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Dircks 014967987 PDF
Dircks 014967987 PDF
'I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and to the best of my
person, or substantial proportions of material which have been accepted for the
the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own work, except to
the extent that assistance from others in the project's design and conception or
Hugh Dircks
There are several important acknowledgements I wish to make at the outset of
this Thesis.
Thanks to Dennis Nielsen and all at KVL, Copenhagen for the DGGE gels of
our Australian isolates, and advice about their interpretation. Your willingness
to collaborate with us was greatly appreciated, and I was personally
encouraged to have contact with another PhD student overseas.
Thanks are extended to the lab staff at UNSW: Eileen Emmerson, Camellio
Taraborelli, and Peter Valtchev, for their dependability and cheerfulness in
keeping our labs functioning.
To my fellow PhD Students: AiLin, Peter, Lidia, Sung Sook, Kim, Jeremy, and
Vic: Our friendships were one of the valuable things I experienced during this
project. When things were a hard slog, having you around buoyed me up. And
when we had our little victories, how much better it was to share them.
Thanks to my dear family and friends. You have cared for me and Georgina so
generously through this whole experience. There have been all sorts of
unexpected challenges and trials, and I have appreciated all the phone-calls,
hugs, lunches, exhortations, commiserations, and especially prayers. Thank you
for all of you who were patient.
Finally, and most of all, I want to thank the Fair Georgina, my beautiful wife.
Thank you for sharing with my in this, and in life.
Table of contents
Cocoa beans are the fermented and dried seeds of the tree Theobroma cacao,
and are the fundamental ingredient in chocolate manufacture. Fermentation
and drying are critical processes during which the beans develop distinctive
chocolate flavour. Worldwide, fermentation is conducted as an uncontrolled
traditional process, giving much variation in bean quality. There is potential to
develop cocoa production in Northern Queensland, Australia using controlled
industrial fermentations.
box and barrel vessels) fermentations. While this is not the first study to
Fleet, G.H. and Dircks, H.D. (2007) Yeast, cocoa beans and chocolate. Microbiol.
Austr. 48, 48-50.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Cocoa beans are the raw material for chocolate manufacture. Chocolate is a
major confectionary product, and in 2005 the chocolate industry was estimated
to be worth over US$ 44.1 billion (ICCO, 2007).
Cocoa beans are the seeds of the tree Theobroma cacao L. and have been
cultivated for thousands of years. One of the earliest groups to produce cocoa
were the Aztecs, who not only made a drink called chocolatl from the beans, but
also used them as a form of currency. In the late 1500's, as Spanish
conquistadors occupied the Americas, cocoa was introduced to Europe where
its popularity spread quickly (Coe and Coe, 2003). Once established, a number
of innovations were made in cocoa processing, leading to the development of
new products. Several of the world's major chocolate manufacturers - Cadbury,
Nestle, and Lindt - were founded in the 19th century (Beckett, 2000).
While most of the world's chocolate is produced in Europe and the USA, cocoa
beans grow best in the equatorial tropics. Measured by volume of exports, the
main cocoa producing countries are the Ivory Coast and Ghana, with West
Africa accounting for 71% of global production in 2005 (ICCO, 2007).
Chocolate manufacturers require a constant supply of cocoa beans that must
conform to an array of quality criteria. Over the last decade, the cocoa market
has seen an increase in demand, and renewed threats to supply such as political
instability, climate change, and crop loss due to disease. Consequently, many
chocolate companies are interested in diversifying their sources of cocoa bean
raw materials. In this context, it was found that the northern regions of
Australia present climactic and terrain conditions that are favorable for the
cultivation of cocoa trees (Lemin, 2005a). Experimental plantations were
established at two locations in Northern Queensland, Mossman and South
Before use in chocolate manufacture, cocoa beans must be fermented and dried,
usually close to where they are grown. First, ripe pods are cut from the trees,
broken open, and the beans and associated pulp are removed for fermentation.
The beans, in amounts ranging from 25 kg to 3,000 kg are placed in heaps on the
ground, in wooden boxes (generally l-2m3) or in wooden trays for
fermentation. Fermentation generally lasts for 4-6 days, during which time the
pulp liquifies and drains away, and the beans darken in appearance. After
fermentation the beans are dried, usually in the sun, and then sold to chocolate
manufacturing companies. Because most cocoa tree plantations are located in
developing countries, the fermentation continues to be a traditional, village
scale process that frequently lacks any control (Wood and Lass, 1985).
Fermentation is essentially a microbiological process triggering physical,
chemical and biochemical changes within the beans to generate the precursors
that give characteristic chocolate flavour and colour upon roasting (Afoakwa et
al., 2008). It is well established that a succession of yeast and bacterial species
grow throughout the 4-6 day process. The microorganisms responsible for the
fermentation originate from the surface of the pods, as well as the fermentary
environment. Globally, there is some consistency in the species of yeast and
bacteria found to predominate the fermentation. Nevertheless, there is also
significant diversity and variation in the microbial ecology of fermentation and
this can impact on bean and chocolate flavour (Schwan and Wheals, 2004).
Industrialisation of the cocoa fermentation process may allow greater control
over the quality of cocoa beans, and the chocolate derived from them (Schwan,
1998). The concept of industrialisation of traditional fermentation processes to
enhance their performance and efficiency is not new. For example, wine, beer,
cheese, and yoghurt, were at one time all made using traditional processes
(Wood, 1998). Now, these fermentations have been developed into highly
efficient, well controlled processes, in modern fermenter designs often using
defined starter cultures (Steinkraus, 2004).
The potential to cultivate and produce cocoa beans in Queensland, Australia,
brings with it the possibility and challenge to develop modem, industrial
processes for conducting bean fermentation and drying. In order to achieve this
goal, much basic information is required about the microbiology and chemistry
of cocoa beans grown and fermented in the local region. And it is also necessary
to properly link this knowledge to the quality of the cocoa beans and chocolate
made from them.
The overall objective of this thesis was to obtain foundational knowledge for
developing a well controlled process for fermenting cocoa beans cultivated in
Northern Queensland. The specific goals of this thesis were therefore:
Chapter Two
1600a ■ Spanish,
ritish, Dutch and
French all
ultivata cocoa in
the West-Indes
1614 Spanish
introduce cocoa
o the Philippines
Expansion of cocoa
production in South
America by Spaniah
• 1600's ■ Spanish
colonists expand existing
Native-grown cocoa
plantations in Venezuela lSSO-1930's:
region British introduce
• 1635 - large cocoa to
plantations established Madagascar and
in Mexico East Africa
• 1640's - cocoa
cultivated in Northern
• 1750 - plantations in
Bahia region ol Brazil
Figure 2.1 - Origins, domestication and spread of cocoa cultivation: Adapted from
information of Motomayor et al. (2002, 2003) and Coe and Coe (2003).
In the beginning, the main consumers of cocoa were also its main producers.
Records suggest that several Meso-American cultures all cultivated and
consumed cocoa. This included the Olmec (1200BC-400BC), Maya
(250AD-900AD) and the Aztec (1400AD-1500AD) cultures. In all of these
cultures, cocoa was taken as a drink with various additions of chilli, vanilla,
honey and anatto. In the Mayan culture, the cocoa tree played a part in their
creation myths, had a patron deity "Ek Chuah," and was used as a form of
currency. As South and Central America were colonised by the Spaniards in the
1500's, cocoa beans and chocolate were introduced to Europe. The first
appearance of cocoa in Europe was in 1544 when the Kekchi Maya presented
beans to Prince Philip of Spain (Coe and Coe, 2003; Rosenblum, 2005). The first
official shipment of beans from Mexico to Seville followed 41 years later. From
Spain, chocolate was spread through the nobility to France, and to a limited
extent, the rest of Europe. From Aztec times until the 19th Century, the
consumption of cocoa was in liquid form, and mostly by the wealthy and elite
of society. During the 19th century, social changes and technological
innovations enabled the average citizen to experience chocolate, and to eat it as
a solid food. Comprehensive reviews of the history of cocoa bean and chocolate
production are given in Chatt (1953), Minifie (1980), Wood and Lass (1985),
Beckett (2000) and Thompson et al. (2007). The historical, social and
gastronomic significance of chocolate and cocoa are well covered by Coe and
Coe (2003), Guittard (2005), Rosenblum (2005) and Roussel-Doutre (2005). The
last two centuries have seen an industrialisation of chocolate production as
illustrated by the following timeline:
1828 - Holland: Van Houten invents the cocoa press producing cocoa butter and
1866 - Frys (UK) produce the first solid chocolate bar.
1875 - Daniel Peter and Henri Nestle add milk powder to chocolate, and begin mass
producing so called ‘milk chocolate.’
1880 - Rudolphe Lindt invents conching, enhancing flavour and texture of chocolate.
1900 - Milton Hershey - first American to industrially produce chocolate.
1905 - Cadbury releases their first Dairy Milk Bar.
1941 - To prevent melting, the Mars company develops sugar coated chocolate, which it
supplies to American troops during the Second World Wars (M & M’s).
1986 - Valrhona introduces the single origin chocolate bar.
1990 to present - numerous scientific claims regarding the potential health benefits of
chocolate; greater attention paid by international community to the social and environmental
impact of cocoa farming; explosion in the diversity of chocolate products available worldwide.
From: Beckett, 2000; Bright, 2001a; Coe & Coe, 2003; Nestle, 2006; Cadbury -
Schweppes, 2006).
Raw or poorly processed cocoa beans are of little value to the chocolate
industry as they lack characteristic chocolate flavour and aroma. In order to
obtain the desired flavour, raw cocoa beans must be fermented, dried, and
? ?? ? ROAST&
Figure 2.2 - Flowchart of cocoa bean and chocolate processing (Rohan, 1963b; Beckett, 2000;
Thompson et al., 2007). Cultivation
trees such as banana, plantain, rubber, or oil palms. In other instances, the cocoa
is simply planted on the floor of existing forest, without prior clear-felling
taking place (Rohan, 1963b; Minifie, 1980; Wood and Lass, 1985; Johns, 1999;
Bright, 2001).
Table 2.1 - Climatic and soil conditions required for cultivation of cocoa trees
Temperature Minimum range: 18-21°C
Maximum average range: 30-35°C
Rainfall 1500 - 2500 mm annually.
Irrigation may be needed if 2 or more consecutive months with less than
Humidity 100% during night time
70-80% during day time
Altitude Generally below 300m.
May be up to 1300m in equatorial regions.
Shade Young seedlings require 50% shading.
Over-shading may reduce yield in mature plants.
Wind Cocoa is sensitive to constant prevailing winds. Windbreaks and inter-planting
with other trees must be established to prevent defoliation.
Soil Cocoa can grow in a diverse range of soils, however must be: Well drained;
topsoil depth >1.5m; C:N ratio >9; No more than 50% sand, 20% silt or 40%
clay. May grow in poorer soils with aid of fertilisers.
Information from Alvim (1977), Minifie (1980) and Wood & Lass (1985).
Ordinarily, cocoa trees take a minimum of three years to produce their first crop
from the time of planting. Maximum crop yields are usually achieved 3-5 years
later, and most cocoa trees will produce commercially acceptable yields until
25-30 years old (Chatt, 1953; Wood and Lass, 1985). Mature cocoa trees flower
and subsequently bear fruit from their trunk and larger branches in habit called
cauliflory. A certain proportion of the fruit do not grow to maturity, but die off
and blacken in a natural process called cherelle wilt. One tree can produce
anywhere from 0.5 kg to 10.0 kg of dried beans, depending on factors such as
genetic variation, rainfall, shade, prevalence of pests and disease, and the
agricultural practices of the farmer (Rohan, 1963b; Wood and Lass, 1985). Like
many other tropical plants, cocoa is cropped over several months. While there
are some variations between countries and varieties, most cocoa producers will
have one large crop about 5 months after the wettest time of year. In some
countries, a second, smaller crop may follow 5 months later (Bridgland, 1953;
Wood and Lass, 1985; Lass, 1999; UNCTAD, 2006).
The fruit of the cocoa tree are referred to as "pods," have a thick husk and
contain 30-40 cocoa beans. Fresh cocoa beans consist of several distinct parts.
The seed itself is made up of two cotyledons and an embryo (radicle), which are
in turn encased by a seed coat or testa. Depending on the cultivar, the
cotyledons have a deep to faint purple colour, while the radicle usually appears
white. Attached to the testa is a thick, white mucilaginous endocarp, commonly
termed 'pulp.' (Wood and Lass, 1985; Beckett, 1999; Schwan and Wheals, 2004;
Thompson et al., 2007). Detailed information about the histology of cocoa beans
may be found in the early work of Roelofson (1958), Biehl et al. (1977) and more
recently in Dangou et al. (2002). Figures 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 show cocoa trees, pods
and beans.
Figure 2.3 - Photo of cocoa tree (Theobrotm cacao L.) growing in northern Queensland, Australia.
(Author's photo)
Figure 2.4 - Close-up of cocoa pods. Also note the wilted cherelles (undeveloped cocoa pods).
(Author's photo).
Cotyledon fmatcrjar
lest a
’(seed coat)
Adhering fruit
Figure 2.5 - (a) Cocoa pods and cocoa beans, (b) cocoa beans detail, (c) cocoa beans diagram.
(Author's photos and drawing).
Until the mid 1980's, nearly all cocoa farmers were employed agricultural
approaches developed in the 19th century (Wood and Lass, 1985). While there
have been improvements in the use of pesticides, fertilisers and phyto-sanitary
principles, many cocoa farmers still do not have access to the knowledge or
capital to improve their methods, inadequate agricultural management
continues to cause high losses of yield due to pests, disease and aging trees
(Lemin, 2005b). In light of problems at the primary production stage, it is
unsurprising that much cocoa research has been agronomic and horticultural in
nature (Montagnon, 2006). Examples of such research include: extensive genetic
studies and breeding programs to develop disease and pest resistant varieties
(Efombagn et al., 2005; Figueira and Alemanno, 2005; Schnell et al., 2005; Paulin
et al. 2008); assessment of farming practices and crop protection (Adejumo,
2005; Olujide and Adeogun, 2006); evaluating improved methods for pest
control (Aikpokpodion et al, 2003; Bateman, 2006). Because Forastero and
Trinitario cultivars give higher yields, and are more resistant to disease, they
currently contribute up to 95% of the world's crop, with Criollo beans making
up the remainder (Hoskin, 1994; Lass, 1999; Schwan and Wheals, 2004).
Since cocoa pods are indehiscent, and do not abscise naturally, they must be
manually removed from the trees. A range of harvesting practices is employed
in different countries, but usually pods are removed using a machete, hooked
knives or secateurs. Although the possibility of mechanised pod harvesting has
been explored, it is made extremely difficult by the strong attachment of the
pods to the tree, and the irregular fruiting on trunk and branches (Wood and
Lass, 1985; Lemin, 2005b). It is important to harvest only ripe pods (Rohan,
1963b; Lass, 1999), although Ardhana and Fleet (2003) found that a certain
proportion of under-ripe beans did not adversely affect fermentation. After
harvesting, the pods are split, either by striking with a blunt object like a club or
stone, or by cutting with a machete. The beans and the attached pulp are
manually removed together and subsequently used for fermentation. Pod
splitting usually occurs at the location where the fermentation will be
conducted. Sometimes this in the plantation, or the harvested pods may be
transported to a central location before opening (Rohan, 1963b; Carr et al., 1979,
1980; Baker et al., 1994; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Nielsen et al., 2007b). In some
places, including Indonesia and Brazil, the pods are split in the field and the
freshly obtained beans are transported to a central fermentery. In this scenario,
delays in transport must be minimised since microbial growth in the bean pulp
begins immediately after pod splitting (Rohan, 1963b; Ardhana, 2003; Schwan
and Wheals, 2004). Surveys by Rohan (1963b), Carr et al. (1979,1980), Tomlins
et al.(1993) and Baker et al.(1994) found that many farmers will store harvested,
unopened, pods for a few days to up to two weeks prior to splitting. In some
cases this was to allow a small producer time enough to gather sufficient pods
for fermentation over several weeks of harvest. A more commonly cited reason
for pod storage was that it improved initiation of fermentation, and gave better
quality beans (Biehl et al., 1989; Tomlins et al., 1993). The same surveys also
revealed significant variation in individual practices between, and often within,
different countries (Rohan, 1963b; Carr et al., 1979, 1980; Tomlins et al., 1993;
Baker et al., 1994). Research has confirmed that fermentation may be affected by
ripeness (Wood and Lass, 1985; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Schwan and Wheals,
2004) and pod storage (Carr et al., 1979; Biehl et al., 1989). Therefore, a lack of
control at the harvest, storage and splitting stages may be clearly seen to
contribute to the variable quality of cocoa beans produced worldwide. Fermentation
sucrose to glucose and fructose (Forsyth and Quesnel, 1957a; Lopez et al., 1978;
Voigt and Biehl, 1995; Hansen et al., 1998; Misnawi et al., 2002, 2003). Volatile
microbial metabolites such as 2-phenylethanol, 4-tetramethylpyrazine, guaiacol,
indole and 2-acetyl-l-pyrroline may also diffuse into the cocoa seeds and
contribute positively or negatively to their flavour (Zak et ah, 1972; Lopez and
Quesnel, 1973; Barel, 1985; Flament, 1991; Ouoba, et ah, 2005).
Practically, fermentation involves freshly obtained cocoa beans being placed in
some heap or container for between 3-7 days. In most countries, cocoa beans are
fermented using traditional, village scale operations. In West Africa and in
several other countries, the predominant method for fermenting cocoa beans is
still what is referred to as the 'heap' method. For heap fermentation, 25 -1500
kg of fresh cocoa beans are heaped on banana leaves on the ground, wrapped in
more banana leaves and left for 2-7 days. These heaps may be opened up and
mixed after 48 hours, but with smaller heaps it is common for mixing to not
take place (Carr et al., 1979; Baker et ah, 1994; Nielsen et al., 2007b; Camu et al.
2008a, b). In South-East Asia and Brazil, wooden boxes are mostly used as
fermentation vessels. The dimensions of such boxes can vary significantly, from
small boxes with a capacity of about 50-200 kg, up to large boxes capable of
holding 800-1200 kg of wet bean. In box fermentation mixing usually occurs
several times during fermentation, and this may be facilitated by arranging the
boxes in a cascade formation (Chatt, 1953; Rohan, 1963b; Minifie, 1980; Schwan,
1998; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003). Another less common method, mainly used in
West Africa, is tray fermentation. This is similar to the box method, except that
shallow wooden trays are used to contain the beans.(Rohan, 1963a; Seike, 1973;
Nielsen et al., 2007b). Cocoa beans may also be fermented in other vessels, such
as baskets or troughs, although this is much less common than the heap, box
and tray methods (Carr et al., 1979; Wood and Lass, 1985; Baker et al., 1994;
Schwan and Wheals, 2004). Table 2.2 outlines which fermentation methods are
most commonly employed in each of the main cocoa producing nations. The
duration of fermentation, and frequency of mixing, will depend on a range of
factors, including bean cultivar and the farmer's preference. Mixing during
fermentation aerates the beans and provides some physical uniformity, but its
Table 2.2 - Survey of methods used to ferment cocoa bean in producing countries
Carr et al.
Ivory Coast Forastero* Heap, box. 50-1500 kg 3-7 days Not mixed, or Sanchez et
Forastero, (1998),
Brazil Criollo, Box 250-1000 kg 5-7 days Every 24-48 h Schwan and
Trinitario Wheals
Venezuala Criollo and Box 100 - 1000 3-7 days — Rohan. 1963b
Trinitario kg
Ecuador Forastero* Heap, box. 100- 500 kg 4-6 days After 48 h and Rohan, 1963b
120 h
Dominican Trinitario Every 24-48 h Galvez et al.
Heap, box. 100 - 800 kg 5-7 days
Republic (2007)
After 48 h and
Trinidad Trinitario Box 100-2000 kg 6-8 days 120 h
Trinitario Ardhana
Indonesia and Box 50-1000 kg 4-6 days Every 24 h Ardhana and
Forastero Fleet(2003)
Carr et al.
Malaysia Forastero Box 250-2000 kg 4-6 days Every 24-48 h (1979)
Wood and
Papua New Box, heap Not mixed, or Lass, 1985;
Forastero 5-1000 kg 2-8 days
Guinea every 24-48 h. Hollywood) 1
* The predominant West African strain of Forastero is termed Amelonado (Wood and Lass, 1985;
Efombagn et al., 2006). The strain of Forastero native to Ecuador is called 'Nacional' and is thought to have
diverged genetically from the Amazonian Forastero (Motomayor et al., 2002, 2003).
t The Toya vessel is a large earthenware or wooden trough shaped vessel descended from forms
reportedly used by the Aztec to ferment cocoa (Rohan, 1963b; Coe and Coe, 2003).
In spite of the critical role of fermentation in developing the flavour and quality
of cocoa beans, it is usually performed in an uncontrolled manner, yielding
unpredictable results (Bekele, 2003). Furthermore, there is a need for better
linkages between the growth and activity of individual microbial species, and
the final quality of cocoa beans. Drying
At the end of fermentation, cocoa beans contain about 55% water. In order to
prevent mould growth and ensure a good quality product, the beans must be
dried to a final moisture content of between 4-8% (Wood, 1980; Faborode, 1995;
Augier et al., 1998; Garcia-Alamilla, 2007). Dried, fermented beans have two
major components: the nib (the dried, fermented seed material); and the shell
(dried, fermented testa and pulp remnants) (Del Boc, 1962; Anon., 1984; CAA,
Drying may be performed by solar or artificial means. For solar drying, the
beans are spread in a single layer, on flat surfaces in the sun for 1-2 weeks.
Attention needs to be paid to the beans during this time to deter pests, and
cover the beans during rain. This may or may not be consistently performed,
and several authors have observed farmers failing to take appropriate care
during drying (Quesnel, 1966; Duncan et al., 1989; De Brito et al., 2000;
Mounjouenpou et al., 2008). In areas of high humidity or frequent rainfall, the
beans may be dried in a hot air dryer, or by convection on a heated surface.
Drying cocoa using assisted means usually takes a much shorter time, between
2-4 days (Wood, 1971; Barel, 1995; Faborode, 1995). In some situations, a
combination of solar and artificial drying may be used (Rohan, 1963b; Wood
and Lass, 1985. In addition to removing moisture, the drying process allows a
continuation of many biochemical reactions initiated during fermentation. A
balance is necessary between the need to preserve the beans and the need to
allow these reactions to continue (Jinap et al., 1991; Hoskin and Dimick, 1994;
Flashim et al., 1999; Schwan and Wheals, 2004; Kyi et al., 2005). As with
fermentation, inadequate control negatively impacts the quality of the beans.
Some common examples of drying faults include: overly-rapid drying leading
to weak and/or acid flavours, drying too slowly allowing mould growth
(musty off flavours and mycotoxin production), and smoke from artificial dryer
tainting the beans (smokey off flavours) (Biehl, 1984; Wood and Lass, 1985;
Guittard, 2005; Garcia-Alamill et al. 2007; CAA, 2008).
In some parts of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka, the fermented
beans are washed prior to drying (Wood and Lass, 1985; Hollywood, 1998;
Ardhana and Fleet, 2003), while in the West Indes beans used to be rubbed or
'danced' as they dried (Rohan, 1963b). The understood reason for these
practices was to reduce the shell content of the dried beans, although the
effectiveness of these practices has been little studied (Hollywood, 1998). Storage and transport
After drying, cocoa beans are usually stored in jute or synthetic sacks, in
quantities of 60-100 kg. If cocoa is to be stored for any length of time,
precautions must be taken prevent mould growth, and losses due to pests. In
order to prevent the hygroscopic beans absorbing moisture, it is recommended
that warehouse humidity be kept below 80% (Roelofsen, 1958; Maravalhas,
1966; Wood and Lass, 1985). A large variety of animal species, both vertebrate
(rats, mice, birds) and invertebrate (moths, beetles and weevils), can cause
losses to stored cocoa. These pests are controlled by ensuring the structural
integrity of the warehouse and storage packaging, and by periodic fumigation
to limit losses from insects (Lass, 1999; Thompson et al., 2007). For international
transport, cocoa beans are typically containerised. Quality loss during
transport can be minimized by using ventilated vessels that are clean and free
from chemical contaminants. For long distance sea transport, properly-
designed, ventilated containers should be used (Wood and Lass, 1985; ICCO,
2007d). Roasting, winnowing, grinding
Cocoa beans are typically tested for basic quality parameters both before and
after transport, After cleaning to remove foreign matter and damaged beans,
the beans are then roasted. Roasting may occur in a batch or continuous
process, usually between 110-140°C for 25-60 minutes (Barrile et al., 1971;
Beckett, 1988; Redgwell, 2003; Krysiak, 2006). Most importantly, the roasting
process completes the process of flavour development that was begun during
fermentation. Methyl-pyrazines and other aroma volatiles are formed during
roasting. The colour of the beans develop through Maillard reactions between
After roasting, the beans are cracked and winnowed, separating the shell from
the nib of the cocoa beans. This is usually achieved by a combination of
vibrating sieves and air currents. Mechanical separation process is highly
efficient, with as little as 0.5% shell carried through (Minifie, 1980; Beckett, 1988;
Bixler and Morgan, 1999).
The separated cocoa nibs are then ground into a smooth paste called cocoa
liquor or cocoa mass. In addition to reducing particle size, grinding releases the
cocoa fat, which coats non-fat particles and provides a viscosity to the cocoa
liquor (Beckett, 2000). Some manufacturers process cocoa beans to cocoa liquor
at a central location, solidify the liquor into large (0.5-2 tons metric) blocks
called "melters," and then ship these to other plants for chocolate manufacture
(Minifie, 1980; Knight, 1999; Cadbury Schweppes pers.comm, 2004).
cases, flavours such as vanilla may also be added (Cook, 1972; Lees and
Jackson, 1973; Martin, 1987; Bixler and Morgan, 1999). Next, the liquid chocolate
undergoes conching - a process combining kneading and heating of the
chocolate mass. Conching helps develop the flavour of the chocolate by driving
off undesirable astringent or acidic compounds. Conching also improves the
free flowing properties of liquid chocolate by coating the solid particles with fat.
To assist this process, an emulsifier such as lecithin may be added (Minifie,
1980; Beckett, 2000; Counet et al., 2002; Perego et al., 2004). Advances in the
design and operation of conches have allowed conching time to be as little as a
few hours, although a few manufacturers of fine chocolate still conch for up to 6
days (Beckett, 2000; Counet et al., 2002). Because conching affects the final
quality of the chocolate, manufacturers carefully optimise and control this step.
The crystal structure of solidified cocoa butter is responsible for the texture of
chocolate, and may also affect the release of flavour volatiles (Urbanski, 1992;
Bixler and Morgan, 1999; Beckett, 2000; Anon., 2003). The triacylglycerols in
cocoa butter can form, and convert between, six polymorphic crystallization
forms. One of these, the high-melting |3 form, has the following properties
desirable for chocolate manufacture: a melting point in the range 30-35°C, good
snap, and a glossy appearance (Hoskin, 1994; Beckett, 2000; Anon, 2003). In
order to promote the formation of fat crystals in (3 form, the chocolate is
tempered (Beckett, 2000; Schwan and Wheals, 2004). Specialty, small volume
chocolatiers usually perform tempering by manually mixing molten chocolate
on a marble slab. Industrially, tempering is performed in special heat
exchangers. These tempering machines usually have three zones, sequentially
cooling the chocolate to initiate crystallization, further cooling and shearing to
promote the formation of |3 form cocoa butter, and, finally, heating the chocolate
to 30°C to destroy unstable crystals. The time and temperatures of tempering
are always tightly controlled (Lees and Jackson, 1973; Minifie, 1980; Beckett,
2000; Anon, 2003).
Once tempered, the liquid chocolate can be moulded and shaped into a variety
of products. By solid-filling mould, solid blocks or bars may be produced.
Hollow chocolates, such as eggs or figures are created using spun moulds. Soft
centered chocolate products are made using an enrober, which cover a piece of
caramel or fondant in chocolate. These basic shaping and moulding processes
are used both by artisans producing small volumes of premium products, and
industrialised producers manufacturing many thousand of units per hour.
(Beckett, 1988; Coe and Coe, 2003; Schwan and Wheals, 2004).
Finally, the finished chocolate is packaged. The packaging type must take into
account the likely storage conditions, the market and consumers, and the
expected use. Solid bars are usually wrapped in foil, paper, or plastic film
laminates, while cocoa powder is usually sold in air-tight tins (Minifie, 1980;
Beckett, 1988).
Two thirds of all cocoa beans are imported and processed by European
countries (58%) and the USA (22%). Demand has increased in Asia, Eastern
Europe and Latin America. Asia was estimated to have increased its demand for
cocoa beans by a remarkable 15% over the last 5 years (ICCO, 2007a; WCF,
2008). These general increases reflect the increasing consumption of chocolate in
these countries (ICCO, 2007a). The increased demand is also linked to more
intense competition for market shares among chocolate manufacturers. The
current market leaders in terms of sale revenues are Mars Inc., Cadbury
Schweppes, Nestle, Ferrero Group, and FFershey Foods Group (Rogers, 2006).
Market analysis also highlights several trends in chocolate consumption that are
behind changes in demand. For example, the increased sale of single-origin,
dark and premium chocolate products has increased demand for cocoa beans,
both in terms of quantity and quality (Greenwood, 2005; Guittard, 2005;
Pacyniak, 2005; Scully, 2006; Anon, 2007). Other market trends, such as growing
interest in 'ethically'-produced chocolates (Organic, fair-trade, rainforest) have
marginally increased demand for beans produced according to specific
requirements (ICCO, 2005 b, c; ICCO, 2006). These trends suggest an increased
demand for cocoa beans produced under more controlled conditions, whether
for quality or certification (organic, fair-trade) purposes (Nielsen et al., 2007b;
ICCO, 2007b, 2008).
3.4% . 410,000
tonnes Ivory coast
4.5% 37.4%
1.3 Million tonnes
4.5% i
440,000 tonnes
720,000 tonnes
Figure 2.6 Share and volume of world cocoa production in the 2006/2007 period.
(Percentages based on total production of 3,480,000 tonnes) (ICCO, 2007a).
Figure 2.7 shows changes in the production levels and average price per ton of
cocoa over the last 35 years. The large increase in prices in the period 1976-79
was a result of a sudden increase in chocolate consumption, and a slowing
production of cocoa beans in many countries. Increased production saw prices
fall back to more reasonable levels (Powell, 1983).
r-- lS r- CO OO C>0 OO ON ON ON CD CD
« 1 i i i < » < » t » 4 f < i < i I r-H f\]
While cocoa production has remained relatively strong over the past 20 years,
several threats to cocoa supply have been identified. The main threats identified
in recent years include ongoing political instability in Cote D'Ivoire, and
problems associated with child labour in many cocoa producing countries
(Anon, 1999; ICCO, 2005a; Boal, 2007). Cocoa production in Brazil and Malaysia
has declined over the last 5-10 years due to the impact of pests such as Witches
Broom (Crinipellis perniciosa), and the replacement of old cocoa plantations with
more profitable crops such as oil palms (ICCO, 2007a). The sudden drop in
prices and subsequent drop in production between 1998 - 2003 underlined
several of these concerns amongst the chocolate industry. In response, several
companies and organizations launched projects aimed at securing or improving
cocoa production around the world (Anon, 1999; Menendez, 2004; ICCO, 2008).
In the period 2003-2008, cocoa production levels have increased and now
generally meet demand (WCF, 2008; COPAL, 2008).
In 2006 it was estimated that the organic chocolate market had a value of US
$304 million, nearly double the 2002 value of US$171 million (IFOAM, 2008).
Such rapid growth has been attributed to increasing levels of concern amongst
consumers about the safety of their food supply, and about the state of the
global environment. However, organic cocoa still only represents only a very
small share of the total cocoa market (approximately 15,500 - 20,000 tonnes per
year - less than 0.5% of total production) (ICCO, 2006). The International
Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), acts as an umbrella
organization for participants in the organic market. Together with its members
this body acts to define principles of organic agriculture and ensure that they
are correctly adopted. In addition to certification requirements, producers of
organic cocoa must ensure they comply with any legislation specified by
importing countries regarding 'organic' products. The benefit of certification for
cocoa farmers is that organic cocoa sells at a higher-than-market prices, with
premiums of between US$100-300 per tonne (ICCO, 2006; IFOAM, 2008).
Organic cocoa is produced in a number of countries, including: Madagascar,
Tanzania, Uganda, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El
Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Venezuela, Fiji, India, Sri Fanka
and Vanuatu (ICCO, 2006; IFOAM, 2008). Green & Black's (Cadbury-
Schweppes),Dagoba and Rapunzel, are examples of chocolate manufacturers
who use organic cocoa beans in their products (Cadbury-Schweppes, 2008;
Zusman, 2008).
In Cote D'Ivoire, Brazil, and several other South american countries, cocoa is
sometimes grown in the under-story of existing rainforest. Ecological,
environmental and economic research has suggested that such an approach can
lead to better conservation of vulnerable species (Johns, 1999; Bright, 2001).
Certification of such "rainforest cocoa" is performed by the Rainforest Alliance.
Currently only about 30 farms or cooperatives worldwide are "Rainforest
Certified," and the market share of chocolate made from such beans is
miniscule (RA, 2008). Changing perceptions of the health and nutrition of chocolate and
cocoa - Chocolate marketed for potential health promoting value
The potential health benefits of consuming food rich in antioxidant compounds
have been promoted by nutritionists and government health bodies, as well as
by food manufacturers (Serafini, 200; Chenynier, 2005). Targeted foods have
included fruit and vegetables in general, berries, tea, wine, and recently, cocoa
and chocolate (Calver et al., 2005; ICCO, 2005c; Keen, 2005). Given such intense
interest, it is perhaps unsurprising that the polyphenolic compounds of cocoa
and their antioxidant properties have been thoroughly researched (Adamson et
al., 1999; Wollgast and Anklam, 2000; Counet and Collin, 2003; Kris-Etherton,
2003; Counet et al., 2004; Gu et al., 2006; Miller et al., 2006; Nazaruddin et al.,
2006). In their review, Lamuela-Raventos et al. (2005) outline the major health
benefits that are claimed to result from consumption of flavanol-rich cocoa and
chocolate, namely: protection against cardiovascular disease (Hollenberg et al.,
2004; Keen et al., 2005), cancer, reduced brain-damage from strokes (Heo and
Lee, 2005) and improved immuno-modulation(Ramiro et al., 2005). It is
suggested that more work must be done before some of the more serious health
claims are accepted widely. Work by Keen et al. (2005), Grassi et al. (2005), and
Vlachopoulous et al., (2006) suggests that any improved health outcome must
be related to the level of polyphenolic compounds present in the cocoa beans.
Surveys of chocolate and cocoa-containing foods found that the level of
polyphenols in a given chocolate product was roughly proportional to the level
of cocoa solids in the product (Lee et al., 2003; Miller et al., 2006). Furthermore,
it was found that that consumption of dark chocolate led to raised blood levels
of these compounds (Kris-Etherton et al., 2004). Such findings have led the
chocolate and cocoa industries to promote ordinary dark chocolate as
potentially health promoting (Calver et al., 2005; ICCO, 2005c; Partos, 2008).
Both Nestle and Mars have sought ways to supplement milk chocolate products
with extra polyphenols, lodging patents for processes to manufacture chocolate
with elevated levels of polyphenols (Kealey et al., 2001; Myers et al., 2001;
Kochnar et al, 2002).
There are several obstacles to the promotion and marketing of chocolate along
health lines. Firstly, many countries including Australia have strict guidelines
regarding the inclusion of specific health claims on food labelling (FSANZ,
2008). Thus, promoting a chocolate product may not be allowed, or may involve
fulfilling costly legislative requirements. Estimating the proportion of chocolate
products marketed for health benefits is therefore very difficult. Secondly,
health authorities continue to highlight the negative consequences of excess
consumption of confectionary, including chocolate: particularly the increased
risk of dental caries, obesity and diabetes (Stiff, 2006). These problems largely
stem from the sugars in the chocolate, rather than the cocoa beans (Schwan and
Wheals, 2004). Furthermore, market data suggest that in spite of these obstacles,
consumers are increasingly viewing chocolate as less unhealthy than other
types of confectionary (Calver, 2005; Partos, 2008).
Chocolate is primarily eaten for its unique and pleasing flavour, and while
ethical or health concerns have had influences, the greatest growth area in
chocolate markets has been in dark and specialty chocolates. Dark chocolate
now comprises 10% of the global chocolate market, with an increase of nearly
10% consumption of dark chocolate consumption in the USA between 2001 -
2005. Furthermore, it is estimated that one third of all new chocolate products
launched in 2006 were dark chocolate (Scully, 2006; ICCO, 2007).
Typically, dark chocolate must have a minimum cocoa solids level of 40%, and
may have up to 99% cocoa solids (Beckett, 1988). Increased consumption of
dark chocolate has clearly been linked to increased demand for cocoa beans,
because of its higher cocoa content (ICCO, 2007a, b). It has also increased
attention paid to the quality of cocoa beans used - the higher the cocoa
percentage, greater the impact the quality of the beans have on the chocolate
(Beckett, 1988, Hoskin and Dimick, 1994). Cocoa bean quality goes from
important, to critical, in the manufacture of single-origin chocolate. Single
origin chocolate is a subtype of dark chocolate and is so-called because it is
made using cocoa beans from a single source. Usually this means a specific
producer or set of producers from a specific region, in a particular country.
Some of the major suppliers of single origin cocoas are Sao Tome, Tanzania,
Ghana, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Papua New Guinea, Grenada and Ecuador
(Doutre-Roussel, 2005; Guittard, 2005). One consequence of the growing
popularity of single-origin chocolate is that more consumers are aware of the
variations of chocolate flavour that exist. Chocolate made with one cultivar of
beans, grown in a particular region, and fermented according to a particular
method have distinct, communicable character that distinguish them from other
beans (Guittard, 2005; Nielsen et al., 2007b; Camu, 2008a, b). This discernment,
similar to the 'terroir' concept in wine, allows for the possibility that the
consumer can taste taints or technical faults in the chocolate that have their
origins in the fermentation or drying methods used (Baker et al., 1994;
Greenwood, 2005; Guittard, 2005; Sukha et al., 2008). Consumers are noticeably
embracing the idea of dark chocolate as an affordable luxury, much like fine
wine, cheese or coffee (Greenwood, 2005; Rosenblum, 2005). The world cocoa
market divides cocoa into two types, namely bulk cocoa (used in milk and
lower quality dark chocolate), and fine or flavour cocoa (used in specialty and
premium dark chocolate), with the former accounting for 93.5% of global
productivity (Lass, 1999). Ecuador, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica,
Venezuela, and Costa Rica are among the 17 countries producing fine cocoa
with aromatic flavour (Perego et al., 2004; ICCO, 2005). Fine cocoa beans, while
making up a smaller share of the market can command premium prices (ICCO.
Investment in production of fine cocoa, however, requires substantial control
and manipulation of cocoa and chocolate flavour, for which the present study
2.2.3 Australian domestic chocolate market status
Growing Area
Figure 2.8 - Region of Northern Queensland where cocoa trials were cultivated.
The first Australian cocoa crops were produced in 2002, with high yields being
achieved a year later. While the conditions in the Northern Territory were
considered too dry to maintain good production, agronomic studies have
indicated that commercial cocoa production could be established in northern
Queensland (Lemin, 2005a, 2005b; Campagnolo and Lemin pers.comm, 2006).
Higher labour costs for cocoa production in Australia necessitate an
industrialised approach in order to be economically competitive in international
markets (Lemin, 2005a). A controlled, industrialised process would also help
guarantee a premium quality product with a high market price. While
mechanised harvesting of the cocoa pods was found to be unfeasible, automatic
pod splitting and sorting machinery were developed for use in Australia (Puri
et al., 2007). Having established these important preliminaries, efforts wre then
begun to develop industrialised methods of cocoa fermentation and drying, for
use with the Australian grown cocoa beans. Cocoa beans had never been
fermented before in Australia and there was an absence of basic microbiological
and chemical data available. Therefore this project was commenced to study the
fermentation of Australian cocoa, its microbiology and chemistry and the effects
of these on the final flavour and quality of the beans.
Fresh cocoa beans are the substrate for cocoa fermentation. Discussing the
chemical composition of cocoa beans, and its changes, is complicated by the
physical structure of the beans. In cocoa fermentation the substrate for
microbial growth (the pulp) is physically separated, by the testa, from the
material that is eventually consumed as food (the seed) (C.f. Figure 2.5) (Smith,
1913; Knapp, 1937; Roelofsen, 1958; Rohan, 1963b; Jones and Jones, 1984; Wood
and Lass, 1985). This contrasts to many other food fermentations, where the
substrate the microorganisms grow in, and metabolize, becomes the final food
product. For example, in wine fermentation, grape juice is the substrate and is
transformed to become wine. Similar examples include bread, cheese and
tempeh (Fleet, 2001; Meroth et al., 2003; Steinkraus, 2004; Nout and Kiers, 2005).
Because the pulp and seed are physically separate, functionally distinct
materials, there is a strong case that they should be analysed separately. In a
number of studies, the chemical composition of cocoa beans is reported for a
total mixture of pulp and seed (Weissberger et ah, 1971; Reineccius et ah, 1972;
Zak, 1973; Lopez and Quesnel, 1973a, b; Hashim et ah, 1998; Dzogbefia et ah,
1999). This makes interpreting and comparing data problematic. Most studies in
the last decade have performed separate chemical analyses for the pulp and
seed components (Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Nielsen et ah, 2007b; Camu et ah,
2007, 2008).
The properties of the testa, separating the pulp and seed components, are also
significant when discussing chemical changes during fermentation. Firstly, the
testa acts as a semi-permeable barrier to the flow of substances between the
seed and pulp. It has been demonstrated that the testa is freely permeable to
water, ethanol, acetic and lactic acids, and some volatile organic compounds
(Wood and Lass, 1985; Biehl and Voigt, 1996). This allows substances produced
in the pulp by microbial growth to diffuse into the seed. Transfer of constituents
across the testa, may be a rate limiting factor for certain compounds (Biehl et ah,
1982b). Early research observed that the testa increases in permeability as the
fermentation proceeds. Early research suggested that substances found in the
seed, including polyphenols, peptides, alkaloids, sugars, and some proteins can
diffuse back into the pulp during fermentation (Knapp, 1937; Roelofsen, 1958;
Quesnel, 1966; Kirchoff et ah, 1989a). There is, however, a lack of recent research
regarding the permeability of the testa, and how this changes during
Secondly, the testa acts to contain the substances that are released from the
cocoa seed cells when they are lysed during fermentation (Roelofsen, 1958;
Biehl and Passern, 1982; Biehl et ah, 1982b; Biehl et ah, 1985). Within the seed,
there is further physical or vacuolar separation of various components, such as
lipids, polyphenols and proteins. In fresh, undamaged seeds these vacuoles are
entire, and function to conserve their contents until germination of the seed.
