Chapter - 2 Credit Management - A Conceptual Framework
Chapter - 2 Credit Management - A Conceptual Framework
Chapter - 2 Credit Management - A Conceptual Framework
Every country has to undergo from the continuous process of development. Banks
play a vital role in this process. The Indian banking system has progressed as a
powerful mechanism of planning for economic growth. Banks channelize savings
to investments and consumption. Through that, the investment requirements of
savers are reconciled with the credit needs of investors and consumers. 1
Out of all principal roles of the banks, lending is the most important role in which
banks provide working capital to commerce and industry. Importance of credit is
not only because of its social obligation to cater the credit needs of different
sections of the community but also because lending is the most profitable activity,
as the interest rates realized on business loans have always been well above those
realized on investments. Credit being the principal source of income for banks and
usually represents one of the principal assets of the banks so its proper
management becomes all the more necessary. The extension of credit on sound
basis is therefore very essential to the growth and prosperity of a bank. With the
increasing role of commercial banking in capital formation, employment
generation and production facilitation, the credit operations of commercial banks
are expected to be in harmony with the requirements of the economic system. Till
today, banks are the major suppliers of working capital to the trade and industry
and they have privilege of having massive lending facilities produced by the
banks. Hence, the management of bank credit operations is required to be more
creative than the traditional approach followed by it earlier. 2
Lending activities of banks have surround effect on the economy. For overall
development of economy, all the sectors of economy should be grown and
developed equally. Credit management serves the concept of credit deployment
that bank should observe that overall bank credit should be deployed in such a
way that each and every segment of an economy and system of nation get
benefited. This is the one aspect of credit management. On the other hand, if
lending activity becomes fail, it adversely affects the whole economy. In last
decade, banks have realized that an increase in retail credit increased the credit
risk also. Success of bank lies on profitability and liquidity and that come majority
from successful lending activity. So an examination of some of the important
aspects of credit management of Indian banks would provide an insight into the
credit/ lending activity of commercial bank.
4. Prof. Thomas:
“The term credit is now applied to that belief in a man‟s probability and solvency
which will permit of his being entrusted with something of value belonging to
another whether that something consists, of money, goods, services or even credit
itself as and when one may entrust the use of his good name and reputation.”
On the basis of above definitions it can be said that credit is the exchange function in
which, creditor gives some goods or money to the debtor with a belief that after
sometime he will return it. In other words „Trust‟ is the „Credit‟.4
5. Vasant Desai:
“To give or allow the use of temporarily on the condition that some or its
equivalent will be returned.”5
2. Capacity:
Capacity of the borrower to repay the debt is also very crucial thing to be
considered. Before granting or extending any advance, creditor should evaluate
the borrower‟s capacity.
3. Security:
Banks are the main source of credit. Before extending credit, bank ensures
properly about the debtor‟s security. The availability of credit depends upon
property or assets possessed by the borrower.
4. Goodwill:
If the borrower has good reputation of repaying outstanding in time, borrower
may be able to obtain credit without any difficulty.
5. Size of credit:
Generally small amount of credit is easily available than the larger one. Again it
also depends on above factors.
6. Period of credit:
Normally, long term credit cannot easily be obtained because more risk elements
are involved in its security and repayments. 6
2. Overdraft:
A customer having current account, is allowed by the banks to draw more
than his deposits in the account is called an overdraft facility. In this system,
customers are permitted to withdraw the amount over and above his balance up to
extent of the limit stipulated when the customer needs it and to repay it by the
means of deposits in account as and when it is convenient. Customer of good
standing is allowed this facility but customer has to pay interest on the extra
withdrawal amount.
3. Demand loans:
A demand loan has no stated maturity period and may be asked to be paid on
demand. Its silent feature is, the entire amount of the sanctioned loan is paid to the
debtor at one time. Interest is charged on the debit balance.
4. Term loans:
Term loan is an advance for a fixed period to a person engaged in industry,
business or trade for meeting his requirement like acquisition of fixed assets etc.
the maturity period depends upon the borrower‟s future earnings. Next to cash
credit, term loans are assumed of great importance in an advance portfolio of the
banking system of country.
5. Bill purchased:
Bankers may sometimes purchase bills instead of discounting them. But this is
generally done in the case of documentary bills and that too from approved
customers only. Documentary bills are accompanied by documents of title to
goods such as bills of loading or lorry and railway receipts. In some cases, banker
advances money in the form of overdraft or cash credit against the security of
such bills.
6. Bill discounted:
Banker loans the funds by receiving a promissory note or bill payable at a future
date and deducting that from the interest on the amount of the instrument. The
main feature of this lending is that the interest is received by the banker in
advance. This form of lending is more or less a clean advance and banks rely
mainly on the creditworthiness of the parties.
Technology has supported the development of financial service industry and
reduced the cycle of money to the shortest possible duration. A number of
financial institutions, including banks have started online services. The growth of
innovative retail products offered by Indian banks is increasing sharply.
1. Credit cards:
Credit cards are alternative to cash. Banks allow the customers to buy goods and
services on credit. The card comprises different facilities and features depending
on the annual income of the card holder. Plastic money has played an important
role in promoting retail banking.
