quality of cement and sand
and crushed stone aggregate including mixing, laying,
curing etc all complete in approval of site engineer.

plinth Beam
Long wall 2 4.105 0.23 0.23 0.434
Short wall 1 3.35 0.23 0.23 0.177
Lintel Beam
Long wall 1 4.22 0.23 0.2 0.194
Short wall 1 3.58 0.23 0.2 0.165
Total 0.970 Cu.m 15,941.62 15,468.54

Reinforcement bars (Grade 415 or above) work

including straightening, cleaning, cutting, bending,
binding with 20 SWG annealed wire & fixing in
7 position as per drawing, bar bending schedule for raft
foundation column, beam, wall, stair, slab in all R.C.C.
works as per specification, drawing & instruction of
site engineer. Approved brands: Himal Iron,
Panchakanya or equivalent.

Plinth Beam @12mm steel bar

Long wall 8 4.52 @ 0.88 31.8208
short wall 4 4.1 @ 0.88 14.432
Lintel Beam @12mm steel bar
long wall 4 4.52 @ 0.88 15.9104
Short wall 4 4.1 @ 0.88 14.432
Stirrup @ 7mm steel bar for plinth beam 65 0.78 @ 0.3 15.21
Stirrup @ 7mm steel bar for Lintel beam 44 0.46 @ 0.3 6.072
Government of Province

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development

Province No.2,Janakpurdham
Detailed & Abstract of cost
Budget Head :
Name of Office : ef}ltsk"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ .
SN Description of work No. Length Breath Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Vertical bar for different corner 2 0.78 @ 0.88 1.3728
Vertical bar for four corner 4 3.35 @ 0.88 11.792
Vertical bar for different corner 2 0.4 @ 0.88 0.704
Total 111.746 Kg 136.30 15,230.98

Providing,Laying & Fixing, Centering and shuttering

with approved wood for all kinds of R.C.C. work
including all necessary propping, scaffolding, staging,
8 supporting, dismantling and clearing from the site,
including shuttering of circular column up to 2 m dia
etc. all complete as per design drawings, specifications
and instruction of the site engineer .

Plinth Beam
Long wall 4 4.105 0.23 3.777
Short wall 2 3.35 0.23 1.541
Lintel Beam 2 8.02 0.15 2.406
Door and windows 1 3.3 0.23 0.759
Total 8.483 Sq.m 753.90 6,395.03
Earth filling including supply of filling materials within
9 10 m distance all complete.
In side room 1 3.8 3.35 0.65 8.275 Cu.m 846.13 7,001.30
Providing, laying & curing 12.5 mm cement sand
(1:4) Plastering on walls to perfect plumb, lines &
10 level including raking the mortar joints and wetting
the masonry surface all complete as per design
drawings, specifications and instruction of the site
engineer all complete:
Outer wall
long wall 2 4.22 2.82 23.801
Short wall 1 3.8 2.82 10.716
Short wall 1 3.8 1.82 6.916
Triangle wall 4 1.9 0.37 2.812
Brick pillar 2 1.33 0.13 0.346
Window 1 5.42 0.23 1.247
Window 1 4.8 0.23 1.104
Door 1 5.76 0.23 1.325
inner wall
Long wall 2 4.2 2.58 21.672
Short wall 2 3.3 2.58 17.028
Triangle wall 4 1.9 0.37 2.812
Deduction 0.000
Window -2 1.49 1.22 -3.636
Window -2 1.2 1.2 -2.880
Door -2 2 0.88 -3.520
floor of room 1 3.3 3.8 12.540
Total 92.282 Sq.m 414.91 38,288.89
Providing, laying and curing (1:1) cement sand
punning on floor of buildings on perfect line & level
11 as per design, specification and instruction of site
Floor of room 1 3.3 3.8 12.540 Sq.m 201.17 2,522.67
Supplying and Spreading 2 coats of apex
12 paint(weather coat) of approved colour with one
coat of primer Painting over porperly cleaned
surface all complete
Outer wall
long wall 2 4.22 2.82 23.801
Short wall 1 3.8 2.82 10.716
Short wall 1 3.8 1.82 6.916
Triangle wall 4 1.9 0.37 2.812
Brick pillar 2 1.5 0.13 0.390
Window 1 5.42 0.23 1.247
Window 1 4.8 0.23 1.104
Door 1 4.88 0.23 1.122
Deduction 0.000
Window -1 1.49 1.22 -1.818
Window -1 1.2 1.2 -1.440
Door -1 2 0.88 -1.760
Total 44.850 Sq.m 272.36 12,215.35
2 coats of ready made plastic emulsion paint of
13 approved colour over 1 coats of primer Painting
over porperly cleaned surface all complete
inner wall
Long wall 2 4.2 2.58 21.672
Short wall 2 3.3 2.58 17.028
Government of Province

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development

Province No.2,Janakpurdham
Detailed & Abstract of cost
Budget Head :
Name of Office : ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ .
SN Description of work No. Length Breath Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Triangle wall 4 1.9 0.37 2.812
Deduction 0.000
Window -1 1.49 1.22 -1.818
Window -1 1.2 1.2 -1.440
Door -1 2 0.88 -1.760
Total 36.494 Sq.m 371.51 13,557.96
26 (L) 0.35mm thick plane C.G.I. sheet roofing
14 work (55kg/bandal)
Roof1 1 4.4 2.14 9.416
Roof2 1 4.35 2.75 11.963
Total 21.379 Sq.m 1,701.34 36,372.10
15 Rafter and purlin @48.3 out side diameter.
Rafter 3 2.14 @ 3.61 23.176
Rafter 3 2.65 @ 3.61 28.700
Purline 7 4.3 @ 3.61 108.661
Total 160.537 Kg 206.29 33,117.12
16 False ceiling by Gypsum ,Gypsum Board : 12mm 1 3.8 3.35 12.73 Sq.m 1,084.04 13,799.83
Alluminium fixed panel window With ventilation
17 but without fly mesh shutter from
section( 88mmx38.1mm x1.3mm , Glass 4.75-
5mm) Window 1 1.49 1.22 1.8178
Window 1 1.2 1.2 1.44
Total 3.2578 Sq.m 7,009.87 22,836.75
18 Aluminium swing door of section (101x45x1.1) 1 0.88 2 1.76 Sq.m 7,475.00 13,156.00 M.R.
Description of Work
S.N. Quantity Unit Rate Rs. Amount Remarks
Accessories:screws, gripes, pvc tape, choke,
starter, Tube, bulbs, holder, flexible wire,GI
pipe/ chain etc all complete.
1 Dome Light 6" Milky Type Heavy
2.00 Set 1103.31 2,206.62
2 42" fan Almonard /Bajaj or eqvt.etc all
1.00 Set 4909.35 4,909.35
Accessories: metal box ,screws ,gripes,flexible -
wire etc all complete.
3 6/16 Amps 2/3 Pin Power sockets with switch &
indicator pin flush type Bentex, Premier Rathi, 2.00 Set 299.00 598.00
Ohms, Nova, Platia,ABB or eqivalent etc all
4 4 Gang one way Switch F 1.00 Set 624.91 624.91
5 Junction box made of metal with cover size
6"X4" etc. all complete. 1.00 Set 353.62 353.62

Accessories ;screws, gripes, nut bolt,cu bus

bar,earth bus bar, neutral bus bar,fuse, porcelin
base ,cu. Strip for connection, cable shoe -
,phase bar,pvc tape etc all complete.

6 63 Amp DP MCB 1.00 no 1895.20 1,895.20

wiring )
Accessories:HDPE polythene pipe,screws,pvc -
tape, grips, circular box etc all complete.
7 2x2.50 sq mm multi strand flexible cu .wire for
light & fan point in 20mm HDPE polythene pipe 2.00 Point 851.75 1,703.50
etc all complete.
8 2x4.0+1x1.50 multi strand flexible cu
wire for power point in 25mm HDPE polythene 1.00 Point 1494.56 1,494.56
pipe etc all complete.
Total of Electrical Work 13,785.76

Checked By: Recommended By Approved By:

Description of Work
S.N. Quantity Unit Rate Rs.
Accessories:screws, gripes, pvc tape, choke, starter, Tube,
bulbs, holder, flexible wire,GI pipe/ chain etc all complete.

1 Dome Light 6" Milky Type Heavy Carrier(decorative) 0.00 Set 1103.31
2 42" fan Almonard /Bajaj or eqvt.etc all complete. 0.00 Set 4909.35
Accessories: metal box ,screws ,gripes,flexible wire etc all
3 6/16 Amps 2/3 Pin Power sockets with switch & indicator pin
flush type Bentex, Premier Rathi, Ohms, Nova, Platia,ABB or 2.00 Set 299.00
eqivalent etc all complete.
4 4 Gang one way Switch F 1.00 Set 624.91
5 Junction box made of metal with cover size 6"X4" etc. all
complete. 0.00 Set 353.62

Accessories ;screws, gripes, nut bolt,cu bus bar,earth bus bar,

neutral bus bar,fuse, porcelin base ,cu. Strip for connection,
cable shoe ,phase bar,pvc tape etc all complete.