During fermentation, these vacuolar structures are disrupted, allowing their
contents to diffuse into the space between the cells and interact.(Forsyth, 1964;
Biehl and Voigt, 1996; Bucheli, 2001; Dangou et ah, 2002). Figure 2.10 shows a
simple histology of the cocoa bean.
Figure 2.10 Histology of the cocoa bean (transverse section including pulp, testa and seed).
From Roelofsen (1959).
Finally, the testa affects the mass transfer rates during the bean drying process.
Several researchers have found that certain methods of drying may make the
testa more impermeable to water and acetic acid, and limit the diffusion of
these substances (Faborode et al., 1995; Augier et ah, 1999). Chemical composition of unfermented cocoa beans
Pulp Seed
The seed has a much lower water content than the pulp, partly due to the high
fat content (Table 2.x). The majority of the lipids exist in the form of
triglycerides (95%), with small amounts of di- and mono-glycerides,
phospholipids, glycolipids and sterols (<5%). The fatty acid composition of the
triglycerides is typically 26.5% palmitic, 35.4% stearic, 34.7% oelic and 3.4%
linoleic. This composition may vary depending on the average ambient
temperatures at which the beans are grown . This fatty acid composition, in
turn, affects the melting point of the cocoa butter in the finished beans, a
property critical in chocolate manufacture (Lehrian and Keeney, 1980a, b;
Wright et al., 1982; Chin and Zainuddin, 1984; Mohr et al., 1987). The lipids
found in cocoa butter are not absorbed well by the human body and minimally
affect serum cholesterol levels (Kris-Etherton, 1993). Small quantities of glucose
(0.5 -1.0%), fructose (0.5 -1.0% and sucrose (1.0 - 2.5%) are present in the seed
of unfermented cocoa beans (Forsyth and Quesnel, 1963; Berbert, 1979; Ardhana
and Fleet, 2003), along with a range of polysaccharides. The main
polysaccharides found in cocoa seeds include: starch (5.0 -10.%), pectins (2.0 -
2.5%), fibre (2.0%), cellulose (1.5 - 2.0%), pentosans (1.5%) and other gums (0.3 -
0.5%) (Knapp, 1937; Schmieder and Keeney, 1980; Lehrian and Patterson, 1983;
Ardhana and Fleet, 2003). Proteins are a significant component of cocoa seeds,
both in quantity (1.5 - 2.0%) and their role in the development of flavour
precursors (Knapp, 1937; Birch, 1941; Wright et al., 1982;). A large number of
different proteins have been isolated from cocoa beans, and they are usually
classified according to their solubility when fractionated, and their
electrophoretic mobility. The main classes of proteins found in cocoa seeds are
two globulins (47 and 31 kDa) and an albumin (21 kDa) (Biehl et al., 1982c; Zak
and Keeney, 1976; McHenry and Fritz, 1992; Buyukpamukcu et al., 2001).
Although lower than in the pulp, citric acid is the predominant organic acid
present in fresh cocoa seeds (0.3 - 2.0%, or 3 - 20 mg/g wet basis, or 15 -100
mg/g dry basis). Smaller amounts (0.05 - 0.5%; 0.5 - 5 mg/g wet basis; 5 - 25
mg/g dry basis) of oxalic, succinic and malic acids may also be present (Lopez
and Quesnel, 1973a, b; Carr et al. 1979; Bucheli et al., 2001; Ardhana and Fleet,
2003) . Spread throughout the cocoa seed are the "tannin cells." These are
storage vacuoles containing flavenoid polyphenols (6.5 - 9.5%), and in purple
beans (Trinitario and Forastero cultivars), anthocyanins (0.4 - 0.5%) (c.f. Figure
2.x) (Roelofsen, 1959; Dangou et al., 2002). The major polyphenolic compounds
contained in cocoa seeds are catechins (3.0 - 6.0 %), leucocyanidins (2.5%) and
tannins (2.0 - 3.5%). The polyphenols have bitter and astringent flavours, and
their antioxidant properties help protect the seed from damage and disease
(Forsyth, 1955; Forsyth and Quesnel, 1957b; Bracco et al., 1969; Kim and Keeney,
1984; Kyi et al., 2005). Unfermented cocoa seeds also contain two alkaloid
compounds - theobromine (2.5 - 3.2%) and caffeine (0.1 - 0.2%). Both are bitter
in taste, and act as mild stimulants on the human central nervous system
(Knapp, 1937; Humphries, 1939a; Senanayake and Wiesekera, 1971; Smit et al.,
2004) .
The chemical composition of fresh cocoa beans can very, depending on their
cultivar, their maturity, and the conditions under which the cocoa pods were
cultivated (soil, climate, shade) (Rohan, 1963; Zak and Keeney, 1976; Wood and
Lass, 1985; Duncan et ah, 1989; Offem, 1990; Ardhana, 1992).
Cultivar has been observed to affect the following properties of cocoa beans:
The maturity, or ripeness, of the cocoa pods also affects the composition and
properties of the cocoa beans obtained from them. Specifically, as the pods
mature, the following changes occur to the beans:
In the seed, the concentration of sugars and citric acid decrease, while
starch, fat, protein, theobromine and caffeine levels increase
(Schmeider, 1976; Zak and Keeney, 1976; Lehrian and Keeney, 1980a
Bucheli et al., 2001).
If cocoa pods are allowed to continued to ripen past full maturity, the water,
sugar and pectin concentrations decrease further, while the pulp pH
Finally, the composition of cocoa beans (pulp and seed) can vary as a result of
different cultivation practices, regional effects such as soil types, weather and
degree of shading. Hardy and Rodrigues (1952) noted that the protein content
of cocoa beans was higher for trees grown in soil with higher organic content.
Offem (1990) observed that the mineral content of cocoa beans reflected the
micro-nutrient balance of the soil, and that cocoa grown under shade had a
higher protein content than cocoa grown without shade.
Pulp substrates Microorganisms Secondary microbial
Proteins Sugars
Polyphenols Enzymes
Invertase / oxidase
Peptides and Reduc| sugars polyphenols
amino acids 3 3 ^
The first proper studies of chemical changes during cocoa fermentation were
performed nearly a century ago and focussed on the development of ethanol
and organic acids in the pulp (Preyer, 1913; Knapp, 1926). The following
sections summarise current knowledge of the chemical and biochemical
changes that occur during cocoa fermentation, and how these changes
contribute to the flavour of the cocoa beans.
Roelofsen, 1958; Berbert 1979; Carr et al., 1979; Schwan et al., 1995; Camu et
al., 2006; Nielsen et al., 2007b; Galvez et al, 2008).
- A decrease in the concentration of citric acid (30-50% reduction by the end
of fermentation) (Roelofsen, 1958; Quesnel, 1966; Pettipher, 1986; Holm et
al., 1993; Jinap, 1994; Thompson, 2007).
- An increase in the concentration of ethanol, lactic, acetic and, to a lesser
extent, other organic acids as they are produced by microorganisms
(Roelofsen, 1958; Forsyth and Quesnel, 1963; Schwan and Wheals, 2004).
Ethanol and acetic acid tend to reach peak levels during the middle of
fermentation (24-60h), and then decrease again. In contrast, maximum
levels of lactic acid are usually reached at the end of fermentation (Carr et
al., 1979; Schwan et al., 1995; Ardhana and Fleet, 2001; Nielsen, 2007b).
- The production of small quantities of various other substances by
microorganisms. This includes polysaccharides, enzymes, proteins, fatty
acids, and volatile organic compounds (Yoo et al., 1998; Blanco et al., 1999;
Bonvehi, 2005; Da Silva et al., 2005; Thompson et al., 2007; Afoakwa, 2008;
Camu et al., 2008b).
- An increase in the pH of the pulp, caused by the consumption of citric acid
(final pH 4.5 - 6.5) (Rombouts, 1953; Rohan, 1963; Biehl, 1984; Ardhana and
Fleet, 2001; Nielsen et al., 2007b).
- An increase in temperature, due to the exothermic nature of many of the
metabolic processes (maximum temperature 45-52°C) (Rohan, 1963; Minifie,
1980; Wood and Lass, 1985; Schwan and Wheals, 2004; Thompson et al.,
Table 2.2. summarises the chemical changes to pulp composition observed
during cocoa fermentations in various countries. The fundamental changes
listed above occur in all cocoa fermentations. There are, however, variations in
the amounts of metabolites produced. Comparison of the data in the table
highlights some of these differences. During fermentations in Indonesia and
Brazil, ethanol and acetic acid reached much greater concentrations in the pulp
compared to fermentations conducted in Ghana. The final concentrations of
acetic and lactic acid were similar in all studies.
Table 2.2 - Table comparing the key biochemical changes occurring in cocoa pulp
during fermentation in various countries.
Country Ghana Brazil Indonesia
testing for ethanol, acetic acid and other volatile analytes, to prevent losses
prior to testing.
Many of the microbial metabolites produced in the pulp rapidly diffuse into the
cocoa seeds. In particular, the concentrations of ethanol, lactic and acetic acid
increase in the cocoa seeds during fermentation (Liau, 1976; Carr et al., 1979;
Biehl, 1984; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Thompson, 2007; Camu et al., 2008b). The
influx of organic acids causes the pFI of the seeds to decrease from 6.5 to
between 4.5- 5.8. Some authors suggest that other products of microbial
metabolism, such as enzymes (Yusep et al., 2002; de Brito et al., 2004) and
volatile compounds (Yoo et al., 1998; Afoakwa et al., 2008) also diffuse into the
seeds during fermentation. Table 2.3 compares the chemistry of cocoa seeds
obtained from fermentations conducted in Ghana and Indonesia.
Table 2.3 - Comparison of key biochemical changes occurring in cocoa seeds during
fermentation in Ghana and Indonesia.
Country Ghana Indonesia
* dry basis quantities estimated assuming water content of 40%, based on figures from REFS
As will be seen, the production and diffusion of metabolites into the seed,
particularly ethanol, and acetic and lactic acids are critical for optimum flavour
formation. However, excess acids can negatively impact flavour and quality
(Wood and Lass, 1985; Schwan and Wheals, 2004; Thompson et ah, 2007). Aside
from interfering with enzymatic reactions, excess acetic and lactic acids directly
contribute undesirable sour flavours. Much research has been performed to
attempt to alleviate the problem of excess acid production during fermentation
(Liau, 1978; Duncan et al., 1989, Meyer et al., 1989; Jinap and Dimick, 1990;
Holm et al., 1993). Some of the strategies developed to prevent over
acidification will be discussed in the final section of this review.
First, the embryo is killed, primarily due to the toxicity of the ethanol (Lehrian,
1989). The death causes a loss of germinative power. This prevents certain
flavour and quality defects by preventing radicle protrusion, and the
metabolism of lipid and protein stores (Thompson et al., 2007). The role of
germination processes in cocoa are poorly studied, and the interaction between
the embryo and the rest of the seed's metabolism may shed more light on some
of the biochemistry involved in flavour development.
Roughly parallel to the death of the embryo, the cellular integrity of the cocoa
seed disintegrates. Cellular de-compartmentalisation occurs as a result of loss of
cellular regulation by embryo, and the effects of heat, ethanol and acetic acid on
the cellular membranes. One indication this has occurred is that under
microscopic magnification, the purple anthocyanin cells lose definition against
the other cells, as they leak their contents (Biehl et al., 1982a, 1982b, 1982c; Biehl
and Voigt, 1996). At a macro level, cellular breakdown is indicated by the
presence of a fluid within the testa, swelling the cocoa bean, and by the seed
becoming softer and more spongy in texture (Biehl et al, 1982a; Camu et ah,
2008a). The breakdown of cellular integrity allows the mixing of various
substrates and enzymes, initiating various reactions, both enzymic and non-
enzymic. If insufficient acetic acid, ethanol or heat are produced during
fermentation, cellular disruption will not occur, these reactions will not be
initiated, and flavour precursors will not form (Biehl et al., 1985; Voigt et al.,
1994a; Thompson et al., 2007; Afoakwa et al., 2008). Enzymatic reactions
Enzyme-catalysed reactions are critical in the formation of chocolate flavour
precursors. The main enzymes of cocoa seeds, namely endoprotease,
carboxypeptidase, invertase, polyphenol oxidase, and glycosidases, are well
documented (Forsyth and Quesnel, 1957; Lopez and Dimick, 1995; Hansen et al,
1998; Thompson et al, 2007). Table 2.x summarizes the essential characteristics
of these enzymes.
Table 2.4 - Summary of the major enzymatic changes that occur during cocoa bean
Enzyme Function Optimal conditions Stability during
Information from aHansen et al. (1998); bVoigt et al. (1994a); cLopez and Dimick (1995); dForsyth
and Quesnel (1957).
It has long been recognised that the formation of characteristic cocoa flavours
are dependent on the activity of endogenous cocoa-seed proteases (Biehl, 1982b;
Biehl and Passern, 1982; Biehl et al., 1985; Biehl, 1990). Several studies were
The precursor compounds formed during the fermentation and drying stages
undergo further transformations when the beans are processed at the factory. In
particular, the roasting is responsible for the development of compounds from
the precursors that give chocolate its distinct, final flavour.
Has been good reviewed extensively by (Rohan, 1969; Hoskin and Dimick,
1994; Biehl and Voigt, 1996; Dimick and Hoskin, 1999), and more recently by
Afoakwa et al. 2008.
Prior to roasting beans have bitter, acidic, astringent and nutty/beany flavours
(Rohan, 1969). During roasting, the precursors formed during fermentation and
drying undergo changes to form chocoalte flavour and aroma compounds.
One function of roasting is to cause a loss of volatile organic acids, particularly
acetic acid, but not non-volatile acids (citric, lactic, tartaric, succinic, oxalic).
Additionally, roasting can effectively inhibit the enzyme polyphenoloxidase,
which adversely affects the formation of pyrazines(Misnawi et al., 2004b;
Bonvehi, 2005).
The most important set of changes that occur during roasting, however, are the
Maillard reactions, which are critical to the formation of typical chocolate
flavour, and involve complex and inter-related changes (2008). The basic
requirements for Maillard reactions are heating (typically above 100°C),
pH>3.0, reducing sugars (glucose or fructose), and amino groups from
peptides, amino acids or proteins. These precursors are produced during
fermentation and the endogenous reactions within the seed, as already
discussed (Voigt et 1., 2993, 1994). The initial processes involve an amine-
assisted degradation of reducing sugars and the formation of Schiff-
bases(Beckett, 2000; Ramli et al., 2006; Granvogl et al., 2006). Reducing sugars
and amino acids also undergo reactions to form various intermediat
compounds, in particular, the reductones and dehydroreductons (1-DH, 3-DH,
5-DH). Even though the intermediate reactions are complex and poorly
understood, they have a strong effect on the final outcome, and are affected by
pH, temperature, and substrate availability (Ramli et al., 2006; Stark et al., 2006).
These intermediate molecules then undergo Strecker degradations, which are
key to the formation of characteristic chocolate flavours. Strecker degradations
2.5.2 Yeasts
The association of yeasts with cocoa bean fermentation has studied for over 100
years. In the early 20th century, cocoa bean fermentation, which was then called
"sweating," was attributed primarily to the activity of yeasts. Nicholson (1913)
and Loew (1913) identified Saccharomyces theobromae (now classified as
S.cerevisiae), S. ellipsoidens, and S. apiculatus (now classified as Kloeckera apiculata)
as the major yeasts found in cocoa fermentations. These same early workers
also suggested that it was these yeasts that converted the pulp sugars into
ethanol and CO2 during the early stages fermentation. More recently, there has
been a focus on the application of non-cultural, molecular methods, such as
DGGE, to examine the diversity of species present throughout fermentation
(Jespersen et al., 2005; Nielsen et al., 2007b).
Over the last 50 years, there have been only about 5-10 significant studies
reporting the isolation and identification of yeast species from various cocoa
producing regions of the world (Rombouts, 1952; Carr et al., 1979; Sanchez et
al., 1985; Lopez and Dimick, 1995; Schwan et al., 1995; Schwan et al., 1998).
Several reviews tabulated the yeast species reported in the older studies
(Fowler, 1998; Schwan and Wheals, 2004; Thompson et al., 2007). Table 2.5 is an
extension of this older material, showing species identified from more recent
investigations of cocoa bean fermentations in Indonesia (Ardhana and Fleet,
2003), Ghana (Jespersen et al., 2005; Nielsen et al., 2007b) and the Dominican
Republic (Galvez et al., 2007). These studies are significant in demonstrating the
diversity of species associated with the fermentation, and showing that some
species (Candida krusei, Hanseniaspora spp., Kloeckera spp., and Saccharomyces
cerevisiae) are consistently found in all fermentations. The table clearly shows
that the same species were isolated from fermentations conducted in widely
different regions, and according to different methods. While assessing
taxonomic diversity is important, so too is obtaining the growth profiles of
individual species. Such data are reported in the studies of Sanchez et al. (1985),
Schwan et al. (1995,1998), Ardhana and Fleet (2003), Jespersen et al.(2005), and
Nielsen et al. (2007b). Comparison of these data reveal a common pattern of
sequential growth and death of yeast species.
Table 2.5 - Yeast species isolated from cocoa bean fermentations in different countries
Country Fermentation Details
Yeast species isolated
Main (Predominant species indicated in bold type)
Study method
(approximate size)
Hanseniaspora guilliermondii, H.
Dominican Galvez et al., valbyensis, Candida krusei, C.glabrata,
Box (100 kg) Trinitario
Republic 2008 C.zeylanoides, C.inconspicua, Pichia
fermentans, Yarrowia lipolytica
between the heaps and the tray fermentations, but there were difficult to
characterise clearly (Jespersen et ah, 2005; Nielsen et al, 2007b).
Batch size, and the degree of homogeneity may also affect the development of
yeast during fermentations. In large heaps or boxes (> 500kg), the fermenting
mass of cocoa beans is not homogenous, with the center of the fermenting mass
more limited in oxygen and higher in temperature than the edges. Jespersen et
al. (2005) and Nielsen et al. (2007) observed that maximum populations of
yeasts were reached at 24h, compared with 72h for the outer part. At a species
level, S.cerevisiae had the highest populations in the centre of the heap, while in
the outer parts, P.membranifaciens dominated (Nielsen et al., 2007b). Reasons for
these differences were not proposed, but they seem to reflect the different
species' oxygen tolerance, as well as localised differences in temperature and
concentrations of ethanol and organic acids. The inhomogeneity of yeast
growth during heap fermentations may be one reason why the quality of cocoa
produced by such traditional methods is highly variable.
Mixing frequency, and the effect on cocoa quality, have been reasonably well
researched (Sadi and Samarakhody, 1984; Wood and Lass, 1985; Duncan et al.,
1989; Baker et al., 1994; Senanayake et al., 1997; Hashim, 1998b; Lass, 1999).
None of these studies however, reported how mixing affected the yeast ecology
during the fermentations. In a recent study by Camu et al. (2008a, b) mixing of
heap fermentations was observed to cause accelerated decline of yeast
populations in the fermenting beans. Mixing is often described as a critical
variable in determining cocoa bean quality, and more investigation into its
effects on yeast ecology are warranted.
The effects of the properties of the fresh cocoa beans on the growth of yeast are
also poorly researched. Ardhana and Fleet (2003) compared fermentations
conducted using beans of Trinitario and Forastero cultivars, grown on different
plantations. They also tested the effect of fermenting beans of different maturity
levels. Minor differences in the yeast ecology were noted, but there was
insufficient data to draw firm conclusions as to the effects of pulp composition
on yeast ecology. Again, this is an area requiring greater investigation.
Although much progress has been made in understanding the yeast ecology of
cocoa bean fermentations, research on the yeast ecology of other fermented
products suggests that this ecology is more complex than currently appreciated.
First, it is likely that there is significant strain variation within each species as
they evolve throughout the fermentation. For example, it is now known that
multiple strains of S. cerevisiae and other yeast species contribute to each
individual wine fermentation (Fleet, 2003; Fleet, 2007). Differing sensitivities to
ethanol and heat strongly guide the sequential growth and decline of the
different species of yeasts during cocoa fermentation. However the yeast
ecology is certainly affected by additional types of microbial interactions. Firstly
there are yeast-yeast interactions. For example, there may be differences in the
production of, and sensitivity to killer-factors (Magliani, 1997; Fleet, 2003); cell
cell interactions may occur via quorum sensing molecules (Hogan, 2005); or
there may be at work some spatial phenomena that are still the subject of
conjecture (Arneborg et al., 2005). Work by Howell et al. (2006) demonstrated
the significance of yeast-yeast and interactions in affecting wine flavour. A
range of yeast-bacterial interactions can also affect the growth of yeast. In wine
fermentations, some lactic acid bacteria produce substances in addition to lactic
acid that inhibit the growth of yeasts (Fleet, 2003; Alexandre et al, 2004; Fleet,
2007). Similar interactions probably occur during cocoa fermentations, and the
impact of these on the flavour and quality of the cocoa beans deserves greater
In recent years, molecular methods have contributed significantly to
understanding the yeast ecology of foods and beverages. For example, the use
of culture independent methods such as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
(DGGE) has aided in detecting viable-but-non-culturable species. PCR-
sequencing of the D1 /D2 domain of the 26S rDNA gene, and chromosome
length polymorphism, have assisted in obtaining more reliable taxonomic
identifications, and in accurately identified yeast isolates to species, subspecies
and strain levels (Karlin and Altschul, 1990; Altschul et al., 1990; Kurtzmann
and Robnett, 1998; Muyzer and Smalla, 1998; Lopez et al., 2003; Meroth et al.,
2003; Jespersen et al., 2005). With the exception of the recent work by Jespersen
et al.(2005) and Nielsen et al. (2007b), all previous yeast ecological
investigations of cocoa bean fermentations have used classical cultural
methods. These recent studies confirmed that the diversity of yeasts detected by
culture-based examinations closely correlated with the results of non-cultural
methods such as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). One
exception to this, was that Nielson et al. (2007) were only able to detect
Yeasts also produce also produced a wide variety of secondary end products
that include higher alcohols, organic acids, esters, aldehydes, ketones, aromatic
volatiles, sulphur volatiles and volatile amines These probably contribute
significantly to the final flavour profiles of cocoa beans, and chocolate made
from them, but their contributions are not well researched. Yeast ecology has
been correlated to the profiles of volatile compounds produced, for fermented
foods such as wine (Rojas et al., 2001; Swiegers et al., 2005; Howell et al., 2006),
and indigenous African foods (Ouoba et al., 2005). These studies all
demonstrated that the mixture of volatiles compounds produced, and resulting
flavour profiles, were directly influenced by the composition of yeasts present
during the fermentations. Similar research correlating yeast growth with the
presence of specific volatiles, during fermentation and in processed beans,
could lead to increased control over the flavour of cocoa beans.
Finally, some yeasts can utilize and/or produce various organic acids. For
example several Candida and Pichia spp. can both produce and utilize citric acid,
and probably contribute to its metabolism, leading to an increase in pFI from 3.5
to 4.2 (Schwan et al., 1995; Anastassiadis et al., 2002; Schwan and Wheals, 2004).
Organic acids such as oxalic, phosphoric, succinic, malic, and acetic acids may
also be produced in small quantities by yeast, contributing to buffering of the
pulp, and the death of the seeds (Jinap and Dimick, 2990; Schwan and Wheals,
While the possibility of lactic acid production was raised by Preyer (1913)
almost a century ago, the early review of cocoa fermentation by Knapp
(1937)downplayed the significance of lactic acid bacteria. Roelofsen (1958)
isolated rod-shaped bacteria that produced acid, and were later described by
Forsyth and Quesnel (1963) as Lactobacillus fermentii. Studying cocoa
fermentations in Trinidad, Forsyth and Rombouts (1951) incubated plates
anaerobically, resulting in improved recovery of lactic acid bacteria isolates.
Between 24-36 h of fermentation, they observed these isolates reached
populations of 107-108cfu/g, which represented only 20% of the total microflora
at that time. This, and their apparent transience, meant that these isolates were
considered unimportant and remained identified until a year later (Rombouts,
Work by Ostovar (1971) and Ostovar and Keeney (1973) constituted the first
thorough taxonomic study of lactic acid bacteria associated with cocoa bean
fermentations, and included detailed growth curves for each of the main
species of lactic acid bacteria isolated. A realisation that residual lactic acid may
be responsible for flavour defects in Asian and Brazilian cocoa led to increased
attention being given to the role of lactic acid bacteria. Carr et al. (1979), and
Passos et al. (1984) investigated the role of lactic acid bacteria in determining
the quality of cocoa beans produced in in Malaysia and Ghana, and Brazil
More recently, a number of studies have applied a range of molecular-methods
to cocoa fermentations, with the aim of further improving understanding of the
genetic diversity, and growth dynamics of lactic acid bacteria in cocoa bean
fermentations (Camu et al., 2007; Nielsen et al., 2007b; Camu et al., 2008a). This
led to a number of discoveries, including the description of several new species. Growth and diversity of lactic acid bacteria during cocoa bean
Table 2.6 - Lactic acid bacteria isolated from cocoa bean fermentations in different
Country Fermentation Details
Yeast species isolated
method (Predominant species indicated in bold
Study Main cultivar type)
Carr et al., Lactobacillus collinoides, Lb. mali,
Ghana (500 kg), and Forastero
1979 Lb. fermentum, Lb. plantarum.
Box (2500kg)
Lactobacillus fermentum, Lb. plantarum,
Lactococcus lactis, Leuconostoc
Heap (100 kg,
Nielsen et al. pseudoficulneum, Leuc.
Ghana 500 kg) and Tray Forastero
2007b Pseudomesenteroides, Pediococcus
Of the studies listed in Table 2.6, only some monitored the quantitative growth
of individual species throughout the fermentation process (Carr et al., 1979;
Passos et al., 1984; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003). Others monitored the total
populations of all lactic acid bacteria during fermentation and then used DGGE
to estimate the proportion of total lactics that each species represented (Nielsen
et al., 2007; Camu et al., 2008). In comparing the data from these studies, a
common growth pattern becomes apparent. Like yeasts, species of lactic acid
bacteria also occur in sequence, conforming to their adaptation to the changing
The biochemical roles of lactic acid bacteria during cocoa bean fermentation has
been described by numerous researchers (Passos et alv 1984; Arunga, 1992;
Schwan et alv 1995; Thompson et al., 2007; Camu et al., 2008b). The homo-
fermentative species (Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum, Pediococcus
acidilactici, Lactococcus lactis) metabolize Glucose via the Emden-Meyerhof
pathway to yield lactic acid. These species also metabolise lactic acid to a small
extent to produce acetaldehyde and CO2. The heterofermentative species
(.Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides, Weissella spp.) metabolise glucose by the
pentose phosphate pathway to give lactic acid, acetic acid, glycerol, mannitol
and CO2. Heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria metabolise citric acid to acetic
acid (Vandenbergh, 1993; Wisselink, 2002; Hammes and Hertel, 2007;
Thompson et al., 2007).
The primary end products modify the conditions in the pulp, influencing the
growth of other microbial species as already mentioned. The lactic acid also
diffuses into the cocoa seeds.lowering their pH, and contributing to the
breakdown of cell structure (Biehl et al., 1985; Thompson et al., 2007). If the
fermentation is longer than 5 days, and the populations of lactic acid bacteria
do not decline after 72h, excess lactic acid is often produced. This in turn causes
excess lactic acid in the cocoa seeds, seed pH values of less than 5.0, and an
inhibition of enzymic reactions (Biehl, 1984; Passos et al., 1984; Jinap et al., 1991,
Schwan and Wheals, 2004). Furthermore, because lactic acid is non-volatile,
such an excess is not reduced during drying or conching, and high
concentrations of residual lactic acid will impart a sour flavour to chocolate
(Augier et al. 1998; Afoakwa et al., 2008). This is one reason why dried
fermented beans are tested for pH as an indicator of quality. Mannitol was
detected in large quantities during one recent study, although the role of this
metabolite is not clear (Camu et al., 2008a, b). The breakdown of citric acid by
lactic acid bacteria lowers the pH of the pulp (Hugenholtz, 1993; Thompson et
al., 2007).
alcohols such as hexanol, esters such as ethyl acetate, ethyl lactate, as well as n-
hexanal and 2-pentyl-furan (Hansen and Hansen, 1994). When the
fermentations were repeated with a combination of S.cerevisiae and L.plantarum,
an even larger array of compounds were formed, emphasising the importance
of microbial interactions in flavour development during food fermentation.
While such interaction studies have been performed in wine (Fleet, 2003), and
cheese (Addis et al., 2001) no studies of a similar nature have been performed
on cocoa bean fermentation. Growth and diversity of acetic acid bacteria during cocoa bean
The diversity of acetic acid bacteria found in cocoa bean fermentations, globally,
and within any particular fermentation, is much less than the diversity of yeast
or lactic acid bacteria. Table 2.7 presents an updated summary of the taxonomy
of acetic acid bacteria in cocoa fermentation, as described by major studies over
the last 50 years. In most studies, only one or two species of acetic acid bacteria
were isolated from each fermentation. Across all studies, Acetobacter pasteurianus
was isolated significantly more frequently than any other species, showing a
clear association between this species and fermenting cocoa beans. This species
is also associated with cider fermentation (Passmore and Carr, 1975).
Table 2.7 - Acetic acid bacteria isolated from cocoa bean fermentations in different
Country Fermentation Details Yeast species isolated
Fermentation (Predominant species indicated in bold
Study method type)
(approximate size)
Carr et al., Acetobacter rancens, A.ascendens,
Ghana (500 kg), and Forastero
1979 A.xylinum, Gluconobacter oxydans.
Box (2500kg)
Various other Acetobacter spp., along with Gluconobacter oxydans were isolated
less frequently. As with the lactic acid bacteria, a few of the studies presented in
the table quantitated individual species during fermentation (Carr et al., 1979;
Ardhana and Fleet, 2003), while others estimated what proportion of the total
count each species comprised (Nielsen et al., 2007b; Camu et al., 2008a, b). There
were similarities between the growth data that all of these studies presented,
allowing a general growth curve to be described.
Acetic acid bacteria oxidize ethanol to acetic acid, which diffuses through the
testa, causing the death of cocoa beans, the disruption of cellular integrity.
Acetic acid also lowers the pH of the seed (Schwan et ah, 1995; Schwan and
Wheals, 2004; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003). These reactions are exothermic, and
raise the temperature of the cocoa beans high as 52°C. This temperature
increase, along with the production of acetic acid, exerts a selective pressure
against all microorganisms. Only some spore forming bacteria may survive
these conditions. The increased temperature further contributes to cell
disruption and the triggering of endogenous biochemical reactions inside the
cocoa seeds (Schwan et al., 2004; Thompson et al., 2007; Afoakwa et al., 2008).
Acetic acid bacteria can also oxidise compounds in the pulp, and those
produced during fermentation to form a range of aldehydes, ketones and other
volatiles (Kersters et al., 2007). The affect of microbial interactions on the
formation of these secondary products, and their impact on cocoa flavour, are
poorly understood.
A range of other bacteria grow through the course of the fermentation process,
although they do not dominate the microflora. The elevated temperature of the
fermenting mass at the end of fermentation process particularly favours the
growth of thermotolerant bacteria, such as Streptococcus thermophilus. However,
little attempt has been made to isolate and characterize these bacteria from
cocoa bean fermentations. Examples of identified species are Zymomonas mobilis
in Brazil (De Camargo et al., 1963) and Trinidad (Ostovar and Keeney, 1973);
Aerobacter aerogenes, Arthrobacter oxydans, Micrococcus conglomerates, M. roseus,
Staphylococcus aureus, S. capitis, M. kristinae, and Pseudomonas cepacea in
Indonesia (Ardhana and Fleet, 2003). Usually, these bacteria have only been
isolated from the beginning of fermentations (0-12h), or transiently and at low
populations. Ardhana and Fleet (2003) found that some strains of Staphylococus
and Pseudomonas spp. isolated from Indonesian fermentations were lipolytic
and proteolytic. The contribution of many of these bacteria to the cocoa
fermentation remain both unclear and un-investigated.
The presence of Zymomonas mobilis in cocoa fermentations has been given some
Many recent reviews and research papers give little or no attention to the role of
filamentous fungi during cocoa fermentation. Yet the association of filamentous
fungi with cocoa bean production has been recognized since the 1930's
(Bunting, 1928; Dade, 1928; Knapp, 1937). Several studies have reported their
isolation and identification from freshly extracted beans (Rombouts, 1952;
Roelofsen, 1958; de Camargo et al., 1963; Maravalhas, 1966; Ogundero, 1983;
Schwan et al., 1995). Aspergillus, Mucor; Penicillium and Rhizopus spp. are most
commonly isolated at this stage. One reason these species are often considered
to have little positive contribution to bean fermentation is because they usually
die off within 12 h of the start of fermentation. The inability of many of these
species to survive during the fermentation is due to their aerobic metabolism,
low ethanol tolerance and sensitivity to low pH and heat (Schwan and Wheals,
2004; Schwan et al., 2005; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003).
Nevertheless, the presence of fungal mycelia on the surface of fermenting beans
cocoa beans is regularly observed during fermentation in many regions (Rohan,
1963; Wood and Lass, 1985). Furthermore, a small number of papers report the
growth of some fungal species in the bean mass, during fermentation, grow in
the well-aerated parts of the fermenting mass (Schwan et al., 1995; Ardhana and
Fleet, 2003; Mounjouenpou et al., 2008).
In Indonesia, Penicillium citrinum, Aspergillus versicolor, and A. zventii, grew to
106-107 cfu/ g between 0-36h (Ardhana and Fleet, 2003). After 36 h, the
populations of these species declined, which was attributed to an increase in
temperature to above 40°C. In Ghana, the most commonly detected species of
filamentous fungi was Ceratocystis paradoxa, which was found during the first
48h of fermentation, at levels of 106 cfu/g (Nielsen et al, 2005). Filamentous
fungi may also grow in the fermenting cocoa beans towards the end of
fermentation, if the temperature falls below about 40°C. For example, Schwan et
al. (1995) isolated low populations (103-104cfu/g) of various species between
72-160h of fermentation. The species detected included A. fumigatus, A. niger,
Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Fusarium moniliforme, F. oxysporum, Mucor racemosus, P.
citrinum, and Mycelia sterilia.
Most of the world's cocoa beans production remains uncontrolled and largely
unchanged from how it was performed centuries before. This is in contrast to
other fermented foods such as bread, wine, cheese, tempeh and natto, which
have all been successfully industrialised (Hesseltine and Wang, 1986; Beuchat,
1995; Wood, 1998; Fleet, 2001; Steainkraus, 2004; Nout and Kiers, 2005).
Industrialisation, by improving control of these fermentations, has allowed
higher quality products to be obtained more consistently. The industrialisation
of any fermented food requires that three main factors be understood and
controlled: the substrate and its properties; the physical processes or unit
operations carried out; and the microbiology of the fermentation (Hesseltine &
Wang, 1986; Steinkraus, 2004). With regards to cocoa fermentation, some of
these areas have been well addressed, while there remains significant gaps in
The composition and properties of a food substrate may strongly affect the
fermentation process, ultimately determining many of the properties of the
fermented food (Hesseltine and Wang, 1986; Wood, 1998; Steinkraus, 2004).
There are numerous opportunities for further research into the effects of fresh
The impact of post harvest treatments on fresh cocoa beans, and the effects of
these treatments on fermentation and final bean quality have been well
investigated. Three basic processes have been evaluated for the treatment of
fresh cocoa beans prior to fermentation - pod storage, mechanical depulping
and enzymatic depulping (Rohan, 1963; Wood and Lass, 1985; Schwan and
Wheals, 2004). All three of these treatments were developed or investigated in
attempts to reduce the problem of acidity in dried fermented cocoa beans.
Overacidity in processed cocoa beans has been linked to the production of high
levels of lactic and acetic acid during fermentation. By removing a portion of
the pulp, or reducing the fermentable sugar content of the beans, it has been
shown that less acid is produced during fermentation, leading to less acid beans
(Duncan et al., 1989; Sanagi et al., 1997). Removal of up to 20% of the cocoa pulp
from fresh Brazilian cocoa beans significantly improved the flavour quality of
the beans produced (Schwan and Wheals, 2004). Methods for mechanically
depulping fresh cocoa beans include presses (Rohan, 1963; Wood and Lass,
1985), centrifuges(Schwan et al., 1995), or simply spreading beans onto a flat
surface for several hours prior to fermentation (Biehl et al., 1990). Alternatively
pectinases may be added to the fresh beans prior to fermentation, causing a
significant increase in the 'sweatings produced in the first 24 h of fermentation.
In addition to reducing acidity, benefits of de-pulping include shorter
fermentations and increased efficiency, and the ability to use the excess pulp in
the manufacture of jams, marmalade, pulp juice, wine or cocoa soft drink
(Buamah et al., 1997; Schwan and Wheals, 2004; Dias et al., 2007).
Storage of cocoa pods before the beans are removed for fermentation can also
be beneficial to fermentation outcomes (Sanagi, 1997). It has been shown that
upon storage, the pulp volume per seed decreases, due to water evaporation
and inversion of sucrose (Biehl et al., 1989) and the total sugar content is
diminished, reducing acid production during fermentation. The flavour quality
of Malaysian beans were improved by pod storage for up to 12 days prior to
fermentations (Barel. et al., 1987; Duncan et al., 1989; Lass, 1999; Aroyeun et al.,
(Maduako, 1994; Puri, 2008; Wan Ishak, 2008). Due to the unusual fruiting and
delicate nature of cocoa trees, mechanical harvesting has proved to be
impractical so far.
b) Fermenter design
The most commonly used means for containing cocoa bean fermentations are
boxes, or banana-leaf wrapped heaps. Because of the inhomogeneity of these
systems, neither are particularly suitable for controlled fermentations. Similar
fermenters are described by Wood and Lass, (1985) although in that case, no
comment is made as to their efficacy. The main criteria for the fermentation
vessel is that it should contain the beans, insulate them to some degree against
heat and water loss, and protect them from the elements and vertebrate pests. It
should also be easy to clean, be robust, easy to move or operate with minimum
labour and easy to repair with locally available materials (Steinkraus, 2004).
c) Mixing and aeration
Of all the variables in the cocoa fermentation process, mixing has received the
most attention. The earlier papers attempting to improve cocoa fermentations
all included a consideration of the frequency of mixing (Rohan, 1963; Biehl et
al., 1977; Carr et al., 1979; Said and Samarkhody, 1984; Passos et ah, 1984b;).
This is partly because of the link between aeration, mixing and the development
of acetic acid. All of these early studies emphasised the need to optimise mixing
freqency in order to ensure the fermentation produced beans witha good
chocolate character. More recently, the findings were confirmed by Hashim et al.
(1998) and Camu et al., (2008a, b) who found that mixing less frequently
introduces less oxygen into the fermentation and results in lower concentrations
of acetic acid. Hashim et al. (1998) equated this lower acid to higher
concentrations of pyrazines in dried and roasted beans. Camu et al. (2008a, b)
equated lower acid with stronger chocolate character, and less objectionable
flavours in chocolate made from the cocoa beans that were not mixed during
fermentation. Baker et al.(1994) also noted a postive correlation between less
frequent mixing and stronger cocoa flavour. However, Senanayake et al. (1997)
found that when cocoa bean fermentations in Sri Lanka were not mixed, off
flavours developed. These results suggest that mixing frequency may be a
critical process variable, but may need to be optimised in each situation. It also
suggest that more research should be done to better understand the inter-
Pod storage, de-pulping, fermenter design, and mixing frequency all indirectly
affect the microbial ecology of fermentation and thus the quality of cocoa beans
produced (Said and Samarakhody, 1984; Biehl, 1989; Barel, 1995; Thompson et
al., 2007; Afoakwa et al., 2008). However, it is also important to consider how
the microbiology of fermentation may be controlled more directly. Improved
understanding of the microbiology of cocoa bean fermentation have led to the
first investigations into the use of starter cultures for cocoa bean fermentation.
Some of these involve replacement of the natural fermentation by a somewhat
artificial process, which is carried out with defined microbial inocula.
var chevalieri was chosen for its fermentative ability and pectinolytic activity.
Another active and constitutive producer of pectinases is K. marxianus, and it
has been suggested that this species might be used instead of S.cerevisiae var.
chevalarii (Schwan, 1998) An important factor in chocolate quality was the
duration of fermentation process, which was suggested to be a full 7 days
(Schwan, 1998).
The major difficulty associated with inoculated fermentations is the removal of
natural flora. In small-scale laboratory fermentations, this could be achieved by
washing the beans with hypochlorite treated water and using sterilized
equipment, as applied by Schwan (1998). However, as on-farm fermentations
usually involve large amounts of beans, bean washing could be a laborious and
ineffective process and require intensive training of farmers.
Nevertheless, inoculated and controlled fermentations are expected to improve
the reliability and quality consistency of cocoa fermentations. Furthermore, they
could greatly reduce the possibility of contamination and growth of undesirable
microorganisms (Schwan, 1998). This would improve not only the quality but
also the shelf-life of fermented cocoa beans. An objective for further studies
could be production of chocolate with different flavour characteristics by
varying microbial inocula or fermentation conditions.
Schwan (1998) found that beans of acceptable quality could be produced, but
did not compare the effects of different organisms. Sanchez et al.(1985) found
that using K.marxianus gave beans with lower cut test scores, but did not
examine the effects of mixtures of yeast and did not perform any other quality
testing. Finally, Buamah et al. (1997) found that fermentation with different
mixtures affected the anthocyanin content of the beans, but failed to suggest
any possible reasons for the differences.
Sanchez et al. (1985) provided some data regarding yeast - yeast interactions in
their research on the use of single yeast cultures to perform cocoa fermentation.
However, there are no data available in the literature regarding the interactions
between the inoculated yeast and the indigenous bacteria.
While the concepts of Quality Assurance, and total supply chain management
are not new, they have only recently begun to be applied to cocoa bean
fermentation and the cocoa supply chain. Part of the reason for this is that many
large chocolate manufacturers wish to have more control and predicability over
their suppliers (Beckett, 1999; ICCO, 2007c, 2007d). It is also related to the trend
of increased processing of cocoa beans by the growing countries. It is now
estimated that as much as 30% of cocoa beans are processed further in the
countries of origin (ICCO, 2007d)
Over the last 5-10 years there have been increased co-ordinated efforts to aid
cocoa growers obtain a better, more consistent product to sell. This includes
European aid and development projects by EU-INCO "COCOQual"(Nielsen et
al. 2007) and CIRAD (CIRAD, 2008).
In addition, there have been numerous projects investigating cocoa quality
management, funded by international Cocoa bodies such as the ICCO (ICCO,
2007d) and WCF, and industry (Camu et al. 2007, 2008a, b).