2. Debit cards:
Debit card can be used as the credit card for purchasing products and also for
drawing money from the ATMs. As soon as the debit card is swiped, money is
debited from the individual‟s account.
3. Housing loans:
Various types of home loans are offered by the banks these days for purchasing or
renovating house. The amount of loan given to the customer depends on the
lending policies and repayment capacity of the customer. These loans are usually
granted for a long period.
4. Auto loans:
Auto loans are granted for the purchase of car, scooter etc. it may be granted for
purchasing vehicle.
5. Personal loans:
This is an excellent service provided by the banks. This loan is granted to the
individuals to satisfy their personal requirements without any substantial security.
Many banks follow simple procedure and grant the loan in a very short period
with minimum documents.
6. Educational loans:
This loan is granted to the student to pursue higher education. It is available for
the education within the country or outside the country.
Credit Classification
C all
Productive Agriculture Individual
Short -
T erm Non-
Un-Secured Bu siness
Productive Commercial
Medium -
T erm
Consumer Institutional
Long -
Term Export
Credit instruments prove very helpful in encouragement and the development of
credit and help in the promotion and development of trade and commerce. Some
of the credit instruments are,
1. Cheque:
Cheque is the most popular instrument. It is an order drawn by a depositor on the
bank to pay a certain amount of money which is deposited with the bank.
2. Bank draft:
Bank draft is another important instrument of credit used by banks on either its
branch or the head office to send money from one place to other. Money sent
through a bank draft is cheaper, convenient and has less risk.
3. Bill of exchange:
It enables a seller of commodity to issue an order to a buyer to make the payment
either to him or to a person whose name and address is mentioned therein either
on the site of the bill or within a period of time specified therein.
4. Promissory note:
According to the Indian negotiable instrument act, „a promissory note‟ is an
instrument in writing containing an unconditional undertaking signed by the
maker to pay a certain sum of money only to or the order of certain person or the
bearer of the instrument.
5. Government bonds:
Government issues a sort of certificate to the person who subscribes to these
loans. Such certificates are called government bonds. Some of them are income
tax free.
6. Treasury bills:
These bills are also issued by the government. They are issued in anticipation of
the public revenues.
7. Traveler‟s cheque:
This is the facility given by bank to the people. It was most useful when recent
technological instrument like ATMs were not available. A customer was used to
deposit money with the banks and banks give traveler‟s cheque in turn. It was
used to avoid risk of having cash while travelling.12
2. Employment encouragement:
With the help of bank credit, people can be encouraged to do some creative
business work which helps increasing the volume of employment.
3. Increase consumption:
Credit increases the consumption of all types of goods. By that, large scale
production may stimulate which leads to decrease cost of production which in turn
also lowers the price of product which in result rising standard of living.
4. Saving encouragement:
Credit gives encouragement to the saving habit of the people because of the
attraction of interest and dividend.
5. Capital formation:
Credit helps in capital formation by way that it makes available huge funds from
able people to unable people to use some things. Credit makes possible the
balanced development of different regions.
6. Development of entrepreneurs:
Credit helps in developing large scale enterprises and corporate business. It has
also helped the different entrepreneurs to fight with difficult periods of financial
crisis. Credit also helps the ordinary consumers to meet requirements even in the
inability of payment. One can borrow money and grow business at a greater return
on investment than the interest rates of loan.
7. Easy payment:
With the help of various credit instruments people can pay without much
difficulty and botheration. Even the international payments have been facilitated
very much.
Credit is a mixed consent. It involves certain advantages and some dangers also at
the same time. Credit is useful as well as harmful to the user even. So it should be
used very cautiously otherwise it may spoil all industries and enterprises. Credit,
if not properly regulated and controlled it has its inherent dangers.
1. Encouragement of expenditure:
Credit encourages wasteful expenses by the individuals as well as commercial
institutions. As people irresponsibly think that the money is not their own. Easy
availability leads to over trading over exposure that ultimately leads to bad debts.
2. Encourage weakness:
Credit encourages big entrepreneurs to continue to hide their weakness. Their own
shortcomings are met by the borrowed capital. Even the loosing concerns continue
with the help of borrowed capital in the hope to survive. In this condition, if
business fails, it not only leads the borrowers in dangers but also thousands of
those people who advanced credit to such people.
3. Economic crisis:
In several occasions credit is directly responsible for economic crisis. It leads to
recession and depression in an economy as boom of credit facilities has its own
evil effect on the economy. Financially weak concern having credit facility takes
the economy to weaker effects.
5. Evil of monopoly:
Credit system has also resulted in the creation of monopolies; monopolistic
exploitation is due to money placed at the disposal of individuals or companies
that leads to monopolist exploitation. The different organizations have growth
with the emergence of credit and have worked to the damage of both the
consumers and the workers.
6. Encourage inefficient:
Credit gives encouragement to certain inefficient and worthless producers.
Inefficient business concerns availing the credit and not using efficiently,
accumulate money in their hands. People come into the market with the feeling
that they have nothing to do but just to play only with other‟s money.
So, by this it can be said that it is clear that the government or the central banking
authorities must keep the credit within limit so that no evil is allowed to crop up in
the economy.
fulfills the capital requirement of an entrepreneur which increases the production
at higher level by which production cost decreases and as a result price of product
also decreases that affects the economy positively.