6 63 Amp DP MCB 0.00 no 1895.20

D POINT WIRING / WIRES/CABLES (concealed wiring )
Accessories:HDPE polythene pipe,screws,pvc tape, grips,
circular box etc all complete.
7 2x2.50 sq mm multi strand flexible cu .wire for light & fan
point in 20mm HDPE polythene pipe etc all complete. 3.00 Point 851.75
2x4.0+1x1.50 multi strand flexible cu wire for power
point in 25mm HDPE polythene pipe etc all complete. 2.00 Point 1494.56

Total of Electrical Work

Amount Remarks







Summary of Cost/Page 13 of 39

Government of Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Province No.2,Janakpurdham
Budget Head:-
Name of Office : ef}lts
k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ .
Location :- Janakpurdham
SN Items/Description Amount Remarks
i) Civil works RS 375,964.61
II) Electrical works RS 13,785.76
B Sub-total Amount RS 389,750.37
C Contingencies & workcharge establishment @5% of B RS 19,487.51
D Total Estimate Amount (B+C) RS 409,237.88
E VAT @13 % of (D) RS 53,200.92
F Sum with VAT and Contingencies (D+E) RS 462,438.80
14 of 39


Dept Contract


Cutting of tree, branch & log etc. (12-30 cm. girth above 1.00
1.01 A1 (1-1A) Nos. 92.95 106.89
mtr. From G.L.) with lead upto 15 mtr.
Cutting of tree, branch & log etc. (31-60 cm. girth above 1.00
1.02 A1 (1-1B) Nos. 278.85 320.67
mtr. From G.L.) with lead upto 15 mtr.
Cutting of tree, branch & log etc. (61-120 cm. girth above 1.00
1.03 A1 (1-1C) Nos. 700.70 805.80
mtr. From G.L.) with lead upto 15 mtr.
Removing of tree root (12-30 cm. girth above 1.00 mtr. From
1.04 A2 (1-2A) Nos. 286.00 328.90
G.L.) with lead upto 15 mtr.
Removing of tree root (31-60 cm. girth above 1.00 mtr. From
1.05 A2 (1-2B) Nos. 378.95 435.79
G.L.) with lead upto 15 mtr.
Removing of tree root (61-120 cm. girth above 1.00 mtr. From
1.06 A2 (1-2C) Nos. 1,801.80 2,072.07
G.L.) with lead upto 15 mtr.
Cutting of grass, taking of root & brocken of uplecutting of
1.07 A3 Sqm. 16.44 18.91
raised soil & site leveling with all complete
Surface dressing work with cutting of raised soil & filling the
1.08 A4 sqm. 7.15 8.22


Earth work excavation in foundation in clay & silty soft soil lead
2.01 B1 (2-1) Cum. 515.51 592.83
upto 10 mtr. & lift 1.5 mtr.
Earth work excavation in foundation in clay & soft murram
2.02 B1 (2-2) Cum. 589.16 677.53
stone (30 cm.) hard soil lead upto 10 mtr. & lift 1.5 mtr.
Earth filling work in every 15-15 cm. layer with watering & lead
2.03 B2 (2-25A) Cum. 357.50 411.12
upto 1o.00 mtr. & proper manual compaction.
Earth filling (Earth transported from 5 Km. surronding) work in
2.04 B2 (2-25A) every 15-15 cm. layer with watering & proper manual Cum. 1,002.22 1,152.55
Earth filling work in every 15-15 cm. layer without watering &
2.05 B2 (2-25B) Cum. 178.75 205.56
proper manual compaction.
Earth filling (Earth transported from 5 Km. surronding) work in
2.06 B2 (2-25B) every 15-15 cm. layer without watering & proper manual Cum. 735.77 846.13
2.07 B3 (2-42A) Sand filling work with watering & proper manual compaction. Cum. 2,336.47 2,686.94
Gravel Sand mixed (agg-50% + sand 50%) filling work with
2.08 B3 (2-42B) Cum. 2,244.81 2,581.53
proper manual compaction.
2.09 B4 (2-34) Pumping of water from foundation or trench Hrs 203.25 203.25

2.11 B5 Compaction of filled earth by 8-10 M.T. roller in 20/20 cm layer Cum. 15.48 17.80
Compaction of filled earth by 1.00 M.T. Hand roller in 20/20 cm
2.12 B5 Cum. 5.16 5.93
Earth work excavation in foundation in SOFT SOIL(USED 0.80
2.13 B7 Cum. 46.74 53.75
Earth work excavation in foundation in HARD SOIL USED 0.80
2.14 B7 Cum. 56.17 64.59
Earth work excavation in foundation in HARD SOIL USED 0.80
2.15 B7 Cum. 56.17 64.59
Earth work excavation in foundation in SOFT SOILUsed
2.16 B7 Cum. 51.93 59.71
1.32Cum capecity hydrolic excavator
Earth work excavation in foundation in HARD SOIL Used
2.17 B7 Cum. 63.22 72.70
1.32Cum capecity Hydraulic excavator
C2(5-1-B1 & First class chimney brick masonry work in (1:3) cement sand
3.01 Cum. 13,031.75 14,986.51
5-2A) mortar in G. F.

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

15 of 39
C2(5-1-B1 & First class chimney brick masonry work in (1:3) cement sand
3.02 Cum. 13,399.98 15,409.97
5-2B) mortar in F. F.
C2(5-1-B1 & First class chimney brick masonry work in (1:3) cement sand
3.03 Cum. 13,915.49 16,002.81
5-2B) mortar in S. F.
C2( 5-1-B2 & First class chimney brick masonry work in (1:4) cement sand
3.04 Cum. 12,494.12 14,368.23
5-2A) mortar in G. F.
C25-1-B2 & First class chimney brick masonry work in (1:4) cement sand
3.05 Cum. 12,862.35 14,791.70
5-2B) mortar in F. F.
C2(5-1-B2 First class chimney brick masonry work in (1:4) cement sand
3.06 Cum. 13,377.86 15,384.53
& 5-2B) mortar in S. F.
C2(5-1-B3 First class chimney brick masonry work in (1:6) cement sand
3.07 Cum. 11,969.14 13,764.51
& 5-2A) mortar in G. F.
C2(5-1-B3 & First class chimney brick masonry work in (1:6) cement sand
3.08 Cum. 12,337.37 14,187.97
5-2B) mortar in F. F.
C2( 5-1-B3 & First class chimney brick masonry work in (1:6) cement sand
3.09 Cum. 12,852.88 14,780.81
5-2B) mortar in S F.
C2(5-1-B6 &
3.10 First class chimney brick masonry work in mud mortar in G. F. Cum. 9,499.71 10,924.66
C2( 5-1-B6 &
3.11 First class chimney brick masonry work in mud mortar in F. F. Cum. 9,867.94 11,348.13
C2(5-1-B6 &
3.12 First class chimney brick masonry work in mud mortar in S. F. Cum. 10,383.45 11,940.96
3.13 C6( 6-1-1A) R.R. stone masonry work in cement sand (1:3) mortar Cum. 12,138.61 13,959.40
3.14 C6( 6-1-1B) R.R. stone masonry work in cement sand (1:4) mortar Cum. 11,543.27 13,274.76
Aslar (Crused stone) stone masonry work in cement sand (1:4)
3.14a C6( 6-1-1B) Cum. 11,027.95 12,682.14
3.15 C6( 6-1-1C) R.R. stone masonry work in cement sand (1:6) mortar Cum. 10,599.46 12,189.37
Aslar (Crused stone)stone masonry work in cement sand (1:6)
3.15a C6( 6-1-1C) Cum. 10,077.90 11,589.58
3.16 C6( 6-2-1) R.R. stone masonry work for dry wall Cum. 5,195.56 5,974.89
3.17 C6( 6-2-2) R.R. stone masonry work in mud mortar Cum. 5,554.27 6,387.41
3.18 C10( 6-5) Stone filling in trench with proper leveling Cum. 4,018.30 4,621.04


4.01 D1(7-2B) P.C.C. (1:4:8) work in foundation, wall (River bed) Cum. 9,261.39 10,650.59
4.02 D1(7-2C) P.C.C. (1:3:6) work in foundation, wall (River bed) Cum. 10,179.91 11,706.89
P.C.C. (1:3:6) work(Ready Mix Concrete) in foundation, wall
4.02(a) D1(7-2CC) Cum. 13,930.29 16,019.83
(River bed)
4.03 D1(7-2D) P.C.C. (1:2:4) work in foundation, wall (River bed) Cum. 11,924.08 13,712.69
4.04 D2(7-4A) P.C.C. (1:2:4) for R.C.C. work in slab, beam etc (River bed) Cum. 13,862.28 15,941.62

4.05 D2(7-4B) P.C.C. (1:1½:3) for R.C.C. work in slab, beam etc (River bed) Cum. 15,376.07 17,682.48

4.06 D2(7-4C) P.C.C. (1:1:2) for R.C.C. work in slab, beam etc (River bed) Cum. 19,213.64 22,095.68
P.C.C. (1:3:6) work (USED MACHINE) in foundation, wall
4.07 D3(A) Cum. 9,920.29 11,408.33
(River bed)
P.C.C. (1:2:4) work (USED MACHINE) in foundation, wall
4.08 D3(B) Cum. 11,714.00 13,471.10
(River bed)
P.C.C. (1:1½:3) for R.C.C. work(USED MACHINE) in slab,
4.09 D4(A) Cum. 13,247.23 15,234.31
beam etc (River bed)
P.C.C. (1:1:2) for R.C.C. work(USED MACHINE) in slab, beam
4.10 D4(B) Cum. 17,084.80 19,647.52
etc (River bed)
P.C.C. (1:1:2) for R.C.C. work in slab (River bed) with micro
4.11 D(5) Cum. 28,664.30 32,963.94
silica & super plasticiser
P.C.C. (1:4:8) work in foundation, wall (crushed or stone
4.12 D1(7-2B) Cum. 10,552.80 12,135.72

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

16 of 39
P.C.C. (1:3:6) work in foundation, wall (crushed or stone
4.13 D1(7-2C) Cum. 11,471.32 13,192.01
P.C.C. (1:3:6) work (Ready Mix Concrete) in foundation, wall
4.13(A) D1(7-2C(a)) Cum. 14,003.93 16,104.51
(crushed or stone ballast)
P.C.C. (1:2:4) work in foundation, wall (crushed or stone
4.14 D1(7-2D) Cum. 13,156.24 15,129.67
P.C.C. (1:2:4) work(Ready Mix Concrete) in foundation, wall
4.14(A) D1(7-2DD) Cum. 14,960.29 17,204.33
(crushed or stone ballast)
P.C.C. (1:2:4) for R.C.C. work in slab, beam etc (crushed or
4.15 D2(7-4A) Cum. 15,094.44 17,358.60
stone ballast)
P.C.C. (1:2:4) work (Ready Mix Concrete) in Slab, Beam
4.15(A) D2(7-4AA) Cum. 15,033.93 17,289.01
(crushed or stone ballast)
P.C.C. (1:1½:3) for R.C.C. work in slab, beam etc (crushed or
4.16 D2(7-4B) Cum. 16,614.86 19,107.08
stone ballast)
P.C.C. (1:1.5:3) work (Ready Mix Concrete) in Slab, Beam
4.16(A) D2(7-4BB) Cum. 16,063.93 18,473.51
(crushed or stone ballast)
P.C.C. (1:1:2) for R.C.C. work in slab, beam etc (crushed or
4.17 D2(7-4C) Cum. 20,439.56 23,505.49
stone ballast)
P.C.C. (1:3:6) work (USED MACHINE) in foundation, wall
4.18(A) D3(A) Cum. 11,197.66 12,877.30
(crushed or stone ballast)
P.C.C. (1:2:4) work (USED MACHINE) in foundation, wall
4.19 D3(B) Cum. 12,946.16 14,888.08
(crushed or stone ballast)
P.C.C. (1:1½:3) for R.C.C. work(USED MACHINE) in slab,
4.2(A) D4(A) Cum. 14,486.02 16,658.92
beam etc (crushed or stone ballast)
P.C.C. (1:1:2) for R.C.C. work(USED MACHINE) in slab, beam
4.21 D4(B) Cum. 18,310.72 21,057.32
etc (crushed or stone ballast)
P.C.C. (1:1:2) M25 work (Ready Mix Concrete) in Slab, Beam
4.21(A) D4(BB) Cum. 16,583.05 19,070.50
(crushed or stone ballast)
P.C.C. (1:1:2) for R.C.C. work in slab (crushed or stone
4.22 D(5) Cum. 29,854.00 34,332.10
ballast) with micro silica & super plasticiser
P.C.C. (M30) work (Ready Mix Concrete) in Slab, Beam
4.22(A) D5(b) Cum. 17,513.14 20,140.11
(crushed or stone ballast)
Torsteel reinforcement bar for R.C.C. work with cutting,
4.23 D9(7-5) Kg. 118.52 136.30
bending, binding & laying with all complete.