In addition to these general initiatives, a small number of studies on cocoa
fermentation have attempted to link together the microbiology, and chemistry
of fermentation, with the flavour and / or quality outcomes of those
fermentations (Carr et al., 1979; Schwan et al., 1998; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003).
These studies are important in developing effective quality assurance
approaches, by clarifying the relationships between changes to the substrate,
the process, and the microorganisms involved. These integrated studies were
used as models upon which this current study was designed
Economic factors are the single greatest cause of low industrialisation and
improvement of cocoa bean fermentation (Schwan et al., 1998; Schwan and
Wheals, 2004; ICCO, 2008). However, some sources predict that as demand for
cocoa beans continues to grow, the higher prices will result in better farming
practices and subsequent increases in yields (ICCO, 2007a). As trade
liberalization continues, a key factor in better prices for farmers will be the
ability to produce higher quality cocoa beans (ICCO, 2007d).
With an estimated 70% of the world's cocoa produced by small-holders, there is
a basic lack of capital amongst producers to implement new technologies
(Anon., 1999; Guyton, 2007; ICCO, 2007a). FOr example, special fermentation
vessels may require significant cost to build, while the use of starters can be
expensive. It seems likely that improved approaches to cocoa fermentation will
be first applied to large plantations or co-operatives where sufficient beans are
processed to allow some economies of scale, and to justify some significant
capital expenditure (Schwan et al., 1998).
Another very significant barrier to the implementation of better practices in
cocoa fermentation is inadequate access and transfer of information. There is a
huge diversity of research has been done on cocoa publications tend to be
scattered in a huge range of literature, of varying quality and relevance. In
addition to the various abstracted journals, this frequently includes provincial
publications, institute reports, trade journals, proceedings of regional
conferences devoted to broad topics, and non-scientific literature such as
newspapers, correspondence and travel reports. A key consequence of these
communication issues is that technology transfer is limited, haphazard or even
purely a matter of chance. In addition, the majority of farmer education in cocoa
processing is geared towards phyto-sanitary and horticultural practices. There
are only a handful of programs that recognize the significance of fermentation
and drying in impacting the effective value of a cocoa crop, such as the one
established in Vietnam with the assistance of the World Cocoa
Foundation(Guyton, 2007).
2.7 Conclusion
The final quality of cocoa and chocolate is the results of a number of processing
steps, each governed by a combination of factors. In the first place, cultivation
of cocoa requires good agricultural practices and suitable climate conditions.
Furthermore, appropriate cocoa bean curing and processing methods are of
crucial importance in the sensory quality of cocoa and chocolate.
The fermentation process has a key role in flavour quality of cocoa beans and
chocolate. The linkage between microbial ecology of fermented beans and the
flavour compounds has been well established in the literature. The microbial
succession during fermentation creates changes in pH, temperatures, oxygen
availability of fermenting mass, which facilitates the formation of cocoa-specific
aroma precursors. The variety and concentrations of these precursors
compound is determined by microbial activity. If the control of microflora and
conditions of fermentations comes into commercial practice, it is possible that
chocolate with desired flavour characteristics be economically produced.
The literature however has some gaps that were apparent.
Firstly, there is absolutely no information regarding the chemistry or
microbiology of cocoa beans cultivated in Australia. Such information is critical
if fermentations are to be successfully industrialised.
Second, there is insufficient, or contradictory, information available on ideal
frequency of mixing, length of fermentation, preferred fermentation
configuration, and the effects of these on final cocoa bean quality. Such
information as exists does not provide a clear guide for the establishment of a
cocoa fermentation operation from first principles. Furthermore, there is scant
research into the design of alternative fermentation vessles, and
implementation of industrialised approaches to cocoa bean fermentation.
Third, few researchers have provided good comparisons between model, or
laboratory, fermentation of cocoa beans, and larger pilot, or commercial
fermentations. In particular, many researchers assess model or trial
fermentations only according to chemical or microbiological criteria, without
regard for the effects on flavour.
Finally, certain forms of controlled inoculation have been under-researched. In
particular, the addition of mixtures of yeast only, without addition of bacterial
species, and without attempting to remove indigenous microflora.
These areas were therefore highlighted as priorities to be investigated in this
Chapter Three
The microbiological, chemical and sensory
properties of Australian cocoa bean fermentations.
3.1 Introduction
Cocoa beans are the raw material of chocolate manufacture and are obtained
from the fruit (called pods) of the tree, Theobroma cacao L. After being harvested,
the beans are removed from the pods and subjected to the process of
fermentation, followed by drying (Wood and Lass, 1988). Cocoa fermentation is
a microbiological process that generates conditions which kill the beans and
induces an array of endogenous and exogenous biochemical reactions. These
reactions produce the chemical precursors of characteristic chocolate flavour
and colour (Beckett, 2000). Cocoa research performed during the last century
has described aspects of the microbiology, biochemistry and chemistry of cocoa
bean fermentations and attempted to link this knowledge to attributes of cocoa
and chocolate quality (Schwan and Wheals, 2004). Despite significant progress
being made in understanding the scientific foundations of cocoa bean
fermentation and chocolate production, many gaps in knowledge exist and
cocoa bean fermentation remains a traditional, village scale process (Thompson
et al. 2007). This lack of technological improvement and innovation, is in sharp
contrast with progress made in production of other fermented foods and
beverages, such as cheese, yoghurt, wine and beer; in these foods, scientific
understanding has led to the development of modern, well controlled and
industrialised processes (Wood, 1998; Steinkraus 2004).
Recently, it has been established that cocoa beans can be successfully cultivated
in Northern Queensland, Australia and this finding has provided an incentive
to develop a linked cocoa-bean and chocolate industry in that region (Lemin,
2004). Accompanying this opportunity is the need to develop controlled,
efficient, industrialised processes of fermentation and drying that give high
quality cocoa beans which are suitably priced for sale in international markets.
The cocoa beans used in the fermentation experiments were harvested from two
small plantations located in northern Queensland, Australia (Figure 3.1). The
first plantation was located near Mossman (Figure 3.2), while the second
plantation was located onsite at the South Johnstone research station (Figure
3.3). Although the two plantations were 175 km apart, the overall seasonal and
climatic influences were similar.
The cocoa trees grown at these two plantations were Trinitario hybrids, with the
majority of trees bearing Trinitario type pods. The Trinitario type pods were
warty, elongate and red-violet when unripe, becoming yellow-orange when ripe
(Figure 3.4, b). Because of the genetic variation within hybrid planting material,
about 30% of the trees produced Forastero type pods. These pods were smooth,
melon shaped and light green when unripe, becoming yellow when ripe (Figure
3.4, a). Both varieties of pods contained approximately 30 cocoa beans, the
average weight of which was 3g (±lg).
Cocoa pods of both cultivars were manually harvested using secateurs from
trees at both plantations, and were not separated into individual cultivars for
fermentation. Within 48 hours of harvesting, the pods were transported to the
research station, where they were stored for 5 days at ambient temperature (25 -
32°C). A period of pod storage of between 5-10 days is recommended prior to
fermentation, as a means of improving the quality of the cocoa produced [Wood
and Lass, 1985; Jinap and Dimick, 1990].
Pacific Ocean
(76 km)a .Cairns
'South Johnstone
2 (101 km)a
0 100
a Distance from Cairns _Tronic Qi CQ&riCi
Fig. 3.1. Map of Northern Queensland, Australia; Location of the cocoa plantations
involved in this study.
Fig. 3.3. Cocoa plantation located at South Johnstone, Queensland, Australia. The tall
trees in the background are Gliricidia sepium shade trees.
Fig. 3.4. Variation in cocoa pods borne by the Australia cocoa trees: a) Forastero type
pods; b) Trinitario type pods
Fig. 3.5. Freshly obtained Australian cocoa beans (from Mossman pods). Note the
pieces of placenta and broken pod present as a result of the automatic pod splitting
process. These were manually removed prior to fermentation
Batches of cocoa beans from the Mossman plantation, were fermented using
heap box and barrel methods.
For heap fermentation, beans (75 kg) were placed in a cone shaped heap on top
of a layer of banana leaves and then covered with more banana leaves. The
heap had a radius of 50 cm and a height of 40 cm. (Figure 3.6, a). Beans were
mixed once during fermentation, at which time the heap was unwrapped,
mixed on the spread banana leaves and then rewrapped using fresh leaves.
For box fermentation, beans (75kg) were placed in a wooden box of dimensions
50 cm long x 50 cm wide x 50 cm deep, and the top covered with clean plastic
sheeting to prevent heat and moisture loss. The box was made of untreated
hardwood slats, with 5mm gaps to allow aeration of beans and drainage of the
pulp (Figure 3.6, b). In the box, beans were thoroughly mixed using sterile
gloves and a sterile wooden paddle rinsed with ethanol. Particular care was
taken to redistribute the beans at the edges of the fermentation.
For barrel fermentation, beans (75 kg) were placed in a cylindrical barrel of 65
cm diameter x 85 cm height, and covered with a fitted lid to prevent heat and
moisture loss. The barrel was made of food grade polypropylene and was
mounted on a steel frame to allow it to rotate end-over-end. For aeration and
drainage of pulp, the barrel was perforated with 1 cm diameter holes, 15 cm
apart on the sides and 5 cm apart on the base. (Figure 3.6, c). In the barrel, beans
were mixed by closing the lid and tumbling the barrel, end over end, 10 times to
ensure thorough redistribution of the beans inside the barrel.
The beans were fermented by these methods for 5 days (120 hours), and were
mixed every 24 hours, except for the heap which was mixed every 48 hours.
To prevent sudden changes in ambient conditions, the fermentations were
conducted in an insulated room where the ambient temperature remained
between 30 - 35°C and the relative humidity 70 - 90%. These controls were not
applied to the heap fermentation which was conducted in the field.
The temperature of each fermentation was monitored using electronic
temperature recorders (Gemini Data Loggers, UK) that were inserted into the
centre of the bean mass.
Fig. 3.6. Heap (a), box (b) and barrel arrangements used in cocoa fermentation experiments.
A similar experiment was performed using beans harvested from the South
Johnstone plantation, but only the control (no Fermaid K® added) and Fermaid
K® added at 25g/100 kg were conducted in this case. Effect of mixing on the fermentation of Australian cocoa
Two fermentations (75 kg of beans) were performed in boxes as described
previously, using beans harvested from the South Johnstone plantation, and
mixed at different intervals:
(i) every 24 hours, or
(ii) every 12 hours.
The boxes were mixed using sterile gloves and a sterile wooden paddle, at the
prescribed frequency. Care was taken to ensure that beans at the edges, corners
and bottom of the boxes were thoroughly redistributed. Sampling of fermenting cocoa beans for microbiological and
chemical testing.
From the beginning of fermentation, at time zero (Oh), samples of the cocoa
beans were taken for microbiological and chemical analyses.
Samples (1 kg) of beans were taken from the bean mass at daily (24h) intervals
throughout the fermentations. Samples were aseptically taken by hand using
sterile plastic gloves, from several different locations in the beans mass and
combined to give a representative sample. A portion (250g) of the sample was
immediately used for microbiological analysis, and the remainder (750g) was
frozen (-20°C) for later chemical analyses. Drying of fermented cocoa beans
After each fermentation, the beans were dried by the following methods to
ensure a final moisture content of between 5-7%:
(i) Solar drying. In this method the beans were spread at a depth no greater
than 2 cm on large mesh trays (100 cm x 200 cm) in the sun, and solar
dried for 4-5 days. At night or during intermittent showers, large canopies
were used to protect the drying beans from precipitation (Figure 3.7, a).
(ii) Oven drying. Fermented beans were spread approximately 5 cm deep on
trays ( 35 cm x 75 cm), and placed in a temperature controlled, forced air
oven for 48h at 38°C, and then 60°C for another 48h. (Figure 3.7, b)
The end point of drying was judged by bean breaking properties as described in
Wood and Lass (1985). The dried beans were bagged in airtight plastic bags and
stored in a cool, dark room free from strong odours. Samples of dried fermented
beans were transported to UNSW to be made into chocolate for sensory
evaluation, while other samples were sent to the Cadbury-Schweppes quality
assurance laboratories in Singapore for quality evaluation.
Solar drying was the preferred method for drying of the fermented beans.
However, in rainy and humid weather it was sometimes necessary to directly
dry the beans in the oven, or partly dry them under solar conditions and then
complete the process in the oven. The drying conditions used in each
experiment are given in the results section and appropriate controls were
conducted to determine any effect of drying on the quality or sensory
properties of the beans.
Fig. 3.7 Drying arrangements used: a) Solar drying trays arranged outside. A large
sliding canopy was able to be placed over the trays overnight, or during rain;
b) Oven drier, showing one of four drying compartments, with removable shelves
containing the cocoa beans.
Table 3.1 summarises the experiments performed, the source of cocoa beans and
the drying method(s) used, and the dates the pods were harvested.
Table 3.1 - Matrix of experiments investigating the effects of processing variables on the
microbiology, chemistry and quality of Australian cocoa fermentation.
Fig. 3.8. Flow chart of procedures for testing the microbiological, chemical and
sensory properties of cocoa beans fermented at South Johnstone, Australia.
DPI research station, South Johnstone, Australia
Splitting of Pods
Fermentation Temperature
External lab
Frozen and
transported to Quality
UNSW testing Testing
microbiology Dried, fermented cocoa
bean samples
Fresh (frozen) cocoa
bean samples
Quality testing
The pH of pulp and seed samples extracted from the beans were measured
according to the method of Ardhana and Fleet (2003). The pulp and seeds were
manually separated from 30 beans. The pulp or seed material was mixed in a
Waring Blender (Waring products, Torrington CT) with distilled water at a ratio
of 1:1 by weight. The pH of the homogenate was measured using an Activon
209 digital pH meter (Activon, Sydney). Standard buffers of pH 4.0 and 7.0
were used to calibrate the pH probe. Pulp and seed weights
The moisture contents of beans, pulp and seeds were determined according to
standard methods described by AOAC (1997). Empty aluminium dishes and
lids were oven dried for 4h at 110°C, cooled in a desiccator over silica gel, and
then weighed. Five grams of sample (seed or pulp) were spread uniformly in
the prepared dish, the lid replaced and then weighed. The dishes, with lids ajar,
were the dried in a vacuum oven (Thermoline) for 24 h at 70±1°. After drying,
the dishes were cooled in a desiccator over silica gel, before being reweighed.
Five mL of the resulting supernatant was then diluted into 45 mL of sterile 0.1%
peptone water (10-1). Subsequently, l.OmL samples of the homogenate were
subject to serial, decimal dilutions as required in 0.1% peptone water. Aliquots
(O.lmL) of the dilutions were then spread inoculated, in duplicate, over the
surface of appropriate plates of agar media as follows:
Yeasts and other fungi were specifically isolated and enumerated on plates of
Malt Extract Agar (Oxoid) containing 100 ppm of added oxytetracycline
(Sigma) to control bacterial growth, and on Dichloran Rose Bengal
Chloramphenicol Agar (Oxoid). The plates were incubated at 25°C for 4-5 days.
Total bacteria were isolated and enumerated on Plate Count Agar (Oxoid,)
supplemented with cycloheximide (Sigma) at 100 ppm to suppress the growth
of yeasts and fungi. These plates were incubated at 35°C for 3-4 days.
Acetic acid bacteria were isolated and enumerated on Wallerstein Laboratories
Nutrient Agar (Oxoid) containing 100 ppm of cycloheximide (Pallmann et al.,
2001). These plates were incubated at 30°C for 4-5 days.
Lactic acid bacteria were enumerated and isolated on MRS agar (Oxoid)
containing cycloheximide at 100 ppm . This medium was also used to
successfully isolate acetic acid bacteria. These plates were incubated at 35°C for
3-4 days under micro-aerophilic conditions achieved by use of a candle-jar.
The plates were incubated under the specified conditions until prominent
colonies were observed. Colonies were presumptively grouped according to the
media on which they were isolated, cellular and colony morphologies, and the
results of the Gram stain, catalase and oxidase tests. The predominant colony
types were thus recorded and are described in Tables 3.2 - 3.4. Populations were
determined by counting each colony type. Representative samples (3-5 of each
colony type obtained from each sample) were taken and purified by re
streaking. More than 1000 isolates were obtained in this manner. The collected
isolates were transported to the University of New South Wales, Sydney,
Australia, where they were re-streaked to verify purity. Purified cultures were
maintained by regular subculture on appropriate growth media and storage
with 30% glycerol at -80°C.
Figure 3.9 outlines the main steps in the isolation, enumeration and
identification of microbial species in the cocoa fermentations.
Fig. 3.9. Flow chart for microbiological testing of fermented cocoa beans
1 kg sample from
fermentation >t
Isolates transported to
University of New South
Wales, Sydney
250g of beans
in 250mL
0.1% peptone -80°C
water storage
Broth API
culture test kit
i 5m L of
homogenate DNA
into 45mL extraction
0.1% peptone
water y
PCR and
Serial dilution to 10 6
Colony morphology
Counting Cell morphology
> & Gram stain
0.1 ml_ spread onto selection Catalase test
media in duplicate of isolates Oxidase test
Table 3.2 - Presumptive grouping of yeast isolates. Isolates were grouped according to their colony
morphology on MEA and DRBC at 30°C, and cell morphology under phase contrast light microscopy.
(Confirmed by growth at
* Representative samples of the isolates were identified at UNSW to species level by PCR-sequencing of
26S rDNA and confirmed by API ID32 carbohydrate profile kit.
Table 3.3 - Presumptive grouping of lactic acid bacteria isolates. Isolates were grouped according to their
colony morphology on MRS agar under micro-aerophilic conditions at 37°C, their cell morphology under
phase contrast light microscopy, and their reaction to Gram’s stain, catalase and oxidase tests. Tentative
lactic acid bacteria were Gram positive, catalase negative and oxidase negative.
Table 3.4 - Presumptive grouping of acetic acid bacteria and Bacillus spp. isolates. Isolates were grouped
according to their growth on WLNA and MRSA under aerobic conditions at 37°C, their cell morphology
under phase contrast light microscopy, and their reaction to Gram’s stain, catalase and oxidase tests.
Tentative acetic acid bacteria were Gram negative, catalase positive and oxidase negative. Tentative
Bacillus spp. were Gram positive, catalase positive and oxidase positive.
No photo available
Bacterial isolates were examined for cell morphology and Gram stain, catalase
and oxidase reactions according to standard procedures (Tables 3.3 and 3.4)
(Smitbert and Krieg 1994) and correlated with sequence data. Isolates were
identified to species level using the results of sequencing of the partial 16S
rDNA sequences. Species identification was confirmed using API CH 50 test
strips (BioMerieux) on selected isolates. Homology data and accession numbers
for the different species and samples analysed are shown in Appendix A. The
results of carbohydrate assimilation profiling using the API CH 50 kits
(Biomerieux) are shown in Appendix A. DNA extraction for identification by PCR-sequencing
For yeast, genomic DNA was extracted according to the method described by
Cocolin et al. (2000). Yeast cell pellets were prepared from 24 h cultures of
isolates in Malt Extract Broth (1 mL, centrifuged at 12, 000 g, 10 min, 4°C) and
resuspended in 200pL of breaking buffer (1% SDS, 2% Triton X-100, lOOmM
NaCE, lOmM Tris, ImM EDTA, pH 8.0) containing 0.3 g glass beads (0.5 mm
diameter, BioSpec Products, Inc. Bartlesville OK). Cells were homogenised at
6,000 rpm for 1 min in a bead beater (Mini-BeadBeater-1™, Biospec) in the
presence of 200pL of phenol/chloroform/isoamylalcohol (25:24:1). 200pL of TE
buffer (lOmM Tris, ImM EDTA, pH 8.0) were added, and the mixture was
centrifuged at 12,000 for 10 min at 4°C. The aqueous phase was collected and
DNA was precipitated by the addition of 0.6 volumes of isopropanol and
recovered by centrifugation at 12,000 g for 10 min at 4°C. The DNA pellet was
washed with 70% ethanol, dried and resuspended in 50 pL of TE buffer. DNA
extracted from pure cultures was used in PCR reactions for the amplification of
partial 26S ribosomal DNA.
For bacterial isolates, the method used for DNA extraction was that described
by Lopez et al (2003) and was identical to that for yeast, with the following
variations: (i) instead of Malt Extract Broth, MRS broth (Oxoid) or Tryptic Soy
Broth (Oxoid) were used to grow the pure cultures; (ii) the glass beads used for
the bacterial DNA extraction were smaller (diameter 0.1 mm; Daintree
Scientific, Tasmania, Australia); and (iii) the homogenising step involved 2
rounds of bead-beating for 40s at 4,600 rpm. The extracted bacterial DNA was
precipitated, washed, dried and resuspended in the same manner as the yeast
For PCR of extracted yeast DNA, each reaction contained PCR buffer (lOmM
Tris-Cl, 50mM KC1), 0.2 pM of each primer, 200pM of each DNTP (Roche
Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN), 1.5 mM MgC12,1.25 U Gold Taq DNA
polymerase (AmpliTaq™, Roche Molecular Systems, Brachburg, NJ), and lOng
of DNA template in 50pL final volumes. Amplifications were carried out in a
9600 Thermal Cycler (Applied Biosystems), with the following program: initial
denaturation at 95°C for 7 min, 36 cycles at 95°C for 1 min (denaturation), 52°C
for 2 min (Annealing) and 72°C for 2 min (extension), followed by a final
extension for 10 min at 72°C. The presence of PCR amplicons was confirmed by
1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis.
The above method was also used for the PCR amplification of bacterial DNA,
except that the thermal program was as follows: initial denaturation at 94°C for
7 min, 10 cycles at 94°C for 30 s, 50°C for 30 s, and 72°C for 45 s, followed by 20
additional cycles where each successive cycle had an additional 5s of elongation
time. The final elongation was conducted at 72°C for 10 min. The presence of
PCR amplicons was confirmed by 1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis, before being
used in sequencing analysis. Yeast primers were obtained from Proligo Primers
and Probes (Sydney, Australia), and the bacterial primers were obtained from
Sigma Genosys (Sydney, Australia).
Sequence analysis was performed on PCR amplicons from yeast and bacterial
isolates, using the ABI PRISM® BigDye™ Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing kit
(Applied Biosystems, Foster City CA), according to the manufacturer's
directions. Labeled DNA fragments were sequenced at the Automated DNA
Analysis Facility, School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, UNSW.
The sequence of nucleotide bases, 26S rDNA sequences for yeast and 16S rDNA
sequences for bacteria, were compared with available sequences in Genbank
using the NCBI BLAST utility (Altschul et al., 1990; Karlin and Altschul 1990).
For the DGGE-investigations, pulp was aseptically washed from the beans in
sterile double distilled water, centrifuged (20,000g for 15 min, 4°C), the cell
pellet removed and freeze dried, and the nucleic acid extracted following the
protocol of Nielsen et al. (2005). The dried samples of extracted nucelic acid
were then sent to The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University,
Department of Dairy and Food Science, Food Microbiology, Copenhagen,
Denmark for analysis by PCR -DGGE, according to the method described by
Nielsen et al. (2005). To assist in comparison, standards were also run on the
gels. These standards consisting of amplicons from four yeast isolates
(Ha?iseniaspore guilliermondii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Issatchenkia orientalis and
Pichia membranifaciens), and 8 bacterial isolates (Lactobacillus plantarum,
Pediococcus acidilactici, Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides, Acetobacter pasteurianus,
The concentration of individual organic acids was determined using HPLC. The
chromatography instrumentation consisted of a pump (Waters 600), auto
injector (Waters 717 Autosampler PLUS), a UV detector (Waters 996 PDA)
operating at 210 nm, a column heater and controller (Waters, TCM temperature
controller), and an Aminex Ion Exclusion HPX-87 H stainless steel column (Bio-
Rad, Richmond CA). A computer running Waters Millennium™ software
controlled the equipment and recorded data. The column was eluted at 65°C
using 0.08% H3P04 (Ajax Chemicals, Sydney Australia) at a flow rate of
0.5mL/ min. All samples were analysed in duplicate.
The concentrations of individual organic acids eluted from the column were
determined by reference to the injection and elution of standard solutions of
oxalic, citric, tartaric, malic, succinic, lactic, and acetic acids at concentrations of
0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.025% (w/v) for each organic acid. Standard curves were
constructed and calculations performed using Waters Millennium™ software.
The procedure from extraction to HPLC determination recovered greater than
96% of the internal standard, fumaric acid. For comparison to the literature, the
concentration of organic acids was expressed as mg/g(dry basis). The
maximum variability between duplicate samples was ± 3 mg/g. Ethanol
The cut test was repeated at UNSW for all beans samples, in order to verify the
results provided by the external laboratory. To perform the cut test 100 beans
were randomly selected from the sample being evaluated. Each bean was cut in
half laterally using secateurs and visually inspected. The beans were graded
according to the visual guide in Wood and Lass (1985). A sample was judged to
be acceptable if it contained 0% mouldy or insect infested beans, less than 2%
slaty beans and less than 20% fully purple beans. Based on these results, the
highest quality cocoa bean samples from each experiment were selected and
made into chocolate for sensory evaluation.
The chocolate making methods used in this study were provided by Cadbury-
Schweppes, but were very similar to protocols outlined in the literature (Holm
et al., 1993; Jinap et ah, 1995). Fermented and dried cocoa beans were roasted in
a digitally controlled oven at 120°C for 55 minutes.
The shell of roasted beans was manually removed from nibs. Chocolate was
made by the procedures as follows:
One hundred and eleven grams of roasted and peeled cocoa beans (also called
nibs) were transferred into a mechanical mortar and pestle (Supplied by
Cadbury-Schweppes, Tasmania, Australia). After an initial grinding period of
30 minutes, 45g of deodorized cocoa butter (Cadbury Schweppes, Melbourne,
Australia) and 72g of pure icing sugar (Bundaberg, Australia) were added. The
mixture was then conched in the mortar for at least 5 hours until a fine liquid
chocolate was obtained. The mortar was heated to 30-40°C during the whole
process. The liquid chocolate was transferred to a stainless steel bowl for
tempering. Tempering is necessary to create the desired texture and suitable
melting point for chocolate, both of which affect flavour perception (Hoskin,
1994). The steel bowl of liquid chocolate was placed in a water bath with water
supplied from hot and cold taps, and the temperature controlled by the aid of a
digital thermometer . Continuous mixing of the chocolate was essential to
distribute the heat evenly throughout the chocolate mass. Firstly, the chocolate
container was placed in hot water and mixed until the temperature of chocolate
was 45-46°C (about 5 min). Then, hot water was replaced with cold water to
cool the liquid to 27°C (~10 min). Finally, the chocolate was warmed to 33°C (2
min) before being poured into small paper moulds and allowed to set in a
refrigerator at 10°C. Moulded chocolate was stored in an odour free refrigerator
for at least 2 weeks prior to tasting to allow stabilisation of flavours. Sensory evaluation of chocolate samples by untrained panelists
The sensory evaluation session was carried out in sensory booths with suitable
lighting to maximize the objectiveness and reliability of the results (Carpenter et
al., 2000). Between samples, panelists cleansed their palate with the water and
crackers. Panelists had no prior training in sensory evaluation. Before each
session, all panelists were screened to ensure that they regularly consumed dark
chocolate (at least monthly) and had not consumed any strongly flavoured
foods in the 90 minutes before the session. A pool of 50 panelists was used, and
each sample set was assessed 10 -15 times. Two discrimination tests were
performed in a session.
Sample 308 Sample 512 Sample 781
and score-card
Fig. 3.11. Presentation of chocolate samples on serving trays for sensory evaluation.
Sample codes are for illustration only.
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Fermentation of cocoa beans in heap, box and barrel.
heap and box fermentation methods (Rohan, 1963), and by a novel barrel
beans for all three fermentations. The populations of yeast and bacteria
increased to maxima of 107-108 cfu / g beans after 48 hours. In the case of the box
and heap fermentations, these populations held relatively steady until the end
of fermentation at 120 hours. However, in the case of the barrel fermentation,
the yeast population declined from 48 hours onwards, and no yeast (< 102 cfu/g
beans) were detected after 96 hours.
s' 3 -
E 25 -
o 2 -
2 35 -
b 30 -
't 3 -
U 40 ■
H 35 -
b 30 -
's' 3 -
© 2 -
Fig. 3.12. Fermentation of Australian cultivated cocoa beans in: (a) heap, (b) box and (c)
barrel; Total yeast population ♦; Total bacterial population EfTemperature ■; pulp pH O.
Beans sourced from the Mossman plantation.
The fermentation trials were repeated using beans sourced from the South
Johnstone plantation (Figure 3.13). In these trials, the heap fermentation was not
conducted due to a shortage of beans, and since it was not considered a
practically controllable method for the future development of an industrial
a 40 -
s 35 ■
2 30 -
Fig. 3.13. Fermentation of Australian cultivated cocoa beans in: (a) box (b) barrel;
Total yeast population ♦; Total bacterial population □; Temperature ■; pulp pH O; Beans
sourced from the South Johnstone plantation.
Figure 3.14 shows the growth of individual yeast species during the heap, box
and barrel fermentation of beans from the Mossman plantation, and box and
barrel fermentation of beans from the South Johnstone plantation. Three yeast
species were found to be predominant in all of the fermentations. These were
Hanseniaspora guiltiermondii, Issatchenkia orientalis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
2 -
In the fermentations using beans from South Johnstone, the populations of all
species of yeast declined after 48 hours. The box and barrel fermentations also
had higher initial populations of yeast (105 - 106 cfu/g) than when Mossman
beans were used (104 -105 cfu/g).
Four species of lactic acid bacteria dominated the fermentations and were
readily differentiated by their colony and cell morphologies, described in Table
3.3 in the Methods section 3.2.3.I. These were Lactobacillus plantarum,
Lactobacillus fermentum, Pediococcus acidilactici and Leuconostoc
pseudomesenteroides. Figure 3.15 shows changes in populations of these bacteria
during fermentation.
In the heap, box and barrel fermentations, Lactobacillus plantarum was initially
present at 103 cfu/g, and after 72 hours it reached a maximum population of
104-105 cfu/g. In the heap and box fermentation, the population of L.plantarum
remained steady, but in the barrel it decreased to 104 cfu/g beans by 120h
(Figure 3.15 a,b,c).
When the box and barrel fermentations were repeated using beans harvested
from the South Johnstone plantation, the lactic acid bacteria produced similar
but slightly different growth profiles (Figure 3.15 d,e).
Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides grew in both box and barrel fermentations,
reaching maximum populations at 24h and then dying off. In these
fermentations, the maximum population was less (106-107 cfu/g) and the rate of
decline was faster. Lc. pseudomesenteroides were not detected after 48h, compared
to 72h in the fermentations with Mossman beans (compare b & d, c & e in
Figure 3.15).
In the box, Pediococcus acidilactici was the predominant species of lactic acid
bacteria, growing throughout the fermentation, with a maximum population
(108 cfu/g beans) at 72 hours, and declining slowly from this point.
In the barrel, a similar growth pattern was observed, except that L. plantarum
was the predominant species. In this fermentation, P. acidilactici reached a
maximum population of 107cfu / g at 48h and then slowly declined to a final
population of 103 cfu/g at 120h. Meanwhile L. fermentum was detected 48h later
compared to the box, reaching maximum populations of 107 at 96 hours and
remaining at this level until the end of fermentation (Figure 3.15 d, e)
Overall, slightly lower initial populations of lactic acid bacteria were found in
the South Johnstone beans, but they established much faster growth.
Figure 3.16 shows the growth of acetic acid bacteria, and other bacterial species,
during the heap, box and barrel fermentation of cocoa beans. The acetic acid
bacteria Acetobacter pasteurianus and Gluconobacter oxydans, along with Pantoea
agglomerans and some members of Bacillus spp. were predominant species
isolated from the fermenting beans. Not all of these species were isolated from
every fermentation.
A. pasteurianus was the most prevalent and predominant species of acetic acid
bacteria in all fermentations. However, in the box and barrel fermentations
using Mossman beans, it was only detected after 24 hours of fermentation had
already occurred. Maximum populations (107-108 cfu/g) were usually found
after 48-72 hours into the fermentation, and remained at this level until the end
(120h). However, in the box using beans from the South Johnstone plantation, it
declined after 96h.
a 4 -
Gluconobacter oxydans was the other main species found to grow at significant
levels throughout the fermentations. This species was significant in the box and
barrel fermentations of cocoa from the South Johnstone plantation, but was
found only in the box fermentation of beans from the Mossman plantation
(compare b, d and e in Figure 3.16). In fermentations using South Johnstone
beans, G.oxydans reached maximum populations of 107 cfu/ g around 48-72h
before dying off., while in the box fermentation of Mossman beans, it grew to
maximum populations of 107cfu/g beans by the end of fermentation.
Pantoea agglomerans was isolated from the Oh samples of cocoa beans from the
Mossman plantation. In the first 24-48 hours of fermentation it grew to 105-106
cfu/g and then died off (Figure 3.16, a, b & c). When beans from the South
Johnstone plantation were used, P..agglomera?is was only isolated from the Oh
samples, and did not grow in either the box or barrel.
Populations of Bacillus spp. were also detected in the cocoa beans, using the
same media as for the isolation of acetic acid bacteria. The isolates obtained
were a mixture of B.licheniformis, B.pumilis, B.subtilis, B. megaterium and
occasionally, B.cereus. The maximum populations of Bacillus spp. were
104 cfu/g, and these maxima were usually detected at the end of fermentation
(120h). However, in one fermentation, Bacillus spp. were detected earlier in the
fermentation (24h) at a population of 6 x 104 cfu/g, but then died off
(Figure 3.16, b).
-O 5.0 -
* 2.0 - £ 2.0 -
^ 1.0 ^
§ 5.0 - § 5.0 -
4.0 - « 4.0 -
'T' 3.0 - 'r' 3.0 -
£ 2.0 - £ 2.0 -
^ 1.0-
0.0 Et
£ 5.0 - £ 5.0 -
tJ 4.0 - -S 4.0 -
'r' 3.0 -
«i 2.0 - £ 2.0 -
^ 1.0 - ^ 1.0 -
Figure 3.17 Changes in the concentration of sugars in the pulp (a, c, e) and seed (b, d, f) of
Mossman cocoa beans during fennentation by heap (a, b), box (c. d) and barrel (e, f) methods;
glucose ♦; fructose □; sucrose O.
Glucose (6.0%) and fructose (7.0%) were the main sugars found in freshly
obtained cocoa pulp. They were utilised throughout fermentation and could not
be detected in the pulp after 72h. Faster utilisation of the pulp sugars was
observed in the barrel fermentation.
Sucrose (1.3%) was the main sugar found in the seeds. Its concentration
decreased throughout fermentation until it could no longer be detected (Figure
3.17, b, d, f). This decrease in concentration was fastest in the box fermentation
(Figure 3.17, d)., and slowest in the heap fermentation (Figure 3.17 b). The
utilisation of sucrose was accompanied by slight increases in the concentrations
of glucose and fructose in the seed. Traces of sucrose(0.5%), glucose(0.25%) and
fructose (0.3%) were detected in the seed of the cocoa beans at the end of
fermentation (Figure 3.17 b, d, f).
Similar concentrations of sugars were found in the pulp and seeds of cocoa
beans obtained from the South Johnstone plantation. The kinetics of sugar
utilization when this cocoa was fermented were similar to those for the
Mossman beans (data not shown). As before, the rate of sugar utilization in the
pulp was slightly faster in the barrel fermentation compared to that of the box.
The highest pulp concentration of ethanol was recorded in the barrel (7.0%),
followed by the box (6.5%) and heap (5.5%) fermentations. Its concentration
declined sharply after 48h and by 120h only about 0.5% was detected in the
pulp of any fermentation.
tJ 4.0 -
£ 2.0 -
^ 1.0 -
£ 2.0 -
I 5.0 -
« 4.0 -
£ 2.0 -
^ 1.0 -
Figure 3.18 Changes in the concentration of ethanol in the pulp and seed of Mossman cocoa
beans during fennentation by heap (a), box (b) and barrel (c) methods; pulp ♦ and seed □.
Similar dynamics of ethanol production were observed when cocoa beans from
the South Johnstone plantation were fermented using box and barrel methods
(data not shown). As before, higher concentrations of ethanol were observed in
the seed and pulp from the barrel fermentation compared to those from the box.
120 Changes in the concentrations of organic acids during heap, box and
barrel fermentation
Figure 3.19 shows the changes in concentrations of organic acids during heap,
box and barrel fermentation of cocoa beans from the Mossman plantation.
Table 3.5 summarises the changes in concentration of these acids from
beginning (Oh) to end of the fermentations (120h). In the unfermented cocoa
pulp, the following acids were detected: citric acid (55 mg/g), malic acid (16 -
17 mg/g), tartaric acid (5 mg/g) and oxalic acid (4-5 mg/g).
£ 70 :
30 -
£ 20 £ 10 -
100 n
.52 80 - .52 40 -
£ 70 -
£ 20 £ 10 -
£ 70 -
30 -
£ 20 £ 10 -
The concentration of citric acid in the pulp increased slightly during the first
24h of fermentation, with the heap method giving the greatest increase.
Between 24-72h, there were notable decreases in the concentration of citric acid
for both heap and box fermentations, after which slight increases were observed
(Figure 3.19 a, c). For the barrel fermentation, the concentration of citric acid in
the pulp declined slowly from 24h until the end of fermentation. The final
concentrations of citric acid in the pulp were 15 mg/g for the heap, 31 mg/g for
the box and 41 mg/g for the barrel fermentations.
The concentration of malic acid in the pulp increased during the first 24h for
both heap and box fermentations and during the first 48h for the barrel
fermentation. Thereafter, the concentration of malic acid decreased until 72h
when its concentration increased again, especially in the barrel and box
Lactic acid was produced in the pulp of the cocoa beans throughout
fermentation. The fastest increase in lactic acid concentration was noted in the
heap fermentation (Figure 3.19 a). In this fermentation, the concentration of
lactic acid subsequently decreased after reaching a maximum at 48h.
Acetic acid was also produced during the fermentations, with its concentration
in the pulp progressively increasing throughout the process. It was the main
acid in the pulp at the end of fermentation, especially in the barrel fermentation
The greatest increase was noted for the barrel fermentation, followed by the box
and heap. The concentrations of tartaric and oxalic acids remained constant in
the pulp of the cocoa beans, throughout fermentation.
In the unfermented cocoa seed, the following organic acids were found: citric
acid (10 -11 mg/g), malic acid (1-2 mg/g), tartaric acid (1 mg/g) and oxalic
acid (4 -5 mg/g). The seed concentrations of lactic and acetic acids increased
during fermentation, while those of citric, malic, tartaric and oxalic acids
remained relatively constant. At the beginning of fermentation (Oh), only traces
of acetic and lactic acid were detected in the seed samples tested (< 3 mg/g).
Levels of lactic and acetic acids increased in the seeds during fermentation. By
the end of fermentation, the largest increase in concentration of acetic acid was
observed for the barrel fermentation, followed by the box and the heap. Similar
levels of lactic acid (13 -15 mg/g) were found in the seeds from all three
Similar concentrations for these organic acids, were found in cocoa beans from
the South Johnstone plantation except for tartaric acid which was found at a
concentration of 10 mg/g in the pulp of unfermented beans. Changes in the
concentrations of these acids during fermentation were also similar to the data
from fermentations using Mossman cocoa beans (compare Tables 3.5 and 3.6).
In the South Johnstone beans, the concentration of citric and malic acids in the
pulp decreased during fermentation, as also observed in the Mossman beans.
Acetic and lactic acids increased to a greater degree in the pulp and seed of the
barrel fermentation, compared to samples from the box fermentation (Table 3.6)
Table 3.5 - Summary of changes in concentration of organic acids from the start (Oh) to end
(120h) of fermentation of Mossman cocoa beans using heap, box and barrel methods.
Table 3.6 - Summary of changes in concentration of organic acids from the start (Oh) to end
(120h) of fermentation of South Johnstone cocoa beans using heap, box and barrel methods. Quality evaluation of cocoa beans produced by heap, box and barrel
After heap, box or barrel fermentation and subsequent drying, cocoa beans
were tested for several quality parameters routinely used to evaluate
commercial cocoa beans. These tests were done at the quality assurance
laboratories of a chocolate processing company in Singapore (Cadbury -
Scwheppes). For verification purposes, the cut test was repeated in the
laboratories of UNSW, as were general observations of the beans (appearance,
Fermented beans from the Mossman plantation were oven dried, as previously
described, because excessive rain at the time of the experiments prevented solar
drying of the beans. Fermentations trials with the South Johnstone beans were
conducted a week later when the weather was more conducive to solar drying.
In order to permit comparison to the Mossman beans, a portion of the South
Johnstone beans were also dried using the oven method.
Figure 3.20 shows data for the fermentation index of the dried fermented cocoa
beans from both the Mossman and South Johnstone plantations. Measures of
significant differences in the fermentation indices of different bean samples
were determined using the Student's T-test (95% confidence interval) (data not
Box (oven) Barrel
Box (oven) Barrel
Box (sun) Barrel (sun)
Fig. 3.20. Cut test results for cocoa beans fermented in a heap, box or barrel;
a) Mossman beans; b) South Johnstone beans; ■ % beans fully brown,
11% beans part brown/part purple. Brackets indicate drying method used.
Heap fermentation gave beans with a small but significantly lower proportion
of fully brown beans, compared to beans from the box or barrel fermentations.
Furthermore, solar drying resulted in cocoa beans with a significantly higher
proportion of fully brown beans compared to oven dried beans.
Based on the cut test, all samples of beans were judged to be acceptable, with
0% mouldy or insect infested, less than 1% slaty and less than 20% fully purple
(Wood and Lass, 1985).
Table 3.7 - Quality evaluation of Mossman cocoa fermented by heap, box and barrel methods,
and dried by oven method.
Quality parameter Heap (oven) Box (oven) Barrel (oven) Mean
94 96 94
Bean size - no. per 1 OOg 95 1.41
Table 3.8 - Quality evaluation of South Johnstone cocoa fermented by box and barrel methods,
and dried by solar and oven methods
Table 3.9 - Industry prescribed values for the commercial assessment of cocoa bean quality.
ammoniacal aromas
a Adapted from the chocolate manufacturers' quality guidelines in Anon (1984) and CAA (2008).
b Industry standard values for regional beans provided by Cadbury-Schweppes.
However, all samples had shell contents slightly higher than the recommended
values, while only the heap fermented beans had a pH value close to that
recommended (5.5). Whilst these data suggest a need for further optimisation of
the fermentation and drying methods for Australian cocoa beans, most
properties indicated that the Australian beans were of commercially acceptable
The dried fermented Mossman cocoa beans were selected for use in chocolate
making and sensory evaluation, because they were of acceptable quality and
represented a more complete comparison of heap, box and barrel methods.