Credit provides financial ability to use advanced technology in the production. So
the quality of production and product may increase. And business can survive in
an international market too. Credit makes common person to change into
entrepreneur. Surplus fund utilized for credit bring return that further increase the
volume of funds. Credit makes it easy and convenient for the consumers to
purchase or hire durable goods. In the period of declining market, there is greater
availability of cheaper source of funds through credit. Corporate borrowers paid
greater attention towards banks for their financial requirements. This enables the
entrepreneurs to run their business and day to day transactions very smoothly.
Bank‟s power to create money is of great economic significance. This gives an
elastic credit system which is necessary for steady economic progress. This
system geared to the seasonal demands of business. Bank lending operation acts
as a governor controlling the economic activity in the country. Bank lending is
very important to the economy, for it makes possible the financing of the
agricultural, industrial and commercial activities of the country. According to an
economist, “Credit has done more to enrich nations than all the gold mines in the
world put together.”14
it has always to be defensive at the same time because it cannot afford to lose the
people‟s money. The advance should be granted to reliable borrower.
2. Security:
Security means any valuable given to support a loan or advance. A large variety of
securities may be offered against loans from gold or silver to immovable property.
The security accepted by a banker as a loan cover must be adequate, easy to
handle, readily marketable. A banker must realize it only as a cushion to fall back
in case of need.
3. Liquidity:
Liquidity means a bank‟s ability to meet the claims of its customers. Banks
should ensure that the money lent is not locked up for a long time. A bank would
remain liquid with liquid advance. This is an important aspect of banking, which
distinguishes it from insurance finance or industrial finance. It is the capacity of a
bank to honor its obligations. A banker does the business on borrowed funds; it
should ensure liquidity while lending money. At the time of need, a banker should
be able to convert assets into cash to meet the demand of depositors, because
depositors have faith in a bank on the basis of its liquidity.
4. Suitability:
Banker should concentrate lending activity on purpose desirable from the point of
view of economic health of the nation. Finance to gambling is not a part of
banking business. Due consideration should be given to control inflation and
raising the standard of living of the people.
5. Risk diversification:
Every loan has its own risk. So it is better to give an advance for different
purposes and segments to spread the risk. For safety of interest against
contingences, the banker follows the principle of “Do not keep all the eggs in one
basket.” Bank should avoid concentrating the funds in a few customers or
segments. The advances should be spread over a reasonably wide area, number of
borrowers, number of sectors, geographical area and securities.
Another form of diversification is maturity diversification. Under this, the loan
portfolio is concentrated over different maturity periods. So that, a certain amount
of loans matures at regular intervals which can be utilized to meet the depositor‟s
6. Profitability:
Commercial banks are profit earning concerns so bank must earn sufficient
income to pay interest to the depositors, meet establishment charges, salaries to
staff, earn income for the future, and distribute dividends to the share-holders etc..
The difference between the lending and borrowing rates constitutes the gross
profit of the bank. A bank should possess liquidity, with surety of profit; banks
should not ignore the safety or liquidity.
7. Purpose:
A banker should inquire the purpose of the loan. Safety and liquidity of loan
depend on the purpose of loan. Loan may be required for productive purposes,
trading, agriculture, transport, self-employment etc... Loan for productive purpose
would increase the chances of recovery. On the other side, loan for nonproductive
purpose would have lots of uncertainty about recovery. After nationalization, the
purpose of a loan has assumed more significant.
8. Nature of business:
There may be innumerable types of businesses and the repaying capacity of a
borrower depends on the nature of the business. So, banker should consider this
while granting the loan.
9. Margin:
The security offered against advance must be judged from the aspect of economic
value and legal aspect. The market value of the security must be higher than the
amount of advances proposed. It should give enough margins for fluctuation in
prices and interest rates.
In a developing country like India, banks are also required to fulfill some social
responsibilities. Government policies and national interests impose certain social
responsibilities on commercial banks. Sometimes to cater social responsibility,
advances are given at concessional rate to the weaker and neglected sectors. The
lending policies of banks are to be modified from time to time to suit the needs of
the economy.
4. Acceptable security:
The Government policy and credit policy of the RBI should also be kept in view
while granting any credit. Bank should observe the rules and regulation time to
time for maintaining liquidity and profitability. Otherwise if security aspect is not
considered, bank will have to suffer from any loss which may occur from any
unsecure loan.
5. Maturity:
A loan may be called back in times of need to satisfy the liquidity needs of the
bank. Short term loans are more liquid and less risky. The minimum period of
loans and spread over various maturities subject to roll-over would now be
decided by banks and banks could invest short-term / temporary surplus of
borrowers in money market instruments.
6. Compensating balance:
Compensating balance is a protective device to save the bank from the risk of
default. The compensating requirement may not be common for all the customers.
The way in which the compensating requirement is applied seems to vary from
bank to bank.
7. Lending criteria:
To minimize the risks in lending, a bank should grant loans only to deserving
parties whose credit character, capacity and integrity are good. The criteria of
evaluating credit character and capacity to generate income should be set forth in
the policy statement.
8. Loan territory:
The loan policy statement of the bank must include the regions to be served by the
banks. This will save the time and efforts of the credit department in respect to
receive a loan application.