Form work shuttering & centering (COLUMN) with (USED
5.01 E1(8-3A) Sqm. 1,231.38 1,416.09
LOCAL WOOD) all complete.
Form work shuttering & centering (COLUMN) with (USED PLY
5.02 E2(51B) Sqm. 655.57 753.90
WOOD) all complete.
Form work shuttering & centering (BEAM-0.30 Mtr) with
5.03 E3(8-4A) Sqm. 1,284.46 1,477.13
(USED LOCAL WOOD) all complete.
Form work shuttering & centering (BEAM-0.30-0.80 Mtr) with
5.04 E4(8-4B) Sqm. 1,003.94 1,154.53
(USED LOCAL WOOD) all complete.
Form work shuttering & centering (COLUMN) with (USED PLY
5.05 E5(51A) Sqm. 1,386.42 1,594.39
WOOD) all complete.
Form work shuttering & centering with MS pipe (prop),
5.06 E6(8-4A) Sqm. 823.03 946.48
plyboard for slab etc
Form work shuttering & centering with Bamboo, plyboard for
5.06(A) E6(8-4A) Sqm. 590.66 679.26
slab etc
5.07 E12(8-13A) Trench work open type form work (up to 1.50 Mtr.) Sqm. 215.73 248.09
5.08 E12(8-13B) Trench work open type form work ( 1.50 to 3.00 Mtr.) Sqm. 223.68 257.23
5.09 E13(8-13C) Trench work open type form work (above 3.00 Mtr.) Sqm. 234.21 269.34

26 (H) 0.41 mm thick colored C.G.I. sheet roofing work
6.01 F1( 9-1) Sqm. 1,963.07 2,257.53
26 (H) 0.41mm thick plane C.G.I. sheet roofing work
6.02 F1( 9-1) Sqm. 1,851.83 2,129.61

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26 (L) 0.35mm thick plane C.G.I. sheet roofing work
6.03 F1( 9-1) Sqm. 1,479.42 1,701.34
26 (H) 0.41 mm thick colour C.G.I. sheet roofing work
6.04 F3( 9-1) Sqm. 1,963.07 2,257.53
26 (M) 0.38mm thick colour C.G.I. sheet roofing work
6.05 F3( 9-1) Sqm. 1,564.56 1,799.25
6.08 F2( 9-2) 28 (H) G.I. plane ridge cover Rmtr. 669.54 769.97
6.09 F4( 9-2) 26 (L) C.G.I. colour ridge cover Rmtr. 844.06 970.67
6.11 F5 26 (M) 0.41 mm thick plane G.I. sheet roofing work Rmtr. 1,363.07 1,567.53
6.12 F5 26 (L) 0.35 mm thick plane G.I. sheet roofing work Rmtr. 1,343.71 1,545.27
6.13 F6 26 (H) 0.50 mm thick Colour G.I. sheet roofing work Rmtr. 37,354.46 42,957.63
6.14 F6 26 (M) 0.41 mm thick Colour G.I. sheet roofing work Rmtr. 1,363.07 1,567.53
150 mm breadth upto 450 mm G. I. plane sheet Gutter fixing
6.16 F7 Rmtr. 2,315.69 2,663.04
work with 3x40 mm M.S. bracke,t nut bolt & washer .
150 mm breadth upto 450 mm G. I. colour sheet Gutter fixing
6.17 F7 Rmtr. 2,706.66 3,112.66
work with 3x40 mm M.S. bracke,t nut bolt & washer .
6.18 F10( 9-6) Clay tile roofing work Rmtr. 600.70 690.80
6.19 F11( 9-7) Clay tile ridge cover Rmtr. 378.81 435.63
6.20 F12( 9-8) 100 mm lime concrete (1:1:3) work Sqm. 1,112.72 1,279.63
6.21 F13( 9-9A) 80 mm thick khar roof with bamboo frame Sqm. 1,605.71 1,846.56
6.22 F13( 9-9B) 150 mm thick khar roof with bamboo frame Sqm. 2,162.82 2,487.24
6.23 F14 1.20 mm thick fiber glass corgated sheet roofing work Sqm. 2,217.69 2,550.34
6.24 F15 1.20 mm thick fiber glass ridge cover Rmtr. 1,187.24 1,365.33
Readymade colour concrete tile laying work on cement sand
6.25 F18 Sqm. 801.58 921.82
(1:4) screeding
6.26 F19( 10-17) Making and fixing of Sal wood beam, lintel, etc Cum. 260,869.52 299,999.94
6.27 F20(10-19) Making and fixing of 25 mm sal wood eaves board Sqm. 6,486.82 7,459.85
6.28 F22 2 mm thick UPVC roofing sheet roofing work Sqm. - -
6.29 F23 3 mm thick UPVC roofing sheet roofing work Sqm. 2,455.71 2,824.06


7.01 G1(10-1) Sal wood works for chaukhats with all complete. Cum. 295,707.60 340,063.74
7.02 G1(10-1) Local wood works for chaukhats with all complete. Cum. 107,765.56 123,930.39
38 mm thick sal wood fully paneled shutter fixing work with all
7.03 G2(10-2) Sqm. 15,589.50 17,927.92
complete. Size of shutter 1.07 x 1.982 =2.114 Sqm.
38 x 75 mm thick sal wood frame with 4 mm thick fully glazed
7.04 G3(10-4) shutter fixing work with all complete. Size of shutter 1.829 x Sqm. 10,276.78 11,818.30
1.22 =2.23 Sqm.
38 x 75 mm thick sal wood frame with 3 mm thick fully glazed
7.04a G3(10-4) shutter fixing work with all complete. Size of shutter 1.829 x Sqm. 10,235.09 11,770.35
1.22 =2.23 Sqm.
38 x 75 mm thick Gamhair wood frame with 4 mm thick fully
7.05 G3(10-4) glazed shutter fixing work with all complete. Size of shutter Sqm. 6,642.66 7,639.06
1.829 x 1.22 =2.23 Sqm.
38 mm thick sal wood frame with 4 mm thick commercial
7.06 G4(10-7) plywood (bothside) flush shutter fixing with all comolete. Size Sqm. 8,337.95 9,588.64
of shutter 1.092 x 2.058 =2.245 Sqm.
38 mm thick sal wood frame with 3 mm thick TEAK plywood
7.07 G4(10-8) (Both side ) flush shutter fixing with all comolete. Size of Sqm. 8,337.95 9,588.65
shutter 1.092 x 2.058 =2.245 Sqm.
38 mm thick sal wood frame with 26 Bwg G.I. plane sheet
7.08 G4(10-9) (bothside) shutter fixing with all comolete. Size of shutter Sqm. 9,344.81 10,746.53
1.092 x 2.058 =2.245 Sqm.

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38 mm thick sal wood frame with 24 Bwg G.I. mosquito proof &
7.09 G4(10-10) Expanded metal net net shutter fixing with all comolete. Size of Sqm. 6,155.06 7,078.32
shutter 1.092 x 2.058 =2.245 Sqm.
38 mm thick sal wood frame with 24 Bwg G.I. mosquito proof
7.10 G4(10-10) net shutter fixing with all comolete. Size of shutter 1.092 x Sqm. 5,988.93 6,887.27
2.058 =2.245 Sqm.
7.11 G5(10-11B) 4 mm thick plane glass fixing work with wooden listies. Sqm. 927.28 1,066.37

7.12 G5(10-11B) 26 Bwg plane sheet fixing work with wooden listies. Sqm. 790.52 909.09

7.13 G6(10-12) 4 mm thick ply wood fixing work with wooden listies. Sqm. 503.94 579.53

7.14 G5(10-11B) Mosquito proof net fixing work with wooden listies. Sqm. 638.62 734.41
Mosquito proof & Expanded metal net fixing work with wooden
7.15 G5(10-11B) Sqm. 822.85 946.27
False ceiling of 6 mm thick commerical plywood with 50 mm x
7.16 10-16-A 75 mm size local wood frame of box size 0.600 x 0.900 m and Sqm. 2,255.46 2,593.78
fixing of wooden listy in joints
Torsteel reinforcement bar fixing work in window frame with all
7.17 G7(10-21) Kg. 131.23 150.91
38 x100mm thick sal wood frame with 12 mm thick commercial
G8(10-3 & plywood paneled & one side 4 mm thick Teak plywood
7.18 Sqm. 9,098.05 10,462.75
10-7) paneled shutter fixing with all comolete. Size of shutter 1.092
x 2.058 =2.245 Sqm.
38 x100mm thick sal wood frame with 12 mm thick commercial
G9(10-3 & plywood paneled & both side 4 mm thick Teak plywood
7.19 Sqm. 9,717.59 11,175.23
10-7) paneled shutter fixing with all comolete. Size of shutter 1.092
x 2.058 =2.245 Sqm.
38 x100mm thick sal wood frame with 12 mm thick water proof
G10(10-3 & plywood paneled & one side 4 mm thick Teak plywood
7.20 Sqm. 9,098.05 10,462.75
10-7) paneled shutter fixing with all comolete. Size of shutter 1.092
x 2.058 =2.245 Sqm.
25 mm or 1" thick P.C.C. (1:2:4) work in floor with all complete.
8.01 H1(11-1A) Sqm. 443.23 509.71
38 mm or 1½" thick P.C.C. (1:2:4) work in floor with all
8.02 H1(11-1B) Sqm. 599.25 689.13
50 mm or 2" thick P.C.C. (1:2:4) work in floor with all complete.
8.03 H1(11-1C) Sqm. 732.91 842.85