Samples of the Mossman cocoa beans fermented by heap, box and barrel
methods were made into chocolate and subjected to two types of sensory
evaluation (difference and affective tests). The triangle test was used to
determine whether untrained panelists could detect a significant difference
between chocolate samples made from cocoa beans fermented by different
methods. Table 3.10 summarises the results of this difference testing.
Table 3.10 - Sensory evaluation (triangle test) performed on the chocolate samples made with
Mossman cocoa fermented by heap, box and barrel methods.
* Adapted from a table in Stone and Sidel (2004). A set of samples was determined to taste significantly
different from another if: the “number of correct judgments” was equal to or greater than the “number of
judgements needed for significance.”
Table 3.11 - Mean liking scores for chocolate made from Mossman cocoa fermented by heap,
box and barrel methods, compared to chocolate made from Ghanian cocoa.
* A score of 0 indicated that the panelist strongly disliked the chocolate sample, while 10 indicated that
the panelist strongly liked the sample.
Table 3.12 - Student’s T-test analysis of liking scores for chocolate made from Mossman cocoa
fermented by heap, box and barrel methods, compared to chocolate made from Ghanian cocoa.
Ghana, vs.
0.160 1.71 Not significantly different
Ranked order of chocolate samples: Heap > Box > Ghana ~ Barrel
The significant differences observed between the mean liking scores of the
different chocolate samples verifies the significant differences observed during
the triangle (difference) tests. That is, the chocolate samples received
significantly different liking scores, which suggests that the samples tasted
significantly different from one another (as demonstrated by the difference
Since fermentation of cocoa from the South Johnstone plantation gave similar
chemistry and microbiology data, only the Mossman beans were subject to
sensory evaluation. Furthermore, the Mossman cocoa beans provided a more
complete comparison between the heap, box and barrel methods, since a heap
fermentation was not performed using the South Johnstone cocoa beans.
The availability of nitrogen and vitamin nutrients can be limiting in food and
beverage fermentations. As a consequence, the rate of fermentation can be
decreased, or the fermentation may not go to completion, leading to spoilage by
species of bacteria and filamentous fungi (Bisson, 1999). To address this
possibility, commercial preparations of microbial nutrients have become
available for use in assisting food and beverage fermentations. One widely used
product is the Fermaid K preparation sold by Lallemand. The recommended
rate of addition of this product is 25g per 100 kg (or 100 L) of food fermentation.
Figures 3.21 and 3.22 show changes in the total populations of yeast and
bacteria, along with changes in temperature and pulp pH of the fermentations.
^ 7 -
U 40 -
2 35 -
g 30 -
U 40 -
2 35 -
g 30 -
U 40 -
2 35 -
2 30 -
Fig. 3.21. Effect of adding commercial microbial nutrients (Fermaid K®) on the fermentation
of cocoa beans obtained from the Mossman plantation. Fermentations were conducted in barrels
with (a) control (no added nutrients), (b) 25g Fermaid K® and (c) 50g Fermaid K®;
Total yeast population ♦; Total bacterial population □; Temperature O; pH ■.
a 6 -
s 6 -
Fig. 3.22. Effect of adding commercial microbial nutrients (Fermaid K®) on the fermentation
of cocoa beans obtained from the South Johnstone plantation. Fermentations were conducted in
barrels with (a) control (no added nutrients) and (b) 25g Fermaid K®; Total yeast population ♦;
Total bacterial population □; Temperature O; pH ■.
At the beginning of fermentation, the pH of the cocoa pulp was 3.9 and
gradually increased to a final value of 4.1. The rate of change of pH differed
little between the treatments (Figure 3.21). This increase in the pH of the pulp
(by pH 0.2) was much smaller than typically reported, and suggested that the
level of acids in the pulp decreased only slightly during fermentations
The initial populations of both yeast and bacteria were around 105 cfu/ g beans.
Maximum populations of yeasts (107cfu/g beans) were reached at 24 h, after
which the yeasts died off.
Similar trends were observed when the experiments were repeated using beans
from the South Johnstone plantation (Figure 3.22). Due to limited supply of
cocoa beans, only the control (no added Fermaid K) and 25g Fermaid K®
treatments were repeated. As before, both fermentations reached a maximum
temperature of 46°C and then remained steady until the end of fermentation.
Maximum temperatures were reached 24 hours earlier in these fermentations,
compared to those using cocoa from the Mossman plantation. Furthermore the
pH of the South Johnstone beans was slightly higher at Oh (pH 4.0) and was
observed to increase to a greater extent by the end of fermentation (pH 4.6)
(Figure 3.22 a, b).
In the fermentations using cocoa beans from South Johnstone, bacteria reached
maximum populations (108cfu/g beans) after 48 hours and remained at this
level until the conclusion of fermentation. The populations of yeasts again
peaked between 24-48 hours, and then declined. In contrast to the fermentations
using cocoa beans from the Mossman plantation, this decline was not complete,
and at 120 hours the yeast population increased again (compare Figure 3.21 to
Figure 3.22).
The growth of individual yeast species during fermentation with the addition of
microbial nutrients are shown in Figure 3.23.
Similar data were obtained using beans from the South Johnstone plantation.
In these fermentations, higher populations of L fermentum were detected in the
control than in the fermentation to which 25g of Fermaid K had been added.
It was also observed that after reaching a maximum (107-108), the population of
L. plantarum remained steady in both fermentations (Figure 3.24 d, e). This was
in contrast to the fermentations using Mossman cocoa, in which the populations
of L.plantarum declined after 72h (Figure 3.24 a, b, c).
^ 6.0 - ^ 3.5 -
1 3.0 -
« 4.0 -
h 2.0
r 3.o -
£ 1.5
£ 2.0 -
^ 1.0-
0.0 t
« 4.0 -
£ 2.0 -
X 3.0 - £ 1.5 -
£ 2.0 -
^ 1.0 -
^ 6.0 -
g 5.0
4.0 -
r 3.o - 2-°
£ 1.5
£ 2.0 -
^ 6.0 -
a 3.o -
« 4.0 -
Jt 2.0 -
'r' 3.0 -
£ 1.5 -
£ 2.0 -
* 1.0 -
Q 6.0 -
§ 4.0 -
'r' 3.0 -
£ 2.0 -
£ 1.0 -
Fermentation time (hours) Fermentation time (hours)
Fig. 3.26. Changes in the concentration of sugars in the pulp (a, c) and seed (b, d) of South
Johnstone cocoa during barrel fermentation with added Fermaid K®; Negative control (a, b);
25g Fermaid K® (c, d); glucose ♦; fructose □; sucrose O.
£ 5.0 - £ 5.0 -
« 4.0 - a> 4.0 -
£ 2.0 - £ 2.0 -
cS 5.0 -
§ 5.0 -
£ 4.0 -
4.0 -
£ 2.0 -
£ 2.0 -
^ 1.0 -
g 5.0 -
4.0 -
£ 2.0 -
^ 1.0 -
Fig. 3.27. Change in ethanol concentration in pulp ♦ and seed □ fractions during barrel
fermentation of cocoa beans obtained from the Mossman (a, b, c) and South Johnstone (d, e)
plantations, with added Fermaid K.®: (a, d) Control (no added nutrients), (b, e) 25g Fermaid K®
and (c) 50g Fermaid K®.
As ethanol was produced in the pulp, its concentration also increased in the
seed fraction of the cocoa beans, reaching maximum levels between 48-72h. In
all of the fermentations using Mossman beans, the maximum concentration of
ethanol found in the seeds was 3% (± 0.2).
Similar trends were found during fermentation of beans from the South
Johnstone plantation (Figure 3.27). At the start of these fermentations, traces
(< 1%) of ethanol were detected in the pulp, probably caused by rapid
fermentation after pod splitting, but before sampling and freezing of the beans.
Ethanol was produced during fermentation and reached maximum levels at 48h
for both treatments. The maximum concentration of ethanol recorded in the
fermentation with 25g Fermaid K was 6.5%, while in the control it was 5.8%
(Figure 3.27 d,e).
Generally, the addition of Fermaid K had little effect on the kinetics of ethanol
production and loss, in the pulp and seeds of the cocoa beans.
HPLC analysis of cocoa beans samples taken from the fermentations conducted
using different amount of Fermaid K® detected levels of citric, malic, tartaric,
oxalic, lactic and acetic acids. Figures 3.28 and 3.29 show the changes in
concentration of various organic acids, while Tables 3.13 and 3.14 summarise
the changes from the beginning to end of fermentation.
60 -
X) 50 - x 50 -
x 50 - X) 50 -
20 - m 20 -
x 50 - x 50 -
^ 20 - ^ 20 -
Fig. 3.28. Changes in the concentration of organic acids in the pulp (a, c, e) and seed (b, d, f) of
Mossman cocoa during barrel fermentation with added Fermaid K®; Control (0g)(a, b);
25g Fermaid K® (c, d); 50g Fermaid K® (e, f); citric acid ♦; acetic acid □; lactic acid O; malic
acid ■.
-o 50 - -o 50 -
an J0 -
20 -
-o 50 -
^ 20 - 2P 20 -
The concentration of malic acid increased slightly from initial levels of 10 mg/g
(Oh) to maximum concentrations at the end of fermentation (120h). The highest
concentration of malic acid in the pulp was recorded for the control (17 mg/g),
followed by the fermentations with 25g Fermaid K® (14 mg/g) and 50g
Fermaid K® (11 mg/g).
Lactic and acetic acids were produced in the pulp during these fermentations,
their concentrations increasing most rapidly between 48-120h. Maximum
concentrations of both lactic and acetic acids were detected in the pulp at the
end of fermentation (120h) (Figure 3.28 a, c, e). The final concentration of acetic
acid in the pulp was similar for all treatments (approximately 50 mg/g). In
comparison, the final concentration of lactic acid was lower in the control
fermentation (61 mg/g) compared to the fermentations to which Fermaid K®
had been added (71-72 mg/g) (Table 3.13).
In the seeds of the Mossman cocoa beans, the concentration of citric acid
decreased as fermentation proceeded from initial levels of 15 mg/g to
10 mg/g at the end of fermentation.
As acetic and lactic acids were produced in the pulp, their concentrations also
increased in the cocoa seeds (Figure 3.28 b, d, f), reaching maximum levels at
the end of fermentation (120h). The final concentration of acetic acid in the
seeds was approximately 30 mg/g for all treatments. As was observed in the
pulp, the final concentration of lactic acid in the seeds of the control
fermentation (11 mg/g) was slightly lower than in the fermentations to which
Fermaid K® was added (both 15 mg/g) (Table 3.13).
Similar trends were observed when the fermentations were conducted using
cocoa from the South Johnstone plantation (Figure 3.29).
The initial levels of citric acid in the pulp of the South Johnstone cocoa beans
were lower (30 mg/g) than in the Mossman cocoa beans (40 mg/g) (Tables 3.13,
3.14). During fermentation, the concentrations of citric acid in the pulp
increased slightly before decreasing again to final levels of 25 mg/g in all
fermentations (Figure 3.29).
Table 3.13 - Summary of changes in concentration of organic acids from the start (Oh) to end
(120h) of fermentation of Mossman cocoa beans using the barrel method and with different
amounts of Fermaid K® added.
In the seeds of the South Johnstone cocoa beans, the concentration of citric acid
decreased, while acetic and lactic acid increased, as the fermentations
proceeded. Except for acetic acid, the final concentration of organic acids in the
seeds was similar for both treatments (Table 3.14). The final concentration of
acetic acid in the control (21 mg/g) was higher than the fermentation with 25g
of Fermaid K® added (16 mg/g).
The total concentration of acids in the seeds at the end of fermentation was
slightly higher for cocoa beans from the Mossman plantation (~70 mg/g) than
for the cocoa beans from the South Johnstone plantation (~60 mg/g).
Control Citric 28 23 -5 14 11 -3
After fermentation, beans from the Mossman plantation were dried by two
methods. To provide comparison with previous experiments, half of these beans
were dried by the oven method. The remainder of the beans were initially
placed outside to undergo solar drying. However, after 2 days the onset of
heavy rain necessitated that drying be completed in the oven. The weather
permitted the fermented South Johnstone beans to be completely dried using
the solar method. In order to permit comparison to the Mossman beans, a
portion of the South Johnstone beans was also dried using the oven method.
The fermented, dried cocoa beans were tested for several quality parameters
that are routinely used in commercial quality testing of cocoa beans. As
previously, this testing was performed at Cadbury-Schweppes laboratories in
Singapore. For verification purposes, the cut test was repeated in the
laboratories of UNSW.
Figure 3.30 shows data for the fermentation index of the dried fermented cocoa
beans from both the Mossman and South Johnstone plantations. The results of
the commercial quality testing are presented in Tables 3.15 and 3.16. When
making comparisons of the various quality parameters, measures of significant
difference were determined using the Student's T-test (95% confidence interval)
(data not shown).
The results of the cut tests indicated that the addition of microbial nutrients had
no discernible effects on the fermentation indices of the cocoa beans. Mossman
beans fermented with 25g or 50g of added Fermaid K® had a similar proportion
of fully brown beans as the control (~30%). Likewise S. Johnstone beans
fermented with 25g of Fermaid K, and solar dried, had a similar proportion of
fully brown beans to the solar dried control beans (Figure 3.30).
Control (oven) '25' (oven) '50' (oven) Control(solar&oven) ’25'(solar&oven) '50' (solar&oven)
Fig. 3.30. Cut test results for cocoa beans fermented with added microbial nutrients (Fermaid
K®); a) Mossman beans; b) South Johnstone beans. Control - beans fermented without
Fermaid K®, ‘25’ - beans fermented with 25g Fermaid K®, and ‘50' - beans fermented with
50g Fermaid K®; H % beans fully brown, beans part brown/purple.
The beans fermented with 25g of Fermaid K®, and oven dried, had a
significantly higher proportion of fully brown beans than the oven dried,
control fermentation beans. This was likely caused by this sample of beans
being located in an, overheated section of the oven, as temperatures of >60°C
have been shown to accelerate breakdown of cocoa pigmentation (Kyi et ah,
2005). Excluding this point as an anomaly, the cut test also indicated that the
South Johnstone beans had a higher mean fermentation index (53% fully brown
beans) compared to the Mossman beans (34% fully brown beans).
In this experiment, it appeared that drying method had little effect on the
fermentation indices of the beans. For the Mossman beans, it was determined
that, at the 95 % confidence level (calculations not shown), there was no
significant difference between the fermentation indices of the oven dried beans
and the beans dried by a combination of solar and oven methods. In the case of
the South Johnstone beans, the anomaly in the cut test data prevented analysis
of the effect of drying method on the fermentation indices of these beans.
Finally, the data indicated that on the basis of the cut test, all of the samples
were commercially acceptable, with no sample containing mouldy or insect
infested beans, and all samples having <1% slaty beans and <20% fully purple
beans (Figure 3.30) (Wood and Lass, 1985).
Table 3.15 - Quality evaluation of Mossman cocoa beans fermented with different amounts of
added Fermaid K®.
% Bean moisture 4.9 5.2 5.5 6.3 6.1 5.9 5.65 0.55
% Nib moisture 4.7 4.6 4.6 5.6 5.3 5.5 5.05 0.47
% Nib fat (dry basis) 53.7 55.2 55.8 54.7 54 54.4 54.63 0.77
External appearance acceptable acceptable acceptable acceptable acceptable acceptable ... ...
Aroma assessment acceptable acceptable acceptable acceptable acceptable acceptable ... ...
* ‘25’ Beans fermented with 25g Fermaid K®; ‘50’ Beans fermented with 50g Fermaid K®
Table 3.16 - Quality evaluation of South Johnstone cocoa beans fermented with different
amounts of added Fermaid K®.
Bean size - no. per 1 OOg 134 128 119 110 122.2 9.71
* ‘25’ Beans fermented with 25g Fermaid K®; ‘50’ Beans fermented with 50g Fermaid K®
Comparison of the data in Tables 3.15 and 3.16 indicated that addition of
Fermaid K® did not cause any significant changes to bean size, moisture
content, shell content, fat content or nib pH. When the cocoa beans used were
obtained from the Mossman plantation, drying method made no significant
difference to any of the quality parameters. For the South Johnstone beans,
solar drying led to significantly higher moisture content, and larger beans with
a lower % shell, than the oven dried beans.
Taken together, these data also suggested that the combination drying method
(solar and oven) is probably no different to oven only drying, in its effects on
bean quality parameters.
It was noted that some of the quality parameters for the dried fermented
Mossman cocoa beans were significantly different to those obtained for the
dried fermented South Johnstone beans, as follows:
- The mean size of the Mossman beans was significantly smaller than the
South Johnstone beans, and
- The mean pH of the Mossman cocoa nibs (4.88) was significantly lower
than the mean pH of the South Johnstone nibs (5.32).
These data suggested that the source of beans (Mossman or South Johnstone)
could have affected the quality of the beans. Given the small sample size and
the presence of anomalies, further study is recommended to confirm this
observation. Finally, the Australian samples were found to meet the prescribed
ideal values for moisture content (bean and nib), fat content, appearance and
aroma parameters (c.f Table 3.9).
However, in some parameters the beans were less than ideal. The South
Johnstone beans had nib pH values close to the recommended value of 5.5, but
were very small (>110 beans/100 g). The Mossman beans were of good size, but
had a pH lower than the recommended level. While most of the data indicated
that the Australian beans were commercially acceptable, the size and pH data
suggest that further improvements to harvest, fermentation and drying could
be made.
The dried fermented Mossman cocoa beans were made into chocolate samples
and subjected to sensory evaluation. Only the Mossman beans were used
because they represented a more complete comparison of the different
treatments. The triangle test was performed to determine if the addition of
Fermaid K caused any significant difference to the flavour of the cocoa beans.
Table 3.17 summarises the results of this difference testing.
Table 3.17 - Sensory evaluation (triangle test) performed on the chocolate samples made with
Mossman cocoa fermented using the barrel method, with different amounts of Fermaid K®.
* Adapted from a table in Stone and Sidel (2004). A set of samples was determined to taste significantly
different from another if the “number of correct judgments” was equal to or greater than the “number of
judgements needed for significance.”
Table 3.18 - Mean liking scores for chocolate made from Mossman cocoa beans fermented
using the barrel method and with different amounts of Fermaid K® added.
The Australian chocolate samples were compared to chocolate made from Ghanian cocoa.
Table 3.19 - Student’s T-test analysis of liking scores for chocolate made from Mossman cocoa
beans fermented using the barrel method and added microbial nutrients (Fermaid K®).
Preliminary comparison of the mean liking scores suggested that the all of the
samples tested were liked to a similar extent (Table 3.18). The T-test confirmed
that there were no significant difference between the liking scores of any of the
Australian chocolate samples, compared to each other or the Ghana standard
(Table 3.19). The Australian chocolates received liking scores statistically similar
to the scores for the Ghana chocolate( ~5). These scores confirmed the basic
acceptability of the Australian cocoa beans, compared to the Ghana standard. It
may be concluded that, with respect to the improvement of chocolate flavour,
there appears to be no advantage in the addition of microbial nutrients to
Australian cocoa fermentations.
^ 7 -
U 40 -
a 35 -
2 30 -
U 40 -
g 30 -
Fig. 3.3 1 - Effect of mixing frequency on the fermentation of cocoa beans from the South
Johnstone plantation. Fermentations were conducted in boxes and mixed every (a) 24 hours,
(b) 12 hours ; Total yeast population ♦; Total bacterial population □; Temperature ■;
pulp pH O; seed pH A.
The temperature and pH changes were similar for both fermentations. Fresh
(unfermented) pulp had a pH of 3.9, while the seed had a pH of 6.3. During
fermentation, the pH of the pulp increased, and the pH of the seed decreased.
Both fermentations gave final pulp and seed pH values of 4.3 and 4.6,
respectively. The seed pH started to decrease earlier, but at a slower rate, in the
fermentation mixed every 24 hours compared with the fermentation mixed
every 12 hours.
Both fermentations had similar initial populations of yeast and bacteria: 104
cfu/ g beans and 106 cfu/ g beans, respectively. In the fermentation mixed every
24h, bacteria and yeast steadily increased in population, peaking at 72h for
yeast, and 96h for bacteria. In the fermentation mixed every 12h, maximum
populations of yeast and bacteria were detected at 96h. The rate of growth
during the first 72h, for both bacteria and yeast, was more variable in the 12
hourly mixed box compared to the box mixed every 24h. After reaching their
maxima, the populations of yeast and bacteria steadily decreased until the end
of fermentation, with the yeasts declining more rapidly than the bacteria.
In the 12 hourly mixed box, the maximum level of yeast (5xl07cfu/g beans)
was greater than the maximum level detected in the 24 hourly mixed box (7xl06
cfu/g beans). The maximum detected level of bacteria was slightly higher in the
beans mixed every 24h (9xl08 cfu/g) compared to the 12h mixed beans (2xl08).
Figure 3.32 shows the growth of individual yeast species during fermentations
which were mixed with differing frequency. The same three yeast species were
found as during previous fermentation experiments: H.guilliermondii, S.cerevisiae
and I.orientalis.
I. orientalis was the next species in the succession of yeast. In both fermentations,
I. orientalis outgrew H.guilliermondii after 48h, attaining a maximum population
of about 107cfu/ g beans at 72 hours. Slightly higher populations were formed
with the 12 hourly mixing. This yeast died off faster when mixing was
performed at 24 hourly intervals compared with 12 hourly intervals.
S.cerevisiae was the last species in the succession, and grew according to a
similar pattern regardless of mixing frequency. During the first 48 hours of
fermentation, the population of S.cerevisiae actually decreased approximately 10
fold. It then increased in population to a maximum level of 10 5~ 106 cfu/g beans.
The population of S.cerevisiae then declined.
Less than 102 cfu yeasts/g beans were isolated at the conclusion of the
fermentations (144h).
Three species of lactic acid bacteria were isolated from these fermentations:.
Pediococcus acidilactici, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus fermentum (Figure
cc 5 ■ oo 5 ■
Figure 3.34 shows the growth of individual species of acetic acid bacteria
during fermentations that were mixed with different frequency. Three species of
acetic acid bacteria were found in all fermentations: Acetobacter pasteurianus,
Gluconobacter oxydans, and Asaia siamensis. These species exhibited similar
growth profiles in 24 h and 12 h mixed fermentations (Figure 3.34 a,b).
*2 4 -
Fig. 3.34. Effect of mixing on the growth of acetic acid bacteria during fermentation of South
Johnstone cocoa beans. Fermentations were conducted in boxes and mixed every (a) 24 hours,
(b) 12 hours; Acetobacter pasteurianus ♦; Gluconobacter oxydans □; Asaia siamensis. O.
Fig. 3.35. Effect of mixing on the concentration of sugars in the pulp (a, c) and seeds (b, d) of
fermenting South Johnstone cocoa beans. Fermentations were conducted in boxes and mixed
every 24 hours (a, b), or 12 hours (c, d); glucose ♦; fructose □; sucrose O.
In the unfermented cocoa pulp, glucose and fructose were detected at
concentrations of 4.5% and 6%, respectively. In the seed fraction, sucrose,
glucose and fructose were detected at low concentration (all about 1%).
During both fermentations, the concentration of these sugars decreased in the
pulp and the seed. This decrease in sugar concentration was most rapid in the
fermentation which was mixed every 12 h. After 72 h, the fermentation mixed
every 12 h, contained only about 0.5% of each glucose and fructose in the pulp.
This contrasts to the the fermentation mixed every 24h that, at 72 h, contained
around 1.5% glucose and 4% fructose. The rate at which the concentration of
sugars decreased in the seeds was faster in the fermentation mixed 12 hourly
(Figure 3.35). By the end of fermentation (144 h), no sugars were detected in the
pulp or seeds of either fermentation.
Figure 3.36 shows that the ethanol was produced during fermentation,
increasing in concentration in the pulp and seeds of both fermentations during
the first 72h.
Fig. 3.36. Effect of mixing on the concentration of ethanol in pulp ♦ and seed □ fractions of
fermenting cocoa beans. Fermentations were conducted in boxes and mixed every (a) 24 hours;
(b) 12 hours.
Citric, malic, tartaric, oxalic, lactic and acetic acids were all detected in the pulp
and seeds of cocoa beans fermented in boxes and mixed at different frequencies.
Figure 3.37 and Table 3.20 show the changes in concentration of these acids.
The pulp concentration of citric acid decreased from initial levels of 35 mg/g to
final levels of 10 mg/g in the fermentation mixed every 24h, and 21 mg/g in the
fermentation mixed every 12h. The concentration of malic acid in the pulp
increased from 5 mg / g to 20 mg/g in both fermentations. Lactic and acetic
acids were produced in the pulp during fermentation.
Maximum concentrations of acetic acid were reached at 144h, in both
fermentations. The final concentration of acetic acid in the pulp of the
fermentation mixed every 12h (53 mg/g) was nearly twice that found in the
fermentation mixed every 24h (32 mg/g) (Figure 3.37 a, c).
_$£> 20 - ,$p 20 -
b 30 ■ b 30-
_oo 20 - .op 20 ■
Fig. 3.37. Effect of mixing on the concentration of organic acids in the pulp (a, c) and seeds (b,
d) of fermenting South Johnstone cocoa beans. Fermentations were conducted in boxes and
mixed every 24 hours (a, b), or 12 hours (c, d); citric acid ♦;acetic acid □; lactic acid O; malic
acid ■; tartaric acid 0; oxalic acid ▲.
In the cocoa seeds, the concentrations of citric acid (9 -10 mg/g), malic acid (5
mg/g), tartaric acid (1 mg/g) and oxalic acid (4 mg/g) remained constant
during fermentation, and therefore are not shown in Figure 3.27. As lactic and
acetic acids were produced in the pulp, their concentrations also increased in
the cocoa seeds, and reached similar maximum concentrations of 15 - 25 mg/g
at the end of fermentation (Figure 3.37 b, d; Table 3.20).
Table 3.20 - Summary of changes in concentration of organic acids from the beginning (Oh) to
end (120h) of fermentation of South Johnstone cocoa beans. Fermentations were conducted in
boxes and mixed every 24 h or 12 h.______________________________________________
Fermentation Organic Pulp Seed
method acid (mg/g dry basis) (mg/g dry basis)
Lactic 4 22 18 0.0 18 18
100 n
Fig. 3.38. Cut test results for cocoa beans fermented in boxes and mixed at differing
frequencies; % beans fully brown H; % beans part brown/purple H; % beans fully purple □ .
The beans from the fermentation mixed every 24 hours had a significantly
higher mean cut test score (50% fully brown beans) than those from the
fermentation mixed every 12 hours (20% fully brown beans).
Finally, on the basis of the cut test, only the beans mixed every 24h were
determined to be of acceptable commercial quality. Although no samples
contained any mouldy, insect infested or slaty beans, the fermentations that
were mixed every 12h had >20% fully purple beans present.
Data from the additional commercial quality tests revealed that mixing
frequency also affected bean size and nib pH. When the beans samples were
compared on the basis of fermentation method, it was observed that the beans
mixed every 24 h were significantly larger than beans which were mixed every
12h. The pH of the beans mixed every 24h was significantly higher than the pH
of the beans mixed every 12h. The frequency of mixing did not cause a
significant change to any other parameters.
Table 3.21 - Quality evaluation of South Johnstone cocoa beans fermented in boxes and mixed
at different frequencies.
% Nib fat (dry basis) 55.6 55.7 55.5 55.5 55.6 0.10
While drying method affected the cut test results, no significant differences
were observed between the commercial quality parameters of beans dried by a
combination of solar and oven methods, compared to beans dried only by oven.
Compared to the prescribed 'ideal' industry values, the quality of these beans
was found to be mostly acceptable (c.f. Table 3.9). An exception was that the
mean shell content of the beans samples was 15.5%, significantly higher than
recommended by the literature. Furthermore, the pH of the beans mixed every
12h was lower than the ideal value of pH 5.5. This particular observation,
combined with the cut test results, suggest that mixing every 12h is too frequent
and produces beans of inferior quality. The data also suggest that, while the
beans mixed every 24h are generally acceptable, the methods for fermentation
and drying could be further optimised to decrease the final shell content of the
The beans dried using combined solar and oven methods were selected to be
made into chocolate and sensory evaluation, since their cut test scores were
higher than the beans dried by oven only.
Chocolate samples made from the dried fermented cocoa beans were subjected
to the triangle test. This test was used to determine whether the frequency of
mixing during fermentation had significantly effects on the flavour of the cocoa
beans. The results of this testing indicate that chocolates made from cocoa
mixed every 24h tasted significantly different from chocolate made from beans
mixed every 12h, on the basis of flavour (Table 3.22).
Table 3.22 - Sensory evaluation (triangle test) performed on chocolate made from cocoa beans
fermented in boxes and mixed at different frequencies.
* Adapted from a table in Stone and Sidel (2004). A set of samples was determined to taste significantly
different from another if the “number of correct judgments” was equal to or greater than the “number of
judgements needed for significance.”
As before, panelists also scored the different chocolate samples on the basis of
liking. The liking scores were collated, and then analysed using the Student's T-
test (95% confidence interval) to determine any significant difference between
the mean scores (Tables 3.23 and 3.24).
Table 3.23 - Mean liking scores for chocolate made from cocoa beans fermented with mixing at
different frequencies, compared to chocolate made from Ghanian cocoa.
Sample Mean liking score Standard Deviation
(out of 10)*
Table 3.24 - Student’s T-test analysis of liking scores for chocolate made from South Johnstone
cocoa beans fermented in boxes and mixed at different frequencies.
The mean liking scores of Ghana chocolate were, significantly greater than for
either of the Australian bean chocolates (12 or 24 hour mixing). The data also
indicated that chocolate made from 24h mixed beans was not liked significantly
more than chocolate made from the 12h mixed beans. Furthermore, the mean
liking scores for both Australian samples were significantly less than 5.
Together, the liking data indicated that chocolate made from cocoa mixed at
different frequencies had a less than acceptable flavour.
While the lower cut test and nib pH data suggested that beans mixed every 12h
would be of inferior quality, it was somewhat unexpected that the beans mixed
every 24h would also have an inferior flavour.
3.4 Discussion
This chapter reports, for the first time, fermentation of cocoa beans cultivated in
North Queensland, Australia, and shows that commercially acceptable
chocolate can be obtained from the fermented beans. Baseline information on
the microbiology of the fermentation, and on changes in the chemical
composition of the beans during fermentation has been determined. The effects
of several variables on the conduct of the fermentation and final cocoa quality
were also examined: Fermentations by heap and box were performed and
compared to a barrel fermentation. In order to determine if microbial nutrients
could improve cocoa fermentation, experiments with the addition of Fermaid K
were performed. Finally, given the importance of aeration for successful
fermentation, experiments were performed to determine the effects of mixing
During fermentation, the temperature of the bean masses increased due to the
metabolic activities of microorganisms in the pulp, and of the cocoa seeds
themselves. Maximum temperatures of 43-48°C were reached by 60-72h. After
reaching maxima, the temperatures then remained steady, or decreased to
35-43°C. The maximum temperatures of the fermentations compared well with
those reported in Ghana (Nielsen et al., 2007b; Camu et al., 2008a) but were
lower than the 50°C reported for commercial cocoa fermentations conducted in
Indonesia (Ardhana and Fleet, 2003) and Brazil (Schwan, 1998). The lower
temperatures were probably caused by the smaller masses of beans fermented
(75-100 kg), compared to the 100-1000 kg of commercial fermentations (Rohan,
1963; Nielsen, 2007b).
Slight variations in the temperature profiles were observed when cocoa beans
were fermented by heap, box or barrel. In particular, higher temperatures were
achieved in the heap compared to the box. These results were similar to those of
Said and Samarakhody (1984), Portillo et al. (2005) and Nielsen et al. (2007b),
where temperature was also affected by fermentation method (boxes of
different surface areas and depths; tray, heaps).
Mixing cocoa fermentations at different frequencies also affected the
temperature. Compared to the fermentation mixed every 24 hours, mixing
every 12 hours resulted in a lower maximum temperature, and an erratic rate of
temperature increase. Similar effects of mixing on fermentation temperature
were recorded by Passos et al. (1984b), Said and Samarakhody (1984), Portillo et
al. (2005) and Camu et al. (2007, 2008a). The literature proposes that while
mixing is needed to initiate the temperature increase, too frequent mixing
increases cooling, and interrupts the exothermic reactions (Wood and Lass,
The addition of microbial nutrients (Fermaid K®) did not affect the temperature
changes during fermentation.
Small variations in temperature were observed across all fermentations,
probably reflecting seasonal or regional differences in the beans, and slight
differences in the microbiology and biochemistry of the process. During these
experiments, the effect of changing ambient conditions was minimised by
conducting all the fermentations in a temperature controlled room, as described
in Methods, Section
The development of chocolate flavour precursors requires temperatures greater
than 40°C for more than 24h, and several studies have suggested that
temperatures above 45°C are optimal (Biehl et al., 1977; Biehl and Voight, 1996).
All fermentations conducted in this study met these conditions. pH
The pH values of fresh cocoa pulp (3.5 - 3.9) and seeds (6.1 - 6.2) were consistent
with the general ranges reported in the literature (Rohan, 1963; Wood and Lass,
1985; Schwan, 1998; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Camu, 2007, 2008a, b).
During all of the fermentations, the pH of the pulp increased, while the pH of
the seed decreased. The final pH was typically between 4.0 - 5.0 for the pulp,
and 6.0 - 5.0 for the seed. Similar final values have been described in Brazil
(pulp pH 5.0; Schwan, 1998), Ghana (pulp pH 4.2 - 4.5; Nielsen et al. 2007b), Sri
Lanka (pulp pH 5.0, seed pH 5.5; Senanayake et al. 1995) and Indonesia (pulp
pH 3.9 - 4.9, seed pH 5.0 - 5.1; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003). The changes in pH are
caused by the microbial utilization of citric acid in the pulp, and the microbial
production of lactic and acetic acid, which then diffuse into the seed (Roelofsen,
1958; Biehl, 1984; de Brito et al., 2000, Schwan and Wheals, 2004; Camu et al.
Fermentation by heap, box or barrel affected changes in the pH of the cocoa
pulp. The heap fermented beans had the highest pulp pH of all three methods.
Beans fermented by box had the next highest pulp pH, while beans fermented
in barrels had the lowest pulp pH. The observed differences in pH were linked
to differences in the concentrations of citric, lactic and acetic acids in the beans.
These results agreed with previous work by Carr et al.(1979) and Tomlins et al.
(1993), who found that fermentation in heaps gave beans with higher pH than
beans fermented in boxes. These studies attributed this to an increased aeration
in the boxes, leading to increased production of acetic acid.
The addition of Fermaid K did not significantly affect the pH changes observed
during fermentation.
Mixing frequency affected the rate of pH changes during fermentation. In the
fermentation mixed every 24 hours, the pH of the seed decreased more slowly
than in the fermentation mixed every 12 hours. Such a rapid decrease in the pH
of the seed is undesirable, since it may inhibit development of flavour pre
cursors (Biehl, 1984; Biehl and Voigt, 1996). The finding that both fermentation
configuration and mixing frequency affected cocoa bean pH agreed with work
by Said and Samarakhody (1984), Duncan et al. (1989), and Senanayake et al.
Slight differences were observed in the pH of fresh pulp and beans from the
Mossman and South Johnstone plantations (Table 1, Appendix B). Specifically,
the pH of pulp (X= 3.7) of cocoa beans harvested from the Mossman plantation
was consistently lower than the pH of pulp (X= 3.9) from South Johnstone
beans, suggesting regional effects. Appearance, water content and pulprseed ratio
The physical appearance of the cocoa beans changed during fermentation. The
pulp decreased in quantity, and became darker and drier. The seeds, initially
firm in texture and having a strong purple colour, became soft and pale purple
before turning brown. In the later stages of fermentation, a brown liquid was
exuded when the cocoa beans were cut in half. These observations were
consistent with those made for cocoa fermentations by previous workers (Wood
and Lass, 1985; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Schwan and Wheals, 2004; Nielsen,
2006). Interestingly, during box or heap fermentations, it was noticed that cocoa
beans near the edges of the bean mass appeared dry and/or mouldy. By
contrast, beans fermented in the barrel had a very uniform appearance, with no
noticeable drying or mould growth. By preventing mould growth during
fermentation, the use of a barrel vessel may improve the quality of the beans
The water content of the pulp decreased and that of the seed increased as the
fermentations proceeded. This was consistent with observations made by
Roelofsen (1958), Biehl et al. (1982b) and Ardhana (1990). Most of the water was
lost from the pulp as it liquified and drained away during the first few days of
fermentation. Water uptake by the seed is necessary to initiate the endogenous
biochemical reactions responsible for the formation of chocolate flavour
precursors (Biehl et al., 1982b; Biehl and Voigt, 1996).
Changes to the pulp-bean ratio confirmed the visual observation that the
quantity of pulp decreased during fermentation (Table 1, Appendix B). It also
revealed differences between cocoa from the two different plantations: for beans
from the Mossman plantation, the pulp represented 45-75% of the total bean
mass; for beans from the South Johnstone plantation, the pulp represented
40-45% of the total bean mass. For fully fermented beans, the proportion of
residual pulp was 20-30% of the total bean mass, which agreed with data given
by Wood and Lass (1985), Ardhana (1990) and Schwan et al. (1995).
In general fermentation configuration (heap, box or barrel), addition of Fermaid
K, and mixing frequency did not significantly affect the changes in water
content or pulp: seed ratio.
The present study is novel in providing the first descriptions of the microbial
ecology of cocoa bean fermentation in Australia. Species of yeast, and lactic and
acetic acid bacteria, are commonly found in cocoa fermentations around the
world (Schwan and Wheals, 2004), and similar species were also isolated from
the Australian fermentations. Common trends were observed in the changes of
populations of individual species of yeast and bacteria, during the
fermentations. The most rapid growth of yeasts and bacteria occurred during
the first 24-48h of the fermentations, after which the microbial populations
remained steady or decreased. The microbiology of the fermentation was
affected by changes to parameters such as mixing, and the type of fermentation
vessel used. Yeast species
Yeast species grew in all of the cocoa fermentations examined, with the most
rapid growth occurring in the first 24-48h. Quantitatively significant
populations (107-108 cfu/ g) were reached after this time, indicating that the
yeasts and their metabolic activities are important in influencing the final
quality and flavour of the beans.
Four species of yeast were consistently isolated from the Australian
fermentations: Hanseniaspora guillermondii, Issatchenkin orientalis, Saccharomyces
cerevisiae and Pichia membranifaciens. A further six species were isolated
sporadically, usually in the first 24h of fermentation, but did not persist in any
of the fermentations. These species were: Hanseniaspora uvarum, Pichia burtonii,
Pichia anomala, Candida sorbisivorans, Candida quercitrusa and Zygoascus hellenicus.
This diversity was similar to that described in recent studies of cocoa
fermentations in Indonesia (Ardhana and Fleet, 2003), Ghana (Jespersen, 2005;
Nielsen et al., 2007b), Brazil (Schwan, 1998) and the Dominican Republic
(Lagunes-Galvez et al., 2007).
The yeast species grew according to a common pattern of succession in all
fermentations. Hanseniaspora guillermondii dominated the first 24-48h of
fermentation and then died off rapidly. This was followed by the growth of
I.orientalis and S.cerevisiae, usually concurrently, that typically reached
maximum populations between 48 - 72 hours. These species are quite
temperature and ethanol tolerant (Okuma, 1986; Alexandre et al., 1994;
Kurtzman and Fell, 1998; Pina et al., 2004) and they persisted in the
fermentations much longer than H.guillermondii.
The growth pattern observed in this study was similar to that found in Ghana
(Jespersen et al. 2005), although the populations of S.cerevisiae were higher in
the Ghanaian fermentations. There were also similarities to the Indonesian
fermentations described by Ardhana and Fleet (2003), except that in that study
I.orientalis (Candida krusei) was not detected and other Candida spp. dominated.
In other countries, such as Malaysia (Carr et al. 1979), Brazil (Schwan, 1998) and
Dominican Republic (Lagunes-Galvez et al., 2007), Saccharomyces cerevisiae was
much more dominant than in the Australian fermentations, and the diversity of
non-Saccharomyces spp. was quite different.
One distinctive feature of the Australian fermentations was that Pichia
membranifaciens was only found in one set of fermentations. This was in contrast
to the ecology of fermentations in Belize (Thompson, 2007), Brazil (Sanchez et
al., 1985) and Ghana (Jespersen et al., 2005, Nielsen et al., 2007b) where
P.membranifaciens was consistently isolated at high populations, from the
majority of fermentations examined.
The baseline yeast data confirmed the observations of previous workers that
several species of yeast grow during successful fermentation of cocoa beans
(Roelofsen, 1958; Ostovar and Keeney, 1973; Schwan et al., 1995; Ardhana and
Fleet, 2003; Jespersen et al., 2005). This finding supports the hypothesis that
starter cultures developed for use in cocoa fermentation should be a mixture of
yeast species, rather than a single species (Schwan, 1998).
It is widely accepted that, during cocoa fermentation, yeasts ferment the pulp
sugars to ethanol, and also utilise citric acid in the pulp (Schwan and Wheals,
2004). The chemical analyses of the fermentations in this study confirmed that
these processes occurred.
Much of the literature describing the roles of yeast during cocoa fermentation
also emphasizes the importance of pectinase production for the breakdown of
the pulp (Sanchez et al, 1984; Schwan et al., 1995; Schwan et al, 1997). Simple
screening of the enzyme activities of Australian yeast isolates found several
strains of S.cerevisiae and I.orie?italis to be pectinolytic (Huynh, N.T.A., Fleet,
G.H. and Dircks, H.D., unpublished results). Hanseniaspora guillermondii,
I.orientalis and S.cerevisiae can also produce a large variety of volatile secondary
metabolites, which are known to have strong flavor impacts in other fermented
beverages and foods (Steinkraus, 2004; Swiegers et al., 2005; Fleet, 2007). Given
that high populations of these species were found in the cocoa beans, it is likely
that they contributed to the flavour characteristics of the beans.
Some processing variables affected the growth of yeast species during
fermentation of Queensland cocoa beans:
Firstly, growth of yeast species was affected by the fermentation method -heap,
box or barrel. In the heap fermentation, H.guillermondii persisted for a much
longer time, than in either the box or barrel. In the heap and box fermentations
using cocoa beans from the Mossman plantation, it was observed that I.orientalis
and S.cerevisiae grew until the very end of fermentation, while in the barrel
these species died off around 96 h. It was interesting to note that when the
experiment was repeated using South Johnstone cocoa beans, the yeast ecology
of the box and barrel were very similar to one another. The cause of this
difference was unclear, particularly when the temperature and pH profiles of
the fermentations were only slightly different from one another.