2. Pricing:
Fixing of loan pricing should be based on the cost of funds and nature of the risks.
The cost of fund should be spelled out by bank depending on credit rating of the
borrower and probability of default.
3. Expiry Terms:
The terms of expiry of the loan should be based on maturity pattern of resources
and movement in interest rates and life of collateral.
4. Sanctioning:
Sanctioning power of the authority should be clearly mentioned in loan policy.
The sanction should be in written form and within the delegated authority. Time
schedule for reporting sanctions and exceptions for confirmation of the higher
authorities should also be spelled out.
5. Documentation:
Documentation starts with a written loan application by the borrower followed by
signed loan covenants like, right of set off, right to enforce collateral / securities
on default, right to debit account for charges, right to freeze operation on misuse
of facilities, right to receive statements of business etc. The borrower should be
given a sanction letter in standard format and borrower‟s written acknowledgment
in terms of sanction should also be obtained.
6. Disbursement:
Proper authorization for disbursement of loan should be there. Adequate drawing
power and security cover within stipulated margin should be taken carefully while
disbursing. This should be made after proper documentation. It should be ensured
also that the use of credit is for the purpose for which it was granted.
7. Supervision:
The main purpose of supervision is to ensure that the loan is utilized for the
purpose for which it has been granted. This is achieved through the periodical
statements, visits of the borrower, monitoring operations, credit reports etc.
8. Monitoring:
The loan portfolio is centrally monitored at the head office for returns from
2. Monetary policy:
The Central Bank influences the lending policy of bank by controlling the credit
limits. By the cash reserve ratio and the net liquidity ratio, Central Bank controls
the credit powers of the banks. Monetary policy of a Central Bank affects much in
determining the lending policy.
3. Capital position:
Capital of bank provides the cushion to absorb the losses that may occur. A strong
capital based bank can assume more credit risk than the weaker one. So that bank
can follow a liberal lending policy and provide different loan products. So, the
capital position of a bank is probably the most important influencing factor.
4. Competitive position:
A bank management should consider the market competition. If bank management
finds that as per the competition, bank cannot afford such loan policy, so that they
can change the policy.
sanctioned to „safe‟ and „profitable‟ projects. For this they need to fine tune their
appraisal criteria. A mix of both formal and non-formal credit appraisal
techniques will go a long way to ensure perfection in credit appraisal.
Financial statements:
Financial statements include the balance sheet and the profit and loss account. The
financial statements of the last few years should be obtained. This analysis would
provide an insight into the borrower‟s financial position, funds management
capacity, liquidity, profitability and repaying capacity of the borrower.
the credit histories on individuals and business entities. The CICRA became a
piece of legislation with effect from June 23, 2005. Credit information in this
context only includes past track record in loans availed and future repayment
Bank‟s own records:
If the applicant is the existing customer of the bank, the banker can study the
previous records, which provides an insight into the past dealings with the bank.
Every bank maintains a record of all depositors and borrowers. The transactions
of borrower can give depth idea to banker.
Bazaar report:
Report regarding applicant can also be obtained from various markets. The
strengths and weaknesses of the borrowers are monitored by the markets
continuously. Market opinion can also predict the future of the business. Market
intelligence can also be gathered through borrower‟s competitors. It should be a
continuous process on existing current account holders and other prominent
loan. The creditworthiness of the applicant calls for a detailed investigation of the
5 „C‟ of credit – Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral and Conditions.
The „character‟ means the reputation of the prospective borrower. This includes
certain moral and mental qualities of integrity, fairness, responsibility, trust
worthiness, industry, etc. The honesty and integrity of the borrowers is of primary
importance. So, credit character should be judged on the basis of applicant‟s
performance in bad times.
It is the management ability factor. It indicates the ability of the potential
borrower to repay the debt. It also shows the borrower‟s ability to utilize the loan
effectively and profitably.
Capital refers to the general financial position of the potential borrower‟s firm. It
indicates the ability to generate funds continuously over time. Capital means
investment represents the faith in the concern, its product and nature. Bank should
also determine the amount of immediate liabilities that are due. For the true
estimate, market value of assets should be considered rather than book value.
Collateral means assets offered as a pledge against the loan. It serves as cushion at
the time of insufficiency of giving a reasonable assurance of repayment of the
It refers to the economic and business conditions of the country and position of
particular business cycle, which affect the borrower‟s ability to earn and repay the
debt. This is beyond the control of the borrower. Sometimes borrower may have a
high credit character, potential ability to produce income but the condition may
not be in favor. For the proper evaluation, bank should have eyesight on the
economic condition too.
For this, they have to rate the borrowers in different categories like excellent, well
and poor. Both the formal and non-formal tools combined would lead to
perfection in credit appraisal and ward of increasing default tendency in credit.
There are number of tools and techniques developed to evaluate the
creditworthiness of the borrower like, ratio analysis, cash flow projections, fund
flow statement, credit scoring etc.
3. Credit decision:
After passing through whole this process, the banker has to take decision about
sanctioning of credit facility. The creditworthiness should be matched against the
credit standards of loan policy. The banker should be very conscious about this,
for taking right decision to avoid the possible credit risks to arise in future.