8.04 H1(11-1D) 75 mm or 3" thick P.C.C. (1:2:4) work in floor with all complete. Sqm. 987.72 1,135.87
25 mm thick mosaic flooring with 20 mm thick P.C.C. (1:2:4) &
8.05 H2(11-2) 5 mm thick white cement marble chips1:1 rubbing & polishing Sqm. 2,044.72 2,351.42
work with all complete.
25 mm thick mosaic flooring with 19 mm thick cement sand
8.06 H3(11-3) plaster 1:2 & 6 mm thick white cement marble chips1:1 rubbing Sqm. 3,686.15 4,239.07
& polishing work with all complete.
20 mm thick mosaic flooring with 12.5mm thick cement sand
8.07 H4(11-4) plaster 1:2 & 6 mm thick white cement marble chips1:1 rubbing Sqm. 3,763.06 4,327.52
& polishing work with all complete.
20 mm thick Terrazo tile paving with 20 mm thick cement sand
8.08 H5(11-5) Sqm. 2,160.50 2,484.58
mortar 1:4 rubbing & polishing work with all complete.
15 mm thick marble tile 600x600 mm paving with 20 mm thick
8.09 11-6 cement sand mortar 1:2 rubbing & polishing work with all Sqm. 5,290.13 6,083.65
Porcelain glazed /non glazed tile paving work in cement sand
8.10 H6(11-7) Sqm. 3,025.95 3,479.84
(1:4) mortar
Spartik Non-glazed tile paving work in cement sand (1:4)
8.11 H6(11-7) Sqm. 2,967.03 3,412.09
8.12 H12(11-12) Flat Brick paving in 1:6 & cement sand pointing in1:2 in joints Sqm. 1,136.88 1,307.41
8.13 H13(11-13) Edge Brick paving in 1:6 & cement sand pointing in1:2 in joints Sqm. 1,329.94 1,529.43

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8.14 H15(11-15A) Dry flat Brick paving work Sqm. 733.21 843.19

8.15 H15(11-15A) Dry flat Brick (Brick Bat ) paving work Sqm. 487.39 560.50

8.16 H15(11-15B) Dry edge Brickpaving work Sqm. 1,249.44 1,436.86

8.17 H15(11-15B) Dry edge Brick (Brick Bat ) paving work Sqm. 851.79 979.56

8.18 H16( 11-16) Stone filling in floor with sand lead up to 30 mtr. Cum. 7,237.56 8,323.19
Edge brick paving with sand packing in voids & cement sand
8.19 H17( 11-17) Sqm. 1,341.19 1,542.37
(1:3) flush pointing in top surface.

8.20 H19( 11-19A) Sand filling work Cum. 2,506.07 2,881.98

8.21 H19( 11-19B) 15-15 cm. Brick bat filling work. Cum. 1,041.95 1,198.24

8.22 H20( 11-20) 3 mm thick neat cement punning work. Sqm. 271.77 312.54
25 mm thick Sal wood planking work with 50x75 mm sal wood
8.23 H21(11-21) Sqm. 10,411.99 11,973.79
frame in 600x600 mm
8.24 H24( 11-20) 3 mm thick neat Plaster of Paris punning work. Sqm. 294.54 338.72
Clay tile(Machine Made) paving work in cement sand (1:4)
8.25 H25(11-7) Sqm. 1,832.14 2,106.96
Granite 16mm thick paving with 20 mm thick cement sand
8.26 H26(11-6) Sqm. 6,420.34 7,383.39
mortar 1:2 rubbing & polishing work with all complete.
50 mm thick interlocking block over 50 mm thick Crusser
8.27 Sqm. 2,051.69 2,359.45
dust laying work with all complete.
60 mm thick interlocking block over 50 mm thick Crusser
8.28 Sqm. 2,131.00 2,450.65
dust laying work with all complete.
80 mm thick interlocking block over 50 mm thick Crusser
8.29 Sqm. 2,448.24 2,815.48
dust laying work with all complete.
Parking Tile(25mm) thick over 50 mm thick Crusser dust
8.30 Sqm. 986.67 1,134.67
laying work with all complete.
9.01 I1(12-1B) 12.5 mm. thick cement sand plaster work 1:3 on wall. Sqm. 373.63 429.68
9.02 I1(12-1C) 12.5 mm. thick cement sand plaster work 1:4 on wall. Sqm. 360.79 414.91
9.03 I1(12-1D) 12.5 mm. thick cement sand plaster work 1:6 on wall. Sqm. 334.21 384.35
9.04 I4(12-4A) 20 mm. thick cement sand plaster work 1:3 on wall etc. Sqm. 487.94 561.13
9.05 I4(12-4B) 20 mm. thick cement sand plaster work 1:4 on wall etc. Sqm. 464.79 534.51
9.06 I4(12-4C) 20 mm. thick cement sand plaster work1:6 on wall etc. Sqm. 423.58 487.12
9.07 I5(12-5) 25 mm. thick mud plaster on wall etc. Sqm. 403.75 464.31
9.08 I5(12-6) 12.5 mm. thick mud plaster on wall etc. Sqm. 310.44 357.01
9.09 I7(12-1B) 12.5 mm. thick cement sand plaster work (1:3 ) on ceilling Sqm. 433.25 498.24
9.10 I7(12-1C) 12.5 mm. thick cement sand plaster work 1:4 on ceilling Sqm. 420.41 483.47
Flush pointing works in 1:1 Cement sand mortar on Brick
9.11 I8(14-1A) Sqm. 255.58 293.92
masonry wall
Flush pointing works in 1:2 Cement sand mortar on Brick
9.12 I8(14-1B) Sqm. 237.44 273.06
masonry work
Flush pointing works in 1:3 Cement sand mortar on Brick
9.13 I8(14-1C) Sqm. 227.93 262.12
masonry wall
Rulled pointing works in 1:1 Cement sand mortar on Brick
9.14 I8(14-1A) Sqm. 352.76 405.68
masonry wall
Ruled pointing works in 1:2 Cement sand mortar on Brick
9.15 I8(14-1B) Sqm. 334.63 384.82
masonry work
Ruled pointing works in 1:3 Cement sand mortar on Brick
9.16 I8(14-1C) Sqm. 325.11 373.88
masonry wall
Flush/Rulled pointing works in 1:1 Cement sand mortar on
9.17 I9(14-2A) Sqm. 322.11 370.43
Stone masonry wall

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Flush/Rulled pointing works in 1:2 Cement sand mortar on
9.18 I9(14-2B) Sqm. 287.30 330.39
Stone masonry work
Flush/Rulled pointing works in 1:3 Cement sand mortar on
9.19 (14-2C) Sqm. 269.72 310.18
Stone masonry work
Flush/Rulled pointing works in 1:3 Cement sand mortar on
9.20 I10(14-3) Sqm. 177.58 204.22
Aslar Stone masonry work
1:3 Cement sand pointing on 450 mm x 450 mm flat stone
9.21 I11(14-4) Sqm. 95.59 109.93
paving joints.
9.22 I12(14-5) 1:1 Cement sand pointing on Teliya brick paving joints. Sqm. 203.88 234.46
9.23 (14-6) 3 mm thick Cement sand 1:1 flushing plaster Sqm. 239.92 275.90
9.24 I13(14-7) 3 mm thick lime flushing plaster Sqm. 174.93 201.17
9.25 I14(14-8) 3 mm thick Cement flushing plaster Sqm. 269.22 309.61
9.26 I15 20 mm thick Jhalar/pani patti making over cement plaster Sqm. 177.84 204.51

9.27 I16 25 mm thick roofing tile butta plaster in cement sand (1:4) work Sqm. 641.69 737.94

9.28 I17 2 mm thick plane white putting plaster work in wall &ceilling Sqm. 240.65 276.75


10.01 J1(13-1B) Two coat white washing work on wall. Sqm. 30.14 34.66
10.02 J1(13-1B) Two coat white washing work on ceilling. Sqm. 35.98 41.38
10.03 J1(13-1C) Three coat white washing work on wall. Sqm. 60.16 69.19
10.04 J1(13-1C) Three coat white washing work on ceilling. Sqm. 72.74 83.66
10.05 J2(13-2) white washing work in old surface. Sqm. 16.35 18.80
10.06 J3(13-3AB) One coat distemper painting work over primer coat. Sqm. 119.44 137.36

10.07 J3(13-3ABC) Two coat distemper painting work over primer coat. Sqm. 165.92 190.81

10.08 J3(13-3B) One coat distemper painting work without primer coat. Sqm. 54.47 62.64
10.09 J3(13-3BC) Two coat distemper painting work without primer coat. Sqm. 100.95 116.09
10.10 J3(13-3AB) One coat weather proof painting work over primer coat. Sqm. 162.60 186.99

10.11 J3(13-3ABC) Two coat weather proof painting work over primer coat. Sqm. 236.83 272.36

10.12 J3(13-3B) One coat weather proof painting work without primer coat. Sqm. 90.54 104.13
10.13 J3(13-3BC) Two coat weather proof painting work without primer coat. Sqm. 164.77 189.49