Secondly, the addition of microbial nutrients (Fermaid K®) caused slight, but
significant differences in growth and survival of yeast species, especially
S.cerevisiae. This result is sensible, since this nutrient mixture was originally
formulated to boost the growth of S.cerevisiae during wine fermentation (Bisson
and Butzke, 2000; Lallemand, 2007). Application of nutrients to better control
the process is a novel concept in cocoa fermentation, but a well-established
practice in other industrialized fermentations (Hesseltine and Wang, 1984;
Bisson, 1999; Steinkraus, 2004). They may prove useful in the future, for fixing
stuck or sluggish cocoa fermentations during large-scale, industrialised
operations, or for improving viability of added yeast starter cultures.
Thirdly, it was observed that mixing frequency affected the growth profile of
yeast species during fermentation. In the fermentation mixed every 24 hours,
H.guillermondii, I.orientalis and S.cerevisiae grew according to the baseline
pattern. In the fermentation mixed every 12 hours, the growth of I.orientalis was
delayed. Much has been published on the effects of bean mixing in general and
on the growth of bacterial species. In contrast, the specific effects of mixing on
yeast ecology has been poorly considered. The current data suggests it be given
more careful consideration in the future.
The data were inconclusive as to the effects of cocoa bean source (South
Johnstone or Mossman plantations) on the growth profiles of the yeast species.
There was some indication that the yeast species died off more rapidly in the
South Johnstone beans, compared to the Mossman beans, but further
experiments are necessary to confirm this trend. Such regional variations have
previously been noted in the literature and attributed to differences in the
chemical composition of the pulp, or differences in the micro-flora present on
the surface of pods (Wood and Lass, 1985; Ardhana, 1990; Schwan and Wheals,
2004; Camu et al. 2008). Lactic acid bacteria
Four species of lactic acid bacteria were consistently isolated from the
Australian fermentations: Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum,
Pediococcus acidilactici and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides
These lactic acid bacteria grew, to different extents, throughout the
fermentations. Generally, Lc.pseudomesenteroides grew during the first 24-48h,
reached maximum levels of 105-106 cfu/g, and then rapidly died off due to its
sensitivity to ethanol, acid and temperature. The remaining species grew to
higher populations (108-109 cfu/g) between 48-72h of fermentation. Frequently,
105-107 cfu/g lactic acid bacteria remained at the end of fermentation. The non-
Leuconostoc species of lactic acid bacteria often grew in succession, but the order
of this succession varied considerably between fermentations.
The dominance of Lactobacillus spp., particularly L.plantarum, has been widely
reported for cocoa fermentations in Ghana (Camu et al., 2007; Nielsen et al.,
2007a, 2007b), Brazil (Passos et al. 1984a; Schwan, 1998), Indonesia (Ardhana
and Fleet, 1993) and the Dominican Republic (Lagunes-Galvez et al., 2007).
Several of these studies also reported high levels of L.fermentum and Lc.
pseudomesenteroides. The isolation of P.acidilactici was a distinctive feature of the
Australian fermentations. While Pediococcus spp. are well represented in other
fermented foods (Flolzapfel, 2002; Holzapfel et al., 2007), their occurrence in
cocoa fermentation is rare. The only other recorded occurrences of Pediococcus
spp. was in Trinidad (Ostovar and Keeney, 1973) and Brazil (Passos et al.,
A few presumptive Lactobacillus spp. isolates gave low (<90%) matches with the
GenBank database. The scope of the project precluded any further identification
of these isolates. However, the recent discovery of Lactobacillus ghanensis sp.nov.
by Nielsen et al.(2007a) from Ghanaian cocoa beans demonstrated that regional
cocoa fermentations may contain an underestimated diversity of species. It
seems reasonable, therefore, that the Australian cocoa fermentations may
harbour some novel species of lactic acid bacteria, which are unique to the local
ecology. Further investigation of this possibility is recommended.
In addition to the four predominant species, the following lactic acid bacteria
were also sporadically isolated: Lactobacillus brevis, Leuconostoc pseudoficulneum
and Lactococcus lactis. The presence of these species was consistent with the
literature (Schwan, 1998; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Schwan and Wheals, 2004;
Nielsen et al., 2007b; Camu et al., 2007). The low populations at which these
species were found means that their contribution to the quality and flavour of
the beans was probably not significant.
During cocoa fermentation, lactic acid bacteria metabolise the pulp sugars,
producing mainly lactic acid which then diffuses into the cocoa seeds Schwan
and Wheals, 2004. They can also degrade citric acid, and produce significant
amounts of diacetyl and acetaldyde, both of which could affect the sensory
properties of the beans (Hugenholtz, 1993). Lactic acid bacteria and their
metabolites can also inhibit the growth of other bacterial species, including
Bacillus spp., as demonstrated in tempeh (Nout and Kiers, 2005) and traditional
African cereal products (Kostinek et al. 2005).
The growth profile of species of lactic acid bacteria varied to some extent
according to the configuration used for fermentation. Firstly,
Lc.pseudomesenteroides persisted for much longer in the heap fermentation.
Secondly, both L.plantarum and P.acidilactici died off more quickly in the barrel,
compared to the box and heap. The potential for fermentation configuration to
affect growth of lactic acid bacteria has also been noted by Passos et al. (1984b),
Ardhana (1990) and Nielsen et al. (2007b).
The addition of Fermaid K® slightly improved the growth and survival of the
lactic acid bacteria. L.plantarum was most strongly affected, rapidly reaching
higher maximum populations in the presence of Fermaid K. This is a novel
observation. Since lactic acid bacteria prefer enriched substrates (Hammes and
Hertel, 2007), it is not unexpected that elevated levels of vitamins and nitrogen
would stimulate their growth.
Mixing of fermentations also affected the growth of lactic acid bacteria. When
the fermentations were mixed every 12 h, instead of every 24 h, L.fermentum
was not detected, and L.plantarum and P.acidilactici grew more slowly, and
reached lower populations. This agreed with the work of Passos et al. (1984b),
who also observed that mixing twice daily suppressed the growth of lactic acid
bacteria. This suppression was most likely caused by increased oxygenation of
the bean mass, since both Lactobacillus and Pediococcus spp. are sensitive to
oxygen (Passos et al., 1984b; Hammes and Hertel, 2007; Holzapfel et al., 2007).
Only small variations were observed in the growth of lactic acid bacteria during
fermentation of beans from different locations (South Johnstone or Mossman
plantation), and the data were inconclusive as to any specific relationships. Acetic acid bacteria
Only three different species of acetic acid bacteria were isolated from the
Australian fermentations: Acetobacter pasteurianus, Gluconobacter oxydans and
Asaia siamensis. Several recent studies also found a limited diversity of acetic
acid bacteria present during cocoa fermentation (Ardhana and Fleet, 2003;
Lagunes-Galvez et al., 2007; Camu et al. 2007; Nielsen et al, 2007b).
Asaia siamensis appeared only during the first 24-48h of a few fermentations,
reaching maximum populations of 106 cfu/g, before dying off. This species had
not previously been isolated from cocoa, although it has been isolated from
other foods, including fermented rice and bottled fruit water (Kersters et al.,
A recent study by Camu et al. (2007) reported the identification of two new
Acetobacter species: A.senegalensis and A.ghanensis. These species were only
rarely isolated and their detection and characterisation was assisted by the use
of non-cultural molecular methods. Although these species were not detected in
this study, their recent discovery emphasises the need for more detailed
investigations of the microbial diversity of Australian cocoa fermentations.
In several fermentations, the growth of Bacillus species was observed during the
last 24-48 hours. This only occurred where the population of lactic acid bacteria
had begun to decrease by around 72 h. Maximum populations of 104 cfu/ g
Bacillus spp. were observed. The main species isolated were B.licheniformis,
B.megaterium, B.pumilis and B.subtilis. A single isolate was identified as B.cereus.
These observations were consistent with the behaviour of Bacillus spp. observed
in cocoa fermentations in Brazil, Indonesia and Ghana (Schwan et al., 1986;
Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Nielsen et al, 2007). The growth of Bacillus spp. at the
end stages of fermentation reflects their ability to produce heat-resistant and
ethanol resistant endospores (Slepecky and Hemphill, 2007). During this study,
the growth of Bacillus spp. appeared to be inhibited by high populations of
lactic acid bacteria and/ or yeast. This was consistent with research that found
lactic acid bacteria inhibited the growth of Bacillus spp. during other food
fermentations (Vandenbergh, 1993, Nout and Kiers, 2005; Kostinek et al. 2005).
Growth of low populations of Bacillus spp. may have a positive impact since
they have been shown to produce pectinases (Ouattara et al., 2008) and flavour-
active volatiles (Kosuge and Kamiya, 1962; Romancyzk et al., 1995; Adams and
De Kimpe, 2007). However high population of Bacillus spp. leads to the
production of off flavours (Zak and Keeney, 1972; Wood and Lass, 1985; Schwan
et al., 1986; Romancyzk et al., 1995; Schwan and Wheals, 2004). Therefore, the
ability of lactic acid bacteria to control their growth may prove useful during
industrialised fermentations.
While the lactic and acetic acid bacteria were the dominant bacterial species
found during fermentation, a number of other bacterial species were isolated.
These included: Pantoea agglomerans, Erwinia carotovorum, Serratia marcescens,
Pseudomonas putida, and Staphylococcus aureus. The species Pt.agglomerans,
E.carotovorum and Ps.putida are all member of the family Enterobacteriaceae and
are commonly found as endophytes of plants (Grimont and Grimont, 1992;
Kado, 2007). This supports the notion that these species originate from the
surface of the cocoa pods and entered the pulp during pod splitting.
Staphylococcus aureus commonly inhabits mammalian hosts, including humans.
Its presence is an indicator of human contact with the beans during the pod
removal process, and was observed in Indonesian cocoa fermentations
(Ardhana and Fleet, 2003). Low levels (102-103) of these bacteria were detected
in the Oh samples, but they died off rapidly and were not detected after 24h.
In a few fermentations, Pt.agglomerans continued to grow during the first 24-48
h of fermentation and reached maximum populations of 106 cfu/ g. At such
levels, it had the potential to compete with the other microbial species or to
contribute significant levels of metabolites. For example, Pt.agglomerans can
produce copious quantities of exo-polysaccharides (Kado, 2007) and these have
the potential to alter the aeration or mass-transfer properties of the fermenting
bean mass. Growth of Pt.agglomerans during the early stages of cocoa
fermentations may be analogous to the growth of Enterobacteriaceae during the
first 24-48 h of sauerkraut fermentation (Farnworth, 2003). Only one other study
has noted the growth of this species during cocoa fermentation (Camu et al.,
A range of filamentous fungi were infrequently isolated during fermentation
and drying of the cocoa beans. This contrasted to the work of Ogundero (1983)
and Ardhana and Fleet (2003) who reported significant populations of mould
throughout fermentation. This difference may have been due to a lower load of
moulds on the Australian cocoa pods, or the conditions under which they were
processed. Due to project constraints, these fungi were identified to genus level
only, and included representatives of: Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium and
Rhizopus spp. The populations of these species were always low (<103 cfu/g)
and transient, dying off within 24h of detection. The isolation of mould from the
fermentations corresponded to times at which mycelia were visible on the
surface of the beans mass: usually between 0-24h, or 96-120h. Given the ability
of these species to produce my cotoxins (Ogundero, 1983; Pitt and Hosking,
1985; Mounjouenpou et al., 2008), future work into Australian cocoa processing
should more closely investigate the exact species present, the levels of any
mycotoxins and the effectiveness of control measures to reduce this risk. Sugars
The concentrations of glucose (4.6 - 6.0%) and fructose (5.0 - 6.7%) in the
unfermented pulp of Australian cocoa beans were consistent with those
reported elsewhere (Dittmar, 1956; Rohan, 1963; Pettipher, 1986; Goto, 2002;
Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Camu, 2007). As noted in previous studies, fructose
was the most abundant sugar in the pulp. Sucrose was never detected any
sample of Australian cocoa pulp, which agreed with observations in Brazil
(Dittmar, 1956; Berbert, 1979), in the Dominican Republic (Lagunes-Galvez et al,
2007) and Ghana (Camu, 2007), but contrasted with the work of Ardhana and
Fleet (2003) who did detect sucrose in the cocoa pulp of Indonesian beans.
Slight variations in the initial levels of both pulp and seed sugars were noticed
throughout the duration of the project ( 2003-2006) (Appendix B - Table 1).
These variations probably reflect seasonal and regional effects on the
composition of the cocoa beans. During fermentation, the glucose and fructose
were utilised by the yeast and bacterial species present. By the end of
fermentation, only traces of glucose were detected in the pulp.
In the unfermented cocoa seeds, glucose (0.2 - 0.8%), fructose (0.2 -1.0%) and
sucrose (1.0 -1.7%) were all detected at low levels. By the end of fermentation,
these sugars had decreased to trace or undetectable levels. In many
fermentations, a decrease in the concentration of sucrose coincided with
increased concentration of glucose and fructose. This has been noted by
previous workers (Hashim et al., 1998; Ardahana and Fleet, 2003) and,
according to Hansen et al. (1998), is caused by the action of native cocoa seed
The pulp sugars (glucose and fructose) were utilised slightly faster in the barrel,
compared to the box and the heap fermentations. The reason for this was not
clear, but it may be linked to the dominance of S.cerevisiae in the barrel, given
that S.cerevisiae is capable of rapid fermentation of sugars (Fleet, 2001; Pina,
The pulp sugars were utilised slightly faster in the fermentations to which
Fermaid K® had been added. This can also be linked to the slightly accelerated
The kinetics of ethanol production in the pulp and seeds of Australian cocoa
beans corresponded with the observed growth of yeast species and utilisation
of pulp sugars. Ethanol was not detected in fresh cocoa beans, but was
produced during fermentation. Maximum levels of ethanol were recorded, in
both the pulp (5 - 7%) and the seeds (2 - 5%), between 48 - 72h for all
fermentations. The concentrations of ethanol were lower when seasonal or
regional differences caused lower initial levels of sugars in the pulp.
At the end of fermentation, the concentration of ethanol in the pulp and seeds
had decreased to low (0.25 - 0.75%) or undetectable(<0.1%) levels. This loss was
caused by a combination of evaporation and oxidation to acetic acid. Diffusion
of ethanol from the pulp to the seeds helps to trigger the endogenous
biochemical reactions responsible for flavour development in the beans (Biehl et
ah, 1982c; Lopez and Dimick, 1995). The kinetics of ethanol production and
utilization in the Australian fermentations were consistent with observations
made elsewhere (Roelofsen, 1958; Lopez and Quesnel, 1973a; Carr et al., 1979;
Lopez and Dimick, 1995; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Afoakwa, 2008; Camu et al.,
There were differences in the concentrations of ethanol detected in the beans
fermented by heap, box or barrel. The highest concentrations of ethanol were
recorded in beans fermented by barrel, with the lowest being recorded in beans
from the heap. This may have been caused by the differences in microbiology
observed. Another explanation is that ethanol evaporated more easily in the
heap and box fermentations, compared to the barrel. This is supported by the
literature (Wood and Lass, 1985; Lagunes-Galvez et al., 2007; Camu et al.,
2008b). It is also supported by the observation that beans in the barrel remained
moist, while beans at the surface and edges of the box and heap appeared dry.
The addition of Fermaid K® did not appear to affect the levels of ethanol
produced. Slight differences were observed when beans from the South
Johnstone plantation were used, and 25 g of Fermaid K added. Ffowever, the
results were not reproduced when beans from the Mossman plantation were
Mixing frequency did not appear to affect the ethanol levels. This contrasted to
experiments by Camu et al. (2008a), where mixing led to increased loss of
ethanol. In that case, however, the comparison was between no mixing, or
mixing every 48 hours. In the present study, the mixing intervals were more
frequent (every 12 or 24 hours), suggesting a threshold effect: for small
quantities of beans (<100 kg), mixing more frequently than 24 hours did not
significantly affect ethanol production and loss.
Finally, the source and time of harvest of the cocoa beans affected the amount of
ethanol produced during fermentation. In general, the higher the concentration
of sugars present in the pulp, the higher the amounts of ethanol produced
during fermentation. This relationship has been extensively described in the
literature (Roelofson, 1958; Lopez and Quesnel, 1973a; Dougan, 1979; Carr et al.,
1980; Wood and Lass, 1985; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Schwan and Wheals, 2004;
Afoakwa et al., 2008).
Citric acid was the most abundant acid in the pulp (30 - 55 mg/g) and seeds(10
-15 mg/g) of fresh Australian cocoa beans. As with the pH and sugars, slight
variations in the concentration of citric acid were noted. Such variations
suggested subtle regional and seasonal effects on the composition of the cocoa
beans. The concentration of citric acid decreased during fermentation, probably
through utilisation by S.cerevisiae, L.plantarum and L.fermentum (Jinap, 1994;
Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Hammes and Hertel, 2007). In a few fermentations,
the concentration of citric acid in the pulp increased during the final 48 hours.
This might be explained by production by L.plantarum and/or I.orientalis
(C.krusei) (Kaneuchi et al., 1988; McKay et al., 1990; Jinap, 1994; Anastassiadis et
al.; 2002). As previously described, the concentration of citric acid in the cocoa
seeds decreased only slightly during fermentation (Jinap, 1994; Ardhana and
Fleet, 2003; Camu et al., 2007). The results of this research indicated that there
was little diffusion of citric acid between the pulp and seed.
Malic acid was detected at levels of 10 -15 mg/g in the pulp of unfermented
Australian cocoa beans. The levels of malic acid generally decreased during
fermentation, although sometimes significant fluctuations were observed. The
decrease can be explained as the utilisation of malic acid by I.orientalis (Seo et al.
2007) and Lactobacillus spp.(Hammes and Hertel, 2007). The increases,
occasionally observed, may have been due to malic acid production by yeast
species: both S.cerevisiae (Fatichenti et al., 1984; Zelle et al., 2008) and
H.guillermondii (Albergaria et al., 2003) can produce malic acid. The level of
malic acid in unfermented seeds was typically low (around 5 mg/g) and did
not change significantly during the fermentations. This suggested that malic
acid did not readily diffuse into the seed.
Acetic acid was not found in the pulp of fresh Australian cocoa beans, but was
produced in the pulp as the acetic acid bacteria utilised ethanol. The kinetics of
acetic acid production tended to be linked to the production of ethanol by the
yeast, with the most rapid increases occurring after the concentration of ethanol
peaked (48-72h). The final concentration of acetic acid varied between
fermentations (30 - 90 mg/g in the pulp,TO - 40 mg/g in the seed). These levels
were comparable with those found in Brazil and Malaysia (Jinap and Dimick,
1990), and Indonesia (Ardhana and Fleet, 2003). The concentration of acetic acid
usually peaked at the end of fermentation, but occasionally did so earlier (72-96
h) and then decreased. These decreases were probably caused by over
oxidization of the acetic acid by acetic acid bacteria, and evaporation (Lehrian
and Patterson, 1983).
No acetic acid was detected in unfermented cocoa seeds. Its concentration
increased during fermentation, as it was produced in the pulp and diffused into
the seeds. In some cases, the concentration of acetic acid in the seeds was higher
than in the pulp, suggesting that the cocoa seeds had an affinity for uptake and
storage of this acid. Such an affinity was not observed for other acids, and was
previously noted by Ardhana (1990). By the end of fermentation, acetic acid was
usually the most abundant acid in the cocoa seed. Less acetic acid was
produced when the initial concentrations of sugars in the pulp were lower. This
confirmed the observations of previous workers (Liau, 1980; Wood and Lass,
1985; Biehl et al., 1990;Ardhana and Fleet, 2003).
Lactic acid was also absent from the seeds and pulp of fresh Australian cocoa
beans. During fermentation, the production of lactic acid corresponded to the
growth of lactic acid bacteria, and the utilisation of glucose and fructose in the
pulp. The maximum levels of lactic acid produced in the pulp varied widely
between different fermentations (20 - 70 mg/g). Higher concentrations of lactic
acid were recorded in fermentations that contained higher populations of
L.plantarum, and these variations were usually caused by differences in the
processing methods used. The observations were consistent with those of
Passos et al.(1984), Jinap (1994) and Ardhana and Fleet (2003).
Low levels (2-5mg/ g) of tartaric and oxalic acids were also found in the pulp
and seeds of Australian cocoa beans. The concentrations of these acids did not
change significantly during fermentation.
The changes in concentrations of organic acids in the seeds and pulp caused
changes in pH of the pulp and seeds, consistent with the explanations of Rohan
(1963), Biehl (1984) and Jinap and Dimick (1990). Overall, the levels of organic
acids observed in Australian beans were lower than in Indonesia (Ardhana and
Fleet, 2003) and but slightly higher than in Ghana (Camu, 2007; 2008b). Small
regional and seasonal variations in the levels of organic acids were observed
during this study (Table 1 - Appendix A). These differences help explain the
variations in the initial pH of beans from different plantations.
Fermentation configuration (heap, box or barrel) affected the metabolism of
citric acid and the production of acetic and lactic acids during fermentation:
Firstly, the concentration of citric acid decreased more in the heap and box,
compared to the barrel. The incomplete utilisation of citric acid corresponded to
the premature death of L.plantarum observed in the barrel fermentation. Second,
less acetic acid was produced in the heap, compared to the box or barrel. This
indicated a difference in the degree of aeration of heap, which was mixed only
once, compared to the box and barrel, which were mixed every 24h. Thirdly,
more lactic acid was produced in the heap fermentation, compared to the box or
barrel. This supported the assertion that the heap was less aerated than the box
and barrel, since lower oxygen levels promote lactic acid production by lactic
acid bacteria (Passos et al., 1984b; Arunga, 1992; Camu, 2008b).
Cocoa beans represent a novel crop for Australia, and a key goal of this project
was to determine whether cocoa beans of acceptable quality and flavour could
be produced. Since cocoa beans are the raw ingredient of chocolate, the ultimate
success of any cocoa fermentation must be judged by the quality of the beans
and their suitability for use in chocolate manufacture (Wood and Lass, 1985;
Beckett, 2000). Therefore, the beans produced in this study were carefully
evaluated using methods and criteria adopted from industry, combined with a
scientifically based sensory evaluation program. Testing was also performed to
determine how certain fermentation practices affect the quality of the beans
produced. Overall acceptability of Australian cocoa beans
Using industry standard tests, the quality of the Australian cocoa beans was
found to be largely acceptable. Based on the cut test, all samples of beans except
one1 were judged to be acceptable, with zero % mouldy or insect infested, less
than 1% slaty and less than 20% fully purple (Wood and Lass, 1985). The size,
moisture content, fat content, bean pH, general appearance and aroma of the
Australian beans were also found to be acceptable when compared to the ideal
prescribed values commonly used in industry. The quality data for the
Australian beans also compared favourably to the data obtained for cocoa beans
from both Ghana and Indonesia (Table 3.9, Section
A minor undesirable feature of the Australian beans was a higher-than-ideal
shell content. The higher shell content was probably a result of the drying
procedure used. In Ghana, fermented cocoa beans are frequently mixed during
drying (Nielsen, 2006), while in Indonesia, beans are washed prior to drying
(Ardhana and Fleet, 2003). Both of these procedures have been demonstrated to
reduce shell content, and similar methods are employed in other cocoa
producing countries (Rohan, 1963). In this study,the beans were mixed only
minimally during drying and were not washed, and these factors may explain
the higher shell content.
Ultimately, the success of a cocoa fermentation will be judged by the aroma and
flavour of the beans produced and chocolate derived from them - the flavour of
beans strongly determines the price paid for them (Wood and Lass, 1985;
Buamah, et ah, 1997; Beckett, 2000; Guittard, 2005). While physical measures of
bean quality, such as cut test, shell content and pH are useful first indicators of
quality, they should not be used at the exclusion of sensory analyses (Baker et
ah, 1994; Schwan, 1998; Am ores et al., 2007; Sukha et al., 2008). Therefore, the
overall acceptability of the flavour of the Australian cocoa beans was evaluated,
by comparison to the flavour of cocoa beans from Ghana. As discussed
previously, Ghana beans are considered to represent a standard for bulk cocoa
with respect to chocolate flavour (Carr et al., 1979; Wood and Lass, 1985; Pino et
al, 1992; Baker et al., 1994; Jinap et al., 1995).
In nearly all cases, the chocolate tasters prepared from samples of the
Australian beans were liked equally or greater than the chocolate made from
Ghanaian beans. The goal of producing Australian cocoa beans of commercially
acceptable quality was, therefore, seen to be achievable.
1 Unacceptable sample was from mixing experiment: box fermentation, mixing every 12h, oven
The sensory evaluation also suggested that the Australian cocoa beans might
have their own unique flavour characteristics. Qualitative feedback from
sensory panelists suggested that the strengths of chocolate flavour, bitterness
and astringency of the Australian chocolate were similar to the Ghanaian
samples. Approximately a third of panelists also noted distinctive floral, yeasty
or fruity characteristics in the chocolate prepared from Australian samples.
Given these observations, it is recommended that future sensory testing involve
the development of quantitative flavour profiles, of both the Australian and
Ghanaian cocoa beans. Such profiles could be used to clarify how local
fermentation practices and microbial ecology might affect the final flavour of
Beans fermented by heap, box and barrel met the industry guidelines for cut
test, moisture content, bean size, fat content and pH. The flavours of all samples
were rated as equal to or greater than the flavour of the Ghana beans. As this
was the first experiment conducted, these results provided the initial indication
that Queensland beans could be successfully fermented. Furthermore,
production of acceptable beans using the barrel confirmed its suitability as a
fermentation vessel. The triangle tests, on chocolate made from the different
beans, indicated that the different samples tasted significantly different from
one another. Sensory analysis revealed that beans produced by heap
fermentation gave chocolate with a flavour that was rated much higher than the
Ghana standard. By comparison, chocolate made beans fermented by box or
barrel were similar to the Ghana beans. Qualitative feedback from some
panelists suggested that chocolate made from the box and barrel fermented
beans had a slightly acid aftertaste. The differences in flavour directly
corresponded to the differences in acetic acid levels observed earlier, and
suggested that the box and barrel were significantly more aerated than the
heap. The link between aeration, acetic acid levels and flavour has long been
recognised in the literature (Quesnel, 1968; Shepherd, 1976; Biehl et al., 1977;
Wood and Lass, 1985; Duncan et al., 1989; Tomlins et al., 1993; Senanayake et al.,
1997; Afoakwa et al., 2008; Camu et al., 2008b). In light of the quality and
sensory data from this experiment, it is suggested that further optimisation of
the process to reduce acidity could improve the quality of beans produced by
box and barrel fermentations.
evaluation data in this study reinforce the limitations of the cut test as a tool for
evaluating cocoa quality.
This study used a culture based method for examining the microbiology of
fermentations. Various precautions were taken to ensure an accurate survey of
the microbial ecology: a range of agar media were used, samples were plated
within 1 hour of being obtained, and serial dilutions were used to obtain
quantitative measures of the microbial populations. Large numbers of
representative isolates were obtained and these were identified using both
phenotypic and molecular (genotypic) methods. A similar approach was
successfully used by Jespersen et al. (2005), except in that case only yeast
species were examined.
- The barrel allowed for easier mixing and manual handling of the beans
during fermentation. The ability to tumble the barrel mean that mixing could
take place without opening the barrel. This eliminated human contact with
the beans and reduced the risk of cross-contamination during fermentation.
The beans could very easily be removed at the end of fermentation, simply by
inverting the barrel. Given that I.orientalis is an opportunistic human
pathogen (Kurtzmann and Fell, 1998), reducing human contact with the
fermenting beans mass also has occupational health and safety advantages.
- The barrel provided greater homogeneity in the fermenting bean mass. The
lack of corners, or cool spots in the barrel meant that the temperature was
much more consistent throughout the barrel. There was much less drying of
the beans, and mould growth was much less frequent during barrel
fermentations compared to box fermentations. This will help improve
consistency in the quality of beans produced.
and would allow a point of reference for any developments made using the
- More detailed sensory analysis: future experiments in fermenting Queensland
cocoa beans should involve a quantitative, descriptive analysis of the beans
For this project, two methods of drying were used: solar drying and oven
drying. These methods were chosen for their similarity to methods used in
commercial cocoa production worldwide. While the focus of the project was on
the fermentation, drying is widely considered to be critical to the final quality of
the cocoa beans (Rohan, 1963; Wood and Lass, 1985; Thompson, 2007).
Specifically, slower drying allows the continued formation of flavour precursors
(Misnawi et al., 2002, 2003) and a greater loss of acetic acid (Duncan et al., 1989;
Augier et al., 1998; Nganhou et al. 2003; Garcia-Alamill et al., 2007). However,
the timing must be carefully managed, since moist beans will eventually
support the growth of moulds, which can present both a health and quality
hazard (Rohan, 1963; Hollywood, 1998; Schwan and Wheals, 2004)
In this study, solar drying consistently produced better quality beans, although
oven drying also produced cocoa beans of an acceptable quality. Comparison of
cut test data revealed that solar dried beans had a consistently higher
fermentation index compared to oven dried beans. It was also observed that
solar dried beans tended to be larger and have less shell than beans dried by
oven. One disadvantage of solar drying was that it could be interrupted or
delayed by long periods of rain. At such times, the drying of these beans had to
be completed in the oven. Beans dried by this combination of solar and oven
methods did not have the same high quality as solar dried beans. Observations
in this study support the general conclusions of previous investigations of the
drying process (Rohan, 1963; Duncan et al, 1989; Tomlins et al., 1993; Hashim,
1999). Much of the literature recommends slow drying processes, to allow the
enzymatic reactions to achieve completion.
Since drying method can significantly affects cocoa quality, the development of
a mechanical drier that can mimic the solar drying process would be beneficial
for Australian cocoa production. If such a process were to be developed, it is
also recommended that the beans be mixed or agitated during drying, to break
up clumps of beans and help reduce the shell content of the beans (Wood and
Lass, 1985; Barel, 1995).
The scope of the project prevented a detailed investigation of the microbiology
of drying beans. Nevertheless, a small number of beans samples were taken at
24hr and 72 h after the commencement of drying, and examined using the same
methods as the fermentations (Section 3.2.3). This limited microbiological
survey revealed that significant populations of I.orientalis (104-106 cfu/g) and
Bacillus spp. (105-106 cfu/ g) remained during the early stages of drying. Little
attention has been given to the microbiology of drying cocoa beans, and
research into this area may reveal novel ways to improve the safety and quality
of cocoa beans.
3.5 Conclusions
A) This study is the first to report on the fermentation of cocoa grown in
Queensland, Australia. A variety of baseline information was collected,
describing cocoa fermentation as it occurred under local conditions:
i. pH - The pH of the cocoa pulp increased during fermentation, while
the pH of the cocoa seeds decreased.
ii. The temperature of the fermenting beans increased from 25°C at the
beginning of fermentation to maximum temperatures of between 40 -
iii. As the fermentation proceeded, the quantity of pulp decreased, and it
became darker in colour. The fermentations initially smelt alcoholic in
the first 24-48 hours, and then developed a vinegar aroma between
48-96 hours.
iv. The main yeast isolated from Australian cocoa fermentations were
H.guillermondii, I.orientalis and S.cerevisiae. P.membranifaciens was also
isolated from a small number of fermentations.
v. Representatives of the lactic acid bacteria (L.plantarum, L.fermentum,
P.acidilactici, and Lc.pseudomesenteroides) and acetic acid bacteria
(A.pasteurianus, G.oxydans and As.siamensis) were isolated from the
Australian cocoa fermentations. Several isolates of lactic acid bacteria
D) For the first time, the effect of added microbial nutrients (Fermaid K®) on
cocoa fermentation was evaluated. The use of microbial nutrients conferred
no clear advantages under the conditions of this study. Only minor
differences were observed in the microbiology and chemistry of the different
treatments. The addition of nutrients did not significantly affect the quality
or flavour of the beans produced. Flowever, given that no negative effects
were observed, microbial nutrients might be used in the future to prevent or
fix, stuck or sluggish cocoa fermentations.
E) Experiments to evaluate the effects of mixing frequency found that mixing
every 12 or 24 hours produced beans of poor quality and flavour. This
finding contradicts several studies recommending that fermentations be
mixed every 12 or 24 hours. It is recommended that future fermentations be
mixed every 48 hours. Mixing is suggested to be a critical fermentation
variable, since it strongly affected aeration and acid production.
Chapter Four
Evaluation of the use of mixed yeast starter
cultures in the fermentation of Australian cocoa
beans: effects on microbial ecology, chemistry,
quality and flavour.
4.1 Introduction
Quality chocolate is fast becoming an internationally recognised gourmet
commodity, taking its place alongside fine wine, cheese, coffee and artisan
bread (Guittard, 2005; Rosenblum, 2005; Doutre-Roussel, 2005; ICCO, 2007b). To
meet changing consumer demands, the larger scale chocolate manufacturers are
increasing production of dark and specialty chocolates (Anonymous, 2007;
ICCO 2008). Yet, even as demand for higher quality chocolate increases, the
quality of cocoa beans sold on the global market remains highly variable
(Beckett, 2000; ICCO, 2006). The major causes of inconsistent quality are
inadequate controls over the bean fermentation and drying processes. The use
of starter cultures in cocoa bean fermentation has been suggested as a way of
improving control over the process, and enhancing the quality of cocoa
produced (Schwan and Wheals, 2004). The complex microbial ecology of cocoa
fermentation presents a challenge in selecting suitable species for application as
starter cultures.
Cocoa pods were harvested from the plantations and packed into cardboard
boxes, each box containing 20 kg of pods. These boxes were transported by
truck to UNSW within 5 days of harvest, and stored for a further 2 days at 20°C.
Ripe and intact pods were selected and pre-washed with lukewarm water to
eliminate dust. The pods were then immersed in 0.1% hypochlorite solution for
10 minutes, followed by a rinse in warm potable water. After rinsing, cocoa
pods were placed on a bench surface that had been sterilised by spraying with
70% ethanol (Figure 4.1 a).
One minute prior to opening, the cocoa pods were sprayed with 70% ethanol.
The pods were opened by cutting with a sterilised stainless steel knife, and the
beans and pulp aseptically removed by hand using sterile surgical gloves. Three
kilograms of freshly extracted cocoa beans, were deposited in plastic containers
with dimensions 25 cm x 16 cm x 11 cm (4.5L) (Figure 4.1 b).
Fig. 4.1. a) Cocoa pods prior to washing and surface sterilisation; b) Sterile plastic container
containing freshly obtained cocoa beans (Photos: Huynh, T.N. - used with permission)
The base of these containers was drilled with 10 holes, each 1 cm in diameter
and 5 cm apart to allow drainage of fermentation sweatings. Before use, the
containers and their lids were sequentially washed in aqueous solutions of 10%
acetic acid, and 0.1% hypochlorite, swabbed with 70% ethanol, and dried in an
oven at 60°C.
The fermentation process was initiated by inoculating the beans with pre
prepared microbial cultures and the beans were then thoroughly mixed with a
sterilized spatula. Section 4.2.3. describes the selection and preparation of these
cultures. Immediately after inoculation, the boxes were covered with their fitted
lids to avoid contamination from air-borne microorganisms. The boxes were
placed on sterilised trays to allow the sweatings to escape through the holes in
the bottom of the boxes. These trays, and the bottom of the fermentation vessel
were wrapped with sterile aluminium foil to minimize environmental
contamination. Table 4.1 outlines the mixtures of cultures that were used to
inoculate each fermentation, in each box.
Table 4.1 - Combinations of starter cultures used for laboratory scale cocoa bean fermentations
Starter culture
Species comprising the starter culture mixture
* The culture mixtures were named according to the mixture of yeast species present, since all culture
mixtures contained the same combination of bacterial species.
** For the control, an additional box of cocoa beans was prepared, but not inoculated with prepared
cultures. Rather, the beans used were non-aseptically extracted from unwashed pods and fermentation
occurred by the growth of indigenous microflora.
The focus of this experiment was the evaluation of defined mixtures of yeast
species for use as starter cultures. However, to replace the bacterial microflora
that was presumed absent due to aseptic preparation methods, mixed cultures
of Acetobacter pasteurianus, Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus acidilactici
were added along with each of the mixed yeast cultures.
Control fermentations were also conducted, without the addition of any starter
culture mixture (Figure 4.3). Cocoa pods used in the control fermentations were
not washed or sterilized, and the beans were removed without aseptic
techniques. To ensure the transfer of pod microflora to these cocoa beans, some
pod fragments were massaged into the bean mass, and then removed. The
beans were placed in plastic containers identical to those used for the
inoculated fermentations. As before, the fermentation box was closed with a lid
and the bottom half wrapped with aluminum foil.
Once prepared, all boxes (control and inoculated), underwent fermentation for
6 days (144h). To control the temperature of fermentation, the plastic boxes were
placed in incubators and the temperature adjusted according to the following
program: 0 - 24h, 25°C constant; 24 - 72h, 25°C to 37°C; 72 - 120h, 37°C to 45°C;
120 - 144h, 45°C to 50°C. The temperature of the fermentations were checked
every 24h using a sterile glass thermometer with a range of 15 - 50°C, and
gradients of 0.2°C. Samples of beans were taken every 24h from the beginning
(Oh) until the completion (144h) of fermentation using the following method:
The cocoa beans in each fermenter box were mixed thoroughly with a sterilized
spatula. Using sterile gloves, 50g of cocoa beans were aseptically removed from
the fermentation and placed into a stomacher bag for immediate
microbiological analysis. Due to the limited size of the laboratory scale
fermentations, samples (50g) for chemical analysis were only taken at the
beginning(Oh) and end (144h) of fermentation. The pH of the cocoa pulp was
measured every 24h, using the method of Ardhana and Fleet (2003). Thirty (30)
beans were mixed in a beaker with distilled water at a ratio of 1:1 by weight.
The pH of the homogenate was measured using an Activon 209 digital pH
meter (Activon, Sydney). Standard buffers of pH 4.0 and 7.0 were used to
calibrate the pH probe. Two fermentation trials were performed in this manner.
The first trial used cocoa beans harvested from the South Johnstone plantation,
and the second trial used cocoa beans harvested from the Mossman plantation.
Figure 4.3 gives an overview of the experimental plan used for the laboratory
The cocoa beans produced during laboratory fermentations at the University of
New South Wales were solar dried according to the following method: After
fermentation, the cocoa beans were spread onto 0.5 m x 1 m plastic trays and
placed in a well ventilated glasshouse for 7 days to dry (Figure 4.2 a, b).
The beans were examined daily for changes in appearances and mouldy beans
were discarded. The dried beans were placed in airtight plastic bags and stored
in a cool, dark room free from strong odours. Samples of dried fermented beans
were made into chocolate for sensory evaluation, while other samples were sent
to the Cocoa Quality Laboratory at MacRobertson's Foods Ltd., Singapore for
quality evaluation. The laboratory fermentations were conducted with the
assistance of Honours students TuAnh Ngoc Huynh, and Nessa Suriadi
Fig. 4.2 a) Cocoa beans in the plastic containers at the termination of fermentation (144h);
b) Cocoa beans spread onto trays for solar drying. (Photos: Huynh, T.N. - used with permission)
Inoculated Uninoculated
fermentation fermentation
Cut open with sterilized equipment Cut open with non-sterile equipment
(sprayed with 70% ethanol)
Deposit in containers
Deposit in containers
Sun dry
Store at cool temperature, low humidity
Fig. 4.3. Experimental plan for the controlled laboratory fermentation of cocoa beans, with or
without added mixtures of yeast species.
Cocoa beans harvested from the Mossman plantation were predominantly used
in these experiments because the South Johnstone plantation was destroyed by
a cyclone in April 2006. The beans were stored for 7 days at 25°C, followed by
mechanised pod splitting and bean removal using the same methods described
in Section, Chapter 3. One series of experiments were conducted with
beans harvested in August 2006 and another series was conducted with beans
harvested in November 2006.
The fermentations were performed in the same box and barrel vessels already
described in detail in Section of Chapter 3. At the beginning of
fermentation, one box and one barrel, each containing 50 kg of beans, were
inoculated with mixtures of yeast cultures or left as uninoculated controls. Table
4.2 outlines the fermentations as conducted with different yeast inocula.
Table 4.2 - Experiments investigating the effects of added starter cultures on the microbiology,
chemistry and quality of pilot-scale cocoa fermentations.
Date Starter culture mixture
vessels used*
Hanseniaspora guilliermondii and Issatchenkia orientalis Boxes; barrels
The yeast cultures were selected and prepared as described in Section 4.2.3.
All fermentations were mixed at Oh, 48h and 96h. The beans in box
fermentations were mixed using large sterile wooden paddles, while the barrel
fermentations were mixed by turning the barrel on its axis 10 times. The
temperature of each fermentation was monitored using electronic temperature
recorders (Gemini Data Loggers, UK) that were inserted into the centre of the
bean mass. Care was taken to avoid any cross contamination of the
fermentations. Representative samples (1 kg) for microbiological and chemical
analyses were aseptically taken from the fermenting bean mass at regular
intervals throughout the process, as previously described in Section of
Chapter 3. As before, microbiological testing of the bean samples was
conducted onsite in Queensland. Samples obtained for chemical testing were
frozen and transported back to UNSW.
The beans produced from the pilot scale fermentations were solar dried,
according to the methods described in Chapter 3. Oven drying was not used for
these experiments, only solar drying. The beans were dried to final moisture
content of less than 7%. After drying, beans were stored in self-sealed 15 cm x
30 cm plastic bags in a seed storage room at a temperature of 20°C, and a low
relative humidity of 15-25%. The bags of dried fermented beans were
transported to UNSW to be made into chocolate for sensory evaluation, while
other samples were sent to the Cocoa Quality Laboratory at MacRobertson's
Foods Ltd., Singapore for quality evaluation.
Three different yeast species were chosen for evaluation in mixed yeast starter
cultures. Previous studies on the use of yeasts as starter cultures for cocoa
fermentation have focused on pectinolytic yeasts, especially strains of S.
cerevisiae and K.marxianus (Sanchez et al., 1985; Buamah et al., 1997; Schwan,
1998; Dzogbefia et al., 1999). It was, therefore, decided that one of the mixtures
to be evaluated should be comprised of pectinolytic isolates of S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus (one isolate of each). In spite of their predominance in cocoa
fermentations in other countries, H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis have not
previously been considered as candidates for starter cultures. Therefore,
another mixture comprised an isolate of H.guilliermondii and one of I.orientalis.
The third mixture comprised a cocktail of all four yeast species, namely,
H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxia?ius.
Sub-groups of isolates, comprising each of the four species was chosen for
potential use as starter cultures (10 isolates each of H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis
and S.cerevisiae; 1 isolate of K.marxianus). These selected isolates were then
subjected to a basic screening protocol: Their identities were re-confirmed using
the same methods used to study the microbial ecology of the fermentations in
Chapter 3 (Section 3.2.3); and each isolate was screened for enzyme activity
(lipase, protease and pectinase) according to the methods of Charoenchai et al.,
1997. For the lipase activity test, the following modification was made to the
butter-fat agar: butter fat was replaced with cocoa butter. Due to project
constraints, the isolates were not characterised any further.