1. Documentation:
Once the loan is sanctioned by the bank, the borrower must provide certain
documents. The properly executed and stamped documents are essential which
should be dully filled and authenticated by the borrower.
2. Disbursement of advance:
The advance should be disbursed only after obtaining the documents. Loan
account should be scrutinized to ascertain that the funds are utilized for the
business purpose only.
3. Inspection:
The unit and the securities charged to the bank should be inspected periodically.
The banker stipulates different terms and conditions at the time of granting the
advance. And the banker should continue to keep a watch that all these are
observed. In this, the team of financial and technical officers visits the borrower‟s
firm to get view about customer‟s affairs.
4. Submission of various statements:
All the statements required by a banker should be regularly obtained and
thoroughly scrutinized. The health of the borrower‟s accounts are indicated by
control formats, so, should be reviewed properly. Borrower‟s accounts show
movement of accounting and operation stage. Financial statements and balance
sheets should be examined along with credit risk rating at least once in a year. The
positive and the negative progress of the loan assets are indicated by these
5. Annual review:
Every loan account should be revised annually. A borrower makes lending
decision on certain assumptions. So, it is necessary to hold those as good
throughout the continuance of the advances. Annual review provides an insight
view of the borrower‟s general and financial conditions.
6. Market information:
The banker should keep in touch with the market environment. Market reports are
an important source to get the present information regarding trade and industry.
The banker should have resource for such information.
Hence, bank must take all the precautions before sanctioning loans and after in
follow-up also. The post sanctioning period is also most important to avoid the
risk of NPA. It is helpful to banker to prevent the debt to be converted into bad
Board of Directors
Loan Committee
Credit Officer Officer Manager
(Real (Consumpti Estate) on
Application Bank S crutinizes Interview
with the Application in with
Preliminary Detail and Calls the
Project Bank for Further Borrower
Report Details / (detail
and Clarifications discussions)
Enclosures Detailed Project
price. Price of loans is based on the credit risk rating of the borrower. The loan
pricing should be enough to recover cost of funds, credit risk premium, capital
adequacy cost and overhead. However, the bank is operating in the market, in
highly competitive environment. Hence, its price should be comparable to the
market price. In this global and competitive market, bank has to attract the
customer with such an attractive prices and returns. Growth of bank depends upon
the stability of bank in this competition.
3. Personal security: It provides legal remedy to the bank against the borrower by
providing right of action against the borrower personally. Loan against this may
be an unsecured.
5. Liquid security: This is the most reliable form of security and easily convertible
into cash. Fixed deposit, shares of blue chip Company are the examples of it.
8. Blue chip security: Shares of highly rated, consistently dividend paying are
called as blue chip securities.
Credit Risk Management is very important area for the banking sector and there
are wide prospects of growth. Banks and other financial institutions are often
faced with risks that are mostly of financial in nature. Management of risk has
been very important component of business plan for the banks and an
undercurrent of risk mitigation and planning has always been part of the banking
Risk management plays a vital role in a bank‟s credit management. Banking
professionals have to maintain the balance between the risks and the returns. For a
large customer base banks need to have a variety of loan products that are
reasonable enough. If the interest rates in loan products are too low, the bank will
suffer from losses.
There have been conscious efforts in minimizing the risk without affecting the
business opportunities since the early days of banking. With the increasing
volume of business and complexity in financial transactions, the risk management
also has increased. Risk management is relatively easy in stable environments and
under predictable circumstances of interest rates. However, with increasing
volatility in the markets has made risk management more complex.23
Giving loans is risky affair for bank sometimes; Banks are constantly faced with
risks. There are certain risks in the process of granting loans to certain clients.
There can be more risk involved if the loan is extended to unworthy debtors.
Certain risks may also come when banks offer securities and other forms of
Effective Credit Risk Management is vital for success of any bank, as banks are
operating with a low margin compared to other business. They should strike a
proper balance between profitability and liquidity and should always be careful
about default profitability and credit value at risk.24
Credit risk rating is a rating assigned to borrowers, based on an analysis of their
ability and willingness to repay the loan. Under the IRB (Internal Rating Base)
approach, banks will be allowed to use their internal credit risk rating system for
setting capital charges. The IRB approach provides similar treatment for corporate
bank and a separate frame-work for retail and project finance. 25
IRB approach is one of the most innovative aspects to calculate credit risk under
the new accord. According to Basel-II norms, credit risk is computed in two ways
under IRB approach, one is the Foundation approach while the other is the
Advance approach.
The foundation approach is relatively a fundamental approach. In this, the banks
are allowed to develop their own model for estimating the probability of default
for individual client or group of clients.
The advanced approach allows the banks to develop their own model to quantity
required capital for credit risk.26
Basel-I norms deal only with credit risk. So, it did not discriminate between
different levels of risk. As a result a loan to an established corporate was deemed
as risky as a loan to a new business. The Basel-II accord proposes getting rid of
the old risk weighted categories that treated all corporate borrowers the same
replacing categories into which borrowers would be assigned on that credit
This accord is based on three mutually reinforcing pillars, which together
contribute to the safety of the financial system.