10.14 J4(13-4A) One coat water proof cement paint painting work in old surface Sqm. 57.04 65.60

10.15 J4(13-4B) Two coat water proof cement paint painting work in old surface Sqm. 131.60 151.35

10.16 J4(13-4A) One coat white cement paint painting work . Sqm. 47.40 54.51
10.17 J4(13-4B) Two coat white cement paint painting work . Sqm. 116.02 133.42
One coat enamel painting work over primer coat in wooden
10.18 J5(13-5AB) Sqm. 204.75 235.46
Two coat enamel painting work over primer coat in wooden
10.19 J5(13-5ABC) Sqm. 311.05 357.71
10.20 J5(13-5AB) One coat plastic emulsion painting work over primer coat. Sqm. 211.50 243.22
10.21 J5(13-5AB) Two coat plastic emulsion painting work over primer coat. Sqm. 323.05 371.51
Two coat aluminium painting work over primer coat in metal
10.22 J6(13-6) Sqm. 282.53 324.91
10.23 J7(13-8AB) Two coat double boiled Linseed oil painting work . Sqm. 85.27 98.06
Two coat aluminium painting work over primer coat in metal
10.24 J6(13-6) Sqm. 282.53 324.91
10.25 J7(13-8A) One coat double boiled Linseed oil painting work . Sqm. 43.33 49.83
10.25(A) J8(13-9AB) Two coat varnish painting work . Sqm. 128.93 148.27
10.26 J9(13-10A) One coat Bitumen painting work . Sqm. 34.65 39.85
10.27 J9(13-10B) Two coat Bitumen painting work . Sqm. 60.71 69.82

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10.28 J10(13-11) Three coat chapra painting work . Sqm. 159.93 183.92
10.29 J11(13-4C) One coat RED OXIDE painting work . Sqm. 137.88 158.56
10.30 J11(13-4C) Two coat RED OXIDE painting work . Sqm. 236.05 271.46
One coat water proof cement paint painting work in plastered
10.31 J12(13-12A) Sqm. 88.53 101.80
J12(13- Two coat water proof cement paint painting work in plastered
10.32 Sqm. 159.21 183.09
12AB) surface
10.33 J15(5-5) ENAMEL paint painting work over linceed oil in face brick wall Sqm. 201.86 232.14
One coat enamel painting work without primer coat in wooden
10.34 J16(13-5B) Sqm. 121.91 140.20
Two coat enamel painting work without primer coat in wooden
10.35 J17(13-5BC) Sqm. 228.21 262.44
10.36 J18(13-5B) One coat plastic emulsion painting work without primer coat. Sqm. 128.66 147.96
10.37 J19(13-5BC) Two coat plastic emulsion painting work without primer coat. Sqm. 240.21 276.24
One coat aluminium painting work without primer coat in metal
10.38 J20(13-6) Sqm. 94.19 108.32
Two coat aluminium painting work without primer coat in metal
10.39 J21(13-6) Sqm. 192.51 221.39
10.40 J22(13-7) One coat RED OXIDE painting work without primer coat Sqm. 100.40 115.47
10.41 J23(13-7) Two coat RED OXIDE painting work without primer coat Sqm. 200.92 231.06

10.44 J26 Two coat washable distemper painting work over primer coat. Sqm. 179.42 206.33

K - Damp proofing work

20 mm thick D.P.C. work in cement sand mortar in 1:2 with

11.01 K1(18-7) Sqm. 439.52 505.45
25 mm thick D.P.C. work in cement concrete in 1:1½:3
11.02 K2(18-8) Sqm. 486.32 559.27
withwith W.P.Compound.
38 mm thick D.P.C. work in cement concrete in 1:2:4 with with
11.03 18-9 Sqm. 586.32 674.27
11.05 K4(18-11) 500 gauge polythine sheet laying work Sqm. 163.85 188.43

11.06 K5(18-12A) One layer tarfelt laying work. Sqm. 879.46 1,011.37

11.07 K5(18-12B) Two layer tarfelt laying work. Sqm. 1,411.02 1,622.67

11.08 K6(18-13A) One layer damp proof grade tarfelt laying work. Sqm. 1,113.06 1,280.02

11.09 K6(18-13B) Two layer damp proof grade tarfelt laying work. Sqm. 2,068.46 2,378.73
Two coat elastocret cementious elastomeric water proofing
11.10 K7 Sqm. 875.50 1,006.82
One coat rain Crystallization seal paint or equivalent paint
11.11 K8(18-14) Sqm. 139.15 160.02
Expansion Joint Works: - Chipping and laying thermocol in
the hole, masking tape on the thermocol and plaster with
11.12 0 Sqm. 7,139.54 8,210.47
mixing Perma Bond SBR or eqv. modified mortar up to 40
mm wide and levelling all complete.


Dismantling work of mud masonry wall & removing of material

12.01 L1(19-1) Cum. 757.90 871.58
upto 10 mtr lead.
Dismantling work of cement masonry wall & removing of
12.02 L2(19-2) Cum. 1,515.80 1,743.17
material upto 10 mtr lead.
Dismantling work of R.C.C. / R.B.C. & removing of material
12.03 L3(19-3) Cum. 7,865.00 9,044.75
upto 10 mtr lead.
Dismantling work of P.C.C. / L.C.C. & removing of material
12.04 L4(19-4) Cum. 2,860.00 3,289.00
upto 10 mtr lead.

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Dismantling work of cement sand / lime surkhee plaster &
12.05 L5(19-5) Sqm. 77.22 88.80
removing of material upto 10 mtr lead.
Dismantling work of tile roof & removing of all material wood,
12.06 L6(19-6) Sqm. 113.74 130.80
tile upto 10 mtr lead.
12.07 L7 Wood preservative paint painting work Sqm. 390.83 449.45
Clearance work of old existing marble floor with Oxalic acid &
12.08 L11 Sqm.. 262.64 302.04
carborendum stone
12.09 L12 Clearance work of old existing parket & polishing work Sqm.. 241.31 277.50
Clearance work of old existing mosaic floor with Oxalic acid ,
12.10 L13 Sqm.. 277.85 319.52
main polish , terpantain oil & carborendum stone
Clearance work of brick from mud masonry wall & stacking of
12.11 L14(A) Nos. 3.11 3.57
brick for re-used
Clearance work of brick from cement masonry wall & stacking
12.12 L14(C) Nos. 5.17 5.95
of brick for re-used
Clearance work of stone from cement masonry wall &
12.13 L15(B) Cum. 1,102.21 1,267.54
stacking of stone for re-used
Clearance work of stone from mud masonry wall & stacking of
12.13a Cum. 895.29 1,029.58
stone for re-used
Dismantling work of R. C. C. barbed wire fencing work with
12.14 L19(A) Sqm. 321.75 370.01
earthwork excavation filling & leveling
Dismantling work of IRON. barbed wire fencing work with
12.15 L19(B) Sqm. 300.30 345.34
earthwork excavation filling & leveling
Dismantling work of WOODEN. barbed wire fencing work with
12.16 L19(C) Sqm. 286.00 328.90
earthwork excavation filling & leveling
Dismantling work of M.S. bar from R.C.C./R.B.C.& stacking
12.17 L19(C) Sqm. 961.40 1,105.61
upto 10 mtr.
12.18 L21 Dismantling work of Gavian work Sqm. 1,041.15 1,197.32
Dismantling work of cgi sheet roof & removing of all material
12.19 L22 Sqm. 56.51 64.98
wood, cgi sheet upto 10 mtr lead.

3 x 20mm Metal Grill including manufacturing, fitting, painting
13.01 M1(24-1A) Sqm. 2,570.85 2,956.47
with Aluminium paint, sand papering all complete
4 x 20mm Metal Grill including manufacturing, fitting, painting
13.02 M2(24-1B) Sqm. 3,684.88 4,237.61
with Aluminium paint, sand papering all complete
12x12 mm solid core square rod M. S. grill with 4 x 20mm
13.03 M3 Sqm. 2,136.45 2,456.92
Metal frame
13.04 M4 Fabricating, supplying & fixing of different size M.S. angle Kg. 200.80 230.92

13.05 M5 Spiral stair case 3.00 mtr height 90 cm. width Rmtr. 10,304.12 11,849.73

Providing & fixing MS folded sheet rolling shutters with iron

13.06 M6(24-2) clamps, spring and axle of good quality finish with one coat Sqm. 4,017.00 4,619.55
red- oxide paint on shutter and oiling on spring and axle.
Collapsible shutter including manufacturing, welding, supply of
13.07 M7(24-4) Sqm. 5,441.69 6,257.94
material, painting and fixing

Providing and fixing MS gate as per drawing with 50 mm X 50

mm X 3 mm MS angle, 25 mm X 25 mm MS square pipe, 16
13.08 M8(24-3) gauge MS flat sheet, 12 mm X 3 mm MS flat , ready made Sqm. 4,517.00 5,194.55
pivot hing welded to 175 mm long angle hold fast embedded in
concrete and iron locking arrangement over one coat primer .

Providing and fixing MS gate as per drawing with 50 mm X 50

mm X 3 mm MS angle, 25 mm X 25 mm MS square pipe,
13.09 M8(24-3) ready made pivot hing welded to 175 mm long angle hold fast Sqm. 6,230.80 7,165.42
embedded in concrete and iron locking arrangement over one
coat primer.
Supplying and fixing of Barbed wire 14 gauge including hooks,
13.10 M9(24-6) Rmtr. 185.59 213.42
nails etc

Supplying and fixing of Barbed wire 12 gauge including hooks,

13.11 M10(24-7) Rmtr. 2,479.32 2,851.21
nails etc 5 H+2D with 75x100 mm sal wood 2100 mm long .

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

23 of 39
Fabricating, supplying & fixing of different size M.S. black pipe
13.12 M11 Kg. 179.38 206.29
Truss with metal primer
Supplying & fixing work of 50 mm Ø MS black pipe @ 2.0 mtr
with 10 S.W.G.G. I. Chain Link 2"x2" mesh size fixing in
13.13 M12 Sqm. 3,358.09 3,861.81
4x20x20 mm & 4x25x25 mm ms angle frame & top 3x20 mm
MS grill 15 cm height with primer coat..
Supplying & fixing work of 50 mm Ø MS black pipe @ 2.0 mtr
with 7 mm Ø TMT bar mesh 62x62 mm size 4x25x25 mm ms
13.14 M13 Sqm. 2,984.51 3,432.18
angle frame & top 3x20 mm MS grill 15 cm height with primer
13.15 M14 900 mm height stainless steel staircase railing work Rmtr. 4,381.20 5,038.38
Supplying & fixing work of 38 mm Ø stainless steel pipe post
@ 2.0 mtr , 8 mm Ø stainless steel pipe hand rail with two
13.16 M15 Sqm. 3,468.80 3,989.12
rows 25 mm Ø stainless steel pipe in between ground & hand
Supplying & fixing work of 150x150 mm size sisham wood
13.17 M16 ornamental post , 75x75 mm size bluster with 75x100 mm Sqm. - -
hand rail.
13.18 M17 Hand rail 3"x4" size sisham wood supplying & fixing work Rmtr. 1,149.13 1,321.49
Supplying & fixing work of 20x20 mm square pipe railing two
13.19 M18 nos. every trade 900 to 1000 mm height with 3"x4" sisham Rmtr. 2,256.08 2,594.49
wood hand rail
Supplying & fixing work of 20x20 mm square pipe railing two
13.20 M19 nos. every trade 900 to 1000 mm height with 40 mm MS black Rmtr. 1,635.81 1,881.18
pipe hand rail


Subgrade prepairing work with simple mud cutting 10 mtr.