The identities of all isolates were successfully re-confirmed. The results of the
enzyme screening are reported in Table 5, Appendix A.
Finally, one isolate of each species was selected. In the case of the
H.guillermoiidii and I.orientalis, the isolates were positive for protease activity,
but negative for lipase and pectinase (pH 5.0 and 7.0) activities. The selected
S.cerevisiae isolate was positive for pectinase activity (pH 5.0 and 7.0), but
negative for lipase and protease activity. The K.marxianus isolate was positive
for pectinase (pH 5.0 and 7.0), weakly positive for protease, and negative for
lipase activity. Preparation of cultures for laboratory scale fermentations
The pFI of samples of cocoa pulp and seed from each fermentation was
measured every 24h, as described already (Chapter 4, Section
The moisture contents of whole beans, pulp and seeds were determined
according to standard methods described by AO AC (1984). For more details of
this method, refer to Section in Chapter 3
The samples taken from the cocoa fermentations described in Section 4.2.1 were
analysed for their populations of yeasts, lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria
and total bacteria according to the methods given in Section 3.2.3 of Chapter 3.
Representative isolates of the different microorganisms were identified to genus
and species level by their morphological, biochemical and physiological
properties and rDNA sequencing as described in Section 3.2.3.
Samples of beans taken during fermentation were prepared and analysed for
sugars, ethanol and organic acids, in both the pulp and seed fractions,
according to the methods described in Section 3.2.4 in Chapter 3. To assist in
comparison with the literature, the concentration of sugars and ethanol were
expressed as % w/w, while the concentrations of organic acids were expressed
as mg/g dry basis. The maximum variability between duplicate samples was
±0.2% for sugars, ±0.1% for ethanol and ±3 mg/g for organic acids.
Samples of dried cocoa beans from pilot scale fermentations were analysed for
commercial quality criteria by the Cocoa Quality Laboratory, MacRobertson's
Foods Ltd., Singapore. The following quality parameters were tested:
fermentation index by cut test; moisture content of the bean and nib, % shell by
weight, nib fat content and nib pH. The methods used for these tests are
To verify the results from the external laboratory, the cut test was repeated on
all samples at the Food Science Laboratories, School of Chemical Sciences and
Engineering, UNSW Sydney.
The beans produced by laboratory scale fermentations were tested for quality at
UNSW, as there was insufficient sample for dispatch to the Singapore
laboratory. All tests apart from fat content were performed. The methods
described in Section (Chapter 3) were used, except that 50 beans were
tested rather than 100. Chocolate Preparations
In order to confirm their commercial suitability and safety, additional tests were
performed on these chocolate samples. Samples from each batch of chocolate
were sent to Analytical Laboratories at Cadbury-Schweppes, Claremont,
Tasmania Australia. This laboratory is a commercial chocolate testing laboratory
that routinely performs quality and safety testing.
The following physical and chemical tests were performed in this laboratory on
the chocolate samples: % nitrogen (protein); % fat; % sucrose; % lactose; %non-
fat solids; particle size; solid fat content and fat melting curves. The test
methods were all based on AOAC methods (AO AC, 1997), except for the fat
melting curves which used the Padley-Timms method (Padley-Timms, 1980).
Acetic O The smell of acetic acid, typically associated with white vinegar
* A pp-Appearance O-Odour; MF - Mouthfeel; F-Flavour; A-Aftertaste
SDS-PAGE was used to monitor the breakdown of cocoa seed proteins during
the pilot scale fermentations. The methods for protein extraction and
electrophoresis were adapted from Buyukpamukcu et al. (2001). Cocoa bean
samples were obtained from the beginning (Oh), middle (48 or 72h) and end (96
or 120 h) of the fermentation period. The pulp was removed from the seeds by
hand peeling, and the seeds (20g) were ground in a cooled mortar and pestle to
a rough paste (largest particle size = 4mm). Ground cocoa was stored in the
dark in airtight containers at -20 °C until use. Aliquots (100 mg) of ground
cocoa seed samples were mixed with lmL of extraction buffer [100 mM Tris-
acetate, pH 8.1, 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 1% dithiothreitol].
Mixtures were heated at 95 °C for 30 min to denature the proteins. Samples
were allowed to cool and subsequently centrifuged (18000g for 5 min).
Supernatants were filtered (0.2 |um) and prepared for SDS-PAGE by addition of
4 volumes of sample running buffer (glycine system buffer, BioRad
Laboratories, Hercules, CA), containing 0.005% (w/ v) bromophenol blue as
tracking dye. SDS-PAGE gels were prepared and run according to the method
of Laemmli (1970), using a PROTEAN II xi cell and PowerPac 3000 power
supply (BioRad). The gels were run for 4 hrs at 40mA, and were cooled at 4°C.
Molecular weight standards (Cat. No. 161-0304, BioRad) were run on each gel
for the calculation of cocoa protein-fraction size. Gels were stained with
Coomassie Blue and visualised using an Alphalmager 2200 (Alpha Innotech,
San Leandro CA).
A method described by Counet et al. (2004) was adapted for extraction of the
polyphenolic compounds from samples of fermented cocoa beans. Samples
(lOOg) of frozen cocoa beans obtained from the fermentations were thawed and
hand peeled, to separate the seeds from the pulp material. For Oh and 72h
samples, lOOg of beans from each fermentation were mixed together, and then
lOOg of the composite sample was taken and peeled.
The HPLC was performed using a LC-10AT system (Shimadzu, Kyoto Japan)
equipped with a DGU-14A de-gasser, a FCV-10AL pump system and a RF-10A
XL combined fluorescence/diode array detector. The system was controlled
with Class VP software (Shimadzu). The polyphenols were separated on a 5 pm
normal-phase Luna silica column, 250 x 4.6 mm i.d. (Phenomenex, Torrance
CA) at 25 °C. Separations were carried out at a flow rate of 1 mL/min with a
linear gradient from A (dichloromethane) to B (methanol) and a constant 4%
level of C (acetic acid and water, 1:1, v/ v). The elution gradient was: 0-30 min,
14-28% B; 30-60 min, 28-50% B; 60-65 min, 50-86% B; 65-70 min, isocratic. Cocoa
extracts were diluted in methanol before injection (10 mg/mL) into the HPLC.
The excitation and emission wavelengths were 276 and 316 nm, respectively, for
fluorescence detection, while the photodiode array detector was set to 280 nm.
Procyanidins were quantitated against (-)-catechin (Sigma) in aqueous standard
solutions of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 mg/g.
Volatile aroma compounds were extracted from dried, fermented cocoa bean
samples produced during the August and November 2006 pilot scale
fermentations using a modification of the method described by Yoo et al. (1998)
and Jinap et al. (1998).
Approximately 250g of manually peeled cocoa bean nibs were placed in a steel
tray (35 cm x 20 cm) and spread in a single layer. The samples were then roasted
one at a time using the same method and conditions as for the production of
chocolate - a temperature of 120°C for 55 minutes. The roasted samples were
cooled in closed containers, and the oven was vented for lh between samples to
prevent aroma transfer. Eighty (80) grams of each roasted cocoa sample, along
with 800g of distilled water were blended in a Waring blender for 2 minutes to
create a suspension of cocoa in the water. This suspension was poured into a
round bottom flask and then attached to a Likens-Nickerson apparatus for
continuous steam distillation extraction (SDE) to extract the cocoa aroma
The extracted cocoa aroma volatiles were also analysed using an Agilent 5975
gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer according to the methods of Yoo et al
(1998). Gas chromatograph conditions were as before. Mass spectra were
obtained by mass-ionisation at 70 eV; ion-source temperature was 180°C, the
filament emission current was 41.mA. Data from the mass spectrometer was
recorded and analysed using HP Chemstation™. All mass spectra were
identified by comparison with the NIST library. The results were analysed by
principal component analysis using the StatisticXL™ software package
(Broadway-Nedlands, WA, Australia).
Figure 4.4 illustrates the various components of the experiments and analyses
described in this chapter.
testing (See
Singapore for
quality testing
Frozen and transported to UNSW for testing
Quality testing
Antioxidant Physical
activity analyses: Chocolate making
• % H20
• Bean:pulp ratio
Sensory testing
cocoa proteins
HPLC analysis:
• Sugars Additional quality
• Ethanol assessment
• Organic acids
Fig. 4.4. Outline of methodology used for the sampling and testing of cocoa fermentations.
Sections in RED indicate methods previously described in Chapter 3. Sections in BLACK
indicate methods new to Chapter 4.
4.3 Results
4.3.2 Laboratory-scale fermentation of cocoa beans by inoculation
with defined mixtures of yeast
Figures 4.5 and 4.6 show the changes in temperature, pH and total populations
of yeast and bacteria during these fermentations.
During fermentation, the temperature of the South Johnstone cocoa beans
increased from an initial temperature of 25°C to a final value of 50°C.
The control (uninoculated) fermentation increased in temperature more rapidly
than the inoculated fermentations, reaching 45°C at 72 h, and then increasing
more slowly to 50°C at 144 h (Figure 4.5 d). In the inoculated fermentations, the
temperature increased in an incremental fashion, mirroring the increasing
temperature program of the incubators (Figure 4.5 a, b, c).
The pulp of the South Johnstone beans had an initial pH of 3.9. In all
fermentations, except the one inoculated with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, the
pH of the pulp increased to a final value of 4.4. In the fermentation using
S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, the final pH was 4.0 (Figure 4.5 b).
O' 40 -
% 35 -
U 40 -
H 35 -
25 * t-r1
120 144
Fermentation time (hours)
U 40 -
K 35 -
^ 7 -
u 40 -
£ 35 -
Fig. 4.5. Laboratory-scale fermentation of cocoa beans inoculated with different yeast species:
(a) H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis, (b) S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, (c) H.guilliermondii,
I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, (d) uninoculated (control).
Cocoa beans obtained from the South Johnstone plantation; — Incubation temperature;
Total yeast population ♦; Total bacterial population □; Temperature ■; pulp pH O.
When the laboratory-scale fermentations were repeated using cocoa beans from
the Mossman plantation, similar results were obtained. As before, the
temperature increased from 25°C to 50°C over the course of the fermentation. In
the control, and in the inoculated fermentations, this increase was observed to
be slightly incremental. Slower rates of temperature increase in the
fermentations coincided with periods of constant incubator temperature
(48-72h, 96-120h)(Figure 4.6. a, b, c & d).
In all fermentations (control and inoculated), the pH of the pulp increased from
an initial value of 3.9, to final values of 4.3-4.4. This increase occurred at similar
rates in all four fermentations (Figure 4.6. a, b, c & d).
The initial populations of yeast and bacteria in the control fermentation using
Mossman beans were 8xl02 cfu yeast/g beans and 104 cfu/g beans respectively.
These levels were about ten-fold lower than those recorded for the South
Johnstone control (compare Figure 4.6, d with Figure 4.5, d). From Oh, the
populations of yeast and bacteria increased, reaching maximum levels at 48h
(107 and 108 cfu/g beans respectively). After this, the levels of yeast and bacteria
decreased to final populations of 103 cfu/g beans. This decrease was fastest for
the bacteria between 72-96 h, and fastest for the yeast between 120-144h (Figure
4.6 d).
Higher initial populations of yeast and bacteria were found in the inoculated
fermentations (about 106 cfu/g beans for both yeast and bacteria). In the
fermentation inoculated with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis, maximum
populations of both yeast (107cfu/g) and bacteria (108 cfu/g) were detected
after 24h (Figure 4.6 a). They then declined until 144h, when the final
populations of yeast and bacteria were each found to be 102 cfu/g beans. In the
fermentations inoculated with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, and H.guilliermondii,
I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, the total populations of yeast and
bacteria followed similar patterns (compare Figure 4.6 b & c).
The yeast increased to maximum populations of 107-108 between 24-48 h and
then died off. No yeast (<50 cfu/g) were detected at the end of these
fermentations. Similarly, the bacteria grew to maximum populations of 6xl08
cfu/g beans at 24 h in both of these fermentations. The bacterial populations
then decreased slightly to 107 cfu/ g and remained at this level for 24 h.
From 72 h onwards the bacterial populations in these fermentations died off.
'S' 7 -
U40 -
S 35 -
'S 7 -
U 40 -
% 35 -
U 40 -
g 35 -
§ 30 -
1? 7 -
U 40 -
^ 35 -
Fig. 4.6. Laboratory-scale fermentation of cocoa beans inoculated with different yeast species:
(a) H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis, (b) S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, (c) H.gui/liermondii,
I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, (d) uninoculated (control).
Cocoa beans obtained from the Mossman plantation; — Incubation temperature;
Total yeast population ♦; Total bacterial population □; Temperature ■; pulp pH O.
ox) 5 -
% 3 -
ox) 5 -
Fig. 4.7. Growth of yeast species during laboratory-scale fermentation of cocoa beans
inoculated with different yeast species: (a)&(e) H.guilliertnondii and I.orientalis, (b)&(f)
S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, (c)&(g) H.guilliermondii, I. orientalis, S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus, (d)&(h) Uninoculated (control); Hanseniaspora guiUiermondii ♦;
Issatchenkia orientalis O; Saccharomyces cerevisiae □; Kluyveromyces marxianus A .
(a) to (d) cocoa beans obtained from the South Johnstone plantation;
(e) to (h) cocoa beans obtained from the Mossman plantation.
It was apparent from these results that yeast species were isolated from
fermentations to which they had not been added. For example, S.cerevisiae was
isolated from the fermentations inoculated with I.orientalis and H.guilliermondii
(Figure 4.7 a, e). Similarly, I.orientalis and H.guilliermondii were isolated from the
fermentations inoculated with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus (Figure 4.7 b, f). This
observation will be considered in the discussion.
Figure 4.8 shows the changes in population of individual species of bacteria that
were isolated from laboratory-scale fermentations conducted using mixed
defined microbial cultures.
fermentation using cocoa beans from the Mossman plantation (Figure 4.8 d, h).
In the inoculated fermentations using South Johnstone beans, A.pasteurianus
was detected at 106 - 107cfu/g beans (Figure 4.8 a, b, c). In the inoculated
fermentations using Mossman beans it was initially detected at 105 cfu/ g beans
(Figure 4.8 e, f, g). In the inoculated fermentations, A.pasteurianus reached
maximum populations between 24 - 72h, depending on the fermentations, and
then died off.
In the control fermentation using South Johnstone cocoa beans, Lactobacillus
plantarum was initially detected at 2 x 104 cfu/g beans, increased to a maximum
population of 105 cfu/g beans at 24h, and then died off (Figure 4.8 d).
L.plantarum was not detected in the control fermentation using Mossman cocoa
beans (Figure 4.8 h). L.plantarum grew in a similar fashion in all inoculated
fermentations. In the inoculated fermentations using South Johnstone beans,
L.plantarum was initially found at 106 - 107cfu/g beans, and 105 - 106 cfu/g
beans in the inoculated fermentations using Mossman beans. In all
fermentations, maximum populations of L.plantarum were reached at 24h, after
which it died off. This decline was faster in the fermentations using cocoa beans
from the South Johnstone plantation (compare Figure 4.8 a, b, c with e, f, g).
Pediococcus acidilactici was only detected in the fermentations to which it had
been added , and was not found in the (uninoculated) controls. P.acidilactici was
also observed to grow differently depending on the source of the cocoa beans.
In the fermentations using South Johnstone cocoa beans, P.acidilactici was
initially detected at 106 - 107 cfu/g beans. It increased to maximum populations
of 108 at 24-48h and then died off (Figure 4.8 a, b, c). In the fermentations using
Mossman cocoa beans, P.acidilactici steadily decreased from initial populations
of 103 - 104 cfu/g beans and was not detected after 48h (Figure 4.8 e, f, g).
Lactobacillus fermentum grew according to common pattern in most of the
fermentations. Initially this species was detected at levels ranging from 102 -104
cfu/g beans. It then increased to maxima of 107 cfu/g beans between 24 - 72h,
before dying off. In the fermentation using Mossman cocoa beans, and
inoculated with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis, the maximum population
reached was lower, at 4 x 105 cfu/g beans (compare Figure 4.8 e with a, b, c, d, f,
g & h). L.fermentum was not detected in the inoculated fermentations using
cocoa from the South Johnstone plantation.
OX) 2 -
In the fermentations using cocoa beans from the Mossman plantation, various
members of the genus Bacillus were isolated. The most commonly isolated
Bacillus species were B.subtilis, B.licheniformis and B.megaterium.
In the control, Bacillus spp. were found at levels of between 102 - 103 cfu/ g, for
the duration of fermentation (0-144h). In the fermentations inoculated with the
yeast, H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis, and S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, various
Bacillus spp. were detected at 96h (101 -102 cfu/g beans). Maximum populations
(103 cfu/g) were detected at 120h, after which there was a decline. Bacillus spp.
were not isolated from the fermentation inoculated with the culture containing
H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus.
The following general trends were apparent in the bacterial growth curves
shown in Figure 4.8:
(a) The bacterial species grew according to quite different patterns in the
control fermentations, compared to the inoculated fermentations.
(b) In the South Johnstone control, L. plantarum was detected, but Bacillus
spp. were not. In the Mossman control, L. plantarum was absent while
Bacillus spp. were isolated throughout.
(c) L. fermentum grew for a shorter period in the control fermentation using
Mossman cocoa beans, compared to the control using South Johnstone
cocoa beans.
(d) Finally, during the fermentations using cocoa from the Mossman
plantation, there were greater variations in the bacterial growth curves,
compared to the growth curves for the same bacteria growing in cocoa
beans from the South Johnstone plantation.
Samples taken at the beginning (Oh) and end (144h) of the laboratory-scale
fermentations were tested to determine levels of sugars and ethanol in the pulp
and seeds. The results from these tests are presented in Tables 4.4 and 4.5.
Two sugars were detected in the unfermented cocoa pulp of cocoa beans
obtained from the South Johnstone plantation: glucose (5.1%) and fructose
(5.8%). In the control (uninoculated) fermentation, traces of glucose and
fructose remained at the end of fermentation (144h). In the three fermentations
that were inoculated with defined yeast cultures, glucose and fructose had been
completely utilised by 144h (Table 4.4)
Low levels of glucose (0.37%), fructose (0.92 - 0.95%) and sucrose (1.4%) were
found in the seeds of the unfermented South Johnstone cocoa beans. In all
fermentations, whether inoculated or uninoculated, the concentration of these
sugars had decreased to undetectable levels by the end of fermentation (144h)
(Table 4.4).
Traces of ethanol were detected in both pulp (0.5 - 1.2%) and seed (0.2% - 0.8%)
of the South Johnstone cocoa beans at 144h. These data are consistent with
previous observations of fermentations, which suggest that maximum levels of
ethanol, in both seed and pulp, are reached around the middle of fermentation.
It is to be expected that most of the ethanol produced during fermentation
dissipates or is converted to acetic acid.
Table 4.4 - Concentrations of sugars and ethanol in pulp and seeds at beginning (Oh) and end
(144h) of laboratory fermentation of South Johnstone cocoa beans inoculated with different
mixtures of yeast species.
Yeast species Component Pulp (% w/w wet basis) Seed (% w/w wet basis)
Start End Change Start End Change
(Oh) (144) (Oh) (144)
H.guilliermondii Glucose 5.1 0 -5.1 0.37 0 -0.37
andl. orientalis
Fructose 5.8 0 -5.8 0.92 0 -0.92
Similar data were obtained for the concentrations of sugars and ethanol in the
cocoa beans obtained from the Mossman plantation, (c.f. Table 4.5) The initial
pulp concentrations of glucose (5.4%) and fructose (5.7%) were similar to those
observed for the South Johnstone beans. Again, by 144h these pulp sugars were
completely utilised in all of the inoculated fermentations, and again traces were
found in the control.
The levels of sugars in the seeds of the Mossman beans (glucose 1.2%,
fructose 1.7% and sucrose 1.6%) were slightly higher than those found in the
seeds of the South Johnstone beans. As before, these sugars were absent from all
seed samples taken at 144h. Finally, low levels (0.5 -1.3%) of ethanol were again
detected in the pulp and seed of the Mossman cocoa beans at the end of
fermentation (Table 4.5).
Table 4.5 - Concentrations of sugars and ethanol in pulp and seeds at beginning (Oh) and end
(144h) of laboratory fermentation of Mossman cocoa beans inoculated with different mixtures
of yeast species.
Yeast species Component Pulp (% w/w wet basis) Seed (% w/w wet basis)
Tables 4.6 and 4.7 summarise the changes in concentrations of organic acids in
the pulp and seed of cocoa beans during laboratory-scale fermentations.
The unfermented pulp of cocoa beans obtained from the South Johnstone
plantation contained citric acid (45 mg/g) and malic acid (15 mg/g). Unlike
previous fermentations (Sections, and, Chapter 3) tartaric
and oxalic acids were not detected in the pulp in this case.
At the conclusion of all fermentations (144h) the concentration of both citric and
malic acids had decreased. This decrease was greatest in the control and in the
The highest concentration acetic acid was found in the seeds of the
fermentations inoculated with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, and H.guilliermondii,
I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus (~ 45 mg/g). The final concentration of
acetic acid in the seeds of the fermentation inoculated with H.guilliermondii and
I.orientalis was about half as great (20 mg/g), with half as much again found in
the seeds of the control fermentation (12 mg/g) (Table 4.6).
Table 4.6 - Concentrations of organic acids at the beginning (Oh) and end (144h) of laboratory'
fermentation of South Johnstone cocoa beans inoculated with different mixtures of yeast
Yeast species Organic Pulp (mg/g) dry basis Seed (mg/g) dry basis
inoculated acid
and I.orientalis
Malic 15 2 -13 5 5 0
Oxalic 0 0 0 10 11 1
Lactic 0 24 24 0 21 21
Acetic 0 24 24 0 20 20
Oxalic 0 0 0 10 8 -2
Lactic 0 22 22 0 23 21
Acetic 0 48 48 0 46 46
S.cerevisiae and
Malic 15 8 -7 5 5 0
K. marxianus
Oxalic 0 0 0 10 10 0
Lactic 0 24 24 0 23 21
Acetic 0 50 50 0 45 45
Malic 15 5 -10 5 5 0
Oxalic 0 0 0 10 10 0
Lactic 0 16 16 0 15 15
Acetic 0 14 14 0 12 12
When the laboratory-scale fermentations were repeated using cocoa from the
Mossman plantation, similar data were obtained. The initial concentration of
citric acid (48 mg/g) and malic acid (20 mg/g) in the pulp of the Mossman
beans were very similar to the concentrations found in the South Johnstone
cocoa (c.f. Table 4.6 and 4.7).
The concentration of malic and citric acids in the pulp decreased, from the
beginning (Oh) to the end (144h) of the fermentations. As before, larger
decreases in the concentrations of these acids were observed in pulp of the
control fermentation and the fermentation inoculated with H.guilliermondii and
I.orientalis (Table 4.7).
As before, lactic and acetic acids were produced in the pulp during
fermentation, with the amounts produced varying depending on the inoculum
used. As in the fermentations using South Johnstone cocoa, the final
concentration of lactic acid was lower in the control (12 mg/g), compared to the
inoculated fermentations (18 - 20 mg/g).
As before, the highest concentrations of acetic acid were detected in the pulp of
the fermentations inoculated with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus (50 mg/g), and
H. guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus (57 mg/g). The
concentration of acetic acid in the pulp of the control fermentation, and the
fermentation inoculated with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis was about half as
great (24 mg/g) again (Table 4.7).
In the seeds of Mossman cocoa, the changes in concentration of organic acids
were similar to those observed for the South Johnstone cocoa. The concentration
of citric (10 mg/g), malic (6 mg/g) and oxalic (10 mg/g) acids remained
relatively constant from beginning to end of the fermentations.
Lower concentrations of lactic acid were detected in seeds taken from the
control (13 mg/g), compared to seeds from the inoculated fermentations
(19-20 mg/g).
Finally, more acetic acid was detected in the seeds of the fermentations
inoculated with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus (45 mg/g), and H.guilliermondii,
I. orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus (42 mg/g). Less acetic acid was detected
in the seeds of the control fermentation (20 mg/g) and the fermentation
inoculated with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis (18 mg/g) (Table 4.7).
Table 4.7 - Concentrations of organic acids at the beginning (Oh) and end (144h) of laboratory
fermentation of Mossman cocoa beans inoculated with different mixtures of yeast species.
Yeast species Organic Pulp (mg/g) dry basis Seed (mg/g) dry basis
inoculated acid
Start End Change Start End Change
(Oh) (144h) (Oh) (144h)
H.guilliennondii Citric 48 19 -29 10 9.8 -0.2
and I. orientalis
Malic 20 8 -12 6 5 -1
Oxalic 0 0 0 10 10 0
Lactic 0 18 18 0 20 20
Acetic 0 24 24 0 18 18
Oxalic 0 0 0 10 11 1
Lactic 0 18 18 0 19 19
Acetic 0 50 50 0 45 45
Lactic 0 20 20 0 19 19
Acetic 0 57 57 0 42 42
Oxalic 0 0 0 10 10 0
Lactic 0 12 12 0 13 13
Acetic 0 24 24 0 20 20
Hg and Io Sc and Kmx All yeast Control Hg and lo Sc and Kmx All yeast Control
Fig. 4.9. Cut test results for cocoa beans produced by laboratory-scale fermentation using
mixed yeast cultures: (a) beans from South Johnstone plantation (b) beans from Mossman
plantation; ■ % beans fully brown, 11 % beans part brown/purple. All beans were solar dried.
“Hg and Io” = H.guilliermondii and l.orientalis; “Sc and Kmx” = S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus\
“All yeast” = {H.guilliermondii, l.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus).
The cut tests revealed little differences between the fermentation indices of the
cocoa bean samples, regardless of the yeast cultures used in the fermentation.
All samples had very high fermentation indices (proportion of fully brown
beans > 90%). Beans fermented with all four yeast species gave a slightly lower
cut test score (94% fully brown) compared to the other samples (99% fully
brown). T-test analysis (95% confidence) of the cut test data suggested that this
difference was not significant.
Additional quality parameters for the dried, fermented beans are collated in
Tables 4.8 and 4.9. All of the fermentations produced beans that were of
acceptable appearance, but had weak cocoa aroma in spite of the high cut test
scores. The shell content of all beans produced during laboratory fermentation
were much higher than the recommended maximum of 13%. The reasons for
this were not clear.
Table 4.8 - Quality evaluation of South Johnstone cocoa beans produced during laboratory-
scale fermentation using mixed yeast cultures.
Quality parameter
* This mixture contained the yeast H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus
All cocoa beans from this experiment were dried using solar-drying.
Table 4.9 - Quality evaluation of Mossman cocoa beans produced during laboratory-scale
fermentation using mixed yeast cultures.
Quality parameter
The addition of cultures did not cause any significant differences to the bean
size, bean and nib moisture contents, shell contents, appearance or aroma scores
of the beans produced. Significant differences were observed in the nib pH,
depending on the inoculum used. The beans fermented with mixtures of
S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, and H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus had pH values significantly lower than the beans fermented with
H.guillermondii and I.orientalis or without any inoculum (control).
When the quality data were analysed on the basis of cocoa bean source, it was
found that cocoa beans from the Mossman plantation were significantly larger,
and had significantly higher nib pH compared to those from South Johnstone
All significant differences were verified using the Student's T-test at 95%
confidence interval (a = 0.05). Sensory evaluation of chocolate prepared from laboratory
fermented cocoa beans
Chocolate samples made with the cocoa beans from the laboratory
fermentations were subjected to difference and liking sensory evaluation, as
described in Section of methods.
The triangle test was performed to determine whether chocolate made using
different samples of beans tasted significantly different from one another. The
results of the difference (triangle) tests are presented in Table 4.10, while the
results of the liking tests are presented in Tables 4.11 and 4.12.
Table 4.10 - Sensory evaluation (triangle test) of chocolate samples made from cocoa beans
produced during laboratory-scale fermentations using mixed yeast cultures.
Chocolate made from the control beans was found to taste significantly
different from chocolate made from beans fermented with a mixture of
S.cerevisiae and K. marxianus, or mixtures of H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis,
S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus (Table 4.10).
The mean liking scores presented in Table 4.11 show that chocolate made from
Ghanaian cocoa beans had the highest mean liking score. Chocolates from
"Control" and "Hg & Io" fermented beans had similar mean liking scores
compared to the "Ghana" sample. By contrast, chocolate made from beans
fermented with mixtures of S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus , or H.guilliermondii,
I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, had lower mean liking scores compared
to chocolate prepared from the Ghanaian beans.
All samples received mean liking scores of around 5-7. This indicated that all of
the samples tested were neither strongly liked, nor strongly disliked by any of
the panelists surveyed.
T-test analysis of the liking data was performed to determine whether these
observations were significant. The results of these statistics are presented in
Table 4.12
Table 4.12 - T-test analysis of liking scores for chocolate made from cocoa beans produced
during laboratory-scale fermentations using mixed yeast cultures. The chocolate made from
Australian cocoa was compared to chocolate made from Ghanaian cocoa.
The T-test analyses confirmed that chocolates prepared from beans fermented
with cultures containing S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus received mean liking
scores significantly lower than those of chocolate produced from the Ghana
beans. It can be inferred, therefore, that these samples had a less preferred
flavour compared to Ghanaian cocoa (Table 4.12).
The T-test results also showed that the mean liking scores of chocolates
prepared from uninoculated beans and beans fermented with a mixture of
H.guiltiermondii and I.orientalis were not significantly different from the
chocolate made using Ghanaian beans. Therefore, these samples were judged to
have a flavour that was basically acceptable, and compared to the flavour of
Ghanaian cocoa beans (Table 4.12).
T-tests also showed that chocolate prepared from beans inoculated and
fermented with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus had a significantly lower mean
liking score compared to the chocolate made from beans inoculated and
fermented with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis. This indicates that, on average,
the panelists liked the samples fermented with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis
more than the samples fermented with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus (Table 4.12).
Figure 4.10 shows the changes in pH (pulp and seed), temperature, and total
populations of yeasts and bacteria that occurred during the pilot scale box and
barrel fermentations with the mixture of H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis. The
inoculated box fermentation was terminated after 96 h to prevent spoilage of
the beans, the onset of which was indicated by blackening of beans at the
corners of the fermentation, and the presence of a faint ammonia aroma.
At Oh, the pH of the fresh pulp was 3.75, while the pH of the fresh seed was
6.25. As the fermentations proceeded, the pH of the seed decreased and the pH
of the pulp increased. In the box inoculated with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis,
the final pH of the pulp was much higher (4.64) than that of the control (3.63).
The final pH of the seed from the inoculated box(6.08) was close to the control
(5.98) (Figure 4.10 a, b). Similarly, in the barrel inoculated with H.guilliermondii
and I.orientalis, the final pH of the pulp (4.52) was higher than the control (3.71).
The pH of the seed from the inoculated fermentations (6.00) was slightly higher
than the control (5.76) (Figure 4.10 c, d). The different fermentation vessels (box
and barrel) did not greatly affect the pH changes in pulp and seed (compare
Figures 4.10 a & c; b & d).
The temperature of the beans changed in a similar manner in all fermentations
except for the inoculated box. In both barrel fermentations and the uninoculated
box fermentation the temperature was initially at 23°C. The temperature at the
centre of these fermentations progressively increased to a maximum of 45°C,
between 72-84 h. Between 96 -120 h, it decreased to 40°C (Figure 4.10 a, c &d).
In the inoculated box fermentation, the temperature gradually increased from
23°C at Oh to a maximum of 42.5°C at 72h, and then slowly decreased to 40°C at
96h (Figure 4.10 b).
The overall microbiology of the fermentations was affected by the addition of
cultures of H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis.
In the control (uninoculated) box and barrel fermentations, the initial
populations of both yeast and bacterial species were 104 cfu/g beans. In each of
the control fermentations, the populations of yeast increased to maximum
populations of 107 - 108 cfu/ g (72-96h), and remained at this level until
completion of fermentation. In the controls, the bacterial species reached
maximum populations of 107 cfu/g beans after 48h. They remained between
106 - 107 cfu/g beans until the end of fermentation (Figure 4.10 a, c).
In the inoculated fermentations, the initial populations of yeasts were 106 cfu/g
beans, while the initial population of bacteria was around 104 cfu/g beans.
In the inoculated box and barrel, the yeasts grew to maximum populations of
108-109 by 24h and then decreased slightly to final populations of 1x10s cfu/g in
the box and 5xl07 cfu/g in the barrel (Figure 4.10 b, d).
The total bacterial population in the inoculated box fermentation behaved quite
differently from that in the inoculated barrel. In the box, the bacteria remained
around 104 cfu/g beans until 72 h, and then increased to 106 cfu/g beans at 96h.
By contrast, the inoculated barrel fermentation reached maximum populations
of bacteria at 72h (107 cfu/g beans) before declining slight to about 106 cfu/g
beans at the end of fermentation (compare Figure 4.10 b, d).
f- 25 -
35 -
H 25 -
<u 6 -
H 25 -
H 25 -
* This fermentation was terminated at 96h, as described in the methods section
Fig. 4.10. Fermentation of cocoa beans using defined mixtures of yeast. Cocoa was fermented
in: (a) Box, no added starter culture, (b) box, H. guilliermondii & I. orientalis added, (c) barrel,
no added starter culture, and (d) barrel, H. guilliermondii & I. orientalis added. Total yeast
population ♦; total bacterial population □; temperature ■; pulp pH O; seed pH A.
Figure 4.11 shows the changes in pH (pulp and seed), temperature, and total
populations of yeast and bacteria that occurred during box and barrel
fermentations inoculated with the mixture of S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus.
The temperature of the beans increased from 25°C to maximum temperatures at
around 72h. Lower maximum temperatures were recorded in the inoculated
In the control (uninoculated) box fermentation, the temperature steadily
increased to a maximum of 45°C at 72h, fell to 40°C at 84h and decreased again
during the last 12h to 33°C (Figure 4.11 a). In the inoculated box fermentation
the maximum temperature reached was 40°C, after which it decreased to a final
temperature of 36°C(Figure 4.11 b). In both the control and inoculated barrel
fermentations, the temperatures increased to maxima of 45°C and 43°C
respectively and finally decreased to 40°C at 120 h (Figure 4.11 c, d).
In all fermentations, the pH of the seeds decreased, while the pH of the pulp
increased. There was, however, considerable variation in the pH changes that
occurred in the different fermentations. In all fermentations, the pH of the pulp
and seed were initially 3.75 and 6.15, respectively.
In the uninoculated box fermentation, the pH of the pulp increased to a final
value of 4.83, while the pH of the seed decrease to a final value of 5.10 (Figure
4.11 a). The final pH of the pulp and seed from the inoculated box fermentation
were 4.6 and 5.8, respectively (Figure 4.11 b).
The final pH of the pulp from the uninoculated barrel was 4.56, and was very
similar to the final pH of the pulp from the inoculated barrel (4.58). The final pH
of the seeds from the uninoculated barrel (5.66) was much higher than the final
pH of the seeds from the inoculated barrel (5.13) (Figure 4.11 c & d)
The growth of yeast and bacteria followed similar trends in all fermentations,
with only minor variations. The uninoculated box and barrel fermentations had
lower initial populations of yeast (104 and 105 cfu/g beans, respectively),
compared to the inoculated fermentations (both 106 cfu/g beans). In all of the
fermentations, the populations of yeast species increased to maxima of
107 cfu/g by 24 h, and remained at this level until the end of fermentation at
120h (Figure 4.11)
The initial population of bacteria was 1 x 105 cfu/ g beans in all fermentations,
except for the barrel inoculated with S.cerevisiae and K.tnarxicmus, where the
initial population was 2 x 104 cfu/g beans. Between 0 - 24 h, the total population
of bacteria actually decreased by a factor of 10, in all fermentations, after which
it slowly increased to 107 cfu/g beans at 120h (Figure 4.11 a, b, c & d). A second,
temporary decrease in the total population of bacteria was observed during the
uninoculated box fermentation at 72 h(Figure 4.11 a).
24 48 72 96 120
Fermentation time (hours) Fermentation time (hours)
f- 25
A 35 -
H 25
cH 4 k
Fig. 4.11. Fermentation of cocoa beans using defined mixtures of yeast. Cocoa was fermented
in: (a) box, no added starter culture, (b) box, S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus added, (c) barrel, no
added starter culture, and (d) barrel, S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus added. Total yeast population
♦ ; total bacterial population □; temperature ■; pulp pH O; seed pH A.
Figure 4.12 shows the changes in pH (pulp and seed), temperature, and total
populations of yeast and bacteria that occurred during barrel fermentations
inoculated with the mixture of H.guilliermondii, l.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus. Due to limited supply of beans, parallel box fermentations were
not performed.
The temperature of the beans at Oh was 25°C. In the control barrel, the
temperature increased to a maximum of 45°C at 72h after which it decreased to
40°C, where it remained until the end of fermentation (Figure 4.12 a). For the
fermentation inoculated with H.guilliermondii, l.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus, the maximum temperature reached was 42°C, and in the final 24 h
the temperature dropped to 35°C (Figure 4.12 b).
The pH of the fresh cocoa pulp was 3.76, while that of fresh seeds was 6.12.
The pH of the seed decreased as the pH of pulp increased during fermentation.
In the uninoculated barrel the final pH of the pulp was 4.56, significantly lower
than the final pH of the pulp in the inoculated barrel (5.00). The final pH of the
seeds from the control barrel (5.66) was also lower than that of the seeds from
the inoculated barrel (5.81) (compare Figure 4.12 a & b).
Changes in the total populations of yeast and bacteria were very similar in both
barrel fermentations. As expected, lower initial populations of yeast (105 cfu/ g
beans) were present in the control barrel, compared to the inoculated barrel (106
cfu/g beans). In both fermentations, the population of yeasts increased to
maxima of 107 cfu/g, where they remained until the end of fermentation at 120h
(Figure 4.12)
Initially, bacterial populations were 105 cfu/g beans. The population of bacteria
in both fermentations decreased slightly during the first 24h, before slowly
increasing to 107 cfu/g beans at 120h (Figure 4.12 a & b).
Differences in the microbiology of these fermentations become more apparent
when examined at the species level.
cH 4 -
35 -
H 25
Fig. 4.12. Fermentation of cocoa beans using defined mixtures of yeast. Cocoa was fermented
in: (a) barrel, no added starter culture, and (b) barrel, H.guilliennondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae
& K.marxianus added. Total yeast population ♦; total bacterial population □; temperature ■;
pulp pH O; seed pH A.
Figure 4.13 shows the growth of individual yeast species during the
fermentations inoculated with a mixture of Hcuiseniaspora guilliermondii and
Issatchenkia orientalis. The three species of yeast consistently isolated from these
fermentations were Hanseniaspora guilliermondii, Issatchenkia orientalis and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
The initial population of H.guilliermondii was around 104 cfu/ g beans in the
control fermentations, and 106 in the inoculated fermentations. During all of the
fermentations, H.guilliermondii grew, reaching maximum populations after 24h.
In the inoculated fermentations, H.guilliermondii reached higher maximum
populations (108 cfu/g beans), and persisted 24h longer (until 96h), compared
to the control fermentations (compare Figures 4.13 a & c with b & d).
The growth of I.orientalis also followed a repeated pattern in the control and
inoculated fermentations. In the uninoculated (control) box and barrel
fermentations, I.orientalis slowly increased from initial populations of 102 cfu/g
beans to maximum levels of 107 cfu/g beans. The populations of
H. guilliermondii remained steady at around 107 cfu/g until the end of
fermentation (Figure 4.13 a, c). In the inoculated box and barrel fermentations,
I. orientalis grew from initial populations of 106 cfu/g beans to maximum levels
of 108 cfu/g at 24h, and then remained between 107-108 cfu/g until the end of
fermentation (Figure 4.13 b, d).
In the control fermentations, S.cerevisiae steadily increased in population, from
an initial level of 102 cfu/g beans. It reached a maximum population of
107 cfu/g beans (96h) in the uninoculated box and 5 x 106 cfu/g (120h) beans in
the uninoculated barrel (Figure 4.13 a, c). In contrast to the control
fermentations, S.cerevisiae did not grow well in the inoculated fermentations. In
the inoculated box fermentation, it was not detected until 72h (1 x 103 cfu/g
beans), after which it increased to a maximum population of 2 x 107 cfu/g beans
at 96h (Figure 4.13 b). In the inoculated barrel fermentation, S.cerevisiae was not
detected until 24h (5 x 102 cfu/g beans), after which it grew to a maximum
population of 5 x 104 cfu/ g beans at 48h, and then died off over the next 24h
(Figure 4.13 d).
In summary, these yeast species grew differently, depending on whether the
fermentations were uninoculated or inoculated. The figures also show that
I.orientalis and S.cerevisiae grew more rapidly in the box fermentations
compared to the barrel fermentations.
cH 4 -
* This fermentation was terminated at 96h. as described in the methods section
Fig. 4.13. Growth of yeast species during fermentation of cocoa beans using defined mixtures
of yeast. Cocoa beans were fermented in: (a) box, no added starter culture,
(b) box, H. guilliermondii & I. orientalis added, (c) barrel, no added starter culture, and (d)
barrel, H. guilliermondii & /. orientalis added. Hanseniaspora guilliermondii ♦; Issatchenkia
orientalis O; Saccharomyces cerevisiae □.
Figure 4.14 shows the changes in population of the four species of yeast that
were most commonly isolated from these fermentations. These species were
Hanseniaspora guilliermondii, Issatchenkia orientalis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and
Kluyveromyces marxianus.
In all fermentations, H.guilliermondii was initially isolated at populations of 104
cfu/ g beans. It grew to maximum populations by 24h and then died off.
The maximum populations of H.guilliermondii were slightly higher in the
control box (1.5xl07 cfu/g) and barrel (2xl07 cfu/g) compared to the inoculated
box (2.5xl06 cfu/g) and barrel (5xl06 cfu/g) (compare Figure 4.14 a & c, b & d).
I.orientalis was initially detected in the control and inoculated box fermentations
at populations of 103 cfu/g. In the control box it grew to a maximum population
of 107 cfu/g at 48h, and remained between 106-107 cfu/g until the end of
fermentation(120h)(Figure 4.14 a) In the box inoculated with S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus, the population of I.orientalis increased throughout fermentation
and reached a maximum population of 3 x 107cfu/ g at 120 h (Figure 4.14 b).
In the control and inoculated barrels, I.orientalis was not detected until 24h
(103cfu/g), after which it increased to 107 cfu/g, and remained at this level until
completion of fermentation(120h) (Figure 4.14 c, d).