Second Pillar : Supervisory Review Process
Third Pillar : Market Discipline
The new Basel accord is a set of recommendation especially in terms of risk
management. This will help in better pricing of loans in alignment with their
actual risk. The customer with high credit worthiness will be benefited and will
get loans at cheaper interest rates. Higher risk sensitivity of the norms provides no
incentive to lend to borrower with waning credit quality. It guides and show the
way of credit management to the banking system.
Its implementation will lead to more efficient loan pricing which will reflect the
risks and the costs involved. So, there would be a shift towards higher quality
borrowers over a period of time and the risk of the overall portfolio should
It is obvious that Indian banks have enjoyed the benefit of implementing Basel-I
norms in the last period. Basel-II norms will also work for the strengthening of
Indian banks in the fight with risk management in the coming years.
An asset, including a leased asset, becomes nonperforming when it ceases to
generate income for the bank. A non – performing asset (NPA) is a loan or an
advance where;
1. Interest and/ or installment of principal remain overdue for a period of more than
90 days in respect of a term loan,
2. The account remains „out of order‟, in respect of an Overdraft/Cash Credit
3. The bill remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days in the case of bills
purchased and discounted,
4. The installment of principal or interest there on remains overdue for two crop
seasons for short duration crops,
5. The installment of principal or interest there on remains overdue for one crop
season for long duration crops,
6. The amount of liquidity facility remains outstanding for more than 90 days, in
respect of a securitization transaction undertaken in terms of guidelines on
securitization dated February 1, 2006.
7. In respect of derivative transactions, the overdue receivables representing positive
mark-to-market value of a derivative contract, if these remain unpaid for a period
of 90 days from the specified due date for payment.
Banks should, classify an account as NPA only if the interest due and charged
during any quarter is not serviced fully within 90 days from the end of the
2. Benchmark Prime Lending Rate (BPLR) And Spreads:
Banks are free to determine of interest subject to BPLR and Spread guidelines on the
loans above Rs.2 lakhs. This is for operational flexibilities for the bank.
3. Freedom To Fix Lending Rates:
Banks are free to set their lending rates in some categories.
4. Fixed Interest Rates For Loans:
Banks are free to offer all categories of loans on fixed or floating rates, subject to
conformity to Asset Liability Management (ALM) guidelines.
5. Withdrawals Against Uncleared Effects:
In the nature of unsecured advances, the banks should charge interest on such drawls as
per the directive. This instruction will not apply to the facility afforded to
depositors for immediate credit.
6. Loans Under Consortium Arrangement:
The banks need not charge uniform rate of interest even under a consortium
7. Zero Percent Interest Finance Schemes For Consumer Durables:
These types of loan schemes lack transparency in operation and disort pricing
mechanism of loan products. So, banks should refrain from offering these types of
schemes. These products do not give a clear picture to the customer regarding the
interest rates. Banks should also not promote such schemes by advertisement in
different media.
RBI has suggested such corrective measures which may be observed while
allowing advances.
All proposals for advances, without exception, should emanate from the branches and
sanctions should be made only after proper appraisal.
Ad hoc / temporary amounts /excesses wherever sanctioned should be promptly
reported higher authorities without waiting for regularization of advances,
explaining the circumstances leading to the need for unforeseen urgent funds.
Controlling authorities should monitor the regularization effectively.
Sanctions within discretionary powers should also be promptly reported to the
controlling authorities in the stipulated manner.
In case of non-reporting, the controlling authorities should obtain the prescribed
statements and scrutinize the same diligently and take prompt follow up action.
Caution should be exercised against attempts by main borrowers to float fictitious
companies in order to facilitate sanction of large limits ostensibly within the
discretionary power of the sanctioning authority.
In case of oral / telephonic sanction, proper record of the same should be maintained
by the sanctioning as well as the disbursing authority, explaining there in the
circumstances under which such sanctions had to be obtained.
Written confirmation of the competent sanctioning authority must invariably be
obtained by the disbursing authority in such cases as also in sanctions beyond
discretionary powers.
The discretionary powers of the officials, who have a tendency to exceed their powers
frequently, should be reviewed by the controlling authorities.
Controlling authorities should make frequent visits to branches and submit reports of
such visits, with special focus on all loan accounts.
In case of rejection, specific reasons should be conveyed in writing.
Credit limits which may be sanctioned may be mutually settled.
Terms and conditions governing credit facilities such as margin, security should be
based on due diligence and creditworthiness of borrower.
Lender should ensure timely disbursement of loans sanctioned.
Lender should give notice of any change in the terms and conditions including interest
rates and service charges.30
Bank credit expanded at a higher rate during the period from 1964 to 1967.
Ratio of short term bank credit to inventories went up from 40% in 1961-62 to
52% in the 1966-67.
Diversion of short term bank credit for the acquisition of long term assets.
Banks granted working capital advances by way of cash credit limits.
Conclusions of DAHEJA Study Group
There was a tendency in the industry to avail itself of short term credit from banks
for growth in inventory based production.
Diversion was generally due to the sluggish conditions in the capital market since
1962, and limited appraisal for short term loans compared to medium and long
term loans.
Generally, banks relate their credit limits to the security offered by their clients
mostly without assessment of overall financial position of the borrower through
cash flow analysis.
To obtain periodical data from borrowers regarding their production plans and
credit needs by which banks would enable to formulate their own credit plans more
To set the criteria to determine financial structure of borrower and their borrowings.