15.01 O1 Sqm. 110.46 127.02
15.02 O2 Rolling work Sqm. 18.40 21.16
10 cm. compact sub base laying work with sand mixed gravel,
15.03 O3(15-9A) Sqm. 314.40 361.56
load unload & proper levelling.
15 cm. compact sub base laying work with sand mixed gravel,
15.04 O3(15-9C) Sqm. 446.12 513.03
load unload & proper levelling.

20 cm. compact sub base laying work with sand mixed gravel,
15.05 O3(15-9D) Sqm. 564.45 649.11
load unload & proper levelling.

26 Misclenious WORK

Alluminium fixed panel window With ventilation but without fly

25.01 0 mesh shutter from section( 88mmx38.1mm x1.3mm , Glass Sqm. 6,641.44 7,637.65
Alluminium fixed panel window With Ventilation with fly mesh
25.02 0 Sqm. 7,069.92 8,130.40
shutter from section(88mmx38.1mm x1.3mm , Glass 5mm )
Alluminium framed Sliding window Without ventilator
25.03 0 ( Aluminium :- Natural anodised 101mmx45mm x1.50mm , Sqm. 6,962.80 8,007.22
Glass 5mm clear)
Alluminium framed Sliding window With ventilator
25.04 0 ( Aluminium :- Natural anodised 101mmx45mm x1.5mm , Sqm. 7,498.40 8,623.16
Glass 5mm clear)
Alluminium framed Sliding Door ( Aluminium :- Natural
25.05 0 anodised 101mmx45mm x1.5mm ,) with sash 40*45*1.5mm Sqm. 7,926.88 9,115.91
and 5mm glass
Casement double panel aluminium window With ventilator
25.06 0 section of ( 54mmx33mm x1.5)mm with sash 38*34*1.5mm Sqm. 7,498.40 8,623.16
with Glass 5mm
Alluminium Casement Door section of ( 101mmx45mm
25.07 0 Sqm. 12,854.40 14,782.56
x1.1)mm sash 40*45*1.1mm & Glass 5mm

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

24 of 39

Alluminium framed Swing Door section of (101mmx45mm

25.08 0 Sqm. 8,194.68 9,423.88
x1.5)mm & Glass 5mm clear

Alluminium framed Sliding window 2 track section of

25.09 0 Sqm. 6,427.20 7,391.28
(88mmx38mm x1.5)mm & Glass 5mm
Alluminium fixed panel window With ventilation but without fly mesh
25.10 0 shutter from section( 78mmx38.1mm x1.1mm , Glass 4.75 -5mm
Sqm 4,156.05 4,779.45
Alluminium fixed panel window With ventilation but without fly mesh
25.11 0 shutter from section( 88mmx38.1mm x1.3mm , Glass 4.75-5mm)
Sqm 6,095.54 7,009.87
Alluminium fixed panel window With Ventilation with fly mesh shutter
25.12 0 from section(88mmx38.1mm x1.3mm , Glass 4.75-5mm )
Sqm 7,480.89 8,603.02
Alluminium framed Sliding window Without ventilator ( Aluminium :-
25.13 0 Natural anodised 101mmx45mm x1.50mm , Glass 4.75-5mm clear)
Sqm 7,480.89 8,603.02
Alluminium fixed window and partition with fixed ventilator from
25.10 0 Sqm. 6,427.20 7,391.28
9mm bord and section (101mmx45mm x1.5)mm
Aluminum framed Sliding window With ventilator and with
25.11 0 Mosquito Net ( Aluminium :- Natural anodised 78mmx35mm Sqm. 6,427.20 7,391.28
x1.2mm , Glass 5mm clear)
25.12 0 False ceiling by Gypsum ,Gypsum Board : 12mm Sqm. 942.65 1,084.04
11.09 0 ASO Joint Tape laying Work. Rm - -

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

k|b]z ;/sf/

ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfno

k|b]z g=+ @ hgsk'/wfd
sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg d=n]=k=kmf=g+= !^*
sfof{nosf] gfdM– ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf Oli6d]6eGbf 36L a9L 0.00
of]hgfsf] gfdM– k|ltIffno lgdf{0f sfo{ . 36L a9Lsf] k|ltzt M– Ü 3
:yn M– h=r'=sf=nL=hgsk'/wfd . sfof{/De cfb]z ldltM–
Oli6d]6sf] s"n c+sM– Rs 0.00 sfd ;DkGg ug'{ kg]{ ldltM–
vr{ ePsf] s"n c+s M– Rs 0.00 sfd ;DkGg ePsf] ldltM–
Oli6d]]6 adf]lhdsf] v"b ePsf] sfd km/s
l;=g+= sfdsf] laj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
kl/df0f b/ hDdf d"No kl/df0f b/ hDdf d"No kl/df0f b/ hDdf d"No
- 0.00 - - - - - - - - - -
- 0.00 - - - - - - - - - -
- 0.00 - - - - - - - - - -
- 0.00 - - - - - - - - - -
- 0.00 - - - - - - - - - -
- 0.00 - - - - - - - - - -
- 0.00 - - - - - - - - - -
- 0.00 - - - - - - - - - -
- 0.00 - - - - - - - - - -
- 0.00 - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -

Sub Total - - -
13% Vat - - -
Grand Total - - -
k|b]z ;/sf/
ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfno
k|b]z g=+ @ hgsk'/wfd
7]Ssf ;DalGw aLn
lansf] qmd ;+Vof MkmfOgn lan d=n]=k=kmf=g+= !^&
lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] gfd M>L ;Gwof sG:6s;g hgsk'/ . 7]Ssfsf] ;+VofM–
cl3Nnf] e'QmfgL lansf] qmd ;+VofM– cl3Nnf] e'QmfgLsf] lansf] ef}= g+=M–
sfof{/De cfb]z ldlt sfo{ ;DkÌ ug'{ kg]{ ldltM–
sfo{ ;DkÌ ldltM- e'QmfgL ef}r/ g+=M–
Description of work : k|ltIffno lgdf{0f sfo{ e'QmfgL ldltM–
cBfjlw sfd ePsf] cl3Nnf] landf r9]sf] xfn ePsf] sfd
s||=;+= sfdsf] laj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
kl/df0f b/ hDdf d"No kl/df0f hDdf d"No kl/df0f hDdf d"No

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - -
k|b]z ;/sf/
ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfno
k|b]z g=+ @ hgsk'/wfd
7]Ssf ;DalGw aLn
lansf] qmd ;+Vof MkmfOgn lan d=n]=k=kmf=g+= !^&
lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] gfd M>L ;Gwof sG:6s;g hgsk'/ . 7]Ssfsf] ;+VofM–
cl3Nnf] e'QmfgL lansf] qmd ;+VofM– cl3Nnf] e'QmfgLsf] lansf] ef}= g+=M–
sfof{/De cfb]z ldlt sfo{ ;DkÌ ug'{ kg]{ ldltM–
sfo{ ;DkÌ ldltM- e'QmfgL ef}r/ g+=M–
Description of work : k|ltIffno lgdf{0f sfo{ e'QmfgL ldltM–
cBfjlw sfd ePsf] cl3Nnf] landf r9]sf] xfn ePsf] sfd
s||=;+= sfdsf] laj/0f PsfO{ s}lkmot
kl/df0f b/ hDdf d"No kl/df0f hDdf d"No kl/df0f hDdf d"No
- - - - - - -

- - 1.000 - - 1.00 -

- - 1.000 - - 1.00 -

Sub total - - -
VAT 13% - -
Grand Total - -
ko'{Qm adf]lhd 7Ls 5 egL k|dfl0ft ug]{
lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] ;xL / 5fk M
of] ljn adf]lhd hDdf ?= - ====================
cl3Nnf] ljnaf6 e'QmfgL ePsf] ?=
s§f ug'{ kg]{ ?= afFls lbg' -

-s_ k]ZsL -v_ dfn;fdfgsf] df]n ================= -u_ d]lzg cf}hf/sf] axfn =============================
-ª_ w/f}6 -r_ 1.5 %clu|d cfos/ jfktM
v'b lbg' kg]{ M k]z ug]{ O{= sf] ;xL :jLs[t ug]{sf] ;xL
k]z ug]{ sf] ;xL hfFr ug]{ O{lGhlgo/sf] ;xL bhf{ M
bhf{ M bhf{ M
28 page of 39

State Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
State No.2,Janakpurdham
Comparative chart
Budget Head:-
Name of Office : ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ .
Location :- Janakpurdham,Dhanusha