The initial population of S.cerevisiae was much lower in the control
fermentations (103 cfu/g), compared to those inoculated with a mixture of
S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus (106 cfu/g). S.cerevisiae was not detected in the
uninoculated barrel until 24 h of fermentation. In the control (uninoculated) box
and barrel fermentations, S.cerevisiae gradually increased to maximum
populations at the end of fermentation (108 and 105 cfu/g respectively) (Figure
4.14 a, c). In the fermentations inoculated with mixtures of S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus, the populations of S.cerevisiae reached maxima of 107 cfu/g at 24h,
and then remained at this level until the end of fermentation (Figure 4.14 b, d).
K.marxianus was only detected in the inoculated fermentations, where it was
found at initial populations of 105 cfu/g beans. In these fermentations it then
increased to maxima of 106 - 107 cfu/g beans by 24h. In the inoculated box,
K.marxianus died off after 96h, while in the inoculated barrel it remained steady
at 106 cfu/g beans until the end of fermentation (Figure 4.14 b, d).
a 4 -
Fig. 4.14. Growth of yeast species during fermentation of cocoa beans using defined mixtures
of yeast. Cocoa beans were fermented in: (a) box, no added starter culture, (b) box, S.cerevisiae
& K.marxianus added, (c) barrel, no added starter culture, and (d) barrel, S.cerevisiae &
K.marxianus added. Hanseniaspora guilliermondii ♦; Issatchenkia orientalis O;
Saccharomyces cerevisiae □; Kluyveromyces marxianus A.
cfu / g, and remained at this level until the end of fermentation. This was the
only Australian fermentation recorded in which H.guiltiermondii was detected at
the end of fermentation (Figure 4.15 b)
Issatchenkia orientalis was first detected in the control at 24h (103 cfu/g). It grew
rapidly in the first 48h to a population of 107 cfu/g, after which it continued to
increase more slowly (Figure 4.15 a). In the inoculated barrel, I.orientalis was
initially detected at 0 h, at much higher populations (7xl05 cfu/g) than the
control. After 24 h it had grown to a population of 107 cfu/g where it remained
until 72h, after which it increased again to a final population of 108 cfu/g at
120h (Figure 4.15 b).
Saccharomyces cerevisiae was not detected in the control fermentations until 24h
(5xl03 cfu/g). It grew slowly, reaching a final population of 105 cfu/g at 120h
(Figure 4.15 a). In the inoculated barrel, S.cerevisiae grew from an initial
population of 8x 105 cfu/g up to 107 cfu/g at 24h, and then remained between
106-107 cfu/g until the end of fermentation (Figure 4.15 b).
Kluyveromyces marxianus was not detected in the uninoculated barrel
fermentation. In the inoculated barrel fermentation, it was initially detected at
2xl05 cfu / g and grew during the first 24 h of fermentation to a maximum
population of 7xl06 cfu/g. Finally, it died off slowly and was not detected at the
end of fermentation (Figure 4.15 b).
Fig. 4.15. Growth of yeast species during fermentation of cocoa beans using defined mixtures
of yeast. Cocoa beans were fermented in: (a) barrel, no added starter culture, and
(b) box, H.guiltiermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae & K. marxianus added; Hanseniaspora
guilliermondii ♦; Issatchenkia orientalis O; Saccharomyces cerevisiae □; Kluyveromyces
marxianus A.
* This fermentation was terminated at 96h, as described in the methods section
Fig. 4.16. Growth of bacterial species during fermentation of cocoa beans using defined
mixtures of yeast. Cocoa beans were fennented in: (a) box, no added starter culture,
(b) box, H. guilliermondii & 1. orientalis added, (c) barrel, no added starter culture, and
(d) barrel, H. guilliermondii & I. orientalis added. Acetobacter pasteurianus ♦;
Gluconobacter oxydans □; Pediococcus acidilactici A; Lactobacillus plantarum O;
Lactobacillus fermentum ■; Bacillus spp. #.
B.megaterium. These species were initially detected at 8 x 102 cfu/g beans (72h).
Between 72 - 96 h the population of Bacillus spp. increased to a final levels of
5 x 103 cfu/ g (96h)(Figure 4.16 b). (B) Box and barrel fermentations using mixtures of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus
Figure 4.17 shows the changes in population of the six most commonly isolated
species of bacteria over the course of the fermentations. The five species isolated
during the fermentations were: Acetobacter pasteurianus, Acetobacter tropicalis,
Asaia siamensis, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus fermentum.
The acetic acid bacteria Asaia siamensis was only found in the inoculated barrel
fermentation. It was first detected at 48 h, at a population of 103 cfu/g beans.,
and increased to a maximum of 106cfu/g beans at 96 h. Between 96-120 h, the
population of As.siamenesis decreased to 105 cfu/g beans (Figure 4.17 d).
L.plantarum was isolated from all fermentations except for the control box.
In the inoculated box (Figure 4.17 b) L.plantarum was initially detected at 96h
(5xl03 cfu/g) and increased to a final population of 105 cfu/g at 120h). In the
control barrel, L.plantarum was detected at the beginning of fermentation
(105 cfu/g), but died off in the first 24h. At 96h it was detected again (103 cfu/g),
and increased to a final population of 106 cfu/g (Figure 4.17 c). L.fermentum, was
first detected in the inoculated barrel at 24h (3 x 103 cfu/g). It increased in
population to 106 cfu/g at 48h, and then continued to increase slowly until the
end of fermentation (Figure 41.6 d)
Fig. 4.11. Growth of bacterial species during fermentation of cocoa beans using defined
mixture; of yeast. Cocoa beans were fermented in: (a) barrel, no added starter culture, and (b)
barrel, 3.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus added. Acetobacter
pasteuranus ♦; Acetobacter tropicalis LA; Lactobacillus plantarum O; Lactobacillus
fermentim ■/ Bacillus subtilis #.
Figure 4.19 shows the changes in concentrations of sugars in the pulp and seed
of samples taken from the pilot-scale fermentations with a mixture of
H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis cultures.
In the pulp of the unfermented cocoa beans (0 h), glucose (5.3 %) and fructose
(6.2 %) were the only sugars detected. By 72h, glucose and fructose had
decreased to undetectable levels in the pulp of all fermentations (or by 48 h, in
the inoculated box) (Figure 4.19 a, c, e, g).
In the seed of unfermented cocoa beans, small amounts of glucose (0.05%) and
fructose(0.1%) and sucrose (1.7%) were found. For all fermentations except the
control barrel, the seed concentrations of sucrose, fructose and glucose had
decreased to levels of less than 0.1% by 72 h (Figure 4.19 b, d, h).
In the control barrel, sucrose only decreased to 1.3% by 72 h, and then
decreased further to 0.2% by 120h (Figure 4.19 f).
24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
24 48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
* This fermentation was terminated at 96h, as described in the methods section
Fig. 4.19 Changes in the concentration of sugars during fermentation of cocoa beans using
defined mixtures of yeast, (a) Pulp and (b) seed from box, no added starter culture;
(c) pulp and (d) seed from box, H. guiUiermondii & /. orientals added; (e) pulp and (f) seed
from barrel, no added starter culture; (g) pulp and (h) seed from barrel, H. guilliermondii & /.
orientalis added. Glucose ♦; fructose □; sucrose O.
The concentration of these sugars decreased, in both pulp and seed fractions of
the cocoa beans, as the fermentations proceeded. This decrease in sugar
concentration occurred at similar rates in all four fermentations.
In the unfermented cocoa pulp, glucose and fructose were initially detected at
concentrations of 5.0 % and 6.6 % respectively. In the seed fraction, glucose,
fructose and sucrose were detected at low concentrations (0.5%, 0.6% and 1.7%
At 120h only traces (< l%w/w) of any sugars were detected in the pulp or seed
of all fermentations, except for the barrel inoculated with S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus. Samples of pulp taken from the inoculated fermentation at 120 h,
contained glucose and fructose (both 1.0% ±0.2).
In the seeds fermented in barrels, sucrose were utilised slightly faster than in
the seeds fermented in boxes (compare Figure 4.20 f & h with b & d).
48 72 96 120 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
48 72 96 120 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 4.20. Changes in the concentration of sugars during fermentation of cocoa beans using
defined mixtures of yeast, (a) Pulp and (b) seed from box, no added starter culture;
(c) pulp and (d) seed from box, S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus added; (e) pulp and (f) seed from
barrel, no added starter culture; (g) pulp and (h) seed from barrel, S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus
added. Glucose ♦; fructose □; sucrose O.
48 72 96 120 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 4.21. Changes in the concentration of sugars during fermentation of cocoa beans using
defined mixtures of yeast, (a) Pulp and (b) seed from barrel, no added starter culture; (c) pulp
and (d) seed from barrel, H.guilliermondii, 1.orientalis, S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus added.
Glucose ♦; fructose □; sucrose O.
Ethanol was not detected in the pulp or seed of fresh cocoa bean (Oh) samples,
but was produced during the course of all four fermentations. The change in
ethanol concentration in each of these fermentations is shown in Figure 4.22.
24 48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
24 48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
* This fermentation was terminated at 96h, as described in the methods section
Fig. 4.22. Changes in the concentration of ethanol during fermentation of cocoa beans using
defined mixtures of yeast, (a) box, no added starter culture; (b) box, H. guilliermondii & I.
orientalis added; (c) barrel, no added starter culture; (d) barrel, H. guilliermondii & I. orientalis
added. Seed ♦; Pulp □.
Figure 4.23 shows the changes in concentration of ethanol in the pulp and seed
of each of the fermentations. At Oh of fermentation, traces (< l%w/ w) of
ethanol were found in the pulp. This may indicate that some fermentation of
the beans occurred in the 60-90 minute period it took to extract the beans from
the pods.
48 72 96 120 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 4.23. Changes in the concentration of ethanol during fermentation of cocoa beans using
defined mixtures of yeast, (a) box, no added starter culture; (b) box, S.cerevisiae &
K.marxianus added; (c) barrel, no added starter culture; (d) barrel, S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus
added. Seed ♦; pulp □.
Figure 4.24 shows the changes in concentration of ethanol in the pulp and seed
of each of the fermentations. Traces (< l%w/w) of ethanol in the pulp at Oh may
indicate that some fermentation of the beans occurred between pod splitting
and placing the beans in barrels. Ethanol was produced during both
fermentations, and maximum levels of ethanol were recorded in pulp and seed
samples taken at 72h of fermentation.
In the control barrel, the concentration of ethanol in the pulp and seed at 72 h
were 4.2% and 3.6% respectively (Figure 4.24 a).
In the inoculated barrel, the concentration of ethanol detected in the pulp at 72h
was 4.68% - significantly higher than the control. The concentration of ethanol
detected in the seed at 72h (3.58%), however, was similar to the control
(Figure 4.24 b). At the end of both fermentations, only traces (<1.0%) of ethanol
were detected in the seed or pulp samples from either fermentation.
24 48 72 96 120 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 4.24. Changes in the concentration of ethanol during fermentation of cocoa beans using
defined mixtures of yeast, (a) barrel, no added starter culture; (b) barrel, H.guilliermondii,
1.orientalis, S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus added. Seed ♦; pulp □.
Figure 4.25 and Table 4.13 show the change in concentration of organic acids in
the pulp and seed of cocoa beans fermented with or without added cultures of
H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis. Citric, malic, lactic, acetic and oxalic acids were
detected in the beans.
Malic acid was initially present in the pulp at concentrations of ~10 mg/g.
Except in the uninoculated box, the concentration of malic acid increased
during fermentation to a final level of 20 mg/g (Figure 4.25 c, e, g). In the
uninoculated box the concentration of malic acids remained around 10 mg/g
for the whole fermentation (Figure 4.25 a).
Small amounts of oxalic acid (not shown in Figure 4.27) were found at a
constant concentration of 2 mg/g in the pulp of the fermenting cocoa beans.
Acetic acid production differed between the box and barrel fermentations. In
the box fermentations, maximum acetic acid levels were recorded at the end of
fermentation. In the barrel fermentations, maximum levels were recorded at
72 h, after which the concentration of acetic acid decreased. Fermentation with
cultures of H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis led to a more rapid production of
acetic acid in the box only (Figure 4.25 a,c). The final concentration of acetic acid
in the pulp from the control box fermentation (21 mg/g) similar to the the
inoculated box fermentation (24 mg/g) (Figure 4.25 a,c). The control barrel had
a slightly higher final concentration of acetic acid (15 mg/g) compared to the
inoculated barrel (5 mg/g).
Lactic acid was not found in unfermented cocoa pulp (Oh), but was produced
during fermentation. When the fermentations were conducted in a box, lactic
Organic acids were also detected in the seed fraction of fresh and fermenting
cocoa beans. In all fermentations, the concentration of citric acid in the seed
decreased from 16 mg/g at the beginning of fermentation(0 h), to ~10 mg/g at
the end. This decrease did not appear to be affected by fermentation vessel or
the addition of cultures.
The concentration of malic acid in the seed remained constant throughout the
fermentations, and was similar for all treatments (15 mg/g). Traces of oxalic
acid were also found in the seed of the cocoa bean samples, and remained at
constant concentration of 1 mg/g during all four fermentations (Table 4.13).
The concentration of both lactic acid and acetic acid in the seed increased
during fermentation. In all of the fermentations, the final concentration of lactic
acid was in the range 10 - 15 mg/g. The final concentration of acetic acid in the
seed was higher in the beans fermented in boxes (8 mg/g) compared to those
fermented in barrels (1-5 mg/g ) (compare Figure 4.25 b & d with e & h).
The addition of cultures did not cause a significant difference in the final
concentration of acetic or lactic acids, compared to the controls (Table 4.13).
3 30 ■
E 10 ■
24 48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
24 48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
,gf> 20 ■
0 24 48 72 96 120 0 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
0 24 48 72 96 120 0 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
* This fermentation was terminated at 96h. as described in the methods section
Fig. 4.25. Changes in the concentration of organic acids during fermentation of cocoa beans
using defined mixtures of yeast, (a) Pulp and (b) seed from box, no added starter culture;
(c) pulp and (d) seed from box, H. guilliermondii & I. orientalis added; (e) pulp and (f) seed
from barrel, no added starter culture; (g) pulp and (h) seed from barrel, H. guilliermondii &
I. orientalis added. Citric acid ♦; acetic acid □; lactic acid O; malic acid ■.
Note: The following acids remained at constant concentrations during fermentation and are not
shown in the graphs: oxalic acid (pulp 2 mg/g & seed 1 mg/g); and malic acid (seed 3-4 mg/g).
Table 4.13 - Summary of changes in organic acids in inoculated cocoa bean fermentations
Fermentation Method Acid Pulp (mg/g) dry basis Seed (mg/g) dry basis
Lactic 0 24 24 1 11 10.1
Oxalic 2 2 0 1 1 0
Citric, malic, and oxalic acids were detected in the pulp and seed of the
unfermented cocoa beans used in these fermentations. Acetic and lactic acid
were produced in the pulp during fermentation, and diffused into the seeds.
Figure 4.26 and Table 4.14 show the change in concentrations of these organic
acids in cocoa beans fermented with, or without, added cultures of S.cerevisiae
and K.marxianus.
The concentration of citric acid in the fresh cocoa pulp was 41 mg/g. After 72h,
the concentration of citric acid decreased in all fermentations. In all
fermentations except for the uninoculated (control) barrel, the final
concentration of citric acid in the pulp was ~30 mg/g (Figure 4.26 a, c, g). In the
uninoculated barrel fermentation (Figure 4.26 e), the decrease in citric acid was
greater, and the final concentration was significantly lower (18 mg/g). Malic
and oxalic acids were initially present in the fresh pulp, at concentrations of 10
mg/g and 1.5 mg/g respectively. The concentration of these acids did not
change significantly during fermentation.
Acetic acid was not detected in the fresh pulp samples, but was produced,
particularly from 72 h onwards. Except for the uninoculated (control) barrel,
similar amounts of acetic acid were detected in the pulp of all of the
fermentations (21 - 22 mg/g) upon completion (Figure 4.26 a, c, g). In the
control barrel, the final concentration of acetic acid in the pulp was lower (14
mg/g) (Figure 4.26 e). Fermentation with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus did not
appear to affect the production of acetic acid in the pulp, under the conditions
after 72h, to a final concentration of 22 mg/g (Figure 4.26 c). This was
significantly higher than the control box. In the control barrel fermentation,
lactic acid was again produced mainly after 72h, to a final concentration of 24.6
mg/g. This was significantly higher than in the control box, suggesting that
more lactic acid was produced in the barrels, compared to the boxes.
In the inoculated barrel, lactic acid was mainly produced in the first half of
fermentation, reaching 30 mg/g by 72 h. Between 72 -120 h it increased slightly,
to a final concentration of 32 mg/g (Figure 4.26 g). This was significantly higher
than the final lactic acid concentration in the inoculated box.
In the cocoa seeds, the concentration of citric (10 mg/g), malic (5 mg/g) and
oxalic (1.5 mg/g) acids did not change significantly during fermentation.
As acetic acid was produced in the pulp, it diffused into the seeds. Acetic acid
was only detected in the seeds from 72 h onwards. In all fermentations the final
concentration of acetic acid in the seeds was similar: between 5-10 mg/g.
Flowever, seeds from the uninoculated box had a final concentration of acetic
acid (9.9 mg/g) that was significantly greater than the rest.
Fermentation with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, and use of box or barrel,
affected the final concentration of lactic acid in the seeds. In the control box, the
concentration of lactic acid in the seeds increased steadily throughout
fermentation to a final value of 4.9 mg/g (Figure 4.26 b). In the seeds from the
inoculated box, a higher final concentration of lactic acid was detected (7.4 mg/
g) (Table 4.14). A significantly higher concentration of lactic acid was found in
the seeds from the inoculated barrel (12.5 mg/g) compared to the control barrel
(8.8 mg/g) (Table 4.14). Finally, the final concentration of lactic acid in seeds
from the barrels (control and inoculated) were significantly higher than those
from the boxes.
All significant differences noted in the text above were confirmed using the
Student's T-test at a 90% confidence interval(a=0.1)(calculations not shown).
3 30 ■
3 30 ■
E 10-
24 48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
3 30 ■
> 20 ^ E 10-
24 48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
3 30 -
3 30 ■
> 20 ^ E 10 -
24 48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
3 30 -
E 10 ■
24 48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 4.26. Changes in the concentration of organic acids during fermentation of cocoa beans
using defined mixtures of yeast, (a) Pulp and (b) seed from box, no added starter culture; (c)
pulp and (d) seed from box, S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus added; (e) pulp and
(f) seed from barrel, no added starter culture; (g) pulp and (h) seed from barrel, S.cerevisiae &
K.marxianus added. Citric acid ♦; acetic acid □; lactic acid O.
Note: The following acids remained at constant concentrations during fermentation and are not
shown in the graphs: citric acid (seed 10 mg/g); malic acid (pulp 10 mg/g & seed 5 mg/g);
oxalic acid (pulp 1.5 mg/g & seed 1-2 mg/g);.
Table 4.14 - Summary of the changes in the concentration of organic acids during fermentation
of Australian cocoa beans using defined mixtures of yeast.
Fermentation Method Acid Pulp (mg/g) dry basis Seed (mg/g) dry basis
(Description of defined Start (Oh) End Change Start (Oh) End Change
mixture of yeast) (120h) (120h)
Box, uninoculated Citric 41 28 -13 10 9.5 -0.5
Malic 10 9.9 -0.1 5 4.9 -0.1
Citric, malic and oxalic acids were detected in the pulp and seeds of the fresh
cocoa beans used in this experiment. As before, acetic and lactic acids were
produced in the pulp during fermentation, and also diffused into the seeds. The
changes in the concentrations of these organic acids are shown in Figure 4.27
and Table 4.15. It is apparent from the figure that the use of a culture of
H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus had little effect on these
organic acids.
Citric acid was detected in the fresh pulp at a concentration of 41 mg/g and
decreased in concentration after 72 h. This decrease was greater in the control
barrel fermentation, where the final concentration of citric acid was 18 mg/g
(Figure 4.27 a), and lesser in the inoculated barrel fermentation, where the final
concentration of citric acid was 26 mg/g (Figure 4.27 c).
The concentration of malic and oxalic acids in the fresh pulp were initially 10
mg/g and 1.5 mg/g respectively and did not change significantly during
Acetic acid was not detected in unfermented cocoa pulp at Oh, but was
produced acetic acid was produced after 72 h. It was produced at similar rates
in both fermentations and the final concentration of acetic acid in the pulp from
the control barrel fermentation (14 mg/g) was only slightly lower than in the
inoculated barrel fermentation (18 mg/g). This difference was not statistically
Fermentation with H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus did
not affect the production of lactic acid during fermentation. In pulp from
control barrel fermentation, the final concentration of lactic acid was 25 mg/g,
while in the inoculated barrel fermentation it was 22 mg/g (Figure 4.27 a, c).
In the seeds from both the control and inoculated barrels, the concentrations of
citric (10 mg/g), malic (5 mg/g) and oxalic (1.5 mg/g) acids remained constant
throughout fermentation.
The concentration of acetic acid in the seed increased between 72-120 h of each
of the fermentations. At completion of fermentation, the concentration of acetic
acid in the seeds from the control barrel (4.9) was only slightly lower than in the
seeds from the inoculated barrel (6.5) (compare Figure 4.27 b & d).
In both the control and inoculated barrels, the concentration of lactic acid
steadily increased in the seed during fermentation. This increase occurred at a
similar rate in both fermentations, and the final concentration of lactic acid in
both was around 8 mg/g (Table 4.15).
3 30 -
3 30 J
> 20 -
E 10 ■
24 48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
3 30 -
3 30 J
E 10-
24 48 72 96 120 24 48 72 96 120
Time (h) Time (h)
Fig. 4.27. Changes in the concentration of organic acids during fermentation of cocoa beans
using defined mixtures of yeast, (a) Pulp and (b) seed from barrel, no added starter culture; (c)
pulp and (d) seed from barrel, H.guilliermondii, I. orientalis, S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus added.
Citric acid ♦; acetic acid □; lactic acid O; malic acid ■.
Note: The following acids remained at constant concentrations during fermentation and are not
shown in the graphs: oxalic acid (pulp 1.5 mg/g & seed 1-2 mg/g); malic acid (seed 5 mg/g).
Table 4.15 - Summary of the changes in the concentration of organic acids during fermentation
of Australian cocoa beans using defined mixtures of yeast.
Fermentation method Acid Pulp (mg/g) dry basis Seed (mg/g) dry basis
(Description of defined Start (Oh) End Change Start (Oh) End Change
mixture of yeast) (120h) (120h)
Barrel, uninoculated Citric 41 18 -23 10 10.1 0.1
Malic 10 9.9 -0.1 5 4.9 -0.1
The dried fermented beans produced during the pilot-scale fermentations were
subjected to a range of quality assessments.
This included the cut test, and measurements of bean size, moisture content,
shell content, fat content and nib pH. Further quality tests (protein, sugar
content, microbiological quality, fat melting profile) were also performed on
samples of chocolate made with these beans (A) Box and barrel fermentations using mixtures of Hanseniaspora
guilliermondii and Issatchenkia orientalis.
Results from the cut test performed on the beans from this experiment are
shown in Figure 4.28.
The cut test showed no fully purple, slaty, germinated or insect infested beans
in any of the samples evaluated. These data, indicated that the beans were of
acceptable quality. The cut test results also suggested that the addition of mixed
yeast cultures could affect the fermentation index of cocoa beans. The beans
fermented with cultures of H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis had a higher
g 90
2 80
£ 70
o 60
& 50
& 40
8 30
S3 20
^ 10
Box Box Barrel Barrel
(uninoculated) (inoculated) (uninoculated) (inoculated)
Fig. 4.28. Cut test results for cocoa beans fermented using a mixture of Hanseniaspora
guilliertnondii & Issatchenkia orientalise ■ % beans fully brown, 11% beans part brown/part
Other quality data are presented in Table 4.16. The beans were well dried, with
a moisture content less than 7.5% as recommended by Wood and Lass (1985)
and the ISO standards for cocoa beans (ISO, 1977).
Table 4.16 - Quality evaluation of cocoa beans fermented using a mixture of
Hanseniaspora guilliermondii & Issatchenkia orienta/is.
At 80-89 beans / lOOg, the beans were considered to be quite large (Wood &
Lass, 1985), with those fermented in the barrel being significantly larger than
those fermented in boxes.
The results from the cut test, and other quality tests, are presented in Figure 4.29
and Table 4.17.
100 n
90 -
Fig. 4.29. Cut test results for cocoa beans fermented using a mixture of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae & Kluyveromyces marxianus; ■ % beans fully brown, !H% beans part brown/part
% Nib fat (dry basis) 57.6 58.2 56.7 57.1 57.4 0.42
The results from the cut test, and other quality tests, performed on the beans
fermented with H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus are
presented in Figure 4.30 and Table 4.18. Cut test data indicated that the cocoa
beans produced during these fermentations were of acceptable quality, as no
sample contained any slaty, insect affected or germinated beans, and less than
20% of the beans were fully purple(Wood and Lass, 1985). Beans fermented in a
barrel inoculated with H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus
had a higher proportion of fully brown beans (82%), than the uninoculated
barrel (72%). However, this difference was not statistically significant.
Barrel Barrel
(uninoculated) (inoculated)
Fig. 4.30. Cut test results for cocoa beans fermented using a mixture of Hanseniaspora
guilliermondii, Issatchenkia orientalis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae & Kluyveromyces marxianus;
■ % beans fully brown, beans part brown/part purple.
Small differences were noted in the bean size, moisture content, shell content,
fat content and nib pH of beans from the inoculated and control fermentations.
However, analysis of the data using Students T-test (confidence level of
95%)found that these differences were not statistically significant.
The data in Table 4.18 also indicated that the beans were of acceptable
commercial quality. The moisture content of both whole beans and nibs was
below 7.5%, and the appearance and aroma of the beans were acceptable. The
data obtained for these beans also compared favourably against quality data
obtained for cocoa bean from Ghana and Indonesia (Section, Chapter 3).
Table 4.18 - Quality evaluation of cocoa beans fermented using a mixture of Hanseniaspora
guilliermondii, Issatchenkia orientalis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae & Kluyveromyces marxianus.
Barrel Barrel
Quality parameter Mean St.dev
(uninoculated) (inoculated)
Figure 4.31 - Fat melting curves for chocolate made with beans from Queensland ■, Ghana 0.
The dried fermented cocoa beans were made into chocolate samples and
subjected to sensory evaluation. Difference testing was performed to determine
if untrained panelists could distinguish between different samples. Liking
testing was performed to assess the basic acceptability of the samples compared
to chocolate made from Ghanaian cocoa beans (Section 4.2.6).
The results of the difference (triangle) tests are presented in Table 4.19. The
majority of untrained panelists correctly distinguished between the control
samples and samples fermented with cultures of H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis
(Table 4.19). Therefore, fermentation with mixtures of H.guilliermondii and
I.orientalis produced cocoa beans with a significantly different flavour compared
to the cocoa beans fermented by indigenous microflora (uninoculated control).
Table 4.19 - Sensory evaluation (triangle test) of chocolate samples made with cocoa beans
fermented in boxes or barrels inoculated with a mixture of Hanseniaspora guilliermondii and
Issatchenkia orientalis.
* Adapted from a table in Stone and Sidel (2004). For one pair of samples to taste significantly different
from another, the “number of correct judgments” must be equal to or greater than the “number of
judgements needed for significance.”
Table 4.20 - Mean liking scores for chocolate made from cocoa beans fermented in boxes or
barrels inoculated with a mixture of Hcmseniaspora guilliermondii and Issatchenkia orientalis,
compared to chocolate made from Ghanian cocoa.
Table 4.21 - Results of Student’s T-test on the liking data for chocolate made from cocoa beans
fermented in boxes or barrels inoculated with a mixture of H. guilliermondii and /. orientalis.
The T-test analyses also indicated that the chocolate made from beans
fermented in the barrel with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis received a mean
liking score that was significantly higher than the sample fermented in a barrel
without added culture. More detailed information regarding differences in the
flavor profiles of chocolate prepared from beans fermented by the various
methods are presented in Section 4.3.5. (B) Box and barrel fermentations using mixtures of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus.
The results of these tests are presented in Tables 4.22, 4.23 and 4.24.
Table 4.22 - Sensory evaluation (triangle test) of chocolate samples made with cocoa beans
fermented in boxes or barrels inoculated with a mixture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and
Kluyveromyces marxianus.
Difference testing of the chocolate samples found that untrained panelists could
correctly distinguish between the control samples and the samples that had
been fermented with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus. Therefore, conducting
fermentations with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus resulted in cocoa that tasted
significantly different to cocoa beans fermented by indigenous microflora alone
(control). Chocolate made from cocoa beans fermented in a barrel with
S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus also tasted significantly different from the control.
Therefore this mixture of yeast was also able to affect the flavour of the cocoa
beans produced.
Chocolate samples made with cocoa beans from these pilot-scale fermentations
achieved higher mean liking scores than the chocolate made from Ghanaian
cocoa (Table 4.23). Most of the samples received mean liking scores of between
7-8 out of 10. The highest mean liking score (9.18) was recorded for chocolate
made from beans fermented in a box without added yeast cultures (control).
Table 4.23 - Mean liking scores for chocolate made from cocoa beans fermented in boxes or
barrels inoculated with a mixture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and K/uyveromyces marxianus,
compared to chocolate made from Ghanian cocoa.
Table 4.20. shows the results of T-test analysis of the liking data. These tests
confirmed that the cocoa beans produced from these pilot-scale fermentations
had a flavour quality equal to or greater than that of the Ghanian beans.
T-test analysis of the mean liking scores also indicated that panelists preferred
chocolate made from cocoa beans fermented in the box, without added cultures,
compared to chocolate made from cocoa beans fermented in the box and
inoculated with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus.
Table 4.24 - Results of Student’s T-test on the liking data for chocolate made from cocoa beans
fermented in boxes or barrels inoculated with a mixture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and
K/uyveromyces marxianus.
The cocoa beans produced in these experiments were made into chocolate and
subjected to difference and liking sensory tests. The results of these tests are
presented in Tables 4.25, 4.26 and 4.27.
Table 4.25 - Sensory evaluation (triangle test) of chocolate samples made with cocoa beans
fermented in boxes or barrels inoculated with a mixture of Hanseniaspora guilliermondii,
Issatchenkia orientalis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus.
* Adapted from a table in Stone and Sidel (2004). For one pair of samples to taste significantly different
from another, the “number of correct judgments” must be equal to or greater than the “number of
judgements needed for significance.”
Table 4.26 - Mean liking scores for chocolate made from Australian cocoa fermented in barrels
inoculated with a mixture of Hanseniaspora gui/liermondii, Issatchenkia orientalis,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus, compared to chocolate made from
Ghanian cocoa.
Mean liking score Standard
(out of 10) Deviation
Ghana 4.73 2.65
Table 4.27 - Results of Student’s T-test on the liking data for chocolate made from cocoa beans
fermented in barrels inoculated with a mixture of Hanseniaspora guilliermondii, Issatchenkia
orientalis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus. (D) Comparison of chocolate samples made from cocoa beans fermented
in barrels and inoculated with different mixtures of yeast.
Chocolate made from beans fermented in barrels with added cultures were also
compared to one another across all pilot-scale experiments. This comparison
was made using the triangle test, to determine whether the different samples
tasted significantly different from one another. Table 4.28 presents the results of
these comparisons. Fermentation with different yeast cultures produced cocoa
beans that were distinctively different from one another, on the basis of flavour.
The liking scores for chocolate samples prepared from these beans were also
compared using the Student's T-test (a=0.05). These analyses (data not shown
here) indicated that there was no significant difference between the liking scores
for these samples. Therefore, while the different mixtures of yeast produced
cocoa beans with different flavours, all of the beans were liked to a similar
extent. Finally, the mean liking score for all samples fermented in barrels and
inoculated with mixtures of yeast was 7.7. This was significantly greater than
the liking score for the Ghana bean chocolate (4.8).
Table 4.28 - Comparison (triangle test) in the flavour of chocolate samples made with cocoa
beans fermented in barrels inoculated with different mixtures of yeast.
* Adapted from a table in Stone and Sidel (2004). For one pair of samples to taste significantly different
from another, the “number of correct judgments’' must be equal to or greater than the “number of
judgements needed for significance.”
Chocolate samples prepared from cocoa beans produced during the pilot-scale
fermentations, were evaluated to construct quantitative sensory profiles. These
analyses were done at the Cadbury-Schweppes Global Science Centre, UK.
The chocolate samples were analysed in two groups:
1. Group 1 samples were made from cocoa beans fermented with mixtures of
H. guilliermondii and I.orieiitalis cultures (box and barrel vessels).
2. Group 2 samples were made from cocoa beans fermented with mixtures of
S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus (box and barrel vessels), and H.guilliermondii,
I. orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus cultures (barrel only).
The chocolate samples made from these cocoa beans were also compared to
chocolate made from Ghanaian cocoa beans (industry standard).
Figures 4.33, 4.33 and 4.34 present the sensory profiles as spider plots. All
sensory characteristics which were capable of discriminating between the
samples at a significant level are marked.
Measures of significant difference were calculated using Fisher's least
significant difference (p<0.05)(calculations not shown). Appearance of chocolate samples
a) made from beans harvested in different months and fermented with any of
the mixtures of yeast.
b) made from different batches of control beans (uninoculated).
All of the Australian samples, except for the control box (Group 1) sample, had
significantly stronger fruity and doughy odours than the Ghanaian sample
When comparing the odour of the samples on the basis of the yeast inoculum,
across both groups, the following differences were noted:
• Within the group 2 samples only, cocoa beans fermented in a box, without
added yeasts, gave chocolate with a significantly stronger brown-fruit
odour than the other Australian samples in this group (Figure 4.32, B).
Fig.4.32 Appearance, mouthfeel & odour of chocolate samples: A) Group 1 samples; B) Group 2 samples
a. Attributes with significant differences between the control and inoculated cocoa beans;
b. Attributes with significant differences between the Australian and Ghanaian cocoa beans.
“Control” - beans fermented without added yeast culture.
“Hg & Io” - beans fermented with added Hanseniaspora guilliermondii and Issatchenkia orientalis;
“Sc & Km” - beans fermented with added Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus',
“All yeast” - beans fermented with added H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus.
Bitterness’ ^
Doughy Cocoa
—«—Box (control)
■ Box (Sc & Km)
—■—Barrel (Control)
■ Barrel (Sc & Km)
—■—Barrel (All yeast)
Bitterness 3’ ^
Doughy' Cocoa3, b
Fig. 4.33. Flavour characteristics of chocolate samples: A) Group 1 samples; B) Group 2 samples
a. Attributes with significant differences between the control and inoculated cocoa beans;
b. Attributes with significant differences between the Australian and Ghanaian cocoa beans.
“Control” - beans fermented without added yeast culture.
“Hg & lo” - beans fermented with added Hanseniaspora guilliermondii and Issatchenkia orientalis',
“Sc & Km” - beans fermented with added Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus;
“All yeast” - beans fermented with added H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus.
When comparing the aftertaste of the samples on the basis of the type of
moculum used, across both groups, the following differences were noted:
—1»—Box (control)
—1■— Box (Hg & Io)
■ *■ Barrel (Control)
—♦—Barrel (Hg & Io)
—*— Ghana
a, b
B 30 —•—Box (control)
—■*— Box (Sc & Km)
Nutskins/Grain' Acidity
—■—Barrel (Control)
—"—Barrel (Sc & Km)
—»— Barrel (All yeast)
Nutty Bitterness3, ^
Doughy Cocoa’b
Fig. 4.34. Aftertaste characteristics of chocolate samples: A) Group 1 samples; B) Group 2 samples
a. Attributes with significant differences between the control and inoculated cocoa beans;
b. Attributes with significant differences between the Australian and Ghanaian cocoa beans.
“Control” - beans fermented without added yeast culture.
“Hg & Io” - beans fermented with added Hanseniaspora gui/liermondii and Issatchenkia orientalis;
“Sc & Km” - beans fermented with added Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus\
“All yeast” - beans fermented with added H.gui/liermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus.
All cocoa beans fermented with mixtures of yeasts produced chocolate that was
acceptable when compared to chocolate made from Ghanaian beans.
However, the results also indicated that the Australian samples possessed their
own unique flavour characteristics. Furthermore, different yeast cultures
resulted in different tasting chocolates, each with distinct and describable
sensory characteristics.
Distinctive Distinctive
Samples Colour Distinctive odours
Flavours Aftertaste
Moderate cocoa
Strong cocoa and
Strong cocoa odour; and brown fruit
Ghana Red-brown brownfruit flavour;
no doughy odour aftertaste; weak
weak bitter flavour
bitter aftertaste
Proteins were extracted from cocoa bean samples taken during the pilot-scale
fermentations and analysed using SDS-PAGE ( Figures 4.35 and 4.36).
MW markers (kDa)
Fig. 4.35. SDS-PAGE of proteins extracted from cocoa beans sampled at different stages of
fermentation. Fermentations were performed in boxes and barrels, with or without added
cultures of H.guilliermondii & I.orientalis (“Hg & Io”). Lanes 1-9: 1, Composite sample Oh;
2, Box (uninoculated) 48h; 3, Box (Hg & Io) 48h; 4, Barrel (uninoculated) 48h;
5, Barrel (Hg & Io) 48h; 6, Box (uninoculated) 120h; 7, Box (Hg & lo) 96h;
8, Barrel (uninoculated) 120h; 9, Barrel (Hg & Io) 120h.
* 1 23456789 10 11 *
* MW markers (kDa)
Fig. 4.36. SDS-PAGE of proteins extracted from cocoa beans sampled at different stages of
fermentation. Fermentations were performed in boxes and barrels, with or without added
cultures of S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus (“Sc &Km”), and H.guilliermondii, I.orienta/is,
S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus (“All yeast”). Lanes 1-11: 1, Composite sample, Oh;
2, Box (uninoculated) 48h; 3, Box (Sc & Km) 48h; 4, Barrel (uninoculated) 48h;
5, Barrel (Sc & Km) 48h; 6, Barrel (All yeast) 48h; 7, Box (uninoculated) 120h;
8, Box (Sc & Km) 120h; 9, Barrel (uninoculated) 120h; 10, Barrel (Sc & Km) 120h;
11, Barrel (All yeast) 120h;
Fig. 4.37. HPLC-Fluorescence chromatogram of polyphenols extracted from unfermented (Oh)
Mossman cocoa beans, showing PI (catechin) monomers to P5 procyanidin polymers.
Fig. 4.38 Total procyanidin content of polyphenol extracts from cocoa beans fermented with
H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis (“Hg & lo”) [beans harvested in August 2006].
** Total procyanidins are calculated as (-)-catechin equivalents.
P 40 -
120h Box 120h Box (Sc 120h Barrel 120h Barrel 120h Barrel
(control) & Km) (control) (Sc & Km) (All yeast)
Fig. 4.39. Total procyanidin content of polyphenol extracts from cocoa beans fermented with
S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus (“Sc & Km”), and H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae &
K.marxianus (“All yeast”) [beans harvested in November 2006].
** Total procyanidins are calculated as (-)-catechin equivalents.
The antioxidant potential of the polyphenol extracts was also estimated using
the DPPF4 assay. The data from this assay are presented in Figures 4.40 and 4.41.
These results describe the relative capacity of the cocoa samples to absorb
oxygen radicals, and are expressed in units of Trolox equivalents (TE). The
antioxidant capacity of the cocoa beans decreased as the fermentations
proceeded. Cocoa beans that had been fermented with cultures of
H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis gave extracts with greater antioxidant activities
3000 ■
"§> 2500 ■
2000 ■
500 ■
Fig. 4.40. Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of polyphenol extracts from cocoa
beans fermented with H.guildermondii and I.orientalis (“Hg & Io”).
3000 -
5 2500 -
2000 -
500 -
120h Box 120h Box 120h Barrel 120h Barrel 120h Barrel
(control) (Sc & Km) (control) (Sc & Km) (All yeast)
Fig. 4.41. Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of polyphenol extracts from cocoa
beans fermented with S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus (“Sc & Km”), and H.guilliermondii,
I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae & K.marxianus (“All yeast”).
9 13
20 .iUuJhuL. JLJL
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Figure 4.42 - Chromatograms of volatile aroma compounds extracted from roasted cocoa beans
and analysed using GC-F1D; a. Cocoa beans fermented in a box (control); b. Cocoa beans
fermented in a box inoculated with H.guildermondii and I.orientalise c. Ghanaian cocoa beans
(industry std.). Peak numbers correspond to compounds listed in Tables 4.31 and 4.32
11 14,
5 6 7
5 6 7
Figure 4.43 - Chromatograms of volatile aroma compounds from roasted cocoa beans analysed
using GC-FID; a. Cocoa beans fermented in a barrel (control); b. Cocoa beans fermented in a
barrel inoculated with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus\ c. Ghanaian cocoa beans (industry std.).
Peak numbers correspond to compounds listed in Tables 4.31 and 4.32
Table 4.30 - Predominant volatile organic compounds isolated from extracts of roasted cocoa
Compound name
Table 4.31 - Volatile aroma compounds most commonly isolated from extracts of Australian
and Ghanaian cocoa beans using GC-MS.
Control - uninoculated fermentation; Io & Hg - fermentation inoculated with a mixture of Hanseniaspora guilliertnondii and Lorn
CQ —
Sc & Km - fermentation inoculated with a mixture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus; All yeast - fermenta
77 <
-oo 3
—' —
— NDONfn —
3 no
m o
T3 o w
§ o CN X—N
15 _D CD E 2 t- *n ooofi^-m-ooos<x)0 in «n cn no no in
d 7: «NtToOOOOO(NO d — d — >n d
oE E CQ §
3 S
c > o
ts 2
c E
ofi x ^ m o ir> <n O' cn oo 3; NO oo — cn oo no cn ^ r-
3 d ~ *n d d d d d d ^ d d 2 o
o oX ~E OO ^
• CN
o 00 cn _ >n no — I— cn no on no in e' NO d
This led to the observation that the samples inoculated with H.guilliermondii
and I.orientalis, had significantly higher levels of isoamyl alcohol, isoamyl
acetate and 2-phenylethanol compared to the corresponding control samples
(Table 4.32). While other differences may be noted in Table 4.32, these were not
determined to be significant in the overall comparison of total GC profiles, as
determined by PC A.
