Compatibility (Mechanics) - Wikipedia
Compatibility (Mechanics) - Wikipedia
Compatibility (Mechanics) - Wikipedia
conditions for
infinitesimal strains
The compatibility conditions in linear elasticity are
obtained by observing that there are six strain-
displacement relations that are functions of only three
unknown displacements. This suggests that the three
displacements may be removed from the system of
equations without loss of information. The resulting
expressions in terms of only the strains provide
constraints on the possible forms of a strain field.
In three dimensions, in addition to two more equations
of the form seen for two dimensions, there are three
more equations of the form
conditions for finite
For solids in which the deformations are not required
to be small, the compatibility conditions take the form
The general
compatibility problem
The problem of compatibility in continuum mechanics
involves the determination of allowable single-valued
continuous fields on simply connected bodies. More
precisely, the problem may be stated in the following
Necessary conditions
For the necessary conditions we assume that the field
exists and satisfies . Then
Sufficient conditions
Figure 2. Integration paths used in proving the sufficiency conditions
for compatibility.
Hence the integral is path independent and the
compatibility condition is sufficient to ensure a unique
field, provided that the body is simply connected.
Compatibility of the
deformation gradient
The compatibility condition for the deformation
gradient is obtained directly from the above proof by
observing that
Compatibility of
infinitesimal strains
The compatibility problem for small strains can be
stated as follows.
Necessary conditions
Sufficient conditions
Therefore, the field is uniquely defined which
implies that the infinitesimal rotation tensor is also
uniquely defined, provided the body is simply
Hence the displacement field is also determined
uniquely. Hence the compatibility conditions are
sufficient to guarantee the existence of a unique
displacement field in a simply-connected body.
Necessary conditions
For two symmetric second-order tensor field that are
mapped one-to-one we also have the relation
we have
and we have
Again, using the commutative nature of the order of
differentiation, we have
Sufficient conditions
implies that
See also
Saint-Venant's compatibility condition
Linear elasticity
Deformation (mechanics)
Infinitesimal strain theory
Finite strain theory
Tensor derivative (continuum mechanics)
Curvilinear coordinates
1. C Amrouche, PG Ciarlet, L Gratie, S Kesavan,
On Saint Venant's compatibility conditions and
Poincaré's lemma, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.
I, 342 (2006), 887-891.
2. Barber, J. R., 2002, Elasticity - 2nd Ed.,
Kluwer Academic Publications.
3. N.I. Muskhelishvili, Some Basic Problems of
the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity.
Leyden: Noordhoff Intern. Publ., 1975.
4. Slaughter, W. S., 2003, The linearized theory of
elasticity, Birkhauser
5. Acharya, A., 1999, On Compatibility Conditions
for the Left Cauchy–Green Deformation Field
in Three Dimensions, Journal of Elasticity,
Volume 56, Number 2 , 95-105
6. Blume, J. A., 1989, "Compatibility conditions for
a left Cauchy-Green strain field", J. Elasticity,
v. 21, p. 271-308.
7. Thomas, T. Y., 1934, "Systems of total
differential equations defined over simply
connected domains", Annals of Mathematics,
35(4), p. 930-734
External links
Amit Acharya's notes on compatibility on
Plasticity by J. Lubliner, sec. 1.2.4 p. 35