Departmental Baidehi bayas nirman sewa Remarks

Description of Work Quantity Unit
S.N. Rate Rs. Amount Rs. Rate Rs. Amount Rs. Rate Rs. Amount Rs. Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Clearing the site of all the unuseful materials including removing all them
from site after completing the works as per instruction of the site 19.67 Sqm 18.91 372.02 15.00 295.10 14.00 275.43 13.00 255.75
engineer all complete.
Earthwork in Excavation: (Open Excavation)Earthwork in excavation in
ordinary soil in foundation, trenches including timbering and shoring & 4.40 Cum 592.83 2,605.84 560.00 2,461.53 550.00 2,417.58 650.00 2,857.14
30m Lead and 1.5 m. lift all complete as per design, drawing and
2.00 specification.
Providing & laying brick soling all complete as per instruction of the site
engineer. 16.90 Sqm 843.19 14,248.64 850.00 14,363.72 650.00 10,984.02 800.00 13,518.80
PCC Works: Providing, laying, compacting and curing plain cement
concrete (1:2:4) with cement, sand and well graded stone aggregate 1.18 Cum 13,712.69 16,140.04 13500.00 15,889.70 14000.00 16,478.21 15000.00 17,655.22
finishing to approved level, lines and dimensions all complete as per
4.00 drawings, specification.
Providing & laying first class good quality local chimney made Brickwork
in 1:4 C/S mortar up to ground floor in perfect line level finishe including 7.84 Cum 14,368.23 112,635.53 15000.00 117,588.11 15000.00 117,588.11 16000.00 125,427.32
wetting the bricks, racking the joints and curing the work for at least 7
5.00 days as per specification, drawings & instructions of the site engineer all
Plain cement Concrete (PCC) for RCC works (1:2:4) for slab/lintels with
approved quality of cement and sand and crushed stone aggregate 0.97 Cum 15,941.62 15,468.53 16000.00 15,525.18 15000.00 14,554.86 14500.00 14,069.69
including mixing, laying, curing etc all complete in approval of site
6.00 engineer.
Reinforcement bars (Grade 415 or above) work including straightening,
cleaning, cutting, bending, binding with 20 SWG annealed wire & fixing in 111.75 kg 136.30 15,230.97 140.00 15,644.44 135.00 15,085.71 150.00 16,761.90
position as per drawing, bar bending schedule for raft foundation
7.00 column, beam, wall, stair, slab in all R.C.C. works as per specification,
drawing & instruction
Providing,Laying of site
& Fixing, engineer.
Centering Approved
and brands:
shuttering Himal Iron,
with approved wood
for all kinds oforR.C.C.
work including all necessary propping, scaffolding, 8.48 Sqm 753.90 6,395.03 750.00 6,361.95 650.00 5,513.69 750.00 6,361.95
staging, supporting, dismantling and clearing from the site, including
8.00 shuttering of circular column up to 2 m dia etc. all complete as per design
Earth fillingspecifications and of
including supply instruction of the site
filling materials engineer
within .
10 m distance all
complete. 8.27 Cum 846.13 7,001.30 840.00 6,950.58 800.00 6,619.60 800.00 6,619.60
Providing, laying & curing 12.5 mm cement sand (1:4) Plastering on walls
to perfect plumb, lines & level including raking the mortar joints and 92.28 Sqm 414.91 38,288.89 410.00 37,835.78 400.00 36,912.96 350.00 32,298.84
wetting the masonry surface all complete as per design drawings,
10.00 specifications and instruction of the site engineer all complete:
Providing, laying and curing (1:1) cement sand punning on floor of
buildings on perfect line & level as per design, specification and 12.54 Sqm 201.17 2,522.67 200.00 2,508.00 200.00 2,508.00 150.00 1,881.00
instruction of site engineer.
Supplying and Spreading 2 coats of apex paint(weather coat) of approved
colour with one coat of primer Painting over porperly cleaned surface all 44.85 Sqm 272.36 12,215.34 260.00 11,661.00 200.00 8,970.00 300.00 13,455.00
29 page of 39

State Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
State No.2,Janakpurdham
Comparative chart
Budget Head:-
Name of Office : ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ .
Location :- Janakpurdham,Dhanusha

Departmental Baidehi bayas nirman sewa Remarks

Description of Work Quantity Unit
S.N. Rate Rs. Amount Rs. Rate Rs. Amount Rs. Rate Rs. Amount Rs. Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
2 coats of ready made plastic emulsion paint of approved colour over 1
coats of primer Painting over porperly cleaned surface all complete 36.49 Sqm 371.51 13,557.96 350.00 12,772.97 320.00 11,678.14 350.00 12,772.97
26 (L) 0.35mm thick plane C.G.I. sheet roofing work (55kg/bandal)
21.38 Sqm 1,701.34 36,372.09 1700.00 36,343.45 1600.00 34,205.60 1600.00 34,205.60
Rafter and purlin @48.3 out side diameter.
160.54 kg 206.29 33,117.11 200.00 32,107.34 285.00 45,752.95 180.00 28,896.60
False ceiling by Gypsum ,Gypsum Board : 12mm
12.73 Sqm 1,084.04 13,799.82 1000.00 12,730.00 1200.00 15,276.00 1200.00 15,276.00
Alluminium fixed panel window With ventilation but without fly mesh
shutter from section( 88mmx38.1mm x1.3mm , Glass 4.75-5mm) 3.26 Sqm 7,009.87 22,836.75 7000.00 22,804.60 7200.00 23,456.16 7200.00 23,456.16
Aluminium swing door of section (101x45x1.1)
1.76 Sqm 7,475.00 13,156.00 7400.00 13,024.00 7200.00 12,672.00 7200.00 12,672.00

Electrical works
- - - - -

Dome Light 6" Milky Type Heavy Carrier(decorative)

2.00 Set 1,103.31 2,206.62 1100.00 2,200.00 200.00 400.00 200.00 400.00
42" fan Almonard /Bajaj or eqvt.etc all complete.
1.00 Set 4,909.35 4,909.35 5000.00 5,000.00 4500.00 4,500.00 5500.00 5,500.00
- - - - -
Accessories: metal box ,screws ,gripes,flexible wire etc all complete.
- - -
6/16 Amps 2/3 Pin Power sockets with switch & indicator pin flush type
Bentex, Premier Rathi, Ohms, Nova, Platia,ABB or eqivalent etc all 2.00 Set 299.00 598.00 300.00 600.00 350.00 700.00 350.00 700.00
30 page of 39

State Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
State No.2,Janakpurdham
Comparative chart
Budget Head:-
Name of Office : ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ .
Location :- Janakpurdham,Dhanusha

Departmental Baidehi bayas nirman sewa Remarks

Description of Work Quantity Unit
S.N. Rate Rs. Amount Rs. Rate Rs. Amount Rs. Rate Rs. Amount Rs. Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
4 Gang one way Switch F
1.00 Set 624.91 624.91 620.00 620.00 650.00 650.00 650.00 650.00
Junction box made of metal with cover size 6"X4" etc. all complete.
1.00 Set 353.62 353.62 350.00 350.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 360.00
- - -
Accessories ;screws, gripes, nut bolt,cu bus bar,earth bus bar, neutral bus
bar,fuse, porcelin base ,cu. Strip for connection, cable shoe ,phase - - -
bar,pvc tape etc all complete.
63 Amp DP MCB
1.00 No 1,895.20 1,895.20 1850.00 1,850.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00
POINT WIRING / WIRES/CABLES (concealed wiring )
- - -
Accessories:HDPE polythene pipe,screws,pvc tape, grips, circular box etc
all complete. - - -
2x2.50 sq mm multi strand flexible cu .wire for light & fan point in 20mm
HDPE polythene pipe etc all complete. 2.00 Point 851.75 1,703.50 550.00 1,100.00 200.00 400.00 600.00 1,200.00
2x4.0+1x1.50 multi strand flexible cu wire for power point in
25mm HDPE polythene pipe etc all complete. 1.00 Point 1,494.56 1,494.56 250.00 250.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
Sub-total amount 389,750.29 388,837.45 389,059.02 388,351.54
After discount amount (912.84) (691.27) (1,398.75)

Ranking 2nd 3rd 1st

31 page of 39

State Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
State No.2,Janakpurdham
Budget Head:-
Name of Office : ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ . F.Y.2076-077
Location :- Janakpurdham,Dhanusha

It.No Rate NRS Without Vat

Description of Works unit Quantity
In Fig. In Words Amount
Civil works
1 Clearing the site of all the unuseful materials including removing all them from site after
completing the works as per instruction of the site engineer all complete.
Sqm 19.67

2 Earthwork in Excavation: (Open Excavation)Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil in foundation,

trenches including timbering and shoring & 30m Lead and 1.5 m. lift all complete as per design,
drawing and specification. Cum 4.40

3 Providing & laying brick soling all complete as per instruction of the site engineer.
Sqm 16.90

4 PCC Works: Providing, laying, compacting and curing plain cement concrete (1:2:4) with cement,
sand and well graded stone aggregate finishing to approved level, lines and dimensions all
complete as per drawings, specification. Cum 1.18

5 Providing & laying first class good quality local chimney made Brickwork in 1:4 C/S mortar up to
ground floor in perfect line level finishe including wetting the bricks, racking the joints and curing
the work for at least 7 days as per specification, drawings & instructions of the site engineer all Cum 7.84
6 Plain cement Concrete (PCC) for RCC works (1:2:4) for slab/lintels with approved quality of cement
and sand and crushed stone aggregate including mixing, laying, curing etc all complete in approval
of site engineer. Cum 0.97

7 Reinforcement bars (Grade 415 or above) work including straightening, cleaning, cutting, bending,
binding with 20 SWG annealed wire & fixing in position as per drawing, bar bending schedule for
raft foundation column, beam, wall, stair, slab in all R.C.C. works as per specification, drawing & kg 111.75
instruction of site engineer. Approved brands: Himal Iron, Panchakanya or equivalent.
8 Providing,Laying & Fixing, Centering and shuttering with approved wood for all kinds of R.C.C.
work including all necessary propping, scaffolding, staging, supporting, dismantling and clearing
from the site, including shuttering of circular column up to 2 m dia etc. all complete as per design Sqm 8.48
drawings, specifications and instruction of the site engineer .
9 Earth filling including supply of filling materials within 10 m distance all complete.
Cum 8.27

10 Providing, laying & curing 12.5 mm cement sand (1:4) Plastering on walls to perfect plumb, lines &
level including raking the mortar joints and wetting the masonry surface all complete as per design
drawings, specifications and instruction of the site engineer all complete: Sqm 92.28
32 page of 39

State Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
State No.2,Janakpurdham
Budget Head:-
Name of Office : ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ . F.Y.2076-077
Location :- Janakpurdham,Dhanusha

It.No Rate NRS Without Vat

Description of Works unit Quantity
In Fig. In Words Amount
Civil works
11 Providing, laying and curing (1:1) cement sand punning on floor of buildings on perfect line &
level as per design, specification and instruction of site engineer.
Sqm 12.54
33 page of 39

State Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
State No.2,Janakpurdham
Budget Head:-
Name of Office : ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ . F.Y.2076-077
Location :- Janakpurdham,Dhanusha

It.No Rate NRS Without Vat

Description of Works unit Quantity
In Fig. In Words Amount
Civil works
12 Supplying and Spreading 2 coats of apex paint(weather coat) of approved colour with one coat of
primer Painting over porperly cleaned surface all complete
Sqm 44.85

13 2 coats of ready made plastic emulsion paint of approved colour over 1 coats of primer Painting
over porperly cleaned surface all complete
Sqm 36.49

14 26 (L) 0.35mm thick plane C.G.I. sheet roofing work (55kg/bandal)

Sqm 21.38

15 Rafter and purlin @48.3 out side diameter.

kg 160.54

16 False ceiling by Gypsum ,Gypsum Board : 12mm

Sqm 12.73

17 Alluminium fixed panel window With ventilation but without fly mesh shutter from
section( 88mmx38.1mm x1.3mm , Glass 4.75-5mm)
Sqm 3.26

18 Aluminium swing door of section (101x45x1.1)

Sqm 1.76

Electrical works
1 Dome Light 6" Milky Type Heavy Carrier(decorative)
Set 2.00

2 42" fan Almonard /Bajaj or eqvt.etc all complete.