PCA 1 (32.3%)
Fig. 4.44. Principal component bi-plot showing grouping of Australian (Group 1: points 2-10)
and Ghanaian (Group 2: point 1) cocoa bean samples. Each data point represents a different
batch of cocoa beans:
1. Ghana reference beans;
2. Beans fermented in a box, uninoculated [Aug. 2006];
3. Beans fermented in a box, inoculated with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis [Aug. 2006];
4. Beans fermented in a barrel, uninoculated [Aug. 2006];
5. Beans fermented in a barrel, inoculated with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis [Aug. 2006];
6. Beans fermented in a box, uninoculated [Nov. 2006];
7. Beans fermented in a box, inoculated with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus [Nov. 2006];
8. Beans fermented in a barrel, uninoculated [Nov. 2006];
9. Beans fermented in a barrel, inoculated with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus [Nov. 2006];
10. Beans fermented in a barrel, inoculated with H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus [Nov. 2006];
4.4 Discussion
Chapter 4 reports the use of selected yeast species as starter cultures for the
laboratory and semi-commercial (pilot) scale fermentation of cocoa beans
grown in Queensland, Australia. The development of appropriate starter
cultures has been a key criterion in the successful industrialization of other
traditional fermented foods, such as wine, cheese, bread, soy sauce and tempeh
(Wood, 1998; Fleet, 1999; Holzapfel, 2002; Steinkraus, 2004; Nout and Kiers,
2005). The main reasons why starters cultures are used include: greater control
of the microbial ecology of the fermentation, increased process efficiency,
greater control and predictability of product quality, and reduced variability in
quality between batches (Lucke et al., 1990; Schwan, 1998; Holzapfel, 2002;
Schwan and Wheals, 2004). The development and use of starter cultures was
identified as one way to achieve the practical goal of developing a controlled
process for the fermentation of Australian cocoa beans. However, in order to
develop starter cultures, a basic knowledge of the food to be fermented is
essential (Hesseltine and Wang, 1986; Lucke et al., 1990; Steinkraus, 2004). In
Chapter 3, the Australian cocoa bean fermentation was investigated, yielding
detailed information on the following: the composition of the pulp and seed of
fresh and fermented beans; the physical changes that occur during fermentation
(pH, temperature); qualitative and quantitative data on the microbial ecology of
the fermentation; key metabolic products of fermentation (eg. ethanol, lactic
and acetic acid); and the effects of these changes on the quality of the beans and
flavor of the chocolate prepared from them. This information led to
improvements to the process (fermentation in a barrel, optimisation of mixing
frequency) and, also, the identification of several species of yeasts as potential
candidates for development into starter cultures.
4.4.1 Selection of yeast isolates for use in mixed starter cultures
An important part of the work in this Chapter was the design of the starter
cultures for use in conducting cocoa fermentation. It was decided that these
starter cultures would be comprised of mixtures of yeast species. The decision
to use yeast as the initial culture was justified given their role as predominant
microorganisms in the early to mid stages of fermentation (Fowler, 1998;
Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Jespersen et al., 2005; Nielsen, 2007b). Furthermore,
the decision to focus on yeast species was consistent with the approach of
previous research into the use of starter cultures for cocoa fermentation
(Sanchez et ah, 1985; Buamah et ah, 1997; Schwan, 1998; Dzogbefia et ah, 1999).
The particular yeast species selected were chosen because, either: a) they had
been used in previous studies (S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus) (Schwan, 1998), or
b) they were found to be predominant species during fermentations of
Australian cocoa beans - (H.guiltiermondii and I.orientalis) (Chapter 3).
Furthermore, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus can have
pectinolytic activities (Schwan et ah, 1997).
The isolates chosen for inclusion in these starter cultures were subjected to a
basic screening protocol as described in Section of this Chapter. Due to
project constraints, however, the isolates were not characterised any further. In
particular, molecular characterisation of the isolates at the strain level was not
conducted. It was reasonably assumed that the strains inoculated into the bean
mass dominated and conducted the fermentation. Experiences in the wine
industry where starter cultures of yeasts are inoculated into grape juice
containing an indigenous microflora support this assumption (Fleet, 2003;
2007). For the present investigation, the focus was at the species level, and the
growth data clearly demonstrate quantitative dominance of the inoculated
species. As will be seen, this approach still revealed that the starter cultures
caused significant changes to the microbiology, chemistry and sensory
properties of the cocoa beans. However, circumstances can arise when the
inoculated strain may not dominate the fermentation, and contributions from
indigenous strains could be significant. Systematic molecular characterization
of strains isolated throughout the entire course of fermentation is needed to
determine such contributions, and such studies represent the next stage of
research to characterize the yeast ecology of cocoa bean fermentations
Previous attempts have been made to ferment small masses (<20 kg) of cocoa
beans (Rohan, 1963; Quesnel and Lopez, 1975). In these studies, it was noted
that the temperature of bean mass did not increase normally, often only
reaching 35 - 37°C. Correct bean temperature was maintained during small
scale fermentations by better insulation of vessels or conducting the
fermentations in an incubator (Rohan, 1963; Quesnel and Lopez, 1975). In the
present study, the laboratory fermentations were therefore placed in a
temperature-controlled incubator. The incubator was programmed to increase
in temperature during fermentation. The program chosen was designed to
mimic the increases observed in traditional fermentation, allowing the
successive growth of yeast (25 - 37°C; 0-72 h), followed by lactic and acetic acid
bacteria (37 - 45°C; 72 - 120h). The change in the temperature of the beans, in all
fermentations, closely followed the changing temperature of the incubator. In a
few cases (Figure 4.5 c, d), the heat produced by microbial metabolism was
sufficient to raise the temperature of the beans by a further 5 - 10°C.
ensure the presence of lactic and acetic acid bacteria that were presumed absent
as a result of pod surface sterilisation.
Inoculated H.guilliermondii and K.marxianus died off after about 24 h, probably
due to their sensitivity to ethanol. By contrast, I.orientalis and S.cerevisiae, with
their greater tolerance to temperature and ethanol, persisted much longer in the
fermentations to which they were added, only dying off after 96 -120 h.
The isolation of H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis and S.cerevisiae, from fermentations
into which they had not been inoculated was unexpected. Insufficient hygiene,
leading to cross contamination during mixing, is one possible explanation. This
possibility seems unlikely, given that the contamination was evident from Oh,
the initial load of these yeasts was lower than in the control, and that extreme
care was taken during preparation and mixing of these fermentations. Another,
more likely explanation, is that the cleaning and surface sterilisation method
used on the pods was insufficient in removing all indigenous flora. Finally, it is
possible that these yeasts may have been present in low numbers inside
apparently intact and healthy pods, as previously observed by Jespersen et al.
(2005). The presence and growth of these contaminating species must be
considered. In the fermentations inoculated with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus,
the levels of indigenous H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis were low, and the
growth of these species was strongly suppressed by the added cultures. In the
fermentations inoculated with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis, the populations
of indigenous S.cerevisiae were also suppressed, but to a lesser extent.
The inoculated lactic acid bacteria typically increased rapidly to maximum
populations of 107-108 cfu/ g by 24 h, and then gradually died off. In the
inoculated fermentations using South Johnstone beans, P.acidilactici was the
predominant lactic acid bacteria, while in fermentations using Mossman beans,
Lplantarum dominated. In the fermentations using Mossman beans, the initial
population of P.acidilactici was below the expected dose of 106 cfu/g, and
declined rapidly. This suggests that the culture was in decline before addition,
possibly as a result of phage contamination at some stage during its
preparation. A.pasteurianus grew in a similar fashion in all fermentations to
which it was added, and tended to reach maximum populations 24 - 48 h after
the lactic acid bacteria.
Firstly, glucose and fructose in the pulp were utilised. In the pulp of the control
fermentations, glucose and fructose were incompletely utilised with traces
remaining at 144h (0.6% and 0.8% respectively). By contrast, the sugars were
completely utilised in the inoculated fermentations.
The results suggested that ethanol was produced during fermentation. Since
only samples from the beginning (Oh) and end (144h) of fermentation were
tested, the maximum level of ethanol produced was not directly determined.
The presence of higher concentrations of ethanol earlier in the fermentation was
inferred from the presence of 0.5-1% ethanol at the end of fermentation, and
from the observation that the fermentations smelt distinctly alcoholic between
24- 72h. Observations made during previous fermentations suggested that a
residual level of 0.5 -1.0% ethanol at the end of fermentation corresponded to a
maximum level of 5.0 - 7.0% ethanol between 24 - 72h. Due to these limitations,
however, it is not possible to determine whether the addition of different
cultures affected the level of ethanol production during fermentation.
During fermentation, citric acid in the pulp was metabolised, while lactic and
acetic acid were produced in the pulp, and diffused into the seeds.
More lactic and acetic acid was produced in the inoculated fermentations,
compared to the controls. This observation corresponds to the higher levels of
lactic and acetic acid bacteria observed in the inoculated fermentations
compared to the controls. Fermentation with mixtures of S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus, and H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus
resulted in significantly higher levels of acetic acid, compared with the controls
or fermentations using H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis. This was probably due to
increased ethanol production, leading to in increased acetic acid production.
This agrees with chemistry data from Chapter 3, and the literature (Forsyth and
Quesnel, 1963; Carr et al., 1980; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003) which note a positive
correlation between ethanol and acetic acid production. Acetic acid production
may have been further stimulated by increased aeration due to mixing every 24
hours and the small size of these fermentations (increased surface area: volume
During quality testing, it was noted that all of the beans produced by laboratory
fermentation had a weak cocoa aroma. Nevertheless, chocolate made from
beans from the control fermentations, and the fermentations inoculated with
H. guilliermondii and I.orientalis, were considered acceptable when compared to
chocolate made from Ghanaian beans. By contrast, chocolates made from beans
fermented with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, or H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis,
S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus were unacceptable. During sensory evaluation of
these latter samples, many panelists commented on the weak chocolate flavour
and sourness of these samples. The observations agreed with the organic acid
and nib pH data, and support the assertion that inoculation with S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus resulted in more acetic acid. This acidity was probably also
responsible for the weak chocolate flavour, since high levels of acetic acid can
inhibit the production of chocolate flavour precursors (Chick, 1981; Lopez, 1983;
Biehl, 1984; Voigt and Biehl, 1995).
Triangle tests demonstrated that chocolate prepared from the beans fermented
using cultures of H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis tasted similar to that prepared
from beans in control fermentations. In contrast, beans fermented using cultures
of S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, and H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus gave chocolate that tasted significantly different from chocolate
made from control beans or those fermented, with H.guilliermondii and
I. orientalis. It seems likely that these differences were mostly due to the acidity
or sourness of the beans. Subtle differences in flavour may also have been
caused by volatile metabolites produced by the yeast and bacterial species. This
was supported by the qualitative observations of some panelists, who noted
that chocolate made from beans fermented with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus
had fruity and nutty flavour notes that were weak or absent in the other
samples. The same panelists also noted that chocolate made from beans
inoculated with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis had subtle, yeasty flavour notes.
Overall, it was found that the quality of the beans produced by the laboratory
fermentations was lower than expected. Further consideration of the methods
used indicated that this was probably linked to the mixing frequency, since
these laboratory fermentations were mixed every 24 hours, rather than every 48
hours as recommended at the end of Chapter 3. In this case, the small volumes
and mixing were justified by a need to obtain uniform samples for analyses
The primary aim of the laboratory fermentations was to evaluate three different
mixtures of yeasts for subsequent use as starter cultures in larger pilot-scale
fermentations (Hanseniaspora guilliermondii and Issatchenkia orientalis,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus, and H.guilliermondii,
I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus). The yeast mixtures consistently
demonstrated both survival and growth when inoculated into freshly obtained
cocoa beans. This suggested that the selected cultures were suitably adapted to
the conditions of fresh cocoa beans (low pH, moderate temperature, sugars). It
also suggested that the initial inoculum dose of 106 cfu/g yeasts was
appropriate for this application. This agreed with previous research into the use
of starter cultures for cocoa fermentation (Sanchez et al., 1985; Schwan, 1998). A
correct inoculation rate is essential in order for the inoculated species to have
good survival capacity and be able to compete with and dominate the
indigenous flora (Sanchez et ah, 1985; Fleet, 2003; Steinkraus, 2004). Defined
mixtures of bacterial cultures were also added to the inoculated fermentations.
Flowever, unlike the study by Schwan (1998), a close study of their effects on
fermentation was not the aim of these experiments. Nevertheless the results of
the current study suggested that the species selected (L.plantarum, P.acidilactici
and A.pasteurianus) were generally appropriate and behaved similarly to those
found in traditional/indigenous fermentations. However, the data also
suggested that the inoculation level (106- 107cfu/g) was too high. In particular,
the inoculated lactic acid bacteria grew more rapidly and reached higher
maximum populations in the inoculated fermentations compared to the
controls. Since the intended purpose of these bacteria was to simulate the
missing indigenous bacterial species, an inoculation rate closer to the
populations usually found at the beginning of fermentation (e.g. 103-104 cfu/ g)
may have been more appropriate.
Given the stringent measures to ensure the sterility of the cocoa beans (washing
in 0.1% hypochlorite, followed by surface sterilization with 70% ethanol), the
detection of contaminating species of bacteria and yeast in the inoculated
fermentations was unexpected. In the study by Schwan (1998), the same
measures were reported to be effective at eliminating indigenous species of
yeast and bacteria, giving fresh beans with negligible contamination (<10 cfu/
g). Our experiments, in a clean laboratory environment, were not able to
reproduce these conditions. This, at least, suggested that the elimination of
culture, and has been used by several other researchers in the past (Subden et
ah, 1987; Kushnirov, 2000). Changes in temperature
The initial pH values of the pulp (3.75) and beans (6.2) were similar to those
reported in Chapter 3 (pulp pH 3.5 - 3.9; seed pH 6.1-6.2) and the literature
(Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Schwan and Wheals, 2004; Afoakwa et al., 2008).
During the pilot-scale fermentations, the pH of the pulp increased while the pH
of the seed decreased, following a similar pattern to that observed in Chapter 3.
In general, the final pH of the pulp was significantly higher for these pilot-scale
fermentations (mean value 4.8), compared to the final pH of the pulp in
previous fermentations (mean value 4.3). The chemistry data will show that this
was a result of decreased acetic acid production due to reduced mixing and
aeration. The formation of chocolate flavour precursors best occurs when the
seed pH drops below 6.0 (Biehl et al., 1985; Guilloteau et al., 2005). These
conditions were met in all pilot-scale fermentations.
Fermentation of cocoa beans with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis, in either box
or barrel vessels, resulted in higher final pulp pH (4.7) compared to the controls
(3.8). A similar effect was observed for beans fermented in a barrel with a
The data indicated that inoculation with mixtures of yeast influenced the
growth and survival of both the inoculated yeast, and indigenous species of
yeast and bacteria.
This study is probably the first to report cocoa fermentation conducted with
added cultures of Lorientalis and H.guilliermondii. It is also the first time that
inhibition of S.cerevisiae by inoculated species has been reported in cocoa
fermentations. In the fermentations inoculated with H.guilliermondii and
Lorientalis, these species reached maximum populations of 107 - 108 cfu/g after
only 24 hours, exhibiting much earlier dominance of the microflora than in the
control. It was also found that indigenous S.cerevisiae was strongly inhibited in
these fermentations. This was consistent with a similar observation made
during the laboratory fermentations. The potential for Hanseniaspora spp. to
interrupt the growth of S.cerevisiae has long been recognised in some wine
fermentations (Bisson, 1999). Fermentation with H.guilliermondii and Lorientalis
led to increased growth of A.pasteurianus, but decreased growth of lactic acid
bacteria. Suppression of the lactic acid bacteria was greater in the box
fermentation than in the barrel, with no (<102 cfu/ g) species of lactic acid
bacteria detected in the latter case. The production of lactic acid in these
fermentations, described later, suggests that low populations of lactic acid
bacteria were present, but were not detected. Possibly, their populations were
below the detection limit of the method (<102 cfu/g between 24-120h, due to
dilutions), or the cells may have entered a viable-but-not-culturable (VNBC)
state. This inhibition was unexpected, particularly since Hounhouigan et al.
(1999) found that Lorientalis stimulated the growth of L.fermentum. Possible
mechanisms for the stimulation or inhibition of the bacterial species will be
mentioned later.
There were large differences in the bacterial species isolated (diversity and
populations) from the inoculated pilot-scale fermentations compared to the
laboratory fermentations. These differences were to be expected, given that the
laboratory fermentations were inoculated with 106cfu/ g each of A.pasteurianus,
L. plantarum and P.acidilactici. In contrast, the bacteria isolated from the pilot-
scale fermentations were indigenous species, typically present at 103-104 cfu/g
cfu at the beginning of fermentation. C Microbial interactions during inoculated pilot-scale fermentations
While Sanchez et al. (1985) made some observations regarding yeast - yeast
interactions, there are no data available in the literature regarding yeast-bacteria
interactions during fermentation with starter cultures. This study has provided
some data on this phenomenon. The following possibilities were identified as
causes for the inhibition of L.fermentum by the added yeasts: (a) rapid utilisation
The more rapid growth of the acetic acid bacteria (AAB), and L.plantarum
observed in these pilot-scale, inoculated fermentations, was probably caused
by: (a) increased ethanol production by the inoculated yeast, providing more
substrate for the growth and metabolism of the bacteria, (b) increased pectinase
production by the inoculated yeast, leading to faster loss of pulp and greater
aeration of the bean mass, and (c) the release of nutrients by autolysis of the
yeast cells, stimulating the growth of a range of bacteria. Although the literature
does not adequately discuss microbial interactions during inoculated cocoa
fermentations, it does provide general support for points (a) and (b) in noting
that the AAB tend to increase in population in the presence of aeration and
ethanol (Lopez and Quesnel, 1973; Carr et al., 1979,1980; Dougan et al., 1981;
Camu et al., 2008b). With regards to point (c), the effect of yeast autolysis in
stimulating bacterial growth has long been recognised in the wine industry, but
has not been investigated with respect to cocoa fermentation. (Fornachon, 1968;
Guilloux-Benatier et al., 1993; Patynowski et al., 2002 ; Sponholz, 1993;
Fugelsang, 1997; Fleet, 1998; Du Toit and Pretorius, 2000; Crouigneau et al.,
2000). The ability for yeast starter cultures to influence the growth of bacterial
species could lead to improved control of the fermentation, without the need
for adding bacterial cultures. Clearly, more information is needed regarding the
interactions between inoculated yeast cultures and the bacterial flora of cocoa
fermentations. In particular, more research should be undertaken to determine
the molecular basis for these interactions, beyond the simplistic explanations
decreased rate of been mixing (48 hr cf. 24 hr) in the pilot scale fermentations
with the reduced aeration limiting the rate at which ethanol would be oxidised
to acetic acid.
Higher concentrations of ethanol were found in the control barrel fermentations
(5-6% in both pulp and seeds) compared to those in the box fermentations (3-4%
in both pulp and seeds). This observation was consistent with those made in
Chapter 3. The barrel fermentations are more contained and enclosed than the
box configuration and, possibly, less ethanol is lost via evaporation. Slightly
higher levels of acetic acid (pulp ~ 20 mg/g, seeds ~10 mg/g) and lower levels
of lactic acid (pulp 15-20 mg/g, seeds 5-10 mg/g) were found in the control box
fermentations, compared to the control barrel fermentations (acetic acid in pulp
~ 15 mg/g, seeds ~5 mg/g; lactic acid in pulp 20-30 mg/g, seeds 10-15 mg/g).
These data suggest that the open structure of the box allowed better passive
aeration compared to the barrel which is more enclosed, and essentially agreed
with Camu et al. (2008b) who found that increased aeration led to more acetic
acid and less lactic acid production.
Different starter cultures affected the chemical changes that occurred during
bean fermentation. Fermentations with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis gave
faster utilisation of sugars, higher levels of ethanol, acetic acid (seed and pulp)
and malic acid (pulp only) and lower levels of lactic acid compared with both
the control, and the other inoculated fermentations. Compared to S.cerevisiae,
these yeasts are not generally considered strong producers of ethanol. It may be
that the strains selected, or the fermentation conditions used, allowed increased
ethanol production. The higher acetic acid levels corresponded to the higher
ethanol levels, while the increased levels of malic acid supports the hypothesis
that strains of H.guillermondii might produce malic acid during cocoa
fermentation. The lower levels of lactic acid correlated with the suppression of
the lactic acid bacteria observed in these fermentations. However, the presence
of lactic acid in the beans fermented in the box with H.guilliermondii and
I.orientalis suggests that lactic acid bacteria were present, even though they were
not detected using culture based methods.
Fermentation with S.cerevisiae and K.marxmius caused higher levels of ethanol
compared to the uninoculated controls, but did not appear to affect the rate of
sugar utilisation. It is possible that faster utilisation did occur, but was not
detected since samples were only tested at 0, 72, and 120 h. The higher levels of
ethanol resulted in slightly higher levels of acetic acid in these fermentations.
Fermentation with S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus resulted in slightly higher
concentrations of lactic acid in the pulp. This may reflect the higher populations
of L.plantarum that occurred when these yeast were used, compared to control
Finally, fermentation with H.guiltiermondii, I.orie?italis, S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus led to slightly higher concentrations of ethanol, but did not appear
to affect the rate of sugar utilisation, or the production of organic acids during
fermentation compared to the control.
The increased levels of ethanol in the inoculated fermentations compared to the
controls, (>1% higher than the controls), were probably caused by the higher
yeast population. Similar maximum ethanol concentrations were observed for
all three mixtures, supporting the hypothesis that, under the conditions tested,
yeast population rather than yeast species had the greatest effect on ethanol
concentration. Schwan (1998) did not report increased production of ethanol
with the addition of cultures, although Dias et al. (2007) observed that added
cultures led to increased levels of ethanol during fermentation of cocoa pulp
and sweatings.
research by Sanchez et al. (1984) and, Schwan and Wheals (2004), this study
found that, under the conditions examined, fermentation with pectinolytic
K.marxianus and S.cerevisiae did not give increased pulp loss. Possibly, the
pectinolytic properties described in the literature become more important when
the fermentations are performed in batches larger than 75 kg. Therefore, it
would be beneficial to investigate the performance of pectinolytic yeast for
fermentation of Australian cocoa beans, under a larger range of conditions than
those tested here. In particular, the effect of pulp pH on the pectinolytic activity
of the yeasts should be more closely examined.
Because little research has been performed into the effects of starter cultures on
cocoa bean quality, there is only limited information with which to compare
results. For example, the increased cut test scores of beans fermented with
added H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis, or H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae
and K.marxianus, broadly agreed with those of Buamah et al. (1997), who noted
that different mixtures of yeasts affected the fermentation index of beans. Also,
the observation that mixtures containing K.marxianus could produce beans of
acceptable quality was in contrast to the results of Sanchez et al. (1985) and
Buamah et al. (1997) who found its use resulted in beans of inferior quality.
Microbiological testing showed that all chocolate samples were free from
Salmonella spp., and were of good microbiological quality (<10 cfu/ g coliforms,
<100 cfu/g yeast, moulds and total plate count). Given the hygiene of the
laboratory environment, the roasting conditions (120°C for 55 min.) and the care
take in packaging the chocolate samples for transport, these results were as
The Padley-Timms test for solid fat content was originally designed to detect
the use of cocoa butter equivalents in chocolate manufacture (Padley and
Timms, 1980). However, in this study it revealed that the cocoa-fat from
Australian cocoa beans had a significantly lower melting temperature than the
cocoa fat from the Ghanaian beans (~3.5 °C difference) (Figure 4.31, Section This difference is probably due to the hotter climate of Ghana compared
to that of Australia, and agrees with the work of Lehrian and Keeney (1980b)
who noted that fat from cocoa beans grown in higher temperature climates had
higher melting points than those grown in cooler environments. Sensory evaluation of cocoa beans produced by pilot-scale
The quality of cocoa beans must ultimately be evaluated in terms of their
flavour. Therefore, extensive sensory evaluations were performed on chocolate
made from beans produced by the pilot-scale fermentations. This initially
involved testing whether the samples tasted significantly different from one
another (triangle test), and a simple determination of the flavour quality of the
samples compared to chocolate made from Ghanaian beans (overall liking
The triangle tests revealed that fermentations with different yeast mixtures
significantly affected the flavour of the resulting cocoa beans, and the chocolate
made with them. Beans fermented with mixtures of H.guiltiermondii and
I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus, or H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis,
S.cerevisiae, and K.marxianus all gave chocolate that tasted significantly different
from chocolate prepared from beans fermented without added cultures.
Furthermore, the different yeast mixtures gave chocolates that tasted
significantly different from one another. The general finding that different
yeasts resulted in beans with different flavours agreed with work by Sanchez et
al. (1985).
Overall liking tests revealed that all chocolates made with the Queensland
beans were liked significantly more than the chocolate made with Ghanaian
beans. Furthermore, the liking scores from this study were significantly higher
The liking results also indicated that beans fermented in a barrel, with
H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis gave chocolate that was particularly liked,
suggesting that both fermentation vessel and the use of cultures may have
contributed to the improvement in acceptability. In the study by Sanchez et al.
(1985), the use of Kluyveromyces marxianus resulted in beans of unfavourable
flavour. In the current study, the use of K.marxianus did not result in poor
flavour, but this may have been because it was used as part of a yeast mixture,
rather than by itself.
While these basic sensory evaluation tests were able to confirm that the starter
cultures caused differences in flavour, they were not able to provide more
specific information about the nature or possible causes of these differences.
Therefore, the chocolate samples were also subjected to quantitative descriptive
analysis (QDA). QDA is a form of trained panel sensory evaluation whereby
detailed sensory profiles of a food may be constructed (Stone et al., 1974;
Carpenter et al., 2000; Stone and Sidel, 2004). Performing QDA on the chocolate
samples helped to clarify and explain the differences in the flavour of beans
fermented with different mixtures of yeasts.
by simple liking testing. The sensory profiles confirmed that the beans
produced during the pilot-scale fermentations did not have strong acid flavours
or aftertastes. This observation corresponded to the chemical data showing that
less acetic acid was produced during the pilot-scale fermentations compared to
the fermentations reported in Chapter 3, and the laboratory fermentations. As
noted before, these improvements can be attributed to changing the mixing
frequency from 24 hourly to 48 hourly, thereby reducing aeration and
production of acetic acid.
There were some differences between the sensory profiles of the Australian and
Ghanaian beans. Firstly, beans produced by the pilot-scale fermentations gave
chocolate with a darker colour than the chocolate made from Ghanaian beans.
This was probably due to their higher pH compared to the Ghana beans, since
chocolate becomes darker brown at higher pH; and lighter red-brown at lower
pH (Minifie, 1980; Beckett, 1988). Secondly, the Australian beans had flavour
characteristics that distinguished them from the flavour of the Ghanaian beans.
Specifically, chocolate made using the Australian beans had doughy, nutty and
grainy flavours that were weak or absent in the chocolate made using Ghanaian
Schwan (1998) found that the use of a mixture of S.cerevisiae and various
bacterial species gave cocoa beans with a similar flavour to that produced by
natural (un-inoculated) fermentation. The current work is novel in that it
confirms that inoculation with different yeast species can produce cocoa beans
of acceptable quality, whilst at the same time causing specific differences in
flavour. This work compliments that being done by Camu et al. (2008a, b) who
have suggested that particular bacterial species might result in particular
flavour characteristics during cocoa fermentation.
The lack of use of starter cultures to control flavour in cocoa bean processing is
in sharp contrast to other fermented products such as wine, beer, bread and
cheese, where inoculation with particular species or strains of microorganisms
is routinely used to obtain desired sensory properties (Urbach, 1995; Rojas et al.,
2001; Fleet, 2003; Vanderhaegen et al., 2003; Hemme & Foucaud-Scheunemann,
2004; Steinkraus, 2004; Swiegers et al., 2005; Howell et al., 2006; Fleet, 2007). Up
until now, control of flavour characteristics in chocolate has relied upon the
blending of cocoa beans with different characteristics, to obtain the desired
profile. The sensory evaluation data of this study show that the use of yeast
starter cultures can allow the primary producer to have greater control over the
flavour of the beans produced. In the Australian context, this can help ensure
that a high quality product can be consistently produced. Such quality
assurance is important for cocoa production in a context where labour costs are
high and the profit margins rely on a premium price being obtained.
proteins are leached into the pulp during fermentation. There appear to be no
reports into whether proteases of microbial origin might contribute to the
degradation of cocoa seed proteins. The hypothesis that the testa remained
impermeable to enzymes was made in early literature (Chatt, 1953, Holden,
1959, Lehrian and Patterson, 1983) but has not been investigated further. It is
therefore recommended that this topic be re-examined.
Regarding flavour development, the results from the protein gels could not be
clearly linked to the sensory evaluation results. Specifically, while the gels
suggested differences in the rates of proteolysis, sensory evaluation indicated
that all samples had a similar strength of cocoa flavour (c.f. Section 4.3.4,
Chapter 4). This suggests that while the rates of proteolysis differed between
fermentations, a similar endpoint of proteolysis was reached for all beans by the
completion of drying. That is sun-drying for 5 days allowed ample time for the
completion of flavour-precursor reactions, in all treatments. Nevertheless, the
protein gels suggest that using a combination of proteolytic starter cultures, and
an appropriate drying method, could produce beans with an acceptable flavour
in a shorter time (at least 24h shorter). The ability to shorten the processing time
would be a great advantage in a large-scale commercial operation, such as
envisaged in the Australian context.
regional and seasonal factors, this is still lower than the 60 mg/g average
estimated previously (Nazaruddin et ah, 2006). This suggests losses of
procyanidins occurred during sample preparation. One weakness of the
method used in this study - based on Counet et al. (2002) - was that it fails to
estimate losses during sample preparation. Another problem, noted by Counet
et al.(2002) was the absence of a consistent, commercially available standard
mixture of polymeric procyanidins. This necessitated the estimation of total
procyanidins against catechin (procyanidin monomer), which may have a
different response factor to the polymeric forms. In spite of these limitations, it
was still possible to make the following qualitative observations:
First, during the pilot-scale fermentations the concentration of total
procyanidins in the cocoa seeds decreased by approximately 40-50 %, which is
consistent with the earlier estimates of Kim and Keeney (1984). The loss of
procyanidins in the beans correlated qualitatively with a decrease in the
antioxidant capacity of the beans. This generally agreed with Counet & Collin
(2002) and Gu et al.(2005) who found that the procyanidins are largely
responsible for the antioxidant activity of cocoa.
Second, the decrease of procyanidins, and antioxidant activity, during
fermentation was slightly less for fermentations conducted with H.guiltiermondii
and Lorientalis, or S.cerevisiae and K.marxianus. The reasons for this are unclear.
Possibly, faster degradation of seed proteins in the inoculated fermentation
resulted in less formation of polyphenol-protein complexes. Also, the starter
cultures may have caused more rapid inactivation of the cocoa seed polyphenol
oxidase, which reduces the rate at which the polyphenols are degraded by this
Residual polyphenols contribute bitterness and astringency to cocoa beans
(Quesnel, 1972a, 1972b; Kim and Keeney, 1984; Luna et ah, 2002; Counet et ah,
2004). In this study, no correlation could be made between the differences in
polyphenol levels observed during fermentation, and the flavour of the
chocolate produced from the different beans. In particular, all of the beans gave
chocolate with similar levels of bitterness and astringency. It should be noted
that the levels of polyphenols in the beans after drying were not measured in
this study. It is possible that the beans reached similar levels of polyphenols
during the drying process, in spite of the differences observed during
fermentation. Previously, Nazaruddin et al. (2006) found that pod storage and
duration of fermentation affected the loss of polyphenols, while Luna et al.
(2002) suggested that fermentation method can affect the procyanidin content of
the beans. There have been no previous attempts to determine the influence of
fermentation microbiology on polyphenol levels. Given this, and the limitations
of the analyses made in this study, future experiments into the use of starter
cultures for cocoa fermentation should more closely examine the effects of
different cultures on the levels of polyphenolic compounds and their
antioxidant activity.
Quantitative data from the GC-MS were analysed using principal component
analysis (PCA), in order to compare the overall profiles, rather than comparing
compounds individually. Using PCA to analyse the GC-MS data, the Ghanaian
beans were clearly distinguished from the Australian beans. It was also found
that the Australian samples were grouped into various sub-clusters on the PCA
bi-plot. One of these sub-clusters corresponded to the fermentations conducted
with H.guiltiermondii and I.orientalis. The data were inconclusive concerning the
other clusters. In a limited way, these results corresponded to the sensory
analyses, which were able to distinguish between Australian and Ghanaian
beans, and beans fermented with different mixtures of yeast.
As well as allowing overall comparison of large data sets, PCA can also help in
correctly determining the weight, or significance level, of individual variables
within the set (Stevens, 1986; Rencher, 1995; Yoo et ah, 1998). Therefore, while
the focus was to compare the overall GC profiles, rather than comparing
individual points, PCA revealed that some differences between individual
compounds were statistically significant. Firstly, the higher levels of 2-pentanol
acetate, linalool oxide, ethyl benzoate, and lower levels of 2-phenylethanol in
the Ghanaian beans were significant in distinguishing them from the Australian
beans. There were insufficient data to clearly link this observation to differences
in flavour observed during sensory analysis. Secondly, the higher levels of
isoamyl alcohol, isoamyl acetate, and 2-phenylethanol detected in the samples
fermented with H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis were significant in
distinguishing these samples during PCA analysis. In this case, the GC-MS
results could be related to the microbiology of the fermentations. The
microbiology of these fermentations was characterised by a predominance of
H.guilliermondii and I.orientalis. H.guilliermondii is a strong producer of 2-
phenylethanol, isoamyl alcohol and isoamyl acetate (Rojas et al., 2001; Swiegers
et al., 2005), and these results suggest that it played a significant role in
determining the sensory profile of these beans, as one of the most populous
yeast species (Fleet, 2003). The GC-MS data were not sufficient to allow similar
correlations with beans fermented with other mixtures of yeasts
Metabolomic approaches combining GC-MS and PCA have been used for
studying various fermented foods, and to correlate differences in microbial
ecology to differences in volatile aroma compounds (Steinkraus, 2004; Ouoba et
al., 2005). In spite of the problems and limitations, this present study has
demonstrated the usefulness of GC-MS in clarifying the contribution of volatile
compounds to cocoa beans, by the microorganisms responsible for
fermentation. GC-MS and PCA have also been used to study the interactions
between mixed yeast cultures in wine fermentation, their metabolites and the
effects of these interactions on the flavour of the wine produced (Howell et al.,
2006). Such 'metabolic profiling' has not been applied to cocoa fermentation,
but could prove useful in further characterisation of yeast strains for starter
culture development.
this study did not explore the potential contribution of different species or
strains of lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria on process kinetics, or
cocoa flavor. Recent work by Camu et al. (2007; 2008a, b) has investigated this
with respect to Ghanaian cocoa fermentation. They believe that these bacteria
are key to the production of characteristic flavours during cocoa fermentation.
More research is needed to determine the impacts of specific bacteria on cocoa
bean processing and chocolate quality, and the potential for their development
as starter cultures. The isolation of strains of lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid
bacteria from the Australian fermentations (Chapter 3) that could not be
identified by available criteria underscores the importance for such research.
Discovery of novel species of lactic and acetic acid bacteria from cocoa
fermentations in Ghana also suggests that there may be geographical variation
in the strains present in this ecological niche (Camu et al.; 2007; Nielsen et al.,
4.5 Conclusions
A) Three mixtures of yeast species were selected for use as starter cultures. The
mixtures were comprised of yeasts isolated from previous Australian cocoa
fermentations, and one strain of Kluyueromyces marxianus isolated from wine
fermentations. The mixtures were: H.guilliermondii and l.orientalis, S.cerevisiae
and K.marxianus, and H.guilliermondii, l.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus. It is recommended that the isolates used in these mixtures, be
more fully characterised, including detailed molecular profiling as well as
cataloging important phenotypic characteristics such as production of
hydrolytic enzymes or specific volatile aroma compounds. This would
facilitate the development of further starter cultures, and help explain
specific impacts on chocolate flavor.
B) Laboratory fermentations confirmed that the selected mixtures of yeasts
would survive and grow when inoculated into Australian cocoa beans.
These small-scale fermentations proved to be an appropriate model for the
evaluation of starter cultures, and may be useful in conducting other
controlled experiments not possible in the field. Cocoa beans produced by
the laboratory fermentation varied in quality, and it is recommended that the
Chapter 5
industrialisation. Both overall objectives were fulfilled. While the core goals
were achieved, some limitations and opportunities for further research were
also identified.
produced cocoa beans with more pulp, a lower pulp pH and higher
levels of sugars and citric acid than beans from the South Johnstone
seeds. Lactic and acetic acids were also produced in the pulp
levels of lactic and acetic acids were 20-40 mg/g and 30-90 mg/g
in the pulp, and in the seed, 10-15 mg/g and 15-30 mg/g
test, moisture and fat content, and nib pFL The Australian cocoa beans
Ghanaian beans. Sensory analysis also showed that the Australian cocoa
Ghanaian standard.
• Three mixtures of yeasts were designed and tested for use as starter
cultures in the fermentation of Australian cocoa beans: Hanseniaspora
guilliermondii and Issatchenkia orientalis, Snccharomyces cerevisiae and
Kluyveromyces marxianus, and H.guilliermondii, I.orientalis, S.cerevisiae and
K.marxianus. Except for K.marxianus (strain obtained from wine grapes),
all yeast strains used were isolated during the earlier fermentation
experiments. The isolates used were subjected to basic strain
characterisation screening.
model for the evaluation of starter cultures, and may be useful for
conducting other controlled experiments not possible in the field.
• The use of the starter cultures affected the chemistry of the fermentations.
yeasts, higher levels of ethanol and acetic acid were produced, compared
exceeded the industry standards for basic quality criteria (cut test,
moisture content, fat content and pH). Chocolate made with cocoa beans
ecology under local conditions. The data from this project provides a
The barrel vessel had several practical advantages over the traditional
prevent or ameliorate stuck fermentations. This was the first time such
• While research has been performed into the use of starter cultures for
cocoa fermentation, certain features of this project set it apart. The starter
cultures used here were mixtures of yeasts, rather than single strains. As
much as possible, the isolates originated from cocoa, rather than other
this study represents the first in-depth study on the use of a mixture of
could allow the primary producer greater control over product character.
5.3 Limitations
• The scope of the project, and methodology used, limited the evaluation of
bean fermentation was only examined at the species level and further
lactic acid bacteria were obtained that were not able to be fully identified.
• Due to project constraints, the isolates chosen for use as starter cultures
strain level was not conducted. Further characterization, for the purposes
bacteria in affecting the flavour of cocoa beans. This could lead to the
best variety not only in terms of yield, but also quality of beans
• Finally, there are clear opportunities for further investigation into the
Chapter Six
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Appendix A 395
Appendix A
Supplementary data for the confirmation of
identity of yeast and bacterial isolates.
Appendix A.l - API test kit results
The results from the API test kits are presented below as carbon assimilation
profiles. Yeast isolates were tested using the API ID32 C kit. Bacterial isolates
were tested using the API 50 CH kit. The resulting carbohydrate profiles were
compared to the API system database (Biomerieux, 2005) and the literature
(Kurtzmann and Fell, 1998; Dworkin et al., 2007).
Table 1 - Assimilation profiles of selected yeast isolates obtained during cocoa
Carbon compounds3 Assimilation (ratio of positive isolates)6
H.guillermondii /. orientalis S.cerevisiae P. membranifaciens K.marxianus
Glycerol - - - 3/10 -
Erythritol - - - - -
D-arabinose - - - - -
L-arabinose 20/20 10/10 - - -
D-ribose 20/20 10/10 15/15 - -
D-xylose 4/20 8/10 15/15 - -
L-xylose - - 15/15 - -
D-adontiol - - - - -
Methyl-pD-xylopyranoside - - - - -
D-galactaose 10/20 9/10 15/15 - -
D-glucose 20/20 10/10 15/15 9/10 5/5
D-fructose 20/20 10/10 15/15 - -
D-mannose 8/20 - 15/15 - -
L-sorbose - - - - -
L-rhamnose - - 4/15 - -
Dulcitol - - - - -
Inositol - - - - -
D-mannitol 20/20 - - - -
D-sorbitol 20/20 - - - -
Methyl-aD-mannopyranoside 18/20 - - - -
Methyl-aD-glucopyranoside 2/20 - - - -
N-actyl-glucosamine 20/20 - 15/15
Amygdalin 20/20 - - - -
Arbutin 20/20 - 15/15 - -
Esculin 20/20 - 15/15 - -
Salicin 20/20 - 15/15 - -
D-cellobiose 20/20 - 15/15 - -
D-maltose 20/20 10/10 - - -
D-lactose 20/20 - - - -
D-melibiose 20/20 10/10 - - -
D-saccharose 20/20 10/10 - - -
D-trehalose 20/20 2/10 15/15 - -
Inulin - - - - -
D-melezitose 19/20 - - - -
D-raffinose 15/20 8/10 - - -
Starch - - - - -
Glycogen - - - - -
Xylitol - - - - -
Gentobiose 20/20 - 15/15 - -
D-turanose 20/20 - - - -
D-lyxose - - - - -
D-tagatose - - 15/15 - -
D-fucose - - - - -
L-fucose - - - - -
D-arabitol - - - - -
L-arabitol - - - - -
Potassium gluconate 20/20 7/10 - - -
Potassium 5-ketogluconate - - - - -
Potassium 2-ketogluconate - 7/10 - - -
Table 3 - Partial 26S rDNA sequence identification of yeast isolates from cocoa
fermentations by plate culture.
4: 7 2 h
4: 72 h
5: 9 6 h
6 :1 2 0
6 :1 2 0
3 :4 8
3 :4 8
2 :2 4
1 :0
M* ««* *»<*
• * * i hi M
H guilliermondii. u«a«~ ~~***»~*&2.
Pt agglomerans
I. onentalis A. pasteurianus
Figure 1 - DGGE profiles (35-65% denaturant) representing 26S rRNA (yeast) and 16S rRNA
(bacteria) fragments of cocoa pulp sampled at 24 hour intervals during 120 hours of heap
fermentation. Identified fragments labelled, see arrows. Beans sourced from Mossman
Appendix A 400
• J
—— L.plantarum
H. guilliermondii. *«»**
—Lc. pseudomesenteroides
S. cerevisiae MIR
P. addilactici
I. orientalis
Figure 2 - DGGE profiles (35-65% denaturant) representing 26S rRNA (yeast) and 16S rRNA
(bacteria) fragments of cocoa pulp sampled at 24 hour interv als during 120 hours of box
fermentation. Identified fragments labelled, see arrows. Beans sourced from Mossman
— Lptantarum
I. orientalis
is" ’A. pasteurianus
Figure 3 - DGGE profiles (35-65% denaturant) representing 26S rRNA (yeast) and 16S rRNA
(bacteria) fragments of cocoa pulp sampled at 24 hour intervals during 120 hours of barrel
fermentation. Identified fragments labelled, see arrows. Beans sourced from Mossman
Appendix A 401
Selected strains of yeast isolates were screened for pectinase, protease and
lipase activity. These tests were performed according the the methods described
in Chapter 4 (Section
This Data was collected with the assistance of TuAnh Ngoc Huynh, as part of
Table 5 -Screening selected yeast isolates3 for pectinase, protease and lipase
Species Enzyme activity (isolates with positive activity/number of isolates tested)