To suggest norms for industry‟s inventory holding with the help of bank credit.
Whether modifications in the existing pattern of the cash credit overdraft etc. is
needed or not if so, to suggest suitable modification.
Style of lending
The present cash credit system has been expensive to operate. In spite of that, the
committee has applied the principles of behavioral science and has attempted to
take an advantage of cost consciousness among the borrowers.
Credit information system
The committee recommended a quarterly budgeting reporting system for operational
purposes, on the basis of which the requirements of working capital finance will
be calculated with reference to the borrower‟s future production needs.
Follow-up : Supervision and control
To verify the end-use of lending, according to the purpose for which the credit was
given, the bank should follow up and supervise the use of credit. This would be
necessary if the banker is to shift from security-oriented lending to
productionrelated credit.
For the purpose of better control, the committee has recommended a system of turnover
classification in each bank within the credit rating scale. There may be a five point
scale, on which the borrower may be classified as excellent, good, average, below
average or unsatisfactory.
These recommendations are applicable to all industrial units having working capital
limits of Rs.10 lakhs and above from the banking system. The recommendations
are applicable to only working capital unit.
Reserve Bank‟s Action on TANDON Committee Recommendations The
Reserve Bank introduced a reform on 21st August, 1975 to act upon the
recommendations of the Tandon Committee. The reform was designed to reduce
the dependence of industries for borrowings from commercial banks. The basic
strategy of the reform is to convert excess borrowings into term loans. Some
actions of Reserve Banks are….
The RBI has accepted the first two methods. Banks, to assess credit needs of units
between Rs.10 lakhs to Rs.50 lakhs.
The Reserve Bank advised all the scheduled banks to introduce immediate action
with respect to all the borrowers belonging to any of the 15 industry groups,
having credit limits in excess of Rs.10 lakhs and to ensure that they finance not
more than 75% of the working capital gap.
Bank should ensure that the borrowers who are already in position two, should not
slip back to position one.
As regards the style of bank credit, the Reserve Bank has advised the banks that
instead of making available the entire credit limit as a cash credit, the limit may be
bifurcated into a loan including the minimum level of borrowing annually. The
Reserve Bank has accepted the forms designed by the Tandon Committee for
credit information purposes, which have been circulated to all commercial banks
with deposits of Rs.50 crores and above.
The banks have been asked to call for the quarterly data straightaway from such
borrowing companies as have already the information system.32
At the time of reviewing the monetary and credit trends in March 1979, the
Governor of the RBI stressed the need for exercising continued restraint on further
expansion of credit, and underscored the need for considering certain longterm
issues relating to banking operation. The Governor mentioned in the letter dated
the 16th March, 1979 to all scheduled commercial banks that…..
“I would like to initiate action on certain structural matters which need further
examination. It is necessary to take a fresh look at another major problem faced
by banks in implementing the credit regulatory measures, viz., the extensive use
of the cash credit system. Its drawbacks have been pointed out by various
committees in the past, including the Tandon Committee, which suggested the
bifurcation of credit limits into a demand loan and a fluctuating cash credit
component. Although the banks were advised to implement these
recommendations, I am afraid; the progress achieved has been very slow. Clearly,
this problem needs to be looked into further, and for this purpose I propose to
setup immediately a small working group to report to me……. on the reforms to
be introduced.”33
In this Context in March 1979, the RBI appointed a Study Group under the
chairmanship of Mr. K.B. Chore, Chief Officer, Department of Banking
Operations and Development, to review the operation of the cash credit system in
commercial banks in India, particularly in reference to the gap between the
sanctioned credit limit and the extent of its utilization. The report of this
committee is an extension of the Tandon Committee recommendations and is
applicable to all borrowers, irrespective of whether he is a manufacturer or trader,
enjoying total working capital limit of over Rs.50 lakhs or above from the banking
Recommendations of the CHORE Committee
Placing of large borrowers straight under second method of lending recommended
by the Tandon Committee.
By this, it has become difficult for business houses to obtain loans for their
working capital requirements.
Fixing of peak and non-peak limits…
At the time of assessing the credit requirements, bank should fix separate limits,
wherever feasible, for the normal non-peak level as also for the peak level credit
Fixation of limits based on information system and regulated drawings there
under in order to reduce over dependence on bank borrowings.
The borrowers should be discouraged to approach the bank frequently for
temporary limits more than sanctioned limits. Banks should consider the requests
for such limits very carefully and should be given as a separate demand loan on
non-operable cash credit accounts. Bank should charge an additional interest of
1% per annum above the normal rates on these limits.
Introduction of Drawee bill system
This recommendation was not accepted by the RBI.
Financing of temporary requirements through loans.
Borrower‟s contribution, increase up to 25% of the total current assets. The
suggestion was, in case if the borrower is not able to comply this requirement
immediately, and the excess borrowing should be treated separately as a working
capital term loan- which repayable in half-yearly installments within 5 years. To
encourage for an early liquidation of this loan, bank may charge higher on this.
The chore committee‟s recommendations were accepted by the RBI. The concept
of drawee bill could not take off them.