Set 1.00


34 page of 39

State Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
State No.2,Janakpurdham
Budget Head:-
Name of Office : ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ . F.Y.2076-077
Location :- Janakpurdham,Dhanusha

It.No Rate NRS Without Vat

Description of Works unit Quantity
In Fig. In Words Amount
Civil works
0 Accessories: metal box ,screws ,gripes,flexible wire etc all complete.

3 6/16 Amps 2/3 Pin Power sockets with switch & indicator pin flush type Bentex, Premier Rathi,
Ohms, Nova, Platia,ABB or eqivalent etc all complete.
Set 2.00

4 4 Gang one way Switch F

Set 1.00

5 Junction box made of metal with cover size 6"X4" etc. all complete.
Set 1.00


Accessories ;screws, gripes, nut bolt,cu bus bar,earth bus bar, neutral bus bar,fuse, porcelin
base ,cu. Strip for connection, cable shoe ,phase bar,pvc tape etc all complete.

6 63 Amp DP MCB
No 1.00

D POINT WIRING / WIRES/CABLES (concealed wiring )

Accessories:HDPE polythene pipe,screws,pvc tape, grips, circular box etc all complete.

7 2x2.50 sq mm multi strand flexible cu .wire for light & fan point in 20mm HDPE polythene pipe etc
all complete.
Point 2.00
35 page of 39

State Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
State No.2,Janakpurdham
Budget Head:-
Name of Office : ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnodf .
Name of Works : h=r'=sf=ln=leq eflts kjf{wf/ ljsf; dGqfnosf] ;lrj cfjf; ejgdf cfuGt's 3/ lgdf{0f sfo{ . F.Y.2076-077
Location :- Janakpurdham,Dhanusha

It.No Rate NRS Without Vat

Description of Works unit Quantity
In Fig. In Words Amount
Civil works
8 2x4.0+1x1.50 multi strand flexible cu wire for power point in 25mm HDPE polythene pipe
etc all complete.
Point 1.00

Contractor's Firm
Total Amount NRs.

Total amount in word


Propriter's Name 13% Vat

Address Grand Total

Telephone No:- Mobile No :-

Signature :

Date :
156 Dome Light 6" Brass Base(decorative)
sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
3156 labour skilled 1 nos 1034.00 1034.00
Semi skilled 1 nos 880.00 880.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 1914.00
materials a. D Light 10 nos 736.00 7360.00
b. CM, Screws, 10 nos 32.00 320.00
Grips etc.
Actual rate 9594.00
Rate per set Rs. 1103.31 15% conctractor overhead 1439.10
Total (Rs.) 11033.10

160 Wall Bracket/Spot Light/Mirror Light ( ordinary)

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
3160 labour skilled 0.5 nos 1035.00 517.50
Semi skilled 0.5 nos 880.00 440.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 957.50
materials a. 10 nos 232.00 2320.00
b. CM, Screws,
Light 10 nos 32.00 320.00
Grips etc.
Actual rate 3597.50
Rate per set Rs. 413.71 15% conctractor overhead 539.63
Total (Rs.) 4137.13

149 48" Ceiling Fan

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
3149 labour skilled 0.5 nos 1034.00 517.00
Semi skilled 0.5 nos 880.00 440.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 957.00
materials a. Fan 1 nos 3500.00 3500.00
b. Iron clamps LS 60.00
c. Ceiling rose 1 nos 27.00 27.00
d. CM, Screws, LS 25.00
Grips etc.
Actual rate 4569.00
Rate per set Rs. 5254.35 15% conctractor overhead 685.35
Total (Rs.) 5254.35

Dyna / CPL Switch & Socket

30 1 Gang one way Switch F

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
3030 labour skilled 1 nos 1035.00 1035.00
Semi skilled 2 nos 880.00 1760.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 2795.00
materials a. Switch 10 nos 65.00 650.00
b.M.Box 10 nos 52.00 520.00
c. CM, Screws, 10 LS 11.00 110.00
Grips etc.
Actual rate 4075.00
Rate per set Rs. 468.62 15% conctractor overhead 611.25
Total (Rs.) 4686.25
32 1 Gang 2 way Switch F
sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
3032 labour skilled 1 nos 1035.00 1035.00
Semi skilled 2 nos 880.00 1760.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 2795.00
materials a. Switch 10 nos 65.00 650.00
b.M.Box 10 nos 52.00 520.00
c. CM, Screws, 10 LS 11.00 110.00
Grips etc.
Actual rate 4075.00
Rate per set Rs. 468.62 15% conctractor overhead 611.25
Total (Rs.) 4686.25

34 2 Gang one way Switch F

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
3034 labour skilled 1 nos 1034.00 1034.00
Semi skilled 2 nos 880.00 1760.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 2794.00
materials a. Switch 10 nos 110.00 1100.00
b.M. Box 10 nos 52.00 520.00
c. CM, Screws, 10 LS 11.00 110.00
Grips etc.
Actual rate 4524.00
Rate per set Rs. 520.26 15% conctractor overhead 678.60
Total (Rs.) 5202.60

36 3 Gang one way Switch F

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
3036 labour skilled 1 nos 1034.00 1034.00
Semi skilled 2 nos 880.00 1760.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 2794.00
materials a. Switch 10 nos 140.00 1400.00
b.M Box 10 nos 56.00 560.00
c. CM, Screws, 10 LS 11.00 110.00
Grips etc.
Actual rate 4864.00
Rate per set Rs. 559.36 15% conctractor overhead 729.60
Total (Rs.) 5593.60

38 4 Gang one way Switch F

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
3038 labour skilled 1 nos 1034.00 1034.00
Semi skilled 2 nos 880.00 1760.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 2794.00
materials a. Switch 10 nos 185.00 1850.00
b.M Box 10 nos 68.00 680.00
c. CM, Screws, 10 LS 11.00 110.00
Grips etc.
Actual rate 5434.00
Rate per set Rs. 624.91 15% conctractor overhead 815.10
Total (Rs.) 6249.10

107 Join Box Metal 4"x6"

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
3107 labour skilled 0.5 nos 1034.00 400.00
Semi skilled 1 nos 880.00 665.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 1065.00
materials a. M.Box 10 nos 150.00 1500.00
b. CM, Screws, 10 LS 51.00 510.00
Grips etc.
Actual rate 3075.00
Rate per set Rs. 353.62 15% conctractor overhead 461.25
Total (Rs.) 3536.25

MCCB 10KA to 40KA-Siemens,GE, Legrand, C&S or Eqv.

96 100 Amp MCCB

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
3096 labour skilled 0 nos 1034.00 0.00
Semi skilled 0 nos 880.00 0.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 0.00
materials a.MCCB 1 nos 5665.00 5665.00
b. CM, Screws, LS 0.00
Grips etc.
Actual rate 5665.00
Rate per set Rs. 6514.75 15% conctractor overhead 849.75
Total (Rs.) 6514.75

2 9 Watt Led Panel light Wipro/Fiam/Philips or equivalent

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
labour skilled 0.5 nos 1034.00 517.00
Semi skilled 0.5 nos 880.00 440.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 957.00
a.9 Watt Led Panel
materials light 10 nos 2100.00 21000.00
b. Rod, screw, grips 10 LS 9.00 90.00
Actual rate 22047.00
15% conctractor overhead 3307.05
Rate per set Rs. 2535.40 Total (Rs.) 25354.05

3 12 Watt Led Panel light round/square Wipro/Fiam/Philips or equivalent

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
labour skilled 0.5 nos 1034.00 517.00
Semi skilled 0.5 nos 880.00 440.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 957.00
a 12 Watt Led
materials Panel light 10 nos 2550.00 25500.00
b, screw, grips etc.
10 LS 9.00 90.00
Actual rate 26547.00
15% conctractor overhead 3982.05
Rate per set Rs. 3052.90 Total (Rs.) 30529.05

6 4' Led Tube light Wipro/Fiam/Philips or equivalent

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
labour skilled 0.5 nos 1034.00 517.00
Semi skilled 0.5 nos 880.00 440.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 957.00
a.4' Led Tube light
materials 10 nos 3000.00 30000.00
b. Rod, screw, grips 10 LS 9.00 90.00
Actual rate 31047.00
15% conctractor overhead 4657.05
Rate per set Rs. 3570.40 Total (Rs.) 35704.05

1 Light point 2* multi strand flexible copper cable

68.14 * 12.50 851.75

Power point 2*4.0 +1.50 multi strand flexible copper cable
2 90.43 * 12.50 1130.38
58.27 * 6.25 364.19

AC point 2*6.0 +1.50 multi strand flexible copper cable

3 129.91 * 12.50 1623.88
58.27 * 6.25 364.19

148 42" Ceiling Fan

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
3148 labour skilled 0.5 nos 1034.00 517.00
Semi skilled 0.5 nos 880.00 440.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 957.00
materials a. Fan 1 nos 3200.00 3200.00
b. Iron clamps LS 60.00
c. Ceiling rose 1 nos 27.00 27.00
d. CM, Screws, LS 25.00
Grips etc.
Actual rate 4269.00
Rate per set Rs. 4909.35 15% conctractor overhead 640.35
Total (Rs.) 4909.35

149 48" Ceiling Fan

sources Level Qty Unit Rate/unit cost Total Cost
3149 labour skilled 0.5 nos 1034.00 517.00
Semi skilled 0.5 nos 880.00 440.00
un skilled 0 nos 715.00 0.00 957.00
materials a. Fan 1 nos 3500.00 3500.00
b. Iron clamps LS 60.00
c. Ceiling rose 1 nos 27.00 27.00
d. CM, Screws, LS 25.00
Grips etc.
Actual rate 4569.00
Rate per set Rs. 5254.35 15% conctractor overhead 685.35
Total (Rs.) 5254.35

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