The RBI constituted in December, 1991 a committee under the chairmanship of
Shri P. R. Nayak, Dy. Governor, Reserve Bank of India. To go into the difficulties
experienced by Small Scale Industries (SSI), on securing finance.
employed persons, education etc. included in priority sector. These sectors have
been given priority because of their significant contribution to the national
The meaning of the „Priority Sector‟ was elaborated at the conference of
custodians of nationalized banks held in New Delhi in July, 1970 by the then
Finance Minister in the following words, “When we talk of priority sector the
emphasis is on the needs of the common man, the man who is engaged or is
willing to be engaged in a productive endeavor, which is socially useful and
economically viable but is handicapped for lack of finance on reasonable terms.”37
So, priority sectors include the areas of economic activities which are very
desirable socially but have been less financed or wholly neglected by the
commercial banks earlier.
The national policy makers have evolved such important measures to ensure the
flow of credit which are……..
Relaxation in the terms and conditions of credit to the specific sectors.
To give priority to certain sectors and sub-sectors.
Creation of supporting system to ensure the flow of credit.
Special allocation of credit for specific sectors.
The policies pertaining to priority sector lending has been modified from time to
time. The aim is to an all-inclusive development of the country, meeting the
expectations of the masses and improving the economic status and well-being of
the people.
1. Agriculture
2. Small scale industries
3. Retail trade & small business
4. Road and water transport operators
5. Professional & self employed persons
6. Education
7. Housing
Hence, banks are major institutions of financial transactions. People have huge
trust on banks for any financial transactions than any other financial institution.
On the other hand, credit delivery is also the primary function and risky as well
for any commercial bank. Banks have to rely more on credit for their profit
earning purpose. Though banks are playing many functions these days, they are
the major player for credit requirement of the people and various sectors of
economy in the market. So, banks have to perform their main function of credit
delivery with huge attention and safety to maintain the trust of the people and
growth of their own. The risk of NPA is increasing these days and banks are
facing this risk and trying hard to reduce that but even though they are lacking in
this regard. After a lot of efforts they are still not in a position to get back and
relax. As a responsibility of backbone of the economy and the financial system of
the country, banks always have to work hard for reducing their risk factors;
mainly of credit risk and market risk. So, managing their credit is a crucial area to
focus more from their side. They have to sanction loans considering the risk
factors and only sanction rightly is not enough but follow up of loans and
recovery are also the major areas on which banks need to focus to avoid and
reduce the risk associated with the credit. In addition to this, banks also have to
focus on disbursement of credit to various sectors of an economy. Moreover,
banks should give attention to sanction the loans in liquid manner. Means, the
maturity period of loans also should be considered while granting the loan from
liquidity aspect.
1. Vasant Desai: “Indian Banking Nature and Problems”, Himalaya Publishing
2. H. N. Agarwal: “A Portrait of Nationalized Banks” , Inter India Publication
3. Reeta Mathur: “Recent Trends in Indian Economics”, Sublime Publications
4. Reeta Mathur: “Recent Trends in Indian Economics”, Sublime Publications
5. P. K. Srivastava: “Banking – Theory and Practice”, Himalaya Publishing House
6. Reeta Mathur: “Recent Trends in Indian Economics”, Sublime Publications
7. Dr. K. M. Bhattacharya & O. P. Agarwal: “Basics of Banking and Finance”,
Himalaya Publishing House
8. Professional Banker: May, 2009
9. Professional Banker: June, 2009
10. Professional Banker: Dec., 2009
11. Reeta Mathur: “Recent Trends in Indian Economics”, Sublime Publications
12. Reeta Mathur: “Recent Trends in Indian Economics”, Sublime Publications
13. Reeta Mathur: “Recent Trends in Indian Economics”, Sublime Publications
14. Professional Banker: March, 2009
15. Vasant Desai: “Bank Management”, Himalaya Publishing House
16. G. Vijayaragavan: “Bank Credit Management”, Himalaya Publishing House
17. G. Vijayaragavan: “Bank Credit Management”, Himalaya Publishing House
18. Professional Banker: Nov., 2007
19. Professional Banker: March, 2009
20. G. Vijayaragavan: “Bank Credit Management”, Himalaya Publishing House
21. R. M. Srivastava & Divya Nigam: “Management of Indian financial Institutions”,
Himalaya Publishing House
22. Professional Banker, April,2008
23. Professional Banker: March, 2008
24. Professional Banker: March, 2008
25. S. N. Bidani, P. K. Mitra & Pramod Kumar: “Credit Risk Management”,
26. Professional Banker: Sep., 2007
27. R. K. Uppal: “Indian Banking in the Globalized World”, New Century
28. Professional Banker: May, 2009 & July 2009
30. G. Vijayaragavan: “Bank Credit Management”, Himalaya Publishing House
31. Ashok K. Dang: “Bank Credit in India”, Classical Publishing Company
32. R. M. Srivastava & Divya Nigam: “Management of Indian financial Institutions”,
Himalaya Publishing House
33. Vasant Desai: “Indian Banking, Nature & Problems”, Himalaya Publishing
34. Ashok K. Dang: “Bank Credit in India”, Classical Publishing Company
35. Professional Banker: Dec., 2009
36. A. S. Chawla: “Nationalization and Growth of Indian Banking”, Deep & Deep
37. A. S. Chawla: “Nationalization and Growth of Indian Banking”, Deep & Deep